Dorien (ID=15) (May 17, 2000 7:37:37 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Dorien (ID=15) (May 17, 2000 7:38:09 AM)
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debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:21:22 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:26:40 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:26:59 AM)
Good Morning Dr J! How are you doing this morning?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:28:14 AM)
Good morning, Debbie. I'm doing fine. It's a beautiful morning in the nation's capitol. We've been having some really wonderful weather recently. How are you this morning?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:28:42 AM)
BTW, I really love your icon......the bird looks great!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:29:11 AM)
I am doing wonderful this morning!! The weather here is gorgeous outside and I"ve decided to take the kids to Sea World on Friday. Reallly looking forward to a fun day away!
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:30:07 AM)
That's a great Orlando, right? How far is that from you ?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:30:20 AM)
Thought the bird reflected my newly found state of confusion! *LOL* I"ve been looking at the non profit papers and incorporation papers.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:30:41 AM)
Yes it is in Orlando and it's only about 2 1/2 to 3 hours away from me.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:31:01 AM)
My girls went to Sea World last year with my Dad, but I've not bee yet.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:31:46 AM)
oops! not been.....not bee
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:32:14 AM)
You haven't been to sea world? It's wonderful. The aquarium is wonderful and the aquashow is really great. Our family has been there and to other similar places. You should LOVE it!
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:32:47 AM)
.oO(THought you were a Queen Bee ;-) )
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:33:02 AM)
We were able to take advantage of the Florida resident promotion. As long as we visit once before the end of May, we can go the rest of the year for FREE!!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:36:23 AM)
I sent out the notices about the change of schedule. Wondering if folks will join in this morning.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:36:35 AM)
Wow! That's a great promotion. And, at this time of the year, it should not be too crowded like in the summer when we visited there. We are planning a possible visit with the family to Disney World in September. So, we MAY be coming down to FLordia then. (Have to visit "Mecca" .oO(Note: dr.j! is an avid Mickey Mouse fan) )
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:37:32 AM)
My little girl is "Minnie" all the way!!! Sarah is crazy about Tweety Bird.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:37:42 AM)
Yes, I saw the postings on the CAPD list and through your "chat" email notices. I wonder if people will be here as well. Maybe we could just start by continuing our Monday discussions until someone shows up.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:38:45 AM)
I was thinking along the same lines.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:39:40 AM)
My wife loves Minnie and we tell people we are Mickey and Minne. I have met a number of people who love Tweety Bird. Tweety is kind of that hidden genius - always fooling Silvester. So, think of Sarah as the hidden genius. SHe will fool us all and prove how well she can and will function and succeed in the future and in her life !
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:40:26 AM)
You haven't received any of the recent CAPD test results yet, have you (from Dr. Monceirf (I think that's how you spell it?) )?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:40:50 AM)
When we were talking on Monday, you mentioned finding a "spokesperson" for the non profit organization and I've thought about that alot. Trouble is if it's hard to just find another parent..imagine how difficult finding a celebrity. I think the key to that will be once the non profit is established, to let them find us!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:41:39 AM)
I have no doubt Sarah will grow up to be quite successful!! She's a very brilliant little girl.. *proud mom look*
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:42:03 AM)
I've not heard back from Dr Moncreiff yet.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:42:18 AM)
.oO(Debbie SHOULD be a proud mom!)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:43:10 AM)
I know you just returned from a conference in NY...How often do you speak at conferences?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:43:55 AM)
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debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:44:02 AM)
Good morning Rose!
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:44:23 AM)
Hi debbie
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:44:30 AM)
As for the celebrity, I agree with you. I believe with the international network and network of professionals, we should be able to contact someone who knows a "famous" person who is involved (parent of a child or adult WITH) CAPD.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:44:41 AM)
How are you doing today?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:45:19 AM)
Okay a little tired. All the kids are playing baseball so we are always on the go.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:45:53 AM)
We did that with soccer season last spring. We had practice 4 nights a week and 2 games on Saturdays!
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:45:58 AM)
Debbie, you ask how often I speak. I would say at least once or twice a month. Some months I have made as many as 4 or 5 presentations. FOr example, when I went to New York State for the three days, I made TWO presentations and was asked to make a third, but just didn't have the time.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:46:28 AM)
Good morning Rose. How are you this morning? Debbie and I were saying it is beautiful weather where we are located.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:47:05 AM)
Rose, Yes, with the sports season at hand, it can be quite a job balancing all the practices and games.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:47:20 AM)
I'm still waiting on my son's CAPD report, it seems as though the audiologist went on vacation before she wrote up the report. this means i won't have much time to review it before my son's IEp meeting on May 23.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:47:24 AM)
Do you usually speak to all audiologist, or do you also do public awareness with schools and slps? =)
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:47:58 AM)
The only day we have off this week from practice or a game is Thursday.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:48:51 AM)
Rose, Have you contacted the aud back to see when the results would be ready?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:49:38 AM)
I found out yesterday that he also needs glasses, I have to take him this week to get his precription for them filled and pick out something he will wear. I dread trying to keep him from losing or breaking them.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:51:07 AM)
Sarah wears glasses also but suppose to be for reading only. Im not sure what happened, I've bought two pairs and somehow we've ended up with three off and on!! (Not that she likes to wear any of them)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:51:43 AM)
Debbie, Sorry, I got a phone call I had to take, quickly, no more interruptions. As for speaking, I speak mostly to SLPs, special ed. people, regular ed. people. I speak LESS to audiologists, but there are a few who come to my presentations. Audiologists, as a group, are NOT interested in the topic/area of CAPD, especially from a non-physiological point of view. (Tells a lot about why the problems with dx from audiologists).
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:52:04 AM)
I also speak a lot to general ed. people and parents.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:52:25 AM)
Last time I saw her she said she would write it up that week, but she obviously didn't and this week she is on vacation. I will have to call and leave a message that I must have it on Monday the 22, i will be in the office for my son's language therapy and will pick it up. if she can't have it done i am hoping the other audiologist will do it for me.(the one that is on vacation is the one who actually did the testing)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:52:26 AM)
Do you help arrange the conferences or go by invitation?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:53:13 AM)
Wow Rose...That's really cutting it close!
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:54:49 AM)
i know but what can I do. i don't want to delay the meeting since it involves much more than his CAPD diagnosis. I don't even think the school addresses it much anyway, but i do want the information available.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:54:53 AM)
Rose is the purpose of this IEP to review this year or to set up a new one for next year?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:56:27 AM)
Both actually. They were retesting him educationally to help us determine where he is, how much progress he has made and what to do for next year. i can always add things later, but I really want the report available at the meeting anyway.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:56:53 AM)
I'm full of a million questions this morning Dr poor little brain is just whirling non stop the last few days!! Hope you dont mind!
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 8:57:59 AM)
I was alrerady told by the school that they don't do language therapy for processing difficulties, they just consider it a learning disability here .
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:58:02 AM)
Debbie, about the conferences. I am usually invited to present, but, I have had people want me to speak and ask me to help set up the conference. If you don't mind my asking, why do you ask? Are you thinking about inviting me to speak in Florida? I've been there to speak twice (before) for local presentations, and three times for national conventions. BUt, the last time I spoke in Florida was at the American Academy of Audiology Convention in April, 1999 which was one year ago in Ft. Lauderdale. Again, to ID the audiologist's interest, I presented 3 talks, only one on CAPD. The one on CAPD had about 25-30 audiologists there. In contrast, I was invited to speak on the exact same topic at the SLP convention in San Francisco in November. They shut the doors after over 200 people were sitting on floors standing in the back, etc. (the room was max seating for 175)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 8:58:34 AM)
I dont' blame you for wanting the report available so that you can inform the school. My thought was at the beginning of next school year you will have to write a new IEP, and by then you'll have the information plus more and be ready!
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 8:59:59 AM)
Rose, the school is correct. You should NOT do language therapy for an auditory (only) processing problem, and, if there is a learning disability, then, provide the services to overcome the LD. But, if there is a LANGUAGE problem or a LANGUAGE PROCESSING problem, then, language therapy should be provided.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:00:02 AM)
Well as i said I have been arguing with the school all year over what is the best placement for him. the school has been trying to get me to put him in special ed or hold him back a year.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:00:21 AM)
You are getting to know me well enough to know exactly where my questions are heading.. *LOL*...It's a definite thought!
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:00:54 AM)
Rose, what are the presenting problems, what behaviors do you see, does the teacher report she/he sees, and does the school see that suggests your son needs special ed. placement?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:01:36 AM)
My son had an independant language evaluation and he was approved for language therapy by my insurance company based on the test results, but the school doesn't provide any therapy for language processing problems.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:02:09 AM)
Debbie, on the conference idea. I think the closest to your area (tell me if I am correct) was a presentation I did about 3-4 years ago in the Tampa Bay area (it was for the school district (only for those professionals in that school district) located in Largo, FL)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:03:28 AM)
I'm way up north on the Georgia border. I believe that is quite a ways from me.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:02:27 AM)
Rose, again, what specific behaviors/observations have led to your wanting language therapy for your son?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:03:24 AM)
Well to start off he tested with an above average intelligence with multiple learning disabilities. He is currently in a regular 2nd grade classroom and goes to resource room for reading.( not how the school wanted me to handle it) He is currently on the reding level of a child finishing 1st grade not second, but all of his grades are good.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:06:34 AM)
Rose, what type of plans do you have for working with your son over the summer?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:06:42 AM)
Nothing specific actually, I was more concerned about speech therapy, for his incorrect annunciation problems. However when tested they indicated he is way below his age level in all language areas involving processing. all other language areas were above his age level. his scorces scattered from below a 4 year old to almost an 11 year old.(he is 8)
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:08:52 AM)
Nothing yet except continue language therapy until my insurance runs out and try to get the school to provide tutoring. We had talked about it as a possibility at previous IEP meetings, due to his tendency to forget what he learns if he does do it regularly. Will make further decisions after i recieve his CAPD report and recommendations.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:09:23 AM)
does not do it regularly I meant
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:10:05 AM)
That's about the same position I am in. I am awaiting the results of Sarah's most recent CAPD test also before I make definite plans for the summer.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:12:51 AM)
With four children and three with LD's I am not certain how much I can do for each of them. I currently have various computer programs to address their problem areas and hope to get all of them to work on them daily. The problem is that between work, activities, etc. there isn't much time and they never cooperate.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:12:54 AM)
Rose, so, according to what you have said, the ONLY behavior you are saying that is of concern is that he has normal intelligence BUT is reading about ending first grade level while he is in second grade (ending 2nd grade now), right? SO, he is about 1 year below in his reading functioning or in his reading testing? Again, you have NOT described behaviors, just test results. It would be helpful for you to have a better understanding of where to go for help if you could describe, specifically, what behaviors, what observations you SEE and the teacher and school SEEs that seem to suspect your son has learning problems?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:18:45 AM)
I am not sure what you want me to explain. As i said he has several learning disabilities. He has ADHD, is dyslexic, has CAPD, etc.etc. He has difficultly retaining information he learns, he fidgets and has difficulty staying still and focused, he has a poor self esteem( has been improving since his problems have begun to be addressed), his handwriting is poor and often illegible, he doesn't always hear or understand what is said to him, is unable to organize his work and often forgets things he needs for homework, what other things are you asking about?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:19:14 AM)
he doesn't have behavior problems in school although i experience them at home.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:21:57 AM)
He can't tie his shoes properly, has difficulty holding a pencil properly, has problems with reversals, doesn't understand right from left and often puts shoes on the wrong feet. We suspect SID but he hasn't been evaluated yet.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:22:03 AM)
Rose I think what you just described is what Dr j was getting at. Not just test results but why you wanted your son tested. The behaviors that resulted in the testing.
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:23:54 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:24:47 AM)
Ok, so, here are the behaviors you see: He has difficulties retaining information, he fidgets, difficulty staying still, problems focusing, poor self esteem, poor handwriting, unable to organize his work, forgets things...........these are ALL things totally unrelated to language except language could account for difficulties retaining information.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:25:24 AM)
hi Cindy E. How are you doing this morning?
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:25:51 AM)
Hi Debbie, I'm doing great! Thank you.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:26:20 AM)
Then, you say, he doesn't always hear or understand what is said to him. Please understand, Rose, I'm trying to help you understand your son, better. This is NOT an observation, but is a conclusion. How do you know he DOESN'T ALWAYS HEAR.....OR UNDERSTAND? Your observation is what you notice, not what you conclude. Your conclusions MAY be wrong, or they may be right. ......
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:26:37 AM)
What do you see or notice that makes you suspect he DOESN'T HEAR or UNDERSTAND?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:27:05 AM)
It's really hard to put observations into words sometimes. =)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:28:19 AM)
Cant' tie his shoes, difficulties holding a pencil, problems with reversals (I assume you mean visually), problems with right and left.......again, none of these are auditory or language related, unless the problem is merely labeling right and left as opposed to knowing there are two sides to the body or the world this side (we'll label it right) and that side (we'll label it left).
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:28:50 AM)
Hi CIndy welcome this morning. Hope all is well with you and things are beautiful where you are located?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:28:59 AM)
Okay I 'll start by saying he was language delayed in the first place. He didn't talk at all until almost three and was almost impossible to understand until he was about 5. He has had trouble with frequent ear infections since he was young and was on antibiotic therapy for a few months.
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:29:34 AM)
Hi dr. j! I hope the same for you.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:30:04 AM)
I think I noticed he wasn't hearing properly when we were trying to learn to read and write.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:30:45 AM)
One of the ways I knew Sarah was not "hearing right" was tht I would ask her a question and she'd give me a totally off the wall answer.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:31:26 AM)
He was mispronouncing words and I hadn't realized it because they sounded so similiar. Examples are trip to him was chrip, and drove was grove. He cannot distinguish between similiar sounds.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:32:42 AM)
Again, you are STILL not describing behaviors. Except that he spoke late, but there could be MANY reasons for this. What behaviors do you see that pushed you to go for the language evaluation and the CAPD evaluation? WHy are you focusing on getting language therapy? Why should a school district provide language therapy? What behaviors do you see that we could identify as either auditory processing based or language based problems?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:33:21 AM)
He has the ability to pronounce the words properly but doesn't realize he isn't saying them correctly, this makes phonetics almost impossible for him.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:33:36 AM)
Good, you noticed he wasn't hearing properly when you were trying to teach him/or he was learning to read and write. Great. Did you have his hearing tested at that time, and was he found to have ear infections at that time?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:34:25 AM)
He also cannot understand complex instructions and we often have to rephrase things for him to comprehend.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:35:04 AM)
Cindy E. feel free to jump in at any time =)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:35:24 AM)
Rose, mispronounciations COULD Be repeating what your hear (mishearing) or not having the motor ability to pronounce correctly (speech or articulation problem) or not having processed the speech sounds correctly (we call this a phonological disorder which can be auditory processing based or language/rule based). Great. Now we have some reasons to suspect auditory and language problems BUT they could also be speech/articulation problems.
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:35:30 AM)
Thanks, but I'm not sure what to ask at this time.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:36:10 AM)
No infections at the time and no fluid build up. passes all conventional hearing tests. He speaks loudly all the time and listens to tv with the volume too loud. he has recently complained of not hearing what his friends say in school.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:36:56 AM)
Where are you from cindy?
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:37:13 AM)
Tuscumbia, Alabama
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:37:25 AM)
Rose, Again, you are identifying a possible phonemic awareness problem.....great. Now, has he had evaluation for phonemic awareness and auditory decoding? Does he have an auditory decoding problem in CAPD? If so, this is the underlying cause of the reading problems and phonics. It could also explain mishearing and may be related to mispronounciation. BUT, it would have NOTHING to do with any of the behaviors you describe initially like attending, focusing, sitting/being still, etc.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:38:16 AM)
Well I thought it was speech based at first but the school and independant speech and language evaluators both indicate it isn't speech or aticulation probel.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:38:50 AM)
Another southern gal! I'm from Florida
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:40:29 AM)
Rose, IF he has decoding problems, he is functioning in listening on a sound-by-sound or word-by-word basis. Complex instructions leave out words (using implication), make references to things that should be known (expected to be known) or that were said before......a child with decoding problems will NOT be able to make these links,so, they can't understand the complex instructions or information. Now,......
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:41:38 AM)
The question is, do you have tests that support that your son has an auditory decoding/phonemic awareness problem? If so, then, he has a problem in an area that requires therapy, and, yes, an SLP knowledgeable of phonemic awareness and decoding training and development would be the appropriate specialist to work with him.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:42:27 AM)
Rose, what do the test results say about your son's decoding and phonemic awareness abilities?
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:42:32 AM)
I realize that those behaviors are caused mostly by ADHD, he is taking Adderall which has helped. Some of these problems though are caused by frustration with learning difficulties and realizing he isn't up to par compared to his peers. Instead of trying to overcome difficulties he will avoid them and not pay attention or show interest in work being done.
rose (ID=18) (May 17, 2000 9:43:21 AM)
I will look for test results and you can explain to me what they mean. give me a second.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:43:34 AM)
great idea rose!
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:44:46 AM)
My 7 yr. old is severe CAPD. His language skills are at 4 yr. I am just learning about CAPD and I am trying to find ways to help relieve some frustration. Looking into sign language but am finding no local programs that can help. Have to be preschool or adult. He doesn't fit in here. Any suggestions as what sign to use and how to go about learning? How about lip reading? I don't know. I just want to help him be the best he can possibly be.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:48:00 AM)
Good, Rose. You are addressing alot of the issues correctly. I would like to say, here, that IF there is evidence that your son HAS auditory decoding/phonemic awareness problems, they would NOT be due to ADHD. So, you would have strong evidence that your son HAS co-existing, or (awful word) as they call it co-mobidity of ADHD with CAPD as two separate but interrelated issues. The medication PLUS behavior modification should help with the attention/impulsivity problems, but, decoding training is needed for the auditory processing/language/verbal information processing problems along with modifications in how information is presented to him at present UNTIL he is better able to decode what he hears without modification.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:49:33 AM)
Cindy, you said your 7 years old has "severe" (what ever that is, since there are no categories like mild, moderate or severe) CAPD. But, there is no single entity called CAPD. Were you ever told what processing area, specifically, is the "underlying" problem in his auditory processing?
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:51:08 AM)
All I have is a copy of test results and what the test measured I guess is the right word. The audio used the word severe to me because his scores were all so low.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:51:34 AM)
Cindy, why are you considering signing or speechreading? What are the behaviors you see that concern you with your child?
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 9:52:04 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:52:31 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:52:34 AM)
Cindy, you said that your child's language is at a 4 years old level, so, your child does have language and does have verbal language (since language tests look at verbal language).
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:53:05 AM)
It is a struggle for him to communicate with me and others and it's just as hard to try to get him to understand also.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:53:15 AM)
Okay I'm back. i have his language evaluation report in front of me.
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 9:53:20 AM)
He does have language but it is limited
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 9:54:43 AM)
Dr. J I have been reading the list about ear advantage and wanted to know what should I tell the teacher and principal when it comes to classroom accomadations. This year she sat in the front and to the left. Are there any other strategies that should be used?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:55:16 AM)
Ttests administered were the peabody Vocabulary test- Formal (PPVT) and Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills-(TAPS)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:56:04 AM)
hi Sammonesmom
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:56:09 AM)
Cindy, I'm not making fun nor criticizing the audiologist or ANYONE. I'm trying to help you understand your child, better. There are no categories in CAPD such as mild, moderate or severe. Please understand my approach, all we do when we as professionals test your child is to sample your child's behaviors. Regardless of the score, we can say the child is functioning according to the norms for his/her age, above normal for his/her age, or below normal. Now, how much below normal can be a concern, but, below normal is below normal regardless of the degree. Also, the CAPD tests have been shown to be VERY unreliable regarding degree of problem, not presence or absence IF a categorical approach is taken.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 9:56:40 AM)
Hi Debbie. I am glad I can chat this morning
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:56:50 AM)
GOod to see you back, Rose. Now, were the PPVT and the TAPS the ONLY tests the SLP gave?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:57:16 AM)
PPVT results age equivalent 8yrs. 4 mths.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:57:46 AM)
I guess so this is all that is on the report, school is currently doing there own evaluation
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:58:01 AM)
good to have you back with us...havent' seen you in a have you been?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:58:52 AM)
Taps results: Auditory number memory-Forward age equivalent 9yrs. 6mths.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 9:59:01 AM)
Hi Sammonesmom. how are you and (am I correct to say) how is Sammone today?
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 9:59:10 AM)
I've had a lot of work to do and have been doing a lot of end of year activities with my daughter.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:59:22 AM)
auditory sentence memory age equivalent under 4 yrs.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 9:59:58 AM)
auditory word memory age equivalent 10 yrs. 10 mths.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 9:59:59 AM)
I know I"m ready for summer and time with the girls.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:00:03 AM)
She's fine. I have a meeting with her teacher and principal on Friday to discuss CAPD and strategies to employ next year.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:00:07 AM)
Cindy, and others if you don't mind, I'd like to step out of the role of professional and step in as a parent, OK?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:00:25 AM)
ok Dr J
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:00:36 AM)
auditory Interpretation of directions age equivalent 4 yrs. 10 mths.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:01:13 AM)
Personally I wish more professionals would put themselves in the role of the parent =)
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:01:23 AM)
auditory processing age equivalent 6 yrs. 6mths.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:01:30 AM)
Rose, how old is your son. Samonne TAPS-R were all on a 4 year old level. She is six.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:01:32 AM)
same here dr. J
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:01:42 AM)
That's fine Dr. J
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:01:44 AM)
son is 8
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:04:29 AM)
Debbie, thanks for all the earlier advice. I've created a good notebook that I take to every appointment. I even gave her softball coach some information and now he makes sure she looks at him and uses hand signals when teaching her.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:04:35 AM)
Cindy, our family has some degree of bilingualism in ASL. We have taught our children sign to a minor degree, but really focused on teaching our youngest son sign and ASL (as a second language) because he has SI and some other issues. I must say, his frustration level has reduced becasue he always has a second way of communicating when he can't say it, we ask him to (and he often volunteers to do it himself) he signs it. His language and understanding have tremendously grown even verbally because he has the base in Sign. So, CIndy, get a book on's some good ideas for you.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:04:51 AM)
Rose, How long ago was he diagnosed with CAPD?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:05:16 AM)
That's great Samonnesmom!! Happy it's helped! (wondering if Sammone's mom has a name *L*)
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:05:24 AM)
report states linguistic deficit related to sentence memory, interpretation of directions, and processing information. difficulty with compound and complex sentences. Also noted difficulty with sentences with embedded phrases ans prepositional phrases. his memory is best for simple sentence structures. limited knowledge of generel information as noted in the auditory processing subtest. difficulty noted with multi-step commands.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:06:16 AM)
Debbie, yes its Michelle
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:06:37 AM)
rose, that almost looks like Samonne's report.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:06:38 AM)
THere is a CD rom program (actually a few of them) that have video showing the signs. Better than trying to learn from a book. The Joy of Signing is a good book, but teaches words. There is a better book, I don't have it here, but I have it at home, that teaches phrases. So, the CD rom or Joy of Signing and this "blue workbook" on phrases really are good tools. BUt, if you and any others in the family could take an introductory ASL class, you'd do best by seeing ASL used by a model, the teacher.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:07:01 AM)
so dr. j what does all of this mean to him and what should I ask the school for if anything in relation to language therapy?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:07:06 AM)
Our experiences teaching ASL and using it with our son have really been wonderful....end of my role as a parent.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:07:46 AM)
Dr. J where can you find ASL classes?
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 10:07:55 AM)
Thank you. My son also has SI and partial seizures. Thanks again for your help
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:08:12 AM)
As a professional, there have been a number of articles, even in magazines like Parent or some other general public magazines, describing the success of using ASL and sign language with normal hearing children even children with normal language development and no auditory/listening problems.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:08:50 AM)
His diagnosis was recent and although it was indicated that he has it i haven't received a report detailing the areas he experiences problems with or what they recommend for him.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:09:27 AM)
Dr J, I think one area there is confusion on is as a parent non professional in the area, how are we to know what services we are to ask for for our child? The school asked me what type of therapy I thought Sarah should have? Arent they partially responsible for that?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:09:47 AM)
Rose, back to you. Age norms are meaningless, so, they can't be used for anything , useless for any interpretation. However, you said word memory was better than sentence memory. Word memory would be more affected by auditory decoding and phonemic awareness, so, if this is the case, this does NOT support auditory decoding problems.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:10:27 AM)
Rose- The TAPS-R is a good report to start with. Samonnes SLP is using that to set goals for her therapy.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:10:54 AM)
Auditory Interpretation of Directions requires TOO many processes to understand why a problem.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:11:27 AM)
Rose, I've gone through and still go through much of the same frustrations I think you are feeling, We are told so many things about our kids, we try to do what is best, but ti's hard to know what is best!!
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:12:49 AM)
It is all very confusing to me, his school evaluation indicated problems with phonetic awareness. anyway they also gave raw score, standard score, % rank and stanine scores whatever any of this means.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:12:58 AM)
Let's look at what the SLP said in the report, ROse......problems in sentence (language or length or speed of presentation of words), interprretation of directions uses sentences for the directions, so is the problem interpretation or getting all of the information (?) we don't know, compound and complex sentences is that because of the information load (amount of information) or complexity (language understanding) or speed or presentation since all the items were presented under uncontrolled, presentation levels and speeds (decoding problem) etc. etc. etc......
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:13:08 AM)
Debbie I agree. I was so frustrated a month ago because I could not see where the speech pathologist was headed with her treatment. Now I am starting to see slight improvements in her focus and comprehension. His next goal is to work on memory.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:13:40 AM)
Essentially, there is NO interpretation from these test results other than, your child has problems in processing verbal information. Now, important question, was your son on medication when the testing was done?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:14:38 AM)
Yes but it may have been wearing off. Why do you ask/ i am wondering how this would effect testing?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:15:19 AM)
Any one who has talked to me lately knows how frustrated i've been trying to figure out what to do next for Sarah, Seems as if everytime a different test is done I get a different answer. It's taken time for professionals to get through to me (im stubborn at times) that we really are seeing progress.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:15:23 AM)
Rose, you are were I was and still am to a degree. As you talk to the school and speech pathologist it will become clearer. Also, staying abreast on CAPD so you can be educated and sometimes educate the teachers helps in the understanding
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:16:14 AM)
Samonnesmom and others, the TAPS is NOT a good test to start with. It has numerous confounding variables, and there is NO WAY to factor out the underlying variables that may be causing a child to do well or poorly on this test. But, the TAPS is a good general SCREENING test just to say, as with Rose's son, there are problems with verbal information processing. But, as with Rose's son, we don't know if the problems are auditory based, language based, decision making based (cognitive), or attentional based. Now, with Rose's son, the cognitive has been ruled out as a problem on other, independent testing. But, what about the other factors?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:17:35 AM)
Goals for language therapy are to improve use and comprehension of compound sentences. iMPROVE ABILITY TO COMPREHEND INSTRUCTIONS WITH PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES AND TO IMPROVE HIS ABILITY TO FOLLOW MULTISTEP COMMAND, sorry I just noticed that I hit caplocks.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:17:51 AM)
Dr J, please forgive me for what I am about to say, but I think you will understand =)
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:17:56 AM)
Debbie, I recently met with the public school in my district and we agreed not to test Samonne again until she is seven and after the first grading period. Mainly because all tests were saying the same thing and that she is young and if the tests indicated a different problem it might be due to age and not a learning or proccessing problem
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:17:59 AM)
Rose, you said the school report indicated problems with phonetic (really should be phonemic since we don't and can't test phonetically) awareness. As for the school report, the use of standard scores, percentile scores or ranks, and stanines ARE useful since they are statistically meaningful and useful in making comparisons.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:20:02 AM)
Dr. j I am sorry I may have not been clear. I actually have all those score from the language pathologist. my wording from the school's report may be incorrect, I don't have it in front of me.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:20:07 AM)
I know at times it seems as if Dr J may be "coming down hard" on certain tests or recommendations or as if he may be really stressing the behaviors not test results, but he does this for a reason. In order to effectively understand how to help our kids he is trying to get at the underlying cause of their problems. ie....It's one thing to have a headache, but it's another thing to know why you have the headache. Its it sinuses, allergies, eye strain, etc.....
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:20:59 AM)
What are stanines scores?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:21:27 AM)
I gave you the age equivalent test results because they were the only ones that made sense to me, but I have all the other scores too.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:21:51 AM)
Dr. J What should be added to Samonnes weekly sessions for therapy with a right ear advantage and what other strategies should be used in the classroom (right now she sits in the front to the left) ?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:21:58 AM)
I've seen them but dont understand how they are used or where they come from
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:22:12 AM)
Would it help for you to know the any of the other scores of the tests I previously mentioned?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:22:37 AM)
Rose, a major component of the TAPS test (and to a small degree the PPVT) is attention. If the medication were helping to control your son's impulsivity, he could have been loosing the longer strings of information because of impulsive responding or loss of focus and attention. But, the best is to see if there are indications of auditory decoding and phonemic awareness problems on the audiological/CAPD testing. That would rule in or rule out an AUDITORY processing problem.
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:22:49 AM)
Yea I am not alone. Rule out is always an ongoing thing.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:24:19 AM)
That's the truth Samonnesmom!!! Just when you think you are catching up in one area, another one surfaces!
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:24:48 AM)
Rose, don't appologize, you are doing fantastically in giving the information. I am aware that my approach is very different, and we often think and are MADE to think that the tests are the most important things. BUt, believe me, having worked with kids with auditory and language problems for (now.....ugh) over 30 years, it's the behaviors they present and the errors they make that really tell us what's going on with what they are processing and give clues into what is underlyijng their procesing problems.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:25:51 AM)
Is frustating to know the report I am waiting on has many answers that i need and i've been waiting for a month now. I am angry that it is taking so long, can you explain why it couldn't be explained at the time of testing. i assume all the results had to be reviewed and compared before they can determine where actual problems lie. any opinion, I just thing they are really slow.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:26:56 AM)
It seems like a catch 22 situation for parents. In order to qualify for help you have to have the test results (not behavior) and meet the numbers to qualify, but in order to determine what help a child needs you need to know behaviors not neccessarily the numbers.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:26:56 AM)
Rose, you are correct in giving age equivalent scores because many professionals and schools, especially schools, make you think that age equiv. scores are important and meaningful. BUt, let's consider the following (this is actually a paraphrase of an assignment I give my students and this is an example from the PPVT-R). What raw score (number of items) is needed to get a specific age equivalent at a specific age? OK, consider an 8years 2 months old child obtaining a raw score of the following.......
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:27:41 AM)
Too long......age 8 years - 2 months raw score = X; age equivalent = 6 years 2 months. What does this mean? I am asking any of you to reply?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:29:13 AM)
I am referring to the CAPD testing results. the audiologist told me before i left that once the results were in she was certain I would have answers I have been looking for. She did say he has CAPD but not the specifics of how it affects him.
Kevin (ID=22) (May 17, 2000 10:29:28 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:29:39 AM)
no idea
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:29:56 AM)
hi Kevin!!
Kevin (ID=22) (May 17, 2000 10:30:13 AM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:30:36 AM)
Dr J, I know you have to be goign in a moment. Hopefully we can continue this next time we get together. Rose hopefully by then you will have the results back
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:31:04 AM)
here are expanded results PPVT raw score-96 Standard Score-100 % rank 50 Stanine-5 Age equivalent 8 yrs. 4 moths.
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:31:23 AM)
Anyway, I have to leave soon (about 5 minutes) to go to set up LAb for my summer class........
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 10:33:24 AM)
I give up dr. j. What does raw score mean?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:33:27 AM)
Rose, I hope you get that report before the IEP meeting. However, if you don't you can request that the IEP meeting be postponed OR that the information from the report which is forthcoming must be used at a later (but, not months later) date to be considered in setting up the placement and IEP for the summer and for next year (depending on what is being done at the IEP meeting). The school will have to consider the results because YOU do NOT have to sign the IEP until you are completely satisfied with in.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:33:28 AM)
Kevin, how are you doing today?
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:33:31 AM)
taps Auditory number memory-Forward raw score 31 lang. age 9yrs. 6mths. scaled score 11 % rank 63 stanine 3: Auditory sentence memory raw score 2 lang. age under 4 years scaled score 6 % rank 9 stanine 2
Kevin (ID=22) (May 17, 2000 10:34:11 AM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:34:19 AM)
That is a good point about not signing the IEP until satisfied!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:35:28 AM)
Cindy, the raw scores are the scored recieved on the test before they are converted to percentiles or age equivalent...say 9 out of 10 right..the raw score would be 9
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:35:56 AM)
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Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:36:01 AM)
hi all!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:36:08 AM)
hey Marge!! how ya been?
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:36:16 AM)
Rose, you said no idea. Usually, most people think that a child of 8 years scoring 6 years age equiv. is functioning 2 years below age level. BUt, that is NOT what this means. For example, on the PPVT-R, for one age group, one of my students found that for a child either of 6 years old or 8 years old (around that age level) an increase in 2 items (a raw score change from X to X+2) yielded over a one year increase in age equivalent score. Thus, the 8 years old child getting only TWO MORE items correct would go from 6 year age equiv. to a 7-1/2 years age equiv. so, what is the value of an age equiv.
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:36:55 AM)
debbie: doing fine
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:37:09 AM)
Thanks Dr. J for clarifying this.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:37:12 AM)
Just curious..if age equiv is not relavent..why do they measure that way? (can answer that next time)
dr.j (ID=17) (May 17, 2000 10:37:18 AM)
Well, I see the clock tells me I have to go. Please feel free to contact me privately on email ( or via the CAPD list, or come back or I should say AND come back in two weeks Wednesday morning and let's chat again. Have a great day, all. See you soon.
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:37:19 AM)
dr j: is that because the tests use so few test items??
Cindy E. (ID=19) (May 17, 2000 10:37:47 AM)
Thanks to all. Until next time.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:37:59 AM)
See you next time Cindy E! take care
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:37:59 AM)
word memory raw 21, age 10yrs. 8months, scaled 8, %rank 63 stanine 3: interpretation of directions raw 2 ,age 4yrs.10 mths, scaled 8, % rank 25, stanine 4: processing raw 9, age 6yrs. 6 mths, scaled 6, percent rank 9, stanine 2
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:38:06 AM)
kevin: are you dr kevin kramer??
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:38:28 AM)
debbie: do you know if kevin was dr. kramer??
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:38:55 AM)
I still don't understand what all these scores mean
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:39:05 AM)
Debbie, are you still here?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:39:05 AM)
Rose I have a feeling todays chat may have been confusing for you, but I think once you get the results you will be able to look back and understand what dr j was saying
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:39:06 AM)
rose: i think i can help a little
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:39:23 AM)
yes i am Michelle
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:39:51 AM)
rose: there are books about statistics for psychology students that are easy to read & explain these types of scores. the scoring systems are very common in education & psych testing
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:40:08 AM)
Actually it wasn't confusing it actually clarified some of the confusion if that makes any sense.
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:40:20 AM)
i will give it my best shot here... don't know if i'mtotally right, but i'll give it a go:
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:40:30 AM)
That is Great Rose!!
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:40:37 AM)
a "raw" score i think is the number of items answered correctly
samonnesmom (ID=20) (May 17, 2000 10:40:40 AM)
Yes, it does Rose
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:41:11 AM)
so, suppose you have a 20-item test... a "raw" score of 15 means you answered 15 out of 20 right.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:41:22 AM)
I keep telling Dr J the more I learn, the less I know and the more answers I get, the more questions I have.
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:41:25 AM)
i would think that for a raw score to mean anything you'd need ot know how many items were on the test
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:41:36 AM)
debbie: hahaha! i know exactly what you mean!!
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:42:04 AM)
I'm sure some of the peices will fall into place when all the results are back and available, i expect the CAPD testing to be a great help. however i still think to get a complete picture he will need to be evaluated for SID.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:43:20 AM)
Rose and day (if it hasnt already happened) someone will ask you what CAPD is and you'll find yourself answering questions and feeling very confident of your answers without thinking about'll surprise yourself with your answers and suddenly you'll realize you know more about CAPD than you thought!
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:43:36 AM)
the other terms "scaled" and "stanine" and "standard score" all describe how this score compares with how (presumably) large groups of other people have done taking the same test.
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:44:34 AM)
(i'm pulling out one of my husbands college texts, "basic statistics" to get the rest of the answers"
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:45:00 AM)
There is a great page on LDOnline that talks about interpretation o ftest scores also
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:45:34 AM)
Deb can you e-mail me a link to the page?
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:46:26 AM)
sure...can you send me your email again?
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:46:52 AM)
it just says the "standard score" is the same thing as a z score... sigh! looks like it would take a lot of digging to get the info from that source!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:46:55 AM)
( ihave alot of the pages marked on my other computer...may take me a few to find it again on this puter)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:48:27 AM)
Im going to have to go in a minute...need to get a bit more sleep before I go back to work
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:48:38 AM)
ok, glad to see you for a few minutes, anyway
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:48:44 AM)
no rush whenever you find it let me know, i just thought it help me to understan results better
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:49:01 AM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:49:04 AM)
i sleep in shifts....about 3 to 4 hours at night then take a nap during the day
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:49:15 AM)
got it rose..
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:49:16 AM)
nice to see you too, rose!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:49:26 AM)
will send out to you sometime today
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:49:29 AM)
i like the email addy! hahah!
Marge (ID=23) (May 17, 2000 10:49:51 AM)
bye all!
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:50:10 AM)
You too marge and i know how that feels deb, lately i have only been sleeping that much with no additional nap. i'm ready to crash and burn.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:50:32 AM)
Im about to crash and am tring to keep from doign that...
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:50:49 AM)
i hate having to take a nap,,but without it im lost
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:51:14 AM)
go get some sleep, i actually chose to not s;leep to catch the chat, i'll be sorry later.
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:51:36 AM)
glad i got to chat though, have a good day
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:51:39 AM)
Let me know when you get the may be helpful if you compile results in an email
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:51:49 AM)
Im happy you were here too!!!!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:52:09 AM)
great to see you again..take care and have a fantastic day!
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:52:10 AM)
bye bye
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:52:19 AM)
okay i am going to call today and try to rush them, see if the other audiologist can complete the report.
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:52:26 AM)
good idea!
rose (ID=21) (May 17, 2000 10:52:27 AM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 17, 2000 10:52:32 AM)
chris (ID=0) (May 17, 2000 3:13:36 PM)
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laura (ID=1) (May 17, 2000 3:55:21 PM)
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Dorien (ID=2) (May 17, 2000 4:21:21 PM)
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Dorien (ID=0) (May 17, 2000 5:50:04 PM)
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Dorien (ID=1) (May 17, 2000 9:19:53 PM)
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kmanbam (ID=3) (May 17, 2000 9:46:19 PM)
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