Pat (ID=140) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:01 AM)
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jr (ID=141) (Jun 1, 2000 12:16:22 PM)
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Anna (ID=142) (Jun 1, 2000 12:56:16 PM)
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Penny (ID=143) (Jun 1, 2000 2:37:19 PM)
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debbie (ID=144) (Jun 1, 2000 3:55:53 PM)
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Dorien (ID=145) (Jun 1, 2000 4:48:01 PM)
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krys (ID=146) (Jun 1, 2000 7:50:00 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:09:13 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:10:46 PM)
hello from gainesville
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:11:47 PM)
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krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:11:56 PM)
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debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:12:17 PM)
hi Dr Moncrieff, hi krys How are you both doing tonight?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:12:25 PM)
great, thanks
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:12:39 PM)
Thank you for joining us tonight. =)
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:12:50 PM)
Hi I am new here and trying to find out info on CAPD
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:13:05 PM)
you are very welcome...what are you most interested in learning, krys?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:13:11 PM)
We are happy you could join us tonight Krys
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:13:25 PM)
will my son ever grow out of it
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:13:32 PM)
how old is your son now?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:13:37 PM)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:13:48 PM)
and how long has he been diagnosed with capd?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:14:24 PM)
he was diag. oct of 98 but I wasn't told about all of the other stuff
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:15:05 PM)
tell me just a little about him so that i can better answer your first question
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:15:45 PM)
his behavior has been outof control lately and I think we only contributed to his problem.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:06 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:13 PM)
generally, some children do outgrow their auditory processing difficulties and these are likely to be children for whom normal maturation of the brain was a little bit slower than their age-related peers
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:18 PM)
hey Marge! how are you tonight?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:32 PM)
hi debbie, dr moncrieff, krys!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:43 PM)
hi marge
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:43 PM)
We were not told about using a fm system in the classroom I have learned about this myself
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:16:44 PM)
i am doing OK except for tendonitis in my right foot :-(
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:17:02 PM)
would he be comfortable using an fm system?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:17:28 PM)
I'm not sure he is very stubborn and will be going into gr.3
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:17:44 PM)
is he having difficulty reading?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:17:55 PM)
krys: are you considering personal fm for him? have you read about the new phonic ear Sprite?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:00 PM)
yes that is his weakest subject
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:08 PM)
sorry to hear that Marge, hope it feels better soon.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:12 PM)
debbie: thanks
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:25 PM)
has he been tested by a reading specialist?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:28 PM)
what is a phonic ear sprite
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:31 PM)
Patty (ID=151) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:44 PM)
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Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:56 PM)
it is a behind the ear FM unit... also has hearing aid capability if that is needed
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:18:58 PM)
Hi Patty....How are you doing tonight?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:19:07 PM)
brb: kids are killing each other
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:19:33 PM)
he has been tested for reading difficulties and has been teste for ADD I was told he doesn't have either problem
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 8:19:39 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:20:15 PM)
do you feel the reading difficulty has kept him from being able to move ahead in school?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:20:46 PM)
I was told he is a very energetic boy with alot of imagination --this does not solve anything --I knew that
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:21:11 PM)
what auditory processing tests have been done with him?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:21:20 PM)
Marge, Dr Moncrieff is the aud who recently did the re-evaluation for CAPD with Sarah
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:21:57 PM)
yes he is not at the same level as most kids --thing is I kept him back in gr.1 so he is already one of the older kids
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:22:23 PM)
debbie: yes, so you said on the list... i am patiently waiting my turn to chat with her :-) (got the kids to stop killing each other :-))
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:22:41 PM)
He had the one where he goes into the booth with headphones on and they did a bunch of things with him
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:22:41 PM)
don't wait marge..jump in because i type FAST
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:23:04 PM)
did they say what types of listening problems he is likely to have?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:23:25 PM)
i'm asking because there are so many tests that are done on these children and they point to different problems
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:23:40 PM)
He has a hard time in a group situation with alll of the other sounds around him
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:23:44 PM)
dr moncrieff: why, thank you very much!! i hesitate to just jump in because many of our list members are not experienced at internet chats and they get lost in the different threads of conversation... but if everyone else is happy with multiple simultaneous threads, i'll let 'er rip!! ;-)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:23:47 PM)
Dr Moncrieff, if you would like to change the icon beside your name so that your messages are easier for everyone to pick out,,,you do that by clicking on settings then choosing your favorite
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:24:18 PM)
(i'm an engineer by training... and also something of an audiology nut... hence the symbol ;-)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:24:25 PM)
i picked the lips...let's see if it works
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:24:27 PM)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:24:28 PM)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:24:49 PM)
*LOL* the lips look great on ya!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:24:50 PM)
i know that about you, marge, because i get the listserv every day
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:25:10 PM)
dr. moncrieff: ah! lurking on the list, eh?? ;-)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:25:15 PM)
you are a frequent and well-informed contributor
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:25:31 PM)
(curtseys very prettily) thank you
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:25:59 PM)
krys, patty: will you 2 be ok if i get another conversation going on here?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:26:12 PM)
oh yes go ahead
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:26:28 PM)
Krys may I ask out of curiosity where you are from?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:26:36 PM)
(flexes her fingers.... puts on driving gloves... adjusts goggles on helmet... GO!!!)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:26:37 PM)
back to krys's original's hard to know if her son is likely to outgrow his problems because we don't really know what they are...but if it's listening in background noise, an fm system would be a good idea
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:26:43 PM)
Nova Scotia
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 8:26:47 PM)
go for it!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:27:25 PM)
isn't brad stach in nova scotia?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:27:26 PM)
dr moncrieff: what is your approach to CAPD? neurophysiological or otherwise?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:27:27 PM)
I'm just very frustrated so I tend to babble
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:28:00 PM)
i am a cognitive neuroscientist by training with a clinical degree in my research involves electrophysiology and fmri
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:28:09 PM)
Who's brad stach
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:28:11 PM)
Krys, when my daughter was originally diagnosed with CAPD a little over 2 years ago, she also had trouble in background noise, when she was recently re-evaluated she showed great progress.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:28:28 PM)
brad stach is a very good audiologist with a lot of experience in capd...was also trained by jim jerger as i was
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:28:52 PM)
Maybe I should have him retested before I go ahead and look into the fm system then
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:29:07 PM)
do you know, krys, if he was tested on the SCAN?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:29:37 PM)
I'm really not sure would I know if I saw it
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:29:55 PM)
moncrieff: i like the potential i see with fmri, but i am concerned that many of the current capd tests are overlooking subclinical peripheral hearing problems.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:30:09 PM)
it is a four-part test, called the Screening Test for Auditory Processing Disorders, abbreviated (oddly) SCAN
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:30:39 PM)
maybe cuz SCAN is easier to pronounce than STAPD
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:31:04 PM)
He went through a series of tests and then was put on another machine outside of the little booth he sat in
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:31:05 PM)
it's always important, marge, to look at hearing thresholds across the entire range of frequencies, even at interoctave intervals and to look for abnormally sensitive hearing...also acoustic reflexes
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:31:06 PM)
moncrieff: perhaps i should say "subtle" rather than "subclinical"
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:31:12 PM)
you are so right about STAPD!!!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:32:04 PM)
either way, there are many children with tinnitus who don't know how to express that they experience ringing in their ears...and some have hyperacuity to some sounds...but i don't want to suggest that they are in the majority among capd kids
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:32:48 PM)
the subtle hearing problems are more likely to be in the ways that auditory signals are processed through the brainstem and thalamo-cortical levels of the brain...and that's what i'm interested in investigating
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:33:05 PM)
moncrieff: i agree re: interoctave intervals & oversensitivity & thresholds... but all those tests will still miss brief tone deficits... cranford & musiek know abt the brief tone deficits in kids w/CAPD... however, ENTs consider brief tone deficits to reflect peripheral hearing loss
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:33:25 PM)
Dr Moncrieff...Sarah keeps asking me when she gets to come back and see you.....she likes the idea of the "space cap"
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:33:33 PM)
how can I help him in day to day life i'm not even sure on that anymore
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:33:38 PM)
ENTs don't know much about hearing...only about medical and surgical interventions
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:34:28 PM)
moncrieff: if there are relatively subtle mechanical problems with the cochlea itself (such as might arise from connective tissue disorders, and which are known to arise from certain of these disorders), the problems won't manifest as a classical puretone threshold shift
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:35:03 PM)
i have been working on a dyslexia research project with a colleague and next week will be getting the lab set-up moved forward...then i will be in texas at the human brain mapping conference for one week. After that, i hope to get the experimental protocol going.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:35:37 PM)
how do you feel these subtle mechanical problems will be reflected in listening?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:35:41 PM)
moncrieff: true, ENTs don't know much abt hearing, but all the different disciplines should be able to agree that the same auditory mechanism used to hear long (200 msec) tones is also used to hear short (<100 msec) tones... yet to read Cranford & Stream, you'd think that a wholly separate part of the body or brain handles brief tones
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:36:03 PM)
moncrieff: impaired consonant discrim, loudness tolerance problems, primarily
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:01 PM)
i am familiar with cranford's earlier work, but not this...but duration is an important part of the auditory stimulus and the effects of duration go way beyond the cochlea
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:14 PM)
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debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:14 PM)
Krys, when your son was diagnosed with CAPD, what type of recommendations did the aud make for you?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:15 PM)
moncrieff: we've actually run some pretty classy CV-PI functions on one of my daughters, if i do say so myself... we were able to show a specific consonant discrim deficit that resolves w/increasing volume, a la a conductive hearing loss. but her puretone thresholds are WNL
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:21 PM)
hi supermom
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:23 PM)
hey supermom! How are youtonight?
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:39 PM)
hi supermom
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:37:56 PM)
Hi! I'm doing fine. How about all of you?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:38:10 PM)
which consonant and why do you think intensity changes affect discrimination?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:38:26 PM)
moncrieff: there is at least one other author who has raised the question of conductive hearing loss modelling CAPD
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:38:35 PM)
I'm doing great tonight...good to see you again.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:38:36 PM)
does your daughter have allergy symptoms?
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:39:23 PM)
My son does. He is allergic to grass, ragweed, and trees.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:40:03 PM)
debbie, tell sarah that i hope to see her again in late summer or early fall because we have to run students through the ropes first to be sure that the equipment and the protocol will work the way they did in dallas
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:40:50 PM)
moncrieff: the stop consonants were most affected... she alone among my kids has significant tympanosclerosis... has normal multifrequency tympanometry... i infer that she has brief tone deficit due to scarring on eardrum (at minimum)... needs more intensity to get hearing mechanism to transfer enough energy to allow discrim to occur.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:41:02 PM)
I'll be sure to tell her....Did you happen to see the post on the listserv about what happened with Sarah in Sea World?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:41:08 PM)
moncrieff: not sure abt allergy symptoms... what did you have in mind?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:41:33 PM)
thanks, marge, that helps to explain...yes, debbie, i did read about the trip to Sea does Sarah feel about it?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:42:31 PM)
Sarah knows now that it was only a ride but asked if it was ok when we go back if we dont take the helicopter to the artic, she wants to walk through to the exhibit
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:43:05 PM)
children with significant allergies can sometimes have symptoms that mimic a conductive hearing loss without the loss of tympanic membrane mobility...but you describe true mobility differences
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:43:43 PM)
what do you think frightened Sarah about the ride?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:44:31 PM)
I think that the ride was very realistic and Sarah thought we really went to the Artic!
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:44:37 PM)
krys... where are you from? I don't remember talking to you before.
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:45:06 PM)
I'm from Nova Scotia this is my first time here
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:45:23 PM)
moncrieff: i think many CAPD researchers may be coming to erroneous conclusions about where in the auditory system deficits are originating... i've read several of tallal's papers... they do not rigorously exclude peripheral hearing loss before they do their tests, hence, they may conclude that central phenomena account for observed differences when it may be peripheral loss (such as something that would show up on high frequency audiometry or on multiple frequency tympanometry or brief tone audiometry... and yes, of course, brief tone discrim involves much more than periph hearing... but it has to START with periph hearing)
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:45:40 PM)
I've got family in Nova Scotia.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:45:51 PM)
I can't help wondering if some of the cognitive confusion about geography isn't within the normal range for a child Sarah's age...although I'm out of my area here
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:46:07 PM)
I am originally from Manitoba but my hubby is from here
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:46:51 PM)
debbie: so many of those rides are very realistic... Disney has several that were I not an adult, I would find convincing.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:46:55 PM)
marge, remember that a huge number of children with capd had chronic om as wee ones...the peripheral sensitivities interact with central development because a reduced signal produces a different neuronal development
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:47:10 PM)
Isn't that where the polar bears come up to your doorstep. Manitoba sounds familiar. I think I have relatives from there or live there.
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:47:44 PM)
thats what they say but no I have never seen a polar bear
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:48:14 PM)
you get minus 60 to 70 weather inthe winter there
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:48:51 PM)
I think I have a second cousin who is a teacher there. I haven't seen him since I was about 8 or 9 years old.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:48:51 PM)
Marge I know from now on I'll make sure Sarah knows it's only a ride!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:49:06 PM)
moncrieff: yes, that is true: but i believe the chronic om may have left other sequelae... in the middle ear... and possibly the inner ear... several toxins from OM are known to penetrate the round window membrane... tho' perhaps that damage would show up as a puretone loss... Margolis has documented extended high frequency and hi frequency tympanometry deficits in kids w/hx OM
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:49:29 PM)
I won't be moving back --the weather in NS is alot nicer
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:49:47 PM)
you might also buy her a children's geography book and help her see where in the world different places are...then when she's "taken" somewhere, she'll have a better sense that it's make-believe
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:50:07 PM)
Patty... Is this your first time talking tonight? I'm from Pennsylvania. How about you?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:50:26 PM)
stay tuned on margolis...he's a real gem
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:51:14 PM)
moncrieff: oh do pls tell me what you know abt margolis... i know he's prominent in OM research... director up at U Minn, isn't he? what else should i know?
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 8:51:48 PM)
New York I've been here before but not is several weeks.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:05 PM)
(i'm in georgia, for what it's worth :-) )
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:12 PM)
only that he's the most thorough and competent of researchers and knows more about tympanometry than anyone...he's been trying to introduce several new concepts to the world of tympanometry for several years, but audiologists resist change like everyone else
Faith (ID=154) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:18 PM)
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Faith (ID=154) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:18 PM)
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Faith (ID=154) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:18 PM)
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Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:23 PM)
hi faith
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:29 PM)
hi Faith
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:34 PM)
hi faith
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:41 PM)
welcome, faith
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:48 PM)
moncrieff: it is good to know he has that reputation... Lilly is also a big name in middle ear stuff, isn't he?
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:52:59 PM)
I'm originally from New York. I was born in Massena and lived in New Rochelle before I moved to PA.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:53:07 PM)
i don't know lilly
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:53:09 PM)
Hi Faith!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:53:20 PM)
Patty did you have any questions that you'd like to ask tonight?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:53:40 PM)
moncrieff: so are you working w/jay hall there in Fla?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:54:31 PM)
jay works at the medical center and i'm in the communication sciences and disorders department in the college of liberal arts and sciences (phew!) so we will interact, but not work directly with one another...his appointment is 100% clinical and mine is teaching, clinical and research
Pen (ID=155) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:14 PM)
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krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:16 PM)
I think I'll take off for now it was nice chatting
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:24 PM)
hey Penny.....
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:25 PM)
moncrieff: oh, i did not know that... what is jay hall doing, clinically? is he running a capd clinic, or...?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:29 PM)
bye krys!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:32 PM)
goodnight krys
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:33 PM)
hi pen
krys (ID=149) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:34 PM)
Pen (ID=155) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:36 PM)
Hi Deb
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:55:39 PM)
bye, krys...stay in touch and bring us more info about your son
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:09 PM)
Pen, Dad got here about an hour or so ago
Pen (ID=155) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:13 PM)
I just popped in to say hi to everyone and to wish Debbie a very Happy Birthday today =)
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:23 PM)
Has anyone called the American Learning Disability in the phone book? They are a real big help.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:26 PM)
oh, happy birthday, debbie!!! (la la la)
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:27 PM)
HI Penny
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:39 PM)
i expect that jay will be doing cap testing at shands, but i don't know for sure what his main concerns will be
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:47 PM)
Happy Birthday Debbie!!!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:51 PM)
moncrieff: what is shands?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:56:57 PM)
Debbie, I didn't know it was your birthday....happy day....has it been fun?
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:04 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:06 PM)
Shands is the name of the hospital that is connected to UF
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:07 PM)
hi carol
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:16 PM)
moncrieff: oic... thanks
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:17 PM)
Thank you all! =)
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:17 PM)
Hi Carol
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:31 PM)
hi, sorry i'm late...really bad thunderstorm just rolled through
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:45 PM)
send it to florida
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:57:53 PM)
(carol must be in the upper midwest... big storms predicted there all day)
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:02 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:18 PM)
i'm originally from wisconsin :-) near milwaukee
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:18 PM)
I've had a very nice day...Had lunch with Pen and another great friend of mine..then spent a quiet evening with the girls and hubby
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:24 PM)
I don't want to see any more rain for awhile. I've had enough of it.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:30 PM) this Michaels' mom?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:40 PM)
supermom: send it on down this way!!
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:41 PM)
i live in blake's mom
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:49 PM)
how very nice....anyone who wants less of rain is welcome to send it our way because we're as dry as desert bones
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 8:58:52 PM)
ok...trying to get in touch with another carol..
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 8:59:04 PM)
Dr. Moncrieff, When my son was tested he had a SSW, the Phonemic Synthesis Test,and the Speech-inNoise Test done. He also had an audiogram done before the test. Should any other test have been? It was 3 years ago, so he going to need new testing.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 8:59:32 PM)
moncrieff: how did you come by your interest in audiology & cognitive neuroscience? :-)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 8:59:39 PM)
Patty, what were the results of his tests?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:00:19 PM)
brb... gotta make sure the kids aren't killing each other
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 9:00:41 PM)
decoding problem and a tolerance fading problem
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:00:51 PM)
I went back to graduate school after raising my 3 children and began in a neuroscience lab working on rat hippocampus experiments...the dean asked me to consider doing the clinical audiology degree simultaneously because of the changes in the education of audiologists---toward the AuD degree----and the growing need for persons with knowledge of neuroscience in the audiology field
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:01:11 PM)
Do any of you have a mental health advocate that helps you out dealing with the schools? I was able to find one. She works for free and is going to help me out on Monday with the school.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:01:21 PM)
what has been done to address those problems in the 3 years since the tests were done?
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:01:53 PM)
we've just made an appt w/a psychologist of tjat
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:02:06 PM)
Supermom...up to this point, i've not had any advocates go to the school with me.
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:02:22 PM)
what you mean..hoping he can help w/behavior problems and address the all around issues w/my son's disorders
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:02:51 PM)
I'll let you know how it goes on Tuesday. I thought it might help, since the school is giving me a hard time.
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 9:02:51 PM)
He has gone through FFW, and speech at school
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:03:18 PM)
have you seen improvements since doing FFW and speech therapy?
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 9:04:08 PM)
The school and other people have notice a difference
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:04:59 PM)
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carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:09 PM)
i have a question about the battery of tests done for CAP
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:09 PM)
Hi again faith.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:15 PM)
welcome back Faith
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:16 PM)
I think he seems to understand speech/sounds better. He is more focus
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:31 PM)
hi faith
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:35 PM)
I would recommend that he be retested with the SCAN, the SSW and another speech-in-noise test and as Debbie knows, my particular focus is to look for a left-ear deficit on the competing words, competing sentences and SSW tests
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:35 PM)
thanks been busy
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:40 PM)
hi carol
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:05:46 PM)
Carol, what questions do you have?
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:07 PM)
how many kids to do you have faith?
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:17 PM)
Ok thanks
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:27 PM)
my son had the battery of tests done in early may, and couldnt complete 2 of the question is what each test was suppose to be looking for
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:35 PM)
2 one 12 Saturday and one 10
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:39 PM)
which tests were done?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:54 PM)
actually, which tests could he not complete?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:06:57 PM)
Patty, as a mom I think it's good to have the reevaluation change so much over 2 to 3 years...
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:07:58 PM)
he couldnt complete the Willeford's Competing Sentences Test and Filtered Words Test...and had extreme difficulty w/the Katz Staggered Spondaic Word Test
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:09:07 PM)
since I know where everyone else lives, where are you from. I'm hoping I can find someone close to where I live so we can maybe meet.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:09:27 PM)
the competing sentences test and the SSW test are the two that focus the most on what we call "interaural asymmetry" which is a big term for one ear being too dominant over the other it typically causes a left-ear deficit in right-handed children...when these children are taking these types of tests, they get horribly frustrated and sometimes completely shut down
Patty (ID=152) (Jun 1, 2000 9:09:27 PM)
Deb, I agree just have to get the HMO to agree and get the referral.
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:09:36 PM)
Just outside of Orlando
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:10:04 PM)
so what part of CAPD is that testing for? i mean what deficits
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:11:09 PM)
Patty my insurance referred me to everyone in the area and most of the aud's i was referred to recommended that I go to the U of F where Dr Moncrieff is...I gave up on my insurance and went on my own....
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:11:21 PM)
some degree of left-ear deficit is normal in children, but by age 11, they should have outgrown it and listen as adults do....the tests are meant to look for these differences between performance in the right ear and the left ear....poor performance in the left ear could be a developmental delay or could reflect a disorder in normal processing that we don't yet fully understand
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:11:58 PM)
What type of therapy do you recommend for a child with a major left ear deficit?
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:02 PM)
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carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:07 PM)
so it's nothing to do w/phonetic awareness or decoding or figure-ground, etc..?
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:14 PM)
Hi Dorien
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:19 PM)
Hi dorien
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:29 PM)
hi Dorien
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:34 PM)
we go for a hearing test tomarrow with hopefully furture testing in a month
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:39 PM)
Hi how are you
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:12:42 PM)
How are you doing this evening?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:13:08 PM)
the therapy that we recommend will depend on how we can characterize the deficit....for right now, we are seeing a number of children who have been through FFW and who still have the deficit so we know it's resistant to the auditory training in that program (or at least that's where i'm leaning)
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:13:27 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:13:28 PM)
back for a minute
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:14:30 PM)
no, a left ear deficit could contribute to phonemic awareness problems and may also interact with figure-ground problems - we just simply don't know enough about it yet - i'm hoping to add some info to the pile through the research i'm doing
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:14:37 PM)
Stephen goes for his first speech therapy on the 14th. He goes twice a week for about 45 min.
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:15:00 PM)
That's great
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:15:54 PM)
ok...i was just assuming that each test he did had to do w/the 5 areas under CAPD..and was just wondering which ones these tests were testing for..what would you suggest the SLP work on this year so that next year when he retests, he'll be able to at least understand the concepts and can complete these tests?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:15:57 PM)
we are doing pre-intervention cap testing on several children who will be going through two different training programs this summer and will test them at the end once it's completed, so we hope to know more in the fall
Pen (ID=155) (Jun 1, 2000 9:16:25 PM)
bye everyone
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:16:32 PM)
bye Pen
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:16:32 PM)
What is the best age for testing
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:16:36 PM)
He goes to the hospital for it. The school only spends about 20 minutes at least on each child. They have 5 schools to do. He has to go through the testing by their thearpist before he can be done by the school.
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:16:39 PM)
Bye Penny
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:16:52 PM)
the slp is likely to evaluate his speech/langauge performance and determine which areas of weakness still need the most work...i would trust the slp on that one
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:17:28 PM)
Dorien, children can be tested by age 5 quite easily
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:17:42 PM) this point I don't trust his SLP since he has no understanding of CAPD..and how it interacts w/his expressive/receptive language disorders
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:17:57 PM) there no one in your are who does?
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:18:03 PM)
I have a son who is five and his sister has CAPD
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:18:05 PM)
moncrieff: one of the areas all the aud s who do capd testing need to focus more on is EXPLAINING the results to the parents in terms of what it means in real-life listening situations. when parents are told "your child has a left ear deficit" that doesn't have much practical everyday meaning without explanation
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:04 PM)
no...just the audiologist at the University who did the testing...but the slp's in the school district doesnt..still working on maybe having him seen by slp at the university who does understand
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:09 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:11 PM)
you raise a very good point, marge, but we don't yet know what this deficit is doing in practical everyday terms...remember that to unearth it, we put the children into dichotic listening situations....not exactly a real-world situation
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:18 PM)
hi b's mom
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:33 PM)
hi b'smom
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:34 PM)
i agree marge...
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:42 PM)
hi b's mom
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:45 PM)
hi b'smom
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:46 PM)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:19:48 PM)
carol, you might want to go back to the university for a follow-up
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:20:22 PM)
moncrieff: well, then the parents need to be told that "your child has a left ear deficit... we are not completely sure what this means, but his performance in this area is very much below what we would expect for a child his age... (and then relate it to his school problems, if possible)"
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:20:46 PM)
i will, he is seen there every year for hearing and now cap testing..and in the fall he will have a diagnostic done for speech/communication and he just recently developed a disfluency as well...but the waiting is hard
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:20:47 PM)
how are you this evening b'smom?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:20:53 PM)
jim jerger has developed an "ecologically valid" dichotic listening task (if you look in this month's journal of the american academy of audiology you will find it) that we are trying to use to make the stimuli more real-world
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:21:43 PM)
Marge, that is one area of concern that many parents have...they feel as if they are being handed a diagnosis without any ideas what to do......part of this comes out of the need for research in the area and public awareness not only in schools but among professionals
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:21:49 PM)
marge, that is what i usually do....but the relationship to school problems is tricky because remember, i'm new in this arena and am just beginning to subgroup these kids, so we don't know enough about them to be giving parents any truly definitive information
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:21:51 PM)
moncrieff: dichotic listening is a lab type situation, but in real life, following conversations at a party comes close... nice to know abt the "ecologically valid" task... i will look for the article... where is jim jerger teaching now? i know he left baylor
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:21:52 PM)
good thanks, my 2 1/2 year old goes for a follow up Mon. with ENT
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:22:19 PM)
and i was really counting on getting a capd diagnosis w/this testing so we can move on with knowing how to remediate
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:22:41 PM)
carol, i think that's a really good idea
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:22:58 PM)
jim is at the university of texas at dallas which is where he supervised my phd
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:23:56 PM)
moncrieff: thanks for the info
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:24:01 PM)
we use dichotic listening because we know that adults with specific lesions in the temporal lobes do poorly on dichotic tasks...which is why we are focusing on the thalamo-cortical areas and the corpus callosum in these children
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:24:16 PM)
b'smom, is this your first time chatting with us?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:24:26 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:24:57 PM)
i'll be back in a few minutes
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:25:00 PM)
what i usually tell parents is that having a significant left-ear deficit is like trying to view something far away through a pair of binoculars with one eyepiece correctly focused and the other one very fuzzy
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:25:17 PM)
I have 3 kids. All had t&a, 2 younger had tubes. youngest is on 2nd set of tubes.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:25:43 PM)
yes, and the results will be sent to you tomorrow
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:25:50 PM)
great! thank you
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:25:59 PM)
welcome aboard. I'm from Pennsylvania. My son has capd. He is 9 years old. He was diagonised a few months ago.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:27:58 PM)
my 7 year old is my biggest concern. he wasn't diagnosed but I did some testing on my own (i'm a speech/language specialist). he has trouble with figure ground. our home and school provided an FM system for his classroom. His teacher asked to be the first to get one. Next year he'll be in the 2nd grade class that gets one. We live in NJ
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:28:33 PM)
supermom, did your son have ear infections?
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:29:18 PM)
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debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:29:27 PM)
hi Kate!
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:29:29 PM)
hi kate
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:29:32 PM)
b'smom, you are lucky to hve a supportive teacher
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:29:34 PM)
hi Kate
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:29:50 PM)
I am lucky.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:30:01 PM)
Hi Everyone!! Sorry I'm late...
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:30:09 PM)
yes. He had them alot when he was a baby. He developed seizures when he was a year old from a high fever.
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:30:13 PM)
Hi Kate.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:30:17 PM)
In many ways I hate to see the school year end. The teacher Sarah had this year was a blessing to us! She was extremely supportive and open to learning about CAPD
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:30:18 PM)
poor guy
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:30:48 PM)
we need to better teach our education majors about capd
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:00 PM)
it helped alot when I talked to his teacher and explained why he behaves the way he does sometimes. It changed her whole attitude.
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:01 PM)
wish we had one this year - get to deal with 5 teachers next year
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:07 PM)
I think I get to meet Stephen's teacher for next year on Monday. She is suppossed to be very good.
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:27 PM)
my son had a supportive teacher as well, but now the school isn't...we were told today during iep meeting that he will not be welcome there next year cause they dont have the resources to help him...i was upset to say the least
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:32 PM)
hooray for great teachers who are supportive and understanding....but it's because great parents have informed them, too!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:57 PM)
I"m still talking to the school district in this area about putting together a public awareness program on CAPD
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:31:59 PM)
carol, is he in a private school?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:32:04 PM)
was this a private school, carol?
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:32:10 PM)
yes...he was in a parochial school
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:32:22 PM)
some of them you can inform all you want but it doesn't get you anywhere
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:32:27 PM)
i'm so sorry, but how is the public school in your area?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:32:42 PM)
carol, it may turn out to be a blessing.
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:32:49 PM)
When I found that my dtr had CAPD the school provided hre with an FM unit
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:33:09 PM)
well his home school is awful...there were 25 kids in each class this year so i refuse to put him there...and open enrollment is i'm not sure what i plan on doing
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:33:18 PM)
many schools and many teachers are doing well with these children, but there are still way too many who are not
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:33:20 PM)
Dorien, is she classified?
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:33:51 PM)
NO I would not let the school
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:34:13 PM)
I e mailed our local tv station today. I explained to them about Stephen. I told them that the public needs to be aware of what CAPD is. I even told them about how the school is not doing there part to help him right. I hope that they do a segment on this. This will really help everyone out.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:34:14 PM)
With an IEP Carol, the public school has to provide what is written.
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:34:38 PM)
Under 504 to
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:34:59 PM)
Dorien, that's great that they were willing to provide without an IEP. Mine wouldn't without a diagnosis but then by coincidence our Home and School Association donated one.
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:35:05 PM)
true...however it's also a well known fact that children (most anyways) need to be in very small groups for learning...and that won't happen here in public schools
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:35:19 PM)
sorry..children w/CAPD
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:36:00 PM)
Our school has a good staff
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:36:15 PM)
The American Learning Disability Association gave me packets on my rights and the laws. They even gave me a name of a mental health advocate to help me for free.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:36:34 PM)
that's terrific
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:36:36 PM)
right Carol. but there are accomodations they should be able to make that don't cost much and will benefit your child. They are required to by law
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:36:46 PM)
Supermom, I"m confused about why a mental health advocate?
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:37:27 PM)
the best accomodations at this point in his education is teaching in a small group of less than 10 kids...but where is that going to happen? lol
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:37:35 PM)
Sometimes the Action toward Independence can help
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:37:44 PM)
Does CAPD fall under learning disability? I keep getting confused about this.
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:38:09 PM)
She said that they stand up for a childs right. They are there to help the children and the parents out for any reason. They know how the schools operate and they know what to say to help get the ball running.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:38:21 PM)
in a self contained classroom. that's where I work. we have a total of 9 kids but the number varies throughout the day depending on mainstreaming.
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:38:27 PM)
my sons's resource room has more than that
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:38:30 PM)
my son's audiologist said it falls under learning disability tree can also be classified as a hearing impairment
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:38:32 PM)
yes CAPD falls under learning disability.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:39:27 PM)
Dr Moncrieff,,,,how do you view CAPD? learning disability or hearing impairment?
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:39:38 PM)
they don't have selfcontained classrooms available in our school district
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:39:49 PM)
i view it both ways
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:08 PM)
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moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:13 PM)
i also view it as a potential mental health problem
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:17 PM)
hi Kelli
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:20 PM)
hi kelli
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:23 PM)
hi kelli
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:31 PM)
Hi all!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:34 PM)
potential mental health problem due to leading to self esteem problems?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:37 PM)
carol, that is the trend but for kids that really need it, it should be provided. what do they do in your district with more severe learning problems such as Down syndrome and autism?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:40:45 PM)
hi kelli
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:41:09 PM)
not sure...and since he doesnt have a firm CAPD diagnosis yet...they dont have to do anything
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:41:27 PM)
what is written in his IEP?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:41:28 PM)
self esteem problems at the very least...but i believe the disorders can be even more profound and difficult in some children who are not receiving proper diagnosis and treatment
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:41:34 PM)
Dr. Moncrieff, do you usually attend meetings with the schools to explain CAPD or do your reports do that for you? Hi Kelli!!
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:42:00 PM)
social language skills can suffer. children with CAPD miss social cues
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:42:12 PM)
we just did his iep today...mentioned the fact that he learns best one on one or in small groups..but that was about the extent of it
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:42:28 PM)
carol: if your child had a personal fm system, he might do fine in a class w/25 kids... have you observed classes at the public school?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:42:31 PM)
Kate, I attended an IEP meeting last week, but generally do not attend them yet...although as I get more involved with the children in our county, I hope to do more...Florida has a wonderful task force preparing a position paper on capd
carol (ID=156) (Jun 1, 2000 9:42:32 PM)
my son definitely has a deficit in social
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:42:58 PM)
what state Carol?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:43:02 PM)
moncrieff: i've recommended the "improving classroom acoustics" manual from your dept of ed many mnay times
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:43:08 PM)
Social Language one has addressed this for me!!! Anyone out there have any suggestions for that??
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:43:13 PM)
it's very difficult to develop social skills when language skills are weak
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:43:13 PM)
dr moncrieff how would i go about getting more information on that task force? Iknow you mentioned it before when we spoke in person
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:43:44 PM)
i will send you information on it with the report tomorrow Debbie
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:43:49 PM)
thank you!
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:44:11 PM)
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b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:44:26 PM)
social language can be taught. most children just KNOW but others need to have it spelled out.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:44:28 PM)
yikes...i got
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:44:37 PM)
debbie are you going to the conference in Orlando this weekend
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:03 PM)
social language skills require a strong foundation in language in general...and kids with capd have generally poorer language foundations
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:03 PM)
welcome back
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:09 PM)
No faith, I am not going to be able to go.. I have family in from out of state...are you going?
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:14 PM)
sorry...he does use an fm unit marge..and we tried it last year in public school and they wouldnt use it..but he also wont wear it for extended periods of times either...we live in wisconsin
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:16 PM)
my son has alot of problems with his social behavior.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:22 PM)
But does anyone know where to go for teaching social language skills?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:34 PM)
many, many children, especially boys, have problems with social interactions from capd
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:45:46 PM)
no thought we were going to be out of town, but I couldnt get vacation wish I could be
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:46:05 PM)
My son is entering the "group" social phase of a teenager and he really struggles with this!!
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:46:09 PM)
sounds like you have your work cut out for you. how can they say they won't use it. that makes me so angry
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:46:13 PM)
moncrieff: i just scrolled up... like your analogy w/left ear deficit being like fuzzy optics on binoculars... i have compared fm system to giving your ears the same advantage as binoculars... also interesting to see that you got into aud/neuroscience after raising your children... i am pursuing aud studies as a "second" career
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:46:27 PM)
how can I help him with his very low self esteem. He gets upset and mad at anything.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:46:43 PM)
me too...but he used it this year at parochial school and it was great and really helped..but like i said..he won't wear it for more than 10-15min at a time
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:46:56 PM)
there are speech therapists that work with groups on social language. i work on this with my students and my son
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:00 PM)
supermom: are there some areas where he excels? art? photography? solo sports?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:24 PM)
gail chermak at washington state university is really interested in capd and "metalinguistic skills" and is the one person in the US who is targeting this need in these kids, but most of what she writes is difficult to read (we're all too obtuse, i know)
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:30 PM)
i want to go back for audiology too!
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:45 PM)
Dr. Mocrieff, what do you suggest to your patients that struggle with social skills?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:47 PM)
hey Tammy! How's the family doing?
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:54 PM)
Hi Tammy!
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:47:55 PM)
hi tammy
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:00 PM)
when i was at the univ of texas at dallas, we always referred the capd children to the clinic psychologist if the parents were's not a bad idea
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:06 PM)
no, not really. He loves baseball. He got mad last night when he struck out three times. He even got mad when he had to play right field. He sat down and started to cry.
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:15 PM)
Hi Tammy
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:17 PM)
Hi everybody! Sorry I'm late.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:19 PM)
supermom, did you ask your school for help with this?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:26 PM)
hi Tammy
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:28 PM)
Supermom, my son (9 this weekend) also has been moody lately. It's hard to know for me what is normal for his age and what is related to the CAPD. My son also cried at the last game. We ended up having to take him home!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:34 PM)
supermom: i'd be mad too, if i struck out 3 times! must've been a frustrating game.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:42 PM)
Tammy have you decided what you are going to do about advancing CJ?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:48:44 PM)
it's hard for parents of children with learning difficulties to separate what is caused by the capd and what is simply normal for a child of that age
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:49:05 PM)
CJ is going to go to summer school. If he passes it, he will pass the first grade.
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:49:31 PM)
patti tested brandy yesterday...she also has capd.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:49:32 PM)
Sarah told me Mr Billie came to school today and picked up her FM
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:49:41 PM)
Yes Dr. moncrieff...THAT is a great struggle for me!!
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:49:49 PM)
Our school doesn't do much. He is seeing a counsler to help him. It just doesn't seem to work. Alot of kids struck out at that game. They didn't cry about it though.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:49:58 PM)
Any advice??
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:02 PM)
debbie: because it is the end of the school year? is that why he got the fm?
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:05 PM)
i need to call bill tomorrow and see if CJ can use the fm for summer school.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:07 PM)
Tammy,,,did Patty open her new clinic today?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:17 PM)
it's a great struggle for every parent...when my children were growing up, i always wished there would be an 800 number i could call and just this normal?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:36 PM)
my fourth grade (regular ed.) boys at school amazed me. they can be so insecure
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:44 PM)
i'm not sure when patti will be opening the new clinic.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:47 PM)
Yes Marge, they have told me that Sarah will be allowed to use the FM again next year if she still needs it...
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:50 PM)
moncrieff: hahahah! great idea! you really need a network of friends with kids of all ages, just so you can compare
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:50:59 PM)
Dr. moncrieff, That would be nice to be able to just look up the answers!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:51:21 PM)
(i am soooo glad nobody can take my fm away from me!!! mine, all mine!!)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:51:24 PM)
YES! but even then, there are SO many individual differences....and eventually, it comes down to instinct and good advice from multiple sources
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:51:25 PM)
Isn't that the truth.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:12 PM)
moncrieff: the art of parenting! so true!
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:19 PM)
My son has a physical next month. I've noticed a body odor recently. Is nine too young for some hormonal changes etc?
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:31 PM)
We are just getting to the language therapy stage...can I expect that to cover social skills of do we need a psycologist for that??
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:31 PM)
nope! lol
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:32 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:32 PM)
kelli: nope, not too young
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:38 PM)
I think instinct is why many of the parents here persevered to get the testing done to get the CAPD diagnosis
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:44 PM)
dr. moncrieff, my son is 7 years old and was diagnosed with capd in 1/00. what would you recommend for him? he has a lot of problems academically and sometimes socially--like "fitting in" with other children as he tends to be overly loud.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:53 PM)
kelli: i believe the standard is like 7 yrs old for boys
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:52:55 PM)
ask the language therapist about it and seek advice
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:13 PM)
kelli, my 9 yo daughter started with bo in 2nd grade
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:27 PM)
kelli: i mean, 7 is the bottom end of normal for boy's development
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:31 PM)
Tammy, does he like to talk a lot so that others can't?
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:39 PM)
Marge, that could explain some of the mood swings.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:45 PM)
kate, you need to make sure social skills are a goal for speech/language
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:50 PM)
kelli: ahhhhhh! so it could
faith (ID=157) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:51 PM)
good night
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:51 PM)
sometimes...but usually he is very quiet.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:53:56 PM)
goodnight faith
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:01 PM)
yes..he may be entering into the "moody" stage of
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:40 PM)
children who have difficulty listening often do one (or both) of two things...they tune out and stay quiet and to themselves or they talk a lot so that they are in control and not having to listen and feel "out of it"
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:42 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:45 PM)
O.K. here's another SLP question...should I expect a step by step plan for language therapy?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:47 PM)
hey rose!
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:50 PM)
does any of your kids know that they have a problem and are different? Stephen knows a little, but I don't think he really knows.
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:53 PM)
hi rose
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:55 PM)
we see that on the list all the time... abt capd kids being LOUD... for sure that has been a problem around our house... i wonder if there is a problem with the lombard reflex in capd kids... or if there is some central masking problem... i mean a physical thing, not a psychological thing
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:57 PM)
good night Faith
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:54:57 PM)
I would rather see that than self esteem problems with the CAPD. His self esteem is something we cherish as I'm sure you do with your children.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:25 PM)
I have the tune out an be quiet type!!
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:28 PM)
hi rose
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:32 PM)
supermom i think sarah knows..she is very aware she "hears" different
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:34 PM)
supermom: my kids know they are different... but that others have much tougher problems... and luckily since i have the same auditory problems, i can explain coping skills
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:34 PM)
marge, i think it's more of a control issue...because these kids feel so out of control when they can't understand
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:40 PM)
hello everyone
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:46 PM)
super...i think blake knows on some level he's different, but not really how he's different
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:55:58 PM)
yes, each goal should have step by step objectives written in the IEP
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:56:13 PM)
i am fortunate that for the most part sarah is very self confident
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 9:56:13 PM)
both of those are CJ...when we're in a group situation he is quiet and by himself...when we're at home he is boisterous and tries to control the flow of the conversation.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:56:18 PM)
moncrieff: i don't deny that that may be part of it... but what i see w/myself & my own kids is more of overcompensation in background noise... which makes me think of central masking
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:56:29 PM)
i agree about the step by step plan...slp should be trained to be very specific
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:56:47 PM)
Stephen says alot of stupid things and acts like that too. I know he doesn't mean to. I think that might be part of his problem with not having alot of friends.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:09 PM)
the iep's must have changed...there were no specific goals today on his iep...just generalities
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:10 PM)
I'm not getting that from my slp and it concerns me!!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:25 PM)
the lombard voice reflex is definitely a part of it, but the situation i'm thinking of is when others aren't talking and there's little background noise
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:25 PM)
debbie: yes, i am fortunate with my kids that way too... they are all very good in math, reading, writing... but definite auditory problems.
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:30 PM)
So does Tricia
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:34 PM)
and in the past...there were always goals and objectives listed
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:46 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:48 PM)
moncrieff: oic
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:57:55 PM)
I too am fortunate with good academic skills from my son.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:05 PM)
ask her Kate, don't be shy, i love interested involved parents
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:17 PM)
carol they won't be specific on their IERP's unless you demand it
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:40 PM)
whoops, supermom, the social difficulties are possibly related to poor language skills because he cannot communicate normally with other children and they sense the differences and exclude him
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:41 PM)
he has problems with everything. He really hates to write.
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:41 PM)
sorry just IEP no R
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:49 PM)
Dr. Moncrieff, we recently had a CAP eval done and nothing was addressed about this one of your categories?
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:58:50 PM)
well i was so upset today...that i just wanted to get out of there...i asked for certain things and got them..was afraid of asking too much i guess
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:05 PM)
rose: i thought that was law, that they had to be specific? we have speech for one of my daughters, and it is very specific
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:10 PM)
IEPs can be very stressful - even when you feel prepared.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:21 PM)
we don't look at would you recommend we evaluate it?
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:25 PM)
Carol I wallked out on my sons with nothing accomplished
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:31 PM)
the goals have to be measurable. we're very specific in our writing here in NJ
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:34 PM)
Does everyone here have an IEP for their child?
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:39 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:43 PM)
moncrieff: however the teachers evaluate organization.
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:46 PM)
(both of them)
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:48 PM)
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:59 PM)
i kind of felt that today, but i was so upset w/school saying that they didnt want him back..that we kind of rushed through the iep meeting
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 9:59:59 PM)
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:08 PM)
but found taking time to think about what they say gives you a better chance of addressing your concerns
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:25 PM)
carol, give yourself some time to recover because that has to have been a really difficult thing to experience
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:28 PM)
no, I have a problem getting one. They say I have to having a meeting first before I can even get a IEP meeting.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:46 PM)
i have an iep for one of my kids, no iep for the others... have considered section 504, but we are getting most 504 accommodations with cooperation of the teachers... we may be able to get soundfield FM next year... some schools in district are going for it in a big way
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:49 PM)
Sarah was not found to be eligible for an IEP but was given a 504
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:51 PM)
meeting is rescheduled for June 8th and this time I have an advocate coming with me
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:00:53 PM)
bring someone along next time. maybe another parent who has been through it
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:01:02 PM)
rose: great idea, the advocate
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:01:06 PM)
no you dont super...ask for it in writing thru special education office they have to respond in a timely manner
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:01:09 PM)
I wasn't sure how to evaluate but I read about it in Teri James Bellis book and i was curious because it's definitely an issue.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:01:26 PM)
how does bellis address organization?
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:01:41 PM)
good Rose
Dorien (ID=158) (Jun 1, 2000 10:01:47 PM)
Tricia could have but the school pushed me to much
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:02:17 PM)
i guess i would expect organization skills to be weak because categorization is weak and one needs the other
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:02:19 PM)
Anyone in the pa area here?
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:02:24 PM)
well the advocate i was planning on having today had emergency surgery and is out for the rest of the year...and i couldnt talk to her before her went in there w/only a few ideas of what i wanted addressed
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:15 PM)
It has been 3 years since our son's psych testing and it is scheduled to be redone next week. They say it is standard to retest in 3 years. Should I be worried about this?
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:25 PM)
I too, have an advocate coming with me on Monday. Rose... I am from Pa. I live in Gap. Its about an hour west of Phila.
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:32 PM)
it is standard Kelli
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:37 PM)
remember you can always ask that things be added, you can even call and tell them you don't like the wording of the IEP and want it rewritten
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:38 PM)
carol: ohhhhh, what a terrible thing to have happen!! no wonder things went badly, and you feel beat!
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:40 PM)
I thought she used organizational output(?)AS A CATEGORY.
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:03:57 PM)
Where did you get your advocate from?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:14 PM)
Dr Bellis does have organizational output as a category in her approach
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:16 PM)
b'smom, Thanks.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:17 PM)
yep...right now i'm emotionally drained and cant even talk to hubby w/o bursting into tears...
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:24 PM)
moncrieff: are you looking for volunteers to do fmri on? gainesville is a realistic drive from here, abt 6 hrs
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:31 PM)
sorry to confuse you...what i meant was that information must first be categorized in order to organize it and children with capd usually don't categorize information very well
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:36 PM)
From the American Learning Disablity Association. She gave me a bunch of phone numbers to call.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:37 PM)
carol: that is more than understandable
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:38 PM)
aw carol, i wish i could help
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:40 PM)
debbie, i wrote a letter asking for those tests you mentioned for cj...his speech teacher did them the next day...haven't gotten the results yet though...
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:55 PM)
good tammy!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:04:57 PM)
tammy: great she did the tests so soon
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:03 PM)
marge, yes i am
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:08 PM)
ty...but i know tomorrow will be better
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:09 PM)
Rose, where in Pa are you?
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:11 PM)
Mine is from Amicus for children
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:17 PM)
it's nice having found someone inthe same district to talk to!
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:20 PM)
NE Philly
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:05:40 PM)
carol: it's not like the opportunity is lost & gone forever... you will have another "day in court" so to speak... but i do understand abt the emotional buildup and then the letdown
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:04 PM)
moncrieff: when are you doing the testing? what would I need to do to get myself & kids involved in participating?
Kelli (ID=161) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:20 PM)
Good night all!
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:22 PM)
now i have to concentrate on where i will send him in the fall...looking into the different options, not that there are many
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:23 PM)
gnite kelli
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:25 PM)
good night Kelli\
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:26 PM)
good night
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:26 PM)
My sons first IEP meeting I left crying but i still wouldn't give in to them
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:29 PM)
goodnight Kelli
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:31 PM)
nite kelli
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:32 PM)
i have never felt so let down as when i walked into cj's iep meeting and they told me he qualified for nothing except a continuation of his speech program.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:06:48 PM)
i was given a grant by the academy of audiology to look at normal 11-year-olds - which i'll be doing soon, then we'll move on to kids with capd and old are your children?
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:07:00 PM)
Does anyone know where it states that CAPD is a learning disability so I can show the school?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:07:08 PM)
Tammy I didnt even get the speech..but the district is coming around
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:07:20 PM)
my son is 8
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:07:33 PM)
after our first meeting they wanted to do nothing. i felt like saying that I shouldn't see any negative comments on his report card then. they came around though
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:07:43 PM)
you're so lucky to be in jacksonville, debbie, because alachua county is not so wonderful...surprising given that uf is here
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:07:58 PM)
I don't get speech either but it is one thing I am fighting for right now
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:06 PM)
the staffing crew told me that the district doesn't recognize capd so there is basically nothing they can do unless he qualifies under another program.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:06 PM)
guess i dont see duval as wonderful..*LOL*
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:09 PM)
good work, b'smom
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:18 PM)
check the laws. there is a booklet you should have received if your child was evaluated
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:30 PM)
moncrieff: my 11 yr old has the tympanosclerosis and the consonant discrim problems... my 9 yr old has NO efferent suppression and speech in noise problems... i also have a 7 yr old and a 5 yr old... 7 yr old is in speech... 5 yr old shows signs of speech in oise problems... i am 41 and have an inch-thick audiology chart.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:34 PM)
it's all relative, debbie, but keep fighting
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:08:52 PM)
i guess blake gets speech cause he also has an expressive/receptive language disorder and has a delay of 2 years...if it was just capd alone, i doubt i would get anything
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:03 PM)
My son has multiple Learning disabilities and he had an IEP before being diagnosed with CAPD
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:04 PM)
marge, you are a veritable smorgasbord of subjects!
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:08 PM)
tammy, that's not the districts decision to make
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:11 PM)
Tammy they told me the same thing..which surprises me since Bill Pharro has worked with Jack Katz
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:22 PM)
it doesn't. They consider Disability with respect to an individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:51 PM)
moncrieff: indeed! i've got enough kids with enough diff problems that i can just about do 2-way paired comparisons just within the family
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:09:55 PM)
whew marge!
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:10:10 PM)
i don't consider duval county a picnic either...more like a nightmare.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:10:22 PM)
and you're still sane, marge??? lol..good for you
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:10:22 PM)
and we won't even get into the connective tissue disorder and who's got what on that score.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:10:39 PM)
we will stay in touch, then, because i don't know how often i'll be able to use the magnet - it's one of only 4 in the country, so it's going to be tricky
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:10:46 PM)
supermom that's 504
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:11:00 PM)
I am sorry but if ADHD is a disability than CAPD is also, check the signs and symptoms they are very similiar and it does effect our children in many life activities
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:11:22 PM)
I know. I copied it from the book at the library. I plan on using it if I have to.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:11:35 PM)
carol: the way i figure it, God said "Hmmm, there are some chldren about to be born into the world with some really interesting physical problems... who can i possibly find that is a qualified mother for them... i know, i need a mom with a background in clinical research, who can speak "Doctor" if need be... hmmm, sounds like a job for Marge Tamas!" LOL!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:11:57 PM)
Debbie is right to promote an organization because it is only through the efforts of organized, hard-workiing parents that we can get this disorder recognized for what it is...go mothers of CAPD!!!
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:12:16 PM)
lol...yep i guess you're right
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:12:22 PM)
Three Cheers for Debbie!!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:12:38 PM)
moncrieff: looking forward to it! we are available all summer long, except for next week. if you can give me about 3+ days' notice, I can get to florida. kids go back to school aug 14, so just say the word.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:12:43 PM)
Three cheers indeed!
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:12:58 PM)
My son has both ADHD and CAPD plus he is also dyslexic with mild cognitive inefficiency and a language based learning disability , but he has an above average intelligence.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:12:59 PM)
Many in the room do not know that I am planning on opening a non profit organization for APD. I should be up and running this summer.......(volunteers and members welcome!)
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:13:08 PM)
Kate, where are you located? It sounds like you are having problems with your school too.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:13:12 PM)
It probably won't be this summer...things in academia never move that fast!
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:13:28 PM)
clif and i are planning on writing a letter to jim overton who has told us he will get it into the right hands. we are trying to get something started about the district recognizing capd just as they recognize adhd.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:13:31 PM)
Arizona and yes it's a nightmare!!!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:13:39 PM)
Rose, he sounds like my kind of kid
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:13:51 PM)
I enjoyed the chat. Hope to be back again. good night
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:01 PM)
Goodnight b'smom
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:05 PM)
I will be looking for lists of audiologist who do CAPD testing as well as parents to join a Be-A-Friend program (kind of like adopting someone knew to capd as a friend)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:09 PM)
goodnight b's mom
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:13 PM)
bye b'smom
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:13 PM)
when I was in grad school, one of my profs said CAPD doesn't exist!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:31 PM)
The world is full of misinformed persons
b'smom (ID=159) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:33 PM)
now, good night
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:44 PM)
nite b'smom
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:14:44 PM)
oops new not knew.....
supermom (ID=153) (Jun 1, 2000 10:15:05 PM)
I need to go to. My kids don't want to get to bed. My husband is yelling at them to be quiet. I might be able to help.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:15:20 PM)
nite super
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:15:24 PM)
goodnight supermom...was great seeing you again
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:15:28 PM)
goodnight supermom
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:15:42 PM)
well my insurance company doesn't recognize CAPD either and we all know there was a time when ADHD wasn't acknowledged. Now it is all over and accepted, so there is hope that someday CAPD will be accepted and recognized also.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:15:52 PM)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:16:00 PM)
that is the hope Rose!!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:16:39 PM)
It's goign to take awareness though and parents banning together and demanding rights for their's time for parents to stand up and be heard...
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:16:55 PM)
That is the ONLY way it can happen
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:17:18 PM)
Does anyone know if this is how ADHD awareness started??
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:17:36 PM)
debbie: i like that be-a-friend idea... it is so bewildering for parents new to all this
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:17:46 PM)
as far as i know Kate, yes it is....I've been in contact with a rep from CHADD
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:17:49 PM)
Actually, that may have been promoted by the pharmaceutical companies...tee hee
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:17:59 PM)
Debbie, I like that idea too...even for the kids!!
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:18:00 PM)
dr moncrieff, would it be of any help to cj if you evaluated him or should we wait awhile as he was just diagnosed in january?
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:18:01 PM)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:18:20 PM)
where are you and cj located, tammy?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:18:26 PM)
Kate did you give some thought to the teen chat?
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:18:28 PM)
in jacksonville florida.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:18:41 PM)
moncrieff: the audiologists need to get their acts together too, tho'... too much wrangling about what is or isnt' capd... and what passes for a test battery in the hands of some audies might as well be "any strange result i don't understand is capd"... really appalling from a scientific point of view.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:19:10 PM)
Yes, I emailed you back that i would be happy to help!! Do you think the teens would talk?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:19:12 PM)
well, it's up to you...i am a firm believer in multiple opinions and different audiologists do approach the testing in different ways...and as debbie will tell you, i have my own unique style and perspective
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:19:28 PM)
Kate, we can try and offer the opportunity
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:19:30 PM)
I still don't fully understand my son's CAPD report myself
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:19:59 PM)
how do i go about setting something up?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:20:17 PM)
I think getting the different perspective is helpful though! Gives a good overall view of what's going on..
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:20:46 PM)
i just know he has it and an Fm listening device was recommended along with fastforward or earbotics
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:20:55 PM)
marge, jim jerger just hosted a capd get-together of all of the "experts" in dallas and he phoned me to say it was just the same old stuff...he was terribly disappointed that no one had any fresh, new ideas, there's plenty of room for some new ooomph. The battery is large and cumbersome and isn't producing what we need. do i have a quick answer? no, but i'm working on the problem.
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:21:42 PM)
Mon what do you do different from other audiologist when they test?
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:22:02 PM)
Dr. Moncrieff, it does seem an even bigger uphill battle without the professionals behind it!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:22:08 PM)
moncrieff: that is all i can ask, that you're working on the problem, smile. the fmri will go a long way toward proving what is going on... i am also trying to find a lab that can do brief tone testing
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:22:33 PM)
tammy, you can call our department at 352-392-2113 and ask for me (ext 286) and make an appointment to see me...i am not offically in the clinic over the summer, so i'll have to make the appt. myself, but i'll be glad to see you and cj
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:22:48 PM)
how brief?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:23:40 PM)
Kate, it's not that the professionals are neccesarily not behind CAPD, but so many do not yet understand CAPD,,just as teachers and parents and slp's need to be educated, so do many aud
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:24:05 PM)
I know, thats what i meant!!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:24:07 PM)
Rose, I don't throw the whole battery at kids as some do...but I look specifically for speech-in-noise problems or left-ear deficits because i feel they represent the majority of capd problems in i'm trying to subgroup children on the basis of several specific tests
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:24:29 PM)
which tests do you use?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:24:33 PM)
Kate, that's an excellent point...we need to band together
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:24:41 PM)
thank you...i'll call and do that...
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:24:44 PM)
deb, being able to find the sites of lesion for capds will go a long way toward convincing aud s and ENTs that it is for real.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:05 PM)
But don't you find it a little strange being the educator to them?
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:05 PM)
marge, what do you mean lesion?
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:11 PM)
SSW test results indicated an abnormal right and left ear results
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:24 PM)
I use the SCAN, the SSW, the pitch pattern test (sometimes) and a full audiological test
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:31 PM)
yes i do, but if that's what it takes, then that is what im going to do,, i dotn feel as if there is a choice..
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:25:50 PM)
all his scan results were normal
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:26:06 PM)
i'm not sure we'll be finding a site of lesion in these kids...i think the problem is too diffuse for that
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:26:07 PM)
my school told me they weren't familiar with capd so i made up books for everyone on staff who works with sarah
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:26:13 PM)
tammy: finding the physical reason for why these problems occur: is it really a reduced number of auditory neurons? is it a problem with the membranes inside the cochlea? is it some neurochemical problem, etc etc.
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:26:30 PM)
ah, but when other audiologists score the SCAN, they don't look for interaural differences because that's not how keith developed i do score it differently
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:26:31 PM)
if i may ask w/o sounding really dumb...what exactly is the SCAN test..not sure my son's had it..can you describe it?
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:26:45 PM)
and so were all other audiological tests only abnormal results were on SSW is this typical results for CAPD
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:27:19 PM)
i guess the difference in our approach is that im not as concerned about what caused the capd as to what to do to help remeadiate the capd...i know they go hand in hand..just different views
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:27:28 PM)
abnormal SSW is usually a cross-check for an interaural (ear-to-ear difference) on the SCAN that is overlooked the way it is normally scores
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:27:35 PM)
what is interaural differences mean exactly?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:27:51 PM)
one ear is far stronger than the other...usually the right one dominates the left one
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:27:57 PM)
Debbie, case in point...monday I'm going to see our pediatrician and he will ask how Jacks doing and I will want to scream...why don't you know about this??? But instead I will try to explain it to him and he will NOT understand!!!
Tammy (ID=163) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:10 PM)
i'm sorry but i have to go...thank you so much for the information and i WILL be calling you dr moncrieff...good night everyone.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:13 PM)
moncrieff: capd is so broadly defined, it is very doubtful there is a single site of lesion... but depending on the types of problems you see, it would be great if you could trace them to some specific part of the auditory system or something like a blood level of a certain chemical.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:15 PM)
gnite tammy
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:16 PM)
pediatricians are among the worst!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:23 PM)
goodnight Tammy
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:45 PM)
kate..i have the same prob w/my pediatrician...after just a brief description of symptoms..he thinks he has adhd...doesnt know a thing about capd..i was ready to scream
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:54 PM)
Kate I about had a fit one day when the ped asked me if sarah was a happy healthy normal was at that point i foudn out the former ped never included the capd test results in sarah's chart
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:28:56 PM)
moncrieff: sad, but true, one of my daughters scored a cool 40 dB loss on a screening audiogram... and a ped told me it was NORMAL!!! luckily, i knew better
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:29:17 PM)
we tried to look at myelination in the corpus callosum using diffusion weighted imaging with fmri, but the differences are likely to be too small to pick up with the resolution we had on the 1.5 T...maybe the 3T magnet will be better
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:29:31 PM)
i have to admit my ped has been great about trying to help now...
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:29:45 PM)
moncrieff: you doing anything with MRI microscopy?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:29:49 PM)
that's good to hear, debbie...slow progress is progress nonetheless
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:30:05 PM)
no, i'm not
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:30:14 PM)
my sons test results state abnormal right ear response suggests significant problems in the area of auditory decoding skills and the abnormal left ear response indicates problems with auditory figure ground skills and short term memory
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:30:36 PM)
moncrieff: anybody at U Fla doing audio work with MRI microscopy?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:30:46 PM)
if you have the results in front of you...what were his total right ear and total left ear scores on competing words and competing sentences?
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:30:54 PM)
i don't know
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:32:10 PM)
i know you are mailing sarah's results i get a hint tonight? will those results include the raw data as well?
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:32:12 PM)
When Jack was in third grade (4 years ago) he was diagnosed depressed by a developmental pediatrician and she wanted to put him on prozac after seeing him for 10 minutes...ever since then my pediatrician thinks I'm sticking my head in the sand and doesn't seem to hear anything else!! Evev when I took him to a Psychiatrist and she said he is "absolutely NOT depressed"
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:32:52 PM)
Four years later this thing is FINALLY correctly diagnosed as CAPD!!!
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:32:56 PM)
i'd hate to say anything from here (i'm at home), especially since i've tested about 10 children in the past 3 days...i'm not likely to get anything right!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:33:08 PM)
*LOL* ok
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:34:11 PM)
when i was in dallas, the director of the callier center told me that capd testing was unimportant because it was clear that these kids didn't have auditory processing problems, they were just simply depressed....
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:34:24 PM)
all I know is right ear results percent of error 50% age appropriate mean 6% standard deviation 7% age appropriate normal limits 135 SD above the mean : above 3SD
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:34:29 PM)
i'd be depressed, too, if i couldn't understand what was going on in the auditory world around me
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:35:04 PM)
He was just is all so crystal clear to me now!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:35:31 PM)
speaking from the standpoint of someone who experiences the auditory weirdnesses herself, it is bad enough being an adult and having to deal with it.
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:35:38 PM)
He would always complain about how LONG the school day was!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:36:11 PM)
and most of my test results are not that horrible... i can use context clues like crazy... but if you don't have the language skills in the first place, it has got to be soooo hard.
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:36:33 PM)
left ear percentage of error 45% age appropriate mean 10% standard deviation 8% age appropriate normal limits 18% ad above the mean: above 3SD
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:08 PM)
kate: i can understand that... i used to think that if i was tired at the end of a day-long technical meeting, that of course that was normal... until i used an fm system and found i actually had enough energy to go to dinner afterwards. "oh, what a feeling!" as they say on the old ads!
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:40 PM)
strangely enough on SSW results were normal for auditory visual integration skills and organizational skills
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:01 PM)
especially since he is also ADHD with dyslexia
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:09 PM)
His audiologist told me about a different Fm thats the size of a coke that the Sprite, I keep reading about?
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:27 PM)
from the pic i saw of the's much smaller
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:42 PM)
kate: no,t hat's not it... the sprite looks like a behind the ear hearing aid with an antenna on it
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:52 PM)
Rose, I'm not sure about the way those scores were reported....right and left ears percentage of errors of 50% and 45% respectively....I wish you had the score sheet in front of you. What I'd like to know is how many words were correctly identified with the right ear and how many with the left ear, then we can compare the two ears.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:11 PM)
kate: fits totally behind the ear... no beltpacks or headphones
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:26 PM)
But is it a type of FM trainer?
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:27 PM)
my daughter has a girl in her class wearing an assistive listening device and she says it looks like a walkman radio
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:29 PM)
kate: i'm wracking my brain to figure out if i've ever seen an fm the size of a coke can
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:44 PM)
rose: that is what mine looks like... kate, the sprite combines the function of an fm system and a hearing aid
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:51 PM)
results are in front of me but it doesn't say anything about what you are asking
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:01 PM)
Dr Moncrieff I know it's getting late and I want to thank you for taking the time to join the chat tongiht.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:03 PM)
kate: the hearing aid portion can be set to essentially just pass the audio signal straight thru, without amplifying it
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:07 PM)
would you be interested in doing the SCAN again?
Pat (ID=165) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:37 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:45 PM)
Debbie, you are very welcome. This has been very informative for me and I hope it has been helpful to the many parents who have come on tonight. Thanks for asking me to join and I hope to be able to join again soon.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:45 PM)
yes, i'm very very glad to have "met" you in the chat, dr. moncrieff. and the tamas crew is very game for research. we participated in an NIH study last year, which is how i know daughter#2 has no efferent suppression
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:50 PM)
She said it was the phonic ear toteable system
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:55 PM)
are you asking me?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:09 PM)
I'm sure i'll be talking to you soon as I get the results if i have questions.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:12 PM)
kate: oh, the toteable... i have not seen that, but have heard of it. the speaker sits on the child's desk.
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:17 PM)
nice to meet you Dr. Moncrieff
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:23 PM)
Yes, Rose.
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:23 PM)
depends on the cost haven't fully recovered from paying the first time
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:28 PM)
thanks, Carol
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:37 PM)
kate: you don't wear the toteable like you do the beltpack type systems or the sprite
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:47 PM)
also I'm in PA and I think your a little far from me
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:48 PM)
Yes, thank you so much Dr. Monicrieff!!
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:59 PM)
marge, that must be the kind you set down on your desk then
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:11 PM)
I am close to Disneyworld...but then the cost gets really high!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:17 PM)
carol: yes, that is my understanding of the toteable
moncrieff (ID=147) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:18 PM)
Goodnight everyone!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:23 PM)
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:24 PM)
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:33 PM)
Marge, what I don't understand is how it filters out other noise. Have you tried it?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:35 PM)
goodnight Dr Moncrieff
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:42 PM)
well maybe if we go to Disneyworld I'll look you up mon
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:50 PM)
kate: it puts a speaker right on the desk in front of the child
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:57 PM)
Kate, I've worn my daughters' FM at her school..she has apersonal one
Rose (ID=164) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:09 PM)
OPh well I was too late anyway I have to go also
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:14 PM)
kate: so the only noise that interferes would be the noise between the speaker on the desk and your childs ear
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:27 PM)
kate: but you are right, it will not cut out as much noise as a personal FM system
carol (ID=162) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:34 PM)
me too...good night all...great chatting w/you
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:49 PM)
kate: but ppl have differing needs for the amount of cutting out of noise they need
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:49 PM)
goodnight carol
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:50 PM)
Yes, I've tried his earphones but if your ears aren't covered wouldn't you still hear things around you?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:10 PM)
kate: actually, that is considered desirable in most cases
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:18 PM)
kate: so your son can hear classmates conversation
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:18 PM)
you can still hear some other things..but the teacher's voice is amplified so it comes through stronger
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:26 PM)
kate: during discussion time... debbie is right
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:37 PM)
kate: but for kids with severe problems, as for kids with severe hearing loss
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:41 PM)
I'm afraid going into 7th grade he might stop using the headphones.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:50 PM)
kate: you want to cut out everything... so you use custom earmolds
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:14 PM)
kate: maybe the sprite would be an option then... it is designed to look like cool electronics
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:28 PM)
kate: my oldest dau thought the sprite looked really cool & was interested in trying it
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:42 PM)
Does the audiologist fit this?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:45 PM)
kate: how much problem is background noise fo ryour son?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:45 PM)
I"m not sure if we are going to keep using the FM next year or not...i think it's been good for sarah..but it seems as if she's not having no where near the trouble with background noise now that she use to
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:59 PM)
I'll have to ask mine about it.
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:02 PM)
kate: yes, the sprite needs to be fitted by an audiologist because it has that hearing aid function in it
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:08 PM)
an FM is not the answr for all kids with CAPD
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:26 PM)
debbie: that is quite true... glad sarah seems to be doing better in noise now
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:46 PM)
here's something interesting: all my kids had terrible speech in noise scores a few years ago
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:47 PM)
She said it's great for Jack because his problem is mainly in background noise
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:52 PM)
Im so anxious to get the new results from dr moncrieff
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:06 PM)
debbie: the waiting is the hard part :-)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:18 PM)
but on retest 2 years later, all of them were fine!
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:23 PM)
Of course, she ALSO said after FFW and language therapy he shouldn't need it at all!!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:31 PM)
sarah had bad scores 2 years ago too..but this time they seem to be normal or above normal
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:41 PM)
this is really weird because we are not doing any therapy or intervention
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:41 PM)
exactly marge!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:50 PM)
i did FFW and the FM
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:53 PM)
the tests were done by the same audiologist with the same test tape
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:26 PM)
so it's like, what do we attribute this wonderful improvement to??
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:50 PM)
even if you figure that they had a bad day the first time, and a great day the second time
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:05 PM)
havne't you been using the FM though? that is a form of intervention
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:08 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:11 PM)
which is a little hard to support, i mean, do all of your kids have their good & bad days simultaneously
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:12 PM)
hi Dorene, welcome back
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:14 PM)
debbie: no, we've never used fm with them in class
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:15 PM)
Hi Dorene
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:20 PM)
hi dorene
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:20 PM)
oh ok
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:27 PM)
i was thinking you had..
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:35 PM)
Hi, How are you?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:37:44 PM)
i've beent rying really hard to get fm for them, but no luck so far. think that might change this year
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:14 PM)
Sarah likes her FM....she was so excited when another girl in 3rd grade got one
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:20 PM)
I"m doing great!!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:41 PM)
debbie: nice they can be "twins"
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:38:54 PM)
i'm doing great witht he exception of some tendonitis in right foot
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:20 PM)
so now i have partially functional feet to go with my partially functional ears! what next, dare i ask???
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:23 PM)
i've been wondering if they will take that into consideration when they set teacher assignments for next year..what would they do if both girls had the same teacher?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:39:44 PM)
deb: set their fms to the same freq, and give the teacher one mic
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:05 PM)
Marge, i think it took away some of the feeling of being so "different" and being the only one to use one
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:06 PM)
deb: that would probably make things easier for the school, the teacher & the kids
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:18 PM)
debbie: exactly! just what you'd expect
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:40:44 PM)
Im curious if the school would think of that though! *L*
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:05 PM)
deb: would a gentle suggestion from you be appropriate??? ;-)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:27 PM)
(kate, dorene, don't be shy abt jumping in... ask away!!)
Kate (ID=160) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:31 PM)
I need to run...Debbie thanks for getting Dr.Monicieff to talk to us!! Let me know when you want to attenpt a teen chat!! Now that it's summer pretty much anytime is good!! Goodnight everyone!!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:34 PM)
im past gentle suggestions....*L*..Im filing out my special needs forms to turn in tomorrow for the school
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:39 PM)
gnite kate
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:49 PM)
Goodnight Kate....let's shoot for two weeks
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:41:55 PM)
oops.missed her
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:04 PM)
Does anyone use the sound field FM or just the personal trainer?
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:16 PM)
we use the personal
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:42:20 PM)
i use the personal fm, but i can answer qeustions about both
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:43:17 PM)
The school says the sound field system is as good as the personal should I believe that
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:44:53 PM)
dorene: no you should not believe that
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:09 PM)
they say it would be a stigma for him to wear the personal
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:18 PM)
dorene: the soundfield system cannot produce signal to noise ratios as high as the personal
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:35 PM)
dorene: his NEEDS should be the driving factor here
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:45 PM)
thats what i thought
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:45:48 PM)
how much does his discrim drop with the addition of noise
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:14 PM)
you need ot know how much of a drop with how much noise
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:40 PM)
if you see him sinking to like 40% discrim with +5 S/N, then for sure the personal FM is the way to go
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:46 PM)
do you mean on his CAP test
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:46:54 PM)
be right back
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:00 PM)
separate test, speech discrim in noise
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:21 PM)
on the sheet where they graphed his audiogram, you should see some boxes with notations like
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:37 PM)
97% at 40 dB in quiet
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:47:50 PM)
75% at +10 S/N
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:00 PM)
I know he has a problem with that, but I don't know
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:10 PM)
the key part is to look for a percentage with the "S/N"
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:17 PM)
that stands for signal to noise ratio
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:21 PM)
let me see if I can find it
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:48:24 PM)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:17 PM)
Marge, one of the things I'd like to do with the nonprofit is to set up state contacts for individuals...would you be interested?
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:26 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:34 PM)
this way we could begin to form a network
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:38 PM)
i'd be happy to act as a referral person, if that is what you mean, yes
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:39 PM)
hi Sherri
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:49:42 PM)
hi sherri
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:03 PM)
deb: i already do that for connective tissue & hearing stuff.
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:14 PM)
i thought that you did...
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:21 PM)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:22 PM)
how areyou tonight Sherri?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:24 PM)
deb: i just need to be very careful how much time i commit to volunteer work
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:27 PM)
yes it has!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:53 PM)
sherri: can you turn off your caps lock? the caps make it look like you are yelling :-)
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:50:54 PM)
OK Ive been out of town and to girl scout camp in the last two weeks
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:06 PM)
oh, that explains the yelling hahahha
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:17 PM)
you a girl scout leader?
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:19 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:25 PM)
i am a camp fire leader :-)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:30 PM)
I also want to start working on some brochures about CAPD, but it's taking time.. I want the information to be in terms for parents to understand..not geared toward professionals
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:53 PM)
yes we went to camp last week end and I came back home and when out of town
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:51:55 PM)
deb: if you like i'd be happy to look them over
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:52:23 PM)
o boy cookies and candy
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:52:25 PM)
my youngest went overnight camping ofr the first time this year... she loved it! our whole family was able to go
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:52:45 PM)
sherri: i won't look at the scale if you won't ;-)
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:53:02 PM)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:53:41 PM)
I'll let you know..if you have suggestions, i'm open to hearing them too!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:54:01 PM)
meant. let you know when i have them done
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:54:03 PM)
Im sending Michael to a local college this summer for reading and speech I am so excited
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:54:17 PM)
deb: i'm getting my connective tissue research launched... that is my summer research project
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:54:50 PM)
what it that marge
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:55:24 PM)
sherri: connective tissue includes things like skin, cartilage, and bone...
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:55:43 PM)
sherri: one large group of connective tissues is called "collagen"
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:56:00 PM)
sherri: there are something like a dozen different collagens in the middle & inner ear
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:56:11 PM)
sherri: some collagen disorders are known to cause hearing loss
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:56:36 PM)
I'll have to take him to reading everyday and speech two days a week. the people who are teaching him are grad. students
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:56:38 PM)
sherri: but there are excellent theoretical reasons to suspect that other collagen disorders have hearing loss as a feature as well
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:57:21 PM)
sherri: so i am trying to round up a bunch of audio records from folks with various connective tissue disorders and see what turns up... see if i can drum up some research interest.
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:57:29 PM)
wow guys you are way over my head
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:57:58 PM)
drum up ..... ear drum.....
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:58:03 PM)
Marge does alot of research *L*
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:58:11 PM)
has an engineering background....
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:58:16 PM)
alot of it is over my head too
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:58:46 PM)
sherri: the link with capd is that i think there are some subtle types of hearing los that would show up as capd depending on how you choose the tests... hahah re: drum up/eardrum... you are more awake than i am!!
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:58:48 PM)
im going to have to get going you guys...
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:58:52 PM)
oh good I thought I was in the wrong chat room ha ha
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 10:59:10 PM)
no goal is to put things in terms for parents!
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 10:59:25 PM)
OK debbie In Okla. It is only a little before 10:00
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:59:28 PM)
yeah me too, getting late... well sherri, you asked, so i told you, hahah! i DO try to explain what i'm doing so everyone can understand it
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 10:59:47 PM)
you be sure and let me know if it's not working ;-)
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:02 PM)
(it's my birthday and im suppose to meet a few friends)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:12 PM)
dorene??? did you get those results yet??
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:21 PM)
yes, debbie, you get going! have a very happy birthday
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:37 PM)
see you all soon!!!!!!!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:40 PM)
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:40 PM)
That is why I look at the chat line debbie happy B day and how late are you meeting them
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:49 PM)
Are they on the audiogram?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:00:49 PM)
dorene: you can just email me the results
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 11:01:09 PM)
it's 11 now... i never go out! so im headed otu now
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:01:21 PM)
dorene: well, not directly on the graph, no, but usuallythey report them on that same sheet of paper, only over in a little table off to one side
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:01:27 PM)
buy and have a good one
debbie (ID=148) (Jun 1, 2000 11:01:31 PM)
bye bye
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:01:37 PM)
IF they did the speech discrim in noise tests
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:02:01 PM)
dorene: they may have just used the SCAN ??
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:02:20 PM)
I have SRT/SDT and discrimination table
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:02:32 PM)
that's the one!
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:03:17 PM)
L-AC and R-AC?
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:03:52 PM)
hmmm, let me check something... just give me the results for SRT and discrim
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:05:37 PM)
i've not seen that "AC" abbreviation before.
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:05:38 PM)
0.0L for dB HL for SRT
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:06:14 PM)
30.0L for discrimination
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:06:16 PM)
Dorene were are you getting these test from
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:06:53 PM)
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:07:22 PM)
is there a box for discrim in noise?
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:07:29 PM)
from the school or a Dr. office Im thinks a Dr. Office
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:08:09 PM)
no I don't see one it was done at hospital
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:09:00 PM)
do you see another set of figures like 0.0R or 30.0 R??
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:09:12 PM)
has any test been done before this
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:09:50 PM)
no just CAP tests
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:10:55 PM)
dorene: on the audiogram itself, can you read off the dB's for 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz for each ear?
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:10:55 PM)
how didyou find out about the caps test
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:11:01 PM)
SSW, Willeford Competing Sentences, filtered speech, and speech perception
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:12:28 PM)
the teacher told me told me she didn't think he heard a word she said, so I called the audiologist and she asked if he was ever tested.
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:12:57 PM)
He fit every discription
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:12:58 PM)
wow good teacher how old is your child
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:13:10 PM)
He is now 12
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:13:40 PM)
That was in 2nd grade!
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:14:12 PM)
how old was he when the teacher found out did you hold him back
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:15:26 PM)
he was held back in kindergarten history of ear infections with tubes 7 times
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:15:35 PM)
Im thinking he was not 12 in the 2nd grade right
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:15:48 PM)
oh no
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:16:29 PM)
i had to fight to have the school test him it was a long battle
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:16:30 PM)
Michael just finched Kindergarten
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:17:01 PM)
he has been in speech since he was 3
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:17:18 PM)
so has my son Gary
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:17:33 PM)
only one day a week
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:17:48 PM)
dorene: he was diagnosed with capd years before he had a hearing test????
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:17:49 PM)
the speech teacher has guided me all the way
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:19:07 PM)
We will try 1st grade and see how it works but might home school him or privite school depending on who the kids act with him
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:19:37 PM)
how the kids act with him
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:19:41 PM)
he has had hearing tests since 3 because of the ear infections no I mean test him to see if eligible for help in the school
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:20:22 PM)
dorene: oic
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:20:29 PM)
well, ireally need to scoot
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:20:36 PM)
nice chatting with you!
Marge (ID=150) (Jun 1, 2000 11:20:42 PM)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:20:56 PM)
you too! goodnight
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:21:27 PM)
we just had michaels tonsils and adnouds out
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:21:43 PM)
did that help?
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:22:03 PM)
to early to tell
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:22:56 PM)
he also got a FM the last month of school so alot of changes at one time
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:23:20 PM)
I really thought it would, but my son finally now doesn't get the ear infections
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:23:42 PM)
How did you get the FM?
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:23:47 PM)
we will see how he does this summer at the college
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:24:28 PM)
the school barrowed one from another school that just had one on the shelf
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:24:43 PM)
lucky for you
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:24:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:25:02 PM)
Hi ncz
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:25:08 PM)
hi ncz
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:25:33 PM)
Hey -- what did I miss?????
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:25:37 PM)
the eyes of texes are apon me is that right
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:25:53 PM)
"upon" would be better
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:26:17 PM)
you are on the same time frame that I am on if you are in Texas Im Okla
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:27:12 PM)
this is true but not the same texas flaver
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:27:43 PM)
Dorene the FM was pretty old
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:28:00 PM)
So tell me Sherri and Dorene what are your children like? My son is 11 yrs. old CAPD and possible ADD inattentive type??
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:28:21 PM)
it was big head set and only one side worked
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:28:58 PM)
They plan on getting a new one for this year for Michael
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:29:17 PM)
My son is 12 CAPD long history of ear fluid and infections
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:29:19 PM)
Are you guys talking about an FM System -- personal, classroom system??
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:29:31 PM)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:29:48 PM)
Thats great
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:30:03 PM)
Michael is 6 almost 7 and will be in the 1st grade
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:30:59 PM)
we are just learning about caps and they also said Micahel might be add
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:31:39 PM)
I am going to neurologist on Monday
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:31:41 PM)
but I know that caps and add can look the same and I not excited about the meds.
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:32:00 PM)
I have "worked" with the school system and they have agreed to let my son have an FM classroom system in middle school for Language Arts and Math.. I have "discussed " this with the school for over 7 months and got what I wanted. It was not easy!!
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:32:38 PM)
Is that a sound field system
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:32:51 PM)
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:33:01 PM)
Dorene I think that is were we might be headed but don't knowwhy can you tell me
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:33:19 PM)
yes it is a sound field system with speakers in the ceiling.
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:33:47 PM)
that is what they provide in his class
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:34:07 PM)
I need to know if we are missing anything
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:34:21 PM)
ncz wow that FM i was talking about has a head set and the teacher wears a micophone
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:35:07 PM)
but you can adjust the head set to block out sound
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:35:17 PM)
dorene what test will they do and what will this tell them
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:35:27 PM)
The school district is putting in the sound field systems for my son -- it is a first with any middle school in his district!!
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:35:53 PM)
maybe the world
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:36:38 PM)
no --I doubt that. Florida , South Dakota and Utah are really up on this.
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:36:44 PM)
so the teacher weres a micophone and it comes though a speaker in the ceiling
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:36:50 PM)
Sherri, I don't know, but I think we never looked past the CAPD and last October he started with mild tics
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:37:05 PM)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:37:32 PM)
they diagnosed him with Tourettes
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:37:37 PM)
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:37:48 PM)
OK I just wanted to know what I was up to next
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:38:00 PM)
Sorry-- Dorene what medication is your son on?? My son is on Ritalin 5 mg per day-low dose because doctor will not agree to put him on a higher dose.
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:38:15 PM)
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:38:35 PM)
Dorene --how old is your son??? again??
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:38:40 PM)
he is very laid back
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:38:52 PM)
12 13 in August
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:38:59 PM)
Im thinking they what to check Michaels for tumers or brain damage when he was born
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:39:17 PM)
why sherri
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:40:18 PM)
Im thinking that caps can cover up some big things like that and maybe thay can catch it early
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:41:12 PM)
if there is pressure in the brain it can block the ear to the brain thing
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:41:25 PM)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:41:46 PM)
yes ncz
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:42:16 PM)
Sorry again-- Dorene at what age was the diagnosis for Tourettes Syndrom .
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:42:45 PM)
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:43:18 PM)
dorene do you have other kids
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:43:39 PM)
how did your son manage all those years. When does Tourettes Syndrome usually appear. I am very interested in this.
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:43:56 PM)
Yes a girl who is 16 and one that is 10
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:44:03 PM)
I have sarah 11 and michael 6 and nathan 4
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:45:03 PM)
It is so hard for me to handle all three when Michael needs 70 percent for my time
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:45:05 PM)
I think usually around 8-10
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:45:34 PM)
sometimes puberty
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:45:59 PM)
Is Michael ADD
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:46:39 PM)
dorene are the other kids on their own alot I feel like Sarah is on here own and Nathan is behind on things becouse a speed so much time with Michael
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:47:46 PM)
like any mother I hope not but that is still being talked about with a deveopment specialest dr.
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:48:48 PM)
They are all pretty independent, my son plays alot of sports and likes to be outdoors with his dad fishing etc.
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:49:03 PM)
I am amazed that Tourettes Syndrome does not appear until that age. I know someone who has a child with Tourettes and it must be difficult for you sometimes, occasionally , all the time??????
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:49:08 PM)
ncz you said you guy is add did you try other things before meds. or was that an option
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:50:24 PM)
I am lucky, he doesn't have any symptoms right now -they go as fast as they come
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:50:37 PM)
oh my Michael loves to speed all the time out side and when there is a crowd in the house he will go out side
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:50:49 PM)
I tried tutoring with some success (one on one). I just do not feel that the medication helps his CAPD. He still says "what" can you repeat, etc......
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:51:18 PM)
we just spnt a week at the lake and he spend all of his time outside fishing and hunting for bugs
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:51:31 PM)
He only would blink his eyes or jerk his head - no one really noticed
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:52:05 PM)
I am taking Gary for AIT this summer
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:52:21 PM)
My son has neck/head rigidness. I assume that is from stress??: Who knows??
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:52:49 PM)
this chat line js great just so i can know what other people are going through and knowwhat to look for
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:11 PM)
I agree
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:15 PM)
I would be interested in the results of the AIT.
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:28 PM)
what is AIT
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:34 PM)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:49 PM)
auditory integretion therapy
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:57 PM)
sorry again-- Auditory Integration Therapy?? I think??
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:53:58 PM)
yes ncz
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:54:30 PM)
what will they do or do you know
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:55:35 PM)
It is a program in which you use headphones and listen to certain sounds. The book called "Sound of a Miricale " is one resource to this
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:56:01 PM)
who will be doing this for you
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:56:05 PM)
they retrain the ear to allow sound to be processed more efficiently
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:56:48 PM)
audiologist specially trained for this
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 1, 2000 11:57:16 PM)
is this at a dr office or school
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:57:42 PM)
This is training for children who are over sensistive to certain noises-- i.e. vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, microwave oven timers and the list goes on and on!!
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:58:11 PM)
The Davis Center for hearing , speech and learning
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:59:06 PM)
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 1, 2000 11:59:21 PM)
Did you read that book?
ncz/Texas (ID=168) (Jun 1, 2000 11:59:22 PM)
AIT trained professionals are not easy to find and it can be expensive. Insurance will not cover it usually unless you get the blessing from 15 doctors. I have got to go my daughter wants to use the computer!Bye!!
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 2, 2000 12:00:07 AM)
that sound great did your dr send you to them or did you find this out on your own
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 2, 2000 12:00:37 AM)
buy buy
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 2, 2000 12:01:14 AM)
I saw it on the internet and then someone told me about a seminar she was doing
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 2, 2000 12:01:31 AM)
wow how lucky
Dorene (ID=166) (Jun 2, 2000 12:02:02 AM)
there's a newsletter under SAIT you might be interested in
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 2, 2000 12:02:11 AM)
I think I going to go to good luck with you and your son
SHERRI (ID=167) (Jun 2, 2000 12:03:11 AM)
thanks dorene i will look at it by for now