Barbara (ID=10) (May 18, 2000 3:29:05 PM)
first time on how does this work????????
Barbara (ID=10) (May 18, 2000 3:30:41 PM)
Noone to chat with?
<debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:04:40 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:04:59 PM)
hi dorien sorry im running a bit late
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:05:17 PM)
How are you tonight?
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:06:44 PM)
good how are you
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:07:16 PM)
I am doing good.....Where ya from?
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:07:32 PM)
New york
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:07:47 PM)
Where abouts?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:07:57 PM)
I have family over by Watkins Glen?
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:07:57 PM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:08:56 PM)
When I've been going through the transcripts for the chats, I"ve noticed that you've been stopping by the chat..Do you have a child with CAPD?
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:09:40 PM)
I have a dtr with CAPD
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:10:20 PM)
My daughter does too..she is 8
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:10:56 PM)
How are things going for you?
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:11:40 PM)
Not to bad but she can be a hand full
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:12:06 PM)
I know that way that goes!!
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:12:27 PM)
I've got to tuck my kids in bed...can I meet you back here in a minute?
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:12:46 PM)
see you
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:13:06 PM)
I"ll be right back
Dorien (ID=15) (May 18, 2000 8:13:15 PM)
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:45:39 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:46:01 PM)
Hi debbie
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:46:10 PM)
hi donna
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:46:13 PM)
How are you tonight?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:46:23 PM)
I doing okay and you?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:46:48 PM)
Doing pretty good.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:47:07 PM)
Been running around trying to get things ready to take the girls to Sea World tommorrow.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:47:08 PM)
I got an appointment for Erica to be evaluated for CAPD on June 16 andJune22
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:47:44 PM)
Who is Erica seeing?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:48:15 PM)
She is being evaluated by an audiologist for the first time on June 16 and June 22.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:48:39 PM)
How old is Erica?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:49:10 PM)
She is 7 1/2. I was chatting with you last week about her, i don't know if you remember. Her possibly getting retained....
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:49:38 PM)
OK I do remember that....Have you or the school made a decision yet?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:50:40 PM)
Well, I have decided that I cannot make a decision until the evaluation results are in which unfortunately will not be until after the last day of school. Hopefully, the school will wait. My gut feeling is to let her go on. I wrote a letter to the Principal.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:51:32 PM)
I tend to agree with you....Im personally not real big on holding kids back unless there is a definite benefit
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:52:22 PM)
I agree. I feel it will not do her any good because wherever she goes she is going to have the same problem. I am putting her in a learning center over the summer 2-4 hours a week for reading and possibly math.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:53:09 PM)
How is your daughter doing?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:53:11 PM)
That would be great! I know I'm planning on working with Sarah over the summer
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:53:36 PM)
She is doing good. The last test that we did shows some improvement,,but she just needs work in other areas
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:54:00 PM)
Are you getting a tutor, learning center or doing it yourself?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:54:06 PM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:54:24 PM)
have some computer programs im working with and the great leaps reading program
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:54:55 PM)
That would be hard for me since I work three days a week. It gets so frustrating because I wish I could do more for my kids but it is hard working.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:55:10 PM)
I know the feeling...I work 5 days a week
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:55:30 PM)
What is great leaps reading program?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:56:02 PM)
it's a reading program that my psychologist recommended.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:56:13 PM)
it's off the web at
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:56:42 PM)
That is great to know. Is it only for CAPD kids?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:56:57 PM)'s designed for reading problems
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:57:20 PM)
Is your daughter below grade level for reading?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:57:45 PM)
she's struggling but catching up
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:58:12 PM)
Erica is about one year below may be a little less. Does the computer program really work?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 8:58:41 PM)
I'm hoping so......we'll see as summer goes on....I've looked at it a bit
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 8:59:48 PM)
Do you know if when they are evaluated if the audiologist gives a recommendation as to how to handle the diagnosis - what to do for them?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:01:07 PM)
The aud should!! IF the aud dont ask!!
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:01:39 PM)
Part of the problem with capd is that aud may dx but tell you what to do to help your child
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:01:50 PM)
I just wish I did not have to wait so long for the appointment. I tried several places and the wait was four to five weeks.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:02:25 PM)
That is what I am hoping that at least the audiologist will recommend something in the form of a learning strategy for the school at least.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:02:26 PM)
It's hard waiting..just read as much as you can about CAPD before hand.....make sure you take a list of questions with you that you may have
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:03:17 PM)
Do you have any recommendations for reading material. I do not really have too much except for surfing on the internet.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:04:04 PM)
There is a book by Dr Teri James Bellis that is wonderful.....I have alot of links on my website about capd also
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:05:07 PM)
the book is easy to understand for parents and gives a great overview of capd and remeadiation strategies
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:05:15 PM)
I have been through a lot of those but I did want an actual book. When my son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS I got a book immediately and it helped so much. My husband thinks I'm obsessed with both of the kids and their "disabilities"
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:05:23 PM)
What is the name of the book?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:06:00 PM)
The name is Assessment and Management of Auditory Processing Disorder in the Educational Setting: From Science to Practice.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:06:18 PM)
It's an expensive's around $50.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:07:00 PM)
I've seen that on the web in one of the book store sites. I wanted to get it but when I saw the price I stopped myself. Money is really tight around here. Hopefully I will save up and get it soon.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:08:00 PM)
Then just surf on the web....there is alot of good information...Another wonderful source of information is the archives of the CAPD listserv run by Dr J
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:08:31 PM)
I've been in there also. Thanks.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:08:41 PM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:08:56 PM)
Do you have any testing from the schools you can take with you to the evaluation?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:09:23 PM)
I had a talk with Erica the other day about her disability. She was crying when doing the homework and wondering why she is the only one in her class who cannot spelll and gets things wrong all the time. So I had to explain it to her.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:09:49 PM)
How did you explain it?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:10:03 PM)
Yes, I have the whole evaluation process that was done by the Child Study Team at the school - psychological, social, emotional, math, reading and speech.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:10:11 PM)
It's funny..when Sarah saw me talking to you she asked if you had a little girl with CAPD too?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:10:32 PM)
What time is it by you?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:10:51 PM)
Because of the things that I do with the site and the chat, Sarah has become very outgoign about her capd
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:11:06 PM)
It's 9:20 here. Im in florida
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:11:29 PM)
My daughter is asleep. But that is great. I'm surprised she is still up. Does she understand about her disability.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:12:00 PM)
Sarah just went to bed...Im letting her cut school tomorrow to go to Sea World
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:12:30 PM)
She knows she "hears" differently. We've spent many nights talking and crying together
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:12:51 PM)
That ought to be fun. Oh now you are going to make me cry.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:13:24 PM)
I told Erica she hears fine but what she hears goes to her brain in a different way than other people.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:13:26 PM)
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:13:43 PM)
I told Sarah that God created each of us unique and special
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:13:57 PM)
Sometimes I feel so bad for her. She is so intelligent. Her IQ is 114 on her psych eval.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:14:01 PM)
Sarah has really strong faith in God
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:14:42 PM)
I told Sarah today that Im looking at opening a non profit organization to deal with families of those who have CAPD. She thought that was cool
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:15:09 PM)
That is a great thing to have and that was wonderful advice you gave her about everyone being unique and special. I told her something like that. I told her that everyone has something that they have going on. No one is perfect.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:16:38 PM)
The kids haveto know that although they are different that they are still special
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:16:38 PM)
Erica just made her first holy communion this past Saturday. I have to say our family was never big church goers and I resent that. I want to get us going again. It has been very tough here the past two years. My husband had a liver transplant last year and almost died. He had two weeks left to live when he received his organ. Then this year my son and my daughter are diagnosed. I do not know which way to turn sometimes.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:16:52 PM)
I agree.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:17:17 PM)
You sound like a very strong woman donna
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:17:32 PM)
I try to be. Sometimes I feel like I am going to crack.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:18:01 PM)
So do I......
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:18:21 PM)
I do tell Erica she is special all the time. Dealing with her brother has not helped her problem either.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:18:36 PM)
What do you do to relief your stress?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:18:44 PM)
This chat...*L*
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:18:50 PM)
Run away to Sea World
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:19:16 PM)
Very funny. You sound like a very strong woman and very determined to help your daughter. Do you have any other children?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:19:30 PM)
The website and chat were started as a form of stress relief for me...a way to sort of vent...Now it's pretty much become a way of life in my family..
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:19:57 PM)
I have a 6 year old who will be 7 on Tuesday!! and two older step kids that are 21 and 23
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:20:20 PM)
I dont know about being strong..but Im stubborn
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:20:30 PM)
This site and chat are great. It does help a lot. Is your six year old okay or are there any issues?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:21:30 PM)
She is asthmatic....We almost lost her at birth and at 4 mos. old....she's our miracle little girl and a spit ball of educational issues other than she doesnt want to listen to the teacher and thinks it's funny to mimic the teacher..*sigh*
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:22:38 PM)
Well thank God everyone worked out. I have so much more faith in God since my husband's illness but at times I do get bitter, like, leave me alone already, I've had my share, you know.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:23:22 PM)
Oh I do know...some days i dont know if im doing the right things or not...
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:23:51 PM)
I really want to open the non profit but wonder if I can do it and make it work....I really get to doubting myself
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:24:06 PM)
What does it entail?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:25:30 PM)
I have to figure out the incorporation papers...the whole realm of running the business and how to help families
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:25:43 PM)
exactly what do i want to try and accomplish and how to do ti
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:26:54 PM)
It sounds like a great idea. I work for a Patent and Trademark firm. If you ever need advice on trademarking a website, etc. I'm sure you can do it. You need to get people to help you. The more help the easier it will be.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:27:34 PM)
Getting a Trademark is the one thing I had not looked into yet!!!!
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:27:50 PM)
Didnt really know where to begin!
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:28:56 PM)
You might need trademark protection of your site name CAPD FROM THE HEART. If you do not have protection, anyone else can use the same name and get away with it. If you have a trademark registration you are protected.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:29:39 PM)
Is it expensive? I"d like to do the logo too
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:31:14 PM)
You can do the whole thing at once or separately. If you do it separately you would have to pay for two separate filings. My firm charges about $ 900 to $ 1000 to file a trademark application, that is just for filing it then there are other charges down the road.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:31:58 PM)
Right now with coming up wiht the money to open the non profit..I could never afford that..=(
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:32:26 PM)
That amount includes the Patent and Trademark Office filing fee and the attorney's charges. I hear you . It can get expensive.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:32:32 PM)
Maybe down the road....we'll see...
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:32:58 PM)
Just doing the Articles of Incorporation and the bylaws and filing fees and such are enough for me to try and handle.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:33:01 PM)
It's something to keep on the back burner in case you inherit a lot of money someday (HA, HA)
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:33:23 PM)
I'd love to be abot to open a small office but will probably end up setting up out of home for now
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:34:00 PM)
I saw a small office the other day that would be perfect!! It really was fairly inexpensive too....but not now...
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:34:13 PM)
that sounds great. I wish I could work out of my home or open a business. I can't stand going to work anymore. WHY?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:34:47 PM)
I still have to work full time while getting this going....I couldnt afford to do office space
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:35:01 PM)
What to you do?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:35:09 PM)
I did call today about getting a 1-800 number and a p.o. box and such
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:35:21 PM)
I work for an internet company in the billing dept
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:35:36 PM)
That's a definite start. It will take time.
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:35:50 PM)
Do you work out of your home for this company?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:36:01 PM)
I work in a call center....
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:36:20 PM)
Do you like it?
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:36:47 PM)
Ever since my kids dxs, I can't seem to concentrate on anything?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:36:55 PM)
yeah i do....they know my heart belongs to working on the non profit though
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:37:11 PM)
Do you have the same problem?
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:37:14 PM)
Im sure everyone thinks I've got a one track mind *L*
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:38:26 PM)
It's been great chatting, but I gotta go if I'm going to wake up tomorrow. Tomorrow is my full day. We'll chat again next week.
debbie (ID=16) (May 18, 2000 9:38:40 PM)
See you then! night night donna take care! *HUGS*
Donna (ID=17) (May 18, 2000 9:38:42 PM)