susan (ID=67) (Sep 26, 2000 5:39:56 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Dorien (ID=0) (Sep 26, 2000 8:43:26 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=1) (Sep 26, 2000 8:51:55 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=2) (Sep 26, 2000 8:55:52 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=3) (Sep 26, 2000 8:56:31 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=7) (Sep 26, 2000 8:57:58 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 8:58:48 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 8:59:26 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 8:59:42 PM)
Hi Debbie, Wasn't sure if there was a chat tonight...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 8:59:46 PM)
How are you?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:00:43 PM)
hi peggy

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:00:49 PM)
hoe are you?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:01:06 PM)
I am fine... I'm at work right now...

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:01:09 PM)
there is i'm at a friend's house now

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:01:25 PM)
Oh, I bet you can't talk for long then...

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:01:32 PM)
no it's ok

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:01:47 PM)
she's letting me use hert puter

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:02:02 PM)
I am working with my son on the Earobics program.. So far so good.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:02:07 PM)
forgive the typing i'm holding a baby

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:02:23 PM)
That is nice of your friend. WHo's baby? Your friends?.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:02:37 PM)
some one jusgt took the's my best friend's granddaughter

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:02:48 PM)
That's nice.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:02:50 PM)
she had somce friend's from austrailia come in today

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:03:40 PM)
How do you like Earobics?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:04:29 PM)
Since I am the only one.. I don't want to keep you from your friends.. We are doing pretty good and I am still learning about CAPD for my son. You have been a GREAT help!!! The Earobics is pretty good. He is having a little problem with one of the games. I go to see Maxine Young at the end of next month for FFwd eval... I can't wait.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:04:58 PM)
It's ok...they are in the other room.........she knows the chat is important to me...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:05:09 PM)
She will also confirm the CAPD dx.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:05:13 PM)
we can talk a bit...I'm happy I've been able to thelp

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:05:38 PM)
I've emailed back and forth a few times with maxine...have you read her article on the FFW website?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:06:02 PM)
You really have been. I haven't seen her artical.. I will look for it tonight.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:06:08 PM)
How is your daughter doing?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:06:30 PM)
My son is in 2nd grade. PPrimer2 reader.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:06:35 PM)
we are really struggling in school right now....she's having a hard time in science and english

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:06:58 PM)
It is hard to see them struggle.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:07:02 PM)
Sarah was an A/B student last year...right now she is getting a D in language

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:07:18 PM)
It really is hard..some nights I still just go to my room and cry

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:07:19 PM)
Do you think it is wise to have my son checked by a neurologist?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:07:55 PM)
I've not had Sarah see a neurologist..........I would wait til You saw maxine and see what she recommends

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:08:13 PM)
What areas is your son having trouble in?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:09:02 PM)
I am sure all your hard work will pay off... She looks like a sweet girl... I will see what Maxine says... He has fine moter delay and the expressive/receptive language delays. Aso some articulation delay

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:09:24 PM)
He had "glue ears" and tubes when he was 4.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:09:51 PM)
I'm confident that one day Sarah will overcome her capd......

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:09:57 PM)
I wish the pediatrician could have picked it up. He is my 1st.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:10:18 PM)
She's made more comments lately about using her Fm trainer than she ever has before. She's starting to realize how much it helps her

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:10:37 PM)
I went to dr's for 4 years before Sarah was dx

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:10:50 PM)
I am sure she will!!! That is what I hope my son will do too.. It is great the FM can help her.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:11:01 PM)
I will see if maxine suggest that for my son.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:11:15 PM)
How long ago did yousay he was dx?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:12:35 PM)
I found out about the CAPD just this summer. Before they said just speech delays..Then they thought he was ADD last year. I said he wasn't and asked for more testing. Thats when the school had a neuropsycologist test and she came up with CAPD.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:12:55 PM)
I don't know why his speech therapist didn't say anything before...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:13:08 PM)
The therapist was through the school.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:13:13 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:13:25 PM)
so many people are not familiar with capd.......many professionals dont recognize capd

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:13:31 PM)
hey Dorien!! how are you?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:13:47 PM)
I am educating my school now!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:14:08 PM)
good how about you Debbie

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:14:18 PM)
One goal I have for the NCAPD is to do our first public awareness program in Jacksonville......

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:14:21 PM)
I keep sending them e-mails... I sent them the CBS news story you sent the other day.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:14:23 PM)
I'm doing great

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:14:58 PM)
I would like to help here with APD awareness if possible...

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:15:09 PM)
A friend on the list sent me the notice about the CBS story when I was at work. I got the note at 6:30 right when the news came on. I ran for a TV like a madwoman! *LOL*

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:15:11 PM)
I live outside Philly. Rose is in Philly.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:15:40 PM)
It was pretty good story. I wish I could have my son involved.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:15:58 PM)
Peggy....forgive me for asking...but have you sent in the be-a-friend form? (I'm still sifting through them)

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:16:09 PM)
I was glad to read the news story

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:16:12 PM)
your son involved?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:16:21 PM)
involved in the story. I did last week send in for Be-a friend.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:16:41 PM)
Involved in the North Western study.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:16:55 PM)
I was surprised to hear the statistic that 1/3 of the children with LD probably have an APD

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:17:39 PM)
I think it is quite possibe...

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:17:51 PM)
ok Peggy...I will get that organized yet. I spent this afternoon talking to dr moncrieff and dr j as a board of directors meeting to adopt bylaws for the NCAPD.....we are making progress!

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:18:19 PM)
Dorien, how is school going for you all this year?

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:18:59 PM)
So far so good for Tricia but Michael is starting to show the CAPD more

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:19:15 PM)
I bet a lot of ADD kids are really CAPD

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:19:32 PM)
How is it going for you

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:19:34 PM)
we are struggling this year too ...Sarah's having a tough time in school

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:19:46 PM)
Peggy I'd bet you are right about that

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:20:20 PM)
Being this is his first year we did not know what was going to happen.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:20:35 PM)
Debbie, did you notice an improvement after FFWord with Sarah?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:20:54 PM)
yes I did....

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:21:10 PM)
Are you still using FFWord?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:21:26 PM)
no...we finished FFW last november

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:21:31 PM)
Debbie I may have gotten our school to pay for FFWord for Tricia

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:21:48 PM)
we did FFW at the same time that we started using the FM trainer

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:21:50 PM)
Dorien,,, How did you do it???

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:22:01 PM)
Dorien! That is fantastic!!!!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:22:08 PM)
Get the school to pay? I want to try that...

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:22:22 PM)
My school would never dream of it

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:22:42 PM)
I got the doctor to state that this would help her and requested this be added to her 504

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:22:54 PM)

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:23:07 PM)
Way to go Dorien!! Hats off to you.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:23:29 PM)
The funny thing about this is that the doctor did not know about FFWord

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:23:34 PM)
Did you start yet Dorien?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:23:47 PM)
I"ll be right back..ok?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:23:54 PM)

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:23:56 PM)
No they have to have her new 504 meeting

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:24:17 PM)
How old is your child?

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:24:37 PM)
She is 10 and my son is 5

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:24:52 PM)
how about you

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:24:52 PM)
My son is 8 and in 2nd grade. Just had CAPD dx over summer.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:25:14 PM)
This site has been a great help!!!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:25:37 PM)
I know that it is hard but you now know what is wrong

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:25:52 PM)
I hope I can help my son to remediate the problem.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:26:14 PM)
I hope FFWord will help...

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:26:15 PM)
Just do not let the school push you around

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:26:40 PM)
I am using Earobics right now at school. and I am doing it with him not the school.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:26:57 PM)
I will look into getting the school to adopt FFWord.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:27:00 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:27:20 PM)
I got the school to use an FM unit about 1 1/2 ago

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:27:53 PM)
Great! I hope it can help!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:28:30 PM)
It has helped but I want her to have every chance she can have

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:02 PM)
Greetings is everyone tonight?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:02 PM)
I have to learn more about FM devices. My son is going to see Maxine Young on Oct. 30th.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:10 PM)

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:12 PM)

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:15 PM)
How are you?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:37 PM) house at school tonight....

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:29:58 PM)
We did that last week

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:30:58 PM)
Travis my APD'er, has his Thurs...tonight was nice in my younger sons..did some plays...really cute!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:31:46 PM)
Our school just tells us how they are doing and send you on your way

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:32:37 PM)
That's ashame...we also have our book fair going was actually very all decorated for fall...really nice.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:33:11 PM)
We still have to do parent teacher meetings

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:33:30 PM)
Ours are coming up too...

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:33:51 PM)
I still have one open house in Oct

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:34:03 PM)
We just got out interim reports, actual report cards come out Oct.19th...

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:34:32 PM)
We don't get report cards until Nov

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:35:00 PM)
Does anyone try to get weekly reports from teachers?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:35:03 PM)
When did your kids start school Dorien? Ours started Aug. 7th!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:35:22 PM)
I have a communication book each week with the learning support teacher.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:35:32 PM)
I call the school when ever I want to know what has been going on

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:35:37 PM)
Peggy...Travis' teacher and I have a little notebook that goes back and forth every day...AWESOME!!!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:35:50 PM)
Sept 6

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:36:02 PM)
how about your school

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:36:42 PM)
I like to keep in contact like that too Deb.. Did the book daily last year. but they are doing weekly this year... We'll see...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:37:43 PM)
I have my son's teacher's e-mail address. So I send them notes... I sent them the CBS news story this week.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:38:00 PM)
I have a CSE meeting for a kid that I work with tomorrow

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:38:14 PM)
We started Aug. 7th...doesn't seem possible we are going into 2 months of school already! I really like the daily book...really keeps me up on how he's doing. I send notes to his SLP as well...she just sent me a long letter. Haven't talked to his OT yet...but then, he just started w/ her last week...

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:38:16 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:38:51 PM)

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:38:55 PM)
I couldn't get that CBS story up...anyone have the address? Maybe I copied it down wrong...

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:39:11 PM)
Hi ya Tracy! How did today go?!?!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:39:12 PM)
Hello everybody,

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:39:23 PM)
I still have it... I'll try to get it.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:39:36 PM)
thanks Peggy...

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:40:27 PM)
Well I did not heard anything yet from the Board of Education. They are suppose to call me back tomorrow. As for the school, they are still giving me the good old round around.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:41:28 PM)
Let me know about the call tomorrow...hopefully, after tomorrow, the run around will come to a stop!!! How was working w/ her special ed teacher?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:41:44 PM),1597,235728-412,00.shtml

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:42:00 PM)
Deb, try that...

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:42:05 PM)
Tracy what state do you live in

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:43:27 PM)
Thanks Peggy! I just doubled checked the address I had, and that was w/ the numbers...are they zero's or the letter O's? I had typed in zeros...

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:44:09 PM)
I live in GA. Oh, I showed up to help out and was told that we have enough help. So, I said okay went to due my thing at the library.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:44:48 PM)
They love me . They really really love me.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:44:56 PM)
You can ask for a hearing if they give you to moch of a problem

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:45:21 PM)
No more then our school loves me

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:45:40 PM)
Unbelieveable Tracy! They really need to shape up, they certainly aren't acting like the proffesionals they are...or at least claim to be....

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:45:55 PM)
Tracy....*LOL* crack me up!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:48:00 PM)
Yeah, I found out the state of GA does not recognize CAPD however they you can have mod/recomm for it. The teacher is doing mod/recomm in class however what she is doing is not written up in the IEP. I was told that my daughter has potential she is not applying herself. I said to her we all have potential to be millionairs too, guess what I ain't.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:48:54 PM)
It really is a sin, that these schools treat the parents this way. When we are only trying to do what is best for our children....makes me so angry!!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:49:09 PM)
Why wont they put the chances into the IEP

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:50:12 PM)
Did you know they can not change any thing with out a meeting

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:50:13 PM)
Tracy..Fla. doesn't recognize it either, but mods can be done as well...Travis has some written into his IEP...I think I told you...brain dead right now!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:50:41 PM)
I agree Deb... I get the run around and I am only trying to help my son. I guess if your child is differnt, they don't know how to deal with them.

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:51:20 PM)
They think these children all have ADD or ADHD

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:51:48 PM)
Peggy...and especially if it's something they are not familiar CAPD...they just want to sweep it, and the child under the rug. That's why we must continue to FIGHT!!!!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:52:17 PM)
This is the her sped teacher saying this. Then she tells me well your daughter sometimes does not want to answer a question at times. I said well if she is not participating then let me know she turns around and says absoulty not, I said why not oh you will inturn punish her and she does not need to be punished. Needless to say I went off like a top and told her my daughter never ever has been punished in her life. She says oh I am sorry for saying that , I know that I will regret saying that. Would you believe I have done everything in my power and she tells me that. Oh it gets better.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:52:27 PM)
This chat really helps me with that Deb.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:52:36 PM)
Absolutely Dorien...they referred to Travis as the 'ADD kid" at his peds. office...boy was I hot!!!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:53:09 PM)
absolutely, I spelled it incorrectly, I vent when I am on the computer talking about it.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:53:31 PM)
I am going to be well known at my son's school. I hope it won't be in a bad way though.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:53:58 PM)
Peggy and Tracy...that's what this wonderful place here is all learn, swap ideas, and to vent!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:54:08 PM)
It took me for or five doctors to find out what was wrong with Tricia

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:54:48 PM)
In the same breath she says oh your daughter works so hard twice as hard as the other children. She is making all her goals. So, now what I think is that come January when we are suppose to me again, she is going to try to get her out of her having an iep.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:55:06 PM)
Debbie does a great job!!! :)

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:55:43 PM)
Tracy find out what tha law is for your state and tell this to the school this will get to them

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:55:48 PM)
Can you get a different teacher Tracy?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:55:51 PM)
Peggy...just be firm...don't yell or anything...maybe, just amybe, they will listen. The more you are at school, the better. Are you allowed to volunteer or anything there? I am doing lots of vol. work at school, and just signed up to run for PTA Vice bet they'll know me!!

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:56:41 PM)
I agree I keep the schools going due to my job.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:56:43 PM)
I am volunteering at the library and am a homeroom mom. It sounds like you are doing a great job.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:56:57 PM)
They actually do know me, they were the ones who wanted me to run for office actually! They want me to do Pres...I said I'll do VP!

mlmom (ID=13) (Sep 26, 2000 9:57:08 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:57:34 PM)
Tracy, I hope things get better...

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:57:36 PM)
That's good Peggy...the more involved you are, can only help! Keep it up!

mlmom (ID=13) (Sep 26, 2000 9:57:40 PM)
Hi everyone:-)

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 9:57:46 PM)

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:57:47 PM)
Hi are you tonight?

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:58:04 PM)
She is the only sped teacher on board at her school.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 9:58:10 PM)
I will.. Thanks!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 9:58:17 PM)
Hello mlmom

mlmom (ID=13) (Sep 26, 2000 9:58:27 PM)
I'm good but tired.

mlmom (ID=13) (Sep 26, 2000 9:58:47 PM)
Wanted to stop in for a short time though.

mlmom (ID=13) (Sep 26, 2000 9:59:05 PM)
What is everyone discussing tonight?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 9:59:31 PM)
hey you all...i've got to run...I"ll jump on line when I get home

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:59:41 PM)
Good girl Peggy! If they see you walking the halls as much as the kids...and see that you're involved, they be more likely to want to do what's best...or you would hope so at least. I'm really quite lucky at our school. I feel very blessed...

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 9:59:54 PM)
Hi Debbie...did you get the package?

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
I'm at a friend's now and going to sign off..sorry I've not been with you tonight.... Will email about news for the NCAPD soon.

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:13 PM)
Deb,, yes I did!!! Thank you so very much!

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:22 PM)
You're welcome!!!

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:32 PM)
Bye bye for now.....

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:38 PM)

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:39 PM)

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:46 PM)

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:48 PM)
I"ll be in teh chat late tomorrow night too

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:00:51 PM)

debbiewood (ID=8) (Sep 26, 2000 10:01:00 PM)
take care ladies and have a great week

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:01:32 PM)
I wondered where our commander in chief was tonight!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:01:42 PM)
She was over a friends.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:02:19 PM)
She was on more earlier...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:03:05 PM)
She must be very busy with NCAPD and everything else...

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:03:22 PM)
For anyone who was on last week...remember she had asked for our views on CAPD, and how we present it to our schools? I was referring to a booklet I had sent her that I had done specifically on Travis, and HIS CAPD issues, etc...

Dorien (ID=10) (Sep 26, 2000 10:03:23 PM)
I have to go have a good night

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:03:48 PM)
good night

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:03:51 PM)
Nite Dorien...see you next week I hope!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:03:56 PM)
I give her a lot of credit for a great web site.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:04:50 PM)
This has been my link to sanity...I am soooo thankful I found it, and all of you too! She is pretty awesome, that Debbie!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:05:17 PM)
The school Psyc had a fact sheet on CAPD. It was pretty good. I e-mailed the CBS story to my son's teachers.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:05:21 PM)
Oh yeah me too!

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:05:58 PM)
I've got to try and get that up again...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:06:19 PM)
You can click on the chat line I sent...

mlmom (ID=13) (Sep 26, 2000 10:06:40 PM)
Good night

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:06:53 PM)
good night

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:07:22 PM)
OOOOOHHHHHHHH, didn't think of that Peggy!! DUH!!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:07:33 PM)
How long have you all been visiting this site?

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:07:49 PM)
A couple of weeks.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:07:58 PM)
Same here Tracy.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:08:07 PM)
I've been coming for about -7 weeks...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:09:38 PM)
I hope I can spread the word about CAPD to help other moms too.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:09:49 PM)
Okay, so if a child can have mod/recomm for CAPD. Is it written up on a separate sheet of paper or is it written up on the modification/services form.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:10:07 PM)
Eventually, I'd like to start a local support group....

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:10:16 PM)
Tracy. I

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:10:35 PM)
Tracy, I'm not sure of that...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:11:02 PM)
We had earobics written on Special mod/recomm sheet I believe.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:11:16 PM)
At the end of the IEP

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:11:42 PM)
Travis' is written right on his IEP form, under a section titled 'modifications'...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:12:04 PM)
Me too Deb.. Rose is in my area and she wants to start a support group too.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:12:38 PM)
I see it know on her iep form. Thank you

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:13:19 PM)
We are getting Earobics at school soon,,,FREE, thanks to my Mom...will I have to have that added to his IEP,...or not, since it is being purchaced for the school by an outside group?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:14:21 PM)
Peggy...that would be wonderful...I really think it would be so helpful. I think once the be-a-friend program takes off, that will help also with starting up support groups.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:14:21 PM)
That is not on her iep however it is done with the speech teacher.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:14:33 PM)
I had them add it to the IEP, but I am the one working on it with him. I am taking him to school 3 days a week early and we are using the computer in the library.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:15:16 PM)
The school didn't know where they could fit it into his day, so I offered. This way I can see how he is doing and be sure he is getting the time to use it.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:16:33 PM)
This way, I don't feel I am being to much of a burden and am not taking away from other class time.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:16:49 PM)
I do the same thing since I work there it is very nice to see what she is doing.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:16:50 PM)
Hmmmmmm....what to do, what to do!! Maybe I'll wait and see how often he will be using it...that's really great Peggy that you do that. I remember you had mentioned that before. You're wonderful for doing it!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:17:16 PM)
My son only has speeh 2x's per week for 1/2 hour each it wouldn't be enough for earobics.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:17:57 PM)
I figured, like you said earlier, it is a great way to make your presents known in a pretty good way.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:18:03 PM)
I would do that, but we live 20 min. from school, and the boys get up at 6:15 already to get ready for school...I don't know if I could do it or not.....

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:18:41 PM)
Absolutely Peggy...they will know that you are serious about helping your son!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:19:13 PM)
Do they have a long bus ride? If you go with them a couple days a week and drive.. would that worK?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:19:18 PM)
Maybe if they see YOUR commitment, they'll jump in too!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:19:28 PM)
Deb, I sure hope so!

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:20:06 PM)
We already drive's a charter school, and the students are spread out over 3 there are no buses. =(

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:20:33 PM)
They have Earobics for home too... I do it at school because we have fewer distractions.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:20:57 PM)
With my school, it does not really matter if they know you in a good way or not. Trust me in that area. They do not want to put in the effort. That is one of the problems. I was so easy going in the beginning until you jerked and jerked around. Meanwhile, your child is the one who feels it.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:20:58 PM)
I hear charter schools are really becoming a great thing... Do you like it?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:21:16 PM)
I'm going to get the home version as well...

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:22:15 PM)
Tracy, I will have to look out for that! I guess you have to be careful, expecially with public schools.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:22:36 PM)
We are in a public school too.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:22:55 PM)
I LOVE IT!!!!! This one in particular is's in a retirement community of all places!!! We have over 100 people from that community who volunteer at school, many of them are past educators...I've been doing all the calling and placing them in classrooms...needless to say, I did Travis' class first!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:22:59 PM)
I have found that the schools move very slowly!!!

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:24:00 PM)
They certainly do move slowly...that's why we must be on top of them...even if they don't like it, or us! TOUGH!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:24:09 PM)
Deb, that sound like a great school. Your in FLA right? I used to live in Jensen Beach...

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:24:21 PM)
We purchased the home version. She likes it very much. It does help her in the different areas. Yeah, I see it everyday. Parents are told one thing and you see the teacher doing something else. So sad. My daughter does have a great homeroom teacher who does work with her.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:24:29 PM)
We have 1 charter school in the area.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:24:41 PM)
Yep, in Ocala. About 1 1/2 hours from Debbie....she's in Jacksonville.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:25:25 PM)
That's good she has a good homeroom teacher...

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:25:39 PM)
Our move to FLA has been postponed. My husband's company is doing so changes and that is one of them.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:25:57 PM)
The one thing w/ charter schools, even though they are considered a public school, they have more liberties and freedoms. Can do, offer some great stuff!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:26:31 PM)
The parents have more say too? Right?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:26:42 PM)
Tracy....UG!!! Do you know til when? How much longer will you have to deal with these A+ morons?

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:27:40 PM)
As for the teacher, she understands what I am going throught and has offered to do some tutoring . We already have a tutor for her. It is just with the sped teacher she drives me crazy. Anything that cost money or her time forget it!! You hear every story in the book.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:27:54 PM)
YES!!!! One of the things we all had to commit to, was at least 20 hrs. of volunteering during the school yr. Which I think is great! I've got 3 or 4 months time in already!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:27:56 PM)
The public schools here fought the charter school because it took away from their money. It is open and doing really good.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:29:14 PM)
Some of the public schools here were unhappy too...but more so, because it is associated w/ The Villages. (the retirement community).The Villages IS HUGE, and has LOTS OF POWER!!!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:29:19 PM)
That is a shame Tracy. Hang in there...

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:29:24 PM)
The move hopefully, will take place during the Christman break. That is why I am trying to get her iep staighten out. So, I figured start now and by then hopefully, it will be done.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:30:05 PM)
Do you know where you are moving to?

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:30:13 PM)
What school?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:30:44 PM)
That's when we moved last year's actually not a bad time. The teacher and students can greet HER, and just her, not a whole new class of students.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:30:52 PM)
Our school is trying to become a charter school for the year 2002. We are suppose to move to Palm City. As for the school down there Betsey Elementary School.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:31:31 PM)
I lived in Palm City, Martin county for a little while.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:31:56 PM)
Martin Downs is big there. They have good schools from what I hear.. My brother is down there.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:32:20 PM)
His son is 8 and they are in Pt St. Lucie.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:32:28 PM)
They hate the schools there.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:33:20 PM)
They tried to have him go to Jensen Beach schools because my Grandma lives there, buit someone said something.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:33:31 PM)
Really, I never been down in that part before. Believe it not or not this summer was my first time in Fla. We stayed in Jupiter.

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:34:34 PM)
Hey Tracy & Peggy...I'm going to sign off...was up very late last night, and up way too early this morning! Let me know about the phone call tomorrow Tracy!! Good luck!! See you both next week, right? Same day, same time?!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:34:36 PM)
I lived in the Stuart/Jensen/Palm City area for 2 years. It is nice. My dad, 2 brothers and a bunch of aunts and other family area there still, so I visit now and then.

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:34:56 PM)
My husband called the school and met with the asst principal and sp ed teacher. She was the one who told us that on her iep capd should be listed as a secondary disability along with mod/

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:34:58 PM)
See ya Deb Thanks for the support!!!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:35:27 PM)
Take care Deb. I will email you tomorrow.

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:35:36 PM)
I am going to sign off too. I have to get caught up at work... Good Luck Tracy!!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Sep 26, 2000 10:35:49 PM)
Take care!!!

tracy (ID=12) (Sep 26, 2000 10:35:53 PM)
Thank you, I will see you next week. Takecare

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:35:58 PM)
Nite...thanks for the address Peggy...hey, do I scroll back up to it now if I want to check it out, or can I do that when it is archived?

Deb (ID=11) (Sep 26, 2000 10:36:19 PM)
Ooops....she's gone!

Tammy (ID=14) (Sep 26, 2000 10:38:43 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

tammy (ID=15) (Sep 26, 2000 10:47:54 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbiew (ID=19) (Sep 26, 2000 10:56:37 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

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