twin mom (ID=20) (Oct 3, 2000 12:30:06 AM)
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dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:28:19 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=22) (Oct 3, 2000 8:48:35 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:50:44 AM)
Good morning Deb goo to see you. How are you this am?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:51:09 AM)
It's quiet this am. No one else here yet.???

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:53:19 AM)

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 8:57:05 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

CeCe (ID=24) (Oct 3, 2000 8:57:31 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:57:33 AM)
Good morning Barbara how are you this AM?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:57:44 AM)
Good morning CeCe how are you this am.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 8:57:53 AM)
Hi everyone. I'm doing fine just very confused

CeCe (ID=24) (Oct 3, 2000 8:57:57 AM)
Good morning all!

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 8:58:05 AM)
Confused about what Barbara?

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:00:23 AM)
My son has CAPD. I've been at his school setting up services for him. His teacher does not want to give him a chance. They wanted to hold John back in 1st grade. My husband and I decided to put him ahead to 2nd. His teacher feels he can't do the work. I told her that they could put him in Kindergarten if we don't get the right help he will never learn.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:01:41 AM)
Barbara, your last statement is really right on target. Do you have a "label" a designation an IEP or any special identification for your son to indicate that he has a learning problem?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:05:14 AM)
.oO(WOnders if there is a problem with the chat not entering info or are people not getting the messages? Don't know what's going on here this am? ? ? )

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:05:15 AM)
After talking with his doctors. They felt we should put him in 2nd grade. He is very bright. He just can't read or remember spelling words. He secored a 25, 35 & 55 on his last spelling tests. Math word problems he scored a 63%. When a test is read to John he can get 100%, if he has to read on his own he will fail. His teacher wants to see me and my husband this week to discuss putting him back in 1st grade. I refuse to do that to my son. He is happy where he is and I'm trying to get help. I hope I'm doing the right thing.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:05:38 AM)
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debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:05:49 AM)
oh my gosh..sorry i'mso late getting here...

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:05:50 AM)
Good morning Debbie. Good to see you!

CeCe (ID=24) (Oct 3, 2000 9:05:56 AM)
Hi Debbie!

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:06:07 AM)
good morning Debbie

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:06:22 AM)
Good morning! Was sitting working on wedding invitations and forgot the time.

CeCe (ID=24) (Oct 3, 2000 9:06:48 AM)

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:07:23 AM)
What were you all discussing?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:07:34 AM)
Barbara, have you gone through the special ed committee or whatever it is called in your school? Because, if you have not had your son identified as having special educational needs, then, the teacher's attitude can be justified. But, if you HAVE had your son identified as needing special educational accommodations or services, the teacher had better learn about his special needs and the SCHOOL will be responsible for providing a free and appropriate education for him.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:08:42 AM)
Debbie, we were discussing why we were NOT being invited to the wedding ;-) No, really, Barbara is concerned about her son's teacher wanting to have her son placed back in 1st grade (he is now in second grade).

CeCe (ID=24) (Oct 3, 2000 9:09:44 AM)
Barbara, have you or the school called for an ARC meeting?

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:10:26 AM)
Dr J the invitations aren't in the mail yet =)

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:11:10 AM)
Yes, I've gone to CSE (Committee of Special Education) they classified John as Learning Disabled. His IEP reads Speech twice a week for 30 minutes, a consultant teacher 4 times a week for 40 minutes and a FM unit. He will also be receiving OT twice a week for 30 minutes.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:11:19 AM)
What is an ARC meeting

CeCe (ID=24) (Oct 3, 2000 9:11:51 AM)
If you have an IEP and interventions are stipulated on it they have to be in accordance with it. ARC= Admissions and Release Committee (IEP team).

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:12:01 AM)
FYI of all: In some places its called the CSE, in some it's the ARC, in some it's ARD, in some it's the IEP, etc. etc. But in ALL places it's the special education/IDEA committee or team.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:12:59 AM)
I know I"m late catching was your sont's performance last year?

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:13:31 AM)
His principal was willing to put John in 2nd grade as long as I put him in 1st grade project read ( a reading program after school). I agreed, but I don't think he will get anything out of Project read.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:13:51 AM)
His grades are good. Except for reading and some spelling

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:15:06 AM)
I'm waiting for a response from his principal to meet with her this week because I want John removed from this teachers class. I feel she has given up on John.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:15:40 AM)
Barbara. You began by saying (I paraphrase) my son has CAPD and.......well, if he has real learning problems with an underlying problem related to verbal information processing (APD), then, he may not succeed in school (as you seem to be saying and to which I agree) without special accommodations or help. And, I agree, if he really has an underlying learning problem, then, retention is NOT a solution. Is there a reason you have not gone for an IEP meeting (or whatever it is called in your school district)?

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:18:25 AM)
In order for a school to retain a child they should be able to show how that retention should benefit the child. Simply repeating something that caused a child frustration is not going to make a situation better. If you son needs help in reading and spelling, then he can recieve help as a 2nd grader just as well as he can recieve help as a first grader.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:20:01 AM)
My doctor told me speech therapy would help him and an FM unit would be a help. I had John evaluated at CSE. They came up with a Learning Disability and a visual perception problem also. Someone told me about a program called Fast Forword. It helped her son who had CAPD. They are worried about the State reading test that is given in 3rd grade. The principal told me he may have to repeat 2nd grade if there is no improvement.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:20:52 AM)
Debbie, I totally agree. I have worked in schools first as an educational audiologist and then as a consultant (and I am still a consultant with a few school districts in this area in which I live and work). I would have to say that usually the reason for retention is that someone feels the child can't do the work of the next grade. But, they never identify in writing how retention will meet the child's needs.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:21:28 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:21:40 AM)
Good morning Cin

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:22:07 AM)
Hello, actually it's me, CeCe.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:22:23 AM)
Barbara, it does not matter what your "doctor" says. You need to go to the school district and request a special educational review. At that meeting, you can submit the information from your "doctor" and any other information you have. If you feel the school is not doing what is in the best interests of your child, you really need to look into getting services for him under IDEA the fedearal special educational law.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:22:29 AM)
If your sont's weekness is in reading.....are the offering any remeadial reading activities?

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:23:06 AM)
Was wondering why you got so quiet CeCe...=)

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:23:39 AM)
I just feel that they don't know much about CAPD and don't understand what I'm trying to say. I live in Staten Island, New York. The school is a very good school. I met with CSE and brought the doctors letters and they agreed that the services John is receiving is what he needs.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:23:58 AM)
I don't know what happened but when I got knocked out of the site it wouldn't let me back in saying that CeCe was still here. Had to pick another name!? What's the music to the Twilite Zone?

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:25:38 AM)
The school got a computer program that is suppose to be good from the district office. It is called Earobics. It's suppose to help John focus.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:26:12 AM)
How is John doing on school work this year?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:26:34 AM)
Barbara, they know about CAPD. Is your son in private or public school in SI? If so, the NYC Board of Ed knows about CAPD but only from a limited scope. They have had a lot of input on CAPD, but are the usual closed minded people about the problem. In any case, the educational audiologists with HES and HHIV test for CAPD all the time. They will require HHIV testing your son if there is a suggestion for an FM system.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:27:12 AM)
what is HHIV?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:27:25 AM)
Barbara, Earobics has NOThING to do with focusing or attention. It is an excellent computer program for practice in phonemic awareness. But, does your son have deficits in phonemic awareness?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:28:20 AM)
Debbie, HHIV is NOT a take off of HIV.....Hearing Handicapped/Visually Impaired.....HHIV is the office of the NYC Board of Education that handles testing and evaluations on children with any hearing or auditory and any visual problems.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:29:11 AM)
didnt think it was a take from HIV...I know you are very familiar with schools in the LI area..figured it was a special testing of some sort

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:29:11 AM)
As long as the work is read to him, he does fine. Spelling scores were 25, 35 and 50. They gave him the fm unit without HHIV testing him. I've been fighting with them because John told me hears everyone very loud. I thought the fm unit was going to fliter out all distracting noises and make John hear only his teacher.

DS (ID=27) (Oct 3, 2000 9:29:24 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:29:38 AM)
Barbara, my BIG day with the school (again) is scheduled for tomorrow. I've developed a small presentation to read to them to explain some basics. It took 3 weeks to get a meeting together. This only happened after I sent a certified letter stating the need for an immediate reply! If not then I would need to contact the Office of Special Programs (OSEP) with the Department of Education. I am new to all the IDEA Regulations myself and contacted my state's Parent Training and Information Center for assistance. They were wonderful with guidance and answering my questions. EVERY state has one!

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:30:51 AM)
If you want information on this Parent Advocacy Group you can check the following site:

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:31:17 AM)

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:31:35 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:31:35 AM)
I have a copy of a presentation one parent put together for her school. The presentation is awesome. She pinpointed how CAPD relates to her child specifically......

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:31:47 AM)
good morning Dorien

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:32:04 AM)
Hi debbie

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:32:05 AM)
My son loves the Earobics programs. We got a computer mainly for his use and the Earobics.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:32:10 AM)
Barbara, the FM does nothing more than transmit the voice of whomever is speaking into the microphone to the receiver worn by the child. But, the FM has a volume control on it which may be too high. Also, is the FM system given to your son one for a person with normal hearing or one for a child with a hearing loss. ALL FM systems MUST be set up for each individual child by a professional (audiologist) who knows about amplification technology and understands and has experience with FM systems for ALL types of uses.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:32:48 AM)
I worked all summer with CSE to have services for John the first day of school. As I 'm learning the Board of Ed stinks. No one wants to help. They just push you from one person to the next.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:34:55 AM)
Barbara, unfortunately, I understand from where you are coming. Just imagine a single board of education covering the entire New York City area with probably 100's of thousands of children in the schools spread out. The buracracy is rediculous. But, Barbara, you MUST (especially with NYC) document in writing everything and you may have to go for a Fair Hearing as this is often what is needed to get the NYC board of ed. moving.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:35:58 AM)
The Board of Ed said that there was only one person on Staten Island qualified to train my son on the use of the FM unit and she no longer works for them. So they sent someone from CSE to train him. I spoke to an audiologist about the FM unit. She told what to look for but his school told me they ordered a new hearing piece and new mic. This may change the problem.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:36:33 AM)
Dr. J, tomorrow I'm going to ask that my son get the FM System as recommended by the audiologist that diagnosed him. The school's teacher that deals with the hearing impaired usually deals with this. Should I push for an educational audiologist?

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:37:24 AM)
Barbara ask the bord of ed for a copy of patr 200

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:37:28 AM)
They did give me all the services I asked for, but I don't think it's enough. What else do I ask for?

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:37:48 AM)

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:37:52 AM)
What is part 200?

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:38:09 AM)
Dorien are you active with the PTI in NY?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:38:25 AM)
Cin, if the school district agrees to have the FM system for your son......which system will be fit? who will insure that it is functioning properly and set for your son? who will train school personnel in use, troubleshooting , recharging etc. for the system?

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:38:26 AM)
this is the law that they have to follow

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:39:11 AM)
Do I ask his school or the Committee of Special Education?

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:39:32 AM)
go to the CSE

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:39:41 AM)
Ok thanks

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:39:59 AM)
and if they will not give it to you call upatate

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:40:07 AM)

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:40:23 AM)
upstate where?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:40:50 AM)
Barbara, if you feel that you have not gotten appropriate services you need to consider the following: 1. did you sign the IEP? If you did you signed the contract agreeing to what services and goals of services would be provided; 2. You need to have support, evidence, proof that whatever services are being offered are not enough. Just feeling they are not enough is not sufficient and would not hold up under law. Please remember, all of the special ed stuff is available under federal LAW IDEA and all the school district has to do is provide services under IDEA law for the IEP.

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:40:52 AM)
Idid you get a parents gide to SE

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:41:50 AM)
this is also a book that tells you your rights

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:42:24 AM)
Barbara you ask and discuss ALL special services with the CSE. But, you can first discuss any concerns you have with the professionals responsible for providing the services in your son's local school. But, any complaints or concerns you have that the local school will not go along with have to go to the CSE.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:42:56 AM)
I think so. I have to look in my papers.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:43:27 AM)
Barbara, I'm in the same boat you're in. I don't believe the teachers are doing everything stated on the IEP. My son is struggling. I'm going in tomorrow stating that the IEP plan needs to be changed as evidenced by his school work. I'm taking in a file of his work to back me up!

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:43:29 AM)
in this book you will find all the phone numbers you need

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:44:29 AM)
After reading about CAPD, I thought that the services were enough. I just think he needs some kind of program to address his reading problem.

Dorien (ID=28) (Oct 3, 2000 9:45:43 AM)
And if this does not help go to

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:45:59 AM)
thanks Dorien!

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:47:42 AM)
Have you heard about the Fast Forword program?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:47:47 AM)
Cin and Barbara and all. You need to document if you really feel the teachers are not following through on the IEP or, as if often the case, the classroom teacher is not being supported or educated to understand how to work in class with your children. You can have a meeting with the classroom teacher, but keep notes (a log) of the meeting and you can even ask the teacher to sign the log and agree or comment on any disagreements in the log. You can even write in the log that you asked the teacher to sign it and comment and the teacher refused to do so. ALl you need is documentation. You can also document in writing a log like a notebook going back and forth every day or every week. But, if you expect the teacher's cooperation, you need to cooperate and do your job (which will be more than the teacher will do for your child anyway). But ,if you can documetn that your child is not being serviced properly, then, you have evidence to go to the CSE or a fair hearing.

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 9:47:48 AM)
Cin, having the file of his work to back you up is important. It will provide you with real examples of how your child is struggling.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:50:06 AM)
Dr. J, when my son was diagnosed last March with APD the audiologist recommended he be tested by an O.T. to test for perceptual and sensory skills. The school knows this and has made comments if it had been done but they have never offered to do it. Can I request this?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:51:17 AM)
Often, one of the great problems I have noted when asked to come to a school on behalf of the school when a parent has a problem that is brought to the school is a lack of documentation. Yes, it's true, that often the parents FEEL a certain way. But, just because a child is not doing well does not justify that the school special services are not meeting the child's needs. For example, if the teacher IS accommodating, and the special services are being provided and the school documents the FM system is used daily, and the child goes to the slp twice a week as mandated in the IEP, etc., then, the school has evidence. But, if the FM system is used (but not properly) or the SLP's goals not NOT APPROPRIATe or the goals are fine but the activities are not appropriate for the goals, where is the evidence to prove and support these claims?

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:51:39 AM)
I am not diagnosing him but he seems to exhibit a lot of symptoms associated with Sensory Integration Dysfunction.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:52:25 AM)
John's grades are fine except for reading. Math is starting to suffer because we are starting word problems. How do you teach a child with CAPD to read. I was going to ask for a para or someone to read tests to him until he can read on his own.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:53:55 AM)
CSE set up goals for John on his IEP. Do they normally set up the goals?

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:54:21 AM)
Cin, last March you said the SLP made the suggestion for the OT eval. Well, do you have that in writing? What you may want to do now is write a letter to the SLP this year or if different the one who serviced your child last year and say something like, "I'm just following up on our conversation of last March in which you suggested that my child have an OT eval. Then, ask some questions or other that would require a written response in which the SLP must make some commitment to indicating that she did suggest the OT eval. Then you have a right to go the the special ed committee or board or team and ask for the school to do the OT eval as requested by school specialist for these reasons (as outlined in the written note fro mthe SLP.)

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 9:54:59 AM)
I have one piece of school work that is my main gun (amongst many others). He brought home a paper with multiple directions and clearly didn't understand what she wanted. It was totally in error. But the only thing written on it by the teacher was, "Did not follow directions!" Well, no kidding. She is simply declaring his disability. There was no indication of assistance after the fact or corrections. This was my catalyst for calling a meeting!

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:55:52 AM)
Barbara, you teach a child to read by getting at the underlying factors interfering with the normal acquisition of reading. Since (at least in my approach to APD) there is NO ONE THING as APD (or as you said CAPD), you need to find the underlying problem that accounts for the difficulties your child has learning to read, address these problem areas with specific goals....etc.

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 9:57:34 AM)
How do I do that? The doctor diagnosed CAPD, told me to get speech help and look into the Fast Forword program.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 9:57:42 AM)
Cin, this is written documentation that the teacher does not understand your child's special educational needs. You should go to the school and ask who is the person responsible for educating the teacher about your son's special educational needs, and call a meeting between that specialist or specialists and the classroom teacher and have the specialists explain your child's needs at the meeting and get it into minutes and documented.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 10:00:04 AM)
You suggested to me last time to appoint someone as a responsible party to be a referral to teachers. I've documented this asking for the school's SLP to be this person. Thanks.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 10:00:21 AM)
Barbara, either you need to go to the "doctor" who (as you said) diagnosed CAPD and ask "What is or are the specific underlying factors accounting for the auditory processing problems, how do they need to be addressed, how do they explain your child's learning problems (especially reading as that is your main concern here), and what goals, activities, etc. need to be done/provided to meet his needs in processing auditory-verbal information." If the "doctor" can not answer all of these questions to your satisfaction, you may need to go to other professionals either with whom you are working or find a private consultant who can synthesize and pull all of the materials together for you.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 10:01:11 AM)
Cin, then, you need to contact the SLP with a copy of the paper from the teacher and asks what she/he is going to do about this problem with the classrooom teacher.

dr.j (ID=21) (Oct 3, 2000 10:03:00 AM)
Well, I don't want to sound like a spoil sport, but I have to get ready for a meeting I have to attend at 10:10am (eastern time). I hope you all have a great day, a great two weeks. Please privately email me if you want to discuss these issues further ....otherwise, see you all (hopefully) in two weeks, same time, same channel as we see "How the World of APD Turns" ;-) No really, email me or come back to the chat in two weeks. And Debbie......

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 10:03:22 AM)
Thanks for your help everyone. Talk to you soon.

Cin (ID=26) (Oct 3, 2000 10:03:41 AM)
Thanks everyone, good luck Barbara! (CeCe)

debbie (ID=25) (Oct 3, 2000 10:03:43 AM)
Hope you all have a great day......thanks everyone

Barbara (ID=23) (Oct 3, 2000 10:04:03 AM)
thanks CeCe good Luck to you too

Dorien (ID=29) (Oct 3, 2000 1:41:38 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=30) (Oct 3, 2000 7:41:15 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

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