kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 9:57:27 PM)
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woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 9:57:43 PM)
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woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 9:58:27 PM)
hi kmanbam and brenda=m
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 9:58:37 PM)
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 9:58:50 PM)
Hello. First time here.
woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 9:59:03 PM)
so how are doing tonight
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 9:59:16 PM)
Tried the chat this morning with Dr. J. but was at work and too hard to do.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 9:59:20 PM)
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woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 9:59:34 PM)
hope you enjoy yourself
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 9:59:40 PM)
Standardized tests this week. Does that say it all?
woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 9:59:42 PM)
hi ann
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 9:59:54 PM)
hi there
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:00:25 PM)
Brenda, what grade and what state?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:00:34 PM)
Second - Pennsylvania
woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 10:00:35 PM)
so what would anybody like to talk about
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:01:20 PM)
We get 4th grade math and science in about 2 weeks here in NY.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:01:50 PM)
It's been a night. I can't wait until they are done. Everything I did or said tonight caused a fight.
woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 10:01:55 PM)
what part of NY?
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:02:23 PM)
Woody, western (rural) NY. Southern Tier
woody (ID=70) (May 2, 2000 10:02:56 PM)
any where near Elimra and Horsehead?
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:03:27 PM)
sure, about 50 to 60 miles.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:03:53 PM)
where are you?
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:03:55 PM)
brenda - I missed all of your story. but, as a professional, I have to tell you that it is because of parents fighting that there are changes made. your child is lucky to have you as an advocate.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:04:51 PM)
Oops! All of what story? There is another Brenda on this listserv. Were you on with Dr. J. this morning?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:06:11 PM)
I am fighting though. After 2 years we finally got language testing in the school and with 8 weeks left in school, finally managed to get an IEP. SLP was absent the second day - no substitute. Now tell me what good that is.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:06:13 PM)
ah, you meant fights at home. I have been so busy helping parents/advocating, etc. that when you said everything had been a fight, I was assuming with a school. see how narrow my world is right now
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:06:33 PM)
it doesn't end.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:06:39 PM)
Ann, I'm in your world.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:06:41 PM)
you can always re-convene
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:07:04 PM)
you can also meet individually since she wasn't there to discuss her recs, etc.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:07:07 PM)
All I can think about is do we hire the lawyer and be confrontational or wait and see.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:07:25 PM)
Hopefully next year will be a little better. Going to a private school - 15 kids to a class.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:07:45 PM)
if you hire the lawyer, make sure you get one that knows special ed law-and is used to defending kids and parents and not school districts.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:08:18 PM)
There is one that has been recommended
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:08:19 PM)
i always try to start nice, patient and sweet. but recommend that you document, document, documetn
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:08:37 PM)
Kmanbarn, what state are you in? I work for a law firm in Pennsylvania and may be able to get a referral.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:08:41 PM)
Well, this is going on 3 years now.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:08:57 PM)
NY...southern tier.
woody (ID=72) (May 2, 2000 10:08:58 PM)
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Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:09:05 PM)
i have some families who have an agreement with a special ed attny that they will send a copy of all correspondence to the atny.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:09:32 PM)
the attny doesn't do anything, until asked by the family, but the district knows the family means business
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:09:33 PM)
We have an office in New York City. If you need a referral let me know - I can try.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:09:47 PM)
have mane of one in Buffalo that also sets on board of Alexander Grahm Bell.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:10:01 PM)
Brenda, we're a long ways from NYC
woody (ID=72) (May 2, 2000 10:11:05 PM)
Ann this is debbie wood husband, Sarah is going to the UF for testing is there anything special to ask about?
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:11:13 PM)
Hate to be too confrontational as I have to work in the district, but hate see little one struggle.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:11:13 PM)
We are a very large firm (Buchanan Ingersoll) with offices in New York, New Jersey, Florida, etc. I was meaning that I may be able to get you the name of a good attorney. We do mostly venture capital, commercial litigation and such.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:11:44 PM)
woodie-what kind of testing/specialist will SArah see?
woody (ID=72) (May 2, 2000 10:12:19 PM)
i really don't know debbie didn't tel me
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:13:08 PM)
every family has different priorities when they have a comprehensive evaluation. I would be happy to share some questions/priorities
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:14:27 PM)
as I recall, sarah went through FFW training. so, one question, is what areas of auditory and language processing are the weakest. if there is testing available from previous evaluations , it will be helpful to share them with the examiner before the evaluation
woody (ID=72) (May 2, 2000 10:15:03 PM)
i think deb got that all together
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:15:22 PM)
We are going for testing at Duquesne University in June. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh would not do the testing because my daughter is not failing. There is a vast difference between her nonverbal IQ of 122 and her verbal IQ of 109. I think that is enough for me to want the testing. Duquesne does it for free.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:15:25 PM)
i think it is helpful to determine strengths and learning styles as well as deficits. so many times we can be for effective in facilitating new learning if we can go through a stronger channel..
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:16:15 PM)
brenda- I would agree that there is a deficit that should be further explored. I would want ot make sure that there is some comprehensive language testing done by a speech-language pathologist.
woody (ID=72) (May 2, 2000 10:16:21 PM)
deb got a free cd from company Learning Fundamental out in Ca. have you heard of them?
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:16:59 PM)
this s-l testing should include a look at language in terms of spoken language, written language (spoken and written).
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:17:46 PM)
other questions to ask would be specific strategies to remediate the residual difficulties as well as appropriate modifications and accomodations.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:18:06 PM)
you might ask about other types of training programs, technology, etc.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:18:31 PM)
Was evaluated in school. The Listening test showed main idea 7y 9m; details 7y 6m; concepts 11y 7m; reasoning 7y 10m; story comprehension 7y 7m, but with a total test of 8y 0m - which would put her on target since she is 8y 3m. They almost would not qualify her for an IEP, but I pushed.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:18:47 PM)
some people with auditory processing difficulties have difficulties processing other types of sensory information as well
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:19:17 PM)
the listening test sometimes tests high-was there other langauge/listening testing done?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:20:02 PM)
On the Asset test her receptive language score overall was 7y 0m and her expressive total was 9y 3m. I'm not sure about other testing. It is all foreign to me.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:20:14 PM)
sometimes it is more meaningful to compare standard scores than age scores. you could compare the standard scores on the listening test (or percentile scores) with other IQ and achievement test scores.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:20:29 PM)
all of these tests can get very overwhelming.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:21:24 PM)
the asset has about 5 receptive and 5 expressive subtests-e.g. understanding labels and stating labels. it can be interesting to compare the indivudual rec/exp subtests as well
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:22:27 PM)
it can be confusing to have a much higher expressive language score, but that is something that I see with some kids with CAPD-says they are compensating
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:22:41 PM)
Explain this. How can she be 28% in identifying labels (receptive) and 89% stating labels (expressive). Aren't they one in the same?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:23:21 PM)
Just like identifying attributes 28% (receptive) and stating attributes 96% (expressive)
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:23:34 PM)
identifying labels on the asset involves pointing to pictures in a drawing when they are named. stating labels involves naming different pictures but in the same format.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:24:14 PM)
the asset pictures are black and white line drawings. a child has to be able to look for details and really understand the specific word for identification part.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:24:25 PM)
One test is given verbally then?
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:24:39 PM)
some of the kids with language processing probelms are skilled at talking around and around and eventually getting the right answer
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:25:55 PM)
both subtests are being given at the same time. the child is shown a picture of a particular scene or activity and asked questions involving identification (pointing to picture when named, described, etc) as well as asked to label-name,category,parts, associations, et.c
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:26:16 PM)
Gotcha! That's her all right. When she was 4 I had her tested through ARC Allegheny because it seemed to me that she didn't hear right and that development was behind. They told me not to worry, she would be fine. Maybe I should have pushed more then. She was burned with hot coffee at 14 mths. 2nd and partial 3rd degree. We thought maybe she was just behind from the trauma.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:27:14 PM)
kids who are verbal at younger ages but have trouble understanding language are often missed.
deb (ID=73) (May 2, 2000 10:28:13 PM)
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Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:28:21 PM)
hi debbie
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:28:32 PM)
must be on break-huh? we won't tell
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:29:39 PM)
Hi debbie. Liked the chat this morning, but it is too hard to do at work.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:30:44 PM)
Ann, summer pre-tutoring has been recommended for our 4th grader. How do we advocate for her. This was recommendation done at University of Buffalo on independent evaluation.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:31:08 PM)
is this pre-tutoring for next year?
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:31:16 PM)
deb (ID=74) (May 2, 2000 10:31:43 PM)
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Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:31:54 PM)
i would see if you could get a hold of as much of the curriculum as possible. see if you can texts, units, etc. what grade?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:32:03 PM)
Was wondering the same thing. SLP told us that we couldn't get any help this summer because she has to be evaluated at the beginning and return from a break from school to see if there is any loss of information. Only then will she qualify for summer tudoring.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:32:23 PM)
yes, isn't this just a lovely catch 22
deb (ID=74) (May 2, 2000 10:32:26 PM)
hi popping in from work for a moment to see how things are going
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:32:30 PM)
Will be entering 5th grade. They are refusing us texts.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:32:38 PM)
do you have any evidence of regression from previous years/breaks
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:32:45 PM)
why are they refusing texts?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:32:55 PM)
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:33:10 PM)
over-kill in to them.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:33:13 PM)
if there is previous regression, you might be able to use that as a basis.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:33:21 PM)
i forget, are you working with an attorney?
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:33:54 PM)
Kmanbam - you too? My daughter was not allowed to bring home books at all. I pushed the school and had her teacher switched. Guess what? She can bring home any book she wants from her new teacher.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:34:08 PM)
wht do you mean?
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:34:28 PM)
Their hasn't been regression because we had books this year, and we did the pretutoring, plus had itinerent teacher 2 hours / week. All there were dropped on new IEP
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:34:39 PM)
anytime a district starts this sort of goofy stuff, we ask them to put their response in writing.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:34:51 PM)
Don't have attorney yet. Considering it.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:35:17 PM)
get their plan in writing-also what they refuse to consider as reasonable.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:35:24 PM)
summer school/esy is often a mess.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:35:38 PM)
it is supposed to be individualized (imagine that)
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:35:52 PM)
in our area, it is often "daycare" for the most handicapped students.
deb (ID=74) (May 2, 2000 10:36:08 PM)
Ann. i've started getting everything in writing and tape recording all makes a difference!
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:36:18 PM)
They only thing we have on our IEP is 1/2 hr., 2 days a week in a 6 day rotation. At least with the new teacher things are a little better. If Nicole can't understand things one way, she will take the time (on her own) to try and help her. Her other teacher, was you learn it my way and that's it.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:36:52 PM)
learn it my way...yeah, great accomodation-known to work well
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:37:04 PM)
We have privately hired a special ed teacher to do the 2 hours a week pre-tutoring the rest of this year.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:37:28 PM)
some of my families have "won" the right for esy services, but then it has been such a waste.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:37:51 PM)
what is esy?
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:37:57 PM)
the last two years, I have had families who have had districts agree to provide FFW as an esy servide.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:38:23 PM)
What do you want from a teacher who is teaching the children of the kids she taught in 2nd grade years ago. We too hired a tudor, 2 hrs. a week. If my suspicion is right and she is diagnosed with CAPD, then my insurance will pay for everything 90% so I guess I am lucky in that regard.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:39:00 PM)
= extended school year= esy-it is what kids with IEPs may qualify for during summer (and in some situation, extended breaks)
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:39:19 PM)
I see.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:39:21 PM)
There is someone at Duquesne who is certified in Fast Forward, but they are too busy right now to administer it. Was told they hope to get more of their people certified so that they can offer it.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:39:51 PM)
ffw can also be administered at home under the supervision of a FFW provider.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:40:05 PM)
the ffw provider doesnt' even have to be in your community
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:40:48 PM)
We had tudors in our school all year and I was not told about it even though her teacher knew I was paying a private tudor. She said to me "well I didn't think you wanted her removed from the class for that" - No, I'd much rather pay $250 a month for a tudor.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:41:01 PM)
if you have a tutor you are working with, they might even be able to get trained to be a ffw provider
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:41:21 PM)
don't you love assumptions. ?!?!
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:43:10 PM)
Ann, that's good to know about Fast Forward. My tudor won't take my insurance and it seems to me (from my observations) that they only thing the tudor is doing is reading with her and working on main idea, etc. I really don't know what they are supposed to be doing so I don't want to be judgmental, but maybe if we go with Duquesne I can do Fast Forward at home. All I need to find now is what happened to my PATIENCE!
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:44:03 PM)
most insurance companies are not reimbursing for tutoring-it is considered educational and insurance is set up to pay for medical treatments
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:44:16 PM)
Patience??????What is that?
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:44:33 PM)
get too patient and nothing will get done-excpet that time will pass
deb (ID=74) (May 2, 2000 10:44:41 PM)
I am going to have to run..I just wanted to stop in quick..will try and be back soon...
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:45:01 PM)
Mine told me that CAPD falls under my illness related coverage and Duquesne's speech and language clinic is a participating provider so it won't be a problem.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:46:08 PM)
Ann, I meant patience with respect to my children. You know age 8 and 6 girls who think they know everything about everything and are just learning to tell you!
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:46:13 PM)
yes, capd can be considered a medical condition, but typically insurance companies only pay for medical services-by medical providers.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:46:36 PM)
oh, yes, brenda-that kind of patience is needed-its patience with these systems....
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:46:49 PM)
can you tell that I am losing my patience? sorry that you all are getting to feel it.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:48:14 PM)
Fortunately for me, my husband's company is self-insured so they kind of determine what they will and will not pay. After seeing some of the listserv messages that some insurance companies only pay for so many visits I called and checked to see if there were any limits and there are none. Aren't computers wonderful? When they work the way we want them to!
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:48:49 PM)
brenda you are lucky...
deb (ID=74) (May 2, 2000 10:49:20 PM)
goodnight everyone!
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:50:36 PM)
Going to get Earobics for the summer. My 6 year old is very jealous of the whole situation. Was thinking of letting her do it too. Figure it couldn't hurt and maybe she won't feel so left out.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:51:00 PM)
earobics would be great for the 6 year old....will probalby help too
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:51:39 PM)
Earobics was recommended for daughter also.
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 2, 2000 10:51:55 PM)
Poor Megan is left out of everything and she doesn't even know how lucky she is. Nicole wears glasses for Esotropia (mom and dad wear glasses too) - Megan doesn't need them. Nicole has braces - Megan wants them. Get the picture.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:52:10 PM)
did you happen to catch the chat from last wednesday?
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:52:30 PM)
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:52:51 PM)
marna larkin was on - she developed locutour - another software program that has been very helpful with children with listening, language and reading problems. check out the archives
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:54:12 PM)
she also has a free demo disk that she will send out.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:54:12 PM)
let me see if I can track down her email address.
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:54:14 PM)
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:56:59 PM)
her email address is :
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:57:25 PM)
kmanbam (ID=69) (May 2, 2000 10:58:54 PM)
I'd better go. Thanks for everything. Nite all.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:59:30 PM)
think I'd better leave too...
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 10:59:40 PM)
good chatting with you all
Brenda-M (ID=68) (May 02, 2000 10:59:40 PM)
Better go too. Penguin game over - lost to Philadelphia in overtime. Husband home and boy is he a crab. Thanks Ann. Will look into FastForward.
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 11:00:23 PM)
great- check out their website:
woody (ID=72) (May 2, 2000 11:00:28 PM)
well was nice chatting to all of you
Ann (ID=71) (May 2, 2000 11:00:30 PM)
or let me know if you have any other qeustions
deb (ID=75) (May 2, 2000 11:23:00 PM)
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deb (ID=76) (May 2, 2000 11:24:11 PM)
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ncz/Texas (ID=77) (May 2, 2000 11:31:30 PM)
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sherri (ID=78) (May 2, 2000 11:47:51 PM)
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