debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 7:30:26 PM)
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Jo (ID=11) (Mar 23, 2000 7:59:34 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:01:11 PM)
hi Jo

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:01:32 PM)
did you have trouble getting in the chat?

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:02:28 PM)
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Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:03:03 PM)
Hello Debbie

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:03:17 PM)
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Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:03:36 PM)
I wanted to introduce myself, briefly, before we start, so you understand what my expertise is relative to CAPD. I'm a speech-language pathologist and I've worked for over 15 years with children who have speech, language and learning problems related to CAPD. I am not an audiologist, so I do not evaluate and diagnose CAPD. Prior to co-founding Cognitive Concepts and developing the Earobics product line, I worked with children between the ages of 3 and 10 in my areas of clinical expertise, which are the treatment of auditory discrimination, phonological awareness, literacy and spoken language processing deficits. Children with CAPD may have deficits in some or all of these skill areas. And these are the skills we teach in Earobics. I believe that, regardless of age, most deficits can be remediated with direct, systematic and intensive training. What cannot be remediated can be managed through effective compensatory methods. I'm ready to take your questions, so bring them on!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:03:39 PM)
hi Jan, thanks for joing us

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:03:57 PM)
hi Tammy..

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:04:32 PM)
hi debbie..

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:04:38 PM)
Jan, a few people have been having trouble getting in due to some site problems,,they are on their way now.

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:04:50 PM)
Ok I'll wait

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:05:27 PM)
I've been trying to repsond to their emails quickly so they can get in..

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:06:42 PM)
Personally, I am one of the parents who has heard alot of wonderful things about Earobics and it's effectiveness, but I am not real familiar with how it works...

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:07:20 PM)
I don't even know what Earobics is...can somebody explain please?!!

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:08:01 PM)
Earobics is a CDROM program that teaches a wide range of auditory processing and phonological awareness skills.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:08:29 PM)
Jan, daughter is 8 and was dx two years ago with CAPD. the time of her diagnosis i was led to believe there was very little you could do to help a child with CAPD other than cope..

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:08:47 PM)
What specific types of deficits does she have?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:09:00 PM)
that's what everyone has been telling me about CJ too. he was diagnosed two months ago.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:10:04 PM)
She has trouble with seperating out background noise, short term memory...processing speed...and figure ground and auditory closure skills

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:10:24 PM) is CJ doing with the FM?

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:10:30 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:10:39 PM)
hi KMan

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:10:58 PM)
All of those skills can be improved with appropriate training. Perhaps we can talk specifically about one at a time. Which skill deficit are you most concerned about?

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:11:14 PM)

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:11:21 PM)
he's doing okay--when they use it!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:11:36 PM)
her short term memory is improving greatly right still concerned with her processing speed

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:12:15 PM)
Tell me a liitle more about what you observe when you say she has processing speed problems.

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:12:31 PM)
of course, it's only been a week.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:14:05 PM)
Sarah is a very slow reader....until the last few months she did not want to read at she wants books and is enthusiastic but her reading skills are behind where they should be...we are playing catch up

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:14:34 PM)
Is she having a hard time sounding out the words....decoding?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:15:40 PM)
She has always had trouble with decoding....seems to be doing a bit better,,,she knows the sounds of each letter...but when putting the letters together in a word she has trouble.

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:15:57 PM)
CJ can't sound out a word that's more than three letters...and even the three letter words give him a lot of problems.

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:18:28 PM)
Sounds like she may benefit from practice with blending sounds and syllables. The Earobics game provide extensive practice with blending, systematically moving from blending bigger chunks of sound, like syllables, to blending individual speech sounds. Some children can't hold the sounds in their auditory short term memory long enough to blend them all together by the time they get done sounding out a word. Earobics builds their memory by gradually improving the time interval between each sound. Does that sound like something that would help your daughter?

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:19:18 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:19:20 PM)
Yes it does.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:19:30 PM)
Neener,,,,happy you made it!!

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:20:08 PM)
thanks. hello everyone

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:20:23 PM)
Hello neener

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 8:20:52 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:21:13 PM)
For those of you who have entered recently, Jan W is the cofounder of Cogcon the company that founded Earo

Jan W (ID=12) (Mar 23, 2000 8:21:19 PM)
Tammy, how does your son do with smaller words, with two speech sounds?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:21:32 PM)
oopps Cognitive Concepts

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:22:27 PM)
we lost JanW and Jo a the same time....must be having a bit of sure they will be right back

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:22:43 PM)
hi spoc Mary

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:23:27 PM)
did anyone else have trouble accessing the room or site tonight?

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 8:24:01 PM)
hi Debbie and company... it was slow but got in OK

mom (ID=17) (Mar 23, 2000 8:24:21 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:24:29 PM)
i know there was some trouble right at 8 due to some emails i received.

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:24:54 PM)
I had trouble earlier, but now at this time.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:24:59 PM)
hi mom...we just lost Jan W for a moment..hopefully she will be right back

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:25:02 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:25:18 PM)
HI Megan's Mom..nice to see you

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:25:25 PM)

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:25:39 PM)
Is Earobics person here tonight

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:25:55 PM)
she was here and we lost her aminute ago...she should be right back

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 0023, 2000 08:26:09 PM)
dont know if it was due to system trouble or what..

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:26:12 PM)
Hey spoc like your face

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:26:20 PM)
has anyone been able to get special services at school with a dx of capd. like special classes an stuff?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:26:21 PM)
its running slow here

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:26:26 PM)
he can usually sound them out---given enough time. but he seems to have a lot of trouble with those too...the poor thing gets so frustrated it just kills me to watch him. he usually sight reads words...for example, he knows "the" is the but he could not sound it out...we just kept practicing the word until he recognized it.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:26:45 PM)
my daughter was put into special education

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:26:47 PM)
Megan's can pick your own "face" by clicking on settings...

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:27:02 PM)
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neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:27:02 PM)
for capd only or with other issues?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:27:27 PM)
we got CJ an FM system...we're still looking at more help...especially in reading.

bev (ID=20) (Mar 23, 2000 8:28:34 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:28:46 PM)
I just spoke to Dr Jan W on the phone....she is having some system trouble and should be back in a moment..she is looking forward to being here.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:28:48 PM)
for other issues but now its for capd, Megan was put in SP Ed due to emotional stress and thats when she was tested and my iep is April 6th to talk about Megans placement,. The school is planning on keeping her in Special Education so she can have one on one attention

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:29:02 PM)
We just lost all our services other than FM. Will be attempting to have them added again, but had to go out and get an independent eval.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:29:03 PM)
hi bev

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:29:22 PM)
hi Mimi

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:29:28 PM)
what services were they providing KM

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:29:29 PM)
hi Debbie

bev (ID=20) (Mar 23, 2000 8:29:45 PM)
Hi Debbie

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:30:09 PM)
Books at home, assignments ahead of time for home pre-tutoring and itinerent teacher 2 hours/week.

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 8:30:18 PM)
just got back.. thx Megan's Mom ... I like yours, too

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:30:20 PM)
Erin has capd wich i beleive is concidered a receptive language disorder and a descriptive disorder but she falls through the cracks because her iq and ability are the same?

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:30:51 PM)
Our same problem, neener.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:31:15 PM)
Megan doesnt get that because of the special education. She has the one on one attention

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:31:45 PM)
it stinks doesn't it I keep testing and they find a way to discredit the testing

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:31:51 PM)
Im neew at this, never been told and explained about CAPD Disorder yet from any professional just paperwork telling me about it

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:31:54 PM)
neener,,,my daughter scored a 135 on nonverbal and a 85 on verbal.....even with that much of a gap the school told me she did not qualify for help\

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:32:42 PM)
I don't understand the logic to that . did they explain?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:13 PM)
last night, We were going to Walmart and MEgan did not have her socks on, so she said there were none in the drawer . So I said to her, Megan get in the basket where all the socks are before I sort them, and then get a pair out of there.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:26 PM)
Dr Jan W's server is down at work..she is driving home and will be there in a few minutes to be with us....she just called again..please be patient she will be here !!

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:27 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:32 PM)
hi Marie

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:37 PM)
SO she dumps the basket with socks out and said, MOM you want me to get into this small basket

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:43 PM)
thanks deb

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:43 PM)

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:33:46 PM)
hi marie

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:34:11 PM)
is that part of the CAPD Disorder not comprehening what I told her

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:34:31 PM)
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KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:34:40 PM)
Megan's Mom, hou old is she?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:34:47 PM)
8 yrs old

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:34:55 PM)
hi sam

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:34:56 PM)
hi Sam

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:08 PM)
Hi everyone

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:24 PM)
i went with CJ and his first grade class to the zoo last friday...he ran around like some kind of wild man...i think because of all the noise and so many things to look at/distract him.

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:31 PM)
megan's mom this is what gets Erin in trouble also. she does not follow directions in school.

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:44 PM)
is there ever anyone here besides Thursday evenings- just checking to see as sometimes I cannot come on thursdays??

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:51 PM)
they are not comprehening things.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:52 PM)
hi Sam..thanks for joining us!

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:35:58 PM)
they are so literal aren't they. That would have been my 9 yo response also.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:36:38 PM)
The School Speech Path. yesterday told me that they are working on getting things for children with CAPD Disorder, because most kids now adays have some kind of the CAPD Disorder, this is what she told me

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:36:39 PM)
Mimi...dr j is with us everyother Tuesday from 8:30 to 10 am ESt also

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:36:51 PM)
or we can arrange more times if needed

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 0023, 2000 08:36:53 PM)
yes I know I was referring to evenings?

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:37:21 PM)
Has anyone out there actually used any of the Earobics products?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:37:26 PM)
why are they so literal do you suppose,

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:37:29 PM)
she also does not comphrehend things when she reads. I don't understand this because it has nothing to do with hearing.

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:37:55 PM)
We never realized also how much our daughter depends on gestures to get the message.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:37:58 PM)
i have not used any of the Easorbics products

Mimi (ID=19) (Mar 23, 2000 8:38:09 PM)
not me either sam

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:38:16 PM)
Is the lady gonna give us a nice discount tonight one time deal if we order tonight

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:38:22 PM)
Earobics has just been recommended for our daughter.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:39:22 PM)
Megan's mom....I've not asker her about that *LOL*

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:39:25 PM)
We tried the 4-7 program for a week just to see what it was like and will be purchasing the next age group program.

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:39:37 PM)
CJ has a better chance of understanding what you're saying if he is looking directly at you. if you are turned or looking away from him, you can bet he's going to miss what you say.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:39:44 PM)
wow you should she should offer a discount talking to a group like this

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:40:17 PM)
she's been gracious enought in donating her time to the chat..i wasn't going to push my luck!

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:40:29 PM)
KmanBAM: do you see a problem using the product at home and at school. My son's speech therapist seems to think it might be too much "overload" she said

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:40:45 PM)
oh, Im in sales and its no problem to do that

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 8:41:04 PM)
We plan on waiting until summer vacation to start it.

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:41:24 PM)
Good Luck to you and your child

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:41:59 PM)
There is a real good chance that we will soon be having Tuesday night chat's also.. will be starting in about two weeks if all goes well

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 8:42:10 PM)

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:42:48 PM)
my schedule will be changing I will create another time....but will keep this one for those who enjoy it

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:42:59 PM)
Debbie, exactly when will Dr. J be on the chat line?

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:43:08 PM)
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Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:43:36 PM)
hi kelli...

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:43:41 PM)

bev (ID=20) (Mar 23, 2000 8:43:42 PM)
hi kelli

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:43:45 PM)
Dr J (Jay Luckler) is on the chat every other Tuesday nest week) Dr Jan Wasowicz shoule be back with us momentarily..she was having system trouble

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:43:55 PM)

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:44:15 PM)
hi Kelly

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:44:20 PM)
megan's mom if i could get a little personal I was wondering what kind of emotional issues get your daughter in special services. Erin lost her twin sister at age 5. If you don't want to answer I understand

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:45:06 PM)
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Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:45:17 PM)
Hi Jan W

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:45:21 PM)
welcome back Jan W!

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:45:22 PM)
Hi Everyone! I made it back!

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:46:00 PM)
OK, I'm ready for your questions. Thanks for your patience.

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:46:38 PM)
I have heard that Earobics is similar to Away We Go. Is this true?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:47:04 PM)
Tammie, We were talking about your old is he and how does he do with words that have only two sounds?

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:48:05 PM)
Jan W, HI My son's speech therapist has been using Earobics in his sessions with her. He seems to really like the program ans has been after me to get it for him. The therapist seemst o think that it might be too much for him. Do you see any problem with using the home program and the school program?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:48:29 PM)
CJ's 7. he has alot of trouble with two sounds as well...although he can usually figure them out...given enough time. he knows the sounds the letters make...he just can't put them together to get the words.

Josiane (ID=25) (Mar 23, 2000 8:48:51 PM)
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Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:49:00 PM)
Hi Josiane

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:49:10 PM)
How are his rhyming skills? Those skills usually need to develop before blending.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:49:13 PM)
hi Josaine

bev (ID=20) (Mar 23, 2000 8:49:14 PM)
hi josiane

Josiane (ID=25) (Mar 23, 2000 8:49:21 PM)
Hi all

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:49:50 PM)
he can't rhyme at all...when i try to explain or give him examples he just looks at me like i'm from another planet.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:50:18 PM)
Will I have noticed since she has been 2 that there has been some kind of problem, they said all through school that Megan will settle down,, She was always behind in her work. Last year in first grade I told them to hold her back and then put her into summer school. They agreed to summer school, which didnt happen and put her into second grade. Then I noticed MEgan was not interested in school and having trouble on a daily basis, her teacher said she would be up every other minute from her sit and told her to sit down and ask someone who listened. Everything was horrible she would run around in the morning at home checking her bookbag three times to make sure everything was in there. Not interested in school. I could not handle it, so I actually took her out of school and called them and told them I was gonna home school her because there is diffently something wrong. The people know me good, because I have an older daughter that is legally blind and she has been with IEP's all her life. So they k

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:50:27 PM)
sorry so long

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:51:26 PM)
neener i should of emailed you

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:51:44 PM)
:-) It sounds like CJ has some significant problems with phonological awareness...rhyming is the first of these skills that he should work on developing. Is someone working with your son?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:52:04 PM)
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Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:52:16 PM)
Hi Rose!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:52:17 PM)
hi Rose.

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:52:26 PM)
hi rose

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:52:28 PM)
hello, everyone

Josiane (ID=25) (Mar 23, 2000 8:52:53 PM)
Debbie, Gaelle FINALLY got her FM yesterday!!!!

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:53:00 PM)
just me at this point...he was dx two months ago so i'm still working with the school to get them to give him the services he needs...although talking to his teacher hasn't done a lot of good. he is in speech therapy already...but it is only articulation.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:53:38 PM)
Josaine that is fantastic news!!!! I"m so happy for you!! I know you are've worked very hard to get her FM for her

neener (ID=15) (Mar 23, 2000 8:54:01 PM)
megans mom I did not get the last part of the message so if you want to e-mail me that would be great!! I would love to hear your story.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:54:11 PM)
I still need to get my son evaluated and diagnosed

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:54:41 PM)
sorry i didnt realize it was so long i hit return and it was big lol

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:54:50 PM)
One of the easiest ways to start with developing rhyming skills is to ask CJ to listen for the word that DOESN'T rhyme.....sort of an "odd-man-out" task. You can say a list of rhyming words and ask CJ to clap when he hears a word that sounds like it doesn't belong with the others. The Earobics Rhyme Time game teaches rhyming skills.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:55:02 PM)
neener have u had an IEP yet after being diagnosed

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 8:55:35 PM)
Jan W.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:55:42 PM)
Debbie I was able to get the name and number from the information I got the last time I was here, so I'll be calling tommorrow

Sallie (ID=27) (Mar 23, 2000 8:55:48 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:56:06 PM)
great Rose...hope they can give you a good reference

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:56:18 PM)
hi Sallie

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:56:23 PM)
does the earobics cdrom have all of the different games for the different skills or are there different cdroms for whichever skill you need to build on?

Sallie (ID=27) (Mar 23, 2000 8:56:30 PM)
Hi all!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:56:44 PM)
Jan W..can you give us a brief overview of Earobics?

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 8:56:53 PM)
Jan W What makes your product work ?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:57:02 PM)
does the earobics cd have a progress report printable to see where our child is at

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:57:12 PM)
I got the phone # and location that the doctor here on tuesday morning had reccommended

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:57:49 PM)
Now I just have to find out the cost and schedule an appointment

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:57:50 PM)
i looked up the eaobics and it said something like 59.00 and 79.00 with bookshelf is this with books that go with the CD

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:57:58 PM)
The Earobics CD Roms (Step 1 and Step 2) have several games with up to 600 levels of play to teach a comprehenive range of skills. If your child has deficits in specific areas, you can focus on those games and use the other games to reinforce and enhance the skills he/she already has developed.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 8:58:08 PM)
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Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:58:15 PM)
Hi mert.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:58:17 PM)
hi mert....welcome to the chat

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:58:31 PM)
Megan's Mom, the professional version of Earobics provides printed reports of the child's performance

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 8:58:31 PM)
Jan W... do you see any problem using the program at home and using it at school?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:08 PM) there is not a set order in which you have to play the games? (like with FFW)

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:13 PM)
so do we need the home version

Sallie (ID=29) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:28 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:28 PM)
can i request a program like earobics be used with cj at school?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:29 PM)
Our Home program is $59, $299 for the professional version. The Classroom version of Earobics is sold with correlated books, audio tapes and video tapes.

Patty (ID=30) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:46 PM)
Debbie I was told I can request that the school have him tested for CAPD, but the school doesn't test for CAPD. Can I request that they reimburse me for the cost of the testing?

mom (ID=31) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:47 PM)
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Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:55 PM)
Debbie, no there is no set order.

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 8:59:58 PM)
Hi patty.

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:00 PM)
Jan W, how much time per day do you recommend be spent on use of the program?

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:01 PM)
Hi mom.

Sallie (ID=32) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:10 PM)
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mom (ID=31) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:16 PM)
Hi again

Patty (ID=30) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:28 PM)
Hi Kelli

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:39 PM)
I noticed a couple people leave and come back are you getting kicked out?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:52 PM)
hi sallie.hi Patty

Sallie (ID=32) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:53 PM)
Yes, I was, but now I'm back

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:00:53 PM)
the professional version for 299.00 does this do any amount of children, my speech patholist was talking about it at school saying that was for each child at school

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:01:01 PM)
It happened to me last time I was here

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:01:04 PM)
Tammy, yes you can request that Earobics be used at school. In fact a judge recently ordered that the school provide Earobics training for one of its students

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:01:33 PM)
Kmanbam, we recommend a minmum of 15-20 mins per day.

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:01:57 PM)
would his speech teacher be the one working with him on it or would that be in his regular classroom?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:01:57 PM)
Jan, if you have information on that case where the judge ordered it,,I would be very interested in seeing it if possible..

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:02:12 PM)
Megans mom, The professional version accommodates 25 players

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 9:02:20 PM)
Jan W, Is Earobics similar to Away We Go. I have a 3 yr old using Away We Go. (We also have an 8 1/2 yr old with CAPD.)

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:02:21 PM)
Is there any chance of overload if you use the home and school versions?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:02:22 PM)
me too on the judge thing

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:02:36 PM)
Debbie I think we all would, if you get it maybe you can post it somewhere

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:02:51 PM)
Tammy, that would be up to your son's SLP....he/she could determine the best way for Earobics to be used with CJ

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:20 PM)
Tammy we could approach our district together =)

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:30 PM)
debbie, I can get that info for you....we will be posting it on our website within the next week or so

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:38 PM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:40 PM)
Rose, I"d be more than delighted to post it or post a link to it

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:51 PM)
is there a big difference in the home and professinal version, the home not in great detail?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:58 PM)
is the home version easy to use? could he use it himself?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:03:59 PM)
that would be great deb

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:03 PM)
Kelli, Earobics provides a much more comprehensive range of training, both in terms of different skills and levels of training

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:05 PM)
i'm back I got kicked out

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:19 PM)
Jan W -based on your recommended useage, what is the average improvement rate?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:22 PM)
glad ur back neener

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:27 PM)
for those being kicked outl...i will try and email the server to find out what's up

Sallie (ID=32) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:39 PM)

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:44 PM)
Debbie we are still having problems with people getting kicked out, did you ever talk to the server

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:04:56 PM)
Sam, That is best determined by the SLP working with your child. I could help you more with that if we talk off-line tomorrow. WOuld that be OK for you?

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 9:05:14 PM)
Hi Jan! J is 10 and just finished FF1 & 2. She stiil has difficulty with comprehension and reasoning.... i.e. reading stories at school then testing over them w/multiple choice .. being able to grasp the main concepts, math word problems, etc. FF made a huge diff in many areas but these still need help. Will Earobics help her? Does it auto adapt to her progress with home version. Do we take an intense approach like FF?

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:05:34 PM)
THat would be great, how do i do that? This is my first chat line,and I'm new at all this.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:05:36 PM)
Megan's mom, the Home and Pro versions have the same exact training. The pro version allows more customization and has data tracking and reporting features.

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 9:05:52 PM)
Jan W, my daughter doesn't get speech. Will we be able to monitor and use the program effectively at home without input from speech therapist or other professional?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:05:54 PM)
Rose I"ve been on the phone with server several times this week..the final upgrade on the chat should be complete in a few days and that should take care of problem we are hoping

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:06:01 PM)
Tammie, the Home version is EXTREMELY easy to use. Also, we have lots of support on our website for parents.

Stacy (ID=35) (Mar 23, 2000 9:06:35 PM)
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Sallie (ID=32) (Mar 23, 2000 9:06:48 PM)
Hi Stacy

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:06:58 PM)
do we have to use our credit card or COD how do we order

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:07:03 PM)
I haven't been able to get my son speech either, I'm hoping once he gets a CAPD diagnosis I will be able to finally have them provide it

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:07:06 PM)
Marie, We have reports of sig gains on a variety of skills. The research data is on our website.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:07:40 PM)
I hope so, I had forgoten that they were upgrading

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 9:07:48 PM)
Jan W, I'm having a difficult time keeping my 3 yr old interested in Away We Go. In your opinion, does Earobics have better graphics etc. She normally loves the computer but is used to programs for older kids such as Kindergarten programs.

Sallie (ID=32) (Mar 23, 2000 9:07:50 PM)
I just got on, Jan, what is your website?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:08:16 PM)
if you click on the blue banner up above it will take you to the website for Earobics

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:08:17 PM)
spocMary, FFW does not teach the phonological awareness (PA) skills that Earobics does. I would expect your child to make great gains with PA training if your child has problems decodind and comprehending.

Sallie (ID=32) (Mar 23, 2000 9:08:25 PM)

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:08:27 PM)
Sam, email me at

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 9:08:48 PM)
Wonderful! tks!

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:08:51 PM)
Jan Thanks so much!!!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:09:05 PM)
Rose,,thanks for you patience..i know it's been frustrating

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:09:07 PM)
megan's mom. you can find order information at We do take credit cards, no COD

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:09:45 PM)
thanks Jan

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:10:08 PM)
Kelli, The Earobics graphics are VERY engaging. We'll have demos up on our website in the near future for you and your daughter to look at.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:10:40 PM)
My son has recived many LD diagnosis from the school evaluation, but hasn't yet been tested for CAPD. He does have decoding and pther language based diffficulties though , would earbotics help even if he isn't diagnosed with CAPD?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:10:42 PM)
sallie, hi...our website is

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:11:18 PM)
Jan, on the home version....can more than one child use the disc? *wondering if i could use it also for my younger child learning to read*

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:11:29 PM)
My last question was for Jan

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:11:34 PM)
Hello All, I am new to chat rooms and this site. My son just turned 5 and his team includig behav. spec, psychologist and speech pathologist believe he has CAPD but they state he is too young to test. He has other problems as well--some symptoms of autism, but not autistic, some symptoms of PDD but not PDD, some symptoms of emotional disturbance, but not all, some symptoms of cognitive disability, but not diagnosed CD...average IQ when testing done non verbal......are there others out there with children like my son...We're very frustrated and it's time to place hiim for school next year.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:11:35 PM)
Rose, definitely. Children with AND without CAPD have demonstrated significant improvement with Earobics training.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:11:59 PM)
debbie, the Home version accommodates two children and a guest

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 9:12:37 PM)
Jan W. That sounds great. Thanks. My 8 1/2 yr old has CAPD and my 3 year old is suspected to have CAPD based on what tests they could give her at this age. What age level is Earobics designed for?

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:12:37 PM)
is that able to be erased when completed with the 2 kids and guests and start over

pat q (ID=36) (Mar 23, 2000 9:12:38 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:12:40 PM)
Debbie, lots of schools are using Earobics for children without learning problems who are learning to read

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 9:13:06 PM)
Hi pat q.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:13:21 PM)
I want to do a program that we can do as a family fun activity not just another "learning program" if that makes sense...

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:13:25 PM)
hi Pat Q

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:13:39 PM)
Kelli, Earobics Step 1 is for ages 4-7 and Step 2 is for ages 7-10. Sounds like STep 2 would be a good place for your son to start.

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:13:41 PM)
Mert, you sound like you're living my life. My son is 8 and depending on what doctor, therapist you talk to he is autustuc, PDD and/or has a pervasive language disorder. We ahve a behaviorist, sp therapist....... He is currently in 2nd grade in a mainstream class.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:13:48 PM)
Megan's mom, yes.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:14:40 PM)
my daughter is 8 but is way behind in speech math and reading should i just go ahead and start her on the Step 1 then

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:15:06 PM)
can you purchase earobics at any bookstores/etc or only through the internet?

pat q (ID=36) (Mar 23, 2000 9:15:06 PM)
Hi sorry I am late. My daughter Colleen age 12 has done earobics 1 and 2 and now is on the new earobics one for teens going thru the beginning levels. We have done fast forward one and ff2 with good results. also

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:15:12 PM)
debbie, Many teachers use Earobics in small and large groups and create a group learning activity around the Earobics training and the kids love using it that way.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:15:51 PM)
Sam my son is almost 8 and also in a mainstreamed 2nd grade class. So far he is diagnosed ADHD and multiple learning disabilities. Going to schedule CAPD testing as this sounds more like his problem than anything.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:16:14 PM)
megan's mom, You could start with Step 1 and if you find the games are too simple, you could exchange it for the STep 2 program

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:16:15 PM)
Sam, how is he doing? My son has been in early childhood class since age 3. They want to place him in Kindegarten next year. We are terrified he will get lost. He has so many little quirks, but many readiness skills needed to enter kindergarten. Have you used earobics? Any success?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:16:43 PM)
Tammy, Earobics is currently available at or by calling 888-328-8199

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 9:17:14 PM)
Jan... for the best results on the home version, what type of schedule do you recommend?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:17:41 PM)
Good question Megan's mom. My son is also only on a preschool reading level, where should we start an 8 year old at this developmental level?

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:18:02 PM)
At what point can children be test

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:18:11 PM)
Mert, no we haven;t used it at home, although he does use it at school. So far he seems to be holding his own at school. Lately there have been some anger issues. Do you have an option where you ar of possible doing a regular k-class half of the day and sp.ed.class the other? that'swhat we did.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:18:14 PM)
spocMary, we recomment a minimum of 15-20 minutes per day. Many of the research studies that have demonstrated significant improvement with Earobics used 15-30 minutes per day.

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 9:18:25 PM)
7 days a week?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:19:07 PM)
Rose, Sounds like your son should start with Step 1, which is for dev ages 4-7. We have found that children up to about 9-10 years of age enjoy Step 1

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:19:39 PM)
Jan W. how does an evaluation for CAPD differ from a regular speech and language evaluation? Are the same tests used. Peabody, Khan-Lewis etc or are there different ones?

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:19:45 PM)
Sam, there is an option of doing k-class and sp.ed the other, but the school and teachers are not inclined as they haven't seen much success with the few students they have tried this with. The other comment is that a staff person has to give up their lunch to "babysit".

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:19:51 PM)
Mert, some audiologists will test as early as 4-5 years of age.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:19:56 PM) long has Earobics been on the market?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:20:27 PM)
Sam, they are very different types of evaluations. The tests you list do not assess CAPD...they assess language and articulation.

samonnesmom (ID=37) (Mar 23, 2000 9:20:31 PM)
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Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:20:35 PM)
Mert, where does the "babysitting" come in, if your child is in a class?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:20:51 PM) audiologist usually screens for capd

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:11 PM)
Mert don't let the school intimidate you, they prefer to do what is easiest for them not always what is best for our children

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:17 PM)
hi samonnesmom..thanks for joining the chat tonight

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:19 PM)
Sam, the babysitting comes in during lunch...there would need to be a staff person with him between the am and pm classes.

samonnesmom (ID=37) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:40 PM)
Hi Debbie

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:45 PM)
why? doesn't he go to lunch too?

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:48 PM)
Mert, why can't he have lunch with that class.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:21:49 PM)
spocMary, generally the studies involve 4-5 days per week of Earobics training. For example, A case study with a 9 year old boy with CAPD found significant improvements in several auditory proc skills after 20 mins per day, 4-5 days per week for 3 months.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:09 PM)
debbie, Step 1 has been on the market since June 1997, step 2 since Dec 1998

Stacy (ID=35) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:35 PM)
Jan W

Kelli (ID=23) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:38 PM)
Jan. Thanks for the info. We will check further with your website! Good night.

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:39 PM)
Debbie, are there specific types of audiologists that do CAPD testing or all do?

nellie (ID=38) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:46 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:53 PM)
hi nellie

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:22:55 PM)
Tammy, Sam... our school system doesn't provide lunch for special ed (early childhood) or kindergarten as they are both half day programs.

Megan's Mom (ID=18) (Mar 23, 2000 9:23:05 PM)
what tests should be done to test for CAPD Disorder

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:23:12 PM)
Sam, there are audiolgists who specialize in CAPD testing,. Where do you live?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:23:16 PM)
I saw this asked but may have missed the answer. Can you erase and reuse the earbotics

samonnesmom (ID=37) (Mar 23, 2000 9:23:25 PM)
Jan W, Can you tell me about Earobics and how it helps children?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:04 PM)
Megan's Mom....there is a battery of tests given to asses speech discrimination, speech perception in noise and other aud proce skills.

Betty (ID=39) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:22 PM)
Rose, yes you can.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:24 PM)
Sam it is very important for you to ask the aud if they are familiar with capd.....I am currently working on a comprehensive list of questions to ask at an eval for capd before and after the testing (dr j is assisting me)....check back on the site soon for the questions

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:49 PM)
mert, so how do you manage a lunch for him if he's in both programs? could they arrange for him to have lunch with (maybe) the first graders?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:51 PM)
hi Betty

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:24:58 PM)
Jan I'm in Phila, Pa and looking to get my son tested. Do you know of anyone you could reccommend? So far I was told to try Dr. Maxine Young in Broomall , but was hoping to find someplace closer.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:25:02 PM)
samonnesmom, Earobics programs are CD ROMs that provide a wide range of auditory processing and phonological awareness skill training using a game format.

Betty (ID=39) (Mar 23, 2000 9:25:09 PM)
HI, if anyone has a second, I have a question

nellie (ID=38) (Mar 23, 2000 9:25:20 PM)
How young a child can use earobics? I have a four year old with a significant speech delay.

samonnesmom (ID=37) (Mar 23, 2000 9:25:35 PM)
Debbie Wiil Dr. J post these questions to the CAPD List?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:25:40 PM)
hi betty...what's your question?

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:25:41 PM)
Jan W. we are on Long Island and near to NYC

Stacy (ID=35) (Mar 23, 2000 9:26:00 PM)
Jan W How long does it usually take for a child to see progress on the progress chart. We recently purchased Earobics 2 for our 7 year old son and he used the program for 6 days, 20 minutes per day and we have not seen and dots colored in yet. I keep encouraging my son to keep at it but those rewards mean alot. About how many additional days or time or what is the progress based on?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:26:01 PM)
Rose, I don't know anyone in your area off the top of my head but I could contact my colleagues and help you find someone in your area, If you would like me to do this, please email me tomorrow at

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:26:19 PM)
samonnesmom..I can ask him to or post a link to them on the list...

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:26:32 PM)
okay but now I have to find a pen to write down your address

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:26:39 PM)
nellie, most of the youngest children are 4 years old but we have heard and seen many 3 years olds use it successfully with good supervision.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:26:49 PM)
if you are on the email list for this will be notified when they are completed

pat q (ID=36) (Mar 23, 2000 9:27:00 PM)
The first year colleen did 1/2 day of kindergarten and afternnons of a church preschool. Her speech was still not very developed so the school suggested going to kindergarten in both am and pm . she ate with the first grade class. she had speech therapy. her language developed slowly. we did orton gillingham camp and tutoring and she learned slowly. the computer exercises have really helped. she is now in 5th grade and he language continues to improve but she is reading at 4th grade level. she is good at sitting down and doing the earobics- i usually say if she want to go somewhere she has to get "3 or 4 balls" and she will do it. i had just recently read about doing earobics the 15 to 20 minutes per day and we are starting that now.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:27:29 PM)
Sam, I would recommend that you contact St. Johns Univ. Unfortunately Jay Lucker is no longer there but I;m sure they can help you locate someone

Betty (ID=39) (Mar 23, 2000 9:27:43 PM)
my 9 year old has CAPD, so had my 3 year olds speech evaluated.Bsically it reccomended she be placed in integrated preschool as EITHER a normal peer model OR as a special needs student. Do you think this qualifies her for assistance, in otherwords is the town responsible to pay for her education. that normal peer statement I think gets them off the hook.

samonnesmom (ID=37) (Mar 23, 2000 9:27:47 PM)
Jan W- Does the speech therapist determine if Earobics will benefit a child? How is determined?

samonnesmom (ID=37) (Mar 23, 2000 9:27:58 PM)
Thanks Debbie

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:28:31 PM)
Stacy, each circle of the chart has a diff number of levels that need to be completed. We can give you a chart of this so that you can know approximately how many times your child must play to fill a circle.

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:28:46 PM)
Mert, we too have 1/2 day k-class and full day spec ed K-class and he had lunch with the sp ed class and then snack with the other class, is that an option? Jan W.. thanks for the help.

Stacy (ID=35) (Mar 23, 2000 9:29:25 PM)
Great, how would I obtain the chart?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:30:01 PM)
samonnesmom, the slp can assess your child's phonological awareness skills to determine which skills are deficit and which games would be most appropriate to focus on

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:30:17 PM)
Sam, I'll have to check into the lunch options further and see what can be worked out.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:30:35 PM)
Stacy, I can fax it to you tomorrow if you email me your fax number at

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:31:03 PM)
Trust me Mert, lunch is the least of your problems.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:31:16 PM)

nellie (ID=38) (Mar 23, 2000 9:31:46 PM)
What skills are required in order to benefit from earobics? Is a certain level of language development necessary?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:32:16 PM)
Jan can a normal child benefit from eaRBOTICS? I figure since it works on phonetical awareness it may help teach a child kills needed for reading.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:32:56 PM)
Nellie, The instructions are direct and easy to understand. Children who have the language skills of 4 years can play the games easily

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 9:33:16 PM)
Jan W, with a child with complete conductive hearing loss in the dominant (R) ear, will Earobics help increase processing delays andwhich games in step 2 would be most beneficial?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:34:06 PM)
Rose, Yes, definitely. Many schools are using Earobics as part of their regular reading program. The Chicago Public Schools are using Earobics in 500 regular ed classrooms right now and will be increasing that number next year.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:34:24 PM)
Sam, oops on the previous message. I know lunch is the least of our problems. I just didn't know how many problems we would be encountering. This never seems to get better. Every time we turn around it's something else. We are fighting to have an aid in his kindergarten room for him, not much success so far. They want to label him cognitive disability to get funding even though he doesn't meet all that criteria.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:34:44 PM)
KmanBan, tell me more about what you mean when you say "processing delays"

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:35:01 PM)
Jan that is great since I also have a normal 4 year old. At least so far seems normal, he does have some speech problems.

Stacy (ID=35) (Mar 23, 2000 9:35:33 PM)
Jan W, it was recommended by the speech therapist based on my son's language evaluation that we purchase Earobics 2. My son has shown some frustration in the fire hose game when he is asked to remember 4 numbers consequetively. Should we have started with Earobics 1? The other games he seems to do better.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:35:39 PM)
Rose, Have you had him screened?

KManBAM (ID=14) (Mar 23, 2000 9:35:56 PM)
the time she takes to process what was said. It was explained to us that she is slow at processing and responding due to hearing loss in dominant ear. Earobics was recommended.

pat q (ID=36) (Mar 23, 2000 9:35:58 PM)
Rose- I am not a teacher but from what i have seen of the same skills as in basic phonics that it earobics training would help normal children in reading. the parent and child may not have the same motivation as parents of a child who needs the extra sppech training. I look at earobics as providing speech therapy in greater doses than anyone could ever pay for. Few families could handle a 20 min speech therapy session daily not only in terms of dollar cost but the energy to get to the therapist also

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:36:44 PM)
Stacy, it sounds like your son has some deficits in auditory short term memory. I would recommend that you encourage him to repeat the numbers alound to help him remembere them

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:36:58 PM)
Sam. Our son is chronologically 5 but has language skills averaging 2 years old. Will he have problems with earobics?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:37:01 PM) i mentioned earlier, Sarah recently went through FFW..her scores on the CELF went from an 85 to a 106 in 5 months...the area that she still scored low average on was "recalling sentences"....what part of Earo would benefit Sarah?

Josiane (ID=40) (Mar 23, 2000 9:37:04 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:0038:11 PM)
Mert, We ahve an aide for our son, a one-one, it was the worst mistake i have made. She has never been trained, does not do what our therapist or the school psych has said. and has been making him extremely frustrated. When you saw cognitive disability do you mean Learning diabled? In NY there are several classifications to choose from and Cognitive disability is not one of them. Your question about the Earobics program should go to Jan W.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 0023, 2000 09:38:11 PM)
KmanBam, the term "slow processing" is used in many different ways so I'm not sure exactly what your son's deficit is but I can tell you that Earobics helps improve both auditory and language processing skills.

spoc Mary (ID=16) (Mar 23, 2000 9:38:41 PM)
Thanks, Jan... and Debbie... I learned a lot. Good night....

nellie (ID=38) (Mar 23, 2000 9:39:24 PM)

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:39:36 PM)
pat q, I'm so glad to hear you say that. Before developijng Earobics I was in private practice and one of my personal goals was to help more children receive the type of speech therapy that is provided in private therapy sessions.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:39:49 PM)
No I am still trying to take care of the 7 year old. With 4 children 3 with special needs I often have to take turns taking care of their needs. Right now I am focusing on getting a proper and complete diagnosis needed to help him. Then I have to go on to my 11 year old and 14 year old who are having trouble in school. They are no longer getting any help and it is needed again. Then I can work on the 4 year old.

Sam (ID=22) (Mar 23, 2000 9:39:55 PM)
Mert, with language skills that impaired why can't they just label him Speecha nd language delayed. Mert, my e-mail is Sorry to leave but my 8 and 6 year old keep climbing out of bed.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:39:56 PM)
*****Just for general information*******the transcipt from this chat will be posted in the archives that can be reached through the entry to this chat by the morning...

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:40:25 PM)
Sam. We're in Wisconsin. Cognitive disability means mental retardation here. We realize that the one-one aide doesn't have to have education to help the kids, but we thought it would be better than nothing...maybe not.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:40:28 PM)
Jan W.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:40:48 PM)
goodnight Sam

nellie (ID=38) (Mar 23, 2000 9:40:49 PM)
I have a similar question to Merts. My 4 year old has language skills of about 2 yrs old. Would she be able to use earobics and benefit?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:40:54 PM)
Rose, so it sounds like Earobics would be the most efficient and practical way to help your daughter right now.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:41:48 PM)
nellie, she would likely need to work with her speech therapist to use Earobics most effectively

pat q (ID=36) (Mar 23, 2000 9:41:51 PM)

pat q (ID=36) (Mar 23, 2000 9:43:16 PM)
Jan I know you just came out with the new product for teens which collen is using, are you working on other things? the auditory memory is a problem and the new cd has lots of things that help should i be doing anything else?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:43:55 PM)
can the home version be used effectively without the school using the program too?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:44:29 PM)
hey Tammy,,,,,,,,is CJ still collecting phone numbers? =)

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:44:47 PM)
pat q, we have several products in development, including products for older children, and will be announcing their release on our website at

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:45:05 PM)
he's still taking their's but not giving his out!!

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:45:20 PM)
Jan W. Sorry about the incomplete message. Our son is chronologically 5 but many of his language skills both receptive and expressive are aprox. age 2. His IQ when tested non-verbally is120. He has many readiness skills for kindergarten, but many other problems...some perseverative behaviors, some sx of PDD, some sx of autism, some sx of emotionally disturbed, some sx of cognitive disability or mental retardation. Here in wisconsin we cannot label him learning disabled until he fails 2 grades. We also cannot use developmentally delayed which best fits him. We are in a battle with the school district to have him appropriately labelled, but there doesn't seem to be one for hiim yet. His speech pathologist and psychologist both believe he has CAPD as well. What are we to do? Will earobics be beneficial?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:45:29 PM)
Tammy, absolutely as long as you follow the recommended training schedule of 15-20 mins 4-5 days per week.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:45:44 PM)
Tammy.........he's a smart boy! *L*

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:47:04 PM)
Tammy my son has tested at an above average intelligence and because he is below his expected level of achievement he is eligible for an IEP

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:47:59 PM)
Like I said we don't have a complete diagnosis but are getting services for him, of course I had to fight for him to be tested etc.

MsJagsFAn (ID=41) (Mar 23, 2000 9:48:11 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

marian_l (ID=42) (Mar 23, 2000 9:48:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:48:36 PM)
i was told that CJ is at a 4th grade level with his nonverbal skills but his verbal skills are pre-k at best. i'm not sure what this means as far as the numbers go.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:48:36 PM)
mert, a few comments....first of all Earobics has been used with phenomenal success with children with autism, pdd and realted dev. delays (see our website for some parent and teacher testimonials). second, if your child does have capd, I recommend that you work with the slp and psych to get the services your child is entitled to. If they are not effective, there are people who would serve as your advocate to help you navigate the system. Earobics is helpful for children with capd.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:48:50 PM)
mert my daughter scored a 135 on nonverbal and a 85 on school told me..that unless she scored an 84 on one she did not qualify although the span in scores showed a significant problem

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:49:11 PM)
hi Ms JagsFan and marian_I

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:49:27 PM)
Well to me it just means his verbal areas aren't up to where they should be based on his intelligence

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:49:41 PM)
ms jagsfan, just curious...where are you from?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:50:00 PM) and I are thinking alike.*L*

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:50:41 PM)
debbie, the significant difference between nonverbal and verbal suggests a language-based ld. How has your request for services been received?

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:51:14 PM)
debbie. I don't have the verbal scores for my son. It's frustrating that they put so much emphasis on numbers...especially when it's only a number away from what it required.

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 9:52:03 PM)
jan w... my daughter has been tested for capd we get the resaults next monday. If she is dx's as capd will the school have to give her special services with a language pathologist? will she now qualify?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:52:06 PM)
mert & debbie, the exact number is less significant than the gap in numbers.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:52:21 PM)
Debbie I also thought that if you could prove that this delay has effects on differnent areas of your childs life they have to provide services to them

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:52:45 PM)
Jan it has been a long battle..bottom line is Sarah has been turned down for an IEP and any speech or language help....she does have a 504 through which she has an FM...remeaidal reading assistance...and classroom accomodations.....but i have to fight tooth and nail for any services in all honety

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:53:08 PM)
i've done the FFW, slp testing and psychoeducational testing privately

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:53:12 PM)
neener, who provides the services will depend on what the specific deficits are and what services are needed.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:54:09 PM)
Jan W...i was told in my district the gap is not what's significant..although there are more than 3 standard deviations between the scores..until my daughter was failing she did not qualify for help

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:54:39 PM)
debbie, have you tried to locate an advocate who can lead your battle with the schools? There are professionals who do this sort of thing to help parents get the services their children are entitled to.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:54:56 PM)
Jan W. I know the exact number is less significant and that the gap indicates a learning disability, but here in Wisconsin, we cannot label him LD until he fails 2 grades. He'll just be entering Kindergarten in the fall and we can't label him appropriately until he fails twice. I don't understand. They have been working with him since he left our "birth to 3" program . They know he has a learning disability.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:56:05 PM)
I've been contacting advocates in my area....every person i call refers me back to the audiolgist for the school district....without calling his office directly i got a message on my answering machine tellingme which advocate group he recommended for me

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:56:20 PM)
mert, has he had a sp/lang eval? it is easier to qualify for those services than for ld and at this age, with a well-qualified slp, he could get most of the skill training he needs to succeed.

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:15 PM)
How do you find an advocate for our children? I tried to contact the LDA- was promised information, left 3 messages for someone to return my calls, still no information. Who else can I contact?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:27 PM)
Jan...there is an upcoming conference on LD here in Florida June 2,3 and 4 in Orlando..I am hoping to attend

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:32 PM)
debbie, did you have any success with ms. valentine and the workshop?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:36 PM)
debbie, have you contacted the advocate group that was recommended?

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:44 PM)
Jan W. He has had sp./lang. eval and gets speech therapy in our home 1 hour a week and at his early childhood class (he goes 4 half days a week) he gets 280 minutes a month.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:47 PM)
Debbie I thought I had it bad with the school system. It took me from kindergarten to the end of first grade to even get them to test my son, I kept telling them he needed help. Once tested they immediately wanted to place him in special ed which I fought them on. My son was not failing anything, but was barely passing some subjects. reading and spelling are his worst areas.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:57:57 PM)
Tammy, I've been ill this week and haven't had a chance to contact her with the kids out of school

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:58:46 PM)
marie I will try to help you find one by contacting some advocates here in the chicago area to see if they can direct us to someone in your area. If you email me I can follow-up with you on this.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:59:07 PM)

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 9:59:14 PM)
Thanks, Jan. !

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 9:59:37 PM)
The advocate who called me was on vacation last week...I will be in touch with her tomorrow or monday....there is an upcoming clinic in April on teaching parents to be advocates

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 9:59:45 PM)
mert, are you happy with the services and the progress your son is making?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 9:59:51 PM)
I've also tried contacting Parents exchange in our area, they have never returned my calls even with repeated attempts. I have located a PA based advocacy grpoup called amicus for children

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 9:59:56 PM)
Jan W.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:00:19 PM)
debbie, i'd like to get the name and number of that advocate if you wouldn't mind sharing that information.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:00:40 PM)
I will email it to you tomorrow.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:00:47 PM)
debbie, thanks!

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 10:00:48 PM)
debbie, could you let me know about the advocates clinic in april? i'd like to consider attending too.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:01:22 PM)
Tammy I'd be more than happy to

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:01:39 PM)
I was going to ask you about the orlando conference too Tammy

marian_l (ID=42) (Mar 23, 2000 10:02:02 PM)
JanW- I have Whitney on "Calling All Engines" 2x and one other game a day 2x is that enough to tweak auditory discrimination ?-she is on Earobics step 2 and is 14 should we go to the next level Earobics, or is there a way to get an eval of what she is doing to decide if this would be appropriate? We have succeeded in getting a large class of other special ed to use this in the school system, but we are doing this at home because I felt that a SLP one on one would benefit her more than doing it alone in school. I believe this is a plus to all who use it, but how can I moniter the appropriate level at home?

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 10:02:04 PM)
sure...send me some details on that one too!!

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 10:02:26 PM)
Jan W. We are happy with the progress our son is making. We are unhappy with the battle to get the next services in order as he has to transition out of early childhood and into mainstream kindergarten. We will not be getting the same services next school year. I'm uncomfortable with the labeling that will stay with him.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:02:34 PM)
Sheri from amicus for childrewn is supposed to accompany to my son's IEP in June. I have to give her the date as soon as I know when it is. I'm worried I won't get enough notice for her to attend. Since it will be the end of the year I can't postpone.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:03:15 PM)
The one is Orlando is hosted by "The Family C.A.F.E" and Govenor Bush will be presenting also

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:04:07 PM)
Marie, step 2 is the highest level of Earobics training currently available. The best games for auditory discrimination in STep 2 is Hippo Hoops. Many parents purchase the pro version to use at home when they want to closely monitor performance.

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 10:05:38 PM)
debbie, will you send me whatever info you have on both? i have to see about time off and babysitters...

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:06:17 PM)
will do tammy......will you send me your email and phone again

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:06:25 PM)
Jan how does earbotics differ from hooked on phonics?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:07:24 PM)
Rose, they are completely different programs. Hooked does not teach auditory processing and phonological awareness skills. PA is the number one predictor of reading success and must be developed before a child can learn phonics.

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 10:08:03 PM)
debbie, can i call you tomorrow with that info? i need to put caty to bed...

Josiane (ID=43) (Mar 23, 2000 10:08:33 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

marie (ID=21) (Mar 23, 2000 10:08:37 PM)
I have an early morning tomorrow, time to go, but I just wanted to thank all of you for your information, -Jan I'm glad that you were able to join us tonight.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:09:04 PM)
goodnight Marie...thank you for joining in on the chat.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:09:10 PM)
I haven't seen either program, I was just wondering since both help with reading. I had previously thought of buying hooked on phonics but now I think I'll check out earbotics.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:09:13 PM)
sure Tammy... I"ll talk to you tomorrow

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:09:16 PM)
marie, thanks! It was my pleasure. I'm still available to answer a few more questions.....

Tammy (ID=13) (Mar 23, 2000 10:09:57 PM)
good night everyone...thanks so much for the information jan was great talking to you.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 10:10:09 PM)
Jan W. Do you think our son would benefit from earobics? Do you think we're on the right track?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:11:37 PM)
mert, I do think he can try the program out for 30 days and see if it works for him.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:11:38 PM)
Jan I want to take a moment to personally thank you also for your efforts to be with us tonight. Please also thank Jo for co-ordinating between us.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:12:11 PM)
Jan I better go get the kids settled, thanks for your information and help. I'll e-mail you tommorrow to see if you can help me locate a place in the Phila., Pa area to have my son tested for CAPD.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:12:18 PM)
debbie, will do. This has been a lot of fun.....but makes me wish I took that typing class in high school!

mert (ID=28) (Mar 0023, 2000 10:12:21 PM)
Jan W. Thanks so much for all you input. I'm new at all of this and you have been very helpful. Mert

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:12:41 PM)
Did you get the list of shortcuts? I can add more too to help you out!

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:12:46 PM)
mert, you are very welcome.....and yes, I do think you're on the right track.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:13:17 PM)
debbie this may sound stupid but why does some people have smily faces and others have different symbols?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:13:18 PM)
debbie, yes I did get the list but when all the questions come flying in its a challenge to keep up!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:13:54 PM)
Rose..if you click on settings you can choose a "face" if you can also send private messages

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 10:13:56 PM)
i bought this program over 1 year ago. I did not stay on her to do it. but i beleive she has improved a little bit since she had done it earlier. I think i'll get back on the program again. Her main problem is understanding directions wich game would help her most?

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:14:23 PM)
neener, remind me how old your daughter is...?

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 10:14:31 PM)
Jan W. One final question. Do you know where we can get out son tested for CAPD. He currently sees a group of specialists at Children's hosp. in Milwaukee WI incl. a speech path. They state he's too young. What age do they test? At this point, they are going on the assumption he has CAPD.

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 10:14:36 PM)
she is 9 yrs old.

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:15:01 PM)
Thank you debbie I know it seems insignificant based on our topic of conversation, but I had no idea how to change it and I knew it had to be possible

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 0023, 2000 10:15:15 PM)
mert, If you don't mind the drive down to the chicago area there is an EXCELLENT audiologist here....Dr. Jeanane Ferre.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:15:47 PM)
neener, The step 2 game "Calling All Engines" would be the best game, though all should be helpful.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:15:59 PM)
you can also choose to hightlight messages from a certain individual.....feel free to stop by sometime and just play with the can help you track a conversation

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:16:24 PM)
good idea, I'll have to do that.

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 10:16:42 PM)
Jan W. I don't mind the drive to Chicago. Where is Dr. Jeanane Ferre located, or how can we contact her?

Rose (ID=26) (Mar 23, 2000 10:16:53 PM)
Have a good evening!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:17:19 PM)
goodnight Rose..

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 10:18:11 PM)
thanks, also she scored low in auditory number memory forward and reversed. 5th and 12th percentile. I cant remember which game for that one. i guess mabey i should have you fax me the list too.

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:18:13 PM)
mert, She is in Oak Park...I can give you her phone number. Dr, Ferre 708 848 4363 is on our Baord of Advisors and her bio is on our website at

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:19:06 PM)
neener, the best games for digit memory are Karloons Balloons in STep 1 and Calling All Engines in Step 2

mert (ID=28) (Mar 23, 2000 10:19:30 PM)
Good night all. Thanks again Jan W

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:19:45 PM)
goodnight mert

Jan W (ID=24) (Mar 23, 2000 10:19:59 PM)
Good Night. I've enjoyed chatting with you all!

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:20:31 PM)
Wow! what an interesting chat!

Josiane (ID=43) (Mar 23, 2000 10:20:44 PM)
It's been a long day so i'll say goodnight to all of you. Have a great wk..

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 10:20:51 PM)
do you have a list of which games go with which deficiet? her scan uditory figure ground subtest was 9th percentile. is this the low score that means she has trouble hearing with background noise?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:20:56 PM)
goodnight JOsiane

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:21:37 PM)
neener i think you missed jan with that last question.

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:22:28 PM)
i know there were things said tonight that i anxious to reread the archives.

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 10:22:39 PM)
I think so. debbie do you use this program?

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:23:06 PM)
no i have not ....but i will be ordering it soon...i wanted more information about earo first

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:23:58 PM)
we just did ffw and had good success...but i want to keep sarah going forward

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:24:43 PM)
hey pat q....still with us? did you have any questions? youve been very quiet

neener (ID=34) (Mar 23, 2000 10:26:03 PM)
I guess everyone has left. I have enjoyed the chat tonight. goodnight debbie and thanks

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:26:28 PM)
goodnight neener...see you here soon and thanks for coming

debbie (ID=10) (Mar 23, 2000 10:28:21 PM)

sarah's mom (ID=44) (Mar 23, 2000 10:36:19 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=45) (Mar 23, 2000 10:43:35 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

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