debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:28:36 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:30:45 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:31:01 AM)
Good Morning Debbie!

debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:36:11 AM)
hi CeCe

debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:36:23 AM)
sorry it took me a minute to write back..i was finishing up the dishes

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:37:13 AM)
I totally understand. I'll have to tend to the baby in a while-he's quiet at present. Yeh!

debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:37:49 AM)
my little one was trying to tell you i'd be right here but she couldnt spell right *LOL* she's home not feeling real well today

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:38:08 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:38:37 AM)
I hate to start this off so quickly this morning but school has been in session for just 5 weeks and ("SCREAMMMMMM!!!!). I need some advice!

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:38:46 AM)
Good morning Dr. J!

debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:38:55 AM)
good morning Dr J.....

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:38:58 AM)
Good morning debbie and CeCe. Sorry I'm late, but.........(all I really need to say is it's Washington DC and it's drizzling ;-) )

debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:39:01 AM)
what's going on CeCe?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:39:09 AM)
I'm sorry to hear that Debbie, so I'll be brief!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:39:20 AM)
CeCe, please what's your concerns

debbie (ID=87) (Sep 19, 2000 8:39:38 AM)
I think it's more of a "I want time with mom day" than her not feeling well

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:40:10 AM)
I'm sure you don't remember but awhile back I mentioned that the first day of school they took my son out of the regular class and put him with the hearing impaired (NOT on the IEP)?

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:41:12 AM)
'CeCe does your son have a hearing loss? What is his IEP classification/"label"?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:41:25 AM)
After I got that straightened out I called for a meeting to go over the IEP. We discussed the interventions with most of his teachers. Everyone "seemed " to understand.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:41:29 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:41:37 AM)

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:42:28 AM)
No, his peripheral hearing is normal. The school just erroneously put him in that room because the SLP told the principal that that was what we wanted. Not true!

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:43:55 AM)
I'm not sure Dr. J , what you mean by label. But he is classified on the IEP as having Communication Disorder.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:44:20 AM)
brb have to take an important phone call for a minute

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:44:57 AM)
CeCe I missed part of what you were saying...i lost my interenet connection for a minute

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:45:47 AM)
what class was your son placed in?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:47:09 AM)
But that was rectified and now we have some new problems. I feel that the primary teacher is not applying any of the interventions (pausing, repeating, rephrasing etc....) as evidenced by the papers he is bringing home. He clearly has NO idea what the directions were. And all the teacher is doing is marking it BOLD RED INK.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:47:46 AM)
CeCe have you went in and talked with the teacher one on one?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:47:52 AM)
He is placed in a regular classroom setting with speech therapy--that's another problem.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:48:44 AM)
How many times a week is he going to speech?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:49:34 AM)
I haven't spoken with her as yet because I need to be calm. I'm not there yet. I have spoken with the guidance counselor to set up another meeting so that we can make everything perfectly clear. We had a meeting with everyone involved the second week of school but apparently that wasn't enough.

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:50:15 AM)
The speech therapy is another concern. On the IEP it clearly states that he is to have 90 minutes per week. He is only getting 60 min.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:50:16 AM)
What grade is your son in?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:50:30 AM)
He is in the 1st grade.\

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:51:21 AM)
Do you get any of his work ahead of time so that you can preteach? By doing this it is sometimes easier for the child to understand when the teacher gives him the work

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:53:03 AM)
orry....but, that was long distance and important........(Reading what I missed)

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:53:39 AM)
Everyday I review his papers and it is clear to me by the way he errors that he just didn't get the (understanding) directions in the first place. The catalyst to all this was a paper that had the bold red ink that stated, "DID NOT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS". Well, no kidding. There is no follow-up on the paper that indicates that she even explained it correctly afterward. She simply marks it wrong and leaves it at that.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:54:08 AM)
CeCe I've got it....the label is the classification (in some places they call it the label). Now, your son is classified as communication disorder......what does his IEP say about educational placement? What CLASS is he supposed to be in based on the IEP?

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 8:54:29 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:54:40 AM)
Good morning Deb

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 8:54:53 AM)
Goodmorning everyone...sorry I'm late...

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:54:54 AM)
I am going to bring up preteaching when we meet again. Over the summer I taught him over 150 sight words (when he left Kindergarten he only knew 10).

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:55:00 AM)
CeCe what I do with Sarah is get her work (vocabulary and definitions) and go over them ahead of that by time the teacher goes over the work she has a basic understanding of the words and understands the teacher better

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:55:04 AM)
Hello Deb!

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 8:55:10 AM)
good morning Deb!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 8:55:17 AM)
Hi all!!

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:56:14 AM)
His placement is in the regular classroom with speech therapy 60 min. a week although the IEP states that he is supposed to have 90 min. per week.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:56:16 AM)
Sorry read back and I see CeCe you say he's in a regular education class......Then, why did you say he's in a class with Hearing Impaired children?......But, whatever, What are your specific concerns and if there are many, let's discuss ONE at a time!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 8:57:25 AM)
CeCe first, if the IEP says 90 minutes a week........what does it say ABOUT the 90 minutes. That is, 60 minutes in sessions with the SLP and 30 minutes the SLP consults with the teacher or comes into the classroom to work with your son and the teacher? In the latter case, it's still a 90 minute SLP involvement?

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:57:59 AM)
Dr. J, the school on the first day of school placed him erroneously with the hearing impaired per directions from the school SLP. I corrected them and then he was placed in the regular classroom as he is supposed to be and as is indicated on his IEP.

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 8:59:39 AM)
What was told to us, I won't get into all the objectives listed, he is to get two 30 min. sessions per week with the SLP in a group situation and an added 30min. per week one-on-one. He is not getting the one-on-one.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:00:13 AM)
CeCe, first of all. Be sure you have written documentation somewhere of the error in placement. Sounds awful to say, but, if you ever need to go for a fair hearing, one important thing the hearing office will need to know is how well the school personnel follow through on the IEP and how well they do their jobs. By placing him in the wrong class based on what the SLP directed means SOMEONE (or many people) are not reading the IEP and, really, there is not communication between the IEP group and the school personnel.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:01:44 AM)
Dr J...How long does a school have to enforce an IEP?

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:01:46 AM)
CeCe if your son is NOT getting the one-to-one as per the legal document called the IEP, then, you need to go immediately to the school principal who is responsible for ALL services in his/her school and to the director of special education who is responsible for ALL special educational services in the school district and make sure that IMMEDIATELY your son is given the 30 minutes one-to-one as per the IEP.

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 9:02:19 AM)
I have a copy of the IEP. Because of the placement error is why I called a meeting the second week of school. I hate to say they are in violation of the IEP but I feel they are so I have call for another meeting-I'm waiting to hear back from the guidance counselor.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:03:32 AM)
Debbie, if you mean by that "from the time the IEP is written until it takes action," I believe it is 30 -45 days. But, if the two group sessions have already started (and from what I gather of what CeCe said, that has occurred), you should get a written explanation why PART of the IEP is implemented and not the entire IEP and in writting get a date of when the rest of the IEP will be initiated

CeCe (ID=88) (Sep 19, 2000 9:03:35 AM)
The principal has never attended a meeting but I'm requesting that she does with this next one and the Special Ed. Director I have requested as well.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:04:52 AM)
Dr J I was wondering about the time frame for the IEP due to concerns about my youngest one's IEP...I"m waiting for a call back from my school too

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:05:54 AM)
CeCe it sounds like you are taking the correct steps. What is important is to get EVERYTHING in writting. Example, you're asking for the principal and special ed director to be at the next meeting, then, put it in writing, and when you are at the meeting, ask if minutes will be formally taken, if not, tell them, you are taking your own minutes, and you are beginning with who is present and who is absent and you can ask IN WRITING for a written explanation of WHY that person is not present.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:07:08 AM)
hmmm...we lost cece

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:08:02 AM)
i hope she'll be right back..i know i lost connection once too

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:08:30 AM)
Debbie, off hand, I don't know if there's a state by state or school district by school district rule for time. But, I think the time frame in the IDEA is 30 -45 days after the identification (testing) th IEP has to be written and I believe it's in the IEP that a starting date is written. I know that in my kids' IEPs (and we just had the meeting for Josh) it states the services, placement and the DATE services were to start (which actually began the DAY of the IEP this case).

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:08:53 AM)
Dr youngest daughter has not been to speech therapy at all had to cut back on the slp services offered and she's still rearranging her schedule.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:09:00 AM)
Yes, I hope we only lost her because she was "knocked out" by the Chat Room Gremlin ;-)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:09:07 AM)
been 4 1/2 weeks..schedule should be rearranged...

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:10:19 AM)
Travis still hasn't started w/ his OT yet either....she was supposed to have been in last week, haven't heard a thing about it.

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:10:26 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:10:39 AM)
welcome back CeCe

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:11:04 AM)
Well, what a time for my computer to lock up!! It takes a lifetime to get back on-I just "love it"!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:11:47 AM)
Debbie.......if you met and SIGNED the IEP for your youngest, it should have a date of initiation of service in it. But, if there is no date of starting, over one month is really unacceptable. And even if the school district cut back on SLP services, that's not your problem and it's not the problem of your daughter. THey are responsible for providing services even if it means dropping the ART program or MUSIC program to pay for special educaitonal services. This is the reality of the law. Art and Music are NOT mandated educational services (for example here).

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:12:19 AM)
Yes, welcome back CeCe.

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:12:42 AM)
Darn these computers sometimes!

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:12:54 AM)
We dont have music at our school anymore either effective today *LOL* funny you mentioned that one....the IEP was done last year for the start of this year...I have a cal into the school......

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:13:32 AM)
That's what I'm getting myself ready for. That these teachers are going to say that they don't have the time he needs. Back in May the SLP eluded to that anyway but the Director said to give that extra minutes anyway.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:14:03 AM)
My last statement to you, CeCe before the Chat Room Gremlin got you.....;-) Was that it sounds like you're doing the right things. But, get it all in writing. Request minutes of the meeting be taken and have attendance on the minutes and have a written explanation of why anyone who is supposed to be present is NOT present included in the minutes. Again, it's this paperwork and documentation that (1) scares schools into cooperation and (2) is needed if you have to go for a fair hearing.

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:15:08 AM)
I'm also thinking that I may take an advocate on my behalf just to show how serious we are about this.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:16:01 AM)
Debbie, if the IEP was to initiate at the beginning of this present school year, then, as a legal document, a contract, the school has BROKEN it's contract and they are totally liable for not living up to the contract (IEP). IDEA says that such a violation is against FEDERAL law (IDEA is a federal law). So, it's important in a nice way to get the school district to know that YOU know they are in violation of IDEA and what are THEY going to do about it immediately?

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:16:33 AM)
I have already made a presentation that I'm going to read (I know everyone will "love" that). But you know how sometimes in rectrospect you say, "Gosh, I wish I said that and didn't"? Well, I'm going prepared this time.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:16:44 AM)
CeCe it's often a good idea to have a parent/child advocate espeically when a school district "messes up" like wrong placement and only partial initiation of the IEP.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:17:26 AM)
I"d think after everything we've been through with Sarah they would know I"m serious....can't believe they would think i'm not serious about Kendra

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:17:44 AM)
CeCe sounds like you're doing ALL the right things. It's awful to think, though, that we as parents have to do such advocating for our children and that the schools are often lax or not doing their legal responsibilities.

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:18:42 AM)
I'm going through the same thing w/ Travis...we are now going into week 8 at school, and still no OT...and no speech last week or this week...never told me why...I think I need to do some 'pushing' as well.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:18:44 AM)
Dr J i know youv'e worked on behalf of a school district the run around in hopes we'll give up and not fight for what our kids deserve?

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:18:53 AM)
Debbie, are the personnel with whom you are working with Kendra the same as for Sarah? Also, if they are, is it possible that they just are HOPING you'd forget and it would GO away and be fixed when the school district gets the personnel for SLP services?

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:19:16 AM)
My other problem is how in the world can I be assured that his primary teacher is admininstering the interventions he needs on a day-to-day basis? How can I make certain that ALL the specialty teachers are aware of his needs? I have thought of having them all initialize the IEP or some other form.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:19:38 AM)
for the most part the same personnel...except Sarah never did qualify for language or speech...=)

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:20:33 AM)
CeCe...I made up a 'pamplet' that specified Travis' APD issues/needs, and gave one to EVERYONE who comes in contact w/ him. Noone can say they 'didn't know' then.

CeCe (ID=92) (Sep 19, 2000 9:22:35 AM)
Again, to have his teacher write all over his paper in red ink underlined, "DID NOT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS", flew all over me! He could do the work if he only knew the directions. I've told them that if he doesn't get the word, he doesn't get the meaning, hence, he won't get the directions! This lies his frustration with the APD! I get the impression that they just don't get it or won't acknowledge APD existence. The SLP said last year that it was the "flavor of the month".

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:23:00 AM)
Debbie, yes I've worked for school districts and I often still do. I really think that the school districts have a few personal concerns: (1) when personnel are not available they feel "Why are the parents making these impossible demands when we don't have the personnel to fullfil the demands; (2) just when we're ready to take care of "JOHNNY," another crisis arrises and pulls us away; (3) school districts try to FIT the IEP and serivces and placements INTO existing services even though (by law) the IDEA says the school district is responsible for providing appropriate, free educational services and access to normal educational services to ALL children. THus, the IEP teams, I think, often look at each child individually, then, when they see the whole picture, they don't realize they have over committed themselves, upper administration doesn't have the funds/ resources, etc. But, the bottom line is, if the school made the committment, they are committed too bad.

CeCe (ID=93) (Sep 19, 2000 9:24:47 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:25:31 AM)
CeCe it is NOT your job to be sure that the regular education teacher knows what to do for your child. That is the job of the IEP. At this next meeting, be sure that in the IEP there are services and a written goal that SOMEONE who is in the know is responsible to consult with the teacher to insure that the teacher knows what to do for your child's individual needs. Then, you can complain to both the teacher and the person in charge responsible (I'd think it's the SLP) and you'd then be able to question the person responsible (SLP I'd think) when the teacher writes in red ink, "Does Not Follow Directions."

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:28:44 AM)
In florida we now have the option if we have a student on an IEP that has not made progress in at least two areas, we can apply to have that student go to a private participating school at the expense of the district....I'm wondering if looking into that will get the schools attention that I"m very serious...

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:29:31 AM)
CeCe you can also set up a notebook in which you can write notes to the teacher and the teacher can and you now have documentation write responses and notes back to you and you respond back and forth. ALso, it will be the TEACHER's RESPONSIBILITY to look in your child's book bag to get the note book on a DAILY basis. Also, get that note book into the IEP. And, everyone, remember, if the school says, "Well, we'll do that, so we don't need it in the IEP," remember, if it's not in the IEP NO ONE is responsible for doing it or not and you can take no action against anyone who does not follow what you have agreed upon. IN contrast, if they say "We'll do that, but not write it in the IEP." Ask them, "If you're willing to do that, then why won't you put it in the IEP?" See what is there response and if it's what I think, "Well if its in the IEP we MUST do it," your response is "You just agreed that you would do it, so I'm now saying that you MUST do it. It goes in the IEP of I want written explanation why it should NOT be in the IEP."

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:30:43 AM)
I didn't know about that Debbie about Fl...interesting..and a good thing I suspect for a lot of children.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:31:12 AM)
i just called the department of education about the program..not sure if it applies to 504 plans as well as IEPs

CeCe (ID=93) (Sep 19, 2000 9:31:34 AM)
At home when I go over his papers he gets it immediately. I do have to pause, repeat, rephrase and have him repeat back in his own terms. But he GETS IT! So I truly believe that the teacher is not performing the interventions on the IEP. To get my son to tell us what's going on in school is like pulling teeth. But I gather from him that she does not do any one-on-one but only directs to the entire class at one time. She apparently does not follow-up to make sure he is following task correctly. Mind you, when I help him I'm sitting right next to him in quiet. The other day I told him to put a checkmark in the box, he thought I said to put a "chipmunk" in the box. So she can only imagine what he doesn't hear!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:32:06 AM)
It should apply to 504's...only fair I'd think.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:34:46 AM)
deb..this year they are allowing 17,000 students in the year 35,000 and by the 3rd year 70,000 students....4th year there is no limit......the state knows IEPs are not being enforced

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:35:22 AM)
Debbie, anything that shows YOU know the law so don't kid around with me will get the school's ears perked up. Example, if you remember about last week and Joshie's IEP meeting, when the school district first contacted me, they said something to the degree that "Our IEP team only meets on Thursdays and we are not required to come into school before 8:30." My response (before I agreed that the day and time was OK or not) was, "Well, the law says that the school is responsible for meeting with the parents and NOT that the parents are responsible for meeting with the school. SO, if the parents can't meet on Thursday after 8:30 because it cuts into THEIR schedule, you'd better think of a really great reason why the schools have a right to violate federal law. Now, when will the school personnel be willing to meet with me and my wife?" The very next words out of the SLP's mouth was, "Well, I don't know. All I know is that the IEP team members are all here on T......etc. Eventually, the decision was to agree to meet last Thursday and the follow up meeting (Oh yes, we did NOT finish last week one reason is the OT never made the meeting (yet ALL IEP personnel.....etc). SO we are meeting for completion TODAY (TUESDAY) at 3:00 - 4:00 AFTER SCHOOL. ANd, it's funny that ALL members of the IEP team will be at the school, after school to meet with me and my wife. (My wife was not able to make the meeting last week.......anyway).

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:35:52 AM)
Debbie...that sounds like a great program, and idea...should be so beneficial for these children. How do you know what schools participate, and where to go?

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:37:21 AM)
Debbie, if the private school "rule" is an educational rule under the Fla ed. laws under IDEA, then, it will not apply to a 504 plan. A 504 plan is under the ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) related to equal access to education and job and other things. Under ADA the schools just have to provide accommodations (whatever are in the 504 plan are accommodations) to provide equal access. So, it's not related to meeting goals as are in the IEP.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:37:40 AM) or call 1-800-447-1636

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:38:43 AM)
Thanks Debbie...will check it out.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:38:49 AM)
I suspected that it would not be covered but I asked when I called the 1-800 info line for the dept of education in Florida...They could not give me an answer...=)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:40:35 AM)
I have a feeling when the IEP team sees Dr J coming..they kind of shrink in their seats *L*

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:40:49 AM)
CeCe, again, as I said before, if the one-to-one explanantions are needed, if having him reverbalize (as I would call it) works at home, then, you can bring that up as a successful strategy and have it in his IEP. IF the IEP team refuses because the teacher does not have the time (a really VALID reason I would say as a professional) then you can ask or emphatically ask, "Then what will you do to insure that he is getting it in class since he has a Communication Disorder (IEP classification) and he has problems when a teacher addresses the whole class. Also, what accommodations can be provided for having someone go over all assignments with him if the classroom teacher isn't able to do it?

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:41:47 AM)
I'd like to have Dr. J at my IEP meetings!

CeCe (ID=93) (Sep 19, 2000 9:42:39 AM)
After much thought my husband and I feel that we should attempt the FM System and see if it will help our son. Last May they were very receptive but something must have got in their Wheaties over the summer because it is like talking to a different group this Fall. Last May the Special Ed. Director said that if we decided on the FM System that they would make my son a case study. They have never had an APD child use the FM System. This August, however, it seems that they had forgot it was even mentioned.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:44:08 AM)
Debbie, I think I shared with you, maybe not......But, when we went for the IEP meeting, first the SLP who will be providing services was to meet with Joshie. SO, I took Josh to the school to meet the SLP and low and behold, but who is with the SLP? The director of Speech-Language Services who hired me as a consultant last year (October) and who knew me very well. It's funny. I was NOT told she'd be there. Also, first thing out of the SLPs mouth was, "Do you know and so......SHe'd like to be in on our brief meeting......any way you get the idea. Yes, they know who I am. And, I've even said to the Director of SLP....who I know, I'm here as Josh's father, and I will fight for him if needed. So we can work together or we can fight. I'd prefer working together. Her response, interestingly, was, "As a parent, I wouldn't expect less."

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:44:54 AM)
Well, looks like that Gremlin got hold of CeCe again!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:45:24 AM)
I hope it leaves me alone...always have problems getting back in!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:46:33 AM)
Looks like Debbie is gone too........Debbie, oh Debbie!

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:46:34 AM)
I'd much rather work with the school as well and I dont want to be unreasonable....but if they are goign to say they will provide the services..then they should provide them

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:46:41 AM)
had a phone call quick....i'm here

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:46:50 AM)
Oh, ok!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:46:58 AM)
Back to the subject. I guess the greatest problem for parents is that the schools ARE overwhelmed.....yes, I'm taking their side now. They DO have a tremendous job to do, but, it's there responsibility, and it's a legal responsibility. What is most interesting to me is that when the school really is willing to sit and listen AND when the parents are willing to sit and listen AND when the schools and parents are willing to work together, and not fight every tooth and nail (as the expression is), it ALL works for the child's best interests.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:47:51 AM)
Deb. Please remember, I'm a parent as well so I see things from both a professional perspective, and educational perspective and a parent's perspective. So, you are NOT alone. Ever. We're always just an email, chat, phone call away.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:48:01 AM)
ok I know the school is overwhelmed..but how hard would it have been for the slp to send home a note saying what is going on about her services being cut instead of just not saying anything...Communications goes a long ways.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:48:03 AM)
Yes, Debbie, I agree with you.

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:48:26 AM)
Absolutely Dr. J....Thanks Dr. J..I appreciate that!

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:48:33 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:49:17 AM)
Well, looks like CeCe fought off that Gremlin again, and is the victor in this battle. debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:49:43 AM)

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:49:51 AM)
I know that times almost up and this computer is certainly telling me that mines up!@#$ But I want to thank you all for all your advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:49:54 AM)
You're great D.J!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:49:57 AM)
.oO(WOnders if CeCe is practicing to go to Sidney for the Logon/Logoff Olympic event. ;-)

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:50:15 AM)

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:50:15 AM)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:50:22 AM)
I"ve often thought of handing out bunji cords at the door of the chat...

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:50:40 AM)
Good idead Debbie!! *LOL*

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:51:18 AM)
Is anyone familiar with Paul Harvey? A radio personality-tells stories on the air that end in irony?

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:51:28 AM)
Paul Harvey is a hoot

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:51:38 AM)
I love him!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:51:47 AM)
Debbie, for me, it's not a bungie cord I need. I need a direct line to the internet so when the Gallaudet system goes down or crazy (like yesterday) and you have to check three days of email and search the internet for important info, you CAN do your work.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:52:01 AM)
CeCe Paul Harvey,

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:52:11 AM)
Sorry....."And that's the rest of the story"

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:52:37 AM)
My mother was listening to him the other day and he was discussing a notable individual who as a child people thought of him as "simple".

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:52:44 AM)
I use to wake up to Paul Harvey every morning on the radio when I was a kid....

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:53:25 AM)
.oO(WOnders what Paul Harvey was doing with Debbie both of them sleeping on the radio ;-) :-) )

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:53:28 AM)
Dr may not have seen the note then if you've been having trouble with your email....we received our first membership form in the mail this weekend for the NCAPD.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:53:41 AM)
Dr J..shame on you.*L*

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:53:49 AM)
Yes, Debbie, from Alan...G the audiologist

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:54:11 AM)
YIPPIE!!! I'll be sending mine in in the near future...

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:54:15 AM)
It took this person a long time, if at all, to respond back to people when spoken to. He also would repeat everything others said (including what he would say) back to himself aloud. My son does this. That is what caught my mothers attention.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:54:42 AM)
Deb..I got your forms for the Be-A-Friend program and the personal survey form..thank you!

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:54:48 AM)
He was poor in language.

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:54:54 AM)

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:55:00 AM)
Deb, the membership is $1,000,000 payable to CASH sent to my address. OK ;-) :-) No, really, Deb. I'm glad you're interested in membership in the NCAPD.

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:55:03 AM)
It is Albert Einstein!!!

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:55:15 AM)
This, I loved and gives me hope!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:55:43 AM)
$1,000,000 eh? Well, don't cah the check, or use the cash for a LONG while then!!! *LOL*

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:55:53 AM)
I belive albert einstein was dyslexic wasnt he? I normally dont mention politics..but did any of you see where they are trying to make a big deal of Bush being dyslexic?

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:55:57 AM)
CeCe, Yes, Albert Einstein failed math in school. THere's a lot of evidence that Einstein may have had either dyslexia or a significant learning disability.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:56:20 AM)
uh oh...thinking like dr J now...=)

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 9:56:29 AM)
Debbie. Yes, with Bush loosing in the poles, I guess their going for the ADA vote. ;-)

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:57:24 AM)
*LOL*...maybe it will be better for all of us then!

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:58:01 AM)
Well, again I know everyone needs to go. Debbie, I hope your daughter starts feeling better! Dr. J, thanks soooooooooo much for your input. Everyone have a good day and I'll see how this next meeting goes!

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 9:58:19 AM)
CeCe take care and keep doing a great job for your son!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 9:58:26 AM)
Good luck CeCe...have a great day.

CeCe (ID=94) (Sep 19, 2000 9:58:53 AM)
Goodbye Everyone!

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 10:00:22 AM)
I have got to go too...many things to do before I head back to school...and that's not til 2:30...Ug...I'll *see* you tonight on the chat. Have a great day Debbie and Dr. J...see you in 2 weeks Dr.J!

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:00:36 AM)
Dr J on another note..I've been meaing to ask you...when you do the presentations for the school districts they count as continuing education credits?

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:00:42 AM)
bye Deb!

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:00:49 AM)
Wow. I think CeCe's gremlin struck. I couldn't get a think inputted (typed) into my computer for the past few minutes.

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 10:01:07 AM)
See you tonight! Bye...

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:01:18 AM)
see you tonight Deb

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:01:31 AM)
Bye Deb. Good that you could make it. Hope you'll come next chat and please feel free to say or add your own concerns or questions.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:02:01 AM)
Debbie, is there a special reason you asked about Joshie's finishing IEP meeting this pm?

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:02:21 AM)
.oO(Is that English I just wrote therest?)

Deb (ID=91) (Sep 19, 2000 10:02:24 AM)
Will do Dr.'re always a big help even if I don't type in a question...but don't worry, I'm sure I'll bombard you soon!

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:02:33 AM)
trying to find a time to catch you and Dr Moncrieff *L*

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:03:50 AM)
These next two weeks are really tough for me. I'm finishing the book with Kathy Foli and have been using every free moment to complete that work. Yesterday, I spent about an hour at CAPD From the Heart of a Mother......your website. It's one of the best.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:04:02 AM)
Is Dr. Debbie M back fro mthe Fla Convention?

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:04:20 AM)
She is back..The conference ended on Friday I beleive

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:05:14 AM)
Thank you for the compliment on the site.....I've let updating information on it slide a bit to work on the NCAPD....I'm anxious to read Karen's book.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:06:17 AM)
Debbie, I am free on's my schedule that day. I have our one-to-one chat planned for the morning (8:30 - 10) and my ASL class from 11- 12:30 (then lunch) and then no class until 6pm. So, Either we can substitute our one-to-one chat for the meeting in the morning or the afternoon this THursday if you and Dr. Debbie M are available.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:06:18 AM)
I know you have a hectic schedule and I do understand that. I hope I am not appearing to be impatient...

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:07:43 AM)
BTW, I wonder if you can help me. DId you ever hear of the CHAPP? It's a parent interview questionnaire sometimes used with APD. I have used and I have the Fisher AUditory Checklist, but, I'm trying to locate the CHAPP and I can't seem to locate it. For me, one problem is I don't know what CHAPP stands for.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:07:56 AM)
I'll see if we can substitute our one one one...I work thursday afternoon. We will be going through another schedule change at work the end of October. I may be going to very early morning hours instead of late night.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:08:13 AM)
No, not at all are you appearing impatient. You've been trying to schedule this chat for about 2 weeks now.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:08:41 AM)
I"ve not heard of the CHAPP but would be more than happy to try and track it down for you if it would be helpful

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:08:49 AM)
Will the change in your schedule be an improvement for you and the family?

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:09:30 AM)
Time will tell on that one. I will have more time at night, but will have to be up at 3am to make it to work at 4:45

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:09:42 AM)
I'll know more about the schedule in the next week or so

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:10:01 AM)
Debbie, if you can track down the CHAPP, That would be very helpful. I'd really appreciate that. I wanted to include more than just the FIsher and some other "informal" non-published check lists that parents can use in the book on CAPD I'm writing with Karen Foli.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:10:41 AM)
I'll see what I can come up with this afternoon. If I can get ahold of it. I'll let you know.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:10:46 AM)
Ugh. 4:45am until midday I'd expect? WIll be hard on the evenings with your family.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:11:45 AM)
Would be 4:45 am to 1:45 pm This way the kids would no longer be in after school care. I"m not sure what to do. I hate trying to arrange schedules around day care...I want my time with my girls and woody

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:11:53 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:11:59 AM)
hi kathe

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:12:10 AM)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:12:19 AM)
Did you see the question about the continuing education credit for conferences?

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:12:42 AM)
How are you today Kathe?

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:13:08 AM)
Fine Just thought that I would stop in and see if there was anyone here

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:13:37 AM)
Just a few of us here this morning.

dr.j (ID=89) (Sep 19, 2000 10:13:54 AM)
Debbie, anyway, If you get in touch with Dr. Debbie and Thursday is good for you and her, just let me know and I'll be here. So long as I merely reshuffle the 1-1/2 time I've slotted for US to chat, I'll have the rest of the day for the time I need for the things I need to do. Anyway, I have to go now and get some work ready for a meeting I have to attend at lunchtime. Today is a really tough schedule for me. I have a break to prepare for this meeting at noon (I have to leave my ASL class early) then I have a meeting at 1pm-2pm. Have to rush off to Joshie's IEP meeting at 3-4 and rush back for my class tonight at 6-9pm. Speak with you on THursday either just the two of us or with Dr. Debbie. Have a great week until then.

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:14:14 AM)
I have a 9 year old son with CAPD and was so happy to find sites relating to it

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:14:26 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:15:03 AM)
The chat this morning was from 8:30 to 10 and there is another chat tonight at 9 pm EST. I hope you will be able to join in tonight...I can stay for a few now if I can answer any questions for you

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:15:23 AM)
Have a great day Dr J!

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:15:53 AM)
I am looking for some answers. Both myself and my son have CAPD

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:15:58 AM)
Unfortunately I cant due to our schedule My one question is about how to motivate my son to do his homework

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:16:38 AM)
I dont know if I can tonite but I'll try

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:16:44 AM)
What grade is your son in?

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:16:49 AM)

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:16:55 AM)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:17:04 AM)
Dr J..where are you from?

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:17:11 AM)

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:17:21 AM) you use any type of reward system?

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:17:53 AM)
confused for a moment...dr j had just left (dr j lucker) when you popped in....

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:17:56 AM)
oh, yes- if he does it for a certain number on nights without a hassle he will earn a new gameboy game. No dice

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:18:27 AM)
can you break the homework down into smaller segments so he's not doing it all at once? I know that has helped my daughter

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:18:38 AM)
debbie, is there any research you know of that will offer a CURE?

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:18:59 AM)
I have done that, too. It doesnt seem to matter if its easy or hard. He just doesnt want to do it.

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:19:29 AM)
I can not say there is a "cure" for capd..however depending on the type of auditory processing disorder your child has and what the underlying factors are...they can be effective remeadiation

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:20:28 AM)
Kathe,,,is the not wanting to do the homework related to capd or to being in 4th grade?

Dr. J (ID=96) (Sep 19, 2000 10:21:27 AM)
All I know is that it gets worse with age and it really interferes with every day functioning and is certainly frustrating to people around me. Anyway I have to log out , hope to see you tonight

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:21:40 AM)
I hope to see you tonight!!

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:21:47 AM)
Well , he's never wanted to do it- in the beginning I think that it was capd related because he felt frustrated now we have been using strategies to help use his time better so I dont think that s the case any longer

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:22:23 AM)
i know with my daughter..there is times she dont want to do her homework and it has nothing to do with her s plain stubborn

debbie (ID=90) (Sep 19, 2000 10:23:00 AM)
kathe,, i just had company show up at my door..ive got to run....

kathe (ID=95) (Sep 19, 2000 10:23:21 AM)
by thanks

Dorien (ID=97) (Sep 19, 2000 10:29:17 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

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