debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 8:06:14 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

samonnesmom (ID=101) (Apr 11, 2000 8:13:12 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

samonnesmom (ID=101) (Apr 11, 2000 8:14:40 PM)
Hi Debbie. Can anyone suggest an FM system that would be good for a 6.5 year old?

Paula (ID=102) (Apr 11, 2000 9:06:46 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Paula (ID=102) (Apr 11, 2000 9:09:32 PM)
Hi. What do you want to talk about?

Penny (ID=103) (Apr 11, 2000 9:22:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

jaon (ID=104) (Apr 11, 2000 9:50:00 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

jaon (ID=104) (Apr 11, 2000 9:50:15 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

jaon (ID=104) (Apr 11, 2000 9:50:15 PM)
(This user has moved to CAPD: From the Heart)

9475 (ID=105) (Apr 11, 2000 9:51:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

9475 (ID=105) (Apr 11, 2000 9:54:50 PM)
(This user is now known as LaurieOK)

LaurieOK (ID=106) (Apr 11, 2000 9:55:15 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

LaurieOK (ID=106) (Apr 11, 2000 9:55:41 PM)
Hello.......anyone out there?

LaurieOK (ID=107) (Apr 11, 2000 9:59:53 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

LaurieOK (ID=107) (Apr 11, 2000 10:00:24 PM)
Debbie.......are you out there?

LaurieOK (ID=108) (Apr 11, 2000 10:04:30 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:07:08 PM)

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:11:28 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:12:27 PM)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:12:52 PM)

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:13:07 PM)
guess i'm the only one tonight, huh? lol

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:13:25 PM)
no..i was late getting here and missed a few people...i was hoping they'd come back

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:13:52 PM)
when i left to go to the store i left my puter on by it looked like i was here and just ignoring

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:13:58 PM)
oh, this is my first time here, and i was hoping there would be a lot of people here so i could "listen" in

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:14:11 PM)
lol...mmm...not a good impression

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:8 PM)
if you stay a bit im sure there will be more here....i felt bad i missed the others....not like me to be running late.

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:13 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:18 PM)
hey Josiane!!

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:25 PM)
hi josiane

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:26 PM)
Carol...where are you from?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:32 PM)
wisconsin, and you?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:15:53 PM)
I"m from Florida

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:16:03 PM)
how are you Jo?

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:16:17 PM)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:16:30 PM)'s Gaelle doing ?

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:16:41 PM)
Ok and you/

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:17:13 PM)
doing great......had a rough day with Sarah today...her self esteem is really down right now

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:17:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:17:25 PM)
hi marie

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:17:35 PM)
Hello to all

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:17:42 PM)
hi Marie

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:17:57 PM)
Gaelle fine, what happened with Sarah?

ammy (ID=112) (Apr 11, 2000 10:18:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:18:08 PM)
hi Ammy

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:18:10 PM)
hi ammy

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:18:39 PM)
Sarah is really struggling with the kids at school right now...feeling like no one likes her...

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:19:15 PM)
the teacher says that she's not having trouble but is going to keep an eye on her...says sarah is well liked and plays well with the other kids...

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:20:00 PM)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:21:20 PM)
Does anyone have any paticular questions tonight or any issues they want to throw out for discussion??

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:22:00 PM) son is having the full battery of capd tests done a few weeks, and i was wondering if there are any certain questions/concerns i should bring up w/the audiologist?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:22:19 PM) old is your son?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:22:26 PM)
he'll be 7 in a week

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:23:09 PM)
Carol...let me start by saying im not a professional in the area of CAPD...I"m a mom and these are my personal recommendations.............

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:23:25 PM)
ok...anything will be a help

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:23:47 PM)
take any previous tests with you that you have had done...whether by other audiologist...pediatricians..the school..etc.....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:24:25 PM)
jot down notes of the behaviors that seem to indicate your son is having trouble....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:24:41 PM)
such as....trouble with memory...speech..word recall....

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:24:58 PM)
ok...he's the audiologist that has been doing my son's hearing evals for the last 3 he sort of knows him..he's well versed in capd..he works at the university

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:24:58 PM)
I have a question, my daughter 7 just started to receive resource services 45 min. per day. it was a long time coming. she has been there for about 4 weeks-before meeting w/teacher I wanted her to get to know Jen. We spoke yesterday to set up meeting -I asked her how much she knew about capd. her answer was very limited ( only what she learned in school. -Is this reality? Will have to teach her about ccapd?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:25:04 PM)
talk to the teachers and see if they have paticular concerns about your son...

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:26:10 PM)
we've known about the capd for about 4 years, but because of his age, couldnt do the formal i'm nervous and anxious as well to get the results

Penny (ID=113) (Apr 11, 2000 10:26:24 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:26:37 PM)
Marie....unfortnately that is a common reality with capd

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:26:50 PM)
extremely son's pediatrician doesnt even know about capd

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:26:56 PM) least once you have the dx can go on from there..

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:27:09 PM)
hey Penny!!! =)

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:27:12 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:27:28 PM)
Carol..I found that out to be true here too...almost everyone I've talked to I've had to inform them of what CAPD is..

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:27:58 PM)
i've just been wondering....who will actually *treat* him for the know, like actually teach him coping skills, increase his processing skills, etc.? he get's speech w/slp 2x/wk..but that is more for his expressive/receptive language disorder..even the slp doesnt know about the capd..i'm so frustrated

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:28:01 PM)
Carol...if you have any paticular concerns about your son or what to do to help him...write them down and take with you..

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:28:53 PM)
Carol.....ask your aud for suggestions about what type of remeadiation will be beneficial......ask about Earo and FFW

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:29:23 PM) much do you know about CAPD?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:29:39 PM)
i did last year...and he wasnt real familiar with them...we tried earobics at home for about a week (borrowed from school) and son didnt like it...doubt we could afford the fast forward either

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:30:11 PM)
The FFW is a considerable investment....

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:30:42 PM)
Hello, Does anyone know anyone using "Cued Speech"?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:30:55 PM)
I've used FFW but not the Earo yet

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:31:11 PM)
i know, its very prohibitive to say the least...i was wondering if i could get the school district to pay for it...but i know highly doubtful

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:31:43 PM)
Ammy..there is a mom on the CAPD listserv named Brenda...she is very knowledgeable on cued is Marge Tamas

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:32:21 PM)
Carol...that would depend on your school district...some parents have been district wouldnt consider it

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:33:04 PM)
doubt my district will either...they told me if i homeschooled, they would NOT pay for any services whatsoever

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:33:17 PM)
Debbie, I've talked to Brenda but not to Marge. Also, what do you think of Fast ForWord.

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:33:51 PM)
i was pushing get services for speech when i put him in parochial school, but i think i would have to put him back in public schools to get them to pay for fast forward or even earobics

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:34:10 PM)
I was a skeptic of FFW because of the insurance did not help at all........but I now have no regrets about it at all and would do it all over again!

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:35:37 PM)
At the same time that Sarah did FFW....I was also able to ge the district to provide an FM trainer for her..the combination of the two have opened a whole new world for Sarah

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:36:04 PM)
anyways...i was also wondering about what to put in IEP for services specifically for CAPD...should i ask the audiologist to attend the meeting? it seems like no one understands what it is, and what services are needed...not even the so called professionals

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:36:09 PM)
My school is trying to push for less services in school for my daughter, they say she is out of the class to often. between, speech, reading, school counsler, & now they are adding OT. for fine motor skills. Have any of you had same problems?

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:36:39 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:36:44 PM)
hi Sherri

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:36:52 PM)
my son also uses the fm system...and it really helps too (when he'll wear it! lol)

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:37:03 PM)
I say lets give her as much special attention as needed while she is young & still wants to learn.

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:37:19 PM)
yes marie...that is why i put my son in parochial schools

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:37:31 PM)
Carol..what services you ask for will depend on the recommendation from the audiologist....if your aud can attend the meeting with you it would probably be beneifcial

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:37:34 PM)
Hi debbie How are you Im a lettle earlier then last time

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:38:12 PM)
*LOL* good to see you off work tonight so a bit earlier too

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:38:41 PM)
the kids went to be a little earlier yea

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:39:06 PM)
I think we are about 4 hours earlier tonight sherri.....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:39:37 PM) school doesnt' want to provide many services so I cant really speak on them being able to cut any....none there to really cut

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:40:24 PM)
I looked on the arcives what is FM

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:41:14 PM)
all i get are speech/language w/slp 2x per week, and it doesnt seem to help him this year...i think there is antagonism between slp and my son..they dont work well together..and of course the fm system which is a big help too

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:41:15 PM)
an FM device is a device used to assist in daughter uses a personal FM looks like a walkman radio...she wears the receiver and a headset..the teacher wears a mic...

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:41:29 PM)
the teacher's voice goes directly to her ears and it eliminated the background noise.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:41:34 PM)
or pretty much eliminates it

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:41:54 PM)
that's the kind my son has too....he used the surround sound one last year in public school, but it didnt work well at all

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:41:58 PM)
OK my speach path. told me about that and told me that thiswas something we need to look into

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:42:10 PM)
Carol...Sarah does not receive any speech or language

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:42:31 PM)
wow...does she have problems w/speech or language?

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:42:36 PM)
My daughter has been using the trainer for 3 months- it does seem to help

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:43:00 PM)
what does the FM Stand for and what is a trainer Marie

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:43:24 PM)
my son couldnt talk until he started when he was almost 3...then *wham* it was amazing...although he still talks pretty much like a 5 yo though...he's still really delayed in communication, but we're working on it

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:43:52 PM)
just another name, our school calls it the fm trainor.- it is the same system that Debbie described- like a walkman

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:43:54 PM)
Sarah got her FM at 9:00 on a Monday morning....I went back up at 11L30 to have lunch with her....a little girl in her class commented on how quick Sarah was to answer using that "hearing thing" In udner two hours an 8 year old noticed the difference it made

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:45:13 PM)
my son's class and teacher said the same thing...he wouldnt participate at all during circle time or any other time, and she could tell that he couldnt fully understand her at times, but w/fm system in the first day she said it was amazing...he was participating, animated, he was a different child all together

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:45:20 PM)
I believe and please dont quote me on this..that FM stands for the type of frequency the device uses to transmit the an FM radio

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:45:35 PM)
Im new to all of this and appreciate all the info Debbie that is wonderful I can see that this is something we need to work on quickly did you get this or did the school provide this and if the school did how long did it take

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:45:36 PM)
when Jen got her FM- the teacher said that she did more work in the 1st 1/2 of the day- then she had done the week before. Jen need to put her head & rest because she was so tired.

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:46:12 PM)
and this was after last year w/public school teacher saying it was a waste of effort, it didnt work, and it was too inconvenient for them to about fuming!!! another reason i pulled him out

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:46:37 PM)
Sherri....mine was provided by the school.....but Sarah only get's to use it at will depend on your district and how persistent you are to how long it will take

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:47:07 PM)
Carol what are you doing with your son now?

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:47:19 PM)
I'm a volunteer advocate and trying to help a 13yr. old girl recently diagnosed with Severe CAPD. The girl is in resource classes, with 1 teacher, 20 students. She changes classrooms & teachers each period. Although in 7th grade, academically she is on a 2nd grade level. Her self esteem has taken a nosedive! An FM system was tried but she wouldn't use it, said it hurt. The SLP said some kids it doesn't work for especially if they have integration problems. Mom wants her in a smaller class, but the school will only provide a smaller class if she goes into a life skills setting.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:47:20 PM)
be right back everyone..getting a drink...

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:47:21 PM)
The must provide it.( at least here in NY- if it is recommended by an audioligist.- it took just a few weeks to get one. -if they dont have one- chk w/ the audioligist- they might be able to locate one for the school.

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:47:26 PM)
sherrie...more than likely you'll have to put it specifically in iep, or the teachers dont have to use it if they dont want to...i found that out the hard way last year...he's in a parochial school this year

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:49:03 PM)
is these some info I can get on the FM to show the importance of it

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:49:08 PM)
Marie are you from NY?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:49:24 PM)
that's too bad ammy...i'm hoping by the time my son gets to that age, he'll be able to cope w/skills and processing and won't need fm system...otherwise it will be hard to use

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:49:33 PM)
Ammy you are right when you say it wont work for all kids with CAPD.....CAPD is a very broad category and there are various forms of CAPD>..that is why it is so important to get recommendations from your aud

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:49:41 PM)
ammy- is there any way the head set could be changed to maybe an ear piece? I never looked that close it my daughters?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:50:00 PM) looking for a website on FM..just a sec.

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:50:52 PM)
i'm going to look into finding out if there is an fm system that is like an hearing aid that he can put in his ear...but i was looking into that more for his sports and understanding what the coaches say than for school...anyone hear of something like this?

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 10:51:05 PM)
Josiane, yes I live 45 mins. from Syracuse.-upstate

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:51:13 PM)
this site is called Demystifying Assistive Listening Devices

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 10:52:14 PM)
Almost neighbors... i'm from Queens NY

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:52:20 PM)
Carol seems..I've recently heard of a new device similar to a hearing aid ..but dont know how true it is or anything about it

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:52:45 PM)
i know someone was mentioning on the listserv about a personal fm system that looks like a box that you put on your desk...maybe that is something she could use Ammy

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:53:11 PM)
Carol, sounds terrific!

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:53:12 PM)
...instead of the

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:53:22 PM)
Carol..there are FM systems for classrooms...not just the personal FM trainers

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:53:40 PM)
of course...she'll still get the background noise, but maybe it will help better than nothing

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:53:53 PM)
Debbie Im so new to all of this after i spoke to you last time the next day I tried to find this chat room again just to see if I could find it again. It took at least an hour I wrote the site down thanks so I put it in my favorites ( I just learned how)

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:54:27 PM)
How about a computer that puts language into words?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:54:28 PM)
yes i son had one in the class he was in last year...the surround system one, but it didnt work for him at all...he really needed something that blocks out background noise, not just makes the teacher's voice louder

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:54:29 PM)
depending on what area her CAPD affects the background noise may not be a problem

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:55:12 PM)
sherri...have you had a chance to join the email list yet for the site? i try to always send out notices of when there are chats..

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:55:44 PM)
Are there different FM devices? Are some brands better than others?

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:55:50 PM)
I try to do that before I leave tonight thanks

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:55:53 PM)
ammy...that one i have no idea...but seems like there would be something like that available

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:56:21 PM)
there are different fm devices...but i dont know about the differences between brands...never had to buy one

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:57:18 PM)
carol you mentioned pulling you child out is he in a private school?

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:57:25 PM)
I wonder if fm devices are like computers. Cheapers ones don't provide same quality.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:58:03 PM)
**************************************I am really excited to announce that Dr Teri James the author of the book....Assessment and Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting....From Science to Practice will be joining one of our chats on behalf of Earo the first Thursday night in May*********

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:58:13 PM)
yes...he's in a parochial school...but now i'm wondering if i'll have to put him back in public school to get the services he needs specifically to treat his CAPD

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 10:58:53 PM)
great debbie...hopefully i can be here for that

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 10:59:09 PM)
That what i need is more garbage in and moregarbage out like a computer

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 10:59:27 PM)
*******Dr Steve Zecker from Northwestern University will also be with us the last Thursday of this month on behalf of Earobics*****************

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 10:59:47 PM)
Has anyone heard of Dr. Charles Berlin in New Orleans?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:00:17 PM)
I am very excited about speaking with Dr James...if you haven't read her's excellent and a fantastic hands on book for parents...

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:00:36 PM)
no...but i'm new to all this...couldnt find any info on CAPD until i got on the

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:00:51 PM)
not sure Ammy

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:01:27 PM)
Caroll.....I had a really hard time getting information too that a parent could understand without having to have a degree...that's why this site and chat are here now!

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:01:42 PM)
and i thank you for it! lol

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:02:26 PM)
it's my pleasure Carol...=) (had to find a way to keep me organized and out of

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:02:32 PM)

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:03:19 PM)
Carol I know in Okla. City there is a private school that is for children.d that need a little extra help have you checked in to anything like that

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:06:06 PM)
yes...but i live in rural i dont have much of a choice...and since the parochial/private schools dont have to follow iep, i'm at their mercy to follow suggestions given by least w/public schools, i know if its in the iep they have to follow it...but i dont want to put him back in because the class size is so large....decisions decisions

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:06:07 PM)
**********Judy DeLuc and slp from SLC will be with us on Wednesday , April 26 to give us information and ask questions about FFW also!*************

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:06:38 PM)
I got his name from the National Cued Speech Association saying, " he is an expert on CAPD and CS." "He has adovacted for students before" and "Dr. Charles Berlin can be reached at Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans". I guess it would be worth investigating. I'll try!

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:06:40 PM)
my questions to them, debbie, is why cant they make it cheaper! LOL

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:06:51 PM)
come ask!! *LOL*

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:07:15 PM)
actually the cost of the program depends on the provider you go through.......(other than the liscensing fee)

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:07:23 PM)
Carol Ive thought about that School with Michael or just home schooling him I know when I work with him at home he can catch on alot faster

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:07:23 PM)
ok, my next question is....what is cued speech?

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:07:36 PM)
What is fast forward?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:07:56 PM)
i thought about homeschooling too sherri...but then he wouldnt get any speech services at all, and i cant afford it on my own...our insurance wont pay for it either

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:08:06 PM)
Carol, Cued Speech is really cool! Give me a second and I'll type in the definition and website.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:08:30 PM)
sherri....FFW is a cd rom based program administered by an slp (usually) that basically "retrains" on how to process's interactive so it progresses as the child progresses........

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:09:14 PM)
oops................ no space there

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:09:25 PM)
thank you ammy!

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:09:44 PM)
problem is finding a slp that can administer it...i'm wondering if there is even one in my area that is trained to do it...or dont they have to be trained? i can't remember now

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:09:44 PM)
Carol I think cued speech is when the speach path has your child repeat the word she says but they don't use it in normal speech pat

KManBAM (ID=116) (Apr 11, 2000 11:09:47 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:10:20 PM)
and that is suppose to do what?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:10:23 PM)
Carol..they do have to be trained...if there is not one in your Scientific Learning and talk to them about an offsite program

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:10:36 PM)
hi KM

KManBAM (ID=116) (Apr 11, 2000 11:10:39 PM)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:11:02 PM)
how have you been?

KManBAM (ID=116) (Apr 11, 2000 11:11:32 PM)
good, thanks. A little late aren't I?

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:11:42 PM)
Carol you could take him to the public school for speech and still home school or privite school that is the way it is in Okla.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:12:18 PM)
it's ok KMan..........should sherri and i tell you what time we ran into each other in here the other "morning"? =)

KManBAM (ID=116) (Apr 11, 2000 11:12:40 PM)

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:12:46 PM)
not here....already checked into...they can refuse to offer services if i homeschool, or actually even private schools although they usual work w/you if you send to private schools...and they already told me that they would refuse services if i homeschooled...bummer huh?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:13:32 PM) a parent advocate group in your area...i dont think they can refuse......if you cant find the state department of education

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:13:49 PM)
sherri...what time were we in here...about 3 am?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:14:08 PM)
actually they can...already did, and in the language it does state that they only have to offer services if they attend public schools

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:14:38 PM)
im shocked to hear that Carol....

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:14:53 PM)
i was too...very upset and angry in fact...but i couldnt do anything about it

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:15:26 PM)
where di you say you were from? Wisconsin?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:15:29 PM)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:15:56 PM)
are you on Dr J's listserv?

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:16:05 PM)
the state leaves it up to each school district to *choose* whether or not they will offer services to children who dont attend public schools...and mine chose not to.....yes

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:16:14 PM)
there was a thread recently about private vs public school

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:16:39 PM)
i know, and i've been following it....there are pros and cons w/each one

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:16:41 PM)
Carol Michael has been is speech since 2 1/2 year old with sooner start.... a state program after that he as been in the school system since he was 3 that 1st year the speech path cam to my home and after that I took michael there to the s chool for 30 min times a week and know I take him 2 days a week before kindergaten and 1 day he his pulled out of his class

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:17:28 PM)
Ammy.......can i ask you how you became an advocate?

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:17:47 PM)
Carol, as quoted from the Cued Speech assoc. CS should be referred to as a mode of communication. It can be used as an augmentative means for communication for any communicative type of disorder. As is one of the main difficulties of the CAPD disorder is that communicative input via audition alone is not an effecient mode of communication. CS involves 8 different handshapes, hand placements and non-manual signals to produce a visible code . It provides the consonants and vowels CAPD people have difficulty with. Go to

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:17:55 PM)
that's its called early childhood...and my son did participate in that too...but once they can enter kindergarten...then it's up to them to decide if they will offer services if you dont attend the public schools

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:18:21 PM)
thanks ammy

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:18:35 PM)
I be back

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:19:30 PM)
thank you ammy!

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:21:04 PM)
sorry...was off looking at that website

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:21:23 PM)
Debbie, I have a child with Aspergers Syndrome, Tourette's Syndrome, BiPolar disorder..........I have spent over $10,000.00 on lawyers, educating myself, attending conferences and so on. So people pass my name around! I keep saying I won't advocate for anyone else until I hear the story of how a child is being unjustly treated by a school district.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:22:06 PM)
*LOL*'s hard to say no isnt it?

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:22:37 PM)
Especially when you know they CAN BE successful!

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:23:14 PM)
each time i get a letter from a about brings me to tears......advocacy is one area i want to learn more about

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:24:51 PM)
It's so overwhelming though, I take every child so personally. It consumes my life at times. But one happy child, one positive change in our educational system makes it all worth it.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:24:53 PM) are awful quiet tonight......everything ok?

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:25:29 PM)
where are you from ammy? i think you said it earlier......but i missed it

Carol (ID=109) (Apr 11, 2000 11:26:01 PM)
well, ladies, i have to finish cleaning out my email box, and get to bed...nice talking w/you...hope to visit soon again

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:26:20 PM)
goodnight Carol

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:26:31 PM)
I'm still here.....watching the News too.....

marie (ID=111) (Apr 11, 2000 11:28:48 PM)
time for me to go too. -nice chating w/you all. !

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:29:02 PM)
goodnight Marie.....thanks for joining us tonight

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:29:07 PM)
oops..missed her..

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:29:57 PM)
did anyone have any other topics they wanted to discuss?

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:30:30 PM)
I got to get some shut eye also, Debbie xxxooo to Sarah and tell her that Gaelle went through the same thing beginning school year, told Gaelle to take a "so what that's ok attitude

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:30:52 PM)
goodnight josian..give Gaelle a big hug from her friends in florida

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:30:58 PM)
No I think I have a few thinks to look up this has just been a God send to me full of info and hope Ive will be going bye guys

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:31:20 PM)
'and now she's less sensitive if someone doesn't want to be her friend that very secound.........

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:31:21 PM)
goodnight sherri

ammy (ID=114) (Apr 11, 2000 11:31:53 PM)
Good Night everybody, thanks for your input and help.

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:12 PM)
ammy are you going also?

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:18 PM)
Josiane everyone goes though that even if they dont have CAPD

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:22 PM)
Wish i were there.chilly here in NY..... Bye all

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:29 PM)
bye !

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:35 PM)
I just had to add that

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:44 PM)
it's hard to seperate capd from childhood sometimes!

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:32:44 PM)
bye debbie

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:33:23 PM)
I have a 10 year old that is in the gifted and tallented she still has that problem

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:34:16 PM)
it's part of growing up..i think the capd just magnifies it sometimes.....

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:34:20 PM)
I am hping to find a good friend for Michael and hping that they will execpt hem as he is

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:34:33 PM)
I know Sherri (i did too in school) but i guess it's harder when you can't express yourself correctly and my daughter is soooooo sensitive, better now

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:34:42 PM)
i know that feeling sherri

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:34:54 PM)
same here

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:35:11 PM)
Josiane...your daughter is a beautiful little girll.....

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:35:22 PM)
That is why I thought about home school at least it wouldnt be in his face every minute

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:35:39 PM)
Thanks, so are yours Debbie!!!!

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:36:12 PM)
it's a tough decision

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:36:18 PM)
debble how have you seen Josiane little girl

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:36:49 PM)
you got to send me more pictures.....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:37:03 PM)
Josiane is the first parent of a child with capd that I ever met (we met on the net June 27th last year)...we've sent email pics back and forth

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:37:09 PM)
via email Sherri

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:37:25 PM)
I will...i just got some new ones put on disc...=)

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:37:35 PM)
OK OK I get the picture

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:37:49 PM)
Do you write these dates all down Debbie? LOL....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:38:13 PM)
Josaine and I have spent many late nights talking...and crying.........(at least I know I cried......)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:38:28 PM)
no Josiane..but that's not a night I will ever forget...

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:38:48 PM)
finally someone understood me and what capd was.........

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:39:00 PM)
that's the night I started this website Josiane...

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:39:28 PM)
I am just in "aw" at what Debbie has done with this web site and all the parents on the chats now!!!!!!!

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:40:11 PM)
I guess it have been a slow process for me since he has been in speech since he was 3-/12 or maybe I have not seen the big picture yet

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:40:39 PM)'s not been me.....I've had alot of help along the way.....right now I have alot of support from many people

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:40:51 PM)
I have 3 kids and I do know that he is the middle child and need more attention then the others

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:41:12 PM)
But you started all this....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:41:44 PM) is a slow process.........i am still struggling to get Sarah help..and I know when school starts next year..this will start all over again...i dread the beginning of each year...and i pray i'll get a teacher who cares.........

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:41:58 PM)
support do you mean family and friends or a good computer Debbie

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:43:51 PM)
by support i mean the many friends I've made through this site and the listserv by Dr J....the number of professionals who are helping by donating their time to come and friends who helped me set up my site...............those who have listened to me cry out of frustration.......and my husband who just smiles when im on the puter doing research or in a chat...

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:44:37 PM)
did your kids get tested for ADD Michael will do that test in 2 weeks my speach path said he could have both

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:44:47 PM)
most of my family still does not udnerstand capd......

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:45:05 PM)
Sarah was tested for ADD....but does not have it..

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:45:32 PM)
Debbie I would not know were to start what you have done and my husband whould laugh if he know I was on a chat line

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:45:52 PM)
How could the tell the difference

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:46:19 PM)
i'm still waitting for an appointment foe testing for ADD, but Gaelle has calmed down alot in the last couple months

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:46:20 PM)
how could the y tell the differnce between add and capd

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:46:51 PM)
Sherri..last June I didnt know how to do a website..the night I started this site i messaged someone named clint at 1 am and asked him how to's been a long slow process and sometimes i get really frustrated not knowing...

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:47:51 PM)
add is an attentional disorder...capd is a processing child with add may not sit still to do an activity.....a child with capd..may not understand what is being said....................(my interpretations)

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:48:08 PM)
I do have a friend that is a compter programer and she made a web site for my Girl scout troop

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:48:44 PM)
I've been blessed with some wonderful friends willing to help me try and help others.....

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:48:55 PM)
Debbie, June 27 is my father's birthday....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:48:59 PM)
many of them are friends i've never met in person..only on the net..

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:49:07 PM)
oh really Josiane?? cool!!

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:49:39 PM)
and the day Gaelle came home from the hospital when she was born.....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:50:16 PM)
her birthday is very close to Sarah's then Sarah's is July 1

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:50:39 PM)
June 15....I'm July 8

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:50:42 PM)
Speaking of that I do know that my daughter has found some very good friend in the troop and I am hoping to keep Michael busy like that he played basket ball and now soccer

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:50:52 PM)
I stand corrected....July 25th we met! (it is on website)

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:51:35 PM)
you started to spooke me....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:51:49 PM)
Sarah use to play soccer..i had to pull her out when i changed jobs due to schedule..

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:51:51 PM)

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:52:16 PM)
I went and double checked..*L*>......

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:52:31 PM)
I jsut like to keep my kids buzy

Josiane (ID=110) (Apr 11, 2000 11:52:43 PM)
i got a letter of registration today for girl scouts...thinking about it

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 0011, 2000 11:53:19 PM)
I"m debating about trying to get Sarah on a summer swim team during the day when im off work.....

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:53:40 PM)
im thinking that is a team sport but yet...pretty much independent..

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:53:45 PM)
the girls just seem to be very nice to everyone we have 15 girls with 2 home schooler and 1 in private school and everyone gets alot

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:54:18 PM)
swimming is a great idea

debbie (ID=100) (Apr 11, 2000 11:54:55 PM)
she loves the water....we'll see as summer get's closer...

sherri (ID=115) (Apr 11, 2000 11:55:14 PM)
I try to put them with the good kids and not the cool kids

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