eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:13:09 PM)
my first time in a chat room
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:13:33 PM)
well im happy you joined the chat tonight.....do you have a child with capd?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:13:57 PM)
yes a boy who just turned 8 found out when he was 5
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:14:14 PM)
my daughter Sarah is 8......she was dx at 6
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:14:24 PM)
i had a feeling somethin was wrong but nobody would listen
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:14:47 PM)
same here......how's he doing now?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:14:49 PM)
do you still go through the tears and frustration
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:14:59 PM)
we have our ups and downs
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:15:24 PM)
he is in 2nd grade and his reading level is around 1.8
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:15:27 PM)
so do we.......i imagine we always will....but at least know we know what the problem is
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:15:38 PM)
and beleive me that is a feat for him
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:16:01 PM)
this chat and website have been my way of venting my frustration ......trying to turn my anger posotive
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:16:09 PM)
i know i just wish i knew how and why this happened i guess it is the guilt i fell like i did something wrong
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:16:25 PM)
i have visted several times it is great
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:16:27 PM)
no......please dont feel like that....
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:16:39 PM)
where are you from? mind if i ask?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:16:57 PM)
i know but sometimes it is hard plus i am raising him alone
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:17:27 PM)
the chicago are northern suburbs dr. ferre dx him
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:17:33 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:17:34 PM)
each and every child is a unique gift from God....my youngest has asthma......but they are both precious angels to me
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:17:44 PM)
is dr ferre an audiologist?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:18:21 PM)
yes she has a phd and is known for for her work in this field she tested him when he was 5 i have to take him back soon
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:18:51 PM)
she is in oak kpark i don't know if that is the correct spelling of her name
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:18:57 PM)
im getting ready to do a reevaluation for sarah too...........what remeadiation have you done?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:19:36 PM)
what do you mean by remeadiation i have been working with the school alone with his annual iep
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:20:06 PM)
is he getting speech therarpy? language therapy? what services if any is he receiving?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:20:38 PM)
i have to tuckmy girls in....be back in 45 seconds..ok?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:20:43 PM)
oh ok he has speech twice a week at school in a gorup setting and is in sp reading group
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:20:45 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:21:33 PM)
ok back
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:21:47 PM)
that is all the help they will give him
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:21:51 PM)
we did ffw this last fall and it was great
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:22:04 PM)
did your insc. cover it
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:22:23 PM)
no...i paid it.........but the benefits have been worth it
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:23:01 PM)
i have been thinking abaout a program like that have you heard anything about the lindabell programs
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:23:16 PM)
can fastforward be done at home
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:26:34 PM)
have you heard of children with capd having problems with thier left eye mine does lazy eye but his eye is not crooked the vision dosent go to the optic nerve in the back of the eye i was wondering if this is also part of capd
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:28:36 PM)
sorry...im back
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:28:49 PM)
that's ok i fugured the girls or something
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:28:55 PM)
i did ffw at home with sarah
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:29:16 PM)
i will have to look into that program for the summer thanks for the info
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:29:50 PM)
how much time did you spend on it per day
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:29:56 PM)
i've never heard of it being directly related to the eye....although sarah does wear glasses
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:30:10 PM)
the program is 100 min a day 5 days a week
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:30:35 PM)
i just found out about his eye about 2 months ago he was tilting his head to the left while he was reading
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:31:00 PM)
is the program intresting for them
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:31:03 PM)
one thing the eye dr did explain to me is that when a child has a processing deficit...the child's eyes work extra hard to compensate for the hearing...in an effort to understand what's going on by using visual cues
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:31:25 PM)
didn't know that thanks for the info
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:31:29 PM)
the program is challenging...but it will depend on your sons' level....parts of it were hard for me
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:31:52 PM)
lol isn't that the truth i can't wait for frations
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:32:01 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:32:03 PM)
talk to the provider you are going to go through and see if you can get a demo disk to try the games first
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:32:35 PM)
ok i will sounds like a good try he loves the computer
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:32:47 PM)
6 months ago sarah hated to read...it was hard for her.because of language and processing problems.........now sarah wants new books everyday
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:32:53 PM)
can i ask you how much the program was
ncz/Texas (ID=4) (Mar 2, 2000 8:33:06 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:33:22 PM)
the program fee was 900.00..the professioanl fee varies from provider to provider
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:33:29 PM)
hi ncz.........how are you tonight?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:33:31 PM)
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:33:38 PM)
hi ncz
ncz/Texas (ID=4) (Mar 2, 2000 8:34:02 PM)
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ncz/Texas (ID=4) (Mar 2, 2000 8:34:02 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:34:16 PM)
look for a provider who will provide good interactioneach week if you do the program at home..........you really need the feedback and suggestions
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:34:44 PM)
ok sounds like a good thing to do with my tax return
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:14 PM)
thankyou so much for having your web page and this chat sometimes i feel so frustrated and alone
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:26 PM)
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littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:31 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:33 PM)
i was skeptical because of the costs......but im so happy we did ffw...yesterday morning sarah did the book review on the morning announcements at school......i was so proud of her!
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:40 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:40 PM)
hi robyn.....hi littlemac
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:35:46 PM)
wow that is great
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:05 PM)
hello robin
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:07 PM)
Hi Debbie how are you?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:14 PM)
eip that is the way i felt too.........that's why i've created the chat and website
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:18 PM)
hi rose
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:21 PM)
hi rose and littlemac
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:23 PM)
hi debbie
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:36 PM)
Hi Epi
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:40 PM)
im doing great tonight!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:51 PM)
happy to see you all could join us.......
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:36:56 PM)
me to had a great day yesterday sons IEP went terrific
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:37:10 PM)
tell us about it littlemac *S*
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:37:22 PM)
I'll have to run back and forth to the oven, I'm baking cookies
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:37:30 PM)
sounds yummy rose
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:37:48 PM)
chocolate chip
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:37:57 PM)
my favorite
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:37:58 PM)
the best kind of cookies
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:38:28 PM)
personally I don't like chocolate but everyone else seems to
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:38:33 PM)
My son was just dx with CAPD in April of 99----a month ago they started Earobics with him, he has improved greatly--the school no longer depands meds for his "ADHD", I was so extatic
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:38:53 PM)
that is great
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:39:13 PM)
that is fantastic!! i want to learn more about earo
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:39:23 PM)
My son hasn't been diagnosed with CAPD yet, we are trying to get him tested
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:39:28 PM)
you can buy a home version for 59.00
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:39:55 PM)
trying new meds for ADHD, old ones didn't work I doubt these will either
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:18 PM)
My son is 11. He has just been diagnosed with CAPD. His school is not as cooperative.
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:21 PM)
Earobics is a computer based program that helps teach phonics
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:23 PM)
i just ordered Great Leaps.......so im doing one at a time
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:26 PM)
brb have to check on cookies
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:33 PM)
Robyn my son who was just dx is 11 too
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:45 PM)
where is everyone from? im from florida.
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:51 PM)
his orginal dx was ADHD
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:53 PM)
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:40:57 PM)
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:41:19 PM)
I have started a 504 plan for him.. In penna
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:41:29 PM)
it's not uncommon to hear kids were misdiagnosed with adhd or add
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:42:30 PM)
You could not believe the joy I felt when the school agreed no meds needed--they have been pushing for meds for so long
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:42:46 PM)
i know they tried to tell me that is what my son had when he was 3 but i fou ght them for 2 yrs he was having tantrums in group settings at hisi daycare
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:43:00 PM)
you have to remember that kids with capd with often go into "overload:" when they are trying to process too much information at once...so they want to get a drink...sharpen their pencil....go tothe bathroom...etc....so suddenly they have attention problems
ncz/Texas (ID=4) (Mar 2, 2000 8:43:24 PM)
Has anyone had their children try a personal FM System, FM Classroom System to Toteable Sound Fiel.d System. The school will be getting a Toteable Sound Field System for my son within the next 10 days to see if it will help him. He is now 11 years old and I am worried about his self esteem
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:43:31 PM)
littleman im so happy for you and your son.....he must be excited!!!
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:43:50 PM)
NCZ my son has a sound enhancement system in his classroom
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:43:52 PM)
ncz.........Sarah is using a personal FM in the classroom now
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:00 PM)
ncz my son't school won't agree to a fm system
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:02 PM)
Robyn where in PA? I'm in Phila.
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:26 PM)
Just outside of the city in Southampton
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:28 PM)
Epi my sons audiologist put it in writing the need for it and they bought it!!
ncz/Texas (ID=4) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:41 PM)
How old is your son?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:49 PM)
eip on what grounds are they refusing?
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:44:52 PM)
mine is 11
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:45:08 PM)
the doc suggested it when he goes back for the follow up i am going to ask her to put in writting
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:45:14 PM)
My oldest son is ADHD so they of course figure my younger one is too
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:45:49 PM)
robyn we are really close where did you get your child tested for CAPD?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:45:56 PM)
Rose how old is your younger one
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:46:01 PM)
he just turned 8 and they said the other kids might be cruel to him and that he might miss out on the sounds of the normal classroom
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:46:16 PM)
ncz......i was worried about sarah's self esteeem too when she got her system....the day she got her system...i went to school to have lunch with her to see how it was going..........a little girl in her class looked at me and told me "Sarah is really quick to answer with that hearing thing"......in under two hours an 8 year old noticed the difference it made
littlemac (ID=6) (Mar 2, 2000 8:46:31 PM)
my youngest son is PDD has some of the same issues
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:46:36 PM)
I had my son tested in Newtown. The audiologist was great.
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:46:57 PM)
the one with possible CAPD is 7 almost 8
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:47:14 PM)
Do you have his name and number?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:47:34 PM)
Yes. Ill go get it.
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 8:48:10 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:48:25 PM)
hi Josiane!! how are ya tonight? how's Gaelle?
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:48:34 PM)
hi josi
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:48:40 PM)
Thank you I appreciate it, I had no idea where to go.
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:49:00 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:49:08 PM)
welcome back littlemac
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:49:12 PM)
got disconnected
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 8:49:19 PM)
I'm good, Gaelle's in bed (thank God)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:49:26 PM)
if you close the browser you will be disconnected
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:49:32 PM)
rough day Josiane?
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:50:09 PM)
mine are all up
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:50:13 PM)
Rose, the name is Auditory Assessments Associates 215 369-2994
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:50:15 PM)
ncz...........how is your child's self esteem normally?
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 8:50:45 PM)
no, the usual...... missed ya last time, always interesting chats here!!
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:50:54 PM)
brb I have to take the last tray of cookies out of the oven
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:51:16 PM)
i've been missing parent chats too the last few weeks due to work schedule..i've missed them
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:51:18 PM)
my sons self esteem has really improved since starting Earobics (it improved his speech and understanding) He even gave a speech at Scouts in front of 100 other people
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 8:51:48 PM)
wow that is great
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:51:59 PM)
I was so floored wondered where my child went and when he would be back
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:52:01 PM)
that is fantastic!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:52:20 PM)
we are seeing that type of growth right now too........it's amazing and exciting
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:52:42 PM)
that is great Deb.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:53:19 PM)
i want to take a sec to ask you all a few questions if you dont mind...........
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:53:25 PM)
I told the peditirician who referred Mike to the testing that I was glad he was willing to listen and not just see me as a mom who did not want to believe her son could be ADHD
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:53:41 PM)
i still wonder if my oldest son may have CAPD but I figure lets handle one child at a time
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:53:52 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:53:57 PM)
littlemac that is so important to have a ped or dr who listens!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:54:39 PM)
1st question...............do any of you know audiologist or slp who may be willing to host chat times in here? if so please have them contact me.....
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 8:55:05 PM)
Guess what Debbie, Gaelle finally got the moles for her FM done yesterday, we might be getting it in the next wk or 2!!!!! after 4 months waitting!!
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:55:10 PM)
I dont know if my sons would be willing but will ask him
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:55:34 PM)
that sounds wonderful Josiane, but you are so excited
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:55:39 PM)
I only heard of CAPD recently but it answers all my questions, although hyper my son had issues not related to ADHD
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:55:50 PM)
2nd questions.....im wanting to add on to the website..........if you all have time would you mind sending me questions you'd like to see answered on the website..........things you've been wondering about...but need to ask yet
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:56:20 PM)
I can't help with that since we haven't been to one yet
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:56:25 PM)
If I think of any questions I will post there
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:56:34 PM)
Josiane im soooooooooooooooooooo excited for you!!!! i know how long you've been waiting...........i remember when you told me about asking for it originally
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:56:59 PM)
i am just anxious to get him tested
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 8:57:02 PM)
Debbie knows why, you know trying to get help here in NY is sooooo slow,
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:57:15 PM)
debbie what type of assistive technology do you use for your daughter?
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:57:57 PM)
does she get to use a spell checker of laptop at school?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:57:58 PM)
my daughter did ffw last fall and is using an FM in the class.........she also now receives reading assistance and after school tutoring at times
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 8:58:34 PM)
Does the school provide that Debbie?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:58:42 PM)
littlemac my daughter is only 8
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:58:47 PM)
I thought fast forward was to expensive was almost 800.00
Rose (ID=7) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:07 PM)
I have a question do all of your children have spelling problems?
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:09 PM)
is she in 2nd grade?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:14 PM)
yes Jos...the school does.........we've come along way in udnerstanding each other
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:20 PM)
she's in 3rd grade
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:23 PM)
my son does--he spells horrible
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:23 PM)
Mine does
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 8:59:51 PM)
my daughter is in 3rd grade too!!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:00:03 PM)
i thought ffw was expensive also.........but seeing my daughter excited about reading and reading pretty much on grade level makes it worth it to me
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:00:21 PM)
she made almost 1 1/2 year gains in language in 5 months
eipnvn (ID=3) (Mar 2, 2000 9:00:54 PM)
thankyou again for the chat it was very encouraging to know that i am not alone have to run and put the child to bed night all it helped stop the tears
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:00:55 PM)
I have 3 kids they are 11, 8, and 7. 11 y/o has the ADD/CAPD dyslexia, 8 y/o is gifted. 7 y/o is PDD-NOS
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:01:03 PM)
Sarah's spelling is ok cause she memorized the words......but sounding out is rough
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:01:18 PM)
you have a handful littlemac
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:01:33 PM)
goodnight eipnvn
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:01:44 PM)
they are all great children though
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:01:48 PM)
I was told a program by Lindamood Bell would benefit my son. He can read well but the comprehension is not where it should be. His expressive language is low and therefore his writing is not great.
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 9:02:16 PM)
Gaelles new speech therapist just got certified on Mon for FF, said the program was really interesting, said she would administer the program without the therapy costs......Where was she last yr when i needed that!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:02:23 PM)
i've read some informaton on Lindamood Bell but am not real familiar wiht it
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:02:44 PM)
my 11 year old is in 6th grade with a 3rd grade reading level, he spells, horrible, and has no organizational skills--but he can out draw anyone and excells in music
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:02:44 PM)
Josiane are you going to redo FFW?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:03:18 PM)
have you tried putting his school work to music?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:03:31 PM)
littlemac- sounds alot like my son
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:03:55 PM)
his homework yes. We play Mozart music to help him sleep, he has a hard time with sleep
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:04:23 PM)
Robyn is he left handed? Think in pictures?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:04:29 PM)
i just bought a new tape i love........it's called the wrap up rap.........it's multiplication facts to rap music......my 6 and 8 year old both love it!!!
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:04:42 PM)
Right handed
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:04:45 PM)
where did you get those Deb?
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:05:16 PM)
I was told by the developmental ped that kids with these types of disorders think in pictures
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:05:26 PM)
i bought it at a parent/teacher supply store.......it was 9.99
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:05:38 PM)
Any teacher supply store will have items like that
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:05:49 PM)
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littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:05:50 PM)
maybe I could get them at the learning store then?
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:05:57 PM)
w/b Rose
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:06:01 PM)
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:06:08 PM)
Most likely
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:06:25 PM)
it's fun and they dont realize they are learning so much
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:06:34 PM)
cool will have to go look my PDD son learns very well when we use Videos and tapes
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 9:06:40 PM)
I have no idea now because when she sees the cd she gets so frustrated....but the therapist would save me alot of $, maybe FF2
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:06:51 PM)
I don't even know how I left the chat
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:07:06 PM)
that is what happened to me Rose
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:07:11 PM)
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:01 PM)
Robyn how old is your son?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:12 PM)
Does anyone have a problem with their childs school understanding CAPD?
samonnesmom (ID=11) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:19 PM)
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Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:25 PM)
My son is 11.
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:25 PM)
Hi Sam
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:27 PM)
are you planning to do anything this summer with Sarah ?
littlemac (ID=9) (Mar 2, 2000 9:08:36 PM)
my son is 11 too he will be 12 in Jun
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:09:39 PM)
hi Sam
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:10:07 PM)
My sons CAPD is compounded with a vision processing problem.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:10:11 PM)
im hoping to do some fun work with both kids this summer.....i want to involve both girls.........right now i just purchased great leaps
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:10:29 PM)
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Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 9:10:35 PM)
My daughter's teacher never heard of CAPD before....It did explain Gaelles behavior in class though...(She's 5 1/2)
samonnesmom (ID=11) (Mar 2, 2000 9:10:50 PM)
Hi this is my first time to the chat room. For those of you on the St Johns list I appreciate the assistance you have given. I am in the process of trying to get an evaluation for my daugthe from the Publicl school in our area because she goes to private school. The information you have given has been helpful.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:11:02 PM)
Robyn......i just saw your question about the school......................YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! althought I must admit they've become much more educated the last 2 years!
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:11:31 PM)
Kevin never had a behavioral problem. He was always forgetting everything.
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:11:46 PM)
my sons school did not know anything either but was willing to learn. sons audiologist gave them information
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:12:12 PM)
John isn't having behavior problems in school but we do have problems everywhere else
samonnesmom (ID=11) (Mar 2, 2000 9:12:31 PM)
Ditto. I am still sending inforamtion.
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:12:34 PM)
Mike did not have behavior problems with but was very disorganized
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:13:03 PM)
Debbie My son has a 504 plan that I helped to write with the school. The only problem is they are not following through on their side.
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:13:27 PM)
John's problems in school are with attention and of course reading and writing
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:13:38 PM)
has poor word retrivial, poor spelling, poor reading, weak receptive/expressive language skills--they thought he was ADHD
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:14:14 PM)
they are too quick to say ADHD
samonnesmom (ID=11) (Mar 2, 2000 9:14:18 PM)
Samonne has up days and down days. With the schools not being too informed about CAPD how do I insure she gets a good IEP developed.
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:14:20 PM)
same problems here and same conclusion, I disagree
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:14:23 PM)
their biggest complaint though he was to quiet and withdrawn--I have never heard a teacher complain of that before
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:05 PM)
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littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:11 PM)
Hi Carole
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:15 PM)
Robyn then confront teh school on it'
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:32 PM)
hi Carole
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:38 PM)
Hi, this is Michael's Mom, Carole
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:45 PM)
I'm documenting everything.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:15:58 PM)
it's so good to have you here Carole!!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:16:19 PM)
anything you request from the school should be in writing also
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:16:20 PM)
Carole my sons name is Michael too
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:16:21 PM)
I finally got the kids in bed early enough to join.
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:16:44 PM)
Michael's reading success story is posted here. How old is your Michael?
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:16:55 PM)
he is 11 and yours?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:17:16 PM)
Mine is 7, and in 2nd grade. Does yours have CAPD too?
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:17:48 PM)
Mine is 7 in second grade
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:17:58 PM)
Yes Carole he does but did not get diagnosed until April of 99 orginal dx was ADHD
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:18:15 PM)
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littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:18:24 PM)
I have a son who is 7 will be 8 in April he is in 1st grade, he has PDD-NOS
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:18:26 PM)
oh yes, the catch-all ADHD. School wanted to label Michael with that too at first.
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:18:30 PM)
do any of your children have any difficulty with math also?( my 11 yr. old wanted to know
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:05 PM)
not with number problems but if it is a word problem he does
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:11 PM)
Michael does. He has difficulty remembering math facts -- 4+7 is? He needs his fingers
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:41 PM)
Word problems are a breeze for Michael till he has to remember the addition or subtraction facts
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:44 PM)
My son struggles with the higher order thinking questions and word problems
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:49 PM)
(my dad is on phone asking tech computer questions.....just a second and i'll be back)
Rose (ID=10) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:55 PM)
My 11 yr old is struggling with multiplication and division, fractions
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:19:56 PM)
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:20:34 PM)
mine can learn the facts but does confuse the symbols unless he is reminded to be careful
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:20:58 PM)
For the multiplication and division my son is practicing adding by: 2's, 3's, 4's,,,,,
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:21:04 PM)
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:21:23 PM)
how old is he bug?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:21:33 PM)
Hi Bug
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:21:36 PM)
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:21:43 PM)
Happy B-day to him
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:21:46 PM)
Happy Birthday
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:22:03 PM)
Bug, what issues are you running up against?
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:22:49 PM)
I enjoyed that chat all, this was 1st time here and found it great. Will return again. Take care and God Bless you all
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:22:52 PM)
Robyn, how's it going?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:23:12 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:23:18 PM)
bye little mac
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:23:22 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:23:32 PM)
im back everyone
littlemac (ID=12) (Mar 2, 2000 9:23:33 PM)
night all
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:24:02 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:24:21 PM)
on what grounds did they notaccept him
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:25:14 PM)
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:25:27 PM)
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Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:25:40 PM)
hi Rose
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:25:46 PM)
Carole,,,,it's nice to get a chance to persoanlly think you for letting put michaels story on this site..........it's touched alot of people!
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:25:57 PM)
Hi I keep getting kicked out or something
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:26:11 PM)
that's for first grade next year bug?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:26:23 PM)
Rose.....are you closing your browser?
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:26:48 PM)
I'm not even touching anything when it happens
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:26:56 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:27:24 PM)
hhhhhmmmmmm.......im put a note into support and see if i can find out why.....im sorry Rose
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:27:47 PM)
can you file an appeal in the private school?
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:28:10 PM)
thank you debbie
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:28:28 PM)
Bug, is that Houston Texas?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:28:56 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:29:07 PM)
is anyone else havign trouble with room set up tonight?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:29:10 PM)
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:29:21 PM)
If my son is diagnosed with CAPD can we change his IEP before the next scheduled IEP meeting?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:29:30 PM)
Rose, the name is Auditory Assessmen Assoc. 215 369-2994
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:30:03 PM)
Thank you Robyn
Gina (ID=16) (Mar 2, 2000 9:30:27 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:30:28 PM)
if your son is diagnosed with a new disorder that affects your sons education.......you should be able to present that to the school and have that taken into consideration on his IEP i believe
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:30:30 PM)
If so, there is a web site, www.readbygrade3.com, run by Jimmie Kilpatrick. Just someone that I would contact if in Houston Tx and I ran into any troubles with schools.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:30:42 PM)
hi Gina
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:30:43 PM)
Hi Gina,
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:06 PM)
Jimmy Kilpatrick is a great source of information and help
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:06 PM)
Debbie, this is my first visit here, and I'm not running into any problems
Gina (ID=16) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:13 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:16 PM)
ok....thank you....
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:35 PM)
He will do phone conversations to, to give help to parents.
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:51 PM)
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:31:58 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:32:09 PM)
Jimmy is helping me contact a neurologist regarding this chat group
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:32:19 PM)
Has anyone held their child back a grade to give them time to catch up?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:32:48 PM)
No, Jimmy is a parent who discovered that his 4th grade son could not read. He fought the school district (Houston) and changed the way they remediate kids reading problems
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:33:01 PM)
Jimmy Kilpatrick runs a listserv named ReadByGrade3......the addy is www.readbygrade3.com good information
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:33:33 PM)
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:33:48 PM)
The satistics are not good when you repeat a child
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:34:10 PM)
my child was never held back although it was considered in kindergarten
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:34:16 PM)
anytime BUG
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:35:28 PM)
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:35:31 PM)
robyn I lost you somehow
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:35:45 PM)
Carole.....how is Michael doing?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:35:49 PM)
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:03 PM)
They tried to force me to put my son back into first grade or in special ed
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:12 PM)
not tonight but we have had some couples here together
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:13 PM)
I'm still here
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:17 PM)
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:30 PM)
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:45 PM)
They can not force you.
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:36:51 PM)
yes my son goes to public school
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:37:28 PM)
Michael is Carole's son..........she wrote a story regarding everything she's been through with Michael and the remarkable progress he's made.........There is some wonderful resources in the story.........It's on my website
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:37:40 PM)
well they tried and didn't win, I've been fighting with them all year
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:38:08 PM)
IS MICHAEL CAPD, IF SO, AT What age was he diagnosed?
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:38:29 PM)
Good for you.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:39:02 PM)
Carole......do you want to tell about Michael?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:39:14 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:39:18 PM)
Rose are you working with any parent advocates?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:39:31 PM)
i am not being nosy..interested
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:40:02 PM)
who are parent advocates
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:40:12 PM)
When I delayed a placement to wait for private testing they even tried altering his grades to make me think he needed special ed or 1st grade
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:40:17 PM)
never meant you were nosey bug........carole can tell you more about michael.....her story brought me to tears
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:41:10 PM)
parent advocates are people that you can contact who will explain to you your child's rights according to educational laws......and they will assist you in getting the resources your child needs
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:41:30 PM)
Michael is now 7, in 2nd grade. We were told in K that Michael would never read cause he couldn't remember any letter names ... YADDAYA...cause he isn't focusing or paying attention..... we fought the school's conclusion, I ran to the net and found other parents that helped me help my son. At the end of K, at age 6, Michael was dxs with CAPD. His auditory processing was over 2 years behind his chronological age. We did FFW, Earobics, Reading Reflex, FFW2 and now we have a reader that reads 6th grade novels and can't put them down.
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:41:42 PM)
Not so far, parents exchange never answers the phone and haven't returned mt messages. I contacted someone fron amicus for children who is suppose to come with me to my sons next IEP
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:42:40 PM)
It is not all rosy though -- auditory processing is stilll very difficult. following verbal directions, obtaining any sort of response in a noisy environment is impossible and just in the last month we got the ADHD dxs in addition to the CAPD
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:42:40 PM)
just a sec rose...let me get you aphone number....
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:42:53 PM)
Rose there are advocacy groups here in Phila. that might be able to help
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:42:55 PM)
i know, just want to hear other stories as we had one of the worst days of our life yesterday with these people...i told them they were dispicable....not worthy of any more conversation and if my otther childs schls had given up, he would neveer be able to be in the position he is today...possible internship with a prof. sports team here..
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:43:38 PM)
BEen there BUg -- that's why we are here
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:44:00 PM)
So far they have changed 2 of his grades and I'm fighting to fix the rest. They tried to give him D's on his report card when he B averages on his tests
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:45:09 PM)
Their reasoning is he isn't doing 2nd grade work yet he passes all the tests they give with A's and B's
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:45:46 PM)
617-236-7210 this is a phone number for Phyllis....she works at the federation for children with special needs.she can put you in contact witha good support group in your area
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:45:52 PM)
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debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:46:01 PM)
hi Tammy
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:46:16 PM)
Hi Debbie
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:47:00 PM)
BUG the whole reason for this chat room is so that parents dont have to feel so alone and have a place to ask questions and vent!!! we've all either been there or are there now
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:47:05 PM)
hi tammy
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:47:18 PM)
Hi bug
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:47:37 PM)
Thanks debbie
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:47:37 PM)
i know...and its great...my husband is half in here now..
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:48:12 PM)
Sorry, I'm late. I had a Tball practice for the boys tonight.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:48:16 PM)
HI Bug's Hubby!! *waving*
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:48:20 PM)
Rose, I have many other names of places that test for CAPD in our area. They are at work.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:48:22 PM)
Tammy........where are you from?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:48:24 PM)
i went to one schl today and asked if they were familiar with capd...they said no...i left quickly
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:48:45 PM)
I'm from Ohio but live in Jacksonville, Florida now.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:03 PM)
BUG when my school told me no i made the principal.psych. aud and teachers all books on capd.
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:15 PM)
My son's first speech therapist didn't know about CAPD -- but then I found out she didn't have ccc's either.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:17 PM)
is this Tammy from School????
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:25 PM)
Well I'm going to have to go now. I have to get the kids in bed and one is in the tub and the other has to finish homework.
Robyn (ID=5) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:32 PM)
Bug, I find I'm educating my sons school as I learn things myself
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:33 PM)
bye rose
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:34 PM)
goodnight Rose
Rose (ID=15) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:44 PM)
I see everyone on teusday morning
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:47 PM)
Robyn..that is very common
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:52 PM)
educating the school about our kids dxs is an on-going event
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:49:58 PM)
I'm about to that point now. Even my pediatrician has never heard of CAPD!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:50:11 PM)
Dr J will be here Tuesday morning from 8:30 to 10
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:50:26 PM)
at the schl we are in, i brought in three people to 'educate' and support their staff so it would not be too much on the teacher...and, no one paid attention..
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:50:27 PM)
TAmmy..........im from Jacksonville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:50:47 PM)
gotta pat Michael's back -- I'll be back
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:50:49 PM)
what school? what age? what ped? where are you going for testing?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:50:59 PM)
see you in a few Carole
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:51:01 PM)
gee Bug, maybe those school personnel have CAPD LOL
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:51:34 PM)
godd one...hahaha
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:51:54 PM)
actually, my name is bev
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:52:13 PM)
Well, I had the CAPD testing done at Nemours Children's Clinic. I had some private psychological "screening" tests done at Sanchez, Miller, and Associates. (I'm not at all happy with our treatment there!)
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:52:28 PM)
where are you from in ohio...my hubby is freom pataskala and is curious
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:52:39 PM)
CJ is 7 and attends Bayview Elementary.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:52:53 PM)
Tammy I would love to talk to you! we were tested at nemours and did testing with Dr Michael Sissbarro.......he is wonderful!!!
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:52:59 PM)
I'm from Marion--about 45 minutes north of Columbus.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:53:21 PM)
Who is Dr. Sissbarro? Where is he?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:53:46 PM)
are you in jacksonville now?
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:54:20 PM)
Yes. We've been here almost thirteen years now. All of our kids were born here.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:54:31 PM)
my number is 743-4099 call me anytime!
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:54:41 PM)
we tested at the neurosernsory center in the medical ctr and then with the tarnow center...the therapist has a child with severe ld...really liked heer...they want him to do fast forward....3500...is that high?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:54:59 PM)
i would love to connect with another parent in jacksonville who has a child with capd
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:55:24 PM)
we kind of joked
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:55:46 PM)
How old is your child? Where do they go to school?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:55:52 PM)
im sorry everyone if i seem a bit overexcited...in the whole time since sarah was diagnosed i've never actually talked face to face with anothr parent.....
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:55:52 PM)
choked that is
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:56:22 PM)
BUG the fee is going to vary depending on the professional
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
there should be an annual for us to get together someplace i would be there in a minute...its for our son
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:57:28 PM)
my daughter is 8......she goes to ft caroline in 3rd grade........what is the school district telling you?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:57:40 PM)
you all have much to share...what kind of professional is most qualified to handle this testing
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 9:57:49 PM)
hey I'm back -- I'm from Columbus Ohio, an OSU grad and know pataskala
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:58:09 PM)
capd testing should be tested for by an audiologist familiar with capd
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:58:35 PM)
is 3500 in the ballpark
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 9:58:47 PM)
They keep telling me to send in all my results and then they'll do their own testing! CJ, I know is starting to feel like a pin cushion.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:59:08 PM)
i paid less than that....but i've heard others pay more
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 9:59:17 PM)
Tammy who are you dealing with from down town??
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 9:59:24 PM)
he went to ohio university
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:00:20 PM)
is anyone in texas
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:01:00 PM)
one parent who is here often and who is very knowledgeable on capd is from texas but she couldnt make it tonight...........her name is brenda
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:01:17 PM)
do your child seem wasted at nite ...we put david tate to bed at 7...ssoooooo early
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:01:19 PM)
I finally got the private psychologist to write up a report for me. I got it today. I'll be going to the school to give the results to his teacher and guidance counselor tomorrow. I have no idea where to start downtown. I've talked to five different people downtown--none of whom know what I'm talking about or have any idea how to help me.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:01:30 PM)
she also has a website on capd.....it's www.angelfire.com/bc/capd
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:01:48 PM)
TAmmy do you work during the day????
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:03:00 PM)
downtown at admin is familiar wth capd ......i guarantee you!!!
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:03:18 PM)
Yes, I work for the federal government at the Social Security Administration office on University Blvd West. This makes it even harder to try to get anything done for CJ. I know my boss is frustrated with the amount of time I've been having to take off but she's been really great about it.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:03:46 PM)
You don't have any names, do you?!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:04:14 PM)
oh yes i do have names!!!!!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:04:54 PM)
Tammy is your child on a 504 plan or IEP?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:05:21 PM)
Bug........Sarah is really high energy most of the time........
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:05:41 PM)
Right now, all he has is an IEP for a speech delay.
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:05:59 PM)
ok that is all french what is iep or 504 PLAN
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:06:03 PM)
who dx him at nemours?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:06:36 PM)
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:06:40 PM)
Patti Shelly-Lohman, a pediatric audiologist. I love her. She is the only one who has told me anything...
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:06:51 PM)
an iep stands for individual educational plan -- if your child is receiving therapy then you need an IEP, outlines the GnO's for the child
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:06:58 PM)
an IEP is an Individual Educational Plan and a 504 plan is a anohter plan in the schools for helping kids
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:07:08 PM)
Patti dx Sarah also
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:07:19 PM)
a 504 states what accomadations your child will receive. My son has both
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:07:36 PM)
CJ is usually high energy but once he hits 8:30 or so, he's out for the count.
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:07:42 PM)
his iep lists that he receives ST for auditory processing and what skills they are working on
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:08:16 PM)
What is ST?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:08:42 PM)
his 504 (which is actually the 2nd and 3rd page of his iep) states that he will be seated close to the speaker, his desk will be front row and cener seated, that directions must be repeated,......
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:09:06 PM)
that the teacher must check for Michael
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:09:09 PM)
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 0002, 2000 10:09:14 PM)
Carole, where are you?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:09:28 PM)
that the teacher must check for Michael's understanding of directions by having Michael repeat them
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:09:34 PM)
I'm now in Massachusetts
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:09:43 PM)
50 miles west of Boston
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:10:15 PM)
a great site to get up to speed on iep laws is wrightslaw.com
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:10:17 PM)
I've given that same information to CJ's teacher and she does the exact opposite.
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:11:06 PM)
Michael's accomadations were supplied to the school by the audilogist that dxs Michael. Plus, I have pulled lots of CAPD classroom accomadtions off the net and given them to the school too
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:11:07 PM)
Debbie, are you going to be in the area? I don't want you to have to go out of your way.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:11:30 PM)
i live off university N
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:12:29 PM)
Has anyone heard of quing
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:13:09 PM)
Great! My work number is 448-7770 ext 3030. I'm not sure what time I'll be able to go to lunch. Could I give you a call in the morning and see if we can work out a time?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:13:18 PM)
it is a new thing used for deaf children instead of sign and it is now being used for capd children
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:13:20 PM)
heck i need to get the kids new SS cards anyways....been putting off......could doo it all at once...
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:13:39 PM)
that would be great.where abouts is the office? what near?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:14:37 PM)
im not famiiliar with cueing
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:14:48 PM)
Do you know where university crosses phillips highway? there is a steinmart and publix right after the overpass. we are right across the street in the brick building. first floor in the back.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:15:09 PM)
im not familiar with cueing either. could you explain it a little?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:15:23 PM)
i know where it is......i use to work down in that area
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:16:14 PM)
well, i will be talking with this gal soon regarding queing....she went to bat and since the chl only wanted to offer sign, she got an attorney and won...now she hold support groups here for it, and i was introducxed to it last night...cannot wait to talk to her..
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:16:16 PM)
there is a nice fabric shop in that area!
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:17:07 PM)
cueing/or queing...a new way to work with deaf children...no ore sign
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:17:29 PM)
I believe Marge Tamas and Brenda C are familiar with queing
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:17:29 PM)
i love steinmart
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:18:16 PM)
brenda...the one in texas
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:18:30 PM)
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:18:32 PM)
our audiologist said sign would only delay CJ's speech even more than it already has been but I'm desperate to find something--anything--that will help him.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:19:21 PM)
what recommendations did Patty give you??
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:19:42 PM)
my 2nd son has verbal apraxia -- we used sign to HELP him develop his language and it actually helped to bring on the verbal use of the words.
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:19:45 PM)
this is nothing like sign....that is why she had to train someone and bring them in...it is public schl too...but she refused to allow sign for sonia...and it is great for capd
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:19:52 PM)
I did have a good sign the other night though. CJ was working on his spelling words and actually sounded out a word by himself!! Granted, it was only "bed" but to CJ that was a big accomplishment.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:20:17 PM)
Tammy that can be a major accomplishment!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:21:04 PM)
isnt cueing similiar to using certain gestures or movement to trigger a part of speech recognition?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:21:48 PM)
all i waqs told..phonetics
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:21:57 PM)
The usual. Sit no further than 10 feet from the teacher, get his attention before giving instructions, make sure he understands what is said, keep him away from doors, windows, anything "distractable".
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:22:12 PM)
did she mention an FM trainer?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:22:21 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:22:59 PM)
oops.......FM trainer for Tammy.*LOL*...........Sarah uses one and she likes it
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:23:17 PM)
apparently she has quite a story with her daughter...i will let u know when i meet withh amy the mom
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:23:30 PM)
i'll be anxious to hear
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:23:50 PM)
Yes, she even wrote a letter I could give to the school recommending he be allowed to use one. but nobody seems to know what that is either. Every time i try to explain they look at me like i'm talking martian.
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:23:54 PM)
what is a fm trainer
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:24:09 PM)
i told u i am new
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:24:13 PM)
Debbie, is it the headphone type or with earmolds?
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:24:42 PM)
Does Sarah use it all the time or just at school?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:25:15 PM)
oh no Tammy they know what one is!!! I'll bring you some names and numbers Tammy.........they gave me the run around once too......call downtown and talk to Mary Helen Cook (slp) and Bill Pharro (aud)
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:25:23 PM)
Bev, fm trainer is kinda like hearing aids -- but the teacher uses a mic and the child has headphones or some receiver
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:25:29 PM)
oh, ok ...the ear thingamagis to help keep out the noise, right
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:25:49 PM)
Sarah used the one that looks like a walkman radio...she uses it at school only...the school provides Sarah's due to her CAPD
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:25:52 PM)
yes, they would not allow us to use them
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:26:02 PM)
keep out the noise and send the message directly into his ear is what i was told.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:26:37 PM)
in Sarah's case...she has trouble with competing noises and background noises....this helps eliminate that
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:27:21 PM)
any teasing from other kids?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:27:29 PM)
did your children have a background of chronic ear infections
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:27:31 PM)
i thought under the idea and the ada, they couldn't deny a child any therapy to help him receive an education.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:27:40 PM)
we've not had any trouble..but at the same time the teacher is wonderful
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:28:41 PM)
david tate that is his name, had his eardrum burst twice in 4 mths
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:28:42 PM)
Tammy, the school likes to debate whether the child really needs the therapy or other services non-educational folks are suggesting
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:28:45 PM)
very touchy area Tammy.............but i would bet you can get the FM if Patty thinks it would help......I'll help you if you want
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:28:55 PM)
CJ gets teased already about being different. I think once he got used to the trainer and saw how it was going to help him he wouldn't mind wearing it....i hope.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:29:27 PM)
would it help if he talked to sarah about her trainer?
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:29:29 PM)
Bev, Michael had chronic ear infections. Started at 18months and now at age 7 he still has bi-lateral ear tubes
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:29:59 PM)
14 ear infections here
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:30:10 PM)
Patti sent a copy of the letter to our pediatrician. She is going to countersign it in the hopes that that will pursuade the school board.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:30:38 PM)
CJ never had an ear infection--not even one.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:31:09 PM)
the school told me that sarah did not qualify for the FM trainer either......we had one in under two weeks....
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:31:27 PM)
how'd you get one so fast?
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:31:40 PM)
one year we went on 17 doses of antibiotics...now his tonsils are out and its made a world of difference...anyone ever see their child twitch their head alot...we really freaked...its occasional now
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:32:38 PM)
josianne...you are the quiet listener
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:32:57 PM)
how old is your child/
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:33:09 PM)
pushed the right buttons....ive raised cane with the school district for two years Tammy.....
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:33:38 PM)
i've only been dealing with them for a month and i already want to strangle the lot.
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:33:51 PM)
i'm learning from you all, but hubby is home tonight so i'm juggling.. :)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:34:12 PM)
Josiane is the very first parent i ever met online (or anywhere for that matter) with a child with capd....... she's been a godsend and dear friend!!
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:34:30 PM)
okay..just checking in josianne and making sure you are ok
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:34:42 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:34:49 PM)
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:35:00 PM)
what state are u in
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:35:08 PM)
we cried via pc
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:35:09 PM)
i started this site the night i met her.........she's been a great inspiration and support
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:35:21 PM)
yes we did many many times........
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:35:25 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:35:51 PM)
we've cried about sarah and gaelle
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:36:05 PM)
debbie has been a busy bee!!!!!!!!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:36:12 PM)
im in florida.....josiane is in ny
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:36:24 PM)
gaelle...like gail...i like that name? terrific...and how old is gaelle
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:36:51 PM)
Gaelle like Noel...5 1/2
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:36:59 PM)
ok ny...i am orig. from nj...a million yrs ago and my remaining family is up there
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:37:43 PM)
Tammy......hang in there......you can fight Duval county Schools and win.......trust me!
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:38:09 PM)
I've cried about all the things CJ struggles with but i'm also encouraged by the things he can do. he is a really sweet child. i just feel so badly when i see how frustrated he gets when he tries so hard and still can't quite make it.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:39:17 PM)
Tammy when you see those frustrating times......remember when he sounded out the word "bed" the other night.........it's progress and kids most walk before they can run!!!
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:40:04 PM)
that is the worst thing and david tate tries so hard...well, i must retire we have a mtg with our lang. therapist and heer big boss tomorrow regarding the disaster at david tates schl
bUG (ID=14) (Mar 2, 2000 10:40:34 PM)
thank you all for the evening and i appreciate meeting all of you nice ladies
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:40:34 PM)
ok.......goodnight bev....take care
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:40:55 PM)
i've talked to an accupuncturist for Gaelle's hyper side, concentration etc.... said accupunture helps alot but i'm sooooo skeptical! any thoughts??
Carole (ID=13) (Mar 2, 2000 10:41:00 PM)
night all
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:41:07 PM)
what bugs me the most is that his teacher is telling me she is recommending he be retained in the first grade--even though she believes it will not help him. I cringe when i think what that is going to do to his self-esteem.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:41:15 PM)
goodnight Carole....it was great to get to chat with you !
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:41:46 PM)
do you use any computer programs with him at home Tammy?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:42:00 PM)
im not familiar with that at all josiane
Josiane (ID=8) (Mar 2, 2000 10:43:36 PM)
neither am i......Well gotta get some shut eye, great chat as usual! Chat next wk....Take care xxoo
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:44:04 PM)
we have the jump start programs...but we actually got those before we found out he had a problem. he really likes to use them though. i've recently started him at the kumon math and reading center. he goes there twice a week after school to see if they can help his reading skills. 'night josiane.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:44:58 PM)
sorry was looking at a message i just got
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:45:30 PM)
another parent was trying to get in and having trouble
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:46:14 PM)
Tammy. my last name is wood so that if we get together tomorow you know who i am......
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:46:57 PM)
can i ask how you found this chat?
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:47:07 PM)
mine is crawford and i'd love to hear any suggestions you have for CJ.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:47:43 PM)
I will do whatever I can to help you and CJ deal with the schools here
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:47:49 PM)
i promise you that.....
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:48:59 PM)
call me tomorrow and we'll see what we can do..........do you still have cj's tests from patti? or any school testing?
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:49:09 PM)
to be honest with you, i was searching the net for anything i could find on CAPD and stumbled on your site. I can't believe how much better i feel just knowing there is someone else out there who knows and feels like i do. although i must admit, if i could make it go away i would in a heartbeat.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:49:40 PM)
i have everything i've had done so far.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:50:29 PM)
i'm putting it all together so i can give a detailed and focused presentation once i round up whoever i need to talk too.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:50:35 PM)
I would too to be honest.......I started this website out of frustration and lonliness.....it was a way for me to vent...but now the schools have made me angry......and i wont let them do this to another parent if i can help it......it's not right!! they need to be held accountable
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:51:24 PM)
if you want someone by your side when you go to the school........let me know.......sometimes it helps to have support.....i never had that.....i wish i would have........i dont know what all i can do....but i will do what i can.....
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:51:53 PM)
i would love to know how to make them be held accountable. i keep thinking, if they are there for the children, why do they refuse to help the ones who truly need the help?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:52:37 PM)
ask them that......ask they to supply you with where in the rules it states yoru child does not qualify for an FM trainer.....
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:52:42 PM)
make them document it!
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:52:57 PM)
i would love the help. maybe with your experience you could give me some pointers on what to do/not do.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:53:31 PM)
do not loose your temper but at the same time........do not treat them like a friend......you have to do what you have to do for your child.....
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:54:05 PM)
i have gone so far as to consider hiring an attorney. i use to work for a personal injury attorney. i'm sure he could recommend someone if it were to come to that.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:54:44 PM)
along time ago someone told me that i was my child's best advocate......i thought they were nuts....i knew nothing about advocacy........but now i understand what they meant.
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:55:33 PM)
it means that--no matter what--you are not going to give up on your child. and i am not going to give up on CJ!!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:55:56 PM)
i can get the name of a good educational attorney in town.......she's been recommended to me by a few people....dr michael sissbarro down in the san marco area is a good educational pysch who is familiar with advocacy also
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:56:26 PM)
did you have your testing done through the schools or privately?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:56:30 PM)
*extending the hand of friendship*......i feel the same way about Sarah...........i will not give up!!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:56:34 PM)
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:56:52 PM)
the school test said sarah is completely normal....*LOL*....amazing!!
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 10:57:52 PM)
i've gone as far as i can privately. now, it's up to the school. but they are at least already telling me they know he has a problem and needs "remediation" in reading and math.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 10:58:22 PM)
that's more than they told me! what testing did the school do?
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 11:00:24 PM)
so far, they've done the normal vision and hearing screenings and some tests for his speech delay. nothing real intensive yet. they told me they were waiting on my private testing so they didn't repeat anything needlessly. by the way, is there any kind of time limit that you know of for them to complete his testing? are they required to accept these outside testing?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:02:16 PM)
they must take these outside testings into consideration......i will pull a brochure from the school district that outlines your rights......i also have the state of florida guidelines to exceptional student education
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:03:02 PM)
have you met any other parents of children with capd?
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 11:04:38 PM)
great! i've been looking all over for those. i had already pulled some stuff off the net on the idea and the ada guidelines. no, i haven't met anyone with capd or parents of children with it either. you and this chat are the only ones--other than patti--that even knew what it was when i said something.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:06:16 PM)
it sounds like you are on the right track..........im really wanting to arrange a time to just go sit and talk to patti again......im making up a brochure regarding my website and support group......i want to see if she will include it with the information she gives patients
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:07:15 PM)
i'm also sending it out to other audiological clinics and such
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 11:07:38 PM)
that's a great idea! i know i sure would have appreciated it if someone had told me about it.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:08:10 PM)
this chat tonight has gotten me psyched up all over again!
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 11:09:11 PM)
I hope that is a good thing...!! i hate to run but i have to get up early in the morning. will you be home in the morning to call and arrange a time to meet?
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:09:13 PM)
there really are some wonderful people that come in here who are willing to share and help others......
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:09:43 PM)
i've got to scoot too.....i'll be home til at least 10....i have a meeting in here with dr j in the morning......
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 11:10:05 PM)
i'd love to help anyone i can...i just don't know anything yet!
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:10:52 PM)
you can call anytime after 7:30 i'll be up
Tammy (ID=17) (Mar 2, 2000 11:11:00 PM)
well, i guess i'll give you a call in the morning then. great talking to you. good night.
debbie (ID=0) (Mar 2, 2000 11:11:15 PM)
goodnight to you also