yomammyrr (ID=0) (Jul 13, 2000 10:13:06 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:02:12 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:08:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:09:17 PM)
hi there!

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:10:11 PM)
Hello Debbie. How are you?

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:10:43 PM)
I'm doing great..just got home from the swim pool

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:11:18 PM)
That's sounds like it was fun

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:11:52 PM)
It was..the girls are on swim team....I have to put conditioner in the little one's hair...can you wait here just a sec?

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:12:01 PM)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:12:31 PM)
thanks..be right back

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:17:34 PM)
Debbie I will be right back

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:20:56 PM)
I am back

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:21:36 PM)
i am too i put some oil caps in her hair

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:22:15 PM)
What are oil caps?

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:22:24 PM)
I"m a bit surprised there are not more people here

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:22:42 PM)
they are a conditioning capsule..they are like a gel cap with a conditioning oil in them

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:22:53 PM)
Both of the girls are getting dry hair from the pool

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:23:15 PM)
I am surprised too.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:23:44 PM)
I think with it being summer it is just slow....

Stephanie (ID=3) (Jul 13, 2000 9:23:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:23:51 PM)
My daughter has very dry hair normally. She hates having it combed out after the bath.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:23:54 PM)
It's so nice out..

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:24:05 PM)
Hello Stephanie.

Stephanie (ID=3) (Jul 13, 2000 9:24:14 PM)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:24:37 PM)
my girls do too..with these caplets it combs out easy and they have thick hair

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:24:37 PM)
hi Stephanie!

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:24:57 PM)
Where do you get the caplets?

Stephanie (ID=3) (Jul 13, 2000 9:25:13 PM)
Hi Debbie ... I'm kind of new, I've just been here once

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:25:32 PM)
Stephanie so have I.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:26:10 PM)
i bought them at walmart..they are for dry or permed hair but i use them for the girls

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:26:18 PM)
i hope we didnt scare her off

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:26:30 PM)
I hope so too

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:27:17 PM)
they come in a little round container about 3/4 " tall and are blue if that helps..i dont remember what the name of them is

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:27:46 PM)
Thanks for the info

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:05 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:11 PM)
when does school start for you

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:19 PM)
We start Sept 5

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:23 PM)
welcome back stephanie..we were hoping we hadnt scared you off

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:30 PM)
we go back to school on aug 15

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:40 PM)
oops, I tried closing the window to your website ... I guess you can't do that

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:53 PM)
I am a bit concerned with the school that my son will be attending.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:59 PM)
no you have to keep the window open

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:28:59 PM)
hi Mike!

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:29:07 PM)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:29:29 PM)
I'm very concerned about next year too..for some reason i have a feeling this is going to be a rough year

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:30:00 PM)
Debbie, what grade is your Sarah going into?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:30:07 PM)
I'm mom to a Sarah too.

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:30:13 PM)
My son is going back to the school that he attended Childfind the first year. We had a lot of regression during that period.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:30:14 PM)
She's going into 1st

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:30:24 PM)
every year of is a tough year at school

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:31:02 PM)
Sarah is going into 4th grade

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:31:19 PM)
i miss school'

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:31:25 PM)
tiggerlyss, your son is going back to a school where he had a rough time?

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:31:51 PM)
I think the reason im so reluctant is this last year Sarah had such a wonderful teacher, I hate getting a new teacher

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:32:15 PM)
Yes. We were at our home school for one year. Then the Childfind program moved into a different school. My son bloomed last year.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:32:52 PM)
why does he have to return to that school? i dont understand

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:33:47 PM)
im interested in what becomes of these children in the adolescent and young adult period of life?

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:33:48 PM)
My son will be entering Kindergarten this year. Since he is no longer delayed in two or more areas he will not be in a special program.

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:34:36 PM)
I was a sixth grade teacher. I have seen the good and the bad of these kids in teaching. A lot has to do with their support network.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:34:40 PM)
Mike I"m not that far with Sarah yet...Im trying so hard to help her build a solid foundation now and catch her up so that later down the road we dont compound the problems

LCummings (ID=6) (Jul 13, 2000 9:35:28 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:35:43 PM)
I found I had alot of support from the teacher but not neccessarily the school board

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:35:54 PM)
i know my problems would have turned me inside out in school

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:04 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:07 PM)
hi LCummings! Happy you could join us tonight

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:15 PM)
hi Laurie c

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:24 PM)
Hi Debbie.......I finally got in!

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:33 PM)

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:43 PM)
i thought dr j was in on these things

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:57 PM)
What's everyone talking about?

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:36:57 PM)
I have had similar problems. I am going to be going in for a fight soon for reevaluations.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:37:06 PM)
Dr J is in the chat every other Wednesday morning from 8:15 to 9:30 am

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:37:39 PM)
i didn't get a mesage this week so i didn't know about it

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:38:45 PM)
Debbie.....I've had trouble getting into your site from your email links. Anyone else reported problems?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:08 PM)
i emailed dr j about my dr and he never emailed me back

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:27 PM)
I think Dr. J may be on vacation

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:45 PM)
I posted to the CAPD list and got one of those automated "I'm away for a while" messages.

debbie (ID=1) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:52 PM)
sorry..i had to finish one of the girls hair

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:56 PM)
ohhh i saw that but he emailed the list the other day

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:57 PM)
I had had one problem, but I can't tell if it's there anymore since I use the bookmark

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:39:59 PM)
Said he was gone until August

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:40:00 PM)
He posted a note to the list today, so I think hes back.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:40:13 PM)
Oh, OK

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:40:52 PM)
I'm still waiting to find out whether my daughter has some form of CAPD. Until two months ago, I'd never HEARD of it.

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:41:31 PM)
Hang in there Steph.....we've been there.

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:41:36 PM)
he said that maybe what i have is actually central auditory disorder and not capd

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 9:41:59 PM)
What's the difference

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:42:38 PM)
I was wondering what the difference is too.

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:42:42 PM)
he said that the capd kids actually hear what is said and could repeat it but it doesn't sink in i don't hear things

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:43:03 PM)
Yo......then your issue is more related to actual hearing loss?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:43:27 PM)
no i had a braininsult or injury due to a tumor

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:43:58 PM)
So Mike, it is not CAPD if it was caused by an injury?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:44:34 PM)
capd can be caused by an injury my aud's at the mayo clinic all say capd

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:44:38 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:44:42 PM)
I see......someone talked about this issue on the list recently. I think it was when the new guy named Mike A joined the list. Dr. J posted a response to him. I think he had a brain injury too.

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:44:55 PM)
thats me

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:45:05 PM)
sorry about that..i lost my screen for a minute

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:45:13 PM)
no prob

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:45:22 PM)
Ahhhh.....Yo.......you ARE Mike, right?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:45:33 PM)
in the digital flesh

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:45:41 PM)

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:46:17 PM)
Have you talked much with Graeme AKA Dolfrog? He is an adult CAPD. I think there are several on the list.

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:46:35 PM)
*bows catching flowers and things thrown from the peanut gallery*

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:46:47 PM)
Graeme just set up a web page/support group for adults with CAPD

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:46:50 PM)
Mike is in a good mood tonight! *L*

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:47:09 PM)
Debbie......how's things going with your daughter ?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:47:19 PM)
im always in a good mood i have emailed dolfrog much

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:47:41 PM)
It's going pretty good....but im dreading the beginning of the school year

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:48:04 PM)
I haven't been able to chat since her re-eval in FL. How'd it go?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:48:11 PM)
Is 4th grade a tough year, Debbie?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:48:18 PM)
did anyone read my post on coping stratetgies and rehabilitation

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:48:50 PM)
I hear 3rd is a pivotal year. Tough.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:48:50 PM)
We had to redo the reeval..but Im encouraged by the progress..i think it's really confirmed what's going on wiht her

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:49:27 PM)
I didn't read that post yet, Mike :-)

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:49:31 PM)
Mike.......I think I did, but I'll have to re-read it.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:49:54 PM)
So Sarah's made progress since her last eval?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:49:58 PM)
i had expected more responce from that one.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:50:02 PM)
3rd grade is a pivitol and we came through ok...i think this year we are going to start changing classes during the day

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:50:31 PM)
sometimes it takes people a while to respond, Mike. Like me. Sometimes it takes several days for me to catch up on e-mail

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:50:50 PM)
That's a big transition time, Debbie!

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:50:50 PM)
In some areas her scores were a bit higher like back ground noise discrimination and such..but she's still showing an integration deficit

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:50:59 PM)
i lose interest in threads quikly

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:51:05 PM)
what is integration deficit?

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:51:08 PM)
Mike......sometimes the list is dead for days.......then all of a sudden, wham.......tons of posts.

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:51:36 PM)
i have noticed same with bh

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:52:06 PM)
Debbie.......which areas of integration? Language?

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:52:10 PM)
Sarah uses an FM trainer and im wondering if that is going to become a problem with more than one teacher

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:52:28 PM)
her right ear is processing much more than her left ear is

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:52:42 PM)
the fm deal is troubling me with my stuff it would just make it too loud

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:52:55 PM)
why would the teachers have a problem with the fm trainer?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:52:59 PM)
my left does much better than my right

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:53:04 PM)
Debbie......my son's left ear is really problematic too. We are going to try an overhead soundfield system this yr.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:54:15 PM)
Stephanie I'm not sure why they should have trouble with it...I may be borrowing trouble..but nothing I've done with the school has been easy so far

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:54:20 PM)
Anyone read the April 2000 edition of Hearing Review? They had a good balanced article on the pros/cons of soundfield systems.

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 9:54:22 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:54:30 PM)
last year, Sarah's principal propsed putting an auditory trainer on her, without even having had a CAPD eval!!! I started reading and learned that, not only do we not even KNOW yet whether background noise is an issue ... but this device could damge a child's hearing if nout used under expert advice. Am I right?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:54:36 PM)
Hi Sonja :-)

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 9:54:54 PM)
Hello All

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:55:19 PM)
hi sonja! How are you tonight

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:55:20 PM)
yes stepn

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:55:46 PM)
Hi Sonja. Yes Steph.......I would think a professional eval would be a MUST!

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:55:56 PM)
Laurie I did not see that...how do you get the magazine?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:56:00 PM)
find a good aud

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 9:56:18 PM)
Okay, I have been on the list for a few weeks, this is my first time in the chat.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:56:24 PM)
Steph you dont want a child to become dependent on an FM trainer if they do not need hone

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:56:27 PM)
oops one

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
hey idid not type audiologist i typed "aud"

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:02 PM)
Sonja we are happy to have you join us. do you have a child with CAPD?

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:07 PM)
it did it again

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:12 PM)
mike it is a typing shortcut i put in the chat

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:19 PM)

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:21 PM)
there are several of them

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:40 PM)
i have used chatrooms in the past with a filter like that

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 9:57:51 PM)
I have not had my son (5) formally tested. DX right now is mild PDD-NOS but I am highly suspect as

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:58:25 PM)
PDD-nos what is that exactly

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 9:58:25 PM)
all issues are language / speech related and his social issues have really remediated over the last year.

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 9:58:35 PM)
I've learned so much from the list. Like.......school staff should NOT be diagnosing CAPD, ADD, etc unless they are a specialist in that area. In my district, we don't have school audiologist.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:58:42 PM)
Pervasive Developmental Disorder ...

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:58:47 PM)
Not Otherwise Specified

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:59:05 PM)

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:59:19 PM)
If they don't have an audiologist, they have to pay for an outside evalution if your child needs it

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:59:26 PM)
I just went through that

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 9:59:28 PM)
is that classically refered to as a LD

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 9:59:43 PM)
PDD is a mild form of autism, I understand

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
is that right?

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:00:11 PM)
Yes, but my son does not fit the bill

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:00:30 PM)
You don't agree with the PDD diagnosis?

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 10:00:34 PM)
It is. At first that wa what mys on had. But now it is CAPD with sensory defensiveness

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 10:00:37 PM)
i find these issues of child hood disorders so fascinating

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:00:49 PM)
Do you think maybe he has an auditory processing problem and they misdiagnosed him?

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:11 PM)
anyone in here from Deleware?????

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:18 PM)
Its means they cannot classify a child as clinically autistic, but they display some of the symptoms of autism, no I don't agree....

tiggerlyss (ID=2) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:23 PM)
No but close Maryland

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:24 PM)

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:30 PM)
I'm from Virginia

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:31 PM)
I do think its a misdiagnosis.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:01:45 PM)
this just came through my email..... The Delaware Supreme Court upheld a finding that lay advocates who represent parents in Delaware special education due process hearings are engaged in the unauthorized practice of law (UPL).

yomammyrr (ID=5) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:05 PM)
gtg cya next time

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:06 PM)
I think "experts" HIGHLY underrate our knowledge and instincts as parents

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:14 PM)
bye Mike!

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:18 PM)
bye bye Mike

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:30 PM)
Hugs, Sonja. I went through something similar.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:41 PM)
that copied over horrible..let me try that again

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:02:44 PM)
BRB ... I have diaper situation here

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:03:27 PM)
The Delaware Supreme Court upheld a finding that lay advocates who represent parents in Delaware special education due process hearings are engaged in the unauthorized practice of law (UPL).

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:03:55 PM)
back ... my baby was already falling asleep, and I neevr wake a sleeping baby

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:03:58 PM)
It is so frustrating dealing with all the "experts" who give sometimes conflicting diagnoses.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:04:00 PM)
Stephanie I agree with you. about being underestimated

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:04:12 PM)
what does that mean "lay advocates" - like parent representatives?

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:04:30 PM)
like parents representing other parents

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:04:32 PM)
That is so true, Laurie

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:04:35 PM)
Debbie......that's interesting. Lay advocates practicing law?

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:04:59 PM)
this came through on the wrightslaw...let' me get the whole story

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:05:14 PM)
Stephanie what was your misdiagnosis?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:05:38 PM)
We had my daughter Sarah evaluated for her speech and motor problems at a big teaching hospital ...

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:05:51 PM)
I get www.wrightslaw.com too. It is a great resource.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:05:54 PM)
this is the website http://www.wrightslaw.com/law/caselaw/DE_arons.htm

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:07:12 PM)
a developmental ped. saw her for about an hour, after Sarah had been in evaluations all day and was tired and VERY overstimulated, and threw a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome on her ... it's a form of PDD, and is sometimes called high functioning autism. We didn't even find out about this diagnosis until months later, and there were inaccuracies in the report. It was awful :-(

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:07:34 PM)
Stephanie that is horrible

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:08:41 PM)
I did the reading on Asperger's......I read all the info when we got Joe's diagnosis.....but he is in such a narrow range of behaviors.....and they all can equally tie back to auditory issues.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:08:45 PM)
I can't believe the way some "competent" professionals practice :-(

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:09:05 PM)
That makes sense, Sonja

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:09:31 PM)
Is Joe going to get an audiologist's eval? Or a second opinion on the PDD thing?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:09:48 PM)
I do think some of the "autistic" behaviors can be explained by CAPD ...

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:09:54 PM)
judging from what I have read.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:10:00 PM)
There is so much confusion over capd...even amongst professionals due to the lack of research. Many clinics are doing research on CAPD now, but that wont help us now...but it will help those to come after us.

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:10:03 PM)
Steph......I have a friend with a child DX as AS. Have you ever read the DSM IV manual listing the symptoms? Almost ALL kids show 1 or 2 of the behaviors. It 's when they show multiple symptoms that AS is suspected I think.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:11:08 PM)
So knowledge about CAPD is just emerging?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:11:26 PM)
I have read those, Laurie, though I don't remember them all

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:11:35 PM)
I will take him for an audiological evaluation when he turns 6 in the fall. Yes, Laurie, the DSM IV applies to almost all kids....AS is very specific, its primary symptom is no social skills.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:11:53 PM)
there is alot of research going on right now stephanie.....Experts still dont agree on what is or is not capd...and some are using the capd as a label

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:12:00 PM)
Sarah does have things like unusual intonation in her speech, and poor eye contact

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:12:16 PM)
I've already noticed that about CAPD ... it's very confusing!

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:12:43 PM)
Like my post the other day about "Is auditory memory or is it not part of CAPD" LOL

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:13:04 PM)
Debbie.......did you see my post to the list today under FFWD-My Story? I talk about this confusing issue of no consensus of what CAPD is.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:13:20 PM)
until the experts can come to an agreement on what is and is not capd it's hard for parents to understand. that's why as parents we have to force our aud and slp to be accountable for their diagnoses by asking questions and demanding answers

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:13:33 PM)
No, I haven't read todays posts yet ... I look forward to reading that, Laurie

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:13:37 PM)
i have not had a chance to read it yet Laurie..i'm been out of the house and busy most of the day

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:13:39 PM)
Joe has poor eye contact. But I think its part of a lack social skills that are an offshoot from his language deficits!

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:14:06 PM)
That makes sense, Sonja. And is part of the eye contact thing related to their age, I wonder?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:14:18 PM)
Joe is 5, right? And Sarah just turned 6.

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:15:01 PM)
My son, now 7, used to have worse eye contact. I always thought it was due to poor social skills due to language deficits. He was just so shy when someone spoke to him. He would look away or down.

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:15:12 PM)
I think it is age related. Yes Joe is 5 and will be 6 in the fall.

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:15:42 PM)
I find all this VERY confusing

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:15:44 PM)
Joe looks at you and then looks away. We made a hand signal. I touch my nose and he looks at that.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:16:12 PM)
Stephanie it is confusing...hang in there!!

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:16:45 PM)
For instance when I was first introduced to the term auditory processing, by Sarah's IEP team ... I couldn't understand how she can have auditory processing problems, when she scored above age level on tests of receptive language skills ...

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:16:49 PM)
Its frustrating. But someone said attack the symptoms....who cares what causes it. But the method of

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:17:02 PM)
attack, has to be dictated by the nature of the problem

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:17:03 PM)
I keep telling Dr J the more I learn the more questions I have...the more questions I have the more confused I am..so am I really learning anything?

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:17:07 PM)
I am beginning to see how APDs and language are related to slightly different things, but I still don't quite understand

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:17:44 PM)
Sonja, that's a great idea...

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:18:09 PM)
touching your nose to remind Joe to look at your face

Sonja (ID=9) (Jul 13, 2000 10:18:17 PM)
I know what you mean Debbie. When I took my son for his evaluation...I said well now will find out what is going on. Its been one frustrating and emotion roller coaster since then.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:18:28 PM)
Sonja let me use my daughter as an example..if i can explain this right *crossing my fingers*....................

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:18:53 PM)
I am having a TOUGH time with that with Sarah, getting her to look at the person to whom she is speaking, and not talk to you as she's wandering out of the room. LOL

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:19:20 PM)
We dont know what caused Sarah's capd...

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:20:28 PM)
we know she has trouble in areas of short term memory....she was having trouble in decoding and discriminating sounds in background noise..now she is having trouble with competing noises...etc.....

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:21:25 PM)
although we dont know what caused the capd we now that these troubles are related to an integration deficit that needs to be addressed.....

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:21:44 PM)
not worrying about the cause but the underlying factor leading to the deficits

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:22:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:22:17 PM)
so the integration deficit is her not being able to integrate the noise coming into her left ear with the noise coming into her right ear?

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:22:19 PM)
Hi - Sorry I got bounced there

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:22:32 PM)
I hate it when that happens

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:23:21 PM)
Boy Debbie......that seems to be the buzz word : "underlying factors leading to the deficit" My audiologist used what Dr. J called a test battery approach, so I'm kinda in left field trying to figure it out.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:24:17 PM)
yes stephanie that is part of it.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:24:25 PM)
i wish i knew how to explain this well

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:24:52 PM)
Laurie you can tell i've spent alot of time talking to dr j..*LOL*

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:24:58 PM)
is it related to sensory integration?

LaurieC (ID=7) (Jul 13, 2000 10:25:15 PM)
Girls.......I have to run for a few minutes and give the kids a shower. I hope to come back if possible.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:25:24 PM)
ok Laurie..

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:25:40 PM)
bye for now, Laurie

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:25:40 PM)
I'll see if i can get an aud in here next week to talk to us

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:25:51 PM)
that would be great :-)

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:26:03 PM)
Sarah's audiological eval. Is July 24

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:26:16 PM)
Bye Laurie.

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:26:21 PM)
stephanie dr j will be in the chat next wednesday morning too!

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:26:44 PM)
what time wed morning?

Patty (ID=11) (Jul 13, 2000 10:26:50 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:04 PM)
Hi Patty

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:05 PM)
hi Patty...

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:11 PM)
Hi Patty

Stephanie (ID=4) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:11 PM)
I'll be back in a few minutes

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:19 PM)
ok stephanie

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:28 PM)
how are you tonight Patty?

Patty (ID=11) (Jul 13, 2000 10:27:34 PM)
Hello everyone

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:28:19 PM)
it got quiet in here!

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:28:41 PM)
Debbie I missed your explanation of Sarah's difficulties....but I got the idea that it is somewhere in the field of sensory integration

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:29:33 PM)
not really sensory integration...but similar....does not involve the other senses..not sure how to explain....

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:31:00 PM)
I have to go back and read over reports..sometimes i get lost but im trying so hard to understand

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:31:28 PM)
How old is your daughter

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:32:53 PM)
my daughter just turned 9

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:33:19 PM)
there are a few Patty's that join us from time to time..which Patty do we have the pleasure of having with us tonight?

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:33:36 PM)
When was she tested?

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:34:04 PM)
Sarah was originally diagnosed in April of 1998 and was reevauated this summer

Patty (ID=11) (Jul 13, 2000 10:34:44 PM)
the mom of a 10 year old CAPD son

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:35:05 PM)
when do you go back to school patty?

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:35:42 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:35:48 PM)
What have you tried in the past two years?

Patty (ID=11) (Jul 13, 2000 10:35:51 PM)
the Wed. after labor day

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:35:54 PM)
at the beginning of the school year i am going to request another reeval from the school as far as their general testing goes..

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:36:41 PM)
Sonja for the first 1 1/2 years I did not know there was remeadiation available, I was under the impression you managed and coped...this last fall we did FFW and started using an FM trainer

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:37:23 PM)
Wow! Did your school district help? (I dont know if that deserves and LOL)

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:37:41 PM)
not really

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:38:10 PM)
What was your impression of FFW

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:38:31 PM)
i apologize, i just got a phone call and have to leave ...i will be back in about 20 to 30 min....

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:39:12 PM)
my friend just got locked out of her house and cant get in ....i'm so sorry. i have the only other key to her house...

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:39:25 PM)
Okay, good luck

debbie (ID=8) (Jul 13, 2000 10:39:32 PM)
i'll hurry!!

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:39:42 PM)
bye for now

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:40:35 PM)
Sonja, what types of auditory processing problems is Joe having?

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:41:02 PM)
Well....its sort of a compendium of alot of things.

Dianne M (ID=13) (Jul 13, 2000 10:41:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:41:36 PM)
Hi Dianne

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:43:26 PM)
First all testing shows definite receptive language deficiencies and significant expressive delays as well. He has auditory sensitivities, covers his ears in certain loud environments. Cannot really follow directions in a loud environment but can one on one. He definitely misses sound and often will only respond to one word in a question.

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:44:01 PM)
That does sound VERY much like CAPD doesn't it?

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:44:25 PM)
What a relief it would be for you to have a real answer

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:44:42 PM)
i think the PPD diagnosis stinks, that's become such a catch-all!

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:44:52 PM)
My thoughts exactly. Joe is also very literal....which seems to be part of the whole CAPD mix

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:45:33 PM)
Like he doesn't understand plays on words/

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:45:37 PM)

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:45:47 PM)
One person I spoke with, said they thought in 50 years, it will be similar to "possessed by demons" is today!

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:46:38 PM)
Right! We were just on vacation and a kid asked Joe how long he could hold his breath underwater and Joe said 15 feet!

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:47:06 PM)
I wonder ...

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:47:31 PM)
is part of the thinking literally thing related to Joe's age ... especially if his language skills are a little behind?

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:47:41 PM)
I read somewhere ..

ncz/Texas (ID=14) (Jul 13, 2000 10:48:43 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:48:53 PM)
that the level of abstract thinking required to understand things like puns emerges kind of late. That author said "Puns may be the lowest form of humor, but they represent the highest form of intelligence" LOL

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:49:18 PM)
So I'm thinking maybe literal thinking is common at this young age

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:49:27 PM)
hi nCZ

ncz/Texas (ID=14) (Jul 13, 2000 10:49:53 PM)
hi everyone--what's new?

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:50:22 PM)
Hi ncz ... i think I recognize your user name from the capd list

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:50:24 PM)
Possibly, but Joe has a younger sister ....and I think she understands words can have two meanings.

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:50:31 PM)
are you don zimmerman?

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:50:42 PM)
hmmmmm ...

ncz/Texas (ID=14) (Jul 13, 2000 10:50:56 PM)
that's my husband.

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:51:11 PM)
But she may be a bit advanced for her age. (Lifes ironies!)

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:51:37 PM)
Oh, OK :-)

ncz/Texas (ID=14) (Jul 13, 2000 10:51:40 PM)
I use his e-mail address

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:51:47 PM)
yes, she might be

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:52:07 PM)
there is no reason to think Joe is not very bright

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:52:44 PM)
after all, think how much intelligence it takes just to cope with a language processing problem :-) He'll probably amaze you one of these days

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:53:57 PM)
Oh he is. That's whats so scary to me. I feel like I just can't let him get lost. His school evaluators where surprised to see he is already developing coping skills. Most of his abilities outside language test above average. His visual/spatial capabilities are in the 99 percentile.

ncz/Texas (ID=14) (Jul 13, 2000 10:54:27 PM)
Sonja--how old is your son?

Sonja (ID=10) (Jul 13, 2000 10:54:38 PM)
he will be 6 in the fall.

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 10:56:36 PM)
99th percentile, wow! Sonja I know exactly what you mean ... about being scared Joe and his gifts will get lost. i feel the same way about Sarah

Stephanie (ID=12) (Jul 13, 2000 11:00:23 PM)
ncz how old is your child? :-)

ncz/Texas (ID=14) (Jul 13, 2000 11:01:16 PM)
My son is now 11 years old. This summer he finished Fast Forward 1 in 3 weeks and is now doing Step Forward.

tiggerlyss (ID=15) (Jul 13, 2000 11:12:30 PM)
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debbie (ID=16) (Jul 13, 2000 11:20:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

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