debbie (ID=48) (Aug 29, 2000 8:05:54 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
CeCe (ID=49) (Aug 29, 2000 8:29:52 AM)
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CeCe (ID=52) (Aug 29, 2000 8:34:08 AM)
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debbie (ID=54) (Aug 29, 2000 8:37:31 AM)
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CeCe (ID=57) (Aug 29, 2000 8:47:42 AM)
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debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 8:50:18 AM)
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CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 8:56:51 AM)
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Bets (ID=59) (Aug 29, 2000 8:57:25 AM)
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debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 8:57:45 AM)
good morning!
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 8:58:29 AM)
Good Morning! I didn't think there would be a chat this morning.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:07 AM)
The chat with Dr J had to be postponed til next week due to schedule conflicts..but I thought I"d stop by and see if anyone came in
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:24 AM)
There is definitely a parent chat tonight at 9pm EST too!
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:49 AM)
I thought it was just me as we just entered the 21st century by getting a computer!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:00:24 AM)
some people are having trouble getting in the chat this morning too
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:00:34 AM)
How do you like your computer so far?
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:00:52 AM)
I will definately try to attend the meeting tonight. I saw the topic will be on strategies this coming school year.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:01:22 AM)
What grade is your child in?
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:02:05 AM)
My son is in the first grade. He will be turning 7 years old soon and was diagnosed with CAPD this past March.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:02:28 AM)
Is the school offering you any assistance?
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:03:02 AM)
Yes. I have to say that they are the ones who brought the problem to our attention during kindergarten of last year.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:03:24 AM)
that is great! may i ask where you are from?
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:03:44 AM)
I have read some of your sites past chats and I must be lucky. A lot of people seem to be having difficulty with their school sysytems
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:03:53 AM)
We're from Kentucky.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:04:49 AM)
Unfortunately alot of people do have trouble. I had alot of trouble at first, but now the school is much more cooperative with me
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:05:22 AM)
There still is definately some hesitation here as to whether or not CAPD exist. Some of the professionals say that it's the "flavor of the month". But the school still developed an IEP.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:06:55 AM)
It's not the flavor of the month =) CAPD is a real problem that affects many of our kids. That's one goal of the NCAPD is to bring about a public awareness of CAPD and to help "define" it.
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:07:28 AM)
I had never heard of CAPD before. I think it's like dyslexia was 20 years ago-just coming out in the open. People have to realize that medicine changes constantly and God only knows what we'll find out 20 years in the future.
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:08:05 AM)
The only person who was emphatic about CAPD was the audiologist that tested him. She was wonderful.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:08:33 AM)
That's exactly the case. It's going to take a public awareness to bring about attention. The problem is though, as with any "new" disorder, that we dont want the term to be used as a catch all either
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:09:35 AM)
He is a textbook case of CAPD. I read where you said that you would ask your daughter how her day at school was and she would respond with "I don't know, I don't remember." It was great to see that because that is exactly what I get from my son! It's like pulling teeth.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:10:27 AM)
I"ve found that if I ask more specific questions about what she did in Math, or Reading. she is able to answer much better. I try and break down everything for her now instead of asking general questions.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:10:44 AM)
by the way,,,,,,did you have any trouble accessing the chat this morning?
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:11:00 AM)
No, not at all.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:11:31 AM)
are you on AOL by chance?
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:11:42 AM)
I don't want to keep you this morning but if I could I would like to ask a question. Yes, I am on AOL.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:12:14 AM)
sure..go ahead and ask.....
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:13:06 AM)
There is A LOT of confusion concerning the FM System/whether to use it or not among EVERY professional. They all seem to have a different take on it/no consistency on opinion.
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:13:28 AM)
I realize it may be beneficial to some and not others.
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:14:36 AM)
The audiologist says my son's CAPD is significant. He has extreme trouble with auditory discrimination and she advised to have the FM system.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:14:48 AM)
On the FM system, it depends on what form of capd your child has....there are so many forms of daugher used the FM and it has been a great help to her...she had trouble with background discrimination
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:15:08 AM)
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:15:34 AM)
I really wanted to speak with someone who has actually used it.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:16:10 AM)
We didnt use the FM until Sarah 3rd grade, Sarah was diagnosed in 1st grade.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:16:24 AM)
Within the first day we saw a difference in her responses
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:18:05 AM)
His primary problem is with decoding. Many of them feel it would hurt him socially but my point is if he doesn't keep up he will be hurt long term. I told them that if they see him struggling (not failing) but struggling then we will need to meet and reevaluate.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:18:57 AM)
We began using the fm at the same time as we started FFW, As far as socially, it depends on how it's handled in the class. My daughter has been fortunate, not ONE student has every made fun of her for using the FM , They all know it helps her "hear"
CeCe (ID=60) (Aug 29, 2000 9:20:23 AM)
He is the first in this school to be officially diagnosed with CAPD and they seem receptive in using it (or so I'm told). It's just a matter of someone implementing it. And that someone I think will have to be me. They said they would make him a case study/ I think he would get a lot of attention if they're interested in doing that.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:21:53 AM)
one of the girls in my daughter's class stopped me the first day she used the fm trainer and told me how quick Sarah was to answer with the "hearing thing"....An 8 year old girl noticed the difference in two hours!!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:22:25 AM)
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debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:23:58 AM)
hi bets! I just emailed DEb!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:25:04 AM)
Am new to this....has taken me 45 minutes to get on!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:25:18 AM)
Deb is having trouble too....are you also on AOL?
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:26:12 AM)
(this is Deb's mom, right?)
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:26:32 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:26:49 AM)
No we don't....but we've had trouble in the past with our server. Will check later. yep, this is Deb's mom, Travis' gramma.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:26:49 AM)
welcome back CeCe
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:27:06 AM)
I'm trying to help Deb now. =)
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:27:27 AM)
Debbie, sorry about that. Didn't mean to be rude but my computer locked up. TECHNOLOGY-gotta love it!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:27:35 AM)
Has Deb been on at all??
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:27:58 AM)
Im talking to her on Instant messages on AOL. I"m having her try another digichat site
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:28:17 AM)
Hello Bets!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:28:29 AM)
Bets, Deb says hi!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:28:59 AM)
There normally is not this much trouble with getting in the chats. I'm so sorry !!!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:29:43 AM)
Hi you have a child with CAPD?
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:29:53 AM)
CeCe did you get the message about the girl in my daughter's class?
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:30:17 AM)
Since Sarah has started using her FM, there is now another little girl in her school using one too
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:30:19 AM)
Yes, I have a 7 yr.old son with it. Debbie, no I didn't.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:31:36 AM)
The first day Sarah started wearing her FM I went back to the school to have lunch with her because I wanted to see how she was doing. One of the little girls in her class stopped me and told me how quick Sarah was to answer now that she had that "hearing thing" An 8 year old noticed the difference in two hours!!!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:32:00 AM)
My grandson, Travis, is also 7. Are you beginning to see your son struggle in school?
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:32:12 AM)
The school only uses the FM system thus far for those children who are hearing impaired. They have never used it with a child with CAPD. That's why they are considering making my son a case study to see how it benefits CAPD children.
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:33:10 AM)
He does well in school but I do see that he's extremely tired and I'm sure he gets frustrated. So yes, in that respect I would say he's struggling.\
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:34:24 AM)
Debbie, that's great! I think kids at that age are more understanding than what we give them credit for sometime. The peer pressure starts a little bit later.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:34:27 AM)
I think that is wonderful, CeCe what I did not mention is that Sarah had major decoding trouble at one time too. When we recently had her reevaluated for the CAPD, she no longer showed that trouble. I dont know if it's the FM or the FFW. Personally I think it was the combination of the two.
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:35:31 AM)
Debbie & CeCe....have either of you heard of the research/study being conducted by Dr. Maxine Minto exploring a new form of Ritalin in a transdermal patch?
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:35:34 AM)
I'm not familiar with the FAST FORWARD but we did start the Earobics program-that's why we finally broke down and got this "wonderful"computer (ha!).
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:35:39 AM)
Alot of the acceptance of the CAPD (the FM) in the classroom will depend on how the teacher presents it to the class.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:35:56 AM)
Bets, Im not familiar with that at all. Can you tell us about it.
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:36:21 AM)
No, Bets I haven't. But I have been told that Ritalin doesn't have any effect on CAPD children.
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:37:44 AM)
We tried my son with Ritalin for a brief amount of time (early on when we thought it may be the ADD) but did ABSOLUTELY nothing for him so we took him off of it and told the pediatrician. This was before his CAPD diagnosis.
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:39:54 AM)
A display ad, appearing in the orlando Sentinel yesterday caught my eye....headline said, "Is Your Child Currently Taking Ritalin?" It went on to say....are you tired of having to remember to give your child their med every few you still see some of the 'ups and downs' in their behavior as the medication wears off? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your child may be eligible to participate in a research study being conducted by Dr. Minto exploring the transdermal patch. If your child is between 6 and 12 years old, contact Clinical Neuroscience Solutions to find out more about an 800 number and a website address:
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:41:04 AM)
hmmmmm....i'll check out that website....
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:42:02 AM)
The first day of school I received a note saying that he was mistakenly placed in the wrong class and that he was placed that day in a class so that he could be exposed to sign language. When I called the principle she said the SLP was emphatic that that was what we wanted. I told her that it wasn't on the IEP so I don't know how that could happen. This just shows you how new the CAPD is if even the SLP doesn't realize that sign language is irrelevant with these children.
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:42:38 AM)
You might want to call's toll free. Deb was also going to call.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:42:48 AM)
the website did not come up
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:44:06 AM)
I also had my daughter's class changed the first day of school. She was in a class that changed teachers throughout the day. Now she has one teacher all day, The school thought it would be easier for her with the FM
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:44:21 AM)
got the number Bets...thank you!
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:44:46 AM)
That's deja vous'!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:45:16 AM)
Debbie, sorry about the bad typing.....try
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:45:59 AM)
i'll try it.... i'm almost scared to tell deb at this point that i work for aol ...she's having alot of trouble getting in still
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:46:27 AM)
It's cns.....not cus
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:46:47 AM)
ok..i got the site to come up
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:47:05 AM)
CeCe..when do you think you'll get the FM?
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:47:11 AM)
My son is unfortunately is in a class that has several teachers-didn't find this out until the night before. We opted to keep him in it only because the teachers seem very receptive and highly recommended by previous parents. We'll have to just see how things go though.
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:48:12 AM)
We agreed to give him until the end of September and meet again. If at that time he seems to be struggling (if not before hand) we will incorporate the FM System into his IEP and begin at that time.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:48:24 AM)
does your son change classes or do the teachers change in the same class?
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:48:43 AM)
The teachers change within the room.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:49:42 AM)
then that may be to his's not hard to swap the mic from one teacher to another
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:49:51 AM)
Was Dr. J supposed to be on this chat?
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:50:36 AM)
Due to a schedule conflict, Dr J was unable to be in the chat this morning, but he will be here next Tuesday morning instead. This is the first week of classes at the University he teaches at.
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:52:39 AM)
Actually, glad to hear that.....Deb is so enthusiastic about this....she would have been bummed had she missed it. This site and all information gathered from it has been SOOOO helpful
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:52:39 AM)
Did you just get a message that the chat will be going down in 15 min?
CeCe (ID=64) (Aug 29, 2000 9:52:54 AM)
My 10 month old is sounding his alarm so he's letting me know that my time is up. I hate to leave. This was wonderful to be able to speak with someone who understands. Very few people understand and it seems that our extended family is in denial. Thanks so much Debbie-you have developed a wonderful service for us all! I will either see you tonight or next Tuesday. Goodluck Bets. Bye all!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:53:01 AM)
I've really enjoyed the times Deb and I have talked on the phone...
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:53:04 AM)
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:53:10 AM)
bye CeCe!!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:53:27 AM)
CeCe that is what this chat is all about!!
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:54:46 AM)
Bets, has Deb told you I dont live that far away from you all
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:54:51 AM)
Thanks Debbie....keep up the good work. Deb is certainly getting alot out of it and is most appreciative....thanks again.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:55:55 AM)
you are definitely welcome. The chat has helped me as much as everyone!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:56:39 AM)
Yes and I think it would be wonderful to meet....especially if you ever need help on the National coalition thing you've just gotten up and running. She will be eager to do anything she can for you....ditto me.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:57:15 AM)
I really appreciate the offer and I'm sure I can use the help! I just have to figure out exactly what I need help with first!!
Bets (ID=63) (Aug 29, 2000 9:57:25 AM)
Must run....but will join in again sometime.
debbie (ID=58) (Aug 29, 2000 9:57:37 AM)
bye bye..great meeting you!
debbie (ID=65) (Aug 29, 2000 10:07:28 AM)
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debbie (ID=67) (Aug 29, 2000 10:37:03 AM)
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kathe (ID=68) (Aug 29, 2000 10:41:10 AM)
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jim (ID=69) (Aug 29, 2000 8:25:26 PM)
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debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:38:14 PM)
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DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:40:13 PM)
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DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:41:41 PM)
Hi here yet? This is Deb...had to sign in with a different name...but at least I'M HERE YEEAAAAHHH!!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:42:30 PM)
hi there!
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:42:48 PM)
YIPPIE!!!! I got in!!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:42:54 PM)
I"m sorry I was looking over the website...I"m so so so so happy you made it in!! =)
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:43:05 PM)
did you reload aol?
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:43:18 PM)
Me too....did you do any checking w/ the server?
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:43:45 PM)
No, didn't reload it...emptied out a bunch of junk though!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:44:04 PM)
I spent part of the morning talking to the server...they are having some trouble...dont know what all is happening..i know i can't access transcripts or my ftp logs
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:44:41 PM)
give me a minute ok? got to do something quick before the chat starts
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:44:42 PM)
Hmmmmm...if the probs persist, may want to think of changing?
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:44:56 PM)
No problem, take all the time you need!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:50:01 PM) back...
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:50:38 PM)
I may have to consider changing. the chat server,,,but i like the controls that i have with this one and the idea of being able to archive the transcripts and put up my own banners
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:50:55 PM)
thanks again for all of your help this am....
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:51:20 PM)
You wouldn't get that w/ another server?
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:52:19 PM)
i dont know..i have to really look at other servers...
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:52:34 PM)
It would be awful not having the archives...I have read quite a few of them...many more to go! And the banners are nice too...keeps everyone up to date.
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:53:07 PM)
Any more news with NCAPD?
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:53:09 PM)
I'll do some checking around and see what i can find..but if i cant keep my transcripts i wont change
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:53:23 PM)
Don't blame you.
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:53:59 PM)
I worked on the bylaws quite a bit of today.....i've sent them to the other board of we have to set up a meeting to discuss them and projects and get started
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:54:27 PM)
Hip hip hooray! You must be so excited!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:54:46 PM)
my next formal step is to get my employer id bank account, the website and do the busniess plan
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:54:56 PM)
I am excited!!!
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:55:25 PM)
Like I said, let me know when I can do anything to help!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:55:46 PM)
I promise I will....I just have to figure out what I can have others help with for now.
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:56:04 PM)
because we are still getting's hard to know what to do
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:56:38 PM)
Once you get things straightened around, see how and where things will fit...I bet you'll find work for all of us!
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:57:29 PM)
I"m sure that I will...I can think of one thing off the bat, that would be a pretty good size project if you want to help.....
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:57:44 PM)
I agree...sometimes the organizing is the worst part...once you get past that, things will go smoothly...promise!
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:57:54 PM)
Sure, what is it?
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:58:11 PM)
i dont think the organizing would be so hard if i knew what i was doing for sure *L*
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:58:48 PM)
how would you feel about contacting the department of education for different states and requesting a copy of their ESE guidelines and having them sent to the PO Box
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:58:57 PM)
Once you get into it, you'll be able to see how to do things, set them up, etc...
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:27 PM)
I"ve had alot of wonderful people helping me so far =)
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:30 PM)
I will be glad to do that for you.
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:47 PM)
do you have the addy for the NCAPD? it's on the new website.
debbie (ID=70) (Aug 29, 2000 8:59:54 PM)
i have the florida guidelines...
DS (ID=72) (Aug 29, 2000 9:00:23 PM)
Don't think so...
debbie (ID=73) (Aug 29, 2000 9:03:03 PM)
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me (ID=75) (Aug 29, 2000 9:06:09 PM)
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debbie (ID=76) (Aug 29, 2000 9:10:20 PM)
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debbie (ID=80) (Aug 29, 2000 9:20:46 PM)
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Dorien (ID=84) (Aug 29, 2000 9:57:19 PM)
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debbie (ID=85) (Aug 29, 2000 10:06:55 PM)
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jim (ID=86) (Aug 29, 2000 10:17:16 PM)
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drewk (ID=87) (Aug 29, 2000 10:44:29 PM)
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drewk (ID=87) (Aug 29, 2000 10:45:24 PM)
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