benou (ID=104) (Sep 5, 2000 7:16:38 AM)
benou (ID=104) (Sep 5, 2000 7:16:57 AM)
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benou (ID=104) (Sep 5, 2000 7:16:57 AM)
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benou (ID=104) (Sep 5, 2000 7:17:03 AM)
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benou (ID=104) (Sep 5, 2000 7:17:03 AM)
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benou (ID=104) (Sep 5, 2000 7:18:01 AM)
is anyone here
benou (ID=105) (Sep 5, 2000 7:23:08 AM)
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benou (ID=105) (Sep 5, 2000 7:23:33 AM)
debbie? are you there
benou (ID=105) (Sep 5, 2000 7:24:02 AM)
it'smy first time and i am desperate to talk to someone
benou (ID=105) (Sep 5, 2000 7:24:15 AM)
i am from australia
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:16:01 AM)
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benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:16:59 AM)
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benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:17:18 AM)
hello it's me from australua
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:17:46 AM)
debbie are you there
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:19:14 AM)
can you read me
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:19:26 AM)
hi there!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:19:43 AM)
i'm sorry i was working on another program...How are you doing?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:20:20 AM)
well I have just found out that my son has a sever auditory figure ground descrimination
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:20:29 AM)
How old is he?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:20:38 AM)
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:20:54 AM)
what recommendations did the audiologist make for your son?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:21:18 AM)
classroom management
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:21:27 AM)
anything else?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:21:37 AM)
reducing classroom noise...
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:21:49 AM)
sitting in the front
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:22:07 AM)
teacher remaing in one place
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:22:15 AM)
did they make any recommendations for helping him learn to overcome this?
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:22:21 AM)
other than classroom?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:22:22 AM)
watch teacher face
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:22:41 AM)
no and thats whre i am lost
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:22:47 AM)
what about an FM trainer?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:23:01 AM)
didn't menton
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:23:40 AM)
he also has a short term memory span
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:23:43 AM)
DR J will be here in a few minutes....I used and FM with my daughter and she had trouble with background discrimination's really helped her..she dont have to concentrate as hard to understand.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:24:29 AM)
his speech noise ratio was
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:25:29 AM)
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debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:25:54 AM)
this sounds very familiar ...some of the same problems Sarah use to have
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:26:01 AM)
Deb!! is that you? you made it in?
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:26:06 AM)
Goodmorning everyone...hey, I made it Debbie!
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:26:18 AM)
in quiet 93%, +10db 50%,+5db 33% ,0db too dificult to test
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:26:36 AM)
well this all chinese to me
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:27:06 AM)
benou when dr j gets here..ask him if he thinks an FM may's new to all of us at first!! when my daughter was diagnosed i had no idea what auditory processing disorder was
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:27:13 AM)
we are having a meeting at school on thursday
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:27:17 AM)
Did you have a good weekend Deb?
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:27:28 AM)
how is your son doing in school benou?
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:27:52 AM)
Yes...went to Rennigers Sun. w/ my parents...MOM TIME!!! And you?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:27:53 AM)
he is having lots of probleme learning hao to ead
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:28:17 AM)
he is in grade one and they want him to reapet he can't cope with the work
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:28:23 AM)
i worked most of the weekend but enjoyed being at home yesterday with family
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:28:37 AM)
benou are they offering any extra assistance for him?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:28:39 AM)
i meant to say learning how to read
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:28:55 AM)
Same here...although I worked yesterday for a while...not bad though.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:29:07 AM)
well he is having remedial and goes down to prep for reading group
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:29:30 AM)
benou it is common for kids with auditory processing problems to have trouble reading....if they dont understand the sounds the letters make it's hard to read the letters and have them make sense
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:29:54 AM)
Deb, did you have any trouble getting in at all today?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:30:06 AM)
he also get very frustrated and misbehave
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:30:27 AM) son was having probs reading also...the letter sounds were not making sense to him...but, he is doing much better now.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:30:46 AM)
as long as we have hope...
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:30:50 AM)
does he misbehave only when he is frustrated? what I"m wondering is his misbehaving a way for him to get out of a frustrating situation
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:31:11 AM)
Debbie...NO, no problems getting on my 1st try...
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:31:21 AM)
yes I think so
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:31:24 AM)
benou there is hope! if we can pinpoint the way to help your son..they you will see a big difference
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:31:54 AM)
I have 5 kids and he is number 4
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:32:05 AM)
Debbie...hopefully, my Mom will make it in today too.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:32:15 AM)
so it's not so simple to keep the noise down at home
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:32:32 AM)
it's human nature for anyone in a frustrating situation to try and remove themself from the's so hard for our kids to sit in a class and be good when they dont understand whta is going on'll send those kids into "overload" if there is too much stimulus for them to handle
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:32:38 AM)
but we don't have a tv.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:05 AM)
do the other kids understand that your son has trouble processing sounds?
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:06 AM)
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Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:08 AM) old is your son?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:16 AM)
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:19 AM)
good morning Dr j! I hope you had a good weekend
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:21 AM)
Goodmorning Dr. J!!
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:27 AM)
no one knows
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:33 AM)
good morning all. how are y'all this morning.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:38 AM)
good morning
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:33:47 AM)
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:34:06 AM)
I"m doing great..enjoyed the extra time with the family yesterday
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:34:23 AM)
had a great weekend debbie. how was your weekend.
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:34:25 AM) son is 8 next month...very similar issues...but, there IS hope...he has gotton better w/ the noise issues and's Soooo hard though!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:34:32 AM)
benou is joining us from Austrailia this morning.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:34:35 AM)
it's my first time talking like that on the computer
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:34:55 AM)
you mean this evening
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:35:08 AM)'s morning here.. =)
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:35:14 AM)
it's 11.35 pm
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:35:18 AM)
g'dahhhhy benou. Glad to have you joining from "down under" ;-)
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:35:22 AM)
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:36:07 AM) sent a message a minute ago saying "scared" were you referring to your son?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:36:27 AM)
well it's like that I don't know what to do or think
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:36:45 AM)
how long ago did you say he was diagnosed?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:36:53 AM)
in 2 words i feel overwhelmed
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:37:35 AM)
well i got the report yesterday but the test was down 2 weeks ago
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:38:22 AM)
benou is very common to feel overwhelmed....sometimes I still do and my daughter was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago.....but as you learn more about auditory processing and ways to help you son it will help......
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:38:30 AM)
the audiologist used word like severe auditory figure ground discrimination
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:38:45 AM)
did the audiologist explain what that was?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:39:37 AM)
he said he can't hear when ther is back ground noise
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:40:16 AM)
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:40:38 AM)
do you have questions that you didnt get a chance to ask.....or didnt think to ask at the appt...
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:41:12 AM)
so now what i am suppose to do just let school deal with it and relax
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 8:42:10 AM)
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benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:42:14 AM)
english is my second language so it's not that simple my first is french
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:42:25 AM)
hey CeCe!! how are you this morning?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 8:42:52 AM)
Good morning Debbie. I'm fine thanks!
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:43:19 AM)
Sorry. I'm ba.....ack
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:43:20 AM)
Hi CeCe...
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:43:28 AM)
what can I do I am afraid that the school won't let me help i feel they want to keep me out of it
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:43:34 AM)
benou i'd never say to sit back and just relax....learn as much as you can about auditory processing....
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 8:43:44 AM)
Hello Deb and benou!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:43:51 AM)
welcome back Dr J....=)
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:44:11 AM)
well that's what I have been doing this evening
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:44:39 AM)
3 hours on the internet until I found your sit the best
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:45:28 AM)
one of the best places to learn about auditory processing and to ask questions is the listserv that dr j runs...have you found the link for it yet? there are so many helpful parents and dr j is always wonderful about helping all of us.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:45:55 AM)
thanks for the hint
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:46:06 AM)
Just catching up.....Benou, you have a report, What you should now ALSO have are specific goal or objectively related areas of need, information for the school personnel to determine WHY the problem (as you stated) with auditory figure-ground explains why your child is having problems in school and what does this problem is (as you stated the report says) auditory figrue-ground have to do with the presenting learning deficits and then, what remediation is needed.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:46:52 AM)
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:47:12 AM)
how I am suppose to get all this going in 24 hour
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:47:31 AM)
CeCe did you have a good weekend?
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:47:39 AM)
A comment for ALL PARENTS: I will present this in an analogy to make the point. Let us say you were having pains in your stomach. And you went to the doctor and the doctor ran some tests. And then the doctor sent you a written report saying that you have a very severe "framus." What would you do next? ? ?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 8:48:15 AM)
Yes, thanks. I worked most of it but it was still nice!
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 8:48:42 AM)
Ask what a 'framus' is...
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:48:58 AM)
i will go to a specialist
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:49:24 AM)
OK. Then, first step, benou is to go back to the audiologist and ask What is auditory figure-ground (unless you really think you understand what that is).
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:49:54 AM)
i think I know but I feel overwhelmed by the school
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:49:55 AM)
Benou, yes, go to a specialist, but, didn't you go to a specialist when you went to the audiologist for the AP testing?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:50:10 AM)
your right
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:50:20 AM)
then what should I do/
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:50:30 AM)
Benou, you say you THINK you know. But do you really know? If you really knew, you'd understand what needs to be done/
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:51:01 AM)
i know what needs to be done but is the school going to do what's recomended?
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:51:13 AM)
Well, if I were the doctor and said, "A framus is a dark spot on the x-ray of your stomach.' What would you ask or do next?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:52:03 AM)
they i mean the school is going to have to listen
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:52:31 AM)
i'd want to know more about what you mean by a dark spot and what caused it
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:53:25 AM)
do I have to tell my child that he has an audiotory figure ground problem?
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:53:48 AM)
I'll back up! If you say you know what needs to be done, Benou, and you say, but what is the school going to recommend. I'd think many of us have a severe problem in sharing and helping you since we don't know what are the education laws in Australia. For example, in the U.S.A. the school has to provide a "label" (a name for your child's learning problem) and develop an IEP or a contract/plan to define the goals and services. But, I don't have any idea what is done in Australia. You may need to consult an educational specialist in Australia unless you know what is the school's obligation to help your child.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:54:05 AM)
thye want him to reapeat grade one
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 8:54:29 AM)
Sometimes Dr.s and audiologists etc.. don't mean to but forget to put things in laymans terms. You HAVE to make them explain things thoroughly until you're satisfied and comfortable with the understanding of the information. Not knowing/understanding is a great frustration/anxiety; hence, this is what a lot of our children are going through. It is your right to know.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:54:35 AM)
Benou. You ask do you have to tell your child.......etc. Do you think telling your child would help in any way?
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:55:21 AM)
CeCe I'd love to make a plaque out of what you just said and put it on the desk of every medical and allied medical professional in the world! ! !
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:55:43 AM)
he feel that is something wrong since he is the only one that is not learning how to read
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 8:56:21 AM)
CeCe...very very well said!!
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:57:32 AM)
Benou, then it is important for your son to know that he has a REAL problem learning to read. It is important that he does not believe he is "stupid" or "dumb" (sorry for writing that, but, I often feel that that is what children believe). It is NOT important for your son to know it's called an auditory figure-ground problem, but it is important for him to know there is a Real problem, and that we are going to find REAL ways to help him learn to read.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 8:58:26 AM)
thank you for that one i think it's a good idea
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 8:59:03 AM)
I'm a nurse so I see this all the time! People accept what physicians (and others) because they feel inferior. I tell them all the time that they have their expertise and you have yours. In your case your expertise is your child and that puts you on top- this should give you all the confidence you need to take these people by the h orns benou!
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 8:59:11 AM)
Benou, what has the school offered to do to help your son? Also, what is the "education law" or requirements of the school in helping a child with a leanring problem in Australia?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:00:25 AM)
I know that he is not "bad egnouf" to get goverment hepl but he goes for remedila several time a week on a one to one
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:01:18 AM)
CeCe I trusted the Drs for a long time too when they kept telling me different kids develop differently....i know better now.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:01:37 AM)
he still can't read word like , the, here, look.....
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:02:20 AM)
he can now reconise the begin letter of the words
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:02:45 AM)
but here we are finishing term 3 of the year
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:02:47 AM)
I'd like to mark as bold and underscore ALL that CeCe has said. THat's right on the target. Benou, what is important and it is often what medical and allied medical professionals overlook too often is that the primary care person with a child is the parent, and our job as medical and allied medical professionals is to educate the parent sufficiently so the parents can do their jobs.....advocating and helping their children. If the audiologist, Benou, in your son's case, has not sufficiently educated you, you need to go back and ask (even demand) to be educated. If the audiologist can not or is not able to educate you sufficiently, you may need to find another professional who CAN educate you. When you are sufficiently educated, you will feel in control, understand and you will be able to advocate for your child. You will have been ENABLED not further disabled! ! !
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:03:45 AM)
very good point
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:04:08 AM)
Benou, you said your son goes for remedial....may I ask, remedial WHAT? ANd what are the specific goals they are working on in "remedial" and in what way are these goals related to helping your child learn and, eventually, be independent as a learner?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:05:13 AM)
Bravo, Dr. J
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:05:47 AM)
Benou, I understand that now your son can recognize the beginning letter of the words. But is that sufficient to have him able to read?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:06:07 AM)
well they had set some goals at the begining of the year like knowledge of the name of the letter, to engage on reading like behaviuor such as olding a book turning pages and relating stories...... and more
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:06:26 AM)
I have a question concerning the "I.Q. tests" that are administered to these children.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:06:34 AM)
and all those goals have been achevd
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:07:43 AM)
well he also has had an I.Q test and the result were 83
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:08:31 AM)
vocabulary scored 83 and matrices scored 86
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:08:38 AM)
Yes, but are those goals appropriate to your son's underlying problems? They may be and they may NOT be. Somehow, since you are here, you feel or this has been "diagnosed" that your son has an auditory processing problem If your son has an auditory processing problem, this could be the underlying factor accounting for why he is not learning how to read.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:09:22 AM)
Benou, has your son been diagnosed with an auditory processing problem? If yes, what specific auditory processing problem?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:09:39 AM)
so what am I supposed to tell the ten teachers involved with my kids at the meeting on thursday?
me (ID=111) (Sep 5, 2000 9:09:42 AM)
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Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:10:34 AM)'s dark purple! LOL!!
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:11:22 AM)
he had done a speech /noise ration test in quiet 93% +10db 50% +5 db 33% odb couldn't be tested
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:12:14 AM)
What is the meeting on Thursday about, Benou? And why do you feel YOU must TELL the 10 teachers anything?
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:12:20 AM)
he also had a stam test digit span he got 3 digits and phenomes
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:13:06 AM)
well the scholl has call me to discuss the result of the audiology report and the progress af my son
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:13:52 AM)
My question is are the psychologists who administer these tests administering appropriate interventions (ie: redundancy, pausing,...)? My son's WISC-lll was 72 "borderline" so they tell me. I told them immediately that I won't acknowledge that. I know his potential/aptitude is great. I don't mean to sound hostile but again, I don't think that we have to readily accept this. It's too soon. They administered 3 tests in 1 hour. I don't see how they could have accurately tested him if he was given the recommended interventions.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:14:43 AM)
phoneme discrimanation sound blending he got 3 like C>A>T
jim (ID=112) (Sep 5, 2000 9:14:50 AM)
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debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:15:01 AM)
hey Jim!!
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:15:04 AM)
and sentences he 10 words sentences and instruction
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:15:23 AM)
Goodmorning jim...
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:15:29 AM)
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:15:53 AM)
Fine. Then, the school called the meeting and it is the schools responsibility in calling the meeting to expalin everything to you so YOU will understand completely. You always have the right to say, OK, now let me go home and think about this and we can meet again next week when I've thought this all through.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:16:14 AM)
good point
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:17:44 AM)
well thanks everyone for your help are you there every day at the same time????
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:18:13 AM)
benou the chats are everyother tuesday morning with dr j and every tuesday night (our time) as a general parent chat
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:18:43 AM)
you can always join the listserv i mentioned earlier that is run by dr j's a great way to keep in touch and get help between the chats!
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:18:49 AM)
that mean tuesday night for me what a like I found the doc today
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:19:18 AM) there is another chat in 12 hours..
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:19:35 AM)
what do you mean/
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:19:46 AM)
also wednesday
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:02 AM)
for will be wednesday morning
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:25 AM)
CeCe if the purpose of the psychological tests is to see how your son is doing compared with ALL other children in the norm group (and an IQ is a normative value), then the standard testing procedures have to be followed. But, the psychologist should know how to evaluate the test results and the behaviors in light of any differences needed. Also, a second IQ test could be done WITH modifications (using a different test though becvause of reliability) to see if you son would perform DIFFERENTLY on similar IQ test areas if modifications or accommodations are provided. Then, the two tests can be compared.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:48 AM)
well i work so I won't make it
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:17 AM)
ok....i'm happy you made it to this chat!
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:28 AM)
good night evryone I am of to bed they change our time because of the olympics see you
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:41 AM)
goodnight benou
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:51 AM)
Benou, remember the times we discuss are Eastern time zone in the U.S. (you know, the country where people stand on their heads ;-) :-)
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:58 AM)
Goodnight benou...come back again.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:22:17 AM)
Goodnight Benou. Glad you found us. Yes, please come again.
benou (ID=107) (Sep 5, 2000 9:22:42 AM)
thanks a lot evryone that was great support . at least now I AM NOT ON MY OWN
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:23:10 AM)
CeCe back to you. You said the IQ tests revealed about a 70's something IQ for your son. But, what was the verbal/performance breakdown and what was the subtest results?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:07 AM)
Dr. J, I was told that there are no modifiations at this time to administer these tests differently. They suggested that we could have him retested in 1 year. The Language Evaluation : Listening Comprehension=66, fOral Expression=70, Oral Composite=66. In auditory word discrimination=55 (severe delay).
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:07 AM)
Is there a problem with the CHAT! Nothing has happened since Benou left?
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:23 AM)
I"m still here...had a quick phone call. =)
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:44 AM)
CeCe none of the tests you just mentioned are IQ tests.
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:45 AM)
I was having the same problems...wondered if it was 'me' again...
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:56 AM)
You were addressing IQ tests before?
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:28:56 AM)
Still not scrolling....
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:29:13 AM)
yes there is a problem with the scrolling.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:30:47 AM)
Dr J.....when Sarah was originally tested by the school...they did a verbal and nonverbal IQ test. Would these type of test better outline the IQ of a child with an APD?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:30:47 AM)
His verbal was 71, performance=78 and full scale= 72. Index Scores: Verbal Comp=70 and Perceptual Organization=83. Verbal subtests: Information=7, Similarities=3, Vocabulary=6, and Comprehension=2.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:32:23 AM)
I should have said prior to this that my son is almost 7years old and has been diagnosed with CAPD by an audiologist this past March and we had him retested by a Doctorate in SLP this May.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:35:07 AM)
Yes, Debbie, The normal or traditional IQ test is great to compare how the child is doing in comparison with other children without APD of the same age. Then, the non-verbal IQ test, like the TONI-R, will give a measure of the child's cognitive abilities very important (in my approach to CAPD especially) to see what expected outcome and progress can be made since processing (in my approach) involves a large degree of cognitive abilities (not auditory or language based, but general, non-verbal cognitive decision making and thinking skills)
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:35:56 AM)
The SLP was hesitant prior to testing my son to "label him in a category" but after testing said she had no recourse but to admit that his behavior "is consistent with presence of significant APD".
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:36:16 AM)
CeCe if you notice, there is a lot of scatter on the verbal or language loaded part of the IQ test (7; 3; 6; 2....for example are numbers or scores you provided). WHat was your son's PERFORMANCE subtest scores?
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:36:16 AM)
part of the reason for the chat being slow may be the site that CAPD from the Heart is hosted through..soon you will be able to enter the chat from Hopefully that will be within the next 48 hours and that should give us a better consistency in the chat.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:37:42 AM)
CeCe, please don't take this negatively, but there are MANY reasons for a child's behaviors being like a child with a primary AUDITORY processing problem. Just because a child presents with behaviors consistently seen in children with APD does NOT mean that the underlying factor accounting for the auditory processing problems are AUDITORY in nature. or auditory processing as primary.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:40:03 AM)
The performance subtests? Picture Completion=5, Coding=4, Picture Arrangement=8, Block Design=9 and Object Assembly=6. So you may be suggesting that he may be delayed in all areas and that this may not by CAPD?
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:40:22 AM)
push up
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:44:07 AM)
Again, there is subtest scatter from 9 down to 4. It would be worthwhile to request a non-verbal IQ test done to see what is your son's cognitive potential. Then, if the non-verbal IQ were well within the normal limits (even low is still normal - that is, normal is normal) you'd know that he has normal potential for learning how to process information. Also, with the low scores in so many areas, he may learn best with a lot of non-auditory information (visual, learning by doing) and then "shadow" the visual and doing with verbal information to give words to the information. Then, it may be appropriate, if you do not have that done already, to get a good auditory processing evaluation to see where he sits in various areas of auditory processing. Combined with the SLP eval, the professionals who should know and udnerstand auditory processing, language processing ,and general information processing can determine if his problems are auditory based, language based, or general cognitively based.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:24 AM)
The verbal vs. nonverbal iq test that sarah had are what made the school admit Sarah had a problem that had to be addressed.. Sarah had a 50 point spread in her scores.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:33 AM)
push up
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:46:05 AM)
Debbie, WOW! That's a real difference really showing a specific problem in the lower area.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:00 AM)
The audiologist report states his primary category is Decoding with secondary characteristics in Auditory Association and Organization. I guess I need to do what was discussed earlier...ask more questions, read and research.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:50 AM)
I guess I'm confused since he's in the top 5% of his class at school and yet on the other hand I have these test scores.....
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:58 AM)
Dr J, Sarah has a verbal IQ Of 85 and nonverbal of 135..
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:49:25 AM)
CeCe..Sarah is still on A/B honor roll in school me the difference in the scores is how she's performing vs. what she's capable of.
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:35 AM)
I'm reading Travis' verb. vs. nonverbal scores...verbal 98 nonverbal 86... not sure what this actually means...
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:53:10 AM)
I know that people think I'm in denial- that this is my child and I can't be objective but I truly believe that his cognitive development is far greater that what was lies on paper. I don't know what to think!
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:53:35 AM)
Excuse my typing errors!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:53:53 AM)
The average score on the tests is 100...with anything from 85 to 115 being in the normal range........
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 9:54:39 AM)
so both of those scores do fall within the normal range...the nonverbal of 86 is within normal although on the lower range of normal.......correct dr j?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:14 AM)
Is the WIAT the non-verbal test?
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:02 AM)
Also says 'scoring exceptionally well on vocabulary test, but much lower on a test of short term auditory memory.'
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:26 AM)
CeCe, with a primary auditory processing problem in decoding, it's not a surprise that your son may have a significant problem getting the verbal information on any parts of the IQ testing. You may want to ask for (if not demand) non-verbal cognitive testing be done. ANd, ask (demand) that it be done by a psychologist well trained and experienced in non-verbal IQ and cognitive testing and interpretation.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 10:00:47 AM)
Again, I really am trying to be open minded. I'll do whatever to help him( as we all will). But , I feel so strongly that I discussed the scores with my pediatrician any he took it upon himself to call this Evaluation Center and spoke with the tester's supervisor as he had to supervise her findings though he was not present during the questioning.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:00:57 AM)
CeCe, I can't think right now of what WIAT stands for. Is there any indication of what WIAT stands for? The usual non-verbal tests say NON-VEBAL in the name or they are special tests like the Leiter or the Ravens Matrices.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 10:02:23 AM)
It says that the WIAT is a standardized measure of academic functioning in children.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:03:18 AM)
CeCe, you need to consider for your understand and to know about your son's potential for learning in the "standard" way children are should find out if there was ever a non-verbal IQ and cognitive test done. And, remember that tests called PERFORMANCE scales or such are not NON-VERBAL since ALL of the instructions and directions are given verbally. But, there are a host of non-verbal tests. Again, the one most popular with which I have most familiarity is the TONI and the TONI-R.
jim (ID=113) (Sep 5, 2000 10:03:21 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 10:03:25 AM)
Debbie and Dr. J , I know times up so THANKS SO MUCH for your input.
jim (ID=113) (Sep 5, 2000 10:04:54 AM)
nice place ya have *S*
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:05:21 AM)
Then the WIAT is like the WRAT or Wide Range Achievement Test and if that is the case, then ALL of the directions and instructions are verbal, and there are many parts that are verbal. Also, it is NOT an IQ test but a test of academic ACHIEVEMENT. Now, is it any surprise to any of you that your childrern with auditory-verbal information processing problems would have academic achievement difficulties? I mean, the usual reason a child is tested FOR auditory processing is that the child is having academic problems achieving.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:05:46 AM)
thanks jim.....good to see you!
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:06:02 AM)
CeCe, I hope it was helpful. Please email me privately, or post to the listserv or come to the parent chat tonight or come back in two weeks and we can discuss more.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:06:39 AM)
CeCe I hope too that we are able to help you and clarify some questions you may have.
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 10:06:59 AM)
I'll keep all that you said in mind, Dr. J. Again, it's been a pleaure! I will definately be back! Have a great day!
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:07:15 AM)
Deb, I know you seemed quiet and I want to make sure any of your questions have been raised or answered, so, please email me if you have anything you wanted addressed and there wasn't time or room.
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:07:35 AM)
Have a great day too. Bye for now.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:08:02 AM)
dr J thanks for you time and i'll be in touch via email this week......\
dr.j (ID=109) (Sep 5, 2000 10:08:31 AM)
And, Debbie, I have to get ready for my 10:30 class. I guess we can email each other if we need anything. And, let's shoot for next week some time to have our one-on-one and meet you, me and Dr. Debbie. Ok?
CeCe (ID=110) (Sep 5, 2000 10:08:32 AM)
As I told you last week Debbie, your site is a godsend. This is probably the only way many of us can vent and know that others know what we're going through. I'll "see" you later Debbie!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:09:00 AM)
see you tonight
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:10:08 AM)
Deb are you still here?
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:10:16 AM)
I was having trouble scrolling...not coming up...sorry I missed Dr. J leaving...
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:11:10 AM)
I don't know what's going on w/ this thing....I didn't even know Dr. J had said anythging to me=(
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:11:10 AM)
i'm hoping with the new'll be easier to scroll......i'll send you directions how to access that chat that way later on today..ok?
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:16 AM)
See...still nothing....UG!!!
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:50 AM)
OK....definatley send me the info/directions to access the chat...
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:52 AM)
deb..i'll send you the instructions through email
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:11 AM)
it's an IP address you have to enter unless i get the redirection completed today..IM me on AOL later on
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:31 AM)
what's an IP address?
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:56 AM)
it's a web address that's not as pretty as the *LOL*...
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:09 AM)
all you do is type in the numbers instead
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:28 AM)
I am going to work after this...won't be home til after I pick the boys up from school...around 3:30 or so.
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:53 AM)
ok..i'll catch you then!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:15:01 AM)
have a great day Deb..i'm happy you made it today!
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:15:35 AM)
Sounds good...look forward to the new info...I'll talk to you later on today...thanks Debbie!
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:15:55 AM)
You have a great day too...sure is a pretty one!
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:16:01 AM)
see you later on..bye bye! *S*
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:09 AM)
I can't see what you write, unless I write won't scroll up!
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:28 AM)
Bye....=) =)
debbie (ID=106) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:31 AM)
if you stretch the screen abit it'll pop in place...bye bye!
Deb (ID=108) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:51 AM)
Wacaj (ID=114) (Sep 5, 2000 11:19:51 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=115) (Sep 5, 2000 5:25:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=116) (Sep 5, 2000 5:26:20 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
littlemac (ID=117) (Sep 5, 2000 7:39:33 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 8:01:10 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Deb (ID=119) (Sep 5, 2000 8:57:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Deb (ID=119) (Sep 5, 2000 8:58:36 PM)
Anyone here yet?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 8:58:57 PM)
Hi, I am new to the board.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:00:51 PM)
I am so pleased to find this chat. I have alot of questions inregards to CAPD and Speech and Language Disorder. I have a 2nd grader who is both CAPD and has a speech and language disorder.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:01:19 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:01:35 PM)
hi are you tonight?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:01:56 PM)
I am fine thank you. How are you?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:02:11 PM)
I am doing great this your first time in the chat?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:03:24 PM)
Yes, I am so excited. To talk to other people about CAPD.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:03:42 PM)
well we are happy to have you did you find out about the chat?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:03:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:03:55 PM)
hey did that entry work for you?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:04:26 PM)
I stumble across it by accident. Believe it or not.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:04:34 PM)
I actually used the old one to get in...CHICKEN ME!!!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:04:47 PM)
hey. that's long as you are here...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:04:58 PM) would have been ok *LOL*
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:05:07 PM)
Tracy...I didn't mean to cut out on you sorry. Welcome...
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:05:22 PM)
Debbie....SOOOO glad I got in!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:05:35 PM)
Thank you, I am so excited to be here.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:05:44 PM)
do you have a child with CAPD?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:06:29 PM)
Yes, my daughter has CAPD and a speech and language disorder. She is in the second grade.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:07:03 PM)
Tracy....I have a 8 yr. old son in 2nd grade w/ the same issues.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:07:14 PM)
my daughter Sarah has CAPD....she's the reason I started this site...she's 9 now in 4th grade
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:07:45 PM)
You are kidding!! I feel like I go in circles trying to find out answers with the school.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:08:12 PM)
how long ago was your daughter diagnosed? mind if I ask where you are from?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:08:18 PM)
You will LOVE this site Tracy.....Debbie is an angel from heaven!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:09:05 PM)
thank you Deb..but i'm far from an angel..*L*
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:09:22 PM)
Speech in February 2000 and the CAPD April 2000
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:09:48 PM)
Weeellllll....a gift from heaven, then!! LOL
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:10:00 PM)
I am from NJ
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:10:03 PM)
*LOL*...i can just see the day we get to meet!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:10:14 PM)
who diagnosed your daughter tracy?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:10:34 PM)
LOL....REALLY LOL....should be a great day!!!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:10:53 PM)
The school diagnosed her for speech. I had her privately tested for CAPD.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:11:13 PM)
we'll have to try and get together one day soon..would be fun....just so you know tracy..deb only lives about 1 1/2 to 2 hours from me...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:11:45 PM)
what help is the school offering?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:11:49 PM)
Thats sounds good.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:11:56 PM)
That would be great...then you can fill me in on my 'duties'....*L*
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:12:25 PM)
She does have an IEP on file for speech however the IEP does not cover CAPD.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:12:37 PM)
how is she doing in school?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:13:11 PM)
what speech services is she being offered...and is it speech or language?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:13:54 PM)
Deb i promise you'll be hearing from me regarding "duties"
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:14:02 PM)
Having a problem with sequencing in reading. She is in speech 3x's a week.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:14:22 PM)
I'll be waiting...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:14:28 PM)
as far as putting events in order?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:16:06 PM)
I did not get the results from the CAPD test until late last year. So they are looking into this year. On the recommendations for this year.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:16:27 PM)
Is your school familiar with CAPD at all?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:17:44 PM)
They say they are. I never heard of CAPD until she was diagnosed with it. So basically, I am still trying to learn information on it.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:18:24 PM)
are you a member of the listserv on capd? it's run by Dr J from Galludet University
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:18:50 PM)
One of the recommendations made was an FM system? The school is suppose to be looking into it for her.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:19:07 PM)
I did sign up on his listserv on capd.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:19:16 PM)
Debbie...Is it possible, if I got a written letter from Travis' SLP, for her to reccommend that she thinks he need to be re-tested? It's been 3 yrs. since he was dx.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:19:20 PM)
My daughter uses and's been helpful for her....
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:07 PM)
Travis just started w/ an FM...seems to be helping.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:35 PM)
Deb..yes it is possible...Travis is on an IEP right? I think they are required to restest every so many years..I know I had sarah reevaluated by the school last year
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:54 PM)
When I meet with her speech teacher last year (May) she told me they will have to see how she is doing this year and have to get approval from county to see if qualifies.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:20:55 PM) are talking about retesting by the school or independent?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:25 PM)
They should not have to wait Tracy,,if you have the diagnosis and recommendation from the Dr
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:21:40 PM)
Yes, he has an IEP...I would like to see him up at Shands...he has changed so much since that testing was done.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:22:19 PM)
Deb....write the school a letter requesting they reevaluate Travis in order to update the IEP
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:22:30 PM)
Oh really, they told me really that not adjustments can be made on an IEP for this disorder.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:22:49 PM)
Sorry for the goofy sentence.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:23:18 PM)
Even though he was tested in April of this yr. at school?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:23:20 PM)
talk to your may be able to show that reason for the language and speech problem is the auditory processing problem
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:23:24 PM)
Her school gives me the run around that I get dizzy from all the hoop la
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:23:44 PM)
i thought you said it had been 3 years..
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:24:10 PM)
3 yrs. since his independant testing...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:24:15 PM)
tracy i think my school is the pro at run around too!! but now we see a bit more eye to eye
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:24:34 PM)
are you wanting the school to do the testing deb or independent at shands?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:25:04 PM)
Which do you think would be best? I'm reallly not sure which way to go...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:25:41 PM)
in all honesty Deb..i would go independent at Shands ...Dr Hall has an excellent reputation and you'd be in good hands/
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:26:39 PM)
the difference is in testing that a private aud can and should do more thorough testing and have a better interpretation of the results
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:26:53 PM)
See, that was my gut isn't sure of this whole CAPD thing..(but then what schools are, right?) I need his Ped. to give me a referral then...another stumbling block there.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:27:20 PM)
do you think your ped will give you any problems on the referral?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:28:05 PM)
So with me having her tested independ. with the doctors recommendations/modifications is that good enough for them to make changes on the IEP? or do they have to go through there channels?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:28:37 PM)
I don't think so...when we met a few weeks ago, and he gave T. a physical, he seemed to agre. But when he wrote up his report, nothing was mentioned about Shands. I even mentioned Dr Hall and Dr. Moncrieff's names to him.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:28:42 PM)
tracy..the school has to take independent testing into consideration.....what part of nj?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:29:37 PM)
I am sorry I typed in NJ by accident I am from GA.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:29:55 PM)
Deb..point blank ask him for the referral...tell him you've heard of these audiologists and their reputation and would like Travis to see one of them..Dr Moncrieff has only been there about a year..and Dr Hall is new so he may not know their name....
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:30:09 PM)
oh ok..well we are both from in jax
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:30:56 PM)
This is where I was wondering if a written letter from his SLP would be good...just for back up, and not just a 'Mom' asking for it.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:31:10 PM)
I'm in Ocala
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:31:11 PM)
I was going to say in the New England area there seems to be a better awareness of auditory processing disorder
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:31:43 PM)
we might be moving to Palm City FLA in Nov.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:31:44 PM)
Deb the additional letter can never hurt...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:31:51 PM)
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:32:12 PM)
Shall we just form a Fla girls group? LOL
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:32:37 PM)
Sounds good.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:32:54 PM)
sounds good to me too! i'd like to hold a local conference on capd.......
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:32:54 PM)
Ok...I'm going to ask her to write me a letter...she just started seeing him, so I wanted to give her a few sessions w/ him.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:33:14 PM)
Deb..just explain your concerns.....
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:33:15 PM)
YES......AWESOME IDEA !!!! =)
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:34:10 PM)
She did her grad work w/ an aud. that HAS CAPD!! So, she is somewhat familiar w/ it.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:34:11 PM)
Deb that can be a good project for you! We would have to contact auds and exceptional student education departments from different school districts..would you like to start putting together a list of people to contact?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:34:40 PM)
that would be wonderful. not to many people understand capd. just like me. when trying to explain it to the school they just look at you.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:34:44 PM) that case..ask for the letter...if she's sure she'll do it..besides an up to date diagnosis would help her...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:35:30 PM)
tracy....i have just formed a nonprofit organization that is devoted to auditory processing's new and in the planning stages..but we have some high goals...
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:36:09 PM)
Is there a list of names/ to go about this task?!?! But yes, I could do that. I am going to write her a letter tomorrow, so she will have it on Fri. when she sees him again.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:36:10 PM)
send me any info that you have. I am very interested.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:36:54 PM)
tracy the website will be when it's up in two days or so..right now it is at
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:37:18 PM)
Deb..that is what we have to find..would be districts through Florida and probably Georgia too
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:37:44 PM)
Okay, I have it. Is there a website on IEP for CAPD?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:38:16 PM)
not neccesarily IEP for CAPD..but there are some good IEP sites...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:38:40 PM)
i can try and look for them quick..or you can email me and give me your addy and i'll get the info to you
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:38:58 PM)
So, do I start w/ the counties then, and try and get phone #'s etc? Pardon me tonight, I'm feeling somewhat brain dead! =(
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:39:32 PM)
Okay, my email is ELTRAYBI@AOL.COM
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:39:49 PM)
yes could probably start by looking for the florida and georgia dept of ed and go from there
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:39:56 PM) you state dept. of special ed...ours just sent me a TON of info...and lotsof stuff on IEP's...
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:40:31 PM)
I will do that tomorrow.
ama55 (ID=122) (Sep 5, 2000 9:41:37 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:42:14 PM)
They actually sent a whole booklet that was nothing more than addt'l info packets, etc. that you an get....needless to say, I'm getting lots more! LOL
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:42:38 PM)
im getting some sites to send you quick right back
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:42:56 PM)
thanks a million.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:43:29 PM)
Tracy...between this site, and the chats...I find it very comforting as a mom...
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:44:34 PM)
Also, every other Tues AM, there is a chat with Dr. J...he was actually on this's Tues Sept. 19 at 8:30 til 10:00 am...the next time he'll be in...
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:44:45 PM)
That is what I need is comforting and to ask questions. So that I can help her with this.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:02 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:20 PM)
I'll tell son was dx 3 trs. ago, and I feel like I'm starting from the very beginning....
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:32 PM)
Aloha everyone. I'm new
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:35 PM)
Hi ama55...welcome
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:45:58 PM)
So is you have a child w/ CAPD?
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:46:21 PM)
Thanks. My daughter has not receied her dignoisis yet but its looking like perhaps
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:46:29 PM)
I can believe it. IYes, she has capd along with speech and language disorder.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:46:47 PM)
Well, you have come to the right place!
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:46:50 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:47:03 PM)
Hi Kelli...welcome
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:47:11 PM)
Might be mild because she reads a year ahead of herself and is very articulate but has other things
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:47:21 PM)
Hello ama55 and Kelli
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:47:44 PM)
What other things ?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:04 PM)
hi everyone!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:19 PM)
Tracy i just sent you out the email..i hope those sites help
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:27 PM)
Can't seem to follow instructions, highly distractable, zones out, waits for visual cues
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:32 PM)
Thanks again
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:48:40 PM)
You leave, and they all come Debbie!! There are a few more new people on since you left.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:49:10 PM)
ama55 has a daughter who may have CAPD...not dx yet.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:49:20 PM)
ama55, sorry I missed it but what might be mild. My son also reads one year ahead of himself but is weak on comprehension skills. The audiologist said this was unusual for CAPD. His decoding skills are high school level. He is in 4th grade.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:49:39 PM)
She tested high is academia but 9% at audiotory comphrehension
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:49:49 PM)
I see that Deb..I just went to look for those sites...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:50:26 PM)
Kelli what did you folks do for that?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:50:45 PM)
Wow Kelli...that's son HAS decoding problems...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:03 PM)
What is decding problems please?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:08 PM)
my daughter was low in decoding ..but now seems to be catching up...
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:21 PM)
It's so funny how many different twists and turns CAPD can take w/ each child. Not one is the same.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:22 PM)
We use a small charter school where he receives a lot of one on one attention (15 students). I also homeschool during breaks on comprehension skills.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:47 PM)
decoding is understanding what sounds each letter is to make...for example..sounding out.......
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:51:53 PM)
let me see if i can find a good definition
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:52:01 PM)
Is there anywhere I can find info about comphrehension skills?
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:52:27 PM)
My son is in a charter school as well...first year...for both the school and students...still hasn't started with his OT yet...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:52:30 PM)
Oh thank you. She is well advanced in that area but geeze the comphrension area
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:53:12 PM)
ama55 - I went to a local teachers store to get the homeschooling info. I let my son pick what topic. This summer we did Indian in the Cupboard and Call of the Wild. The teachers store had workbooks to go with each. He enjoyed it.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:53:40 PM)
didn't want to pressure them, but we are now into week 5 of school...and his IEP states OT 2x a week...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:53:40 PM)
Does anyone know if these kids hate group activity? Is that typical, she loves one on one
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:54:04 PM)
Thank you Kelli.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:54:07 PM)
I worry about how the comprehension skills will affect other subjects such as Social Studies. ama55 - my son does much better one on one also.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:54:34 PM)
thedefinition i have here is....children characterized with decoding usually have trouble in understanding speech in noise. Sound blending , discrimination, and retention of phoenemes often are poor.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:54:53 PM) son prefers playing stuff used to really bother him. Not as much anymore though. But still stays by himself. Makes me sad.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:55:16 PM)
ama55..usually these kids do prefer one on is easier for them to process what they hear in a one on one than in a noisy situation
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:55:32 PM)
Hmmm mine hates scouts, swim team etc sad
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:55:50 PM)
I have a 4 yr also with signs of CAPD. She really struggles with large group activities. My son (9) is getting better at it though.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:01 PM)
if a child has trouble understanding in noisy situations..they tend to shy daughter did the same thing on the playground
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:28 PM)
kelli and ama55..may i ask where you are from?
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:32 PM)
Mine always wants to run the show or forget it she does not want to be there - guess its so she knows whats going on.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:43 PM)
Tracy,,did you get the email? it is coming from
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:47 PM)
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
My oldest withdraws when the noise is too much. My youngest gets very naughty. Meltdown actually.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:56:57 PM)
debbie, I'm from Michigan.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:06 PM)
That's why I have talked to his PE teacher and art/music teacher...just so they know if it is noisy, he probably isn't going to hear what they are saying.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:06 PM)
Im from Florida....
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:25 PM)
I"ve talked to each and everyone who works with Sarah at the school
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:26 PM)
Yes thank you, I was checking it out.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:57:32 PM)
I'm waiting for the hearing test
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:05 PM)
I don't want to talk with any of her teachers till I know for sure
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:06 PM)
ama55...hearing test or auditory processing test? they are different tests!
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:23 PM)
debbie, I give a handout to all involved. From teacher, sunday school teacher to coach. Sometimes it creates fear of the unknown but mostly it is appreciated.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:24 PM)
my daughter was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago....
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:24 PM)
auditory processing
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:36 PM)
Now with her having a capd does this effect reading comp. and sequencing in reading?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:58:43 PM)
Kelli i agree helps them to understand...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 9:59:04 PM)
Did the doctor do a verbal test with your kids before the AP test?O
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 9:59:54 PM)
tracy what i found out with my daughter is that her reading accuracy is low..her reading speed is low..but her comprehension is average..that blew my mind and was hard for me to understand...the person who tested Sarah said it was because she is very bright and con confer from the context what is happening even if she dont get all the words
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 9:59:59 PM)
I gave a handout, pertaining to Travis and his issues w/ CAPD...everyone read it AT our meeting, not after...then ?'s could be answered...helped them to understand Travis and CAPD.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:00:33 PM) daughter had a test of verbal and nonverbal iq at the school
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:00:46 PM)
Our 4 yr old is struggling in Sunday School. We go to a large pentecostal church where smaller sunday school classes meet together for a puppet scow etc. She spends the whole time with her hands over her ears. We tried sitting with her last week and used soft ear plugs. It seemed to help.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:01:38 PM)
The octor told me its doubtful she had CAPD because she scored of the charts in the verbal test. But said she met one boy who had it and scored the same way.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:01:52 PM)
on the listserv there was recently a discussion about being super sensitive to auditory stimuli
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:02:01 PM)
I'm anxious to get the AP testing done
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:02:35 PM)
debbie, I read it. It made a lot of sense for my daughter.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:02:41 PM)
Its a weird disorder to me because her hearing is SO good - sort of : )
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:03:17 PM)
my daughter has 100% hearing in both ears..i asked about a possible hearing loss for 4 years before someone tested for auditory processing
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:03:53 PM)
good Kelli....the listserv is great
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:04:08 PM)
I feel like the disorder presents her to others as if she is trying to be a primadona does anyone else feel this way?
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:04:10 PM)
When explaining to people who are unfamiliar with this disorder, I usually use the words "hearing disability".
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:05:05 PM)
people automatically assume hearing since it is auditory...most use the terms interchangably
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:06:15 PM)
What actually can be done with a low auditory comphrension level?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:07:14 PM)
it all depends why her comprehension is low....did your aud make recommendations?
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:07:47 PM)
Not yet. You mean they will be able to tell why its low from the test?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:08:09 PM)
yes ama..they should be able to tell you something...make sure to ask any questions you have
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:08:32 PM)
Not sure what questions to ask. ??
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:09:00 PM)
ama55, Don't be afraid to remind the school about the OT. That is one of the downfalls of charter schools. They are new and don't always have a lot of experience in how to go about these things. We had to push to get an OT. We never felt they didn't want to comply. They just don't have the staff to make sure these things get done.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:09:13 PM)
Or tests to be sure they give her.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:09:52 PM)
Occupatiional Thereapist? She is at a private school do they have access to that I wonder.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:10:19 PM)
I'm sorry I thought you said you were using a charter school.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:10:20 PM)
ama55...i have the name of an audioligist in hawaii who may be able to help you some........this aud is familiar with capd and may be able to give you some guidance..
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:10:40 PM)
That's what I was told at the beginning...don't have the staff. But, I will be talking to them, and also putting a letter in writing ti the Vice Princ. about the OT...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:10:43 PM)
Great, I'd love to know it.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:11:35 PM)
by chance are you in Honolulu or close by?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:11:58 PM)
Debbie Gabe, MA, CCCA
Rehabilitation Services Department
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
1319 Punahou St
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Phone: (808) 983-8235
Fax: (808) 983-6752
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:00 PM)
I sent my kid to a summer school who specuializes in learning disorders and thats where I found out something was definatly off YES Debbie - Honolulu
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:07 PM)
Deb, Our charter uses an independent office to subcontract the SLP, OT, teachers consultant etc. They are pretty good and seem familiar with CAPD. Sometimes communication is weak as it is a third company.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:24 PM)
wellthat came across all funny...let me try again
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:29 PM)
I'm new to the charter school's a WONDERFUL school, and the kids will have lots of wonderful opportunities there...but, I need to push a little harder now w/ the OT situation.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:45 PM)
Debbie Gabe, MA, CCCA
Rehabilitation Services Department
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
1319 Punahou St
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Phone: (808) 983-8235
Fax: (808) 983-6752
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:12:55 PM)
Deb, By law, they have no choice but comply.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:15 PM)
please let Debbie Gabe know this is where you got her name ifyou contact her
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:26 PM)
Deb, How many children in your child's classroom?
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:33 PM)
Thank you Debbie
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:42 PM)
you are welcome....=)
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:49 PM)
True. I just didn't want to add one more thing to their 'heavy' load...but, tomorrow, things WILL change!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:13:57 PM)
i am working on a national referral program for aud and slps
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:07 PM)
There are 24 kids in his room.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:11 PM)
debbie, That sounds great!!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:15 PM)
you go Deb!!
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:27 PM)
deb, How many teachers, parapros?
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:31 PM)
Okay. I'm a Kaiser member so I will be strating off there but at least they knew what it was
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:14:56 PM)
Kelli , i am in the process of opening a national nonprofit devoted to auditory processing disorders..that is one program we are working on
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:15:45 PM)
*LOL*....there is just his teacher in the classroom...when I go in tomorrow to volunteer, I will be making phone calls to get other vol. in to help w/ kids who need addt'l 1 on 1 help....
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:16:05 PM)
Deb, last year there was 23 students to 2 teachers. It was a little rough at first although he remained an honor roll student. I'm hoping this year will go better with only 15 students and having the same teacher as last year.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:16:14 PM)
LOL at what Debbie said...not what I wrote..!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:16:43 PM)'s so funny to see how much your attitude has changed since we met...gotta love it
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:12 PM)
It's amazing what we will do for our kids!!
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:13 PM)
That's what Travis needs...smaller classrooms, or the addt'l help IN the classroom. He always had a teacher and a teacher aid in his room, up until this tear.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:32 PM)
How old is everyones kids with CAPD?
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:17:48 PM)
I have three children, two with CAPD. One 9 and one 4.
Deb (ID=121) (Sep 5, 2000 10:18:05 PM)'s scrolling upwards...what's wrong?!?!?!
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:18:13 PM)
7 years old or me
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:18:14 PM)
it's daughter with CAPD is doing better than my other daughter...i sit back and hope we are not developing a problem with the youngest too
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:18:27 PM)
my daughter is 9..was dx at 6 1/2
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:18:53 PM) on the scroll bar and pull it back down
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:18:54 PM)
what made you know somehing was wrong if they were able to read well?
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:19:24 PM)
my 9 yr old was diagnosed with auditory problems back at 5. Informally in 2nd grade with CAPD. The formal test was completed this summer.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:19:24 PM)
i knew by time my daughter was 2 that something was wrong....i thought it was a hearing loss
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:20:39 PM)
Amanda's first grade teacher described her as cataonic - she said she thought Amanda understood but that she did not do the work unless she was catered to one on one.
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:20:48 PM)
We knew by the time our youngest was 2 1/2 that the same thing as our oldest was happening. Thankfully, we were able to start on the speech therapy sooner with her. She is in her second year of Pre Primary Impaired preschool where she receives speech therapy there. Hopefully OT soon as well.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:20:56 PM)
we knew her speech was delayed and thought the delay was hearing related...
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:21:45 PM)
The expressive speech in both of my children were behind by 2 plus years. The receptive speech was worse.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:21:50 PM)
So do you all find that dealing with the schools are helpful or not? I find it to be a strain all the time.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:21:59 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:22:02 PM)
See, my kid does not have that delayed speech
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:22:06 PM)
hey that you deb?
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:22:07 PM)
It's very stressful but necessary. Hi ds.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:22:18 PM)
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:22:51 PM)
tracy....dealing with my school at first was very stressful..but the more i learned about auditory processing and my daughter's rights...the easier it became.....know what you are entitled to!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:22:55 PM)'s me!! My scroller was going all wacky on me...and when I signed back on, I had to put in a different nickname!
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:23:13 PM)
Welcome back
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:23:14 PM)
you should have tried that addy i gave you! *LOL*
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:23:27 PM)
debbie, you are so right. Educating yourself is the key!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:23:33 PM)
Thanks ama55!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:23:47 PM)
*LOL*'re right Debbie!!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:24:10 PM)
i started carrying books with me about auditory processing..and books on the IDEA...they realized i'd done my homework.....we get along much better now..
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:24:44 PM)
everytime the school refuses something i also ask them to put it in writing.....they dont like to do that so they tend to rethink
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:25:01 PM)
That's what I need to do Debbie...
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:25:03 PM)
With my youngest at the local public school (PPI) and my oldest at a competing charter school it gets interesting sometimes.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:25:30 PM)
i bet that is interesting Kelli
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:25:30 PM)
Do private schools have to come through for them too?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:26:12 PM)
i'm not sure what the correlation is with private your state department of education and ask them
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:26:27 PM)
Thats a good idea.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:26:50 PM)
you dont have to go into detail..the state department of education will answer questions for you
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:27:30 PM)
Can't wait to actually know whats up with the testing
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:27:45 PM)
i hope you will stop back and let us know ama55
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:27:50 PM)
I find that the IEP written for my youngest at the big public school was quite a bit for conservative. It was definately written with the schools best interest and not my daughters. Although the program is excellent and they seem to want to work with me. I will just have to be on my toes to make sure she gets what we want and ask for a new IEP if she isn't.
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:28:23 PM)
I will I tried to arrive here in time the past few weeks but got the timing off with the time zone diference
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:28:41 PM)
Does anyone here have an IEP on CAPD?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:28:55 PM)
my youngest has an iep for other reasons and this is the third week of school..she still has not gone with the speech language pathologist and she's suppose to be going twice a week
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:29:01 PM)
What is an IEP?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:29:08 PM)
my daughter is on a 504 not an IEP for her CAPD
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:29:19 PM)
and IEP is and Idividualized Educational Play
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:29:22 PM)
oops Plan
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:29:34 PM)
Travis has an IEP for his speech/language...
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:30:39 PM)
Lots to learn I see.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:31:30 PM)
yes there is ama..but one step at a tiem
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:31:47 PM)
ama55...I'm still learning...and mostly thanks to Debbie and this wonderful place i now call home!!
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:31:58 PM)
CAPD is written in the comments section on my oldest IEP. My youngest is too young for the actual test. His IEP includes preferential seating, info given in small bites (one step at a time etc).
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:32:28 PM) how much would you charge to do p r work for me? *LOL*
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:32:48 PM)
well on your 504 plan for the capd what mod/ did you make? If you do not mind me asking.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:32:56 PM)
*LOL* Free of charge girlfriend!
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:03 PM)
Wish I could stay longer its a busy time of the day around here. Thank you. I will be back for sure. Aloha
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:15 PM)
thank you ama for visiting..hope you come back!!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:18 PM)
Aloha ama55...
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:20 PM)
Kelli (ID=124) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:21 PM)
I'm going to bed. Take care. Good luck ama55.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:33 PM)
goodnight Kelli..thanks for joining us tonight
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:41 PM)
Nite Kelli..
ama55 (ID=123) (Sep 5, 2000 10:33:55 PM)
I think I'll wait for th AP results than I might have more to offer. Aloha,
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:34:28 PM)
i'ts always interesting to see where people are joinin the chat from
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:34:30 PM)
No Marge again, eh Debbie? Hope all is ok.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:34:58 PM)
Marge is involoved in so many support groups....she stays very busy
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:34:59 PM)
I agree...Hawaii tonight, and Austrailia this morning!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:35:10 PM)
last week we had a lady from new zeland
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:35:30 PM)
tracy are you still with us?
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:35:31 PM)
Really? Oh, that's the night I couldn't get on!! LOL
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:35:40 PM)
that's the night *LOL*
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:36:02 PM)
Yes, I am reading her CAPD report has I am reading the board
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:36:13 PM)
I was hoping I'd be able to tonight...we lost our electric....
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:36:38 PM)
did you get hit by that bad storm?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:36:49 PM)
ok tracy..just didnt want you to think we were ignoring you =)
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:36:54 PM)
Was it nasty up your way Debbie? WE had a HORRIBLE storm!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:37:22 PM)
it was really bad on the other side of my area we had some wind and rain..but not overly hubby's job lost power
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:37:40 PM)
No, I am fine. It is raining here has well.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:38:02 PM)
They wouldn't even let the kids out of school...waited in the car for about 15 min. before they could start coming out.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:38:43 PM)
i'm hoping the weather is better tomorrow..i'll be out and about most of it
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:39:12 PM)
One good thing though....we got homework done EARLY today...said I didn't know when the electric would be back on!!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:40:08 PM)
So how far is is Palm City for where you live?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:40:37 PM)
when my youngest finished her homework i made her stay at the table and do more work..she's not taking school serious at all and getting in trouble
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:40:48 PM)
im not sure where palm city is..what part of florida?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:41:07 PM)
I am orginally from Philly moved to GA now we are moving to FLA. Near W. Palm
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:41:17 PM)
i'm about 30 min from the georgia border
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:41:31 PM)
I've heard of it...don't know where it is though. Travis did his ok...he now has a book report he has to do!!! Now, THAT, should be fun!!
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:41:36 PM)
near WPalm..thats quite abit south.....about 5 hours i'd say
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:41:47 PM)
I live close to Atlanta
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:42:20 PM)
we are starting expository writing this year..should be challenging
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:42:32 PM)
W Palm is 5-6 hrs from me I think...I have an Uncle who lives in WPalm.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:43:10 PM)
Travis' big weakness is in writing...many difficulties there.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:43:21 PM)
sarah's too....
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:43:36 PM)
Yeah her too.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:43:36 PM)
although i have to admit she is doing much better
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:44:07 PM) going to cut out a few early tonight..ihave to take a friend for surgery tomorrow....
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:44:10 PM)
Has trouble copying from the board...leaves out a word...when writing sentences...they , a lot of the time, don't make sense.
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:44:36 PM)
i hope you'll forgive me ..i normally stay all the way to the end...
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:44:45 PM)
I've got to watch John Edward-Crossing Over at 11....awesome show!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:45:03 PM)
I do have a tutor for her in reading. She picked up on the reading. I am having the same problems.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:45:29 PM)
Debbie...I'll e-mail you w/ a few ?'s on my new 'task'....get some sleep...TTY tomorrow.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:45:56 PM)
In the writing Tracy?
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:46:01 PM)
i'll talk to you sometime tomorrow deb...thanks for the help with the "task" *LOL*
debbie (ID=120) (Sep 5, 2000 10:46:09 PM)
goodnight tracy..goodnight deb
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:46:21 PM)
*LOL* problem! Nite nite!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:46:33 PM)
In reading its the sequences and comp.. In writing forget she is all over the place. Good night ds nice to type to you. Thanks for all the info
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:46:56 PM)
Nite Tracy...hope to see you here next week.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:47:34 PM)
In writing she writes one word that has no meaning to the next word. She will know how to spell a word one minute forget the next.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:48:36 PM)
Travis will do the same thing, as far as putting a word next to another, with no meaning to it. His spelling is actually pretty good. Darn that sentence stuff though!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:49:42 PM)
I think he knows what he wants to write, but has great difficulty getting it from his head to paper.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:50:07 PM)
Yeah, her teacher does try to help out. It gets to be very fustrating as you well know. Each week she has to write 7 sent. about a story and it takes us two days and that still is not enough.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:50:27 PM)
Things get lost in his translation I think...actually, I don't know...
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:50:38 PM)
Exactly she knows what she wants to say but has a hard time expressing it properly.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:51:49 PM)
She went to the tutor today. The tutor says she looks right at me when reading her the story but when I ask her a questions and for her to write it down forget it. She loses it.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:51:51 PM)
That is his biggest problem. He just brought home a paper today, that he got an 'N' on...maybe it wasn't up to a regular 2nd grade level, but for him, it was AWESOME!!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:52:21 PM)
How old is she again, sorry.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:52:37 PM)
I know I am so proud when she comes home with NI because for her that is great. She is 7 years old.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:53:29 PM)
That is why I was not sure if it has anything to do with her CAPD or not?
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:53:59 PM)
No adjustments have been made for the CAPD other than to sit close to teacher.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:54:41 PM)
That's what I thought...It's so hard as a mom to see you child struggle...but maybe as she gets a little older, and w/ the tutor helping never know. Travis has improved SO MUCH, just in the last few months. I worked w/ him over the parents, hubby, and I are pretty pleased w/ his progress...
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:55:01 PM)
Her art. is low so is receptive.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:55:44 PM)
You just never know...sometimes, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it will click. Not always...but when it does...YIPPIE!!!!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:56:10 PM)
Yeah we had the tutor since last January to present helping her. Each night I go over her assignments and we read for 45 min. a night
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:56:33 PM)
Oh when the bell goes off I feel like we hit the lottery.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:56:55 PM)
That's great Tracy...repetition, repetition...that's what they need a lot of the time.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:57:21 PM)
EXACTLY!!!! I feel the same way!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:57:26 PM)
I am going to look into the FM system for school. They keep giving me the brush off.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:58:13 PM)
We just bought him his own system...a headphone type thing...not one that is in the classroom...don't know how that would go over!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 10:58:51 PM)
He and his teacher say it has helped quite a bit.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 10:59:41 PM)
Yeah, they told me that she will stick out in the crowd. That is why they are not interested in doing that to her. In the meantime she is having a problem understand whats going on.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:00:06 PM)
How did you get headphone?
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:00:46 PM)
I was surprized that he didn't object to it...he puts it on, and does his thing. Now, what will happen as he gets older....hmm
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:01:14 PM)
We bought it at Radio Shack...they have many different types, prices ranges...
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:01:36 PM)
Oh I will have to go there and check it out. Thanks
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:01:52 PM)
Does he have an IEP or 504 plan?
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:02:42 PM)
Make sure you have her try them and you talk from a distance away, so she can tell you if she is hearing you better. It amplifies the sound for the teacher is talking right in their ear!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:03:06 PM)
He has an IEP
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:03:10 PM)
That's great. Radio shack here we come.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:03:21 PM)
You go girl!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:03:55 PM)
I will take her right after school tomorrow.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:04:00 PM)
If you want, I can e-mail you w/ the exact one that we got..
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:04:21 PM)
it's at school, and I don't have the info right here w/ me.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:04:24 PM)
Okay my email is ELTRAYBI@AOL.COM thank you
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:05:08 PM)
Is capd a common thing or not so common?
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:05:31 PM)
I will be in school tomorrow, so I will send you the info when we get home...usually around 3:30 or so.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:05:58 PM)
I look forward to it.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:07:34 PM)
I think it's 'uncommon', in the sense that teachers, Dr's even, aren't too familiar w/ it. But, on the other hand, a lot of kids dx w/ ADD, may very well have CAPD, or some kind of auditory issue. So confusing, for us, our children, and those who work with them.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:09:11 PM)
Yeah it is very confusing. We had her tested for ADD and ADHD they test results for that was good. She does have either one of those.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:09:44 PM)
She does not have either one of those. Sorry my fingers are not as fast as my mind.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:10:10 PM)
Ok...I was just going to ask you!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:11:03 PM)
That's a good thing, bcause that can make matters worse...but then, any 'extra' thrown in, can make it worse, and more confusing!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:11:59 PM)
The school did there evaluation on her and they were so iffy on everything. I decided to have her tested indepent. We had CAPD done, TAP test done, took her to a psyc. had the phono.test done
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:13:50 PM)
We pretty much covered all areas I think. But by the time the results came in mid May it was to late in the year to implement anthing. So they are going to look into this year. We have been in school for 5 weeks noone has called me yet. So I guess I will have to get on them once again.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:14:03 PM)
When we lived in NYS, the school ( Hewas in nursery school then), suggested we test for auditory. We then went independant, and had a lot of those same tests done...but I feel he need to be re tested...he is now 8 , not 5, and so many things have changed w/ him...
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:14:39 PM)
Yes, do get on them. I have to do the same thing w/ my school...5 weeks, and no OT yet.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:15:21 PM)
Yeah they told me when we had her tested in April to have her retest back in one year. for the capd could change.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:16:30 PM)
Wow...I am feeling delinquent! But, I never knew he should be wasn't until I found this site, and Debbie, that my eyes were opened!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:16:41 PM)
Yeah her auditory is low
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:17:20 PM)
Yeah they told me to redo all test over in 1 year for her benefit aswell as the school.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:17:44 PM)
His is too....Debbie told me of 2 good auds. close by who deal w/ CAPD...her daughter goes to one of them. That's where I want to take him.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:18:12 PM)
We learn something new every day!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:19:24 PM)
We do not have anyone working with her on capd other than me. Her school is working on the speech and language issue at this time. Now with us moving in Nov. to FLA I am not sure how this will affect her and her current IEP.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:21:12 PM)
Do you know what school she will be going to? Of not, when you do, give them all of her info ASAP...they will probably re test her...that's what they did w/ Travis when we moved here last Dec.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:22:00 PM)
she just started going to speech last week. So I figured that they would of called me to come in and meet with them to go over there plan of action. I assumed wrong. She will be going to Bessie Elementary School in Martin County.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:22:46 PM)
He did continue to get his speech andOT, because he had a current IEP, even though it was out of state. But, legally, they have to provide those services. But, they will probably retest, and give her a Fla. IEP.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:23:17 PM)
I called the school and they told me to bring all info on her and to see if the school would release there records so that they can move along. Since we had her indep. tested they would way heavy on that.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:24:17 PM)
I would contact the school, give them all her info....that's great that they want you to do that...should keep things moving right along for you.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:24:53 PM)
She told us that they would do a blanket test on her to see where she fits in with the class as well as the teacher. For all the teachers are not familiar with working with a child needing help with capd and speech
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:24:55 PM)
That way, they will know you, and her, before you even get here.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:26:24 PM)
They also told me to make sure that her capd is on the current iep with the modifications/recomm. I am not sure what mod/rec they are going to do nor do I know what she is qualified for.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:27:08 PM)
Most teachers don't know about mother and I put together about 4 or 5 pages of condensed CAPD info...but what pertained to Travis, and HIS issues w/ it. Gave them ideas, suggestions, etc. We had a meeting at the end of the 2nd week of school, because his teacher didn't think he should be in 2nd grade, not capable of doing the work.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:27:38 PM)
I know if I tell them we are moving forget it. They will really drag there feet in doing anything.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:28:19 PM)
RIGHT!!! Don't tell her current school about the move...they most certainly will drag their feet.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:28:52 PM)
I tried to explain it to her teacher. She seems at one minute understand then the next minute she does not. In her words to many medical terms.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:29:38 PM)
I guess she read her file and was lost in the jargon.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:31:04 PM)
It's such a tough need to help her there, but you also need to start working on down here too. TOUGH, about too many medical terms!!!!!!! What I did, was instead of giving his teacher all of MY CAPD info, I broke it down into easier reading and understanding...not so medical..but gave the very impotant info on CAPD...what it is, how it affects Travis, and what THEY can do, to help him.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:31:10 PM)
For example she has a problem with sequencing a story. I said will she has a low articulation problem. She said well if she read the story she should know.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:33:22 PM)
Thats a good idea. I will work on that as well.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:34:33 PM)
NO, she shouldn't know...because she probably didn't 'get it'!!! OHHHHHHHHHH, those teachers make me so mad!!!!!!!!! She is closing her ears, because she doesn't understand what CAPD is, and doesn't seem to WANT to know what it is...too much for her, an added 'problem' to the classroom. Well, TOO BAD...she's there to teach ALL of the children, yours included!!! And, if yours doesn't learn like the other students, she then needs to MODIFY how she teaches YOUR child!!!!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:35:05 PM)
OH....that makes me SOOOO mad!!!!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:36:51 PM)
I know. Last year I was pulling out my hair with her 1st grade teacher and her we go again. What really bugs me is when they compare her to another child who does not have any problems at all. Well the rest of the class is doing this and your child is doing this. RRRR
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:38:17 PM)
I look at them like well do they have the same problems has she does well no. Or the best is well you do not have a degree in education no I have a degree in knowing my child.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:38:42 PM)
That always gets them.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:38:45 PM)
That is SOOOOOOOOO WRONG to compare!!!! They CAN'T compare...of course there is going to be a difference for petes sake! She has AP issues, the other kid they're comparing her to DOESN'T!!!!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:39:12 PM)
I like that answer of yours! I bet that stops them dead in their tracks!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:39:43 PM)
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:40:13 PM)
Yeah, that usually gets them to move the other way for about a minute. Then I have to start all over again.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:41:35 PM)
It just shouldn't have to be like that. Here we are, parents who KNOW OUR children, we're trying to help them do their best in school, and they, who teach, who seem to think they know/have all the answers, don't like being told they don't.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:42:25 PM)
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:43:12 PM)
I think that when they see me they are like oh god here she comes again. We had a horrible time last year. I called the school board in order to get answers because they were like so iffy on everything about her.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:44:09 PM)
Good for do what you have to do for your daughter...because they certainly aren't going to now, are they?!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:44:32 PM)
Keep on a fightin'!!!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:47:01 PM)
One minute she has a problem the next no problem a month later she has a problem. the teacher goes into this whole story one minute with me and when she is around her peers she tells a different story. I said to her finally do you know what you are talking about. I reguested 2x's for her to have an iep the teacher denied it not necessary after I called the school board a week later guess what I am called in for my first iep meeting. she tells me I thought that she had a problem the first day of school (aug) meeting in Feb because she said I have to go potty. Well lady why did you wait 6 months to tell me this.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:49:09 PM)
I like when they also say well your child is living up to his potential. No you moron you just stop trying to teach my child.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:49:17 PM)
She sounds like a total nut case, and surley isn't watching out for the child! Just trying to cover her lousey butt.GGGRRRR to her!!!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:49:51 PM)
Yeah, that 'potential' thing really bugs me too!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:50:46 PM)
Oh, I can tell you some stories from last year. I know this teacher is like oh god what did I do to get this mother. They always say she is delightful child.
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:52:04 PM)
That is why I figured that they would act on the capd thing. Because they know I have no problem picking up the phone and calling the school board. Oh by the way did I mention that I work for the school.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:52:52 PM)
Yeah, I get the delightful child thing too...which he really is. BUT, are you teaching my child? Yes, I know he's delightful, he'd get an A+ in'delightful child' class...but what about reading and math for petes sake?!?!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:53:38 PM)
Oh, no, you didn't mention you work for the school!! Ohhhhh, they must REALLY like you then!!!
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:54:21 PM)
Just making the waters a little choppy, eh?!?!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:55:12 PM)
Exactly, they have no clue. That is why I am trying to get info on this as I can. Yeah I work for the same school she attends. Yeah last year was pretty intense to say the least.
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:56:06 PM)
I bet it was! But, this is YOUR child, not theirs! But, don't you want to bet, that if it#
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:56:38 PM)
ooops...WAS their child, they would be doing EXACTLY what you are doing!
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:57:32 PM)
Oh yeah, they complain if a book is filed under the wrong section let alone if it were there child. I work in the Library
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:57:48 PM)
If the shoe were on the other foot....
ds (ID=126) (Sep 5, 2000 11:58:14 PM)
It's just amazing to me....
tracy (ID=118) (Sep 5, 2000 11:59:16 PM)
I will have to catch up with her sp ed teacher on Friday. She only works on Monday and Friday. And ask her her whats going on?