Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:10:37 PM)
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debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:24:19 PM)
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debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:24:38 PM)
hi Kathy How are you tonight?
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:24:45 PM)
Hi Iguess we are the only ones not watching the election
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:25:09 PM)
Fine thank you are you frazzled less than two weeks to go?
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:25:34 PM)
frazzled is one word for it *LOL*
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:26:15 PM)
other things have come into play now though that are taking priority over the wedding...
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:27:23 PM)
poor timing, but somethings only happen at bad times.....
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:28:14 PM)
right now i feel if i make it through the next two weeks it'l lbe a miracle *LOL*
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:28:46 PM)
we had a nuerological exam done on William, seems everything is ok...EEG tomorrow to make sure
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:29:11 PM)
I"m going to be up late tonight finishing the flowers and trying to finish the rest of the small items in the am
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:29:17 PM)
that's good news Kathy!!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:29:44 PM)
yes then we see dr. m on the 28th
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:30:17 PM)
hopefully dr m will be able to give you some definitive answers
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:30:26 PM)
two school conferences Thursday....
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:30:49 PM)
are the tuesday night chat's a convenient time for you?
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:31:20 PM)
hope she will give ideas for remediation, the need for individual speech therapy and
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:31:58 PM)
she may refer you for a speech eval too ther at the university
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:32:16 PM)
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Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:32:18 PM)
sometimes. My husband plays softball on Tues so that is fgood but tonight W is up watching Scooby Dr's orders up two hours late tonight up an hour early tomorrow
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:32:29 PM)
hey Deb!
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:32:50 PM)
Hi everyone!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:00 PM)
public school are rteady to do another any day his IEP is up in dec
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:02 PM)
Debbie...how's the arm tonight?
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:19 PM)
it's tender but ok....bit anxious about tomorrow deb
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:53 PM)
Debbie....let me know what happens!! I'll be with you in thought and prayer.
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:34:03 PM)
i always thougth ieps were from sept to may or june
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:34:24 PM)
i promise i will Deb.....
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:34:41 PM)
OK....I know you will.
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:34:43 PM)
his goes from dec to dec he turned three the end of last nov. his inital IEP was done last dec
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:35:15 PM)
that's interesting....you dont know exactly what day the iep is?
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:35:58 PM)
not set yet....teacher has me signing consents to test Thursday once testing and PT eval are done then we will set date
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:36:29 PM)
deb i am going to push to set next appt next week
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:37:24 PM)
Debbie....keep me posted....man, it couldn't get any closer to the wedding now, could it?
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:38:00 PM)
hey penny is going to make me a sling that matches my dress *LOL*
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:38:46 PM)
Kathy, what all tests is the scholl going to use?
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:38:54 PM)
ALRIGHT PENNY!!!! Make sure it has some lace too! (your jacket has lace, rigfht?) *LOL*...you crack me up!
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:39:27 PM)
im getting material that matches the ring bearer pillow *L*
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:39:54 PM)
Hey, at least everything will match! Can't get much better!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:40:03 PM)
I think his teacher who is a speech pathologist is doing a speech eval., the OT is re-testing and we are ordering a PT eval. As for specific speech tests, I have no idesa what she is doing
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:40:43 PM)
Kathy make sure you let us know what happens
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:40:48 PM)
Is the DILS a speech test?
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:41:47 PM)
not sure what that test is
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:41:53 PM)
This teacher knows little about auditiry processing problems-remeber our school district doesn't believe they exisit-therefore they dont have to provide assisitance...
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:42:32 PM)
kathy that's about the same here....
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:42:33 PM)
spelling was not my thing in school
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:42:51 PM)
hey deb this wedding will happen no matter what!!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:43:05 PM)
typing is worse
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:44:08 PM)
im not sure how much typing i'll be doing yet tonight..my arm is getting tender
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:44:11 PM)
Did you break your arm?
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:44:23 PM)
With all the planning, and your whole heart and soul put into it, you bet it will!! I'm sooooo bummed I can't be there....we are going to Sea World that day...just made our picnic with Jack Hanna reservations a few weeks ago.
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:44:55 PM)
no...just having some trouble with it....looks like surgery possibly before the wedding
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:45:31 PM)
can you postpone the surgury? too much pain?
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:45:37 PM)
I have to make it an early night anyway, you should too Debbie....rest that arm, and yourself up some!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:45:54 PM)
you do need to rest...
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:46:06 PM)
the pain aint bad,but not sure the doc wants to postpone...they got me a surgical consult in 2 days from the original appt
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:46:46 PM)
Yep, that means they don't want to wait...
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:46:56 PM)
Deb....Sea World will be a good time!!!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:47:01 PM)
did you tell them about the wedding?
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:47:06 PM)
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:47:32 PM)
boy wont you sleep sunday the 19th
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:47:42 PM)
Yeah, we;ll have a good time....BUT, I will be thinking of you and Woody an awful lot that day/evening! =)
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:05 PM)
Deb that's very sweet of you!!!
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:15 PM)
Kathy, i hope so!! *LOL*
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:48 PM)
I hope Woody is taking you out to dinner for thanksgiving.....
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:56 PM)
If it were't for Sea World and Jack Hanna, I'd be there for sure!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:49:07 PM)
make the reservations tomorrow
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:49:25 PM)
actually im scheduled to work on thanksgiving....
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:49:50 PM)
You're kidding...that stinks Debbie! =(
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:09 PM)
They better not have you scheduled for Christmas!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:30 PM)
Do either of you know a decent hotel/motel near the place where William is being tested by Dr. M have never been toGainesville only drive through on I75
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:30 PM)
actually i volunteered to work...my whole family will be here right before that and i'll have time with everone....we are doing thanksgiving on tuesday depending on what's up with my arm....
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:43 PM)
this will let others have that special holiday with their family
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:51:14 PM)
kathy, im not sure....i dont know gainesville well...just ask debbie...
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:51:55 PM)
woody's paren'ts are flying out on thanksgiving to be home with the rest of the family
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:52:11 PM)
That's very thoughtful of you Debbie...I hope they appreciate you for doing that! Hey, just as me! Hmmmmm. I'm not sure either...there's that hotel right accross the street from Shands...it's the only one I know of.
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:52:46 PM)
Are we going toshands or the university or is shands right there too?
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:53:02 PM)
dr m's office is on the campus in dauer hall
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:53:11 PM)
Guess I'll call Dr. Moncreif's office and ask for a recommend
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:53:40 PM)
or do a search for gainesville on the internet..the city has a homepage and it has hotel listings
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:53:50 PM)
That's a good idea Kathy...when do you go to see Dr. M? We go this Tues. to see Dr. Hall at Shands.
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:54:45 PM)
Speaking of Dr. Hall...I did put a call into him todsy, left a message on his machine at the office...no call back yet though. Maybe tomorrow.
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:55:02 PM)
Deb let me know what he says about the meds
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:55:03 PM)
We are going to Dr. m Nov 28 at tje Univerdsity Speech and Language Clinic
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:55:18 PM)
I will, for sure.
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:55:43 PM)
I was hoping that Travis could see Dr. M....
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:56:04 PM)
A grad student is doing W's testing...new test cause W is jsut turning four regular tests arent avalable for non readers
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:56:29 PM)
Dr M says she'll be right there with the tester
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
Wow...that sounds wonderful Kathy...let us know how it all goes.
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:56:48 PM)
she told me that this is a new study
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:56:50 PM)
Kathy she will be...
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:57:47 PM)
we get to watch through a two way window???
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:58:28 PM)
yes....It's neat to see the child's reaction through the window..i could see the frustration coming over sarah and hear the responses.....it's an eye opening experience
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:58:41 PM)
Will I be able to do that too Debbie? I remember you, or someone mentioning that before.
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:58:48 PM)
I am afraid he wont go with them...
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:58:59 PM)
OK...yep, it was you...I thought it was! *L*
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:24 PM)
Deb I dont know how Dr Hall has his lab set up.....ask him though..never hurts!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:32 PM)
do they wear headphones...
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:41 PM)
wow the election is close!!
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:45 PM)
yes they do kathy
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:48 PM)
I'll add that ? to my ask Dr. Hall list then!
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:57 PM)
we'll need to prctice again with ear muffs if they do
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 10:00:18 PM)
Yeah, the election is VERY close!
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 10:01:03 PM)
they just called back florida and are saying ti's too close to call
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 10:01:16 PM)
ok Im going to call it a night thanks ladies good luck with the dr's and hope to talk to you next week, but expect you'll be too busy
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 10:01:25 PM)
your kidding
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 10:01:39 PM)
Oh, I missed that.....
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 10:01:54 PM)
last time I saw B has the ms\ost votes, but they said g was winning
Kathy (ID=47) (Nov 7, 2000 10:02:17 PM)
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 10:02:30 PM)
Goodnight Kathy...
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 10:02:57 PM)
Hey, you should sign off as well, go get some rest!
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 10:04:50 PM)
im sorry....im back..im going to go get some sleep
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:28 PM)
Good...I'm glad to hear that...well, see that! I will talk to you tomorrow...sweet dreams...sleep tight!
debbie (ID=48) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:39 PM)
sweet dreams
Deb (ID=49) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:48 PM)
til tomorrow.......
jmm (ID=50) (Nov 7, 2000 10:53:31 PM)
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jmm (ID=51) (Nov 7, 2000 11:23:19 PM)
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jmm (ID=52) (Nov 7, 2000 11:36:19 PM)
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