Les (ID=66) (Mar 9, 2000 7:52:42 PM)
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ncz/Texas (ID=67) (Mar 9, 2000 7:54:16 PM)
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Marian (ID=68) (Mar 9, 2000 7:55:57 PM)
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Les (ID=69) (Mar 9, 2000 7:56:48 PM)
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Patty (ID=70) (Mar 9, 2000 7:58:17 PM)
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Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 7:58:58 PM)
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Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 7:59:29 PM)
hi patty, look like its just us

Patty (ID=70) (Mar 9, 2000 8:00:08 PM)
Hi, its still early

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:00:32 PM)
Where do you live

Patty (ID=70) (Mar 9, 2000 8:01:06 PM)
Tonawanda, NY

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:01:10 PM)
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Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:01:31 PM)
We are in Wilmington NC. , but we used to live in Katonah (westchester county NY)

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:01:46 PM)
Hi Les, just doing a bit of geography

Patty (ID=70) (Mar 9, 2000 8:01:57 PM)
nicer weather there

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:02:22 PM)
Great weather, we even had a little snow this winter. ONly place where you can have hurricanes and snow :)

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:03:16 PM)
Hi, we live in a far suburb of Chicago - had temps in the 70's for a solid week and loved it - snow expected tomorrow, so back to reality

ncz/Texas (ID=73) (Mar 9, 2000 8:03:37 PM)
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ncz/Texas (ID=73) (Mar 9, 2000 8:03:57 PM)
What's up

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:04:00 PM)
I went to an awesome workshop today, lots of info on sensory integration stuff and autisms. I learned some great things I can use at home. Hi Texas

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:04:23 PM)

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:04:43 PM)
Please forgive my typos, I get sloppy when I'm going fast.

ncz/Texas (ID=73) (Mar 9, 2000 8:05:17 PM)
Marian , I do the same thing.

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:05:35 PM)
Marian - (sorry I'm still learning how to do this...) do you find that autism/PDD has more effective programs/therapies for CAPD than, say, hearing impaired?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:06:42 PM)
Since I focus on CAPD cuz of my daughter I would say yes.

ncz/Texas (ID=73) (Mar 9, 2000 8:07:01 PM)
I will be back soon. I need to help my 11yr old with spelling.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:07:35 PM)
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debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:07:46 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:08:02 PM)
sorry im running a bit late

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:08:06 PM)
Les and Patty and debbie (hi), some background on your kids?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:08:47 PM)
Debbie, did you get that cool flower logo because you are the moderator?

Patty (ID=70) (Mar 9, 2000 8:09:25 PM)
9 yr. old boy dx. with CAPD 3 years ago

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:09:35 PM)
you can go into your settings and pick an icon you like

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:0010:12 PM)
how are you all tonight?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:10:22 PM)
there you go marian!

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:10:51 PM)
thanks for the logo tip, what do you think?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:11:00 PM)
it's cool...*LOL*

Patty (ID=70) (Mar 9, 2000 8:11:04 PM)
great thanks and you

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:11:15 PM)
I have an 8 year old daughter with CAPD in 2nd grade public school with speech and social services.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:11:25 PM)
doing pretty good tonight....just tucked the kids in

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:11:38 PM)
im from florida...how about you all?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:11:48 PM)
My daughter is 8 (9 on April 8th) I bet we all have a lot in common!!!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:12:23 PM)
my daughter Sarah is also 8 in 3rd grade..she was dx with capd 2 years ago

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:12:45 PM)
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debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:12:55 PM)
hi littlemac...good to see you again

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:12:58 PM)
hello everyone, how are you all?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:13:07 PM)
great, thanks

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:13:36 PM)
Marian I like your little face!!, how do you get something other then a smiley face?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:14:03 PM)
Debbie gave me the hint to go in settings and pick a new logo. try it its easy

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:14:13 PM)
i want to take a moment to let you all know that the chat transcripts are now being posted ...there is a link on the entry page to where you can look at the transcripts

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:14:45 PM)
cool that was easy!!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:14:45 PM)
see littlemac...that was easy!

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:15:11 PM)
I'm sure people are going to enjoy reading about this in the transcripts next week :)

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:15:43 PM)
I am going to be moving sometime this summer

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:15:44 PM)
I can see it now too Marian...I'll have to entitle it..."things you never knew about the chat" lol

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:15:53 PM)
where to little?

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:16:00 PM)

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:16:23 PM)
The Air Force is moving me from ND to Il

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:16:39 PM)
Les...did you have any trouble getting services for your child?

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:17:44 PM)
does anyone have experience with Illinois schools?

Patty (ID=76) (Mar 9, 2000 8:17:51 PM)
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debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:17:55 PM)
did any one have trouble getting in the chat tonight?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:18:04 PM)
Sorry, I lived in lots of places but Illinois was not one

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:18:04 PM)
Nope, was easy thank you

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:18:24 PM)
I did have some difficulty logging on tonight. It took a couple of trys

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:18:42 PM)
Debbie - we are fortunate that our daughter has been able to maintain academic acheivements at or above her grade level (so far). UNfortunately, this means that I have to claw and fight for every service - right now she's eligible because of her "inability to follow directions in a group" ( no surprise there) and that can have a negative impact on her academics. Even so, most of her therapies/doctors/evals have been private on our nickle.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:19:01 PM)
ok..i know someone posted the listserv that they were having trouble

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:19:41 PM)
how did the Tuesday morning chat with Dr. J go?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:19:45 PM)
Les that 's about the same boat I'm in...Sarah is doing well in school so we are taking a proactive stance

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:19:47 PM)
Littlemac - we live in Chicago (west suburbs) and our daughter attends public school - would love to help you as much I can...

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:20:18 PM)
We will be stationed at Scott AFB in Belleville IL

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:20:21 PM)
it went well littlemac....i've posted the transcript ...you can get to it through the entry page to this chat...look a bit lower

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:20:32 PM)
Les, we are in the same boat in Wilmington NC. Lots on our nickle

Robyn (ID=77) (Mar 9, 2000 8:21:48 PM)
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debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:22:13 PM)
has anyone used an advocacy groups to obtain help?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:22:17 PM)
hi Robyn

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:22:26 PM)
great--would like to read it--work during the day so cant join the chat

littlemac (ID=75) (Mar 9, 2000 8:22:49 PM)
hate to do it but must clean this DIRTY house gotta run, thanks for the chat

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:23:23 PM)
during the day chats we are going to start looking at capd by looking at models of capd and then progressing from there

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:24:10 PM)
I attended a Family Support Network Seminar today. They had over 200 attendees. Mix of parents and teachers. They offered lots of services in the areas of IEP development, collaborative team support etc. It was awesome. Can't believe I didn't tap into them earlier.

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:24:34 PM)
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SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:24:34 PM)
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debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:00 PM)
I tried finding parent advocacy groups in our area and found all the ones that sounded interesting were run by the school district

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:04 PM)
hi sallie

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:19 PM)
Hi, this is my first time here!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:22 PM)
oh no!! it's the SPOC lady!! =)

ncz/Texas (ID=73) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:36 PM)
Debbie , I am thinking about getting an advocate. I want to get a classroom FM system installed for my 11 yr. old for Middle School next year. Which would involve at least 4 classrooms (reading, writing, math, world cultures,etc........

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:42 PM)
Watch out... she's watching you...ha

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:25:51 PM)
Somehow I thought advocacy was for people who "couldn't do it on there own". Now I realize how wrong I was

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:26:09 PM)
happy you could join us Sallie..where are you from?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:26:34 PM)
what do you mean Marian?

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:26:45 PM)
I'm in Littleton CO and have a 9 year old son with CAPD. He was just diagnosed this fall, but we have gotten great support from his school. We are quite blessed!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:26:48 PM)
ncz....do you have a list of advocate groups in your area?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:27:03 PM)
Sallie that is wonderful to hear!

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:27:19 PM)
I thought that I should be able to represent my child on my own. Now I see that professionals can bring a great deal of information and support to the collaborative team platform.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:28:03 PM)
I was very surprised when I found out our advocate groups were run by the school district.....does that seem odd to anyone else?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:28:32 PM)
Mary...love the face!

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:28:36 PM)
Very odd.... in Tulsa... the school's are left out completely

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:28:38 PM)

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:29:05 PM)
I think I would be suspicious if the school's involved - how do they do?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:29:11 PM)
debbie, it sure does seem like the fox taking care of the chickens to me. I'm sure them mean well, but let's face it they are limited by what they know that can easily provide or support.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:29:16 PM)
The advocate groups here are so tight...that I got a message from the school audiologist on what one he would recommend for me and I never called him!

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:29:24 PM)
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Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:29:37 PM)
Can you explain "advocate groups" to me?

Les (ID=72) (Mar 9, 2000 8:30:15 PM)
Gotta run, thanks for the information....and good luck to all of you!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:30:17 PM)
An advocate group would be a group of individuals, whether parents or professionals who can assist you in getting services for you child..

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:30:21 PM)
bye Les.

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:30:26 PM)
They help parents learn their rights for IEP, 504, etc. Advocates usually know the law and can sit in on an IEP and not let anyone "pull the wool" over you.

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:30:34 PM)
Sallie, I see them (especially after today) as individuals or teams who can provide you as a parent with insight, materials, knowledge etc. to acheive services for your child

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:30:54 PM)
they assist you by being familiar with the various educational laws that are pertinent and they know how to enforce them

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:31:02 PM)
They also make sure the proper procedures are followed in the IEP. Many Advocates will sit in with parents for free.... they just want to help.

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:31:04 PM)
I am so grateful, after reading of so many people who struggled, that it was our school who diagnosed our son, and we've not had to fight them.

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:32:02 PM)
Where are you all from?

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:32:04 PM)
Sallie, just because the dx'd your son doesn't mean an advocate can help you attain the full services which might be available.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:32:11 PM)
Does anyone in here serve as an advocate other than for your own child?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:32:27 PM)
I'm from jacksonville florida

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:32:52 PM)
Some of the folks we were in seminary with went to that part of the world!

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:33:01 PM)
Sallie, I had 10 typos in my previous post. I meant to say... don't rule out an advocate , they can bring a lot more to the table.

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:33:06 PM)
The Moms support group in Tulsa is really great - I want to start a 'franchise" in my town... They have regular meetings with speakers from various govt. groups - these speakers will bring info, help fill out govt. forms, and answer questions. The parents really learn a lot. The groups try to educate the parents so they can advocate for themselves.

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:33:28 PM)
How does one find an advocate?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:33:33 PM)
mary,,that is what i am looking for here..

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:34:08 PM)
One way to start is by calling united way in your area...they can usually refer you.....or i will be listing advocate groups on the site soon

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:34:29 PM)
Start with national or state chapters of national organizations and then see if they have local chapters.

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:34:29 PM)
When I call United Way, what specifically do I ask for?

marie (ID=81) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:04 PM)
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SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:06 PM)
There are ways.... check the group organizations in your area.... and surf the net. The Dept. of Education actually funds some of the OK groups .... I will surf for a few minutes and be right back...

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:15 PM)
The speech pathologist at my sons school was able to give me a list of local advocacy groups in our area

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:20 PM)
explain to them that your child has capd and what it is....tell them you are looking for a parent advocate group in the educational setting

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:23 PM)
Sallie, does you child have CAPD alone, or other issues as well.?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:33 PM)
hi Marie

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:50 PM)
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debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:35:55 PM)
hey Marge!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:36:09 PM)
WOW!!! lookit the crowd!!!

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:36:21 PM)
CAPD alone. His receptive language is severely delayed, but his expressive is average. He is reading at grade level and is a hard worker--we're just thankful to finally know what is going on.

marie (ID=81) (Mar 9, 2000 8:36:22 PM)
Hi, I am new to this group and will be happy to observe for a while

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:36:28 PM)
i'll brb... gotta file kids for the night... just wanted to see if anyone was home

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:36:38 PM)
back in hmm 10-20 mins

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:36:45 PM)
feel free to jump in whenever you are comfortable marie ..

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:37:24 PM)
Sallie, I ask because it my help you to idenify the best advocacy group for your needs.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:37:44 PM)
Robyn..did you say you are getting good support services from the school?

Tammy (ID=83) (Mar 9, 2000 8:37:53 PM)
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marian laken (ID=84) (Mar 9, 2000 8:37:56 PM)
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Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:38:04 PM)
no, I wish I was

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:38:05 PM)
hi Tammy and Marian

marian laken (ID=84) (Mar 9, 2000 8:38:07 PM)

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:38:13 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:38:48 PM)
robyn,,have you requested services?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:39:14 PM)
I'm frustrated with my sons school. They just don't seem to understand.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:39:36 PM)
has the school done any testing ? how is he doing academically?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:39:55 PM)
He has a 504 plan that I helped write but they are not following through

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:40:11 PM)
I had outside testing done

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:40:19 PM)
what are they not following through on?

Patty (ID=76) (Mar 9, 2000 8:40:26 PM)
I have been told the schools job is not to dx. ...just have to determine if their is a need for services.

Marian (ID=71) (Mar 9, 2000 8:40:45 PM)
Have to run. Good night to all

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:40:50 PM)
bye Marian...

marian laken (ID=84) (Mar 9, 2000 8:40:55 PM)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:41:11 PM)
Kevins problems are mostlu with auditory memory. They are supposed to help him through the day

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:41:40 PM)
For anyone out there, how do you articlate to your child his/her learning differences without making them feel dumb or too different? Sometimes it seems to work okay, and other times, when I am trying to encourage him to be his own advocate, I feel like he feels too different.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:41:43 PM)
Patty I agree with that.....a good dx should come from a professional trained in the area...in this case an audiologist...but the school does do tests to determine needs...

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:42:25 PM)
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Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:42:42 PM)
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Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:42:42 PM)
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Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:42:44 PM)
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Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:42:44 PM)
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Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:43:13 PM)
Hi Jacquie

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:43:22 PM)
Sallie I have told Sarah that God made each of us special in our own unique way...just like grandpa has trouble hearing and wears hearing aids...i have trouble seeing so i wear glasses...she has trouble understanding sometimes so she uses an FM...it just makes her uniquely special in God's eyes...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:43:50 PM)
hi Jacquie

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:44:22 PM)
Robyn...what are the teacher's specifically suppose to do to help him through the day?

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:44:44 PM)

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:45:18 PM)
Debbie, I agree. I've told Will that, too. I guess it just feels sometimes like the pain of being different runs deeply. Then again, that is some of the CAPD, the not always being able to tell if the gift of their specialness sinks in. I guess I have to trust God for that one!

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:45:48 PM)
At the end of each day, one of his teachers is supposed to check with Kevin and make sure he has everything he needs for the day. In 4 weeks this has been done twice.

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:46:38 PM)
Robyn, been there re: teacher checking in

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:47:09 PM)
One thing I do with my kids .....and Iknow some may disagree with this....I send my girls secret pal cards in the mail...sometimes i leave little gifts for them to find or a note sayind your'e wonderful!...they dont know who there secret pal is...all they know is that there is someone out there who thinks they are the best!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:47:35 PM)
Robyn,,have you went in and talked to the teachers again?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:47:40 PM)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:47:48 PM)
I have been running back to the school everyday. His one teacher told him he should try not to forget so much.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:04 PM)
does Ryan use a planner?

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:04 PM)
Debbie, What a wonderful gift your love is to your girls; we can't do that too much!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:21 PM)
robyn: is ryan a 3rd grader by any chance?

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:26 PM)
Well, I just got off the phone with my son's math teacher. They don't know what to do with him, so they want me to "pre-teach him his math. This is a school that is for dyslexic kids. Tuition is $6,000!

Sallie (ID=79) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:36 PM)
I need to go be with the boys. Blessings to you all.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:43 PM)
Sallie the key to it is..they dont knwo it's me

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:48:47 PM)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:49:04 PM)
I just made another appointment with his fifth grade teachers and the psychologist

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:49:04 PM)
jacquie: that is ridiculous!! dyslexic school should do that , preteach math!

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:49:22 PM)
Ya, I agree, but I can'

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:49:32 PM)
I can't let him fail

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:49:52 PM)
jacquie you are right...you cant' let him fail.....but it is frustrating..

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:50:22 PM)
Is there anywhere I can go to resign?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:50:37 PM)
there are area's that I preteach Sarah to an extent...we get spelling and vocab a head of time....gives her a chance to become familiar

ncz/Texas (ID=73) (Mar 9, 2000 8:50:39 PM)
Got to go-- to busy with school homework for my son!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:50:46 PM)
bye ncz

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:50:57 PM)
Jacquie.....what do you mean resign???

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:51:11 PM)
Resign from motherhood.

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:51:24 PM)
Not really, just tired of it all.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 0009, 2000 8:51:35 PM)
you dont mean that seriously....

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:51:57 PM)
How am I supposed to preteach 10th grade algebra?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:52:14 PM)
think of it this way Jacquie.....if you resign...who would your child have to help him...support him and get him through this?

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:52:30 PM)
No one, that's why I can't give up.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:53:04 PM)
so what can we do to help? Jacquie are you on AOL by chance?

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:53:32 PM)
Not on aol. You can tell me we are going to make it, not to give up.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:54:24 PM)
Jacquie you will make it!!!! It may not be easy...but you will make it!!

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:54:31 PM)

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:54:40 PM)
So.. what else is up tonight?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:54:52 PM)
robyn: you still there?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:55:05 PM)
Yes. I'm here

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:55:18 PM)
robyn: i've had a run-in with a teacher re: organizational habits of my oldest when she was in 3rd

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:55:39 PM)
robyn: and i've noticed that my 2nd daughter, who is now in 3rd, is more absent minded than she's ever been

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:55:45 PM)
The whole purpose of this chat is to encourage others and let others know someone understands and cares....sometimes as parents of children with capd its so hard to find someone who really understands...........WE DO!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:55:52 PM)
robyn: which is why i asked if ryan was in 3rd grade

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:56:51 PM)
(chose the "nut" icon... for more than one reason!! hahahaha)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:57:03 PM)
I wasnt going to comment marge....*LOL*

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:57:15 PM)
Debbie, I agree. That's why I'm here. I feel you and the other parents here have helped me feel less alone. I think you understand better than anyone else.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:57:35 PM)
engineer.... Ms. Fix It.... and the obvious, hahahaha!

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:57:56 PM)
Does anyone have difficulty with their spouses not understanding their childs CAPD?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:58:04 PM)
Marge My son is in the 5th grade. His name is Kevin.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:58:06 PM)
Sarah has a planner that she uses for school..it's seems to help!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:58:29 PM)
jacquie: what recourse do you have with your child's school, re: preteaching anything? what standards does the school hold itself to?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:58:29 PM)
Kevin uses a planner also.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:58:51 PM)
a planner & specific instruction on how to use it has been a lifesaver for my 5th grader

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:59:01 PM)
Jacquie...my husband tries to understand and he's learning..but it's up to me to see sarah get's help..

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:59:06 PM)
robyn: ooops! sorry, that must 've been someone else's ryan

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 8:59:17 PM)
Robyn does the planner help Kevin remember things?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 8:59:36 PM)
my husband makes a valiant attempt to understand capd, but he's got to just to survive around here... ***5*** of us have auditory problems

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 8:59:39 PM)
Marge, the schools standard is to keep trying different things till something works.

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 8:59:52 PM)
Not if his teachers don't remind him to check it.

Tammy (ID=86) (Mar 9, 2000 9:00:21 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:00:26 PM)
could you put a "pilot's checklist" sticker on the front of his planner, so he can check it without a reminder from the teacher?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:00:28 PM)
hi Tammy

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:00:31 PM)
hi tammy

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:00:50 PM)
Tammy from Jax?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:01:12 PM)
Many times it is missing items and I have to figure out the spelling. Kevin also has visual processing problems which make things even harder

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:01:24 PM)
jacquie: i was just wondering if the school had some standard they held themselves to re: partnership betw home & school... obviously, parents have to be involved to some degree. question is, what's the appropriate degree?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:02:15 PM)
i will brb... got to fish #2 daughter out of the shower.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:02:58 PM)
Robyn have you found anything that helps him with his memory?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:04:07 PM)
Not yet. We have begun to speak slower and have him repeat back . We make checklists too.

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 9:04:17 PM)
Sorry to just drop in then drop out, but my husband needs me to do some computer work for a meeting tommorrow.

Jacquie (ID=85) (Mar 9, 2000 9:04:45 PM)
Bye all. Thanks for telling me not to give up. See you next week.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:04:47 PM)
(just a reminder for those who missed it earlier...the chat transcripts are now being saved and posted)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:04:52 PM)
bye Jacquie

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:05:10 PM)
Jacquie...if ya ever need a word of encouragement..drop me aline!!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:05:24 PM)
oops..too late.....=(

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:06:18 PM)
Robyn..do you use any memory games with him? or have you tried setting things to music? (works for Sarah)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:07:37 PM)
We are working on this. He has great musical ability. We are also using a hands on approach to learning. It seems to help.

carole (ID=87) (Mar 9, 2000 9:07:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

carole (ID=87) (Mar 9, 2000 9:08:13 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:08:25 PM)
sometimes the music putting a rythm to the learning process will incorporate more senses in the learning process and achieve better results.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:08:29 PM)
hi carole =)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:09:04 PM)
At home we are trying everything

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:09:07 PM)
hi carole

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:09:40 PM)
i jut bought the wrap up rap multiplication tape.....times tables to rap music.....LOL..but it's working!

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:09:55 PM)
back now...

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:11 PM)
UGH! that would not work for my crew... but we have math shark, and that has been a great help

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:17 PM)
welcome back mary.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:24 PM)
what is the math shark Marge?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:28 PM)
<--- can't hear the difference between 15 & 50 & 60

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:38 PM)
math shark is a sort of calculator gizmo

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:50 PM)
you can do all sorts of math drills on it, incl prealgebra

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:10:58 PM)
it times your response

carole (ID=87) (Mar 9, 2000 9:11:11 PM)
have anyone tried MathBot?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:11:12 PM)
and they give you recording sheets so you can keep track of your time

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:11:22 PM)
the neat thing about the chat here is we all have tried so many different things...all of it may not work for each child...but if one thing works for one child..then the chat was a success!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:11:45 PM)
there is a cheaper version of this, that does not have prealgebra drills, that i saw at Target dept store at Christmas time

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:11:51 PM)
Math is our strong area..so not familiar with those programs..

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:12:07 PM)
math shark is $40 from The School Box, an educational supply chain in our area

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:12:37 PM)
i am not familiar w/mathbot

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:13:12 PM)
I'm kind of late into this... but has the school tried Math Lab? J had big probs w/Math in 1st/2nd... wonderful teacher in M.Lab - used touch method.... after 3-4 months.. no probs since

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:13:15 PM)
the wrap up rap tapes were $10.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:14:35 PM)
debbie: that series of tapes has been recommended to us by several diff teachers... "just play them in the car!"... yeah, RIGHT!! you should hear some of the conversations we have inthe car... definitely need visual math drill techniques here

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:14:49 PM)
back in 5... one more kid to file

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:15:43 PM)
file one more kid??? thinking of the tall bunk beds at marge's house that look like file cabinets.....(just open a drawer and slide them in for the night) =)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:16:25 PM)
SPOC Mary....we've not really tried different approaches to math yet...so far sarah is still excelling in math

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:16:42 PM)
I'm trying to figure out if I should take J to a pediatric neurologist... has anyone's child been to audiologist and diagnosed w/CAPD and then to neurlogist or neuropsychologist?

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:17:32 PM)
I want to find out all I can... just need to get approval from pediatrician.. not sure how to approach him.. and if I need more specific on what I want from the specialists.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:17:34 PM)
<~~ not been to a neurologist..

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:18:16 PM)
why do you want to see the neurologist? what presenting indications do you see that warrant a neur?

carole (ID=87) (Mar 9, 2000 9:18:46 PM)
we went to a neurologist -- I'm glad the school paid for it cause we got very little new information from him

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:18:47 PM)
It takes J hours to complete unfinished work... she starts at 3:45 on FF2.. short dinner... then finish homework at 9 o'clock... it's way too much

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:19:07 PM)
FF2 not helping address the area of comprehension at all...

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:19:26 PM)
The results have been more than worth the money in other areas... but no improvements there

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:19:42 PM)
debbie: hahaha re: tall beds... actually, my 2 big girls have a loft bed in their room... both twin beds are "up", with desks underneath

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:19:58 PM)
She will try to find answers on her own... but impossible to read and come up with summation of what read.

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:20:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

carole (ID=87) (Mar 9, 2000 9:20:16 PM)
sorry about the delay in answering the question about math-bot. Michael is playing with the incredible journey of the zoombies (great math logical game)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:20:27 PM)
If i can make a recommendation to parents who want to learn more about capd...I just purchased a book by Teri James Bellis......it's basically a parent's handguide to CAPD from beginning though....I've only started reading it..but I really like it...there are objectives for each chapter and questions for review at the end..not written in technical terms!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:20:29 PM)
mary: when my oldest was in private school, we had hours of homework like that... teacher was a big discouragement to her... she is gifted without any question

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:20:42 PM)
debbie: that's great to know!

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:01 PM)
Did she improve, Marge?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:09 PM)
Hi everyone!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:09 PM)
mary: i think the reason my oldest took so long to do the work is because she was getting discouragement from the teacher

carole (ID=87) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:10 PM)
Math bot is a computer math facts drill program. It is smart in that it will speed up or slow down based on child's response time. Plus, if the child misses certain math facts, these are provided more often

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:16 PM)
Hi Tammy!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:30 PM)
mary: yes, she improved after we switched schools... now in public school w/gifted instruction once a week

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:34 PM)
wb tammy

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:21:50 PM)
how are you doing Tammy?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:22:07 PM)
mary: that story is told in detail in the archives... look in 1998, 1999

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:22:31 PM)
J really doesn't get it right.... her answers are way off-base like she did not understand what they were even wanting with the question. Other kids could finish this work in 30 min.. but 3 hrs for her.... I don't think she is gifted - but she is a wonderful gift.... a little play on words

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:22:41 PM)
Tks Marge... will ck ou

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:22:43 PM)

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:22:45 PM)
I'm doing great. I contacted Bill Pharo (spelling?) on Monday and CJ is supposed to get his FM unit tomorrow!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:22:55 PM)
carole: oic, math shark also does that... gives the questions they miss over & over

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:23:06 PM)
Tammy I am so excited for you!!!!!!! THat is marvelous!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:23:12 PM)
tammy: wahoo!!! glad he'll have the FM! what type is it, do you know?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:23:25 PM)
tammy: does CJ have any concerns about how the fm will look?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:23:49 PM)
I've no idea what type. Both Clif and I are going to school with CJ to see how he does and get all the particulars.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:19 PM)
tammy: i've worn my fm to my kids school... and let the kids try it out... they think it is very cool

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:21 PM)
Got to run... I want to work on the CAPD pics to post - I think they will be useful - especially for younger kids...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:27 PM)
Tammy I am so happy you got it so quickly!!! Did Bill give you any static at all?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:32 PM)
bye mary... yes, great project that

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:35 PM)
bye Mary...

SPOC Mary (ID=78) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:42 PM)
see ya... take care all

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:45 PM)
I've talked to him about it and tried to explain what it will look like and how it will help him but I'm not sure he understands what I'm trying to tell him.

KManBAM (ID=89) (Mar 9, 2000 9:24:55 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:25:11 PM)
tammy: tell him it is like binoculars for your ears... lets you hear clearly things that are far away

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:25:15 PM)
hi kman

KManBAM (ID=89) (Mar 9, 2000 9:25:34 PM)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:25:50 PM)
tammy: he might want to wear a dark t-shirt, or a sweatshirt, so he can hide the wires under it

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:25:54 PM)
h KMan

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:26:06 PM)
tammy: one of my daughters refused to use the fm system for that reason

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:26:19 PM)
I called him around 3:00 pm on Monday afternoon. He had me fax him the audiological report and the letter from patti saying cj needed the unit. He called me back tuesday morning and told me he'd be at cj's school at 9:00 am friday to fit him with the unit.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:26:28 PM)
tammy: that it would show, i mean... the oldest likes being different & technical

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:26:33 PM)
Tammy would you like me to see if Sarah could bring hers home this weekend?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:26:41 PM)
CJ has to wear a uniform to school--only white shirts allowed.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:27:15 PM)
tammy: you can run the wires under his shirt if it upsets him to have the wires show, only thing is

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:27:23 PM)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:27:37 PM)
tammy: the vinyl on the wires sort of sticks to your skin when you do that... pulls on the wires

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:27:47 PM)
tammy: would that be patti st john you mean?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:27:53 PM)
Tammy I called around this week looking for parent advocate groups in the area and got a message back which one bill would recommend for me to talk to...i never even called him...boy does word spread quickly!

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:28:37 PM)
I'm hoping it doesn't go that far but if needs be...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:28:43 PM)
Marge what Sarah has is an easy listener..probably what CJ will get too.....they wear on outside of shirt so no trouble sticking

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:28:56 PM)
No, Marge, Patti Shelly-Lohman--CJ's audiologist.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:29:17 PM)
Marge...Tammy and I used the same audiologist...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:29:46 PM)
Tammy....I really enjoyed meeting you and cliff last week

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:29:48 PM)
debbie: ok, i am familiar with easy listener... i know they usually wear it on the outside of the shirt... was just explaining what to do if the wires are a huge concern

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:29:53 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:29:58 PM)
deb: thanks for explanation re: patti

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:30:00 PM)
hi maria

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:30:03 PM)
hi Maria

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:30:06 PM)
Hi everyone

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:30:11 PM)
Hi Debbie

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:30:34 PM)
We enjoyed meeting you too! You gave us soooo much to talk about!!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:30:52 PM)
What do the smiley faces, flowers,etc mean next to our names? Sorry I am new to this chat@

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:31:12 PM)
maria: they are just icons... you can select by highlighting your name, then click settings

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:31:14 PM)
oh im sure..the crazy lady and Quincy's....*LOL* who rambled and rambled

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:31:27 PM)
maria: and you can choose an icon for yourself

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:31:32 PM)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:31:45 PM)
debbie, tammy: that is great you live close enough to meet! did your kids meet each other?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:31:59 PM)
No, they were in school.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:02 PM)
no...they were in school.....but i hope they will be able to

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:21 PM)
I would love for CJ to meet someone like him.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:29 PM)
anyone here from Pa.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:36 PM)
so you actually got to have an uninterrupted ADULT conversation? ohhh, the sheer luxury of it all! tho' having the kids meet is a great idea

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:39 PM)
I am

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:42 PM)
one idea i've had is to also start a "kids' chat"

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:43 PM)
<--- georgia

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:56 PM)
debbie: great idea... help the kids feel less isolated

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:32:56 PM)
I live near Phila Rpbyn

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:33:05 PM)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:33:09 PM)
So do I

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:33:16 PM)
no way!!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:33:32 PM)
this would give the kids someone to talk to who undersands them too!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:33:59 PM)
Debbie I was thinking about how we could get Sarah and Ashley to chat!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 0009, 2000 09:34:5 PM)
would we type for them?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:34:07 PM)
CJ would have to learn to type (and spell) first--but I think it would motivate him.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:34:13 PM)
maria, robyn: shall we sing a few verses of "It's a Small World After All?" hahah

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:34:22 PM)
ok that would be nice

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:34:28 PM)
maria: no, definitely not... have the kids type for themselves... good incentive

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:34:32 PM)
we could type for them or if they are able to....they can...if you look a the room list to the right...there is a kids chat set up there

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:04 PM)
well not much will get "said" if my child does the typing !!! LOL

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:07 PM)
the pace of a kids-only chat would be slower than when you've got a bunch of 70 wpm typists in the room

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:26 PM)
one thing i've found with sarah is by emailing and chatting on here.it makes her take her time to collect her thoughts to type....it's been helpful

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:35 PM)
Robyn- how long has your child been dx. with CAPD?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:38 PM)
70 wpm? not me!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:41 PM)
maria: you might be surprised.. when the auditory barrier is removed... chat is very popular w/folks who are deaf and hard of hearing... probalby true for capd too

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:46 PM)
You'll be amazed how fast they learn

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:58 PM)
debbie: yes, i agree re: time to collect one's thoughts

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:35:58 PM)
she loves the computer

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:36:02 PM)
when would be a good time for a kids chat?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:36:07 PM)
true, but I think it would help CJ with his reading too..

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:36:18 PM)
debbie: hmmm, after dinner? maybe 7-8 pm est?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:36:33 PM)
sounds good to me

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:36:36 PM)
chat helps w/social skills too, knowing how to phrase things, being polite

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:36:55 PM)
and yet its not as complex as face to face meetings with a bunch of strangers

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:37:29 PM)
ok...i work all but friday and thursay night....do we want to try tomorrow and see what happens?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:37:36 PM)
my oldest daughter i think would really enjoy chat.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:37:48 PM)
Robyn- have we emailed each other on the list serv about where we live??

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:37:55 PM)
debbie: friday night sounds good to me

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:03 PM)
Sarah is very open about her capd and her FM trainer...

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:06 PM)
I don't think so.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:16 PM)
debbie: that is great

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:26 PM)
I'll ask CJ and see what he thinks about it.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:28 PM)
seems as if there have been several people here from around PA

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:47 PM)
Can I ask a group question??????

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:53 PM)
fire away, debbie

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:38:53 PM)
well then I already met someone else from our area on the list - it is amazing as I have been on a foster parent list serv and chat for over a year and have not met anyone that lives this near!!

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:01 PM)
Glad to know I'm not alone

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:16 PM)
aren't we all?!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:21 PM)

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:22 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:37 PM)
I about had a stroke last thursday when i foudn out Tammy was from my hometown!! we had lunch Friday!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:51 PM)
that is great Debbie

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:57 PM)
yeah, a looong lunch--so much to talk about.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:39:58 PM)

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:40:00 PM)
That's great

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:40:17 PM)
Robyn- I live in delaware county

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:40:38 PM)
I'm in Bucks County

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:40:45 PM)
oops! number 1 daughter & husband have returned from midweek church service... one more to file

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:40:46 PM)
knew you were going to say that

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:40:51 PM)
One project Iwant to do is put together a comprehensive list of questions for parents to take to an aud when having a child tested for capd....parents are always told to ask questions..but if you dont understand the disorder how do you know what to ask?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:41:11 PM)
bottom drawer of file cabinet Marge!

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:41:36 PM)
understand it. i didn't even know it existed until cj was diagnosed!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:41:41 PM)
Tammy it was kind of along lunch...*LOL*

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:42:04 PM)
exactly Tammy.....

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:42:15 PM)
i'll be right back. caty wants some milk.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:42:49 PM)
KManBAM how are you tonight?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:43:29 PM)
does anyone have any paticular questions they would like to see added to such a list?

KManBAM (ID=89) (Mar 9, 2000 9:43:39 PM)
debbie, I'm fine.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:44:13 PM)
we've talked before ..haven't we?

KManBAM (ID=89) (Mar 9, 2000 9:44:40 PM)
I'd like to know more about compensatory classroom management strategies.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:44:54 PM)
Well my daughter who is now 9 1/2 was dx with ADHD at 3 1/2 and when I had her tested at age 5 the audiologist told me then it was CAPD but the intermediate unit disagreed. It wasn't until this year that I insisted she be retested and guess what? Intermediate Unit says she has CAPD. What happens when the school system disagrees with an audiologist' dx.?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:44:59 PM)
okay, i'm back!

KManBAM (ID=89) (Mar 9, 2000 9:45:15 PM)
Yes, we did talk once. We were just getting ready to take our daughter to the University of Buffalo

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 09, 2000 09:45:42 PM)
Compensatory classroom strategies can include things such as preferential seating.. visual aids...breaks...buddy tutoring....

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:46:20 PM)
how is the school handling breaks for sarah? cj has been coming home exhausted all week...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:46:54 PM)
my school system says sarah has no signs of capd...but they use a general test..the audiolgist test is in depth and specialized and they must take it into consideration

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:47:23 PM)
maria: school audiologist vs. private audiologist? or school SLP vs. private aud?

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:47:38 PM)
I thought most kids came home exhausted. Is this a symptom of CAPD?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:47:43 PM)
at age 5 she was tested by a private audiologist

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:47:44 PM)
Tammy since the kids have the FCAT's this week..Sarah is taking them with a special teacher that uses her fm listener and allows her to take breaks inbetween longer tests..

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:48:04 PM)
this time it was done by the school district IU audiologist

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:48:23 PM)
what about her regular classroom stuff...does she get any breaks there?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:48:25 PM)
robyn: either capd, hearing loss, can cause fatigue... so can a demanding curriculum, in any kid

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:48:39 PM)
should be interesting as Ashley will take her CATs with the regular kids

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:49:08 PM)
she is going to a special school next year with classes just for kids with CAPDI

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:49:09 PM)
the teacher Sarah has is excellent!! if she sees sarah getting upset or frustrated she will send her on an errand or remind her to focus on task..

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:49:32 PM)
maria: so there is disagreement betw school aud and private aud?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:49:39 PM)
not now

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:03 PM)
but there was when ashley was in kindergarten and dx - now she is in 3rd grade in a private school

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:10 PM)
everyone is in agreement

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:22 PM)
KBam..how did things go at U of B?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:23 PM)
debbie: i think a list of parent questions is terrific: want to put together a draft of what you've already got & circulate it?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:33 PM)
but no special classes other than a counselor and reading specialist at this school now

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:48 PM)
Marge I've just begun....will be on the site very soon!

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 9:50:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:04 PM)
KMan...how did the tests at U of B go?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:05 PM)
back... still filing oldest daughter... who is VERY excited about the chat tmw night... she wanted to barge in on this chat & say hello

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:15 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:22 PM)
tell her hello!!

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:38 PM)
We don't have the final reports yet, but they were very through

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:45 PM)
does everyone's CAPD children go to public school ?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:51:55 PM)
mine does!

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:52:05 PM)
So does mine

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:52:06 PM)
did they give you any hints toward the outcome?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:52:20 PM)
<~~ public school here

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:53:02 PM)
There is a parochial school that has a program for kids with CAPD- it is open to anyone in the greater delaware valley area

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:53:11 PM)
Ive heard many parents say they haven't gotten the final report yet....i got mine same day...how long do you have to wait?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:53:14 PM)
that is where ashley will go next year

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:53:43 PM)
Maria....can you get me general information about the school? I can give you my snail mail addy

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 9:53:46 PM)
She has unilateral hearing loss which has gotten worse so we have to go back to her surgeon. They described it as a temporal processing disorder due to loss of hearing in her dominant ear.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:53:53 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:54:13 PM)
thank you

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:54:17 PM)
they use the FM system

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 9:54:17 PM)
They said we'd have our report in 2 weeks

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:55:25 PM)
Tammy....just curious...did you tell bill we had talked? *LOL*

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:55:25 PM)
Maria, I would also like to know the name and lacation of the school.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:55:54 PM)
If i get the information robyn..I can post on site under educational programs...

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:56:13 PM)
No, I didn't. That's why I was surprised when he came right back offering the FM system.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:56:16 PM)
do you all think it is better to go to public school and use the services provided there as oppose to going to a school for kids with CAPD- it is in the annex of a regular grade school and she will have gym, music, lunch etc with the "regular" kids and then regular classes as she is able

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:56:45 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:56:58 PM)
that is so funny....they told me no way!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:57:14 PM)
Robyn, it is Archbishop Ryan school for the Hearing Impaired and CAPD- it is in Delaware county in Glenolden- they have kids coming there from all areas of Phila., delaware and NJ

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:57:24 PM)
He did ask me if CJ already had an IEP. He sounded very excited when I told him CJ already had an IEP for speech.

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:57:41 PM)
Thanks Maria

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:57:45 PM)
Sarah did not have the IEP...she has the 504

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:58:08 PM)
what is 504- a special class?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 9:58:40 PM)
Maybe that's what made the difference. I just know I'm very happy they are moving so quickly--at least on this part of needs.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:58:53 PM)
robyn are you on the list serv?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:59:04 PM)
504 is a Plan under which children can recieve assistance if they do not qualify for an IEP...ti's covered by the American with Disabilities Act

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 9:59:20 PM)
Sarah is in reg ed classes.......

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 9:59:28 PM)
Maria, Yes I am

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:59:47 PM)

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 9:59:59 PM)
I am mimihughes1

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:00:01 PM)
at aol

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:00:09 PM)
email me and I will get you the exact address

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:00:17 PM)
and phone number

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:00:31 PM)
so is CJ at this point but they're still discussing special ed for him. Debbie, do you think I should give the FM a chance before considering a special ed class setting.

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:01:18 PM)
i'd really rather leave him with his friends if at all possible...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:01:48 PM)
then try the Fm and see how he does....it made a really big difference for Sarah!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 09, 2000 10:0001:56 PM)
tammy; i think using FM in reg class is least restrictive, so that would be my first choice, but then i don't know what other probs CJ is having

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:02:13 PM)
kman: a unilateral loss? does she use hearing aids or fm or both?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:02:38 PM)
kman: in our district, our audiologists are pushing very hard to have unilateral loss covered under hearing impaired

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:03:26 PM)
CJ needs speech therapy (surprise!) and has a developmental delay with his fine motor skills which he needs occupational therapy for. other than that (and the capd) he is "normal".

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:03:27 PM)
Marge, she uses hearing aid and FM microlink.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:03:52 PM)
<--- my 3 oldest are in public school, getting some accommodations for capd. youngest is in private school, some accommodations

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 0009, 2000 10:04:09 PM)
be back in just a sec...

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:04:15 PM)
kman: oh, i have heard great things about microlink ... that is great

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:04:0023 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:04:36 PM)
kman: so your daughter has CAPD on top of hearing loss?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:04:51 PM)
so Marge is the youngest have capd in a lesser degree- is that why he/she is in prvate school?

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:04:58 PM)
It is nice because it is so small and she is so self-conscious.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:05:17 PM)
maria: no, youngest is in preschool, that is why she is in private school

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:05:29 PM)
oh ok understand

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:06:24 PM)
Marge, they have described it as temporal processing disorder now. Originally it was CAPD. I'm not sure if there is a difference or not.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:06:25 PM)
welcome back Marie

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:06:32 PM)

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:07:11 PM)
would you prefer a class for kids just with CAPD?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:07:13 PM)
Just for general info...I will make a post to the listserv tonight about the "kids chat" tomorrow night......

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:07:37 PM)
kman: i'm not entirely sure either... there is a characteristic of sensory cells called "temporal integration"

Robyn (ID=80) (Mar 9, 2000 10:07:46 PM)
Got to run. Number 3 child is calling. Thanks for all the encouragement and support!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:07:54 PM)
I have to work tomorrow night- big game - Phila. 76ers vs. NY Knicks

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:06 PM)
nice to meet you Robyn

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:11 PM)
godnight Robyn

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:11 PM)
hope to chat again soon

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:17 PM)
kman: the way that works with hearing, is that a sound must be 10 db louder if it is 1/10th as long in duration to be perceived as equally loud

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:22 PM)
oops goodnight that is.....lol

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:30 PM)
Godnight sounds good too Deb

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:42 PM)
need help- just found out in dec our daughter Jen, 7 has CAPD- took school long time to get her Resource room -been there 4 days. & the school sent a note that she had to go to pricipal for time out cause she wasnt doing her work in reg. class-what to do?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:08:57 PM)
kman: perhaps they are thinking that your daughter's cochlea isn't doing temporal integration properly

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:09:31 PM)
marie: find out why she wasn't doing her work in the reg class... perhaps the new situation wasn't explained to her correctly

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:09:32 PM)
Marie.......first thing I would do is go talk to the resource teacher and reg teacher at the same time!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:09:43 PM)
Marie- doesn't sound like they are taking your daughter's dx very seriously

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:10:15 PM)
hoo boy: a marie & a maria on the same chat!!! i didn't catch that right away!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:10:23 PM)
and a marge

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:10:26 PM)
I think that she just shuts down & does nothing, avoids the work when it is too hard for her, isnt that why they have resource room

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:10:27 PM)
mar mar mar

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:10:33 PM)
maria: hahah

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:10:37 PM)
before your daughter was put in the resource room....did she have any trouble doing work?

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:00 PM)
Marge, not sure. They explained it as related to losing hearing in her dominant ear and that the non-dominant pathway has to cross braina and back again. It is all very confusing for me.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:03 PM)
that is what my daughter is doing right now

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:04 PM)
maria: we need a mark and a marcia , don't we?

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:09 PM)

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:26 PM)
yes, always! thats why I have been fighting for resource room-for so long.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:46 PM)
kman: oh, i get it... so the auditory signal has a looong path to travel.. slows her responses, i guess

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:48 PM)
so her not gettnig work done in reg class is not something new?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:11:59 PM)
kman: her right ear is the one with the loss, is that it?

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:12:00 PM)
I guess.

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:12:07 PM)

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:12:14 PM)
CJ is also always complaining that he can't get his work done. they keep him in at recess to finish it!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:12:45 PM)
sounds like they are being punished for problems that they can't help

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:12:54 PM)
kman: most folks are "right ear dominant" ... the right ear is wired into the brain with a somewhat shorter path than the left ear... there's about a 90 msec difference between ears, normally

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:12:56 PM)
no it isnt. -is does have the Fm trainor for about a month- it has helped. but jen rather do nothing- then to do it wrong.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:13:12 PM)
Tammy...try explaining to CJ's teacher that due to the capd he needs the break of recess to "clear his mind" and refocus...can he do the work later at home?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:13:31 PM)
kman: apparently there is some evidence that right ear hearing loss is more disabling than left ear hearing loss,

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:13:36 PM)
Marie..has she ever been sent for time out before?

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:13:53 PM)
Does it ever get better or is this going to follow her all the way through school?

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:14:18 PM)
jen sounds just like CJ. debbie, she is always sending "incomplete" work home with him. he barely has any time to play anymore.

marie (ID=92) (Mar 9, 2000 10:14:40 PM)
Yes, Jen is buddy's with the principal- I dont think she even realizes it is punishment, but to her at least she didnt have to do the work.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:14:45 PM)
kman: i don't know ... but hearing loss is usually lifelong.... i would expect her to need the fm in any lecture type situaton

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:14:54 PM)
wish someone could explain that to CSE. They've taken away all her support services now.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:14:57 PM)
KMan ..capd will always follow your child...but learning effective strategies to deal with it will help....

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:15:18 PM)
Tammy - that is not right- even our parochial school admits to that- I told them ashley was taking hours to do homework and they told me to stop doing so much - kids need playtime

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:15:31 PM)
kman: what??? now that she has the hearing aid & microlink, she doesn't have services???

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:15:38 PM)

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:15:45 PM)
CJ is already figuring out that he can do things easier in a quiet environment.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:15:46 PM)
Kids dont want to fail...if they do the work and get it wrong..they are afraid they will get in trouble.....

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:16:01 PM)
kman: you are in NY?

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:16:09 PM)
I guess we're going to hire a private tutor who also happens to be a special ed teacher.

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:16:18 PM)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:16:25 PM)
kman: no way... but you may have to fight your district

Tammy (ID=88) (Mar 9, 2000 10:16:51 PM)
maria, CJ's teacher told me to limit him to 30 minutes a night. the problem with that is, if CJ doesn't do all his homework, he doesn't want to go to school the next day as he is afraid he will be in trouble or the other kids will make fun of him.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:16:58 PM)
unilateral loss, without any capd even entering the picture, is associated with alarmingly high flunk-out rates

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:03 PM)
unfortunately, I work in the district and have already been labeled as making trouble.

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:05 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:23 PM)
kman: you may need to hire an advocate

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:26 PM)
wish you were here to advocate for us

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:32 PM)
KMan i am the official parent from hell in my area

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:38 PM)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:52 PM)
kman: i know the medical stuff pretty well, but i'm not that great about getting services

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:17:53 PM)
Tammy- Ashley doesn't like doing less than everyone else but she doesn't get in trouble and it is pretty obvious with the other kids that Ash is having problems with her work

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:00 PM)
although tammy may give me a run for my money =)

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:08 PM)
We're hoping that repoprts from U of Buffalo will help

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:16 PM)
kman: are you familiar with NTID in rochester?

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:35 PM)
No, what is that

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:40 PM)
kman: U Buffalo's report mayhelp you a lot... i hope it will have specific classroom recommendations

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:42 PM)
all her friends do try to help her which is nice

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:43 PM)
you didnt see that did you Tammy? =)

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:18:45 PM)
I'm hoping I don't have to. Maybe we could team up---that would really get them!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:19:08 PM)
NTID is the national technical institute for the deaf... it's associated with another univ in rochester

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:19:10 PM)
Maybe we should have lunch and next time invite Bill

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:19:18 PM)
there is a very large deaf community in rochester

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:19:31 PM)
and that would be a good place to look for advocates

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:04 PM)
at any rate, folks at NTID should be able to direct you to an effective advocate in your area

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:31 PM)
Actually Tammy I have talked to bill before about doing a district wide public awareness on capd at a teacher workshop...would be great to team up in all seriousness

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:34 PM)
(who is bill???)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:43 PM)
have mentioned it to patty also

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:48 PM)
debbie: great idea re: workshop for teachers!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:56 PM)
Bill is the district audiolgist for our school

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:20:59 PM)
OK, will try there. I do know that Bruce Goldstein lives in Buffalo and is great for dooing battles with schools and winning. I've heard he is very expensive also

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:00 PM)
maybe we could recommend some kind of special training for the teachers--just so they would know what to look for and know some generic practices that would help all the kids.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:04 PM)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:20 PM)
kman: less expensive than private tutor, tho', right?

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:33 PM)
i wonder what it would take to get him to consider it

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:37 PM)
Marge...running into Tammy was like running into myself a few years ago....

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:45 PM)
In the long run....yes

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:21:59 PM)
Tammy...maybe we need to find out!! I'll try and reach him tomorrow..

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:22:17 PM)
do you want me to wait to mention we know each other until after CJ has him FM? *LOL*

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:22:31 PM)
debbie: i think that would be prudent

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:22:52 PM)
Tammy and I are not only in the same school district we've also used the same private aud

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:01 PM)
kman: i know its tough, getting an advocate, the expense

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:05 PM)
Find out if he would consider letting us tell our stories...or at least maybe let us sit in at the workshop.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:12 PM)
well I am sure glad I found you all - and quickly too- Ashley has only been dx for 2 weeks. Hope to chat again next week.

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:17 PM)
Got to go for now

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:21 PM)
kman: maybe you need to find out what services they can provide, to know if it is worth fighting for

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:26 PM)
good night and God bless everyone

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:30 PM)
gnite maria

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:30 PM)
see you next week Maria!

Maria (ID=90) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:32 PM)
thanks for being here

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:23:35 PM)
good night maria!

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:13 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:19 PM)
h Karen

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:28 PM)
kman: league for hearing impaired there in NY might have some help for you... maybe hire the advocate???

Tammy (ID=93) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:29 PM)
hi Karen

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:33 PM)
hi karen

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:43 PM)

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:24:59 PM)
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. They took away the teacher of the Deaf and don't want to give us books at home anymore.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:25:32 PM)
kman: something is wrong there if they won't even get books to use at home!

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:25:41 PM)
How would I find them

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:25:52 PM)
kman: website or phone directory

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:01 PM)

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:08 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:11 PM)
kman: self help fo rhard of hearing is www.shhh.org

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 09, 2000 10:26:23 PM)
I believe they feel that her problem is her mother

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:24 PM)
my mind is just whirling with ideas.......wish i had about 50 hours in a day!

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:24 PM)
sorry, my system keeps going up and down.

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:34 PM)
kman: but up your way i think league for hearing impaired is a bigger group

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:51 PM)
tell me about it...i could sure use a few more hours.

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:26:59 PM)
I sent to them for a book buthaven't recieved it yet

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:27:02 PM)
might contact them via social service agency... NTID will likley know how to contact

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:27:07 PM)
KMan...at times the school has had me convinced i was crazy...

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:27:40 PM)
Does anyone have any experience dealing with a catholic school?

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:27:48 PM)
i've never thought i was but there have been times i've known they were!!

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:27:50 PM)
kman: you don't just fit a kid with an aid & leave them to twist in the wind!!!

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:01 PM)
It shouldn't have to be this difficult. In order to get FM we had to get 3 reports from 3 different audiologists

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:01 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:25 PM)
Karen...i've only dealt with public schools

melissa (ID=96) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:31 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:32 PM)
Marge I like your simile

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:33 PM)
kman: amen to that!! that is crazy. unilateral loss is clearcut situation for that

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:35 PM)
same here

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:44 PM)
hi melissa

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:49 PM)
hi melissa

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:52 PM)
hi melissa

melissa (ID=96) (Mar 9, 2000 10:28:57 PM)
Hello everyone

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:29:04 PM)
I am getting tired of dealing with public school and I am about ready to bail out

melissa (ID=96) (Mar 9, 2000 10:29:23 PM)
I always forget and here it is 10:30, better late than never!

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:29:26 PM)
how long have you been dealing with them, karen?

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:29:52 PM)
speaking of bailing out... i have a VERY busy day staring me in the face for tmw... i better go

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:29:56 PM)
About 4 years ago with my older daughter and now since September with my 1st grader

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:29:57 PM)
Karen...to be honest....I think that is what many districts hope for...if we bail they dont have to help..but i cant afford private so the school WILL help sarah

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:02 PM)
good to chat with everyone

Marge (ID=82) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:06 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:10 PM)
goodnight Marge

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:20 PM)
nite, marge. thanks for your help

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:30 PM)
nice to see you again melissa

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:38 PM)
The Dr. says the school has to help Hannah but getting them to do any thing is almost impossible

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:30:57 PM)
Karen..where are you from?

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:31:02 PM)
the same for CJ...I know they are hoping I move him...they've actually suggested it several times!

melissa (ID=96) (Mar 9, 2000 10:31:05 PM)
you too debbie

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:31:18 PM)
She is failing 1st grade and all they say is hold her back the Dr. says not to I am from Ohio

KManBAM (ID=91) (Mar 9, 2000 10:31:39 PM)
It's late here too and I'd better go. 'til next time all. Nite.

melissa (ID=96) (Mar 9, 2000 10:31:41 PM)
Karen, what do you think?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:31:48 PM)
goodnight KMan

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:32:06 PM)
CJ's teacher told me she is recommending he be retained in the first grade even though she knows it won't do him any good.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:32:19 PM)
I think she is very big for her age and I don't want her held back but I am afraid to send her ahead only to become frustrated

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:32:23 PM)
tammy....if it wont do him any good...........then why do it???

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:32:43 PM)
because he isn't "meeting the standards for promotion".

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:33:00 PM)
The Dr. feels Hannah will do the same thing in 1st next year if she is held back

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:33:06 PM)
now that you have the dx...the FM and know how to help..that dont make sense

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:33:40 PM)
The school is very good at getting around doing the recommendations or modifications

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:33:58 PM)
If a child is retained because the were having trouble..does it really make sense to retain them and have them do the same thing again?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:34:12 PM)
Karen..are you on an IEP or 504?

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:34:23 PM)
tell me about it!! is there some way i can force them to promote him. i don't mind having him held back if it will help him in the long run. but if it's not going to help him,I don't want his self-esteem crushed for nothing.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:34:47 PM)
Not to me but she will really do bad in 2nd grade with out help which the school won't provide

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:34:50 PM)
tammy i can help you find out? *grin*

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:34:55 PM)
talk to bill too!

melissa (ID=96) (Mar 9, 2000 10:35:10 PM)
I would only old a kid back if I thought they would benefit from repeating and then be able to go forward from that point. In other words, how many times can you hold a kid back?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:35:28 PM)
Karen..what all areas is she weak in academically?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:35:35 PM)
and how weak?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:35:36 PM)
My daughters physchologist said I never have to sign to have her retained if I don't want to

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:35:48 PM)
okay, I'll talk to him tomorrow.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 0009, 2000 0010:36:06 PM)
language comprehension

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:19 PM)
I feel her ADD is a lot of her problem

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:21 PM)
tammy if you dont get answers from him then we can call the ESE office.....

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:31 PM)
Karen do you have a capd dx?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:38 PM)
she is low average in all areas on her test scores

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:44 PM)
yes capd dx

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:45 PM)
does she have add and capd?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:53 PM)
yes tammy

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:36:54 PM)
low average...but not below average?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:37:09 PM)
right low average but not below

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:37:09 PM)
cj is low average on all of his also.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:37:37 PM)
that must be the area where the kids get pushed aside

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:37:58 PM)
typically low average needs help but dont qualify

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:38:22 PM)
What can I do to help her

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:38:31 PM)
as long as they are in low average...i'd consider having them promoted and working with them over the summer...

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:38:42 PM)
Is ADD common with capd

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:38:51 PM)
CJ needs language therapy not just articulation therapy...I'm still fighting with them on this point. he doesn't understand the words they are teaching him to pronounce correctly!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:38:54 PM)
CAPD is commonly misdx as add

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:39:21 PM)
Karen...do you really think your child has ADD? not what the drs say..what do you think

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:39:43 PM)
she was dx by a clinical physchologist

melissa (ID=97) (Mar 9, 2000 10:39:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:39:51 PM)
cj's teacher was adamant in kindergarten that that was what cj's problem was.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:39:55 PM)
ADD I don't know

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:06 PM)
did the pych know she hasd CAPD? which dx came first?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:10 PM)
my middle daughter has ADHD and I am sure of that

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:13 PM)
can she watch a video without moving?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:27 PM)
video yes many times

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:42 PM)
ok melissa....your turn to shoot me down from my soapbox in a moment.....ok?

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:44 PM)
then i wouldn't say she has ADD

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:40:50 PM)
capd and add dx were given to me at the same time

melissa (ID=97) (Mar 9, 2000 10:41:14 PM)
what box in particular are you on?

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:41:30 PM)
teh capd vs add one........................................

melissa (ID=97) (Mar 9, 2000 10:41:45 PM)
I wonder sometimes...

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:41:54 PM)
should I have her evaluated by an audiologist

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:42:08 PM)
her ped did a hearing test which was normal

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:42:37 PM)
when any human being is put in a situation that causes them to be uncomfortable it is HUMAN NATURE to do everything one can to get out of the situation..........

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:43:08 PM)
so were CJ's---all three of them. only when i spoke to the audiologist about his problems did she finally say what she thought the problem might be.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:43:18 PM)
hearing and processing are different issues Karen..my daughter has 100 % hearing...she just doesnt process what she hears

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:43:30 PM)
she isn't a behavior problem she spaces out when she is given a paper with to much on it

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:43:43 PM)
Karen..that is what I am talking about....

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:43:43 PM)
CJ's hearing is also 100%

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:44:44 PM)
can you tell me some differences between ADD and CAPD

melissa (ID=97) (Mar 9, 2000 10:44:47 PM)
Crazy isn't it that we would all love to just have a simple hearing deficit for out kids.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:45:01 PM)
when a child with a processing problem is given too much information to process at one time..it will basically throw them into an auditory processing "overload" just as if you sent too many amps through an electrical circuit...it will flip the breaker...(forgive the example)

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:45:14 PM)
yeah, at least everyone understands the word "deaf".

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:45:18 PM)
that is what is happening

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:45:38 PM)
would a smaller class size help

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:46:00 PM)
more attention from the teacher

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:46:06 PM)
that is why with a child that has CAPD you need to break things down into bits of information that they can process....this also explains why they tend to perform better in a quiet situation...

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:46:25 PM)
25 kids in class is probably not quiet

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:46:28 PM)
as little background noise as possible

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:46:31 PM)
if the teacher takes the time to remind him to keep on task..that is helpful

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:47:18 PM)
CJ also has to watch the teacher's face to have a better chance of understanding what she is saying---he is teaching himself to lip read!

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:47:19 PM)
Hannah tells the teacher she is fine she understands then she gets the entire paper wrong

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:47:35 PM)
that is why the recommend the preferential seating..away from windows and doors...away from the pencil sharpener.....near the teacher....with the child's stronger ear near the teacher so they have less information to discriminate and process.....

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:47:54 PM)
I have requested this

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:48:14 PM)
CJ is a "yes man" too. He says he understands and can even repeat the directions word for word but when you ask him what it means he can't tell you.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:48:17 PM)
the Hannah's teacher needs to ask probing questions......of course Hannah thinks she understands........she probably doesn't realize she heard it wrong.!

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 10:48:18 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:48:23 PM)
The students desks face each other in groups of 4 I don't think this is good

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:48:50 PM)
our classroom is the same way...

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:49:02 PM)
CJ's teacher does that too. I've talked to her repeatedly about this---to no avail.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:49:22 PM)
having a child paraphrase the instructions is good....

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:49:22 PM)
She says this way the kids can help each other.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:49:25 PM)
I wonder why they do that we sat in rows when I was in school

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:49:53 PM)
I see the blind leading the blind

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:50:05 PM)
i would think it would be a whole lot less distracting to watch the back of a head instead of someone making faces.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:50:05 PM)
alot of classrooms are smaller now and more students..get more desks in

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:50:15 PM)
that is true

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:51:11 PM)
it is so important that the teacher understand the principle of a capd child going into "overload" and how to recognize the signs...otherwise it's a behavior problem or add

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:51:20 PM)
the child just isnt paying attention

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:51:42 PM)
(shoot the soapbox anytime melissa LOL)

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:51:54 PM)
the teacher tells me Hannah doesn't have any pride in her work

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:52:00 PM)
you can tell this is a topic that riles me up!

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 10:52:07 PM)
I like you on it, someone needs to be up there.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:52:19 PM)
Karen...do you work outside the home?

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:52:29 PM)
does her teacher even know what capd is and how it affects hannah?

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 10:52:29 PM)
Karen OUCH!

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:52:37 PM)
You are helping me understand the differences between ADD and CAPD

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:53:06 PM)
I do not work outside the home

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:53:31 PM)
I don't believe the teacher know what CAPD but I don't feel I know enough to educate her

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:53:35 PM)
i am not a professional...im a MOM...so these are not professional opinions...but i have lived the disorder with my child.....i do not see how a child who will sit and watch a movie or play a game for hours is ADD

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 10:53:52 PM)
According to my husband I sometimes don't work inside the home either!

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:53:58 PM)

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:54:21 PM)
the Dr. ss

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:54:37 PM)
the Dr says ADD is vwery different from ADHD

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:54:57 PM)
Karen..I use to do interior decorating...how would you feel if I asked to come with me to a clients house....and i gave you some decorating accessories and asked you to decorate the home while i watched over your shoulder?

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:55:10 PM)
that's how I feel...but i still try to explain as much as i understand. that's why i think a teacher's workshop is a good idea.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:55:25 PM)
ADD kids do like to sit

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:55:29 PM)
under pressure

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:56:19 PM)
when you were finished with the decorating would you feel a good sense of pride in your work if it wasnt perfect?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:56:26 PM)
I hate to slam teachers because I don't walk in their shoes but I feel alot of them don't want to go the extra work for our CAPD kids

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 10:56:34 PM)
CAPD kids frequently have a problem with attending: Imagine you are sitting in a lecture that is being spoken in Portugese. You don't understand Portugese. You'd fidget and play with your eraser, doodle and lose concentration too.

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:56:46 PM)
alot of them don't want to work t

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:57:10 PM)
sorry...alot of them don't want to work with any child who is "different".

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:57:46 PM)
I have a long 12 years ahead of me

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:57:51 PM)
Karen I dont think it is that they dont want to....what parents need to understand is teacher's are closely scrutinized by the district and have to follow the district policies wheither they agree with them or not...

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:58:03 PM)
What about medication for CAPD

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:58:15 PM)
that doesn't mean they are going to be happy about it!

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:58:40 PM)
i was told there is no medication. it's more teaching the kids to work around it.

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 10:58:51 PM)
Hannahs teacher has taught for 25 years and she is thinking of leaving next year because of large class sizes and politics

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:58:57 PM)
alot of times teachers are frustrated by the limitations the school puts upon them..they have classes that are too large....everytime they get an aid..they loose them....the have so much work to do already!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 10:59:18 PM)
Karen...BINGO!!! so does that make her a bad teacher? NO!

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 10:59:31 PM)
maybe they should set up one classroom per county then---just for capd kids.

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 10:59:48 PM)
An ADD kid will have problems attending in a large variety of areas, not just in a listening mode. Does you child exhibit these attention problems when confronted with a task presented verbally or in many different cases. It is possible that a child could have both problems isn't it?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:00:07 PM)
I think she is very kind and caring just isn't enough of her to go around and maybe not educated enough about CAPD

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 11:00:08 PM)
they could arrange for the transportation--a special bus.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:00:25 PM)
tammy..why isolate them though..these kids can be taught in reg classes..dont isolate them

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:1:17 PM)
there isn't a chance we would get a bus or a class in out district

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:01:17 PM)
tammy have you checked into our district's philosophy of spec ed?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:01:23 PM)
they have very tight purse strings

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 11:01:39 PM)
no don't isolate them...but they need some kind of help...i'm just grasping at straws.

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:02:04 PM)
imagine that same lecture you spoke of was in old english...we all speak english...but it's not the same

tammy (ID=95) (Mar 9, 2000 11:02:17 PM)
i haven't had time this week to breathe let alone do anything else...

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:02:37 PM)
did you all see the "joke" about the three people with capd that was on the listserv a while back? it was a really good example of capd

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:02:45 PM)

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:02:46 PM)
I am going to finish reading the saga of "forgiveness" will it ever end? I will chat with you again, maybe I will get in on it at the beginning next time!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:01 PM)
but tammy...look at the progress you've made!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:07 PM)
goodnight melisssa

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:18 PM)
give me a sec to type in...

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:25 PM)
like the old english analogy better, mind if I use that from now on? Do I need to give you credit?

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:34 PM)
I better go to It is 11:00 here and I am tired

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:38 PM)
3 people with capd are walking down the road

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:03:48 PM)
the first one says..it's windy today

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:05 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:08 PM)
the second one says...it's not wednesday..ti's thursday

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:26 PM)
the third one says......im thirsty too..let's stop and get a coke

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:27 PM)

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:34 PM)
I appreciate all of your help go ahead Ohmygosh that sounds like Hannah

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:43 PM)
suspense is killing me

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:04:58 PM)
got it

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:02 PM)
ha ha

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:02 PM)
that's it melissa.....think about it...this is the way our kids hear

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:17 PM)
or should i say process

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:25 PM)
I sent in last note before I got yours soorry

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:31 PM)
do these kids grow out of this

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:38 PM)
someone gave me the example of the old english

tammy (ID=99) (Mar 9, 2000 11:05:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:06:01 PM)
Do I ned to list them as my source? :)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:06:02 PM)
karen..iv'e heard no evidence of kids outgrowing this..but there are ways to remeadiate

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:06:16 PM)
nah....*LOL*. no idea who told me

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:06:50 PM)
I will be seeing Hannah in a different light tomorrow

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:06:59 PM)
if i dont say goodnight i am never going to go....i've only had 3 1/2 hours sleep since yesterday

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:07:01 PM)
Okay, I really am leaving this time. Havve a perfectly lovely weekend ladies!

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:07:13 PM)
me too

melissa (ID=98) (Mar 9, 2000 11:07:14 PM)

Karen (ID=94) (Mar 9, 2000 11:07:18 PM)

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:07:19 PM)
have a great week!!!

debbie (ID=74) (Mar 9, 2000 11:07:21 PM)
bye bye

easterm_2000 (ID=100) (Mar 9, 2000 11:11:47 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

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