Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:38:09 AM)
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me (ID=38) (Nov 7, 2000 8:38:25 AM)
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Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:38:40 AM)
Goodmorning me!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:38:50 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
debbie (ID=36) (Nov 7, 2000 8:39:02 AM)
was just me *LOL*
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:39:09 AM)
Goodmorning Dr. are you this AM?
debbie (ID=36) (Nov 7, 2000 8:39:10 AM)
good morning deb and dr j
debbie (ID=36) (Nov 7, 2000 8:39:19 AM)
did you get my email deb?
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:39:37 AM)
Mornin' Debbie....I just read this AM's e-mail before I got on...
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:39:51 AM)
Good morning Debbie and Deb. Sorry to be a little late, but, wow, lines were very long at the polling place (took 20 minutes) and I really wanted to "do my civic duty" and vote. How are you all this am?
debbie (ID=36) (Nov 7, 2000 8:40:00 AM)
i just wanted to update you and let you know what was going on!
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:40:10 AM)
How are you feeling now? I can't believe nothing drained out...
debbie (ID=36) (Nov 7, 2000 8:40:22 AM)
dr j i am going to have to leave for about 30 min or so but will be back for the last part of chat
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:40:31 AM)
Aahhhh, voting, I will be doing the same today as well...
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:40:54 AM)
OK, Debbie. We'll be here.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:41:04 AM)
TTYS Debbie....
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:41:06 AM)
HOw are you both this am otherwise.
debbie (ID=36) (Nov 7, 2000 8:41:07 AM)
i'm feeling ok...i'll be back shortly!!
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:41:19 AM)
AOK Dr. J, and you?
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:41:43 AM)
Trying to fight off a cold/virus whatever.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:43:05 AM)
? for you Dr. J....I had read in the listerv a few days ago about testing for APD ON meds, if your child takes them at school...Travis does take meds....he has an appt. next Tues,...should I call Shands and ask them about it? I hope you start feeling better...believe it or not, it's going on down here too! =(
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:46:26 AM)
First, thank you for your comment about getting better. It's been hard to rest (which I know is probably the best solution) with work and family and all. But, this "it" have been going around here for about a month and, it was just a matter of time that it caught up with me.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:47:47 AM)
He hasn't been seen by anyone other than his peds since he was dx 3 yrs. ago, and I want to go ready...and prepared!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:47:50 AM)
As for the meds, yes, I would agree with your feeling to call Shands and ask about the meds. Again, as i stated in the post on the CAPD list, if the goal of the eval is to see how Travis is able to process auditory-verbal information in a school setting, and if he is on the meds in school, then (if he were coming to me) I would want to see him on the meds.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:49:16 AM)
I figured that would be the answer...then that's what I will do...I'll call Shands, and check with them. We have tried him on/off the meds, and he really seems to do better when he's 'on' them. =(
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:49:43 AM)
Boy, I wish he WERE coming to YOU!!!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:52:09 AM)
That's good to hear that he does better on the meds. If I may add another 2cents of my opinion here? What I really feel is important, though, is to think of the meds like a key that opens a door providing access. However, what goes into that now open room is what intervention is all about. Thus, accommodations to help Travis succeed in class and in life as well as remediation to overcome or compensate for any processing problems is the real bottom line. It has been my experience that schools often feel that once the meds are provided that is the end all of what they need to do to help the child.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:52:50 AM)
What types/kind of info should I take with me Dr. J? I have EVERYTHING in order by years, since we started this whole process 5 years ago! I don't want to scare Dr.Hall off, but, I do want to go with the neccessary info.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:53:36 AM)
Deb, in response to your "wish." If there is any way that I COULD help, I am happy to help. I have done what may be called "distance consultations" for a number of years. SO, if you would like to have me become involved at any time as a consultant that IS something we could work out.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:54:16 AM)
We are very lucky, in that his school is working WITH us...he is getting his speech, OT, and we just got the Earobics program for Mom and I got it free for the school...=)
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:55:31 AM)
One this regarding information, Deb, is to find out if there is any specific information that may be requested or helpful for Dr. Hall by asking him what he would like to see in the form of reports, etc. SO, you may find it helpful to first call and ask him about that.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 8:56:52 AM)
Thank you soooooo much Dr. J!! I always look sooo forward to these chats...your advice and input means a lot to me, and the others who come here! I will let you know about the are truely wonderful! And yes, I will call and ask about what info he would like for me to bring...I always have extras on hand!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 8:58:51 AM)
It is good to hear that the school is working with you and with Travis. Honestly, in my experiences, it is all too often the case that the school is rigid and so unwilling to work with the family and the child (especially the child). You are very fortunate and so is Travis.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:01:52 AM)
Yes, we are very fortunate....he is in a brand new Charter school, which is affiliated with, of all places, the retirement community where my parents live...and there is a lot of $$ to be had, if needed ( we just 'won' $300,000.00 in a pro womens golf challenge a few weeks ago!), and we have all of the volunteers a school could ever hope or wish for! Plus, I am VERY involved up at school...I am there 2-3 days a week, and I think that helps a lot...they see that I am involved, and I really believe, they in turn, will do all they can to help out Travis.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:03:07 AM)
That is wonderful. It is so fortunate that the school has the money, support and you are able to provide your support as well.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:03:49 AM)
I do my best, although I sometimes think it's not enough...there are only so many hours in a day, right?! *L*
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:06:14 AM)
Yes, but, consider, Deb. There are so many parents out there who do nothing to support or work with the schools in which there children are enrolled. So, the little time you feel you are giving, and 2-3 days per week is not so little at all, is a great deal of time. The school is fortunate to have you be willing to volunteer and work as much as you do.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:08:29 AM)
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:08:57 AM)
Thank you Dr. J....I have always been involved since the boys started nursery school when they were 3 yrs. old....and especially with Travis, I always wanted to be there as much as I could. I really think it makes the child happy, to know that a parent/s is involved with their school. The boys think it's soooo cool on Fridays when I'm there all day doing P.E....
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:10:13 AM)
it makes them feel 'important', I think.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:12:24 AM)
Back. SOrry.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:12:37 AM)
Not a problem Dr. J....
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:14:16 AM)
I am going to another day long conference in Orlando this of the presenters will be speaking on theraputic horesback riding...have you ever heard of this?
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:14:45 AM)
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:15:14 AM)
Also, Carol Stock-Kranowitz is going to be there....
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:16:31 AM)
Therapeutic horseback riding for what purposes?
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:16:50 AM)
.oO(Intestesting to hear of therapeutic horseback riding!)
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:18:57 AM)
It's supposed to be really great for children with APD, ADD, ADHD, and physical disabilities as well...I actually have a name of someone in our area who is certified to teach it, but I wanted to wait until I hear more about it before I made any decisions on it. From what I have heard, it is supposed to be very beneficial...helps the kids to focus, consentrate, and put into order, what they need to do they don't get bucked off the horse, I guess!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:25:28 AM)
I can understand taking ANY formal sport (especially one involving one-on-one between the child and the "trainer" or coach would be helpful for improving focusing, concentration and factors related to sensory awareness/sensory integration. However, I can not see how theraputic any sport/horseback riding would (in and of itself) have anything to do with improving or developing auditory processing skills. If the only area stated is that children will need to follow directions, yes, that is true, but that can be accomplished with many many different activities not specific to "therapeutic" horseback riding. However, if purposes include sensory integration factors, concentration on NON-VERBAL factors, organization of NON-VERBAL factors, then, I can see how this therapy may be beneficial. I would be interested to see what you learn about WHY they are claiming it is appropriate and good for auditory processing problems (which, by every definition or description around still refers to problems dealing with infor
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:28:39 AM)
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Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:28:53 AM)
If they have info on it, I will get you some and send it to I am pretty much in the dark, as far as the true benefits of it....but, anything I can get on the subject, I will send to you...if it seems it would be beneficial to those with APD...
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:29:05 AM)
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:29:10 AM)
Goodmorning are you this AM?
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:29:21 AM)
I am fine - voted already and am ready to go.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:30:00 AM)
You and Dr. J have done your civic duty...I will be doing mine shortly!
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:30:40 AM)
I have a question about different "therapies" for auditory processing disorders. Aside from FM and classroom changes, I've read about listening therapies, etc. My son also has severe apraxia which adds to the problem. Do either of you have an opinion or experience with listening therapy?
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:31:40 AM)
No, Kathy, I don't. But, Dr. J may be able to help you out here!
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:32:14 AM)
I've not actually heard of listening therapy....
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:01 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:10 AM)
good morning!
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:12 AM)
Hi again, Debbie!!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:14 AM)
Good morning Kathy. SOrry, I had another brief interruption.
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:39 AM)
Sorry for the delay in getting back
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:33:46 AM)
Kathy, first, if I may qualify for your understanding........
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:34:06 AM)
maybe it's in relation to his apraxia - i am on 3 different lists...must be getting old. Tomatis and Samonas are kind of like "brand" listening therapies I've read about
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:35:27 AM)
Hi Debbie
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:35:46 AM)
Good morning Kathy!
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:37:02 AM)
hi dr j.sorry i ran out so quickly earlier
Kay in OK (ID=42) (Nov 7, 2000 9:37:02 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:37:13 AM)
hi Kay!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:37:15 AM)
The use of FM systems and classroom accommodations ARE NOT therapy. Therapy is a process in which an actual strategy is being taught. The use of an FM system is merely to broadcast the teacher's voice (or single speaker's voice) through a private (personal system) or public (classroom system) system. The fact that the FM system also has an amplifier involved allows for increasing the volume of the teacher's or speaker's voice. Thus, the teacher can be heard louder. WHen the loudspeaker or earphones are very close to the ear of the listener, then the voice is louder in the listener's ear. Additionally, when earphones, and only when earphones are used, they sit over the ears thus, blocking out some of the environmental sounds including background noise (but also other children participating in class discussion.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:37:54 AM)
Therapy is a specific activity with a specific goal to change behavior by teaching or developing a new strategy for handling (i.e., processing) auditory-verbal information.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:38:07 AM)
Welcome back, Debbie. Hope everything is ok with you.
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:40:02 AM)
A friend's car broke down (different friend this time) and I promised her i'd take her to work..she's been using my car, but I had to have it back today
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:40:13 AM)
Hi Kay......Thanks Dr. J - incorrect terminology use on my part. We are scheduled to have Drew evaluated at SUNY Buffalo, although I just was made aware of Dr. Keith in Cincinnati. Any knowledge of his work? - I guess we are in search of just what and where are the breakdowns in his processing and what may be helpful to try for him.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:42:05 AM)
Oooops....sorry Debbie!
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:42:51 AM)
Kathy, Buffalo and CInncinatti are not next to each other. If you don't mind my asking, where are you located?
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:43:11 AM)
Columbus Ohio
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:45:14 AM)
Kay, how are you doing today?
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:46:03 AM)
Kathy, well if you are in Columbus, then, I would suspect you are closer to Cinncinatti than BUffalo. SO, that could be one option. In any case, here's some input from a professional....
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:47:23 AM)
Debbie...have to go...LOTS more computer work to do, so I can get paid! Will talk to you tonight...have my PTA meeting, so I may be late.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:47:27 AM)
SUNY Buffalo has the group under Dr. Jack Katz who developed the Buffalo Model that looks at APD within four categories.
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:07 AM)
Deb I"ll email you and fill you in tomorrow on what's up...thanks for everything!
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:14 AM)
Dr. J...THANK YOU soooooooo much for all of you help, as always! I'll let you know on the therapeutoc horseback riding....
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:48:36 AM)
Debbie....ok...are you in the chat tonight?
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:49:09 AM)
Cinncinatti is the home of (as you said) Dr. Robert Keith who developed the SCAN, SCAN-C, SCAN-A and the auditory test of attention ACPT and the temporal processing test AFT-R. So, he has a great background in tests, but, I believe his approach is what I call pass/fail. You take the test battery and results indicate what tests you pass or fail and based on the tests you fail this is the area of auditory processing for which you have problems and need accommodations/remediation.
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:49:14 AM)
I should be..right now im a bit sore, but can still type!! *LOL*
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:49:57 AM)
Debbie...*LOL*...TAKE IT EASY TODAY!!!! Rest that arm of yours! I'll takj to you tonight! =)
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:21 AM)
yeah right *L* to you tonight...
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:39 AM)
Deb, have a great day, and, please get back to me or the CAPD group on the therapeutic horseback riding.
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:50:51 AM)
Debbie...OK....TRY then!!! Yepper, not a problem, she says!!! *LOL*
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:51:12 AM)
Dr. J...Yes, I absolutely will!!
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:51:31 AM)
Have a great day everyone!
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:51:55 AM)
Bye Deb
Deb (ID=37) (Nov 7, 2000 9:52:04 AM)
Bye all...
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:53:15 AM)
Dr J, i've heard people mention that poor organizational skills are often related to that true?
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:56:09 AM)
Debbie, yes. Poor organization skills MAY be related to an underlying problem that also affects APD. The fourth category of the Buffalo model is organization and this category is attributed to work I did back in the late 1970's early 1980's. What I found were children who had reversals in their responses when presented with strings of auditory information. They would hear (for example) 1-2-3-4 and would respond with the correct information but in the wrong order (i.e., 1-3-2-4 or 3-4-1-2). Thus, they got all of the information (auditory information) but responded out of order.......
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:57:26 AM)
but that's in the organization of auditory information,but not regular organization right? such as keeping things organized?
Kay in OK (ID=42) (Nov 7, 2000 9:57:37 AM)
I'm really new at all this. I've never even been in a chat room before. But I've been on the internet a lot lately getting information about CAPD; data I can share with teachers, counselors and therapists, ideas on how I can help my son deal with his frustration, etc. It's a very eye-opening process. (I'm monitoring this while at work so I'm in and out every few minutes. Just had to take a break to answer some questions so that's why I haven't been very responsive) Right now we're trying to deal with peer issues - getting along with others, etc. It's been a real challenge because my son is "different" in other childrens' eyes. We're also dealing with poor organization skills as was just mentioned. Having tremendous problems remembering to turn in homework, not getting work done at school, etc.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 9:57:52 AM)
I found that many of these kids (especially those with a lot of reversal type problems) were very disorganized and they were helped a great deal with concrete organizational strategies like check lists,sequenced step-by-step procedures, etc. even when the task was NOT an auditory task. That is why I started by saying that organizational problems may be related to some underlying problem that can affect auditory processing.
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:09 AM)
dr. j - have you found any methods of teaching a child with APD to learn to read and spell more successful than another?
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 9:59:27 AM)
i've noticed how disorganized sarah is and never related it to the apd until lately.,,just thought of it as her not really trying
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 10:00:53 AM)
Kay, may I ask how old your son is?
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 10:00:59 AM)
Well, as I said, the organization problems you see in your son (Kay in OK) may be seen in how he processing auditory-verbal information OR it may not affect how he processes auditory information. This needs investigation to rule out whether the lack of organization is related to poor comprehension of the auditor ymessage since it was processed in a disorganized manner, or just a general organizational problem that may be more related to attentional issues (whether ADD/ADHD or just attentional issues regardless of the label or need for medication.)
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 10:02:52 AM)
Kathy, this is a loaded question with a loaded answer. The answer is "Once you have identified the underlying reasons the child is having problems reading and spelling, you attack these underlying problems and, yes, when there is motivation and support and practice, the child does overcome the reading and spelling problems or (when this second factor is all that there is) the child (second factor) learns to accommodate and adapt to the reading and spelling problems so they do not significantly affect his/her quality of life and learning.
dr.j (ID=39) (Nov 7, 2000 10:04:02 AM)
I am sorry to say this, but I have a meeting I have to attend at 10am and it is now 10am and my students are here for the meeting. So, I have to excuse myself. Please feel free to email me on any additional issues, or come back in two weeks for another chat. Debbie, speak with you next week, we'll need to email to discuss and day and time. Bye for now.
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 10:04:05 AM)
The identification of the underlying reasons -
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 10:04:22 AM)
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:06 AM)
See you later!
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:10 AM)
there will be another parent/family chat tongiht at 9 pm est
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:16 AM)
Oh - at the same sight?
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:26 AM)
Kathy (ID=40) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:39 AM)
Thanks a lot Debbie! Have a good day.
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 10:05:44 AM)
there is a parent chat every tuesday night..thanks kathy
Kay in OK (ID=42) (Nov 7, 2000 10:06:20 AM)
Sorry, I just came back in. My son will be ten years old next week. Since I'm the last one in I guess I'll catch you at the next chat.
debbie (ID=41) (Nov 7, 2000 10:06:38 AM)
ok Kay....have a great day