Mimi (ID=15) (Apr 6, 2000 7:49:51 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 7:54:29 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 7:54:47 PM)
hi Mimi

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:00:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:01:38 PM)

dolfrog (ID=18) (Apr 6, 2000 8:02:10 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:03:09 PM)
I am new here. What are we talking about tonight?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:03:36 PM)
hi there everyone..im sorry i had stepped away for a moment

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:03:46 PM)
hi Maggylou

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:03:57 PM)
Glad you are here.This is my first visit

dolfrog (ID=19) (Apr 6, 2000 8:04:04 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:04:25 PM)
hi Graeme

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:04:43 PM)
Maggylou...do you have a child with CAPD?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:05:23 PM)
I have a little girl who is 8 that was dx with CAPD two years ago...

dolfrog (ID=19) (Apr 6, 2000 8:05:25 PM)
Hi debbie I thought i woould pop in , but it is rather late here, and i am tired

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:05:38 PM)
what time is it there Graeme?

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:05:40 PM)
I believe my 8 year old does have capd. I cannot afford testing so I am going to try to do this through the school system

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:05:55 PM)
where are you from Maggylou?

dolfrog (ID=19) (Apr 6, 2000 8:05:57 PM)
it is 1.12 am

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:06:04 PM)
Chattanooga TN

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:06:17 PM)
wow!! di dyou get my message about trying to help you with the site?

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:06:51 PM)
yes I did thanks-I have ordered earobics and I am waiting for it to get here

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:07:11 PM)
Have you approached the school yet about the testing Maggylou?

dolfrog (ID=19) (Apr 6, 2000 8:07:35 PM)
Yes I am trying to recreate the old site but in a new format, and i am having to learn a new computer language to do it difficult for a CAPD

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:07:53 PM)
Graeme what language are you using?

dolfrog (ID=19) (Apr 6, 2000 8:08:11 PM)

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:08:14 PM)
My son is already in special ed as adhd and LD with language disability-but they never gave it a name

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:08:17 PM)
Let me know how the Earobics goes.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:08:38 PM)
Dolfrog I wrote alot of my site in html....if you need help I"m always here. =)

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:08:45 PM)
Have you used Earobics?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:09:03 PM)
no I have not Maggylou....I want to order it for this summer

dolfrog (ID=19) (Apr 6, 2000 8:09:25 PM)
I am about to use earobics for my middle son Micheal Murray

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:10:03 PM)
If you order from the learning company-part of mattel you can get if for about 50.00 which is half what I have found other places

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:10:56 PM)
I knew Dr Wasowicz use to work in conjuction with Mattell but did not realize you could order Earo through it

MV (ID=21) (Apr 6, 2000 8:11:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:11:23 PM)
hi MV, happy you could join us tonight

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:12:04 PM)
I found it in one of their catalogues and even talked to someone at the company that had personally used it-they said it was of great help to their child

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:12:20 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:12:28 PM)
I"ve heard very good comments about the program and have been impressed with what I read

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:12:45 PM)
I'll let you know how it goes

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:12:55 PM)
my pc cashed out sorry

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:13:10 PM)
did you get message about hosting chats Graeme?

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:13:21 PM)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:13:23 PM)
sounds good Maggylou.....

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:14:10 PM)
If you are interested in hosting chat times tht would be more convenient to your time zone...please let me know..the chat room here would be available for your use as long as you'd like

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:14:58 PM)
Maggylou..what is the school saying regarind the testing?

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:16:19 PM)
Michael is up for re-evaluation in the fall and we have a m team meeting in a couple of weeks. I am going to ask that they test him then

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:16:39 PM)
I am about to aquire a new PC nominaly for my wife and M&M but I am hoping to get an improved specification so that i can avoid my internet problems, and yes i would like host some chats in future but i have a few things like web sites to sort ot first

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:16:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:17:22 PM)
not a problem Graeme....remember I"m here to help if you need some help......

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:17:30 PM)
hi Teresa..happy you made it back

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:17:55 PM)
thank you

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:18:14 PM)
So how is everyone tonight

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:18:48 PM)
doing good......

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:19:23 PM)
does the school feel as if CAPD is a possibility?

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:19:36 PM)
Debbie how many people nomarly comes in the room

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:19:40 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:07 PM)
I had an iteresting meeting with M&M teacher today and the only help we can get is if his case is made out to be worse thatn it really is, but with a supportive teacher and the using as much info from my site we may get some help for him

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:11 PM)
hi everyone!

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:17 PM)
usually there are a few more..but they arrive later....there has been some trouble with the room as you know the last day or so..i hope everyone got the message it was ok now!

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:19 PM)
I figured this one out myself-the system only works when I ask for something-they seldom suggest anything

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:22 PM)
hey cj!

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:33 PM)

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:20:53 PM)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:21:12 PM)
Graeme that's about the same situation we are in...the school volunteers nothing there.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:21:20 PM)
how are you doing tonight cj?

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:21:20 PM)
dolfrog how old is your child with CAPD?

Mary (ID=25) (Apr 6, 2000 8:21:35 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:21:55 PM)
hi Mary...

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:21:59 PM)
Debbie I am fine. Thanks. How are you?

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:22:05 PM)
Your site has been a great help-I knew there was more than what I was being told. I've had to figure the whole special ed thing from scratch

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:22:05 PM)
I have one of 11 one of 7 ( the one i am talking about now) and me

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:22:23 PM)
Michael is 8 years old

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:22:23 PM)
hi Mary

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:22:55 PM)
Well we have some similar aged kids. Mine are 8 and 12

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:23:07 PM)
Maggylou....dolfrog is has a wonderful site that he is moving right now..there is some fantastic information on it

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:23:17 PM)
cj i am doing great tonight...

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:23:18 PM)
my son eric is 6yrs old and we found out right before halloween that he had CAPD

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:23:23 PM)
how do I get to it?

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:24:00 PM)
dolfrog what is your site about?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:24:00 PM)
does anyone have any paticular issues they want to use as topic tonight?

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:24:02 PM)
at the ages of 7 and 8 CAPd tends to come out slowly, and by observation of how they follow others to see what they should do.

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:24:37 PM)
My site is about CAPD and other associated LSDs

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:24:48 PM)
as soon as dolfrog gets his site relocated i'd like to put the new link on my site..right now there is a link under "sources of information" to his current site

Maggylou (ID=17) (Apr 6, 2000 8:25:05 PM)

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:25:35 PM)
I meant LDS

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:25:37 PM)
I want to check out your site dolfrog. Sounds like it may be helpful

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:26:02 PM)
I am very new to this and its hard for me to help deal with it at home. we have great schools here and I am glad of that.

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:26:30 PM)
It is at www.zinezone.com/users/dolfrog and is part of the CAPD web ring

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:26:51 PM)
teresa..what type of problems are you having at home? ( i know we talked earlier but I want to let others know background too)

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:28:11 PM)
just to know how to talk with him and when we have family reunion and he around crowds.....

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:28:52 PM)
teresa...does your family realize that your son has some special needs?

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:29:22 PM)
he is hard to understand when he talks fast and kids his age are starting to ask him why he talkes that why and its starting to get upsetting to him..

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:29:38 PM)
(for any one interested.......you can change the icon by your name to somehting other than the smiley face by clicking on settings)

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:29:49 PM)
Hi tlc I am a CAPD myself, I hate crowds and by that i mean more than three people. I can not process what the people are saying when there are more

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:30:15 PM)
tlc, get his attention, and eye contact. I find that telling others that son has a hearing problem . People get that they do not get capd

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:30:29 PM)
how do you deal with it?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:31:52 PM)
tlc.... when you need to tell your son to do chores....tell him one at a time......be specific....dotn tell him to go to his room..make his bed...put away his clothes..and put on his shoes.......tell him one at a time or he can get easily confused with too much information

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:32:05 PM)
eye Contact is not always the best route, because CAPDs develop their awareness of both eye contact and body language, and this does not always agree with whAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY SAY

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:32:08 PM)
Thanks Debbie, I learned something new. I was wondering about the icons.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:32:23 PM)
your welcome cj..=)

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:32:56 PM)
My son gets a lot out lip reading along with oral language.

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:33:23 PM)
So does my eldest son Iain

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:33:24 PM)
my son says "what" alot...he is in a special needs class and they work one on one with him and then he has a speech class two days a week.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:33:31 PM)
dolfrog...do you mind if i ask you a few questions? i think you can offer a different perspective than i can

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:34:00 PM)
This is because he has not processed what you have said totally

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:34:06 PM)
my son says what to just about every Q someone asks him

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:34:55 PM)
my son is 6yrs old and he doesn't even know the abc's yet...he knows the number up to 7 but after that he can't even tell you.. he can count to 10 and its just hard for me to see him like this....

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:35:05 PM)
He needs clarification and confirmation that he understands the meaning of what you have said

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:35:23 PM)
can you give us an example?

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:35:52 PM)
Who me?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:36:01 PM)

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:36:39 PM)
It is like in an office if you are sending a three page fax, a CAPD will proceess the fist page miss the second and process the third

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:37:01 PM)
Is school going to be hard for him all the way through?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:37:25 PM)
tlc....i think most parents' have trouble believing their child has CAPD,,,,,,Sarah and I talk about her capd and how it affects her in school.......she's developed some good coping strategies on her own

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:38:20 PM)
dolfrog..is it easier for you to understand written language ?

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:38:21 PM)
My elsest and i found the move to secondasry school beneficial this is due to the difference in emphis of the teachers, and a degree of self reliance

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:39:21 PM)
I can re read writen scrpts rather than keep asking people for confirmation of what they have said

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:39:27 PM)
tlc...that is going to depend on the type of help you get him while he's young...

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:39:42 PM)
my son is a very happy child and will talk to anyone that he doesn's even know. But I can't talk to him now about the CAPD because even know he is 6yr he has the mind of a 4 1/2 to 5 yrs old...

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:40:07 PM)
dolfrog..so instead of telling a child what chores to do,,it may be helpful to make a list?

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:41:06 PM)
He will ove4r come that he has the communication ability of a 5 year old but has the ability for his age, and this may lead to inner frustration

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:41:15 PM)
Sarah asked me about being a bit different..she wanted to know why she was doing all the special tests with people...i told her they were to prove how smart she was.....

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:41:30 PM)
Debbie I think this depends on the child and their personality and other lds.

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:42:27 PM)
It may be helpful make make up a routine so that they become automatic,and to use the same vocabulary to ask for any specific task to be done

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:42:39 PM)
yes it does...I think a child's view of capd will depend alot on a parent's view also.........my opinion though

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:43:25 PM)
both of my sons have different characters and approach CAPD in different ways

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:43:57 PM)
Debbie that was a good explanation. Also if your child does not get the grades he/she would like some parents say the grades are to see how well your teacher is doing , teaching you ( takes pressure off young children)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:44:38 PM)
graeme what i mean is if a parent takes a posotive attitude about what the child can do instead of a negative attitude about what they cant do....the child will know

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:44:41 PM)
My son gets his feeling hurt so easy and I have to be very careful on what I tell him. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but he still sometime wets his pants. I don't know if he did that because he was to lazy to go or he just couldn't tell he went.

dolfrog (ID=22) (Apr 6, 2000 8:45:20 PM)
Iain did not start to match his peers results untill he was 11, and only this week he was elected by his peers to be his forms captain

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:45:44 PM)
dolfrog that is fantastic! tell Iain congratulations

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:46:19 PM)
How do people get CAPD?

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:46:25 PM)
tlc, my son also is very sensitive. he cannot stand people speaking loudly

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:47:28 PM)
ethier can mine and my daughter who is 8yrs old has hearing problem and tubes in her ears so she talks very loud.....

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:47:29 PM)
my son had many ear infections, but this is not the only cause. I think there is a genetic component in our case.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:47:30 PM)
when Sarah got her FM trainer..she asked me why she had to wear it...i told her because God created her special.....just like her grandpa has hearing trouble and wears a hearing aid....i have eye trouble and wear glasses...she has trouble understanding and wears the FM.....each of us is special in our own way that God created us

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:48:38 PM)
there is not one known cause for CAPD...thre are many theories or models of capd.......that is why the disorder is so hard to understand...

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:49:05 PM)
great debbie. I pointed this out by stating that different people have different problems. some wear glasses, braces, some have lisps, etc.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:49:21 PM)
exactly cj

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:49:28 PM)
different types of capd too

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:50:06 PM)
CAPD covers a very broad spectrum of problems......no two children with capd may have the exact same problems..

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:50:11 PM)
CJ how old is your child that has CAPD

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:50:42 PM)
in the chat archives you can find various information on the model of capd in the archives that were hosted by Dr J

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:50:53 PM)
the different types manifest problems differently. some kids have trouble with auditory memory and others have difficulty spelling. both kids have capd. one is 8 and the other is 12

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:51:34 PM)
those are examples. others have yet different difficulties

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:52:06 PM)
my daughter has trouble with short term memory and background noise..

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:52:37 PM)
mine has trouble with auditory closure and backround noise.

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:52:38 PM)
do you think my daughter with hearing problems has CAPD? she is repeating 1st grade again and for reading, math, and lang. she goes to this special needs room for help. she takes speech at school

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:53:06 PM)
tlc...we re not qualified to answer that....if you suspect capd..you should have her tested by an aud

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:53:19 PM)

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:53:21 PM)
i agree debbie

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:53:46 PM)
my daughter has perfect hearing in both ears but is capd

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:54:03 PM)
my situation w both boys as well

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:54:17 PM)
that's why it took me so long to get the dx

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:54:28 PM)
my eldest processes better out of one ear than the other

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:55:00 PM)

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:55:29 PM)
if you did not hear of capd i doubt most schools would send you for testing. it is a few hundred $s in our area for complete testing for capd by an audiologist

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:55:56 PM)
i really think it is important to see the aud for the dx before a parent tries to determine the problem one self so that you get proper guidance on how to proceed and help your child

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:56:39 PM)
correct. other than classroom mods. and fm I did not get remediation advice from the audiologist

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:57:08 PM)
I am stuggling w should i do ffw or not

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:57:17 PM)
he reads and spells well

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:57:52 PM)
cj...see if you can get the slp to give you a demo disc or use the demo in the office before you decide

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:58:13 PM)
cj..please remind me where you are from

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 8:58:23 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:58:39 PM)
hey graeme! thought maybe you went to bed....

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:58:48 PM)
interesting idea . thanks. I still do not get what the celf has to do w deciding about ffw. i am from nj

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 8:58:58 PM)
i was draged away by a technical hitch

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 8:59:31 PM)
Cj what part of Nj are you from? do you know where Middletown is?

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 8:59:33 PM)
those computer gremlins debbie :)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 8:59:53 PM)
we've been having a few hitches in here the last few days....been on phone with the server for hours

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:00:04 PM)
My pc brought up more versions of my home page than i any one could wish for

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:00:22 PM)
no dont . I did hear of it. I am from the northern part of the state

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 9:00:34 PM)
how do you get to your site Dolfrog?

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:01:14 PM)
graeme has your son done ffw

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:01:31 PM)
cj..i'd like to light a fire under them gremilins some days *L*

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:01:54 PM)
today and may be for the next week or so it is at www.zinezone.co/users/dolfrog or you can get to it via debbies CAPD web link?

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:02:07 PM)
it took me some time to get savy w this chat thing

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:02:58 PM)
there are two ways to get to dolfrogs's site through my site... one is on the main entry page of site...through the web ring ..the other is on the page for sources of information

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:03:06 PM)
I thought about FFW but in the UK the cost is so prohbative it is almost twice that over your side of the pond

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:03:34 PM)
cj good news for you!! there is a new version of chat coming outvery quickly here that should keep the gremilins from taking you from the chat

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 9:03:36 PM)
I do have to be thankful for the schools here in Iowa with all the help that they are giving my kids

cj (ID=24) (Apr 0006, 2000 09:03:42 PM)
so he is succeeding withoout it

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:04:21 PM)
that is good tlc.

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:04:25 PM)
yes I am the origonal exponent of coping strategies

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:04:55 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:04:55 PM)
anyone have kids that were school phobic

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:05:10 PM)
hi Jacquie

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:05:17 PM)
not mine cj

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:05:30 PM)
hi Jacquie

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:05:39 PM)
Hi all

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:05:50 PM)
M&M is slightly school phobic, he asks how many more days and has mysterious pains

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:08 PM)
L. used to have mysterious pains too

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:10 PM)
hi jacquie

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:16 PM)
well I need to run and get kids out of bathtub now? how long is everyone on her tonight for?

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:18 PM)
my son is very sensitive. Always worried that he will get into trouble. He is the best behaved kid.

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:33 PM)
bye tlc

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:34 PM)
I should be here til about 10.....

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:38 PM)
not for long

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:51 PM)
we have mysery pains too.

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:06:54 PM)
just got on

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:16 PM)
is it 9:00pm in FL?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:18 PM)
i've only been getting about 3 to 4 hours sleep a night..gonna run earlier than usual..but stop back if you want tlc..some parents show up later

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:26 PM)
yes tlc one hour difference

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:34 PM)
these pains soon go if something they like might happen

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:35 PM)
supposed to be working on my son's math, but her instead

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:37 PM)
worried that people are yelling at him, scolding him, that he will need to stay after school for 5 minutes

tlc (ID=23) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:42 PM)
Its only 8:oopm here

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:07:51 PM)
dolfrog, same with luke

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:08:11 PM)
cj: how old is your son?

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:08:27 PM)
CJ it is only that others do not understand CAPD

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:08:35 PM)
this one is 8 have a 12 year old son too

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:09:14 PM)
my 7 year old is the sensitive one and so was i at his age

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:09:24 PM)
does lain have these worries too

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:10:03 PM)
or did you at this age for that matter

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:10:09 PM)
he id do especiall at age 6 - 8 but he has the hide of an elephant now

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:10:32 PM)
Luke still worries about being late

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:10:57 PM)
I went to a private school and so did not experiance the same pressures, but they were there

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:11:03 PM)
I am going to need to work on toughening him up because that is life. Oh both my kids worry about lateness too

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:11:27 PM)
Thanks Graeme, for the insight

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:11:37 PM)
Sarah is very sensitive to other kids too..but she's getting a bit more "thick skinned"

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:11:47 PM)
cj: Life will thicken his skin

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:11:51 PM)
Iain only learnt to tell the time in the last fall, but now is is so fastidious about it

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:12:53 PM)
I will have to leave you now before i fall asleep

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:00 PM)
so far, it hasn't, Jacquie. If there is minor school problem, he becomes school phobic

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:04 PM)
Sarah is like that...she may be slow to catch on..but when she does..watch out!

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:16 PM)
bye graeme

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:22 PM)
Graeme,,,,,,,,I am so happy you could join us for a bit....thank you

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:22 PM)
by graeme

dolfrog (ID=26) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:37 PM)
See you all later

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:13:57 PM)
is this the Jacquie that emailed me today?

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:14:03 PM)
Do any of your kids have major homework attitudes?

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:14:10 PM)
Debbie: yes

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:14:12 PM)

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:14:45 PM)
my 8 year old is so tired that he wants to do nothing after school

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:14:51 PM)
thank you for the kind words....

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:15:00 PM)
he does want to play

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:15:03 PM)
Luke fights me so hard re: his math, and I hate ma

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:15:15 PM)
Debbie: your welcome

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:15:22 PM)
Sarah use to cry everytime we had to write sentences...i use to hate monday nights......

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:15:27 PM)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:15:50 PM)
it's hard to deteremine sometimes what's capd and what's childhood attitude

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:16:14 PM)
well, I was going to just let him get away with it today, but I think I can find a little more oomph in me to make him do his work

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:16:27 PM)
True Debbie. how many young kids want to work an hour after school

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:16:45 PM)
how many mothers want to work an hour after school?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:16:49 PM)
how many mom's want to clean house after working 8 hours.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:16:58 PM)
*L* Jacquie..same idea

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:17:12 PM)

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:17:37 PM)
debbie how old is your child?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:17:57 PM)
i dont let sarah use her capd as an excuse...it's an obstacle we work around and an inconvenience in my house..not a disability

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:18:07 PM)
Sarah is 8...she will be 9 in July

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:18:50 PM)
well guys, puberty does some really wild things around 13 years

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:00 PM)
got to go . bye debbie and Jacquie

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:07 PM)
by cj

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:11 PM)
bye cj

cj (ID=24) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:19 PM)

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:28 PM)
Debbie, where did you just get back from?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:29 PM)
Jacquie that thought scares me.....

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:39 PM)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:43 PM)
I' went to Orlando to see my twin sister..

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:19:49 PM)
yes!! my girls are a handful now

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:20:15 PM)
If you can get past 13, then 15, things start to slow down.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:20:40 PM)
thanks for the encouragement

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:20:46 PM)
Debbie, how do you get the energy to run the chat and the "from the heart page"?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:21:13 PM)
really want toknow the truth? from notes like the one you sent me today

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:21:41 PM)
Well, I have learned so much from your web page and the chats

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:22:01 PM)
my motivation for starting the site was very selfish and i'll admit that

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:22:19 PM)
For years I felt alone with this CAPD. it helps to go to your site

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:22:26 PM)
what do you mean selfish?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:22:37 PM)
i was at my wits and and needed a way to vent my frustration...i felt so alone and overwhelmed...i had to find a release....

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:22:56 PM)
Wow, that's a very CONSTRUCTIVE release!

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:23:07 PM)
I usually try choclate

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:23:22 PM)
for the first 1 1/2 years i never talked to another parent...the first night i was in a FFW chat i sat here and cried my eyes out..

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:23:36 PM)
i tell you this as i sit here muching on M & M's *LOL*

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:23:49 PM)
WHY is this stupid CAPD so frustrating?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:23:58 PM)
i started my website that night at 1 am

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:24:16 PM)
people dont understand how you hear,,but yet you dont "hear"...

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:24:39 PM)
or, why what you heard wasn't what I said.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:24:48 PM)
CAPD is a rarely diagnosed disorder but it is not a rare disorder.

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:25:15 PM)
none of the teachers I have met know anything about CAPD

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:25:43 PM)
the rest of the website has been in repsonse to the messages from you and others about CAPD on the message board..... you ask for it..i try to give it to you....

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:25:54 PM)
Is your husband involved with the website?

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:26:15 PM)
same here Jacquie..I made up books for each teacher , principal and staff member that worked wth Sarah.

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:26:48 PM)
My husband is supportive..I hope to get him more involved..but sometimes he has trouble understanding CAPD too

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:27:34 PM)
sometimes I have trouble understanding CAPD

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:28:06 PM)
so do I...it seems the more i learn the more confused i get....the more questions i ask..the more i have...it's a vicous cycle

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:28:15 PM)

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:40:20 PM)
i really enjoyed talking tonight..

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:40:52 PM)
oh i do too.....sometimes you just have to get away!

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:41:11 PM)
im a firm believer in being crazy now and then to stay sane!!

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:41:25 PM)

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:42:02 PM)
I think every once in a while you have to be a little crazy or you will go crazy

Jacquie (ID=27) (Apr 6, 2000 9:42:31 PM)
oops, I really am leaving now. Thanks

debbie (ID=16) (Apr 6, 2000 9:42:39 PM)

debbie (ID=29) (Apr 6, 2000 9:43:29 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=29) (Apr 6, 2000 9:43:50 PM)

debbie (ID=29) (Apr 6, 2000 9:49:01 PM)

debbie (ID=30) (Apr 6, 2000 9:49:22 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=31) (Apr 6, 2000 9:50:22 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=32) (Apr 6, 2000 9:52:09 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=32) (Apr 6, 2000 9:53:08 PM)

debbie (ID=32) (Apr 6, 2000 9:53:12 PM)

debbie (ID=32) (Apr 6, 2000 9:53:19 PM)

debbie (ID=32) (Apr 6, 2000 9:53:23 PM)
jeionh'e reowrh'[

debbie (ID=33) (Apr 6, 2000 9:53:32 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=33) (Apr 6, 2000 9:54:18 PM)

debbie (ID=33) (Apr 6, 2000 9:54:19 PM)

debbie (ID=33) (Apr 6, 2000 9:54:21 PM)

debbie (ID=33) (Apr 6, 2000 9:57:20 PM)

debbie (ID=34) (Apr 6, 2000 9:57:41 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=35) (Apr 6, 2000 9:59:40 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=36) (Apr 6, 2000 10:01:59 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=37) (Apr 6, 2000 10:03:33 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=38) (Apr 6, 2000 10:04:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=39) (Apr 6, 2000 10:06:21 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=40) (Apr 6, 2000 10:09:23 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=41) (Apr 6, 2000 10:12:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=42) (Apr 6, 2000 10:19:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=43) (Apr 6, 2000 10:21:39 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:23:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:29:40 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:29:46 PM)
hey Pen

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:29:52 PM)
whatcha think?

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:30:01 PM)
hey hon

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:30:20 PM)
it looks fine

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:30:33 PM)
im not sure about it....

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:30:39 PM)
it shows off the logo real well

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:31:00 PM)
yes it does..but the yellow and orange aren't quite right

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:31:20 PM)
orange? all I see is yellow

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:31:33 PM)
see where it says user's?

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:31:51 PM)
oh ok I thought that was always the same color

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:32:09 PM)
what would look better?

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:32:48 PM)
depends on what you are trying to achieve

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:33:05 PM)
i dotn know.*L*...

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:33:14 PM)
im going to put it back for now..

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:33:24 PM)
blues and greens are cool soothing colors yellows and reds are more vibrant

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:34:23 PM)
but the blues and greens will clash with logo..too many colors in banners...

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:34:45 PM)
the soft yellow is fine

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:35:23 PM)
let's go out and come back in

Pen (ID=45) (Apr 6, 2000 10:35:27 PM)

debbie (ID=44) (Apr 6, 2000 10:35:29 PM)
i changed something

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:35:41 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:35:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:36:03 PM)
darker yellow and white background?

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:36:28 PM)
same yello

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:36:32 PM)

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:36:32 PM)
or does the white background make the yellow look darker

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:36:36 PM)
ok I thought so

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:36:54 PM)
shouldi just put it back to plain white?

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:0037:9 PM)
the white looks like something is missing

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:37:19 PM)
I like the black better

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:37:27 PM)
i thought so too...tell me what to do.

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:37:39 PM)
the black sets off the logo and banners..

Pen (ID=46) (Apr 6, 2000 10:37:44 PM)
yes it does

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:38:43 PM)

debbie (ID=47) (Apr 6, 2000 10:39:49 PM)
out and in one more time

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:40:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:40:09 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:40:26 PM)

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:40:32 PM)
did you go out and in ?

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:40:51 PM)
that works it sets off the banners very well and the grey background on the text is easier to distinguish than the yellow

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:40:57 PM)

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:41:48 PM)
i like this better

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:42:10 PM)
so do I

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:42:27 PM)
ok..thank you hon *hugs*

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:42:36 PM)
you're welcome

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:42:54 PM)
should i change colors on some of the banners?

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:43:08 PM)
no the banners look great

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:43:21 PM)
ok..thank you hon...

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:43:42 PM)
i knew there had to be a way to do colors better than stark hospital white..

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:43:49 PM)

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:44:17 PM)
we'll see what comments i get on it...can always change it...can set up several options..

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:44:47 PM)
I'm sure every one will like it

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:45:10 PM)
well i trust your judgement

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:45:46 PM)
thanks hon but everyone's opinion is different

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:46:28 PM)
think im giong to go to bed hon......im tired tonight......

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:46:49 PM)
you should get some rest too..

Pen (ID=48) (Apr 6, 2000 10:47:03 PM)
night hon sweet dreams I'm headed there soon Shelly and Dixie will be here soon she is spending the night again tonight

debbie (ID=49) (Apr 6, 2000 10:47:18 PM)
ok..night night hon..*HUGS*

Paula B (ID=50) (Apr 6, 2000 11:04:09 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=51) (Apr 6, 2000 11:19:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=51) (Apr 6, 2000 11:20:36 PM)
Hi Deb! Just thought I'd check to see if anyone was "home". Hope you're having a great week. Thanks so much for all the hard work you do to keep the chat going.