debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 7:58:28 AM)
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dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:16:16 AM)
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debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:16:56 AM)
good morning dr j
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:17:24 AM)
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dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:17:41 AM)
Good morning debbie. I think, finally, I will be able to settle down and be here for the entire chat.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:17:49 AM)
Good morning kym
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:17:52 AM)
Good Morning Kym
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:18:12 AM)
good morning all
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:18:14 AM)
Im sure it will be a relief when finals are over
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:18:37 AM)
Debbie, sorry to have run off, yesterday, but, I promised my students a review session before their big final exam today. Also, I have no class prep-so I can and be happy to stay until 10:30am
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:19:21 AM)
Dr J....I understand your students come first!! I"m sure they appreciated the prep time too =)
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:20:49 AM)
I have an appt for Sarah at the U of F on Thursday morning to have a re-evaluation done of the CAPD
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:21:06 AM)
Debbie, yes. The one thing I've learned is that it's these last classes (so the prep was like a final/final class) is when the students really are putting it all together. And, yesterday's review really demonstrated that to me....they're really putting it together now.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:22:14 AM)
I"m looking forward to the evaluation..hoping it will provide answers as to how much progress we've made since she was originally diagnosed 2 years ago
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:22:31 AM)
kym, you're rather quiet this morning.....may I offer you a cup of JAVA?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:22:33 AM)
Kym,,,,how have you been?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:23:19 AM)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:23:19 AM)
And, of course, Debbie, may I offer you a cup of freshly brewed Hazelnut coffee I have here in my office!
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:23:38 AM)
doing 3 things at one time i am usually not up this early
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:23:48 AM)
need a mountain dew
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:24:19 AM)
kym i got a diet coke been staying away from coffee too!
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:24:22 AM)
so dr j my son is 6 has been diagonosed with capd last yr fall of 99
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:24:54 AM)
and speech teacher just gave us some meer images for him to work on at home this summer
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:25:13 AM)
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kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:25:29 AM)
and there are mostly what where who questions to ask him
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:25:49 AM)
and he doesnt seem to be interested in readling them and answering me will he grow out of that
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:26:05 AM)
good morning lily
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:26:22 AM)
kym, if you don't mind my asking these questions, (1) who diagnosed your son with CAPD (not the name, but the profession) and (2) in what specific areas of CAPD were you told that your son has problems ?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:26:22 AM)
good morning Lilly
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:26:46 AM)
good morning
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:26:57 AM)
speech teacher he has been seeing since school started
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:28:20 AM)
Good morning Lily....we're asking if anyone would like freshly brewed Hazelnut coffee or diet coke? ;-)
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:28:24 AM)
and he has trouble understanding and following simple directions
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:28:36 AM)
no thanks
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:28:52 AM)
Kym...if you repeat the directions does it help him?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:28:55 AM)
kym, then if I understand, your child has been identified as CAPD by the school's speech teacher? Is that correct?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:29:01 AM)
re find that we repeat our selves so i find that getting right in his face and asking him to repeat the directions work
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:29:19 AM)
yes deb it does but i say it slowly
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:29:43 AM)
yes he seems to have all 11 symptoms of capd
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:29:47 AM)
Lilly do you have a child that has been dx with CAPD?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:30:05 AM)
had it last yr in kindergarden just didnt know it and it made for a school yr very difficult
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:30:08 AM)
yes my son has it
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:30:30 AM)
he held him back because he thought he was not going to be ready for 1 grade so he is repeating k
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:30:33 AM)
kym, I understand the "symptom" you describe (difficulties following directions), but, my question is What were you told were or was the specific areas or area of auditory processing causing the difficulties in following directions? And how did the speech teacher differentiate between this being an attention issue, a language problem vs. and auditory (based) problem?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:31:12 AM)
kym, you said all 11 symptoms of CAPD based on WHAT are these 11 symptoms?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:31:49 AM)
kym, and is he doing better now that he is repeating kindergarten?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:31:50 AM)
because the speech teacher has 3 other students that need just speech and she found that my son had trouble following simple directions and we are repeating and he says what and huh alot
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:31:53 AM) old is your daughter who has capd is 8...she will be 9 in july
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:32:00 AM)
and throws tantrums and
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:32:16 AM)
she gave me this web site to find out more about it
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:32:18 AM)
ralph is 7
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:32:23 AM)
more about capd
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:32:39 AM)
we found out last summer
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:32:45 AM)
and tuesdays are a busy time for me so i cant come in as often as i would like
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:33:06 AM)
see his social skills were lacking
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:33:06 AM)
kym, all of the symptoms you describe ALSO describe a number of different underlying reasons or "causes" for your son's problems. What formal evaluations were done to identify that he has CAPD and has ruled out all of the other problems?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:33:29 AM)
nothing formal we havent went outside the school for help
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:33:31 AM)
kym. we do have chats on other nights also This chat will be moving to Wednesday morning in two weeks. Hopefully that will help your scheudle a bit
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:33:46 AM)
because speech teacher has seen a vast improvement in amari
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:34:04 AM)
so we just monitor what she does he sees her 3 times a week for hr
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:34:12 AM)
with 3 other students in his class
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:34:28 AM)
he has alot of trouble remembering his spelling words or if you ask him one word he will spell another whats strange sbout it is that he will spell it right even though its the wrong word
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:34:34 AM)
so he doesnt feel so alone and i find that helps because in the beginning he didnt want to meet with her
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:34:59 AM)
Lilly who was your son evaluated by?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:35:01 AM)
and when evaluated at this local school this past summer to see if he was ready for 1 grade
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:35:18 AM)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:35:21 AM)
brb...I have to take this quick interruption....
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:35:36 AM)
all the teachers in that sort of setting said no they give too many verbal directions that he just couldnt understand do thats why we held him back
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:36:47 AM)
Lilly do have any paticular questions this morning? How is your son doing?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:36:57 AM)
ok debbie weds night chat i can make that
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:37:04 AM)
Back again, sorry......
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:37:05 AM)
debbie i wrote to you a while ago about ralph im carolamb7 aka lilly
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:37:53 AM)
ralph is doing slow steady progress hes about one year behind his reading is comming along very slow
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:38:00 AM)
carolamb7 is a name i recognize!! sorry about that.... sometimes hard to put emails with parents in here.. like matching names with faces =)
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:38:35 AM)
i was thinking about earobics for ralph any feed back
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:38:51 AM)
kym....sorry, I'm a bit behind. Then, no formal testing was, you really don't know if your son has CAPD, but, you are working on the assumption that he has CAPD. Now, if you really knew what was the underlying factor or factors related to why he is having the problems he is having, wouldn't that affect how you would deal with him and whether the speech teacher is doing the right things for him?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:39:14 AM)
Kym...the wednesday chats will be in the morning with dr j (instead of tuesday mornings) There will also be chats on I believe tuesday and thursday nights (have to confirm new schedule for nights)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:39:46 AM)
lilly, regarding earobics. What are the areas that have been identified as specific processing deficits for Ralph?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:39:54 AM)
ic debbie thanks
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:39:55 AM)
Lilly I have not personally used Earo yet......have you seen their online demo at
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:40:35 AM)
debbie im dreding third grade for him i cant see him going into next year yes ive seen it looks good ralph did about four months on fast forward
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:40:48 AM)
and yes dr j i feel comformtable with what the teacher is doing for him i work hard myself at home with him and she sees that extra help is working because he applies it at school
tlc (ID=55) (May 2, 2000 8:42:02 AM)
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debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:42:16 AM)
Dr J i hope you dont mine...i want to try and explain from a parent's view why you try so hard to pinpoint the specific deficit...........
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:42:26 AM)
hi tlc how are you today?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:42:36 AM)
and just last week the teacher instructed us to get him some ear phones/walk man type and start listening to books on tapes and this past week has been very helpful he loves that
tlc (ID=55) (May 2, 2000 8:42:41 AM)
hi I am doing good
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:42:45 AM)
kym, If you carefully review what you have said.....this is all you have identified: "Difficulties following directions," "Things have to be repeated several times," "Problems with verbal information." So, yes, you have identified that your son has a verbal information processing problem, but, is the basis of the problem auditory? language? attention? cognitive? memory? This is why I am probing to help you see that you should NOT jump on the "It's CAPD" bandwagon. Please understand, that, probably, less than half of the children with problems processing verbal information has auditory based disorders.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:43:16 AM)
Good morning tic
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:43:45 AM)
and they have been thinking of getting the teacher to use the mircophone head phones as well but the district wont pay for it so not sure what will happen and school will be out soon and she is sure it will help my son
tlc (ID=55) (May 2, 2000 8:43:53 AM)
good ,morning
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:44:38 AM)
dr j ralph has a left ear deficit also neuromorphological delays
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:44:38 AM)
i see for the most part since the last conference he has language and attention problems sorry about that
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:45:10 AM)
I know my daughter was diagnosed two years ago with that time i did not understand really what capd was or what was the underlying reasons for the problems my daughter was having......unless i was able to pinpoint why she was having trouble i couldnt effectively help her overcome that problem......
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:45:12 AM)
auditory was mentioned at the first conference not this last one
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:45:19 AM)
kym, please understand, I'm not being negative.....but, you said she (I assume the school speech teacher) is sure it will help my son. Help him do what? How can she be SURE? What evidence, test data does she have to support the use of the FM system, and what makes it appropriate?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:46:09 AM)
no your not being negative
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:46:17 AM)
i am open to discussion
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:46:41 AM)
help him one on one with bringing out his speech and language more
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:47:24 AM)
and i feel she is doing an alright job i get progress reports every week where has there are two other kids in the class and their parents could care less how there doing in the speech class
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:49:13 AM)
i am sure the parents care about their kids but they sure dont ask as many questions and dont follow up on their kids and how do i know i am a room mom and i see absolutely nothing every week
tlc (ID=55) (May 2, 2000 8:49:21 AM)
my son is in special ed class and takes speech 2 times a week for a 1/2 hour each time because he is very hard to understand. he is 6yrs old and is just now starting to remember some of his ABC and he knows his numbers up to 10. like for the letter "p" he says "b". He took the "CAPD " test and some of the score was good but some where very low on the test. He get his feeling hurt very easly.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:49:47 AM)
lilly what are neuromorpholigical delays? I've not heard of that
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:49:51 AM)
and yes the fm system works she uses it but she didnt want him to get too use too it since they may not be using because of the budget next yr
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:50:36 AM)
kym, if your son is described as having attention and language problems, again, are these QUESSES or are these SUPPORTED by evidence (test data) or are they merely guesses based on behavior?
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:50:58 AM)
debbie i beleive its to do with neuro system
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 8:52:01 AM)
debbie he also has deficits in binaural integration
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:52:10 AM)
and to be honest with you i trust her a little more isnt that what putting your hands in the school district is all about? i mean i mentioned last yr we decided to hold him back because we felt he wasnt ready for 1 grade and last yr in kindergarden he went to speech class one day a week for 30 mins on a monday with one teacher and she had 75 other kids with all these ailments and i felt he wasnt getting enough time with speech
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:52:50 AM)
so we took him out of that school put him a low key school with only 250 students and now he gets 3 days a week for a hour and that to me was more reassuring then last yr
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:53:20 AM)
and i guess my hunches arent guesses. she has had him tested several times i mentioned and these are supported evidence
dr.j (ID=52) (May 02, 2000 8:54:10 AM)
kym, EVERYONE can benefit from an FM system. If someone were to ALWAYS speak directly in your ears, and you didn't hear ANY other sounds but the person speaking in the mic, you'd hearing and understand better too. So, just because an FM system gets the speaker's voice louder and without background noise to the listener (you child) does NOT mean it is DOING anything. It is a passive system For example, don't we all hear better when a PA system is used for a large room (like auditorium) lecture? But, just becasue the speaker's voice is louder and easier to hear doesn't mean that we can now understand Eistein's theory of relativity?
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 8:55:14 AM)
am i losing you or are you way ahead of me since your the doctor in all some friends on line have been dealing with this for 4 5 yrs i was just told this fall so i dont expect to be an expert in all this i am online to learn more and i can only go by what the teacher is telling me and i like her and i am comfortable and yes i agree he needs more outside help and will get it come summer so he doesnt loose track
tlc (ID=55) (May 2, 2000 8:57:03 AM)
Debbie I need to run and take kids to school.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:57:19 AM)
Kym, my focus on my questions and converstation is NOT to learn to distrust the school and the school speech teacher. What is critical, is that you have this person you trust sit down with you and described, specifically, what her observations, what the teacher's observations, and what your home observations say and how the test data supports a specific underlying factor or factors that can explain these behaviors. Then, understanding the problems, what can you do to manage the problems (the FM may be a temporary management solution - which is ALL that it ever is for kids with auditory/verbal processing problems).....but, what specific remediation will be provided and how is that remediation supported by the test data and how does that lead to improved performance and behavior.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:57:21 AM)
Kym.....I think what Dr J is trying to do is get to the root cause of why your son is having the issue really and auditory problem on language problem...he's not trying to put you on the spot...
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:57:32 AM)
ok teresa..see you a little later on
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 8:58:12 AM)
kym, I don' t want you to loose it here. I hope this last posting helps clarify it for you......let's look at my reasons for saying what I am saying.........
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 8:58:44 AM)
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debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 8:58:50 AM)
hi Kate
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 8:59:48 AM)
Hi everyone!
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 9:00:17 AM)
its language i told you but he has other underlying symptoms as well
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:00:48 AM)
kym, if the problem underlying the behaviors is auditory based, we need to control the auditory environment and help your son learn to deal with the auditory components of verbal information. Auditory factors are ONLY the rate (or what we call temporal) or speed of how fast or slowly speech is presented, the intensity (how loud or soft the speech is), discrimination (ability to distinguish one speech sound or "letter" from another), blending (putting pieces together such as c-a-t = cat), and background noise (many factors here).
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 9:00:58 AM)
thats why for the past 3 yrs he has seen the speech teacher to help him broaden his vocab
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:01:11 AM)
two weeks ago in our chat we reviewed the four approaches to capd and then applied all four approaches to the same problems...this helped show the reason why the approach is so importatnt...that chat is in the arvhices..might help clarify some
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 9:01:12 AM)
but as the weeks progress she finds other issues he has so we work on them
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:01:14 AM)
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debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:01:26 AM)
hi Cindysue
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:01:41 AM)
Hi! I am soooo glad to be here!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:01:52 AM)
kym, in contrast, if the problem is language, is the language being used too complex? do we expect your son to fill in missing details? is the vocabulary unfamiliar? etc. A very different problem with very different management and remdiation solutions.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:02:00 AM)
we are happy to have you!!!
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:02:05 AM)
When may I ask my question?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:02:19 AM)
go ahead cindysue
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 9:02:21 AM)
well dr j maybe you had better help someone else
kym (ID=53) (May 2, 2000 9:02:39 AM)
i have taken up too much of your time you have a wonderful day room
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:03:13 AM)
Ok, daughter 9, has ADHD, Bipolar and we think CAPD. The school says they can't test her until she is 6 months this true?????
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:03:33 AM)
kym, if the problem is attention, but, behaviorally based, not neurologcially based as with REAL ADD and ADHD, then, behavior management for attention needs to be addressed, and the areas of attention need to be identified. For many, the problem is knowing to what to attend (I call it "set-to-attend") for others its distractibility, others can't focus, others can't maintain attention for long periods of time.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:04:15 AM)
They just want to give her all the modifications in class.....including an FM trainer and says that the diagnosis at this point won't really make a difference. Do you agree?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:04:46 AM)
Cindysue, if you don't mind....asymptomatic of WHAT?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:05:10 AM)
I guess from her Bipolar? I'm so embarrassed I didn't even ask!
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:06:38 AM)
I am assuming they don't want to spend the $850 to test her and think I will be happy with the modifications they are willing to provide.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:06:43 AM)
Cindysue...mind if i ask you a question?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:06:50 AM)
Cindysue, what is the reason they are saying that she NEEDS the FM and (as you said) ALL THE MODIFICATIONS IN CLASS......I hope you don't mind, but I don't know what is meant by ALL THE MODIFICATIONS ?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:06:52 AM)
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:07:34 AM)
Dr.J, what type of professional is the best person to diagnose an auditory processing disorder and language disorder? We seem to be unable to get to the bottom of our sons problems and therefore are very confused about what remediation to actually use!!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:07:47 AM)
Cindysue, it's really not your place to ask. It really should be the responsibiltiy of the professionals to educate you and help you understand so you'll know what questions TO ask.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:07:55 AM)
Have you ever gone to the doctor and tell the dr you had a sore throat, and before he even looks at your throat he writes you a prescription?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:07:59 AM)
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:08:08 AM)
Modifications she gets from her ADHD, Bipolar....preferential seating, access to the Content MAStery class to finish her work....
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:09:48 AM)
and tell the dr????? My english is great this morning!! =)
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:10:01 AM)
well we know it is supposed to be the "professionals" responsibility, but if I wait for them, it will never be addressed....I've had to become a very strong advocate here in Texas to get her the simple things !
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:11:01 AM)
Debbie, I understand what you are saying, but they are trying to say, that whether or not she has CAPD won't change the modifications..........
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:11:06 AM)
Kate (sorry) an auditory processing disorder is evaluated and diagnosed by an AUDIOLOGIST who will first rule out a hearing loss whether permanent or temporary, and then, will do what we call a CAP or CAPD test battery. The audiologist will ONLY evaluate auditory skills and auditory related factors (although language, attention, and cognitive processing is highly involved in the CAPD test battery). A Speech-Language Pathologist is the professional who identifies Language problems by doing language tests. This professional will check out such areas as vocabulary, sentence structure understanding (we call it syntax), word structure understanding (we call it morphology), and the meaning of words and sentences (we call it semantics) and the use of language (we call it pragmatics). ........continued
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:12:15 AM)
But, Kate, not all Audiologists and Speech-language Pathologists are experienced with auditory processing (audiologist) or language processing (speech...). Thus, you need to find these professionals who really are experienced in these specific processing areas, not just hearing and not just language.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:12:40 AM)
Dr. J....they did a speech eval last year as we thought she had aspergers so they did one and said she is soooooo bright, high IQ, reads at a 9th grade level ....(she was in 2nd) so that she doesn't qualify for speech services.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:12:53 AM)
Cindysue, so you've come to the right place....a support group who have been through it all and can help you ask the right questions.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:13:18 AM)
Dr. J , Is it possible for a SLP to diagnose CAPD?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:13:57 AM)
Thank you all so much! I have knowlege on Cerebral palsy (my 4 year oLD) and ADHD and Bipolar and even aspergers, but this CAPD stuff is all new! Sigh.......yet another label to deal with.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:14:18 AM)
CindySue that is what the group is here share information
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:14:49 AM)
So, at this point what do you think I should do? I need to call the school this a.m.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:15:23 AM)
Kate, because capd is related to the auditory system it needs to be dx by an aud who is trained to do special testing for slp can refer you to an aud for the testing but can not make a proper dx of capd
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:15:26 AM)
Cindysue, being bright (cognitive) and high IQ (cognitive) have NOTHING to do with speech and language. What is needed and you can ask for the following "OK, I'm really glad she is bright and intellegent, but how well does she understand and use language? And how well is she able to use auditory information?" If they can't explain these answers with test data that supports the behaviors seen, then, ask, "How do you professionals explain the behaviors and the symptoms we see at home and you are seeing in school?" (Then, try to list some of the outstanding symptoms.)?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:17:12 AM)
CindySue...just got your email...happy you made it in =)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:17:25 AM)
Cindysue, with your child, since dx is ADHD, the fact that the symptoms will be PROBLEMS DEALING WITH VERBAL INFORMATION, the most critical factor is to get a professional who can differentiate the attentional factors from the auditory factors in looking to see if there may be a coexisting auditory processing problem or CAPD.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:17:50 AM)
Cindysue, what questions or concerns do you have specifically?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:18:44 AM)
.o(need to push up screen)
Brenda-M (ID=58) (May 2, 2000 9:21:27 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:21:38 AM)
Kate, sorry, I just reviewed the past response to an SLP dx CAPD, Debbie is correct! NO, unless the SLP has the training and performs an entire CAPD test battery and can demonstrate total controls over the presentation materials. For example, many SLPs are now using a test called the SCAN. They give it via a tape recorder and headphones. But, have the checked the volume level of the tape recorder to insure that it is at the 50dBHL or 70dBSPL level that is used by audiologists in controlled environments (audio test suites we call them)?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:21:48 AM)
hi Brenda M
Brenda-M (ID=58) (May 2, 2000 9:22:20 AM)
Hi. This is my first time here. Hope I am doing it right.
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 9:22:27 AM)
have a question for dr.j
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:23:01 AM)
we are happy to have you join us brenda!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:23:06 AM)
Suddenly everything is soooooo quiet? Are you still there Cindysue? Kate? Lilly (you've been really quiet)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:23:18 AM)
Please ask, Lilly...
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:23:26 AM)
Ok, I understand ......
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:23:32 AM)
So...if we've been to an SLP who has diagnosed our son with severe CAPD...we now need to find an audiologist?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:23:37 AM)
Sorry, was trying to read everything and write it down!
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 9:24:00 AM)
who can you recommend in the new york area that specializes in auditory testing on capd
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:24:13 AM)
CindySue the transcripts of all the chats are archived on the entry page so if you miss something...dont panic
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:24:46 AM)
So if they decide that she does have an auditory processing problem vs. attentional......what more can they be doing besides the seating, repeating things...making sure she understands, an FM trainer......
lilly (ID=54) (May 2, 2000 9:25:01 AM)
dr.j he is due for retesting late summer
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:25:56 AM)
kate, you have two factors you need to get (1) Ask the SLP "What do you mean by CAPD and what in your tests indicate that my son has specific problems with auditory (not language) information?" (2) depending on what the SLP replies, if there truly are signs of AUDITORY based problems, then, yes, you should find an audiologist experienced in testing for CAPD and ask that audiologist "What is your understanding of or approach to CAPD?"
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:26:33 AM)
She was part of a study last year (ADHD w./CAPD) and an audiologist did the SCAN....she failed the part of competing words........they are telling me how hard that is to pass even if someone didn't have ADHD and that it doesn't necessarily mean she needs to be tested further but I am disagreeing....
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:26:46 AM)
sorry....had a phone call
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:27:32 AM)
Thanks Debbie!
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:27:50 AM)
Will the audiologist recommend someone to help him if he agrees with the CAPD dx or will the audiologist be the one that actually helps??
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:28:50 AM)
Cindy is that the only part of the SCAN that she "failed"?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:29:08 AM)
So, Dr. J., you have never heard of someone asking that the child be "asymptomatic" for 6 months???
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:29:17 AM)
i believe that is the only part Debbie.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:30:15 AM)
But she has all the other symptoms of CAPD!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:31:20 AM) you want to have further testing done? you are not comfortable at this point that you know exactly what is going on with your child?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:31:36 AM)
Very slow processing (auditory), says she can't always hear her teacher, says "huh" all the time when we talk to her.......and typical symptoms of ADHD (can't focus, follow directions, stay on task...etc.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:31:58 AM)
Yes, I had requested they do the testing and this is what they are coming back and telling me.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:32:16 AM)
My belief is that they don't want to spend the money.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:33:02 AM)
I feel as though we need to find out if it is true CAPD or not! Not just assuming or guessing. What other types of things do you do to help a child with CAPD????
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:33:09 AM)
Dr J...I just found the SLPs report. She did a test for auditory processing which included filtered words, auditory figure ground, competing words, and competing sentences. Then she did some tests for suditory perceptual skills...number memory forward, the bottom she has an auditory processing score of 76. Does any of this sound familiar? My son is in the 6th grade and can't process the teachers information fast enough to take notes...makes it impossible to study for a test(just one of his school problems)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:33:28 AM)
First, let me reply to Cindysue.....If your daughter has CAPD what needs to be done in the assessment is to identify the specific underlying area of auditory processing that is deficient. So, if they find either that she has ONLY CAPD and not ADHD, or CAPD coexisting with ADHD, the modifications, you are describing are ONLY appropriate if the underlying problem is AWARENESS, ATTENTION, or DECODING. But, if the underlying CAPD problem is MEMORY, INTEGRATION, ORGANIZATION then, all of the acoustic modifications in the world will NOT provide ANY help for that child. Additionally, the modifications are NOT TREATMENT, they are only short term methods for managing the child. Treatment is needed or remdiation so the modifications can be removed and your daughter can processing information appropriately, adequately and efficiently (note: I NEVER SAID NORMALLY... for we don't know if children with real CAPD ever process normally, but, so long as they are not having problems and procesing does not interfer with t
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:35:21 AM)
Cindysue, Yes, I have heard of people being asymptomatic, but of WHAT.....their colds, otitis media? Has anyone stated to you why they feel that the Bipolar would interfer with auditory processing testing?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:35:47 AM) sure dr j will correct me if im wrong....many of the symptoms of capd are similar to the symptoms of add or adhd..and i am not saying your child does not have adhd.....but it is not uncommon for a child with capd to want to fidget..want to get a drink..want to sharpen their easily distracted..hard time paying attention....IF THE CHILD does not understand what is being said to them or what is happening and has gone into "overload" it is human nature to try and remove yourself from a situation in which you are uncomfortable...that does not mean a child is ADD or ADHD
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:36:33 AM)
Kate...would you son be allowed to tape the class?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:36:53 AM)
Sorry, been trying to go back and read and follow one thread.....
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:37:33 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:37:45 AM)
Cindysue, you ask what else is done for CAPD.....there are many things. Instead of telling you what they are....let me describe ONE factor related to all of the six areas I stated above and please understand this is all according to my approach to CAPD.....
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:38:07 AM)
welcome back brendaM
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:38:14 AM)
Yes, we talked about that today. But he has so much trouble juggling books,papers, fm trainer and all he needs for class that i was afraid one more thing to think about would make the "processing" even slower.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:38:25 AM)
FIrst area is Awareness.....what would you do if you had a child who was OVERLY sensitive or overly aware of sounds, like buzzing of florescent lights?
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:38:31 AM)
Don't know how I got booted out. Dr. J if you answered my question, I missed it.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:38:58 AM)
Second area is Attention.......if a child had problems identifying the relevant part of the auditory message, what could you do the help that child?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:39:41 AM)
Third area is Decoding.....we often hear about one aspect of decoding which is phonemic awareness.....thus, phonemic awareness training would help a child with this type of problem.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:39:45 AM)
Brenda....I did not see a message come up for you...If it was overly may have been what booted you...can you send message again? sorry!
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:41:15 AM)
So that's the problem. My 8 yr. old daughter finally tested for language in school. Scored 11y, 7m on concepts, 9y. overall on expressive language, but only 7y overall on receptive language. Children's Hospital of Pgh. won't test her because she isn't failing.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:41:18 AM) it general memory? Or specific to auditory memory? Is it related to the level of language used (a language processing problem NOT an auditory or memory problem) or is it getting informaiton INTO or OUT FROM the memory store? One aspect of auditory processing is a problem getting informaiton into the memory store, so , if I could not figure out how to pick and choose what I should and shouldn't remember, how could you help me?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:41:18 AM)
so, what your saying is that we need to dig down and figure out exactly the auditory issues are as there are more than one.....and then address those issues specifically?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:41:28 AM)
Kate...can your son be set up with a "buddy partner" to review notes?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:42:00 AM)
Next is integration......putting the pieces together. If I hear and processing in small pieces but can't put them together, how can you make it easier for me and help me put the pieces together?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:42:10 AM) got it! exactly!
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:42:13 AM)
I did find out that Duquesne University will test for free. Do you think there is a need for it? Children's told me that children develop differently and she will be fine. All of this was over the phone.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:42:23 AM)
Organization......well sequencing, step by step etc. helps a child with this problem.
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:42:54 AM)
ok, so who would do the training/therapy for the child????
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:43:06 AM)
Cindysue......You've not only got it but you've said it in such a clear way. I really like the way you said that. I hope you don't mind if I use that with other parents?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:43:30 AM)
Not at all! I am just trying to figure all of this out!!!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:43:41 AM)
BrendaM....I was told for 4 years that different kids develop differently..the whole time my dauther slipped further and further behind.....
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:45:18 AM)
I also found out (after paying a tudor for the last 2 yr.) that if she is diagnosed with CAPD, my health insurance will cover 90% of the costs, with no lifetime limits. It took me 2 yr. with the school just to get language testing. Going to private christian school next year.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:45:36 AM)
Ditto here, Debbie!! Now my son is going into 7th grade and I want to get started on helping him and we're still messing around with trying to figure out exactly whats wrong!!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:45:42 AM)
Cindysue, If the problem is in different areas, different people may need to be involved. The teacher needs to understand how to modify assignments, verbal directions..etc. A special resource teacher may be helpful in some areas. The reading teacher may be helpful in some areas and the SLP will be most helpful, but, not doing general vocabulary or "let's talk" work.....but specific work on the underlying auditory issues that we "dug out" from the interdisciplinary assessment of the child.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:46:57 AM)
Dr. J...after the audiologist figures out the "issues" will he send you to a SLP for help?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:47:40 AM)
BrendaM....from one mom to another...if you suspect there is something wrong...start listing behaviors that trouble you....make notes of even the little things...gather previous test result and see an aud for testing......YOU know your child better than anyone that you've talked to over the phone.......Do what you think is right for your child.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:48:16 AM)
To all.......My greatest frustration in the entire field of CAPD is that too many people with little understanding or in many cases, even a total lack of knowledge are guiding our kids with problems in verbal information processing. I think that to the great credit of people like Debbie and other parents, the consumers (you) are FINALLY pushing for consensus and understanding and to get people to look at the specifics of this issue.
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:50:29 AM)
I did schedule the testing for June 5th, their first appointment. I am concerned because I have a 6 yr. old that seems to do a lot of the same things as my 8 yr. old. My 8 yr. old has an IQ of 122, but is not working at that level. That seems to be the tudor's biggest concern. What is morphology? That is what the SLP seems most concerned about.
Jo (ID=61) (May 2, 2000 9:51:30 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:51:59 AM)
Kate, it depends on what is or are these issues. For example, if the problem is ATTENTION......let's say the problem is the child is distracted by background noise BECAUSE he/she can not distinguish what is the relevant or appropriate information to process vs. what information is inappropriate to process so the child is overinclusive and gets overloaded trying to attend to what way is this a speech-language problem? Now, I have worked for years with many excellent SLPs who can do Noise Desensitization practice, but they rarely understand how to teach the child to identify relevant from irrelevant. Other SLPs have done extremely well at this. In contrast, I have worked with "educational specialists" who do an excellent job in this area. So, the answer is not so much who will do the training/work, but who understand what to do and can carry it out and coordinate the work with the classroom teacher and the parents.
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:52:20 AM)
Don't mean to soud standoffish......but, BRB....nature calls! ;-)
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:53:25 AM)
Brenda when my daughter was originally tested over 2 years ago..she had a nonverbal score of 135 with a verbal of 85 The school saw this as a "significant gap" yet it did not qualify her for help since she had to have an 84 to qualify. To me that is the difference between what she is capable of and what level she is performing at and it does indicate a need for help. It is our repsonsibility as parents to make sure our kids have the opportunity to work up to their fullest potential
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:53:39 AM)
hi Jo! how are you doing today?
Jo (ID=61) (May 2, 2000 9:55:33 AM)
Okay. I think it's great to have an organization for this special problem. I don't know anyone else who shares this little dilemma. Do you work with your child at home and what do you do to help her?
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 9:55:41 AM)
The IQ testing showed a nonverbal IQ of 122 and a verbal of 109. Her expressive language scores (from the SLP) are a year above where she is though. Doesn't make sense.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 9:55:55 AM)
So maybe what I REALLY need to know is HOW do i find "who understands what to do??"
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 9:56:58 AM)
Sorry, my screen has gone crazy.......Dr. J, or anyone .....can you recommend someone in Dallas, Texas???
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:56:59 AM)
Jo, I work with Sarah at home in different ways....We are having Sarah's re-evaluated on Im excited to find out where we will be at now
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:58:53 AM)
Different things that I do with Sarah, include making sure I have her full attention before I give instructions..Only giving one or two instructions at a time...i work with her as far as her homework her breaks inbetween...i've bought wonderful software that makes learing fun for sarah.....i encourage her to write in order to organize her thoughts..(she emails me at work at night)
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 9:59:06 AM)
back again, sorry
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 9:59:39 AM)
we'll give ya a chance to go back and read messages dr j =)
Jo (ID=61) (May 2, 2000 9:59:59 AM)
My daughter has a tough time following more than two directions at a time, so what I have been doing is giving her a list of 3 or 4 things to do - I make a game out of it to see what she can remember - it's mostly like spelling a word, clapping her hands, maybe a multiplication fact. It seems to be getting a little bit better but she still needs that extra time to process her thoughts.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:00:00 AM)
Dr. J ...if there is an auditory processing problem And Language problem...which would you work on first??
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:01:57 AM) you know the memory game that is a game where you clap your hands and start by saying.."Im going on a picnic. and I'm taking an apple." The next person repeats what you said and adds an item? You keep going to add as many items as you can? We played that game alot in the car!!!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:02:01 AM)
Kate, the best way for a parent to find out who really understands and has the experience with CAPD is to ask the audiologist "What is your approach to CAPD? and what will this approach mean for me and my child?" IF the approach described does NOT get into remediation and treatment, you can ask, "What remediation and treatments do you prescribe for children with CAPD?" If the answers are stasifactory to you, grreat. If you need to think about the answers or discuss them, come to the chat or the CAPD list and ask. Check out all the info you can.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:02:05 AM)
The SLP says until we help my son with processing (FFW) , anything we do to help language is going to be wasted. Anyone agreee or disagree?
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:03:25 AM)
O.K....sounds like I need to find an audiologist BEFORE we go further with any remediation...?
Jo (ID=61) (May 2, 2000 10:03:34 AM)
Deb, that's a great game - I forgot about that one. What software helps?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:03:34 AM)
Kate, Depends on what is or are the auditory issues. It is very possible that the auditory issues underlie the language problems, so, there is really an auditory procesing problem only which has led to the language problem. However, I would manage both the auditory or what we call the acoustic environment and the language since both are causing problems.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:04:21 AM)
Do you consider and FM trainer managing?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:05:16 AM)
Kate you definitely want to see an aud who is familiar with capd....make sure before you schedule the appt that the aud is familiar with capd....i called 4 audiologist in my area this last week and not one tested for capd, however several recommended me to the same one!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:06:50 AM)
Kate, I would definitely agree with you. Also, if you find an audiologist who can do the testing but you can't get a good interpretation of the testing, then, the that professional may not be the complete professional for you. You may need to then get a professional or a team who can put ALL of the information together into a cohesive way for your understanding, your child's understanding, the school's understanding and the understanding of whomever will be the professional providing remediation or profesionals.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:07:33 AM)
Jo..for my daughter who was struggling with reading, i used several Reader Rabbit programs from the Learning Company,, basically anything I could find to encourage her...My daughter is a huge Jacksonville Jaguar fan we read press released together to get her to read....whatever kept her interest...the aud that I saw originally gave me managment techniques but not neccessarily remeadiation techniques
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:08:17 AM)
Kate, Yes, an FM auditory system or trainer is NOT a treatment. It is nothing more than a management tool. If the child benefits and NEEDS this tool, great, but, the goal is to (hopefully) bring the child's auditory processing abilities up to a level where such special management or tool is no longer needed. This is usually the case with most kids with auditory-verbal processing problems.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:10:29 AM)
I think one thing that is very hard for parents to understand (took me along time and i still struggle with the issue alot) is management techniques vs. remeadiation techniques.. I firmly believe now that you dont have to just cope and can remeadiate and overcome.
Brenda-M (ID=60) (May 2, 2000 10:11:19 AM)
Gotta go and get back to work. Will check the archives later.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:11:26 AM)
Please understand Im not saying capd will ever completely go away or be cured.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:11:31 AM)
bye Brenda!
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 10:11:42 AM)
Can anyone recommend someone in Texas?
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:12:11 AM)
Debbie, I was JUST thinking the same thing. So many times the professional will give one or the other but not both and you need BOTH don't you??
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:12:38 AM)
For ALL, what may help you all in better understanding management and remediation is to look into the area of AURAL HABILITATION or REHABILITATION with children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing. It is really from the field of aural rehab. (as we call it) that many of the audiologists involved with and really knowledgeable of CAPD have started their work. One of the areas of Aural Rehabilitiation is called the Auditory-Verbal Approach, another is called the Auditory-Oral or Aural-Oral approach. Both of these approaches discuss how we try to help children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing learn to maximize their auditory/listening abilities. Much of what we offer and do for children who are deaf and Hard-of-Hearing applies to children with normal hearing but true underlying auditory processing problems. So, this may help many of you in understanding what may be done to help you child. However, the field of Aural Rehab. usually STOPS with the level of decoding or may go on to integration.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:12:53 AM)
Cindy Sue I know a few people from the list in texas i can ask and email you if i find someone
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 10:14:09 AM)
Sounds great! There is so much I have to learn!!!!! It's a good thing though, as I am the Director for the State of Texas Parent Training & Info Center for the Dallas/Ft. worth area and I will be able to apply my knowledge to other parents!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:14:59 AM)
Kate, I am currently working on a list of questions for parents to take to a capd evaluation and a list of questions for parents to ask themselves before the evaluation too.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:15:53 AM)
That sounds great!! When will the transcripts from today be available?
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:15:59 AM)
Kate, if by both you mean management strategies and remediation therapy or programs......YES. BOth are needed. You can't just manage by modifying the environment for a child or you will have to modify the environment for years and, maybe, for ever. You need to remediate so that the modifications are less or, eventually, are not needed at all. Most of the audioloigsts I know provide ONLY modifications, and the modifications are not specific to any auditory issues....there it is again. Then, they may throw out some programs like Fast ForWord or Earobics or Lindamood-Bell, but without specific reasons why these are the right remediation tools.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:17:12 AM)
Just for general information....Dr Teri James..the author of a wonderful book on capd will be in the chat on Thursday night from 8 to 10 pm EST......
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:17:42 AM)
Dr J...we went to an audiologist twice in the last four years and all he told me to do was take him to a SLP so I did. Now I have this report from and SLP and I need and audiologist...Do you see my frustration?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:22:43 AM)
Kate..the transcipts from today should be available by about noon
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:24:26 AM)
The thing thats confusing to me is it seems he needs an audiologist to dx BUT someone else to do anything other than manage. Who is that "other person" and why doesn't the audiologist help beyond managing?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:24:55 AM)
Kate it is frustrating... you may want to read back through some previous chats too...last week we summarized approaches to capd and applied to practical examples
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:26:19 AM)
Kate, yes. That is why I as a professional am frustrated as well. And, this is not merely what occurs with CAPD. This is often what occurs in so many areas of special educational needs.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:26:34 AM)
Debbie, I copied all previous chats but I don't remember the one where Dr. J explained HIS approach. Do you know which one that was in.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:26:51 AM)
Kate when it comes to capd....there is not one type of capd can have 20 kids with capd and all 20 kids will be different.....the bottom line is finding out what YOUR child needs
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:26:58 AM)
last chat!
dr.j (ID=52) (May 2, 2000 10:27:27 AM)
Not to cut this off, but, I have to go now. I have a final exam to give to my doctoral students who are, now, probably, glad I'm a few minutes late so they can study more. I will see you all in two weeks on Wednesday mornings starting then. Otherwise, email me privately or see you on the CAPD list.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:27:34 AM)
2 weeks ago today and you can find more information on dr J's approach on his listserv
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:27:43 AM)
bye Dr j
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:27:53 AM)
have a great week
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:28:03 AM)
Thanks Dr. J. How do we email him privately?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:28:26 AM)
i have his address if you give me a sec to find it
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:28:38 AM)
are you three ladies on this listserv dr j runs ?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:29:08 AM)
his private email is jay.lucker@GALLAUDET.EDU (Jay Lucker)
Jo (ID=61) (May 2, 2000 10:29:25 AM)
Thanks, Debbie. There's so much I need to find out. I'm going to copy the previous transcripts also.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:29:58 AM)
I have alot I need to learn too...I think the Thursday night chat will be outstanding!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:30:30 AM)
Im going to a conference on CAPD in charleston SC on Friday...I think it will help offer new ideas
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 10:30:42 AM)
I've gotten behind and have to go back and read the whole archive.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:31:10 AM)
Cindysue the archive is not that big yet...the chat is only 3 months old..but i hope it will be around a long time!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:31:45 AM)
In the archives you will also find information on Earo and FFW so that you can make an informed decision for you child....
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:32:01 AM)
Debbie, I was thinking about going to SC too. Have you ever been to one of these before?
Cindysue (ID=57) (May 2, 2000 10:32:13 AM)
Thank you so much for all your help!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:32:14 AM)
no I have not...Kate where are you from?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:32:27 AM)
thank you! I'll look forward to talking to you cindysue
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:32:55 AM)
if you go .please let me know..I'd enjoy meeting up with you!
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:32:56 AM)
We are just moving to Indianapolis from Scottsdale.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:33:12 AM)
would you fly to sc?
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:33:44 AM)
I don't think I can get anyone to watch my kids but I will try. I'll let you know if I can make it. If not, will you share what you learned?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:33:57 AM)
It's my understanding that Dr Ferre and Dr Safford who are putting on the conference are excellent
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:34:14 AM)
You wont be able to keep me quiet!! *LOL*
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:34:50 AM)
Debbie, Does Dr. J still see patients?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:34:55 AM)
When ever I start talking about CAPD i get very emotional and very caught up..and if i have soemthing to share there is no stopping a bit head strong
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:35:29 AM)
Ya know Kate,,,I've not asked him that...but I've wanted to...
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:35:49 AM)
How long have you known him?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:35:50 AM)
Iknow he is doing a conferece in NY this weekend...and he does travel often to conferences
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:36:19 AM)
I met him through the CAPD listserv that he runs....he was my first professional to come on board with the support group
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:36:34 AM)
we've been working together on the support group about 3 months...
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:36:50 AM)
I have alot of respect for him
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:37:59 AM)
You know, i've read about everything on FFW, Lindamood-Bell...and I really don't know which one is best for my son right now. I feel like this summer is really an important time to remediate but I don't know what to do first.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:38:38 AM)
Now I'm not even sure if we should do anything until we see another audiologist.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:39:04 AM)
I am not familiar with Lindamood-Bell except for what I've read about them.. Sarah went through FFW this last fall and Im very pleased..but I am sure I'll know more thursday after her capd is re-evaluated
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:39:40 AM)
I missed part of the early chat please forgive me for asking a few questions....i remember you've seen a few aud over the last few years...did any of them actually dx capd?
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:42:07 AM)
No, we saw the same one twice in AZ. He did address auditory processing but just gave some general management techniques. Then we went to a SLP who diagnosed CAPD and Language disorder and now according to Dr. J we need to see an audiologist TRAINED in CAPD.
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:42:36 AM)
The SLP recommended FFW though.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:43:06 AM)
What Dr J is saying is that an audiologist is the only one who can accurately dx capd although an audiologist can suspect it...
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:43:55 AM)
One key phrase I've learned to use with any professional concerning my daughter is "Can you explain to me how that will benefit MY child"
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:44:14 AM)
And the SLP gave him an FM Trainer. Boy, everyday is different with this disorder.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:45:05 AM)
let me share with you a bit about what happened with my daughter...i really do understand!!!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:45:57 AM)
after 4 years of goign to aud i finally found ONE who dx my daughter with capd....i was given managment or coping techniques but not remeadiation... i always believed there had to be a way to help her...
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:47:11 AM)
so i struggled along on my own..( no one ever recommended i see an slp).....after about 1 1/2 years i called the school aud one day in a bad mood....told him i knew there had to be a way to help my child and i was goign to hold him repsonsible for finding it.....his reply absolutely schocked me!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:48:03 AM)
his questions for me was "Why are you calling me? CAPD is dx by an audiologist but treated by a slp. Why don't you talk to the slp?"
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:49:17 AM)
That is when I decided to see the slp (with whom i did FFW) and saw an eductaional psychologist who did testing also to evaluate where sarah was at and if there were other problems i needed to be aware of.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:49:25 AM)
does that make sense?
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:51:29 AM)
Yes, my sons SLP suggested FFw for this summer but there is so much controversy and now I don't even know if we should listen to this SLP or go find another audiologist. It's so frustrating. I want to get to the remediation and I can't seem to get passed all the different dx's. I think everyone wants to pass you off to someone else!! At least that seems like what we have found.
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:52:23 AM)
as a what you think is right!! you know you're child better than anyone!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:53:02 AM)
Kate,, Im not a not an aud or an slp...i can only advise you as a mom..
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:53:45 AM)
As a mom, I think my son has is very definitely a slow processer and has a language deficit. I guess for me, the question is which do you help first and how?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:54:32 AM)
the language deficit may very likely be due to the processing the processing deficit and you will most likely be helping the language...
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:54:56 AM)
Don't underestimate yourself as a mom, Debbie...Moms have been more help to me than the "professionals"
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:54:58 AM)
it's kind of like which came first....the chicken or the egg
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:55:37 AM)
i just always want parents to be aware im not a "trained professional"
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:55:40 AM)
Exactly...Is FFw the only way to hel processing?
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:56:01 AM) is not the only way......i believe it is a good way..but not the only way..
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:56:34 AM)
I want to give you a website addy and a phone number..hold on
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:56:52 AM)
I know, don't worry...I won't hold you to anything!! I hope this conference on Friday helps!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:57:34 AM) 1-800-777-3166
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:57:53 AM)
O.K. then I gotta go...I'm sure you do too. Thanks for all your input today. I think it;s really great you have put this together for everyone!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:57:56 AM)
this is the company that was started by marna who spoke in the chat last thursday night
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:58:16 AM)
they have a free cd that is a demo and a catalog....order may help!!
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:58:18 AM)
bye bye
debbie (ID=51) (May 2, 2000 10:58:28 AM)
thank you!!
Kate (ID=56) (May 2, 2000 10:58:36 AM)
Have a great day!! BYE
Joan (ID=62) (May 2, 2000 11:46:37 AM)
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Joan (ID=63) (May 2, 2000 11:47:09 AM)
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Joan (ID=63) (May 2, 2000 11:47:35 AM)
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debbie (ID=64) (May 2, 2000 11:55:38 AM)
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