debbie (ID=0) (Jun 6, 2000 1:44:32 PM)
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CoreysMom (ID=0) (Jun 6, 2000 8:17:20 PM)
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linda (ID=1) (Jun 6, 2000 8:29:34 PM)
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kitty (ID=2) (Jun 6, 2000 9:06:00 PM)
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supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:07:07 PM)
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woody (ID=4) (Jun 6, 2000 9:16:18 PM)
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Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:16:21 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:16:38 PM)
Hi Woody

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:16:43 PM)
Hi Tammy

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:16:49 PM)
Hi supermom! Hi Woody!

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:17:03 PM)
How are we this evening?

woody (ID=4) (Jun 6, 2000 9:18:12 PM)
hi everybody, so what is new this week?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:18:38 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:18:46 PM)
Hi Misty

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:18:55 PM)

woody (ID=4) (Jun 6, 2000 9:19:01 PM)
hi misty

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:19:10 PM)
I'm not doing too bad...just really frustrated with my niece...we have custody of her...she was just diagnosed with capd, has add as well and suffers from depression...i'm not sure which one is worse.

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:19:18 PM)
hi misty!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:19:55 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:20:12 PM)
Stephen had his IST Meeting yesterday. It could have gone better. HI CoreysMom.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:20:31 PM)
Hi everyone

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:20:52 PM)
I'm completely confused, Jordan just brought home a SLP report, and I can't make head nor tails out of the thing

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:21:17 PM)
Ahhh, I know the feeling Misty

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:21:18 PM)
Was his done from the school or a hospital?

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:21:18 PM)
what's it say, misty?

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:21:49 PM)
hi coreysmom!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:22:12 PM)
Hi Tammy

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:22:22 PM)
at school, supermom. He was diagnosed with CAPD at the hospital, but a speech language patholigist has been working with him at school, and all it really has are a bunch of numbers......

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:23:45 PM)
all I can really get out of it is that he seems to score very highly on expressive language things ( he's very articulate), but that he doesn't follow directions well.......... duh! I feel like a complete idiot, not being able to understand it

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:23:46 PM)
Stephen's was done at the hospital. The school won't test him until the fall. She said that she has not heard of some of the tests that the hospital did.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:24:19 PM)
Does anyone here have any experience with Phonemic Synthesis Therapy by any chance?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:24:38 PM)

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:24:40 PM)
what tests did the hospital do?

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:24:45 PM)

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:25:20 PM)
Expressive /Receptive language skills

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:25:27 PM)
Jordan's initial tests were done at the hospital, but this one, actuall it was a series of tests, there was a Peabody Picture Test III, a thing called a CELF-3, and an LPT

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:25:37 PM)
Oh well, I am trying to get info in the program because the school has put Corey on the list for the summer session at the local kids rehab center

kt (ID=8) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:02 PM)
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supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:12 PM)
Hi kt

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:14 PM)
hi kt!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:21 PM)
hi kt

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:26 PM)
Hi kt

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:41 PM)
My daughter did the peabody test

kt (ID=8) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:43 PM)
Hello everyone

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:26:49 PM)
I've got Stephens test results in front of me and they did not do any of those tests.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:27:34 PM)
My daughtet did the peabody test for sppech delay only....

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:28:03 PM)
I'm looking at Jordan's right now, and everything is average or above, except on the CELF-3, concepts and directions's just all confusing to me

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:28:39 PM)
CJ also had the peabody...also for speech delay...

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:28:56 PM)
how old is jordan?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:29:02 PM)
mine doesn't say anything about a sppech delay

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:29:05 PM)
he's 7

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:29:42 PM)
does jordan get any special services in school?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:30:00 PM)
the peabody test examines the childs ability to understand single spoken word vocabulary items is what it says on my report

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:30:01 PM)
supermom, how is stephen doing?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:30:56 PM)
Stephen had the interpretation of directions done. He scored really well. He was at age of 12 years old. He is only 9. But the auditory processing (thinking and reasoning) he was at a 8.7 year old. Stephen is okay. He has his ups and downs.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:31:14 PM)
well, they came up with a SEP, but to be honest, it seems really non-specific in nature, other than that, he goes to resource room 3 X a week and has just started seeing the slp

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:31:54 PM)
Stephen sees his speech language pathologist on the 14th and 16th.

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:32:16 PM)
has anyone had any testing done to see not just performance but POTENTIAL? all the tests they keep running on cj are performance tests...i want to know what his potential is...

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:32:55 PM)
no, but I'd love to have such a test done, if it exists

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:33:19 PM)
I wish I could Tammy, but we are just beginning this process. Corey was just diagnosed last month and we did our first IPRC on Friday

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:33:31 PM)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:34:18 PM)
Sorry, I'm Canadian. Identification, Placement, Review Committe

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:34:43 PM)
Hey, CoreysMom, I'm Canadian too :)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:34:59 PM)
Cool, where abouts? I'm in Niagara Falls

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:35:14 PM)
I'm in NB, just outside of Saint John

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:35:21 PM)
debbie was telling me about the test of nonverbal intelligence and the test of language development...these are supposed to be able to test potential when compared to the other performance tests the school is doing.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:35:47 PM)
How does youe special ed fair out there? Better than ours I hope

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:35:59 PM)
kt... is this your first time here?

kt (ID=8) (Jun 6, 2000 9:36:31 PM)

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:36:56 PM)
where you from? I'm from PA. How old is your child?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:37:09 PM)
ours isn't much good, Jordan was lucky this year, he had a great teacher that was interested, but it's a year by year gamble. I get the feeling that they really don't understand Jordan's difficulties and his needs

kt (ID=8) (Jun 6, 2000 9:37:50 PM)
my son is 14 We live in NJ

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:16 PM)
I've gone from demanding assessments and teachers telling me that I was nuts because there was NO PORBLEM, to being told that he was "just slowand to expect less"

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:16 PM)
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Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:22 PM)
CJ is 7...we're in jacksonville florida.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:29 PM)
hi guys!

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:35 PM)
hi socks!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:39 PM)
hi socks

kt (ID=8) (Jun 6, 2000 9:38:59 PM)
hi socks

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:39:14 PM)
sorry I missed last thurs,coreysMom how did the meeting go!!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:39:23 PM)
I can sympathize. When we got Coreys diagnosis I asked what supports to expect and was told "none". I then asked about an FM system and was told they were for deaf kids only. I finally told them that I hired a special ed advocate and boys things changed then. Corey is being fitted tomorrow for his FM system, and we just the IPRC on Friday!

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:39:31 PM)
the teachers here keep telling us that CJ should be tested for A.D.D. and that unless he has "attention problems" he will not qualify for help.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:40:09 PM)
Hi Socks. Things went great! A little strategic planning goes a long way in these things :o)

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:40:13 PM)
all I had to do to get the fm system was to provide a letter from CJ's audiologist stating he needed one...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:40:15 PM)
it is truely amazing what the school will tell you even physicans

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:40:26 PM)
I had an interesting meeting at the school yesterday. They had the nerve to tell that Stephen doesn't have a problem academicly speeking and that he probally won't be able to qualify for special classes. But, because of his behavior problems/mental problems he will be able to more likely qualify.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:40:34 PM)
the problem is lack of education

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:40:59 PM)
and the most often diagnosis is ADD because it is well publized

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:41:30 PM)
I had to fight for a slp for Jordan, they told me that he had no speech difficulties and that was what they used such people for...... if it weren't for his new teacher that he got in Dec., we'd still be waiting

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:41:40 PM)
when we went in for CJ's meeting they had the nerve to tell us that duval county doesn't recognize CAPD as a problem so he would not be offered any special services other than articulation therapy and the fm system.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:41:53 PM)
a lot of my sons behavior problems were from CAPD

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:41:59 PM)
I agree socks. Corey was diagnosed ADHD when he was 5. I think back now and say it was CAPD.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:06 PM)
what's an fm system? that's never been emntioned to me before

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:27 PM)
Duval is in Fla? correct

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:32 PM)
I think my son's the same way, socks

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:34 PM)
we had CJ tested for A.D.D... he tested negative...his distractibility all stems from the CAPD.

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:44 PM)
The school special ed teacher and the speech language pathologist said that capd is conservational. I think thats what they said.

Tammy (ID=5) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:51 PM)
yes, duval is in florida.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:42:55 PM)
do I have an advocate for you!!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:43:14 PM)
it is a group called STAND

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:43:28 PM)
an Fm system is pretty simple. the teacher wears a wireless mike and the kids wear the headsets so they only hear the teacher

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:43:44 PM)
means Statewide advocacy network on disabilities

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:44:13 PM)
they are strictly volunteers who help you with your rights and your child

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:44:33 PM)
oh cool, so they don't get distracted by the background noise......... I wonder why it's never been mentioned to me before.... probably because the school district is too cheap to get one!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:45:04 PM)
you need the right evals done first

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:45:10 PM)
exactly!! I had to mention it to my sons school....

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:45:23 PM)
then it is easier to get the accomodations

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:45:25 PM)
I requested an mde done for Stephen. They won't do anything until next year. They don't want Stephen's teacher for next year know about Stephens problems. They want her to have a clean slate. I plan to go in there a few days before school starts and have a talk with her.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:46:03 PM)
I do that every year supermom. I feel it's only fair to the teacher to know what they are up against.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:46:21 PM)
had a meeting with school today got 1 on 1 OT for the summer!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:46:23 PM)
I have a question for everyone......... how does repeating a grade help or harm the child? We're facing that one with Jordan this year

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:46:38 PM)
Congrats Socks! Good for you!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:46:54 PM)
now I need to work on the language therapy

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:46:54 PM)

kt (ID=8) (Jun 6, 2000 9:47:12 PM)
what grade misty

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:47:15 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:47:35 PM)
repeating a grade with the same teaching techniques could be very hard on the kid

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:48:09 PM)
if they are willing to change the techniques and teach in a different manner it sometimes can be very good

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:48:11 PM)
Misty we are reverse integrating next year with Corey for Math and Languages. It's a class of 8 to 10 kids with lots of one on one. I agree with socks on that one

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:48:13 PM)
The principal said to us that he doesn't believe in that. Stephen already had an extra year of school added on. He went to prefirst after kindergarten. His dad wanted to hold him back in 3rd again. Mr. Streaker said that the kids would make it harder on him.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:48:37 PM)
he's only been in this class since Dec., so he's not too attached to the kids, and I know that he's not ready for grade 3, but on the other hand, he's worked sooooooooooo hard, and he's made some really impressive gains

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:49:22 PM)
It's a hard decision to make

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:49:40 PM)
Its up to you whether you want to hold him back.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:49:51 PM)
I held my son back in kindergareten but he got resource room assistance in the areas he needed and it wound up to be a great self esteem boost in the long run

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:50:05 PM)
if I hold him back this year, he can't be held back again, it's law in NB, a child can only repeat 1 grade in the elementary years

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:50:39 PM)
That's what I am hoping for Corey Socks. Heck in his case he is going into grade 6!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:50:39 PM)
but my older son if I had done this to him would have not done as well I think it sometimes depends on what type of kid you have

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:50:40 PM)
I'm leaning toward letting him try grade 2 again, just because I know he isn't ready to move on

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:50:56 PM)
Mr. Streaker said the more you hold back a child the more likely he/she will quit school by the 7th grade.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:51:23 PM)
Does he have any supports in place in an individual education plan(IEP) Misty?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:51:25 PM)
can you get him services instead?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:51:55 PM)
he goes to resource room 3 times a week, and sees a slp, that's about it

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:52:13 PM)
he has an IEP too, but it doesn't say much

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:52:20 PM)
Do you do extra learning work at home with him?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:52:26 PM)
it is more like the longer you don't get the kid the help he needs to be successful in school the greater the chance he will give up

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:52:38 PM)
has he made these strides in the resource room or in the regular ed class?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:53:29 PM)
oh yeah, we've done a lot at home with him, and like I said, he's made some impressive gains, in Dec., he couldn't read a word, and now, he's doing the regular grade 2 reading, but he's still behind the rest of the class

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:53:40 PM)
just because a kid is below grade level in certain areas doesn't necessarily mean he needs to be retained

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:53:56 PM)
I agree Socks.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:54:12 PM)
my oldest is two years below in math and at least a year in written language

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:54:28 PM)
but he does have strenghts that need to be fostered too

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:54:34 PM)
If he has made gains that quickly he is doing great!

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:54:36 PM)
he may have strengths in other areas that may help.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:54:38 PM)
you know what I mean?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:55:01 PM)
mine is ok with math and everything else, it's just the reading, spelling and really anything that has to do with written language

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:55:11 PM)
How do you think he feels about being held back?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:55:38 PM)
have you looked into technical assistive devices?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:55:50 PM)
Thats an important factor to think about too. Its going to be a hard decision to make.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:55:55 PM)
yes, I agree, socks, he has many strengths, but it's wierd, it's like peaks and valleys with him, his highs are very high, and his lows are very low

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:55:56 PM)
like keyboards,software?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:56:16 PM)
very much an LD kiddo

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
I've spoken to him, and told him that I was thinking about holding him back, he cried... it's hard for him, he has 2 brothers, one older, one younger, that are gifted and everything comes so easily for

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 9:57:05 PM)
but that is all pretty normal for CAPD isn't it guys. I think about Corey and he can't grasp math skills at all, He can't write a sentece correctly with punctuation and verbs, let alona a paragrapgh. But his science skills, social studies, history, geography are above grade level by at least 2 grades

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:57:18 PM)
he needs accomodations and interventions and possibly resource room instruction it doesn't mean that if he gets more time in the grade he will magically learn the material

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 9:57:32 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:57:41 PM)
he learns differently and needs to be taught differently too

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 9:57:56 PM)
sorry, lost my server for a while...

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 9:58:20 PM)
misty, did someone tell you what an fm system is?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 9:58:25 PM)
Stephen has a hard time with subtraction. A little in addition, but multiplaction and division he is great at.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:58:35 PM)
Tammy I live in Fla too have a great volunteer advocate that helps me with all meetings at school

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 9:58:45 PM)
where are you in florida?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:58:58 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:59:19 PM)
this is a statewide group

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 9:59:31 PM)
what's the name of the group?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 9:59:35 PM)
I think that's waht they're missing at the school, socks..... Jordan is very articulate, and he was missed for a long time, no one saw a problem.... he's the type of kid that, if he doesn't understand what's going on, he'll talk, and within 10 minutes, he's faked everyone out or they've forgotten whatever it was in the first place

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 9:59:41 PM)

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
yes, Tammy, someone explained it to me, thanks

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
WE have the same kid!!!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:00:31 PM)
does he have trouble with handwriting?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:00:52 PM)
Tammy do you want their number?

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:00:57 PM)
CJ is a "yes man"...he agrees with everything that's said...but if you try to ask him what you just said he can't do it.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:01:23 PM)
Misty cosider yourself lucky in a way. Corey is 11 and was just diagnosed last month. It has taken years of fighting with our school saying that there was something "wrong" He just wasn't getting it and now he is sooooo far behind it's scary.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:01:33 PM)
lots of trouble, his initial diagnosis was dyslexia, and to this day, he reverses almost everything unless he has a refrence point to compare it it, he prints, he can't write yet

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:01:34 PM)
CJ has a lot of trouble with handwriting...YES, please they have someone in jax?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:01:42 PM)
(813)258-5700 leave message and someone will call you

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:01:53 PM)

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:02:00 PM)
If Stephen has a bad morning before he goes to school or has a problem with his teacher, he won't do his work. Thats when his behavior problem comes in. He does not like authority figures telling him what to do.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:02:02 PM)
it is a statewide group

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:02:31 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:02:34 PM)
Tammy have you asked for a technical assistive device eval?

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:02:48 PM)
what is that?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:02:52 PM)
Jordan is the exact opposite, supermom, he'll do anything for the teachers, but if he's having a bad day, he'll refuse to do his homework at home

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:03:04 PM)
my son uses the alphasamrt in class this way he can be in regular ed class

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:03:18 PM)
what's that, socks?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:03:22 PM)
I get that every day Supermom! LOL! Homework does it for Corey, he struggles all day and when he has what should be 30 minutes of homework that is realistically more like 2 hours all he** breaks loose!

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:03:48 PM)
CJ has trouble doing his work at home...he is so exhausted by the time he gets home all he wants to do is lay down and take a nap...but if he doesn't get his homework done, he refuses to go to school the next day!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:03:52 PM)
it is a eval in which they eval the need for the kid to use keyboards software to write in order to keep up with his class

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:04:06 PM)
big law in Fla. right now

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:04:25 PM)
dept of ed really checking on districts for this

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:04:53 PM)
The teacher will give him his assignment in class and by the time he gets home, he has no idea what was taught in school and he doesn't know what to do. It takes him about half an hour or more to reteach what was taught in school.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:04:57 PM)
wow, I'm beginning to think that my province is really behind the times on this issue

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:05:03 PM)
Misty when was the last time your son's IPRC was reviewed??

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:05:19 PM)
what was it called again?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:05:37 PM)
you can request a time limit on homework in your IEP

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:05:45 PM)
well, he was given a new IEP in February of this year

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:05:59 PM)
I have a specific time on all their homework assignments

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:06:20 PM)
asked the teacher tell me how much time you think is realistic for him ?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:06:22 PM)
I've never heard of an IPRC

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:06:41 PM)
we have a timer and when it bings it is done

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:06:43 PM)
Have you done the Indentification, Review and Placement Committe? This is where you really need to get everything you want done in writing

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:07:10 PM)
it really helps also when the teachers can see how much they are actualy able to do

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:07:25 PM)
Legally they need to do an IPRC within 30 days of palcing him in any special programs

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:07:30 PM)
we don't have that here, coreysmom

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:07:40 PM)
and not how much Mom can get him to do in 3 hours!

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:07:57 PM)
CJ's teacher says thirty to forty-five minutes...but CJ is the one who won't quit until it's done...sometimes I don't tell him about all of it because I know he have to use the entire evening doing it...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:08:06 PM)
what you have is an IEP misty it is our equivelant

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:08:09 PM)
Are you sure, all the provinces are pretty much right in line with the way special ed is handled

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:08:17 PM)
The school knew Stephen was having a problem, but never offered to have an IEP eval done. I've started the process now. He may not be able to get one. I won't know until Oct.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:08:21 PM)
We also have IEP though

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:08:55 PM)
Supermom have they said he qualifies for special ed services?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:09:07 PM)
Oh didn't know this

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:09:09 PM)
well, all that happened here was that I signed a paper, authorizing the district to provide special services for Jordan, and we had a meeting ( the teacher, the special ed. teacher and myself).. that's it

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:09:55 PM)
oh, and of course, the countless evaluations and tests

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:09:56 PM)
did they talk to you about the services they were going to provide for jordan?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:10:13 PM)
I bet anything that paper you signed authorizing services was an IPRC! And the meeting was the IEP meeting.

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:11:22 PM)
i know at CJ's iep meeting they had so many people there and they were all talking at the time i left i was so confused i didn't know which end was up!!!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:11:43 PM)
I had that on Friday Tammy! LOL!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:11:46 PM)
a bit, they said they were modifying his reading and spelling programs, but leaving the rest alone, other than that, I have an IEP that basically says that Jordan needs to get some phonemic awareness, to correct reversals, improve comprehension... like I said, it's very non-specific

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:11:47 PM)
No! At this point they don't think it is academicly the problem. He has a specific learning disalb. according to the evaluator at the school. They think because of his mental behavior problem he may be able to qualify. Depending on how bad he is, it is up to us if we want him in a full day special ed class or a reg class with resource room help.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:12:01 PM)
I know what he needs, I want to know how to get him there

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:12:35 PM)
That is why you a. need a tape recorder,and b. an advocate!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:13:18 PM)
Supermom are you in the Staes?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:13:18 PM)
good point socks, but I don't think we have advocate here

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:13:28 PM)
Ask to have his IEP reviewed ASAP! Then make sure that everthing you want is in writing in it with dates for the services and it's very specific

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:13:28 PM)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:13:39 PM)
misty, that's what i keep telling everyone...these are the things he how is he going to get them...the school board told us we would have to get him private help because he didn't qualify for anything with them!

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:13:49 PM)
I plan on having a tape recorder at the next meeting in Oct. I also have an advocate who will be there for me. Yes I'm in the states.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:14:05 PM)
You have to find one through word of mouth, etc Misty. Legally you can anyone you want at that meeting

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:14:40 PM)
Good girl! What you have the right to ask for is something called a functional behavior assessment

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:14:45 PM)
Try your provincial learning disability group. A web search will turn it up

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:15:00 PM)
I think I will, thanks

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:15:22 PM)
in this eval a trained observer watches him in class and looks for factors that flare his behavior and then suggests possible interventions

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:16:01 PM)
All it took for us to get what we wanted was the slip that we hired an advocate who was willing to appeal to an educational tribunal.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:16:14 PM)
it can be extremely helpful in you situation because in most cases it becomes very clear that his behavior is manifested by difficulty learning in class

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:16:15 PM)
CJ isn't really a behavior problem in school, he is very quiet and he doesn't even qualify there...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:17:11 PM)
therefore he can recieve appropriate help and maybe the behavior will cease

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:17:17 PM)
Jordan is like that too, Tammy. The teachers always remark on how quiet and mild-mannered he is, and I'm left wondering if they've confused my son with someone else

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:17:26 PM)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:18:12 PM)
Exactly, home, CJ is the boisterous one...the loudest talker, always interrupting, has to have the last word...

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:18:39 PM)
Jordan too

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:18:46 PM)
Stephen had a behavior assessment done by the evaluator at the school on 3/17/00.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:18:46 PM)
my CAPD kid is definetly left out in the cold that way because he doesn't even hear what is going on!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:18:56 PM)
Gee Tammy are you sure you aren't alking about My Corey who happens to have the initials CJ? LOL!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:19:23 PM)
SWupermom that is great! what did they say?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:20:17 PM)
They combined it in all the other tests that were done.(different subjects on the report)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:20:32 PM)
I think Joey talks a lot at home because he can't get it in school

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:20:41 PM)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:20:48 PM)
do any of your kids have motor skill delays? CJ's writing skills, cutting, and coloring skills are on the level of a preschooler...

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:21:25 PM)
the school tells me he doesn't qualify for any help there either as he is "functional"...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:21:25 PM)
Yes,Joey also has sensory intergration problems that makes his writing totally illegible

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:21:30 PM)
Corey does Tammy. He's 11 and can't tie his shoes yet. His printing is getting better for a lefty

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:21:48 PM)
Jordan does, I'd estimate him to be about a year or so behind in his fine motor skills, and he still won't tie his shoes

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:22:11 PM)
Socks what does that diagnosis entail??

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:22:26 PM)
his printing has improved though, I can read it now, whereas before I couldn't

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:22:26 PM)
CJ is 7 1/2. he can't tie his shoes but my 5 year old learned how to tie his shoes when he was 4...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:22:52 PM)
I find it interesting that a lot of kids with CAPD also have fine motor probs,I wonder if it is related some how?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:22:53 PM)
Stephen has a really hard time determining time. He does'nt know when morning starts and ends. Daylight savings time, yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:23:03 PM)
Jordan is 7 1/2 as well, and I also have a 5 year old that can tie his shoes

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:23:31 PM)
We had an OT eval done they diagnosed it

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:23:35 PM)
CJ can't handle the concept of time is also a problem...he can't make change...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:23:50 PM)
he can not feel sensory input like others

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:24:10 PM)
he needs sensory stim in order to attend better

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:24:17 PM)
now, that's where Jordan differs, I guess, he can handle time, and he could count money and make change since he was about 6

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:24:30 PM)
like tapping a pencil on the desk etc.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:24:38 PM)
What all does in entail, what are the "sysmtoms'. I'm wondering because I have heard the term often and have never really known what it was.

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:24:47 PM)
we had an occupational therapy evaluation done privately a couple of months said CJ's fine motor skills were at the level of a four year old...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:11 PM)
because of this prob his wrist or hand puts too much pressure on the paper when he writes

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:13 PM)
Jordan is very good at anything that has to do with math, although his work will be completely reversed ( like a mirror image)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:18 PM)
CJ does that too...he taps a pencil on the desk when he is doing his homework...

faith (ID=11) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:35 PM)
hi faith!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:41 PM)
hi faith

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:48 PM)
Hi Faith

faith (ID=11) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:52 PM)
Hi everyone!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:25:59 PM)
Joey also reverses numbers!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:15 PM)
Hi Faith

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:30 PM)
CJ used to reverse his numbers and letters...he's been doing better with that the last few months though...

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:30 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:35 PM)
hi kate!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:38 PM)
Interesting socks...You never know when that little tidbit might come in handy because we aren't done with testing yet

faith (ID=11) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:46 PM)
hi Kate

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:49 PM)
the way the OT explained it to me is all people need sensory stimulation but some need more

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:51 PM)
Hi everyone!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:26:59 PM)
Hi Kate

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:27:04 PM)
hi kate

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:27:08 PM)
that is why kids like the merry go round swings etc.

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:27:31 PM)
I found the behavior assessment report. Stephen is currently at the border of the at-risk range. He was noted that he hated school and expressed an interest in quitting school.

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:27:57 PM)
hi Kate and Faith

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:28:09 PM)
what about any precipitating factors ?

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:28:10 PM)
How old is Stephen, supermom

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:28:16 PM)
how old is stephen?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:28:32 PM)
he is 9. He will be 10 in August.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:28:41 PM)
like he exhibits this behavior before this happened or he after this happened etc.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:29:20 PM)
did they do an in class observation?

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:29:23 PM)
My son started hating school at 9 too!

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:29:25 PM)
I knew that he didn't like school. He didn't even like kindergarten.

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:29:39 PM)
CJ usually says he wants to quit school if he didn't get all of his work done that day...

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:29:49 PM)
He always complained about how long the day I know why!!

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:29:53 PM)
He was evaulated in the classroom

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:30:35 PM)
LOL! I brainwashed my kids from before they even started school, college is madatory. We told them it's illegal to quit school and you will go to jail! LOL!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:30:36 PM)
does it say anything about him having difficulty accademicly?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:30:51 PM)

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:30:51 PM)
Anyone here have any 12 almost 13 year olds?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:06 PM)
Corey is 11 Kate

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:08 PM)
I have an 11 yo

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:13 PM)
and a 10yo

faith (ID=11) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:15 PM)
Brendon just turned 12

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:38 PM)
but I work with kids 13 to 21

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:42 PM)
brandy is 16...she was just diagnosed with capd this week...

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:46 PM)
his dad quit in the beginning of 11th grade. I'm hoping that I can keep him in school until he graduates. Because of his mood swings and behavioral problems it does effect his work.

kate (ID=12) (Jun 6, 2000 10:31:51 PM)
I'm entering a whole new world of CAPD issues...and i thought school issues were bad enough!!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:32:14 PM)
is he on meds? supermom?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:32:28 PM)
just for his seizures and allergies.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:33:05 PM)
has the neurologist been aware of the school probs?

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:33:14 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:33:35 PM)
sometimes the anticonvulsants can cause probs like what you describe

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:34:11 PM)
especially mood swings

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:34:27 PM)
does anyone have problems when you take your child(ren) out in public? CJ tends to act out more there...he gets very loud, runs around like a "chicken with it's head cut off", and very rarely listens to anything anyone tells him...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:34:47 PM)
Hell yes!

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:34:52 PM)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:34:58 PM)
yep....been there, done that and even have the shirt. LOL!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:35:05 PM)
it depends with Jordan, Tammy. If he's tired, he'll act like a complete nut in public

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:35:16 PM)
I have two ADHHHHD boys one with CAPD and it can be a real trip going out

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:35:17 PM)
but other times he's a good as gold

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:35:45 PM)
Misty soo true mine get nuts when tired

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:35:51 PM)
Stephen hates going to the store. He has to know which one it is and how far it is.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:36:19 PM)
John my oldest is exactly like that supermom

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:36:36 PM)
Does he cry or throw fits?

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:36:39 PM)
mine still seems to need a nap, when he gets home from school, he's so wiped out, he'll act crazy for a while, then he curls up with his thumb in his mouth and falls asleep

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:36:40 PM)
Corey is like that too supermom. We are just starting to experiment with leaving him home for the 1/2 or 45 minutes we are gone with the other 2 kids

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:37:00 PM)
CJ's problems also seem to be worse when he's tired...sometimes when he's hungry...if he's by himself with me he's not bad at all but when he has to compete for attention he tends to act out more.

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:37:00 PM)
I evn have to tell him ahead of time if we are going somewhere fun!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:37:42 PM)
Coreys is also triggered by ear infections. If he has one starting he is like a bear with a thorn in his paw!

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:37:48 PM)
mine too, Tammy, if he's alone, he's generally ok, but if he's with his brothers, he's an animal!

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:37:49 PM)
CJ used to love going to the he doesn't want to go unless i promise him a "surprise"...

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:38:00 PM)
they say the four times an ADHD child will act out is when they are hungry,tired,anxious,sad,and angry

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:38:31 PM)
I must be ADHD too

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:38:45 PM)
and my husband

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:38:56 PM)
and my boss

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:39:06 PM)
my coworkers

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:39:08 PM)

Misty (ID=6) (Jun 6, 2000 10:40:22 PM)
well, guys, I'd better run, I have to get up early in the morning.... thanks for the advice, I'll let you know what happens

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:40:52 PM)
If you get a chance Misty look up your Ministry of Ed site, everything you need will be there

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:40:55 PM)
I als got a chuckle when they did a research on exceleration of behavior on hyperactive children and you know when they exhibited the highest exceleration?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:00 PM)
oopps, too late

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:13 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:15 PM)
when the parent got on the phone!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:24 PM)
How True!!!

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:26 PM)
surprise, surprise...

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:44 PM)
I think that applies to ALL kids! LOL!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:41:46 PM)
what a shock huh

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:42:01 PM)
on that funny note, I've got to go. I've got a big day tomorrow. My youngest has to go and get tested for allergies, have to watch a four year old, get Kathleen back to school (last day) and be at my other daughters 5th grade graduation at 1:30. I hope I can make it.

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:42:11 PM)
and how many million went to fund that study? LOL

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:42:25 PM)
now we know how you got your name!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:42:34 PM)
Well you arte super mom you know! LOL

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:42:41 PM)
I sure millions!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:42:58 PM)
could of save them a lot on that one

supermom (ID=3) (Jun 6, 2000 10:43:02 PM)
I'm even a taxi driver.

Dorene (ID=13) (Jun 6, 2000 10:43:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:43:11 PM)
hi dorene!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:43:15 PM)
Hi Dorene

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:43:19 PM)
comes in the Job description

Tammy (ID=10) (Jun 6, 2000 10:44:10 PM)
i'd better go too...i also have an early day tomorrow...good night all...

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:44:18 PM)
Night Tammy

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:44:28 PM)
Goodnight Tammy

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:44:37 PM)
slow tonight

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:45:15 PM)
Socks, Corey is getting an FM sytem tomorrow!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:45:27 PM)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:45:42 PM)
Not bad for an IPRC on Friday huh? LOL

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:45:46 PM)
good going Mom

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:46:19 PM)
amazing how much faster those wheels turn when a fire is started

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:46:19 PM)
it's amazing what a few well placed education regulations on the table will accomplich

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:46:39 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:47:00 PM)
I am fighting the speech therapist big time

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:47:17 PM)
they are also going to reverse integrate him for math and language next year as well

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:47:24 PM)
Think you will get it??

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:47:43 PM)
he is in speech for articulation but according to her he doesn't qualify for language therapy

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:47:57 PM)
your kidding??

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:48:34 PM)
nope,of course she called me and when I asked for a response in writing it got ugly

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:48:52 PM)
I bet it did! Doesn't it always

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:49:00 PM)
told me no that she basicly didn't want to get sued

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:49:13 PM)
No way!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:49:27 PM)
she is young and doesn't know what she is doing

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:50:19 PM)
We are finally going to get the speeech language consultation in September though because our board can't hire anyone and we are short staffed

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:50:25 PM)
I promptly wrote a letter cc it to district head and told her of my right to prior written notice for any ineligiblity of services

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:50:41 PM)
Good for You!!!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:51:06 PM)
She told me that her professor in college didn't believe in CAPD

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:51:27 PM)
I would have punched her!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:51:41 PM)
so I also wrote that I was concerned about the district availabilty of qualified therapists

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:51:59 PM)
she was on the phone lucky for her!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:52:14 PM)
LOL! Yep, lucky for her!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:52:29 PM)
told her so jjust like some people don't believe in ADHD either

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:52:50 PM)
how true, as sad as that is

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:52:55 PM)
maybe it is a lack of education?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:53:34 PM)
You have to wonder. Our schools learning resource teacher is older and I had to educate her

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:53:57 PM)
The private speech told me that if she could easily fit the language therapy into the articulation therapy

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:54:20 PM)
to just enrich his program

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:54:22 PM)
But you have to pay for it. Isn't that aggravating?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:55:04 PM)
the thing that burns me up is he has been in therapy for four years and still can't pronounce two letters!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:55:19 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:55:35 PM)
but it is some how ok to pull him out of class for two letters

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:55:53 PM)
and not for therapy that would actually help?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:56:07 PM)
I'm not sure I will ever understand their reasoning

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:56:24 PM)
the other part of this saga is that the CAP testing showed a low frequency hearing loss

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:56:56 PM)
which means he can't hear certain letters,and guess what they are?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:56:59 PM)
We are getting a therapy I have never evan heard of...Phonemic Synthesis Therapy whatever that is....

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:57:04 PM)
LOL! Same 2!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:57:17 PM)
and two others

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:57:23 PM)
Corey has mild, low frequency hearing loss as well

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:57:25 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:57:43 PM)
in what frequency do you know?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:58:05 PM)
I have a graph that tells you which sounds he might have trouble with

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 10:58:34 PM)
I'm not sure but he also has significant negative pressure as well

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:58:48 PM)
Joeys is at 250-500 mhz

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:59:09 PM)
low frequency is vowel sounds mostly

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 10:59:49 PM)
so if he hears only consenants then GOOD could be heard as GOD

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:00:01 PM)
really? I will have to ask them. It's normal for Corey with the hearing loss though. He's had it for years

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:00:17 PM)
or sour,could be sore

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:00:37 PM)
came as a shock for us

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:00:46 PM)
didn't have a clue

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:01:05 PM)
Corey has had ear infections constantly since he was 3 1/2 so we knew about it

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:01:17 PM)
been diagnosed ADHD for years and sld for three years at least

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:01:43 PM)
they keep asking me if Joey ever had ear infections

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:01:48 PM)
never did

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:01:54 PM)
We are wondering if the hearing loss is why he got the Fm system so quick...

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:02:37 PM)
Corey has had 4 sets os tubes, adnoids removed and we just did tonsils in Jan. as a last resort,. He is good for one every 6 weeks

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:02:39 PM)
actually they told me if the low frequencey loss was significant enough the FM wouldn't pick up

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:03:17 PM)
would need hearing aid with an FM intergrated

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:03:30 PM)
Could be, but maybe it was an added thing to rush it through

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:03:35 PM)
but then again they have told a lot of things!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:03:47 PM)
how true!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:04:58 PM)
there is apparently one called the sprite?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:05:21 PM)
I read about that on the mailing looks promising

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:05:32 PM)
not sure what is the difference but it has ear buds instead of a head set

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:06:10 PM)
have you check the Ld online bulletins?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:06:14 PM)
Our boards speech path is setting it all up, at this point we don't have a choice. The board pays for it

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:06:26 PM)
Yep, I looked at them too

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:06:40 PM)
a lot of info on CAPD and Auditory processing questions

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:06:57 PM)
I hear that!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:07:18 PM)
I have searched everywhere on this program they want him to do this summer and have found nothing, it's so frustrating

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:07:59 PM)
I have to go need to get up for work in the morning,sooo glad to hear all went well at the meeting,keep them on their toes!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:08:07 PM)
The boards speech path doesn't want him to do FFW, she would prefer he do something with a real live person

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:08:08 PM)
which program?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:08:23 PM)
Phomemic Synthesis Therapy

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:08:31 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:08:55 PM)
I have heard of Phonemic awareness?

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:09:11 PM)
You know who would know!

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:09:24 PM)
I have a call into the Rehab Center so I will see what I get from them

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:09:26 PM)
Pattim on ld online

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:09:33 PM)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:12 PM)
must check that out, Thanks

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:14 PM)
she is a grad student for a speech path program and a mother of a CAPD child and hearing impaired herself

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:21 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:29 PM)
just post a message for her

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:37 PM)
I will. Thanks again

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:45 PM)
she helped me with Joey's audiogram results

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:10:54 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:11:05 PM)
also have you tried Nethaven Chat?

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:11:16 PM)

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:11:32 PM)
on Mon and wed nights 9:30 pm eastern

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:11:44 PM)
I will be there, LOL

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:11:54 PM)
they put a link on the ld online buletin

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:12:05 PM)
see you there then!

socks (ID=9) (Jun 6, 2000 11:12:14 PM)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:12:22 PM)
Ok.... I will go check that out now :o)

CoreysMom (ID=7) (Jun 6, 2000 11:12:26 PM)

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