debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:50:01 PM)
hi carol...sorry i missed you a bit ago i was in the other room
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:50:31 PM)
hi, figured as much...was chat canceled?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:50:50 PM)'s due to begin in a few minutes...was a 9 pm EST chat
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:51:13 PM)
lol...i thought i was late..son had a soccer game
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:51:35 PM)
*LOL* didn't mean to scare ya!
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:51:47 PM)
hey...are you on the listserv by dr J?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:51:54 PM)
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:52:04 PM)
have you tried to post lately?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:52:09 PM)
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:52:13 PM)
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:52:27 PM)
i tried to tonight and it's telling me i'm not authorized
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:52:47 PM)
mmm...well i just checked my email..and there was a post from listserv
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:52:59 PM)
what post?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:53:12 PM)
the one about the ADD watch..can't remember who posted though
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:53:47 PM)
somehow i must of gotten removed from the list! *L*
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:02 PM)
oh no...wonder how that could have happened
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:18 PM)
hi dorien
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:26 PM)
i dont's kind of funny i've been on the phone with dr j today and talked to him a bit earlier in here too
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:30 PM)
hi dorien
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:41 PM)
Hi how are you
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:49 PM)
maybe it was a fluke and you should try again
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:54:57 PM)
fine and you?
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 8:55:20 PM)
Working hard
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:55:22 PM)
i did *LOL* maybe it's something up with my browser
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:55:37 PM)
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:56:06 PM)
have either of you had a chance to look at the Learning Fundamentals website?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:56:14 PM)
no i havent
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 8:56:29 PM)
No I have not
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:56:36 PM)
they have a demo cd that you can order...It's really nice!
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:56:47 PM)
what kind of program is it?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:57:21 PM)
Marna from Learnfun is going to be here tonight.. it's a software program used for individuals with communication disorders
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:57:40 PM)
it's broken down into several categories
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:57:48 PM)
i knew that much, but is it something like earobics?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:58:23 PM)
i had planned on getting that for this summer, to get blake *use* to playing it, as i was able to get it into his iep to be used 3x/wk in the fall
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:58:46 PM)
it doesn't appear to be as animated as earobics but i really like the way it gives progress reports
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:58:56 PM)
what about cost?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:59:22 PM)
there are various packages..some cd's are around 99 i believe
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:59:31 PM)
we can ask marna for sure when she gets here
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:59:37 PM) more than
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 8:59:55 PM)
yes it is..but it has different features
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 8:59:58 PM)
there are so many things to work on w/blake that it's hard to decide what to work on
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:00:08 PM)
How do you find all your info on CAPD
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:00:15 PM)
oh how well i know! *L*
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:00:27 PM)
Dorien I spend hours researching and talking to people
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:00:29 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:00:57 PM)
Hi Marna! Thank you for joining us tonight!
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:01:00 PM)
we had our first meeting w/psychologist today..blake will soon be tested w/him...hope we can get more info since we couldnt get a definite diagnosis of CAPD this past spring
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:01:08 PM)
hi Marna
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:01:42 PM)
me too dorien...did a search using CAPD and came up w/lots of info
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:01:44 PM)
Hi Marna
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:02:18 PM)
I everyone, I'm rather new at this and only did a chat one other time. Forgive me for protocol errors, I'll learn.
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:02:31 PM)
I have done this but getting what I need to help my dtr is not easy
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:02:40 PM)
If you have any questions Marna, Please feel free to ask!
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:16 PM)
no it's not can be hard to pick and choose what to believe and what to rule out
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:27 PM)
hi Faith
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:44 PM)
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:47 PM)
Dorien as much time as I've spent researching CAPD, I'm still not sure exactly what to do for Sarah..sometimes it seems as if the "rules" keep changing.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:47 PM)
Thanks Debbie, I'm ready for questions myself and will do my best.
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:03:49 PM)
hi Faith
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:04:05 PM)
It took me five years to get a name for what is wrong with Tricia
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:04:12 PM)
i know what you mean debbie
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:04:26 PM)
It took me three
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:04:35 PM)
Have any of you tried Auditory Integration Training for CAPD treatment?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:04:37 PM)
we kind of knew 4 years ago, but i couldnt find a thing on capd until we connected w/internet
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:04:41 PM)
Everyone, Marna is a SLP and has helped in the development of the software for Learning Fundamentals
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:05:06 PM)
Yes Tricia does have an FM unit
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:05:12 PM)
no Marna...still not sure what it is, and how it's suppose to many things out there to pick and choose from
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:06:03 PM)
we don't even have an offical rx yet, finally got a hearing test and go next month for more testing
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:06:10 PM)
I wrote down the www address so people could read about it.
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:06:15 PM)
Marna...Sarah's CAPD is now being thought to be due to integration deficit with an extreme left ear I am now looking at Auditory Integration Training as what Sarah may need
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:06:54 PM)
we dont either faith since he couldnt complete the testing because of his language disorder...he didnt have enough knowledge of some of the concepts...but we know that's what it is...just not sure what areas and the severity
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:07:24 PM)
I have done about 50 children and adults, all with different dx. but have been pleased enough with the results to continue to offer it. You can get a list of the practitioners on that site.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:07:48 PM)
if you dont mind my asking...what is the approx cost of AIT training?
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:08:01 PM)
it was a fight just to get this testing done
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:08:33 PM)
It is a 10 day treatment. The cost is $1000 but I did most of mine free because I was collecting data.
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:09:13 PM)
Marna can you explain a bit about how the AIT works? Have you had any success with insurance paying any part?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:09:19 PM)
I do about 5-10 children a summer with follow-up therapy usually for autism.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:09:25 PM)
yikes!! just for 10 days work? out of our league!
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:09:57 PM)
As a matter of fact, yes insurance has covered because it is a speech/language treatment.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:10:19 PM)
our insurance won't...doesnt cover anything connected w/speech therapies or testing
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:10:43 PM)
Our ins does not cover this
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:10:54 PM)
If I remember right, your clinic specializes in CAPD, right?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:11:04 PM)
I heard today that the insurance companies may need to change some of their coverage on July 1, particularly relating to autism though.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:11:22 PM)
where are you located Marna?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:11:39 PM)
I've heard there are new CPT codes due to come out that may cover CAPD...Have you heard anything along that line?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:11:52 PM)
Yes, Debbie, we do auditory conceptualization work, AIT, and computer follow-up therapies.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:12:20 PM)
I am looking in to this right away since I just heard of the changes.
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:12:48 PM)
I heard it mentioned at a conference with Dr Ferre in S. Carolina
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:13:35 PM)
AIT seems to change the speed of information processing at the cerebellar level. When the information is accurately put in the higher levels have a better chance of processing it accurately.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:14:04 PM)
i wonder if capd would be classified as a hearing impairment or a learning disability?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:15:22 PM)
I think speed of processing is a big issue. We have had success using visual stimuli to change the speed of information processing with brain injured kids and found that the reading comprehension and spelling etc. improved even though we didn't work directly on those areas. When they processed faster, everything improved.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:16:01 PM)
makes sense
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:16:25 PM)
Marna one of the reasons I was excited about having you join us in the chat tonight, is sometimes parents feel as if the professionals we are working with dont really understand what it is like to parent a child of special needs and feel as if professionals are only looking at these problems from the professional point of view. You developed your software from personal experience , didnt' you?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:16:35 PM)
The magic number seems to be 36 hours of treatment. We have them do a program called High Level Attention. They check in with us at the office and can do as much at home as they can.
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:17:44 PM)
But what about children with other LD
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:18:03 PM)
Yes, I was trying to figure out how to keep my very hyperactive, 4 year old alive. He had his first concussion at 18 months then two more at 6 years.
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:18:53 PM)
How does the AIT work? What is involved with the treatment
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:19:20 PM)
He had attention deficit, auditory processing deficits, out-of-contol behavior, allergies, ...... I didn't know what else to do so I started looking into the autism research and found the answers.
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:20:53 PM)
allergies can have a big effect on hyperactive behavior
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:22:18 PM)
Dr. Courchesne in La Jolla has put forth an explanation that seems reasonable to me. The music is filtered through a computer that modulates the intensity and frequency of the auditory input. The input is unpredictable so the filtering system that usually tries to filter out unimportant information must contantly function to determine if the auditory information coming in is to be allowed in or shut out. A gatekeeper concept.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:23:15 PM)
is it true that once you have the AIT treatment, you are not suppose to use earphones/plugs because it would cause regression?
Faith (ID=34) (Jun 8, 2000 9:24:36 PM)
got to go early day
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:24:43 PM)
The first 5 hours of treatment probably does the initial brain changes. The second 5 solidifies the process. We usually can measure progress in language, auditory processing, behavior etc. 2 months after treatment. The reason for the 2 months is that the brain is now taking in the information accurately and takes time to show the progess in expressive language. Just like learning to talk for the first time. Input for 12 months, then talk. Yes, you are not suppose to wear headphones after AIT
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:25:14 PM)
Marna, I know that LearnFun has many different CD's available. If I am looking for one to address integration deficit.which one would you recommend? Are these programs parents could use at home or are they only to be monitored by an slp?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:25:16 PM)
so if you have AIT you can never use the FM trainer?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:25:55 PM)
The FM trainer is the exception. You may use it. The music from the walkman is the no no.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:26:10 PM)
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:26:27 PM)
(I have your demo CD at home and have looked at some of the games)
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:26:50 PM)
All the LocuTour (ie. Learning Fundamentals) programs can be used at home. Tell me more how the integration deficit is manifested.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:27:38 PM)
You don't need to have an SLP. You all know so much about CAPD you would know what the focus of the games are.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:28:07 PM)
so you have different programs that target specific needs?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:28:36 PM)
When Sarah was initially dx she has problems in decoding, background discrimiation, expressing her thoughts she is testing higher in those areas (just did a reevaluation for the CAPD) but is showing the left ear deficit now.......
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:28:46 PM)
Her reading and writing are improving...
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:28:53 PM)
The Literacy series is probably the most helpful for grade school children. Yes, we target different needs, ie. vocabulary, phonemic awareness, articulation
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:29:21 PM)
What did you think of the Phonemic Awareness, or Rules, Rules, Rules?
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:29:26 PM)
How about Math
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:29:48 PM)
but if you don't have a specific diagnosis of CAPD so you dont know what areas to work on for sure, what would you suggest?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:29:57 PM)
Will have math programs by September.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:30:22 PM)
What are the academic problem areas? How is her speech?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:30:32 PM)
The game that frustrated Sarah was the one on which she had to imitate the sound pattern she heard..i did let her use the visual cues with it...
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:31:21 PM)
I dont remember the could use visual or auditory clues or both! I liked having the option of what clues she used.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:31:21 PM)
Absolutely, use visual, tactile and auditory at first, then gradually take away the cues.
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:31:46 PM)
Her speech is much better but now we have a problem with getting her math right
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:32:17 PM)
Look at the options pages to see how to set it up to be a just the right difficulty level. I work at 85% accuracy level so it keeps the frustration low and the learning high.
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:32:33 PM)
Getting her to know how to multiply
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:32:48 PM)
Is the math a speed problem? or learning the math facts? or understanding word problems?
debbie (ID=28) (Jun 8, 2000 9:32:54 PM)
Her speech is ok...she likes to pretend that she speaks another language though and tries to speak gibberish if im not paying attention .....She is weak in reading and below grade level..
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:33:00 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:33:15 PM)
wow! sorry about that..i just lost the room...
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:33:21 PM)
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:33:45 PM)
is everyone else still here?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:33:55 PM)
yes debbie...i am
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:34:01 PM)
ok carol
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:34:13 PM)
Multiply is tough. I find it to be very common with bright kids with attention deficit. Took us years to get the math facts down. And those darned Mad Minutes!!!! Curses!
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:34:31 PM)
understanding how to do it and getting her to keep it in her head
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:35:08 PM)
Sarah is struggling in reading..she is below grade level although she is doing much better....
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:35:31 PM)
we can do it with her day after ady and she does not get it
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:36:39 PM)
Math is often a problem with shifting attention. When you work on attention skills the math improves. Especially if they have difficulty with holding two competing rules in mind, thats a divided attention skill. There are 4 kinds of attention. Alternating is going back and forth between tasks. Sustained in holding on and paying attention for a period of time. Focused is gaining attention on the task in the first place. That's why CAPD and attention deficit have similar problems.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:37:20 PM)
Dorien, How old is your daughter?
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:37:43 PM)
She is going on 10
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:38:36 PM)
It is the math facts then? Can she apply them using a calculator?
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:39:21 PM)
I do not know . I want her to be able to do it on her own
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:39:32 PM)
if i describe the things we know are wrong w/my son, could you make a recommendation on which program(s) might be helpful?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:42:04 PM)
Sometimes when they see the purpose of the multiplying it helps them understand the process. I like M&M Math. Use the hand method and also the calculator to multiply 4 children get 5 M&M's each. How many do you have to have so everyone gets enough? Let her compare and contrast the numbers so they both make sense. I agree, Have to know how to do it without a calculator, but might be able to use calculator to grasp the concept.
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:42:11 PM)
Carol can you remind us how old you son is
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:42:14 PM)
Carol, Yes.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:43:03 PM)
he has about a 2yr delay in expressive/receptive language, a 2 1/2 year delay in short term auditory memory, some problems w/background noise (he uses an fm trainer which seems to help), and has developed a speech disfluency in the last 3 months ....he just turned 7...not sure what exactly academically he's having probs w/as he is only going into 1st grade in fall
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:43:55 PM)
he couldnt complete the CAPD no diagnosis, but we know that is the problem, just not positive in what areas and how severe
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 9:44:16 PM)
Now I have been told that my son may have CAPD as well
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:46:37 PM)
The auditory memory would be where I would start. Get a bunch of picture cards out and put 3 on the table, You say "cat, dog" he picks up those to and says back what you say. In the car you play the "copy cat game. "I like to eat spaghetti with pickles on top" He repeats back and gives you a silly sent to repeat. If he makes an error you say, "Check to see what word came after pickles when I say... "I like to eat spaghetti with pickles on top"
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:47:52 PM)
because of his expressive is extremely difficult for him to play games like that...and now w/stuttering its even worse
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:48:06 PM)
The CD programs encourage you to repeat what you hear. Tape your voice and listen to see if you said exactly what the model was. The kids generally like to do more exercises using the computer than if they were to do them at the kichen table.
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:48:37 PM)
Can you make the sentences very short? "My hat"
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:48:40 PM)
is there a specific cd program that is for the auditory memory?
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:49:07 PM)
yes...beyond 2-3 words is beyond him to repeat
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:50:07 PM)
The stuttering can be related to the CAPD too. What did your SLP say? Any of the CD's can be used for memory. Just repeat at the word, phrase, or sentence level depending on ability and listen back to the speech.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:51:29 PM)
ok...slp wasnt sure of the cause, and he also doesnt understand capd, he did work on the stuttering when i brought it to his attention, but not much help yet...he is being tested by expert at university, but cant until the fall unfortunately...was wondering if the stuttering developed because of stress
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:52:00 PM)
The best ones for vocabulary development are It's a..... series. Phonemic Awareness is the foundation for all the auditory processing necessary for learning to read. It has sound to symbol association, sound segmenting, sound blending. Syllable segmenting.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:52:54 PM)
he seems to be doing ok w/symbol and sound associations we dont know if phonemic awareness is one of the areas he is having difficulty with
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:53:14 PM)
Marna, I noticed at the end of the game, there was a progress report...does the program store the reports or do you have to print them out each day? does it give an overal progress report or just daily?
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:53:47 PM)
It can be stress, could be delayed auditory feedback. There is a wonderful organization that puts out a book called If your child stutters. The Stuttering foundation. $1.00 donation or they will mail for free if you ask. Must have a web address but if you can't find them, e-mail me.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:54:24 PM)
ok thanks..i will try to find them
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:54:53 PM)
Progress reports can be saved to a file on your hard drive. No cumulative print out though. You need to look at progress over time.
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:55:04 PM)
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:56:03 PM)
Did the SLP talk to you about easy onset?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:56:19 PM)
the website for the Stuttering Foundation is
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
That would help over the summer. Teach him how to start the words without stuttering. Debbie, you are good!
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:56:55 PM)
no...he didnt talk about anything...why i wanted to change slp's in the fall, which thankfully the school district is willing to do
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 9:57:05 PM)
i just went and did a quick search for carol *L*
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:57:15 PM)
Marna (ID=33) (Jun 8, 2000 9:57:50 PM)
You add air before the consonant or vowel that starts the word.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 9:58:28 PM)
all he said was he was using a program to help, and my son would do great w/1 word...but when he had to do 2 or more words, the stuttering started back up
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:00:15 PM)
welcome back marna
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:00:18 PM)
welcome back...those gremlins are out in force tonight!! =)
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:00:25 PM)
Help I got lost!!!!!!!!
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:00:25 PM)
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:00:52 PM)
The chat server just did an update this week to version2.03 must still have a few kinks in it....I"m so sorry!
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:01:09 PM)
I think I did it all on my own!
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:01:26 PM)
oh ok. *L*
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:02:07 PM)
Where were we. I don't know how to look before I came in again. I'm afraid to leave the page!
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:02:34 PM)
No haven't.
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:02:38 PM)
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:03:16 PM)
my son's stuttering, but you dont need to comment on that anymore, if dorien or debbie has any more questions about your programs
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:03:18 PM)
Did I answer enough for you Carol?
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:03:42 PM)
You don't have to have the diagnosis to start treating the problems you see.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:03:42 PM)
i any of the programs offered would be good for him to use?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:04:28 PM)
I'm kind of in limbo Carol, I talked to our audiologist today and we are going to redo the re-evaluation , so until i find out where we are it, it's hard to know where to go!
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:04:47 PM)
The demo would let you play the games and then you could decide what is at his level. The catalog will help also. write to and ask for a free demo to be sent.
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:05:18 PM)
i know what you mean debbie, that is why i was so disappointed when blake couldnt get a diagnosis of i dont know anymore than i did about what areas to work on and how to go about's so frustrating sometimes
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:06:24 PM)
Marna how offten do more then one child in a family have CAPD
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:06:29 PM)
I was hoping to have all testing done by beginning of summer so that I knew what to begin on for summer..where to focus we are just doing alot of fun reading together for now
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:06:56 PM)
Debbie, Thank you for inviting me. With the exception of my brief trip to Maui there it was rather smooth. If anyone wants more information you can write. You can even send me results of tests and I can try to target what software programs to work on.
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:07:22 PM)
More than one.... Happens quite frequently. Parents as well.
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:07:45 PM)
Marna, I appreciate you taking the time to come and talk to us tonight. I may go ahead and send you Sarah's results and see what you think
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:08:11 PM)
well we decided to see a psychologist (recommended by audiologist) to help us find out more, and also to find out if he also has add as well as the capd..and to get another perspective as well i guess....thanks marna..appreciated your time and help
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:08:16 PM)
That would be great. You can fax them. I have a secure line. 805.543.6665
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:08:31 PM)
It's kind of funny. until now. noone has ever recommended that Sarah see an slp
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:09:29 PM)
I will wait until i get the new tests...i need to confirm the tests last month due to some of the scores
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:09:34 PM)
Tricia had a speech teacher years ago but this ended when she started school
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:09:37 PM)
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:10:50 PM)
Marna, I know when we scheduled the chat, you were going to be on a tight schedule, so we do understand whenever you need to say goodnight..
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:11:17 PM)
I actually do have to go. Thank you again.
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:11:28 PM)
Thank you Marna!!!!!
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:11:29 PM)
goodnight marna
Marna (ID=36) (Jun 8, 2000 10:11:39 PM)
good night
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:12:12 PM)
Debbie how many children do you have
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:12:37 PM)
I have two little girls who are 7 and almost 9 and two step kids who are older...
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:12:55 PM)
I have 4 to
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:13:20 PM)
2 girls and two boys
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:13:32 PM)
Only two live here with step daugher lived with us a brief time..she's almost 22 my step son turned 24 yesterday
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:13:57 PM)
wow..big age
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:14:07 PM)
hubby is an older man! *LOL*
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:14:22 PM)
it all keeps my life interesting
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:14:30 PM)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:14:41 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:14:48 PM)
Tricia is going on 10 Jenny is 11 James is going on 9 and Michael is 5
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:14:53 PM)
hi Dorene!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:15:16 PM)
Hi debbie
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:15:34 PM)
You have your hands full Dorien!
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:15:41 PM)
hi dorene
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:15:49 PM)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:15:52 PM)
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:16:02 PM)
Hi Dorene
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:16:07 PM)
my two are a handful!! *especially the younger one*
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:16:22 PM)
with the many different theories out there about causes of capd, which one(s) do you think apply to your child?
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:16:47 PM)
I can not wait until next year the school gets all 4 of them
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:17:12 PM)
i have purposely seen audiologists who view capd from a different approach so that i can get an overall approach.
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:17:34 PM)
my son had chronic fluid in his ears
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:17:59 PM)
In all honesty, the person I trust the most when it comes to capd and understanding test scores and what's going on with my daughter is Dr J
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:18:52 PM)
I should try to get on when Dr. J is on
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:19:05 PM)
so did my son...from 6mos until tubes in his ears @ 11mos...i think that made the capd worse..i think it was already there, but it may not have gotten this severe if not for the ear thoughts anyways..also hubby had some reading problems so that could be it too
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:19:36 PM)
Dr J was scheduled to be in the chat next Wednesday, but will be unable to be with he will be in the chat the following Wednesday instead!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:19:48 PM)
my son had tubes 7 times he is now almost 13
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:20:04 PM)
he is on every other Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 10 am
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:20:05 PM)
wow..we only had to do it once thankfully
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:20:10 PM)
Thanks for the info Debbie
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:20:34 PM)
you are welcome Dorien
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:20:40 PM)
usually once or twice is the norm
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:20:45 PM)
we never did do tubes....
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:21:08 PM)
i have to make a phone call..will be back in a moment
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:21:28 PM)
I have to get going as I have to be up at 4 :30
carol (ID=31) (Jun 8, 2000 10:21:29 PM)
i have to go...thanks for the chat...cya later
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:21:34 PM)
my son couldn't talk so anyone could understand him he started to use hand gestures
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:22:10 PM)
after the tubes he called me by my first name it surprised me
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:22:34 PM)
I know what you are going through as my son just had tubes
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:22:48 PM)
how old is he?
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:23:19 PM)
he is only 5 but he may have lost some of his hearing
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:24:22 PM)
my son showed some loss on a test but now it is fine so don't be upset
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:24:41 PM)
I'm not
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:24:56 PM)
Im back..thank you for being patient
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:25:00 PM)
I have been through to much
Dorien (ID=32) (Jun 8, 2000 10:25:55 PM)
Good night
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:26:09 PM)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:26:14 PM)
do you know anything about reevaluations and my rights as a parent?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:26:34 PM)
I just had my daughter reevaluated but i went private for most of it
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:26:53 PM)
did the school pay?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:27:27 PM)
at the beginning of the last school year, i did request that the school do a reevaluation using the wisc III and the Woodcock Johnson.....
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:27:49 PM)
I did not ask the school to pay, since i had the initial capd test done private also
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:28:45 PM)
doesn't the wisc have verbal testing
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:28:57 PM)
I still dont think the school realizes that Sarah has a problem..she is on the A/B honor roll....but she works very hard to be there
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:29:12 PM)
i mean instructions
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:29:21 PM)
yes it does.....but since that is what the school originally used two years ago, i wanted a guideline to go by
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:29:33 PM)
i understand
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:29:44 PM)
according to the school testing my daughter is perfectly normal
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:29:49 PM)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:30:04 PM)
they tell me that they never change so ther is no reason to retest
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:30:11 PM)
of course they are the only ones who think that
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:30:41 PM)
that is not true...results do results i have right now are night and day from what i had 2 years ago............
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:31:00 PM)
some for the good..some ..oh areas to focus on
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:31:09 PM)
thats what i was wondering
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:31:39 PM)
if the school is doing there job and are offering remeadiation for your child. and the results do not change, then the remeadiation they are offereing is not's not working!!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:32:13 PM)
thank you my thoughts exactly!!!
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:32:36 PM)
The whole goal of remeadiation is to help the child overcome the learning disability!!!! what do they have for goals on your IEP?
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:32:45 PM)
i don't think they are remediating
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:33:04 PM)
in class support
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:33:08 PM)
Get a copy of your procedural safegards or call the school board, without identifying yourself, and ask what the policy is...
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:33:35 PM)
resource room for reading and language
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:33:46 PM)
same's my school has offered this last year (after some parental persuasion) a pull out reading program and an FM
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:33:49 PM)
speech 1 time a week
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:34:07 PM)
Sarah has NEVER qualified for speech or language.....
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:34:32 PM)
she's always scored ONE point too high
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:34:59 PM)
my son is two years behind in expressive language according to IEP
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:35:18 PM)
im sure testing will show more
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:36:20 PM)
write a letter to the school requesting they reevaluate your son....carbon copy the letter to the teacher, guidance counselor, principal and whoever else you need to...if you are working with any type of parent advocate, carbon copy it to them also or your aud
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:36:54 PM)
it doesnt hurt to hand deliver the letter or mail return receipt requested....=)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:37:34 PM)
I wrote the CST a letter and hand delivered it but she is not happy
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:37:44 PM)
does that matter? *LOL*
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:06 PM)
should have seen the look on my ESE rep's face when I pulled out a tape about not happy!!!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:08 PM)
she set a meeting for the 16th but i think she is stalling
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:20 PM)
you are in NY right?
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:26 PM)
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:40 PM)
ok..i may have been confusing you with dorien
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:43 PM)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:38:50 PM)
thats okay
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:39:01 PM)
let me look at something real you have a parent advocate?
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:39:40 PM)
no but i left my number on an 800 i think it was SPAN
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:40:34 PM)
I think there is an advocacy program in NJ that focuses on autism, but helps with capd....
rose (ID=38) (Jun 8, 2000 10:40:46 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:40:52 PM)
hey rose!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:41:43 PM)
my son has been diagnosed wirh tourettes but it is very mild
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:42:25 PM)
capd since he was 7
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:42:55 PM)
The ADD Action Group is a Non-profit national organization that helps people
find non-drug solutions for ADD, ADHD, Learning Differences, Dyslexia and
rose (ID=39) (Jun 8, 2000 10:43:20 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:43:30 PM)
thank you!
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:43:58 PM)
they are in ny but cover the northeast i believe
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:44:23 PM)
i will look into it
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:44:33 PM)
Milburn Free Public Library
200 Glen Ave
Milburn, NJ
(973)-376-1006 (for directions only)
(973)-731-2189 questions
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:44:51 PM)
there are also meetings in Princeton
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:45:02 PM)
we keep loosing rose
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:45:22 PM)
General Information (212)-769-2457
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:45:52 PM)
hope that helps or they can stir you in the right direction
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:47:09 PM)
thank you i need to talk to someone soon i can't believe some of the things this woman has said to me i wish i had taped her
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:47:52 PM)
notify the school ahead of time 2 to 3 days in writing that you will be taping the's the best thing i ever did
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:48:15 PM)
were they hostile towards you
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:49:58 PM)
the teacher thought it was a riot...she's so funny...the ESE lady was a bit hostile ...when she refused to let me tape the first meeting because i hadnt notified ahead of time i asked her to document the refusal fo rmy records..she wasnt a happy camper...
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:50:40 PM)
but what matters to me is getting sarah help..not making past the nice little mom stage who takes what the school says for gospel
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:51:24 PM)
they know when i come to a meeting i have my ducks in a row...its nothing personal....i have a job to not only sarah's her only advocate
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:51:27 PM)
good for you I am on a mission now and all her intimidation won't stop me
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:52:06 PM)
good for you!! im so proud of you!!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:52:07 PM)
I just wish I did it years ago
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:53:05 PM)
so do i..but what is important now is the past is the past...we cant change it..we have to look towards what we can do to improve our childs future...
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:53:46 PM)
yes thank you
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:53:53 PM)
that's why im not so concerned about the cause of capd...although i know it's important research and im happy there are people doing the research..but what concerns me is what to do to help ensure a prosperous future..
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:54:20 PM)
sorry......stepping off that perverbial soap box.....sometime i get carried away....cant help myself
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:54:40 PM)
have you tried fast forward?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:54:52 PM)
yes we did FFW last fall......
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:55:08 PM)
any improvements?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:55:18 PM)
and i think it helped sarah....we did ffw at the same time that we started using the FM trainer.....
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:55:43 PM)
it was beneficial for sarah.....and i do think it is a good program
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:55:48 PM)
did you do it on your own or thru the school?
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:56:10 PM)
i've done everything pretty much on my own!!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:56:41 PM)
did she object to the two hours a day
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:57:22 PM)
some days she did...i broke it up and did part in the morning and part at night and used incentives to keep her going
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:58:04 PM)
that was a good idea i would like to do it over the summer
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:58:30 PM)
hes too tired after school
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:58:37 PM)
i made the mistake of doing it during soccer season..i about drove myself nuts!!!
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 10:59:03 PM)
my 3 kids all play soccer it gets crazy i know
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 10:59:35 PM)
soccer 4 nights a week....ffw 5 days a week..working full time...and double soccer games on sat.... i was an insane woman! i wish i had waited til summer
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 11:00:06 PM)
did an audiologist monitor her
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 11:00:23 PM)
progress i mean
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 11:00:29 PM)
no..i did the program at home....i got her results once a week or so from an slp
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 11:02:13 PM)
make sure that your slp or aud is active in monitoring the program....i got reports when i asked for them.....find out what type of feedback you should expect...
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 11:02:39 PM)
i really enjoyed chatting with and appreciate the information you gave me husband is calling me to look at something he did so I have to go
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 11:02:55 PM)
ok..have a great night.and i've enjoyed the chat too
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 11:03:13 PM)
Dorene (ID=37) (Jun 8, 2000 11:03:16 PM)
good night talk to you soon
debbie (ID=35) (Jun 8, 2000 11:03:39 PM)
sounds good..goodnight