deb (ID=3) (Oct 17, 2000 7:20:07 AM)
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Deb (ID=4) (Oct 17, 2000 8:31:30 AM)
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debbie (ID=5) (Oct 17, 2000 8:45:57 AM)
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me (ID=6) (Oct 17, 2000 8:47:54 AM)
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debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:49:08 AM)
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dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 8:54:10 AM)
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dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 8:54:29 AM)
good morning debbie. Thanks for calling me.
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:54:37 AM)
Good morning dr j.......i promise i wasn't rushing you..i thought i missed you
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:55:41 AM)
a friend's car broke down on the other side of town and she was stranded
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 8:56:38 AM)
No. Just a problem with me getting in late. I just got in. Today's a special full-day conference here at Gallaudet, and with the recent incidences of the student having been killed, they've really beefed up security. They've lock all but the main gate, and the street was filled with cars, buses, vans, all waiting to be logged into the security. I waited 20 minutes until I got to the security gate to enter the university grounds.
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 8:57:05 AM)
Debbie, you're always a friend in're always there. Anyway, how are you this morning?
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:57:53 AM)
I"m doing pretty good....been feeling under the weather this weekend and trying to get better
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 8:58:07 AM)
I hope people will come or return. I'm sorry if parents were here and not finding you or me left the chat.
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 8:59:04 AM)
Funny but a lot of people around here are not feeling well also. Anne's been feeling a bit "under the weather" and we've wondered if it's allergies or a cold ? I hope it's just a passing thing for her and for you.
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:59:04 AM)
the chat and the website were both down part of yesterday..i was on the phone with tech support until very late last night
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:59:19 AM)
i was afraid people could not get in the chat.
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 8:59:47 AM)
the girls were out of school all last week and now woody and i have whatever they had......
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:00:17 AM)
Well, I do hope that people come this am. Maybe I can quickly send an email to the CAPD list and tell people the chat is open and we're here. BRB.
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 9:00:25 AM)
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:02:37 AM)
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debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 9:02:43 AM)
good morning Deb!
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:02:57 AM)
Mornin' Debbie!
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:03:45 AM)
I checked in around 8:35...noone was here, so I went and did one of my photo pages...
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:04:13 AM)
Good morning Deb. Glad you could make it. If you were here a while ago, sorry I was late. We're having a concern at the univerisity and security is really slowing things down to get in, even the president of the university has to go through security check.
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 9:04:38 AM)
dr j is here with us....due to some problems i've run into this morning i am going to have to excuse myself from the chat this morning.... i'll be back later on today
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:04:43 AM)
Goodmorning Dr. J...oh...that's NOT good!
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:05:06 AM)
OK with you later on sometime...
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:05:47 AM)
Well, in one way it IS true that it's not good, but with the recent happenings here at the university it is an unfortunate necessity until things cool down and the DC police make a final arrest and close the case.
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:06:10 AM)
Dr. did Debbie fill you in on our meeting a few Sundays ago? What exactly happened up there?
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:06:34 AM)
Bye for now Debbie. Hope your friend makes it ok. I'm sure the friend is glad to have you in the "neighborhood."
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:06:55 AM)
TTYS Debbie...
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:07:12 AM)
Deb, no, Debbie did NOT fill me in about your meeting which (I think) was just this past Sunday or a week ago).
debbie (ID=7) (Oct 17, 2000 9:07:45 AM)
talk to you all sorry to have to run......
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:07:52 AM)
We met in Gainesville to discuss the NCAPD newsletter and some other things we could maybe do to raise some funds.
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:07:54 AM)
.oO(TTYS ???? wondering if Deb is referring to the telephone communication for the deaf)
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:08:15 AM) to you soon
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:08:34 AM)
Yes, Deb, I know about the meeting regarding the newsletter. First, it is really great that you're willing to help out the NCAPD with the newsletter.
debbie (ID=10) (Oct 17, 2000 9:09:01 AM)
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debbie (ID=10) (Oct 17, 2000 9:09:18 AM) again.....deb will you fill dr j in on the booklet idea also?
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:09:23 AM)
Deb, that's interesting short hand TTYS......maybe the Deaf community would love to know that their telephone device really means "talk to you....tty" ;-)
debbie (ID=10) (Oct 17, 2000 9:09:23 AM)
oops..where did he go?
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:09:32 AM)
I am VERY excited about it!!! Debbie, you, and everyone here has made me feel "at home"...I'm so glad that I can do something to contribute!
debbie (ID=10) (Oct 17, 2000 9:09:59 AM)
that's funny dr j's name isnt on my list but i can see messages from him
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:10:06 AM)
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:10:15 AM)
Debbie did we tell Deb about feeling at home means she's paying the rent ;-) :-) ,joking.
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:10:45 AM)
Oh please...say it's not so! I can barely pay the rent here!! LOL
debbie (ID=10) (Oct 17, 2000 9:10:49 AM)
*LOL*.....deb and her mom had a wonderful idea that deb will tell you all about...
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:10:56 AM)
Debbie, that is funny. My name is on my list with you (debbie) and Deb the smiling faced one ;-)
debbie (ID=10) (Oct 17, 2000 9:10:58 AM)
bye bye
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:11:18 AM)
Bye for now Debbie. Speak with you Thursday morning at our private chat.
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:11:20 AM)
Bye Debbie.
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:13:17 AM)
We came up with a few other ideas to raise $$$$...maybe selling NCAPD t-shirts...I jusr e-mailed Debbie last night w/ info on a place we could get the shirts. Also, maybe doing a book...helping parents to know what to do w/ schools, Dr.'s etc...kind of like a "how to" type book. What are your thoughts?
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:16:49 AM)
Deb I think the t-shirts are a great idea, and we could probably get some sold. However, it may be that we could really sell the t-shirts when we have a convention and I think at some point in the future there will be a convention of the NCAPD. As for the book, I think we can go for a booklet. Maybe a few booklets could be made up by the NCAPD about WHAT IS APD? (for parents, for schools, for medical three different booklets) and a booklet sort of titled "Getting Help for my APD Child: Working with Schools and Parents" a Parent guide to IDEA and info for parents and schools on APD.
dr.j (ID=8) (Oct 17, 2000 9:18:08 AM)
A book is a great idea, but, it will cost a lot to get published. Perhaps, instead, we could have the NCAPD be able to distribute a book that will be published by another book publisher and the NCAPD could receive income on the sales they make on the book or books. THis may be a better route than trying to publish and then market and sell a book.
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:19:46 AM)
I think an NCAPD convention is a GREAT idea!!! And I agree about the t-shirts...the booklet idea probably makes more sense....we were going to try and price things Mom said the same thing you did, as far as it costing lots of $$ to piublish a book...
Deb (ID=9) (Oct 17, 2000 9:21:04 AM)
My Mom and I could do the booklets...get them laid out as far as the different types we would want, and how we would want them laid out, info content, etc. My Mom shines in that department!
jennyskids (ID=11) (Oct 17, 2000 9:31:24 AM)
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jennyskids (ID=11) (Oct 17, 2000 9:31:52 AM)
Hi Dr J and Debbie
kim (ID=12) (Oct 17, 2000 10:00:40 AM)
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mel (ID=13) (Oct 17, 2000 10:01:29 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:20:38 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:20:44 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:20:44 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:20:47 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:20:47 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:21:27 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:21:27 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:21:41 AM)
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slkooch (ID=14) (Oct 17, 2000 10:23:14 AM)
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debbie (ID=15) (Oct 17, 2000 10:33:06 AM)
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B (ID=16) (Oct 17, 2000 12:44:13 PM)
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B (ID=17) (Oct 17, 2000 1:30:19 PM)
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steph -in -Aus (ID=18) (Oct 17, 2000 3:10:28 PM)
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steph -in -Aus (ID=18) (Oct 17, 2000 3:11:03 PM)
ohhh - dont tell me I have the wrong time
step (ID=19) (Oct 17, 2000 3:19:54 PM)
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step (ID=19) (Oct 17, 2000 3:20:28 PM)
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maewing (ID=20) (Oct 17, 2000 4:01:28 PM)
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jennyskids (ID=21) (Oct 17, 2000 9:00:49 PM)
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jennyskids (ID=22) (Oct 17, 2000 9:01:29 PM)
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jennyskids (ID=23) (Oct 17, 2000 9:13:01 PM)
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jennyskids (ID=24) (Oct 17, 2000 9:13:54 PM)
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kathy (ID=25) (Oct 17, 2000 9:45:11 PM)
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kathy (ID=25) (Oct 17, 2000 9:46:14 PM)
looking for Capd chat/????
kathy (ID=26) (Oct 17, 2000 9:52:06 PM)
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jennyskids (ID=27) (Oct 17, 2000 9:59:44 PM)
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Peggy (ID=28) (Oct 17, 2000 10:26:00 PM)
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slkooch (ID=29) (Oct 17, 2000 10:33:10 PM)
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debbie (ID=30) (Oct 17, 2000 10:56:12 PM)
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debbie (ID=31) (Oct 17, 2000 11:01:09 PM)
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