debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:28:04 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:48:03 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:49:57 PM)
Hi Tammy

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:50:11 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:50:17 PM)
Hi Rose!

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:50:23 PM)
its clif tammys not here yet

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:50:47 PM)
Hey are you doing?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:50:57 PM)
Hi debbie sorry i never made it back this afternoon, the research took longer than I expected

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:51:26 PM)
It's ok Rose,,, I've been in and out.....finished up two quilts I've been working on since Christmas

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:51:34 PM)
good tring to get the computer set back up up graded it today and still a few bugs

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:51:56 PM)
Did you upgrade the memory?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:51:59 PM)
Hello cliff since noone is really here yet, I figure we can get to know each other a little

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:52:24 PM)
not yet its needed bad its running on 24 megs

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:52:48 PM)
Rose,,,, clif and Tammy are from the same area I'm from.......but we actually met in here...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:52:55 PM)
I'm from PA and have a son who will be 8 this month with suspected CAPD getting testing now

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:53:24 PM)
I also have 3 other children 14,11, and 4

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:53:49 PM)
Rose, earlier you said you were considering volunteering to help with chats....

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:54:06 PM)
sounds like us 3,5,16 and a son with capd that will be 8 in oct.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:54:30 PM)
yes but its hard to figure out what times I could be available

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:55:30 PM)
Rose it doesnt have to be a certain time each week......if you would be interested in filling in for me if I cant be here...

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 9:55:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:55:50 PM)
I work on an on call basis and still not sure what current sports scedule for kids will be

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:20 PM)
We can figure it out as we go as long as i know you are interested and willing.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:21 PM)
hello c.j

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:32 PM)
hi cj...nice to have you join us again this evening

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:39 PM)
Ann should be here shortly

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:42 PM)
Just e-mail me if you ever need someone and I'll let you know if I'm available

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:42 PM)
Hi Cj

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
hi, wasn't sure that i would be up, but I am here

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:57:34 PM)
As for other times I can let you know if I figure anything out

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:57:34 PM)
I realize the time is late for us East coast folks...but I wanted to also be accomodating to Ann's schedule and folks from other areas who want to join in

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:58:05 PM)
ok Rose.........Just keep in touch with me and let me know...or send me an email later on ...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:58:10 PM)
Its not late for me I'm usually working nights, mornings are harder

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:58:22 PM)
hi debbie, cjsdad has left and it's me (tammy) again...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:58:27 PM)
I usually works nights too...from 5 pm to 2 am

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:58:37 PM)
hi ya doing/

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 9:58:51 PM)
still tired...not used to the time change yet...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:00 PM)
later here 9:15 to 4:45am

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:11 PM)
what type of work Rose?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:28 PM)
i work for the Phila. Inquirer

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:34 PM)
I"m suppose to be heading to Orlando for the day tomorrow with a friend..I may let her drive

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:39 PM)
The paper has to get out

alyssa (ID=57) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:52 PM)
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debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 9:59:57 PM)
I've got family in the newspaper business...I've heard that before

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:00:02 PM)
hi alyssa

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
hi alyssa

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
hi alyssa,,how are you tonight?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:07 PM)
Deb about my son and school, i'm just not certain what to do

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:14 PM)
hi Ann

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:21 PM)
hi there

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:24 PM)
Hi Ann,

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:25 PM)
hi ann...rose, what's the problem with your son and school?

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:25 PM)
hi Ann

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:01:55 PM)
That's a really touch decision Rose, when do you have to make a decision.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:02:00 PM)
They seem so determined to put him in special ed or hold him back a grade, yet neither choice seems appropriate to me

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:02:27 PM)
Ann I'd like to thank you for joining us tongiht to talk about FFW

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:02:44 PM)
I guess by his IEP in June, but that is one reason why I'm trying to get all his testing completed by then

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:02:54 PM)
that sounds like what they want to do with cj...i'm not sure what would be best for him...but i know i don't want him in special ed...

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:03:06 PM)
glad to be here-realize that there may be some other topics discussed as well, but certainly hope I can answer some Fast ForWord (FFW) questions

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:03:30 PM)
Its the same way i feel

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:03:42 PM)
Ann what exactly is fast forward and how does it help

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:04:12 PM)
Ann can we start by having you tell us a little about your involvement with FFW

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:04:34 PM)
we've had all the testing done...that our insurance will pay for anyway...his next iep meeting should be within the next two weeks...

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:04:37 PM)
FFW is an intensive computer training program that is based on almost 30 years of research

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:04:55 PM)
Ann how much might a child benifit from ffw if they do NOT have phonemic awareness difficulty? Can the celf help to decide if a child would or would not benifit greatly and how?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:05:19 PM)
2nd report grades were A's in computer,gym,and all but one social and personal growth grade

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:05:27 PM)
the research was in the areas of language learning impairments, such as those that people with CAPD have, as well as research by neuroscientists as to how the brain best learns.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:06:00 PM)
how does fast forword help a child with capd?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:06:14 PM)
B's inmusic,art,social studies and math

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:06:52 PM)
and what types of capd get the benificial results, or do all, from ffw

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:06:58 PM)
cj got his report card today...all h's (needs help) except for social growth and development in which he got an E (excellent).

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:07:01 PM)
c's in reading(resource room),health,science and spelling

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:07:03 PM)
FFW works on a wide range of skills that are known to be important for the development of normal language, processing and reading

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:08:01 PM)
there are 7 different exercises in the FFW training-each one is designed to strengthen a particular type of skills. I'll continue with a break down on the types of skills.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:08:05 PM)
D's Language arts,written and oral communication,handwriting so he isn't failing

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:08:08 PM)
why is a CELF test important, does it determine whether there may be benifit from ffw?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:09:37 PM)
at the most basic listening level is an exercise (Circus Sequence) that is based on research done by Dr. Paula Tallal who is now at Rutgers-her research was in the early 70's. She found that children and adults with language processing problems were unable to process sounds if they occured too quickly in succession - or if they were too short in duration.

cc (ID=59) (Apr 4, 2000 10:09:46 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:09:59 PM)
hi cc

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:01 PM)
Hi cc

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:02 PM)
Ann I do want to let you know that my daughter Sarah was involved in FFW last fall and I'm a big believer in the benefits of FFW

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:06 PM)
hi cc

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:18 PM)
Hi CC...thanks for joining us tonight....

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:38 PM)
but is ffw for everyone diagnosed with capd?

cc (ID=59) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:39 PM)
hi, first time visit

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:10:44 PM)
so, this exercise starts at a very basic level and adapts to each of the individuals responses to train the brain to hear tones that are shorter (like down to the length of the shortest occuring phonemes) and ones that occur together-like in speech

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:11:04 PM)
I have a question, my son will be getting Capd testing and he recently had a speech and language eval.

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:11:33 PM)
there are additional exercises that train auditory discrimination, auditory memory, working memory, auditory attention, grammar, etc.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:11:46 PM)
I don't know what the exact results are but I know language therapy is being recommended !x per week

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:05 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:13 PM)
hi Kate

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:14 PM)
is fast forword a program the school language therapist can use?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:16 PM)
I believe that over 25,000 indiividuals have now completed FFW or ffw follow-up training.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:19 PM)
hi kate

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:25 PM)
ok,but Ann do you know where the celf comes into play?

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:35 PM)
hi kate

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:12:50 PM)
Hi everyone

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:13:19 PM)
In guidlines for CAPD testing it states that they should have normal speech and language skills, but I thought CAPD caused probems in these areas?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 0004, 2000 10:13:24 PM)
ffw can be adminstered by anyone who has completed the certification through SLc. originally this was primarily slps, but SLC has found that it can also be adminstered successfully by other educators, professionals

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:13:31 PM)
Hi kate

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:13:58 PM)
do you know of schools who have used the program successfully?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:14:21 PM)
So would you recommend I ask for Fast forward to be used in school at his next IEP meeting?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:14:39 PM)
Ann, I know CJ is very interested in the CELF test and how the CELF and others tests are used to determine if FFW is appropriate for a child...

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:14:45 PM)
ok, CELF. Slc has recommended that testing be completed prior to enrolling in ffw-and then re-adminstered after ffw. the purpose is to help people see what areas have improved and what other areas still might need additional training. the celf is one language battery that is standardized and often available to slps

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:15:01 PM)
Or is it best used at how or with speech and language therapist

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:15:07 PM)
there are many schools that have used the program successfully.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:15:25 PM)
Tammy...Chicago Public schools are currently testing the program now and I believe Houston had also just announced a pilot program.....

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:15:31 PM)
home I meant

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:15:37 PM)
in addition to the celf, other auditory processing batteries, reading and phonemic awareness tests may be administered.

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:16:06 PM)
If a child has normal range Celf scores, but capd , should they consider ffw? how is the decision made to go for it , or not use it?

cj (ID=56) (Apr 0004, 2000 10:16:36 PM)
sorry you just answered, some of my Q

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:16:42 PM)
debbie, what about jax? have you heard of any schools using it here? would bill pharo or ms. valentine be of any help in getting a program started here?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:16:57 PM)
chicago has been using ffw since spring of 99 (I trained the initial group of people). houston has also been running it for a while....think there was a recent press release at the SLc website ( that was discussing their satisfaction.

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:16:58 PM)
What auditory processing batteries

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:17:16 PM)
Deb if CApd caused language problems why does the CAPD guidlines say they must have normal speech and language skills?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:17:27 PM)
Tammy I've approached Jax...they state the program is too controversial as of yet.....that is why I went on my own...I did not want to wait and fight with them....

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:17:34 PM)
if there is a school district that might be interested, SLc has an incredible team of school representatives who will work with the administrators.

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:18:29 PM)
each professionaol uses batteries they are comfortable with-I am an slp and not an aud; therefore I am limited to tests such as the SCAN-C or SCAN-A and Goldman Fristoe Woodcock Test of Auditroy Discrimination

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:18:34 PM)
How do you go about getting a school district to be interested?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:18:36 PM)
Ann, ...Tammy and I are from the same district....I can not say I've been impressed with their willingness to help...

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:18:42 PM)
how can I get some information to present to the school for his next iep meeting?

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:19:07 PM)
sam question here?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:19:08 PM)
I always encourage people to look at the web site-there is a lot of the research behind the program as well as current outcomes...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:19:29 PM)
what is the address?

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:19:36 PM)
my district does not seem to know whether it would or would not be worthwhile for my child

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:20:00 PM)
no, many districts are concerned about throwing away money on an unknown. that's why it can be helpful if they would agree to at least talk to one of the SLc school representatives.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:20:02 PM)
if you click on the banner above it willtake you to the website...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:20:10 PM)
boy I'm making a lot of typo's

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:21:36 PM)
the address is right Ann?

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:21:38 PM)
the web site has great information-you can also contact professional relations (888-665-9707) and ask them to send some information.

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:21:52 PM)
oh thanks for putting the banner on debbie.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:22:09 PM)
wasnt sure what colors you liked... =)

Ann Osterling (ID=58) (Apr 4, 2000 10:22:12 PM) or should get you there

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:22:50 PM)
is this the best therapy for capd, or are there other programs that are more benificial in remediating certain types of capd

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:23:44 PM)
what happened to ann?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:24:01 PM)
she may have hit the wrong button.....give her a moment

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:24:07 PM)
I've done the same thing many times.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:24:27 PM)
Has any one else in here used FFW before?

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:24:30 PM)
remember me this morning :)"

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:24:40 PM)
*LOL* cj.......

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:25:12 PM)
My son will use fastforword this summer. I am very confused about all the different programs and which one works best.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:25:15 PM)
Deb I was wondering why if CAPD causes language problems why the CAPD testing g9uidlines35

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:25:33 PM)
me too kate

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:25:33 PM)
not me...debbie, i'm not going to be able to go to the conference in orlando in june...i can't get out of my training class...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:25:38 PM)
sorry my son kept hitting keys

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:07 PM)
Rose Im not sure.....

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:13 PM)
ok tammy

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:15 PM)
state to test a child must have normal speech and language skills?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:32 PM)
what happened ANN

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:52 PM)
cj has always had a speech delay...that's part of the reason we kept dragging him to the audiologist.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:26:59 PM)
sorry-don't know what happened, but all of the sudden it wanted me to re-sign in....then I had to terminate, that technology

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:27:17 PM)
Ann, my son will begin FFW this summer and I am very confused about all the different programs available. How do you know if FFW is for you?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:27:19 PM)
Welcome back! Ann before Sarah completed the FFW she had a total language quotient on the CELF of 85.........5 months later she scored a 106 on the same I was told that the 21 point does not show a major change since it is still in normal me it is a significant change..

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:27:38 PM)
you got kicked out, Deb I thought that would stop happening with the upgrade

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:27:39 PM)
welcome back Ann. Is this the ffw the best program for capd remediation, or are there equally good ways to remediate different types of capd

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:27:43 PM)
oh debbie, someone is trying to pull your leg

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:28:12 PM)
Rose I did too *sigh*

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:28:50 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:28:51 PM)
I see differences in Sarah that I consider progress due to FFW and beginning to use an FM at the same time.....

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:28:54 PM)
hi ncz

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:03 PM)
how do you compare fast forword to earobics?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:05 PM)
test scores are typically pretty stable-we would expect a few points variability but this is more than one standard deviation of change. yes, the score of 85 was at the low end of normal and 106 is smack dab in the middle normal....ask how many kids make those kinds of gains in 5 months in traditional therayp

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:06 PM)
Hello again

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:10 PM)
hi ncz

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:24 PM)
hi ncz

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:27 PM)
hi ncz

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:29:31 PM)
Does anyone elses child have other issues along with CAPD ?

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:30:14 PM)
cj has a speech delay and has a developmental delay with his fine motor skills.

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:30:20 PM)
then if celf scores go from above ave. to average would that be regression if it were more than 1 standard deviation?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:30:50 PM)
ffw is a comprehensive training program that is based on neuroscience research and has outcomes to show how thousands have made significant gains. I know that Jan W. has been on this list, but haven't read the archives....she is the one to answer specific quesitons about earobics.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:31:04 PM)
8 months ago my child cried when she had to write she wants to write stories.......she use to hate to when she lost a tooth she asked the tooth fairy for a book instead of me that is progress no matter any one says the numbers show..

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:31:06 PM)
Ann does fast forward work with children with multiple LD

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:31:07 PM)
Rose-- my child was diagnosed with CAPD and ADD in November . He is now 11 years old. I am thinking about doing FFW this summer.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:31:50 PM)
FFW follows a very strict protocol-based on how the brain learns. the student trains on 5 exercises a day at 20 minutes each-a total of 100 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 4 to 6 weeks of training.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:32:34 PM)
Ann how long have you worked with FFW and do you know about how many students you have put through the program?

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:32:35 PM)

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:32:45 PM)
debbie, i asked cj's teacher if she thought the fm system was helping him...her exact words "his strengths lie in one-on-one instruction". no other comments...nothing...

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:32:45 PM)
My son is ADHD with a variety of other LD problems and an above average intelligence, it can be very frustrating

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:32:50 PM)
debbie-you have both test scores and anecdotal information to show that your daughter benefitted from FFW. over 90% of the people (yes, adults have also used ffw) have made significant gains in listening, language and/or reading skills after using ffw.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:33:47 PM)
I am an slp in private practice. several families brought me articles from NY Times in January 96 when the Science journal article was first publishe.d

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:34:20 PM)
how accurate is the celf, and if there is a decline in scores , more than 1 standard dev, but the scores went from above ave. to ave. is this regression?

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:34:21 PM)
Ann, I was told by my son's SLP that the FFW program would take 8 weeks. Is this correct?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:34:49 PM)
SLC offers parent informations sessions at vaious locations that are listed on the SLC website , dont they?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:35:30 PM)
I was the original skeptic and knew that there was no way that kids could improve 1 1/2 years in language skills after 4 weeks of training. HOWEVER, I also knew that even if it workd for only some kids, I needed to find out more about, I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the providers for the original field study that was in the fall of 96. I have continued to use FFW since then and have also been working on a part time basis for SLc-primarily doing trainings, internet support, etc.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:35:40 PM)
I can't imagine ever getting my son to spend that much time doing any one thing, I have to fight him to do everything

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:36:33 PM)
do they have to spend that much time with it...or can the sessions be extended?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:36:44 PM)
Rose homework here use to end in tears everynight...but Sarah loves computers and I used the suggested token economy for rewards for Sarah.....I"m not going to say it was all easy....but the benefits were worth it for us

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:36:47 PM)
Rose -- how old is your son?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:37:03 PM)
ffw typically takes from 4 to 8 weeks of training (5 days/week). Because the program is internet based (just to update data and download reports), the professional will get very detailed information about progress. this information will help in determining when a student has "completed" the training.

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:37:15 PM)
Not to mention that I am also ADHD and have difficulty keeping to schedules myself, how would I manage this type of routine, my son will be 8 this month

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:38:17 PM)
they DO have to spend 100 minutes a day training-but it can be broken up into 20 minutes sessions. I have had 5 year olds with language problems, attention problems, etc. go through the training. one of the important components is setting up a token economy (ie reward) system to go along wiht the built in rewards that are in the exercises

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:38:29 PM)
tell us something about the does it is it administered?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:38:45 PM)
Rose I spent 4 0 minutes on FFW before school and 1 hour in the evening.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:38:45 PM)
many of the kids are more likely to stay attending to a computer prorgam than to us

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:38:53 PM)
Well I have to say goodbye, I wish I had more time

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:15 PM)
Goodnight Rose...I"ll talk to you soon...goodluck with the testing

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:18 PM)
before school is impossible here due to my work hours

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:27 PM)
is it better to take the program during the summer when school is out?

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:32 PM)
goodnight rose. I am leaving too. Bye

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:36 PM)
the exercises are on a CD-each student is enrolled and clicks on their name. from there, the computer selects the order of the exercises, times them, records the data and makes all of the decisions.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:37 PM)
good night rose

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:39:55 PM)
good night cj

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:03 PM)
Does the severity of CAPD have anything to do with how many weeks they need to do the FFW program?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:10 PM)
I think each family should look at their family schedule and decide what is going to work best for them

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:13 PM)
thank you deb i'll keep you informed and let you know about monitoring chats later

cj (ID=56) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:19 PM)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:25 PM)

Rose (ID=55) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:35 PM)
bye all i hope to catch you all later

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:50 PM)
for some of the kids with more severe CAPD, they may benefit from the longer period of training; however, it is often hard to predict how quickly the brain will learn the new infor.

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:40:56 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:41:10 PM)
whew! i was worried i'd be too late!

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:41:26 PM)
is there a time frame wherein he has to answer the question or respond? cj has very little short term takes him forever to organize his thoughts...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:41:37 PM)
Ann I think it is important for parents to realized that FFW is an adaptive program and it adusts to the child's progress on each game...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:41:47 PM)
hey Marge!

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:41:50 PM)
oh marge, they have been firing away ??? so quickly I can barely read them

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:42:13 PM)
Hi Marge!

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:42:15 PM)
hi debbie... ann: hahahaha! so there's been some interest expressed here tonight, hmm?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:42:24 PM)
thank you debbi-you are correct that because it adapts, the amount of time that a child will need can vvary

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:42:27 PM)
hi marge

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:42:40 PM)
hi i know you from the list?... hi tammy.. hi ncz

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:43:00 PM)
lots of great questions...haven't really been able to answer all of them, so don't be shy about re-stating a question if I haven't answered it.

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:43:02 PM)
No, I just joined.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:43:08 PM)
welcome, Kate

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:43:35 PM)
Ann would it be better for you if i had messages sent private to me and i posted them one at a time? I dont want to overwhelm you !

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:43:44 PM)
ann: your post a couple of weeks ago re: a money-back guarantee was the first time i've heard a ffwd provider mention such a thing.. is this a private initiative on your part, or is this a sci learning initiative?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 04, 2000 10:44:17 PM)
tammy-one of the areas that FFW trains is memory-the child does not have to answer within a specified period of time...they are also unable to have the stimulus repeated, so they are being trained to listen the first time and use the informaiton that they heard.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:44:52 PM)
slc has offered this guarantee for a long period of time. it is included in the agreement that the parent or user signs

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:45:33 PM)
i can go either way, debbie...this format is what I am used to with SLc lists-but if you think I would be able to do a better job that way...go for it

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:45:41 PM) provider told me about the guarantee

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:45:54 PM)
ann: hmmm, i'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned more often... because that stands in marked contrast to the situation with other therapies that are offered... that would be a significant factor in my choice as to whether to proceed or not

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:45:59 PM)
What results can we expect from FFW or does it vary with each child. Are some kids more receptive than others. is there anyway to tell beforehand?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:46:12 PM)
let's see how it goes...but if you start getting to many questions at once...feel free to tell us to slow down!! =)

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:46:42 PM)
the guarantee states that if a user progresses too quickly (and perhaps didn't need the training) or is unalbe to get out of training phase (and probalby really needs FFW, but needs more training), within the first 10 days, SLc will refund the money. each provider decides what they will do

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:46:50 PM)
(hoo boy, the pace of this chat is as NOTHING compared to some deaf/hoh chats i participate in!! )

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 0004, 2000 10:47:48 PM)
it is difficult to know who will benefit the most from FFW-and in what areas. FFW is NOT a cure for CAPD,. LD, speech-language disorders, but a tremendous boost to the underlying skills that are critical for success in listening, processing, language and reading skills.

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:47:55 PM)
ann: ahhh... that may explain it... it seems some providers are looking for ffw to provide early retirement! did you see that post the other day about the slp who was charging $6000 for ffw and then $1000 per week for lindamood bell??

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 10:48:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:48:18 PM)
hi special operations mary!!

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:48:21 PM)
amazing what the market will bear, huh?

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 0004, 2000 10:48:43 PM)
Hi Guys!

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 0004, 2000 10:48:43 PM)
what is the "normal" price of fastforword?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:09 PM)
one of the great things about FFW, is that the majority of individuals can be trained while being monitored by a trained paraprofessional-and they can monitor a small group at one time. so, this can really cut down the cost/hour that I have to chargel.

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:19 PM)
ann: amazing how few parents will comparison shop... they get to feeling so desperate, "i'll do anything to help my child" even if it means bankrupting themselves.. makes me very angry, actually.

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:26 PM)
Hi spocMary! Does this mean each provider charges a different amount? Should we shop around?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:38 PM)
SLC charges a licenscing fee of $850/student. then, the provider determines their costs.

bev (ID=65) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:53 PM)
Ann, When Sarah went through FFW she did very well on some of the games up front such as Block Commander.....but we never never did complete OMDFF...Sarah finished at 17 % I think....what can be done along the lines of OMDFF outside of FFW to continue helping Sarah?

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:56 PM)
who is the provider?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:49:59 PM)
hi spoc mary

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:50:09 PM)
many of the providers have had to set up computer labs, change the format of their practice, hire additional people,e tc.

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:50:16 PM)
$2000 for 10 weeks seems to be a very common price... but when ffw first came out, there was one provider in NY who was charging $20,000

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:50:31 PM)
and, each student will be getting al;most 10 hours of tx/week...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:51:02 PM)
hi bev

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:51:06 PM)
hi bev

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:51:08 PM)
in addition to the direct training, data has to be uploaded; progress shared with families, data reviewed,etc.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:51:31 PM)
debbie, who was your provider?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:51:35 PM)
the provider iss someone who has been certified to provide FFW by SLC

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:51:47 PM)
many of the original providers were slps...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:09 PM)
my provider was Nancy Lotowycz at the beach

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:12 PM)
now, there are other professionals who are also certified. you want to make sure it is someone who is a good fit for your child

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:15 PM)
original providers? does that mean slps are not the only providers now?

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:26 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:35 PM)
I shopped around... the first provider I called (a Reading Specialist) charges $2K, regardless of whether done remotely or at her place. Then I found Lavelle, who is an SLP and also helps a school district implementing FF... I paid the license fee... plus $500 for her services and $45/hr over that. We did it remotely... I got FF at the special price b4 Xmas of $650. FF1 costs about $1300 and FF2 about $1150. Definitely worth checking around. And we only visited her personally once during the whole time!

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:37 PM)
wb bev... you need a little velcro tonight :-)

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:38 PM)
how do you know if someone is a good fit?

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:52:45 PM)
yes, Tammy, there are also educators, counsellors, psychologists, audiologist,s etc.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:53:40 PM)
talk to them, interview them, have them work with your child. I typically try the kids on the demo exercises...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:54:16 PM)
It is very important to talk to the provider and find out what kind of feedback you will be getting during the program and at what intervals...

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 10:54:16 PM)
Ann, is FFW instead of or in addition to other programs?

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 10:54:27 PM)
lots of ims tonite from the college son marge!

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:54:43 PM)
bev: oic ;-)

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:54:43 PM)
it is possible to run the program "off-site"-that is away from the provider's office. I have run a good number of kids off-site. typically I train the parents to be the monitors, and then I can monitor all of the data via the internet. this can certainly cut down on some of the costs.

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 10:55:03 PM)
they want to charge 3600. for ff1 houston

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:55:42 PM)
In Austin , TX it's about $20000.00

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:55:50 PM)
Ann, that is the way that Sarah and I did FFW....we administered the program at home to cut costs

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:55:52 PM)
Kate, I see FFW as a basic training program-depending on what the students needs are, they may benefit from additional therapy/instruction;/tutoring after ffw. the difference is they are so much more available and ready to learn.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:01 PM)
how do you find out who is a provider...check in the phone book? how do you train parents to monitor and if you do train the parents, is a provider still necessary?

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:03 PM)
$20K is unconcionable, in my opinion

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:08 PM)
debbie -how did home site work for you?

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:17 PM)
Oops I meant 2000.00

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:27 PM)
you can find a provider by going to the web site-there is a section with providers

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:47 PM)
Yipes... what outrageous charges! If you can do it at home... it is soooo easy. Check around even if you have to go out of state... you may only need one visit like me.

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:56:51 PM) - or call professional relations and they can help you find someone...(888-665-9707)

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 10:57:04 PM)
ncz: whew! $2K seems to come up pretty often on the list as a typical price.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:57:41 PM)
Ann it worked well for us.....due to time constraints....I wont say it was always easy keeping her motivated....but it was nice to do the program together....i bought a Y for my headset and we both used headsets..

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:57:50 PM)
some providers are offering more than just ffw-say a half day summer camp, etc.

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 10:58:15 PM)
It is not hard to setup on your computer... the program loads itself. The book is easy to follow. And the support guys are great!

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:58:47 PM)
i have families who think home site was wonderful-occasionally there is a family that thought they couldn't do it,but because of compliance issues-or the amount of time , other family distractions, etc. decided there was no way...

Ann Osterling (ID=61) (Apr 4, 2000 10:58:59 PM)
yes, the support folks are terrific, aren't they?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:59:06 PM)
Yes they are!!

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 10:59:29 PM)
what do u meaan a half day summer camp?

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 10:59:40 PM)

Ann Osterling2 (ID=67) (Apr 4, 2000 10:59:50 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 10:59:57 PM)
you have one guy there in support who is british or austrailian...i want to say his name is Andy..he was a terrific help to me

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 10:59:57 PM)!!!!!!

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:00:00 PM)
Does that mean if my son does FFW in the summer via home computer we can do it with a laptop and be mobile?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:00:18 PM)
bev............what can we help you with???

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:00:24 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:00:37 PM)
whats the summer camp?

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:00:58 PM)
you should be able to use a laptop....I would encourage you to check the website for specifics to make sure yours meets the minimum standards

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:01:03 PM)
i like the mobile thing

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:01:15 PM)
some providers have offered FFW, then language activities, etc.

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:01:16 PM)
grandmas farm, etc

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:01:18 PM)
ann: some providers need to consider what they are asking (demanding?) of a family when therapies are so costly, whether it is therapies or hearing aids (in the case of hearing loss) or whatever... the sacrifices they are making to help this child succeed... and often completely out of their own pocket. this is a very serious issue for aud s and slp s, in my opinion.

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:01:31 PM)
Wow! That could completely change our summer plans!!!

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:01:47 PM)
Ann... I'm confused on something ... I thought since the license was for a year, we could repeat the program at home this summer - not with the uploads, slp assist, etc. I know it would be "blind" in a sense. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to go over it again for 5-6 weeks to solidify it. Can you do this or not?

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:02:33 PM)
david tate has had to give up too much this year and ff...great idea...esp. after $3600.00

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:02:35 PM)
I agree with you Marge-however, I think, in the defense of some providers, the users need to remember that our expenses need to be covered and that we are entitled to make a living as well. I am very sensitive to the needs of my families-but know that is not always the case

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 0004, 2000 11:03:04 PM)
That was another question I had. Do you ever need to do the FFW program more than once?

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:04:26 PM)
the license needs to be used within a year of when it is purchased. it is actually licensed for a six month period of use. after going for about 6 days, you will have to update in order to continue training. once the provider has determined that a student has completed FFW, the server essentially turns them off, so they won't be able to continue training.

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:05:24 PM)
ncz/Texas---was it a speech/language therapist or a what with the $2000.ffee????/

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:05:32 PM)
ok... I was thinking the local load of the program was adaptive and would continue based on her scores, etc... doesn't sound like it will work though... Tks!

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:05:33 PM)
ann: that is good that you are sensitive to the needs of the families... and i hope you have several different payment options available... i do realize that providers need to cover their costs. but when they are looking to amortize their costs over the first 4-6 patients, i think they'd do everyone a big favor by simply referring them to someone whose cost structure does not require 10% or more of the family's annual gross income (assuming median income).

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:05:47 PM)
many children benefit from continued training on the STep ForWord (originally known as Fast ForWord2)l.

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:06:28 PM)
the program does adapt, using your hard drive-however, after about 6 days of data, it will be necesary to upload and the computer willnot allow you to continue training without the upload.

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:06:49 PM)
Gotcha.... tks a bunch for clearing that up

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:06:52 PM)
I agree with you Marge...

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 11:06:55 PM)
What is 4wd?? I have seen it advertised at the Speech/Language pathologist's office?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:07:14 PM)
Marge....please realize that each provider sets their own professional fee........that is not regulated by FFW since if my understanding is correct they are basically independent contractors who are liscensed to administer the program

Ann Osterling2 (ID=68) (Apr 4, 2000 11:07:39 PM)
4WD is FFW training but with graphics that are more appropriate for adults and adolescents. other than that, it is essentially the same

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:07:55 PM)
Do you have to be certified to do the FFW program at home?

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:08:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:08:18 PM)
I keep getting bumped.

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 11:08:42 PM)
Ann- so does FFW have graphics or just 4wd?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:08:47 PM)
Ann can I ask what server you are on so I can contact my server support and report the problem?

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:09:39 PM)
both training programs have graphics-it is just that the FFW (original) are considered somewhat juvenile for adolescents...however, I can tell you that more than a thousand adolescents trained on FFW and had the same sorts of outcomes..

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:09:58 PM)
a dumb long does it take to do the ff1 program..six year the summer

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:09:59 PM)
deb: i understand that... and sci learning could get in trouble if it tried to regulate the price at which services were sold.. but i wonder if there is a role here for ASHA or AAA or the other professional societies to make payments for services & devices more affordable.

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 11:10:13 PM)
Ann-- My son is 11 years old. Would he better off taking 4wd or FFW?

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:10:31 PM)
Ann.. do you think FF (we did 1 and 2) needs to be repeated at any point. J is 10... should we move on to 4wd? She has done an "about-face" since FF1&2 - we want to keep going. The progress was remarkable.

tammy (ID=54) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:01 PM)
sorry, but i'm going to have to go...i have to get up early for work. good night everyone...

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:10 PM)
goodnight Tammy....

bev (ID=66) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:11 PM)

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:13 PM)
Nite Tammy!

ncz/Texas (ID=62) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:16 PM)
goodnight Tammy

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:19 PM)
i need to go too... glad to "hear" from you, ann, nice to see everybody

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:22 PM)
bye tammy

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:37 PM)
See ya.. Marge...have a good evening

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:44 PM)
goodnight! stay warm, all you east coasters... since that front went thru ***brrrrrr!!****

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:11:57 PM)
goodnight Marge.. I will email you regarding the tshirts

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:12:03 PM)
ok deb

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:12:07 PM)
night marge

Marge (ID=63) (Apr 4, 2000 11:12:16 PM)
gnite all!

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:12:54 PM)
oh shoot, was sending a message and it wnet private..

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:13:14 PM)
Ann, do you need to be trained in order to do the FFW at home or can your SLP monitor?

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:13:24 PM)
i was trying to send it for you can copy and paste from private box

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:13:53 PM)
most students will gain the most from FFW during the first 4-6 weeks. the provider will be interpreting data and behaviors to help determine when a student has reached completion

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:14:04 PM)
send it if you can-I closed the box

michelle (ID=70) (Apr 4, 2000 11:14:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Kate (ID=60) (Apr 4, 2000 11:14:15 PM)
hi Michelle

spocMary (ID=64) (Apr 4, 2000 11:14:18 PM)
Hi Michelle!

michelle (ID=70) (Apr 4, 2000 11:14:44 PM)
hi, sorry I'm so late getting on tonight

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:15:00 PM)
if you are doing FFW at home, there needs to be a "monitor" to supervise and keep the child motivated., typcially the provider will train that person.

debbie (ID=53) (Apr 4, 2000 11:16:07 PM)
Ann's message.............SLC has found that most children make the most significant gaines during the first 4 to 6 weeks. In some cases, it may be appropriate to go beyond that point: this is where the provider is critical in interpreting the data and the behaviors.

michelle (ID=70) (Apr 4, 2000 11:16:22 PM)
I was curious if there is anything you should be doing for a child before they start FFW. My 6 year old will be doing FFW this summer through our school district (we hope.)

Ann Osterling2 (ID=69) (Apr 4, 2000 11:16:36 PM)
4WD is typically not done after completion of FFW and step4wd....because it is training on the same things as FFW. however, I know there are some families who have reported that they have run their child a second time. Because SLc is a research based company, they are not going to recommend something that they have no data on.