Wendy (ID=62) (Nov 21, 2000 8:54:16 PM)
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drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 8:54:54 PM)
Hi Wendy

Wendy (ID=62) (Nov 21, 2000 8:55:11 PM)
Hi! Just stopping in for a few minutes...but I'm early.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:00:48 PM)
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gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:01:05 PM)

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:02:04 PM)
Hi gail. I have been popping in and out

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:02:18 PM)
this is the first time im here

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:02:27 PM)
do many people stop in?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:02:58 PM)
Well Welcome to the sight. Do you have a child diagnosed with CAPD or any other learning difficulties?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:16 PM)
my 6 year old has Capd

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:22 PM)
Depending on the night but there usualyy a few

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:41 PM)
my 10 has add

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:46 PM)
how about you

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:48 PM)
Have you been working with the school district?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:04:22 PM)
well i have him in an inclusion class and he gets speech and o/t

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:04:26 PM)
I have an eleven year old girl that has CAPD and sensory integration

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:04:46 PM)
waht modifactions/service does she recieve at school

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:04:57 PM)
How is the situation going with the school. Are you satisfied with what is going on?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:05:18 PM)
no im not,,teacher says he cant pay attention needs instructions repeated

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:05:34 PM)
is very distracted and he hums during quiet time

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:03 PM)
She has OT,Speech, a daily aide and I have now won the prescence of a certified tutor 3 days per seek

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:37 PM)
class has a teacher full time ...a full time aide,,and push in resource teacher..all 3 give him lots of attention ..plus class size this year is small only 16

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:58 PM)
daily aide for how many periods a day?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:07:25 PM)
hes in a good place for now but im very concerned bout future

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:08:29 PM)
did u have to fight very hard to get aide and tutor?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:09:02 PM)
Good for you on the class size. I could only be so lucky. Her aide is with her all day except for lunch but she is not certified and she is not the most personable. This aide was hired only for my daughter and I know for a fact that she is used a lot for other children in the class. The school also has the tendency to send my daughter out of the classroom frequently with only the aide and not in the prescence of the certified teacher

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:09:04 PM)
did i lose you?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:09:59 PM)
I'm not the best typer! I have been fighting with the districts since she was 3.5years old and I haven't given up.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:10:15 PM)
have u ever tried for the fm traienr i believe its called

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:10:21 PM)

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:10:32 PM)
waht state are u in?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:10:52 PM)
how did u ever get them to agree to hire an aide

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:11:19 PM)
my school district is so tough they are sooooo stingy with services,,i was thinking of bringing a paid advocate to my next meeting

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:02 PM)
Yes. That was my first victory many years ago. It helped slightly but not that much. I'm in AZ. I got the aide after many years of fighting and perserverance but it isn't that rewarding for her. Mainly is just a pacifier to me

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:30 PM)
see in my school we are lucky enuf to have the inclusion model

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:45 PM)
are u familiar with it,,,teacher and aide ..full time at all times

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:55 PM)
An advocatte is great to have on your side but you don't have to pay them unless your state is different. mOst of them work for free. I am an advocate and I haven't charged for any services

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:13:03 PM)
that option wasnt available with my older son it was special ed or reg class

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:13:18 PM)
in my school they send a parent advocate who are pretty passive,,,

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:13:53 PM)
What do you mean passive? ARe they too afraid to say anything

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:14:11 PM)
they have special ed childen in the school district

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:14:50 PM)
they make helpful suggestions but i havent had anyone that great

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:05 PM)
That shouldn't matter but I know it does. What state are you in

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:12 PM)

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:29 PM)
local advocacy center just had state funding cuts.,,,no longer send advocates for free

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:46 PM)
and i offered to pay and they said sorry we have one advocate and she is booked solid!

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:16:26 PM)
You need a snippy parent advocate that isn't afraid to speak up

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:16:40 PM)
im really scared for my son that i will be too passive,,and he will fail :-(

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:17:40 PM)
i will keep him in inclusion model but class size may go as hi as 25 16 was a fluke this year only due to opening an ew school

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:18:25 PM)
im now a butterfly lol

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:18:38 PM)
Aren't we all! I have successfully obtained all of the needed tests for my daughter, IE: psych and neuropsych test at the full payment by the district. If you read your laws well enough and read throught the lines then the district needs to give you what your child needs at no cost to you. Do you have an IEP established for him already?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:19:15 PM)
What does lol stand for? I am naive

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:19:19 PM)
yes he has an iep,,,for speech and o/t...they tested him last year in the spring and he did beautifully...he did not qualify for resource room

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:19:34 PM)
oh sorry it means Laughing

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:19:56 PM)
i was going to request a capd test in writing ,,,and mail it this week

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:20:08 PM)
to special ed office

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:20:18 PM)
Everything has to be in writing only

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:20:52 PM)
school is paying 1800 for older son's neuropsch test

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:20:58 PM)
so that was a victory

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:21:35 PM)
im basically a quiet person who hates confrontation

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:21:38 PM)
That is a great idea. I can't believe that he didn't qualify for resource

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:21:55 PM)
these meetings and getting services require a certain type of personality

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:22:16 PM)
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kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:22:29 PM)
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gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:22:34 PM)
hi reenie

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:22:49 PM)
True! Unfortunately i have become so aggresive that I know that my daughter is shunned by her homeroom teacher because she is taking her grief about me out on my daughter

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:22:54 PM)

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:08 PM)
Hi Kathy and Reenie

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:10 PM)

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:30 PM)
hi kathy

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:36 PM)
You just wouldn't believe the hell that I go through

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:44 PM)
i can only imagine

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:50 PM)
Hi Everybody. Sorry I am late. School meeting

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:23:58 PM)
the school likes to make us feel like we are so aggresive

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:24:07 PM)
id love to see them if it were their child

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:24:34 PM)
I can handle agressive but when they treat us like it isn't our area to be is that is another situation

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:24:57 PM)
how do you deal with teachers unacquainted with capd

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:14 PM)
my sons teacher said to me i dont diagnose i leave that to my specialists

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:34 PM)
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debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:48 PM)
hello everyone!

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:52 PM)
Hi Debbie HOw are you feeling How was the wedding?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:58 PM)
welcome debbie!

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:26:24 PM)
the wedding was wonderful!! =)

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:26:40 PM)
I am so happy for you.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:26:41 PM)
be right back

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:28:09 PM)
Some one asked me today what the difference is between a speech therapist and a speech pathologist? Does anyone know-are they the same thing?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:28:14 PM)
Sorry for leaving but I'm back

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:28:39 PM)
Gail and Drew, you both used the term "aggressive" regarding dealing with teachers/school, I assume. What do you mean?

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:29:57 PM)
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kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:30:07 PM)
HI Wendy

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:30:18 PM)
I speech therapist's job is to rehabilitate, whereas a speech pathologist seeks for the root of the speech problem in the individual, I think.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:30:21 PM)
Hi everyone! What are we talking about?

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:30:45 PM)
Do they have different education?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:30:56 PM)
I'm more for one'on'one when it comes to CAPD. My idea of aggressive is always mandating to the insturctors to follow the IEP when we shouldn't havet to. Always having to check up on this and that. Always having to call an IEP meeting to ask them why this hasn't been accomplished because you know you can call and write notes but that never seems to found or responded to

brent (ID=68) (Nov 21, 2000 9:31:07 PM)
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kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:31:16 PM)
Hi Brent

brent (ID=68) (Nov 21, 2000 9:31:46 PM)

brent (ID=68) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:08 PM)
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brent (ID=68) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:08 PM)
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gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:35 PM)
does everyone have a child with capd?

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:50 PM)
my child will be tested next week

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:59 PM)
My 6 1/2 year old was diagnosed about a month ago.

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:33:01 PM)
be back in monent

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:33:12 PM)
Sounds like frustration (and a bit hostile) more than aggressiveness to me :)

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:33:32 PM)
I do.

brent (ID=68) (Nov 21, 2000 9:33:48 PM)
my 7 year old was diagnosed 2 months ago

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:34:07 PM)
after 6.5 years you would be a bit hostile too and still having to aggressiveness too

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:34:20 PM)
my sons whose 6 has all the symptoms...he will be tested next month

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:34:55 PM)
For those who are "new" to this...what are you doing at home to help your child?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:35:09 PM)
what modifications at school are appropriate for capd,,,besides seating?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:35:47 PM)

ncz/Texas (ID=69) (Nov 21, 2000 9:36:19 PM)
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Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:37:42 PM)
We have Earobics, but to be honest, we don't use it as often as we should at home. I think it is a good program, though.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:37:44 PM)
At home we are working on organizational skills (checklists/charts/keeping play area and room neat); we are pre-tutoring him (the school gave us a set of texts to keep at home to go over concepts); lots of talking to him, turning off background noise (no dishwasher/laundry when he's home).

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:38:35 PM)
At school he has preferential seating. Also helpful is seating next to a "buddy" who can also answer questions. My son doesn't score low enough for an IEP.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:39:05 PM)
Reenie -- we're also doing Earobics. We start Fast ForWord in a couple of weeks.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:39:33 PM)
is fastforward real expensive?

chris (ID=70) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:01 PM)
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KathyC (ID=71) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:03 PM)
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KathyC (ID=71) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:16 PM)
Good evening!

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:40 PM)
I'd like to see Fast Forward in action. I've heard it's very expensive and great amounts of time must be spent with that program.

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:44 PM)
Wendy, what were the reasons that your son doesn't qualify for an IEP?

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:48 PM)
Well.....depends on how you do it. The license for the product is $850 ($750 until the end of Nov). I did their distance training to be certified to administer it, and we'll do it at home.

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:49 PM)
Hello Chris and Kathy C

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:41:41 PM)
Fastforward can only be mandated by a speech pathologist. It is quite expensive but under the guidance of the speech pathologist it can be done at home

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:41:50 PM)
was there a fee for training?

brent (ID=68) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:08 PM)
How long did distance training take ?

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:12 PM)
What age is appropriate for earobics?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:18 PM)
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kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:30 PM)
Hello Reid

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:49 PM)
Wendy are you a speech pathologist

KathyC (ID=71) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:52 PM)
Has anyone tried "listening therapies" such as Samonas, Tomatis, The Listening Program, Berard or EASe?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:01 PM)
hello kathy thought I would just drop in fir a while

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:03 PM)
Drew - well....although he had an audiologist's eval to show CAPD (he had 13 ear infections in a year and a half)...his CELF and TAPS scores are well above average (12-15's), and since we've been doing the pretutoring and his seat was changed, his grades have improved dramatically. That's not to say we won't be revisiting this again, but he's doing too well.

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:05 PM)
I'd say about 5 years and up for Earobics.

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:46 PM)
Thanks-we aren't old enough yet

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:08 PM)
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kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:17 PM)
Kathy C Ihave not heard of those 'programs'

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:25 PM)
Gail and Brent -- the fee for materials was about a hundred dollars. There are videotapes, workbooks, and an online tutorial. I did it and passed the quiz (which was easy) in about 3 hrs (I'm a quick study -- grin)...I'm working through it again before I administer it though.

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:33 PM)
Hello Kelly

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:52 PM)
I'm a stay-at-home mom (who was a psychologist in her former life)

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:53 PM)
hi everyone

Reenie (ID=64) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:57 PM)
No, Kathy. I never heard of any of those.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:57 PM)
wendy are ua speech professional?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:45:52 PM)
does anyone ever really get angry with their daughter when they seem to take forever to complete a simple task like take a shower

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:46:06 PM)
Oh, and as a psychologist, I'd never heard of CAPD before....been learning as much as I can (and finding out how little most of the professionals we're running into know.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:46:35 PM)
can any parent do the training that u did ?

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:46:38 PM)
I'm confused! My daughter completed the Fastforward program and this had to be completed by a speech pathologist only. If not I am somwhat concerned on how you can administer the post-testing that is needed

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:47:24 PM)
It's like she has no sense of time God Knows how she makes it in school now , but middle school is next year .Teachers will not wait and cue as they do now

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:47:29 PM)
I"m sorry..im back!

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:47:32 PM)
Oh, and lots of parents do run the program from home. In fact, the only provider in our area prefers her clients to run it at home (she checks on progress)...that way you have more flexibility in scheduling your sessions.

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 9:48:02 PM)
i think my daughter (6 yrs-first grade) may have capd. where do i start??

KathyC (ID=71) (Nov 21, 2000 9:48:22 PM)
thanks Reenie

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:48:30 PM)
I ran the program for my daughter from home too but it was under the guidance of a speech pathologist

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:48:59 PM)
DEbbie, ever hear of a Dr. Linda Lombardi at UF. Turns out a child hold friend ofmy husband's wife is a speech path at UF and works withLombardi

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:08 PM)
Is the provider for your Fastforward program a speech pathologist?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:12 PM)
Kathy...the dr cancelled the surgery today..said the antiobiotics had been extremely helpful =)

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:40 PM)
great....one less thing for you...are you ready for a break?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:41 PM)
Kathy.I think I've heard the name in passing, but have never met her

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:53 PM)
If you look on the Scientific Learning referral page...you'll see plenty of providers who do it remotely (i.e., you do it at home). I have his APD test scores, CELF, TAPS, and SCAN as pretests....I'll have at least the APD and SCAN done again post-test (I borrowed the SCAN from our school's speech teacher)

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:50:13 PM)
thanks..was told to contact that office when we are inGainesville next week...

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:01 PM)
wendy did the school do thosetests?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:05 PM)
Kathy, I"m relieved that everything is over and I dont have any impending deadlines ..feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:14 PM)
Hi Kelly.....the first thing you should do is to confirm the diagnosis....this can only be done by an audiologist. Ask around and find one who knows about CAPD.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:40 PM)
I missed saying hello to several people in here tonight....it's good to see everyone!

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:46 PM)
I bet now you only have thanksgivig to deal with Did Woody make reservations?

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 9:52:12 PM)
would i start with her doctor or should i go straight to an audiologist?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:52:16 PM)
Actually Im working on Thanksgiving..woody and the girls are going to a friend's house....

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:52:17 PM)
Gail...no, they took too long. Since he had so many ear infections, his testing actually qualified under our insurance, so I made my own appointments.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:52:49 PM)
i just got denied under insurance for neuropysch eval...

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:52:56 PM)
Wendy I know about the referral page. What I am asking you are you being mandated by a speech pathologist? The reason that I keep asking is for the other listeners because this is a great program but I do not want to lead them astray. The program needs to be applied and ran by a speech pathologist

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:53:07 PM)
Kelly....that will depend on your insurance company and if you need a referral..but an audiologist is the only one who can accurately test for capd

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:53:09 PM)
Gail make sure that the audiologist is qualified to test for CAPD...many don't

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:53:15 PM)
Kelli....do you have an HMO? If so, you might be able to get a referral for the testing .

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:53:35 PM)
Gail- Did the school come to you with the possible problem? Then they can be liable for the testing. Don't let them drag their feet. They will pay

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:54:02 PM)
i may ask school to do cap eval they have kids tested at a boces center that is well versed in capd

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:54:33 PM)
teacher has come to me with concerns bout listening,,,not following directions,,distractibility and humming in class

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 9:54:34 PM)
wendy, i have an HMO but i do not have to get a referral

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:54:51 PM)
do u think thats enuf to request a capd and have school pay

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:09 PM)
Gail, they will cover neuropsych, psychological, CAPD etc. but they will not cover medical testing

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:10 PM)
schoolshould do testing themselves or pay to have it done

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:52 PM)
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drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:57 PM)
Thank you Reid for the extra emphasis. The school districts will pay for more than they lead on

brent (ID=75) (Nov 21, 2000 9:56:00 PM)
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debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:56:12 PM)
hi KMan!

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 9:56:16 PM)

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:56:24 PM)
welcome back Brent

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 9:56:37 PM)
Wendy, how old do kids have to be before they test?

brent (ID=75) (Nov 21, 2000 9:56:44 PM)
thanks I hit the wrong button

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:57:06 PM)
Drew -- no, I am a certified provider. I have the license to do this with my son, or go out and do it for others. I am a professional in that I am a psychologist. Now, do I think they should be more careful in their requirements for certification -- sure! Do I feel qualified to go out and advertise myself as an expert -- not yet. But I'm also reading all the research I can on CAPD, FastForword, AI (which I've decided against), etc. I also feel that one of the criticisms of the program is that they try to market it for anyone with reading problems -- that's way to general (but probably the reason they allow for distance certification.

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:57:06 PM)
Our daughter was in the 2 grade

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:57:10 PM)
many audiologist will not test before the age of 6 or 7...but there are some audiologists that will test younger

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 9:57:23 PM)
my son is just four and will be tested next week...most places require childrento be 5to 6 and pre-reading

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 9:58:58 PM)
Our daughter is now in the 5th grade and doing well . We are afraid of middle school . Should we be

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:58:59 PM)
Kelly -- depends on who you ask...the lower level is typically 7, but some will do it lower (Aaron just made our audiologist's cutoff of 6 1/2)

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 9:59:05 PM)
Wendy, im sorry i came in late this evening......are you a providor for FFW?

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 9:59:38 PM)
wendy if i callfast forwartd can i be certified just being a reg mom?

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 9:59:43 PM)
Hi Debbie....yes, but right now I only plan to run my own son through the program.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:00:01 PM)
One reason why many aud do not test younger is that for many of the tests do not have norms for children younger than 7

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 10:00:04 PM)
pr was your pysch background a prerequisite

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:00:38 PM)
there is also the consideration of the maturation level of the auditory system that affects the way a child processes information....

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:01:06 PM)
my four year old will be in a special study to determine if earlier testing is possible and effective.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 10:01:15 PM)
i was told by a very knowledgable audiologist the same thing that they should be at least 7 for scores to be relavent

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 10:02:01 PM)
The auditory system is great for younger children as studies show yet as they mature and continue with the auditory system they begin to become more concerned with appearances which will make the system work to its full potential.

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:02:19 PM)
What cued you into the possibility that your 4 year old could have capd

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:03 PM)
When a child is born the right ear is typically the dominant ear..the left ear usually matures at a quicker rate which catches up to the right ear.....the balance between the ears usually levels off by time a child is around 7 or so.....(this is the way t was explained to me)

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:34 PM)
Wendy have you started FFW yet?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:52 PM)
The reason I ask is that in hindsight our daughter seemed to take along time in the restroom and seemed never to be paying attention in pre school , but got the info when asked

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:24 PM)
First, big speech delay. Second, witht he same exposure, he doesn't know the things his school mates know. Third, difficulty in following even the simplest of directions. He knows no songs, rhymes, things that all others seem to know.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:32 PM)
Gail....to be honest, I'm not sure what form I needed to fill out....there may have been a question which asked about profession, but I'm not sure. The distance program is called cross-train. I ordered the material on-line, and took the quiz on-line. I have spoken to professional relations b/c I wanted to know about other research that wasn't published yet, and to their ask an expert in which I presented my son's case and asked if he would be a good candidate (since his language tests were so high). I guess I felt qualified to go through the training myself because I've become quite an expert as a parent, and I felt I understood the research.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:36 PM)
Reid, I knew from the time my daughter was probably 2 that there was something wrong..just didnt know what it was

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 10:05:17 PM)
what bout kids years ago that werent treated for this,,,will the child outgrow struggle whole life? any ideas

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:06:58 PM)
Gail I've talked to many parents who now looking back feel as if their child may have had capd growing up...unless a child learns some type of compensatory strategy they will continue to struggle....some kids selfteach themself coping strategies...but our kids will be so much further ahead if we can help they learn strategies to overcome at an ealier age so that learning is not as hard

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:06:59 PM)
Debbie...we're starting Dec 6th (planning around school holidays, and weekends). Most parents say that week 3 is when it gets hard on the child, and that should fall at the beginning of Christmas break. I'm buying our headphones this weekend.

gail (ID=63) (Nov 21, 2000 10:07:04 PM)
thank you wendy for taking the time to answer me

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 10:07:24 PM)
Wendy did the Fastforward program at Berkely state to you that this program needs to be mandated by a speech pathologist because when I spoke to them many times they said that this is the only way that this program is offered. You download all material to Berkely daily and yes you can do this at home but you still have to be under the guidance of the speech pathologist. Am I wrong?

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 10:07:35 PM)
sorry to ask so many questions of you all, but this is all new to me. my daughter is reading well above the other first graders and can do independent math with no problem, but when she is asked a simple question she either can't do it or gives off the wall answers. do children with capd have problems with reading?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:08:12 PM)
my best friend has a daughter who is 20 years old and we both feel as if she may have capd...we are trying to get her in for testing

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:09:01 PM)
Drew - no Scientific Learning does not state this on their web page or anywhere else. They actually have bulletin boards where parents could post, and there were parents listed there who got the training themselves. I know of 2 other moms on the CAPD list who did it themselves (without a professional background).

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:09:23 PM)
Kelly many kids with capd do have trouble with reading but it depends on what underlying factors are causing your child's capd

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:10:22 PM)
there is no one deficnition of capd! no two kids with capd will present exactly the same problems so each one has to be approached separately and the course of remeadiation has to be set up individually

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:10:37 PM)
I I have been a special ed . teacher for 20 years and have never thought to much for accomodations ( thought they made things worse than better ) untill my on daughter can"t seem to complete very basic stuff ,which invoves listening skills . She is in gifted reading classes but scores only a litle better than the norm in math

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:11:09 PM)
Reid..how old is your daughter?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:11:33 PM)
10 years old

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:11:45 PM)
Debbie -- I agree with your synopsis of how people learned to cope. The research also indicates that about 60% of APD kids will outgrow it by age 14 (or 12...not sure now). For some kids it is just a neuromaturational delay, and they eventually catch up. I'm not sure, however, how we can determine or predict who that 60% will be.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:11:47 PM)
how long ago was she dx with capd?

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:11:51 PM)
debbie, when you refer to "coping strategies" could you give an example of whan these might be?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:12:43 PM)
I do worry about her socially since the tings that tic me off must at times upset her peers ie not following the rules etc.

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:13:58 PM)
We had her tested in 2 grade and now will test again I hope some correction or growing out of it occurs

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:14:02 PM)
KMan I'm going to use Sarah, my daughter for an example......About a month ago, Sarah approached me on a Monday morning and told me that the night before at church she was having trouble understanding Ms Grace during "Team Kid" so she got up and asked Ms. Grace is she could move closer so she could "hear" better since she had capd........She knew what she had to do to put herself in a better situation to understand the speaker!!

kelly (ID=73) (Nov 21, 2000 10:14:58 PM)
thank you all for your help

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:15:06 PM)
I see, thanks.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:15:36 PM)
KMAn - kids also learn to rely on visual cues and context.....that way they can pick up much of what someone is saying. Some even lip read.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:15:36 PM)
Wendy I've heard similar statistics about kids "outgrowing" capd. My thought is unfortuantely up to the age of 12 or so the kids are learning the fundamentals in school, and if by that time they are so far behind, then the damage is done

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 10:16:22 PM)
Kudos Debbie! I agree with the statement

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:16:49 PM)
When tested Sarah scored low on reading accuracy and speed but above average on reading comprehension and I had a hard time understanding that. The psych explained to me that Sarah was very good at "inferring" what was happening due to being very smart

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:17:33 PM)
Do any of your children use books on tape to enhance reading and comprehension?

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:17:39 PM)
Debbie - I agree, and refuse to wait around (which is, btw, what the audiologist suggested). Not only do they fall behind in academics, but their self-esteem suffers, and peer relations can suffer (right now in first grade, kids are pretty literal), but Aaron doesn't get knock-knock jokes or word plays.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:17:40 PM)
For those of you who dont know me well..please understand these are my views as a parent,, I am not a professional

drewk (ID=61) (Nov 21, 2000 10:17:59 PM)
These kids know how to adjust socially to cover up their disability--They are smart that way

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:18:03 PM)
Corrie is the same she can infer and higher order math . But she ran the basis backwards in a kickball game the other day

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:18:27 PM)
KMan we use to do alot of books on tape but have gotten away form them..there was discussion in this mornings chat bout the same thing

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:20:14 PM)
Debbie as a parent is your opinion that books on tape were helpful or not?

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:20:23 PM)
My daughter gets discouraged because she reads so slowly and labors over sounding out new words.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:20:24 PM)
REID - LOL...Aaron ran to third in his first t-ball game (and picked up the ball in soccer)...never thought much about it -- I wonder if his CAPD had something to do with it?

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:21:24 PM)
When corrie played soccer in the 1 grade she sat down and played in the dirt drawing faces

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:21:27 PM)
Kathy, I think having the visual aid along with the book was helpful .....I think anytime you can approach material in a multisensory way it will be helpful and be a good reinforcement

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:22:01 PM)
thanks do you think the library has pre-school boolks on tape?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:22:11 PM)
I think any parent of a child that is young and plays sports has stories like that!!! dont know if that is capd or being 6 or 7

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:22:24 PM)
Kathy, it would be worth checking out!

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:22:52 PM)
I use to love the night time games since it was dark out and thekids could not see the birds or butterflies in the fields =)

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:23:03 PM)
Thats the way she is in sports . seems not to know what to do. I've played it off as much as I can but she is different

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:24:05 PM)
Sarah had trouble in team sports too. This summer we tried swimming instead. It's a team sport but they compete independently and dont neccessarily have to listen for the coach. Sarah loved it and did quite well

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:24:38 PM)
Kathy...you could always tape yourself reading the preschool books.

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:24:52 PM)
good idea...

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:24:59 PM)
Also , she is on a swim team now and from observation she is following directions in a pool ( with all the echo and all , and sometimes away from the instructor ) I was told that she really wanted to listen . Must be hell to have to listen that hard all day in school

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:25:11 PM)
My daughter is doing ice skating and horseback riding, but loves soccer. We used a dry erase board to learn positions and simple strategies.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:25:37 PM)
very good idea KMan...that gives that multisensory approach to learning

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:26:49 PM)
Have any of you ever sat in church and listened to the preacher read a long section of verses from the King James version of the Bible in Old English?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:27:20 PM)
after a while, you are kind of lost and wondering what the preacher said, although you knew every word spoken?

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:27:24 PM)
Yeah, and I start to fidgit, daydream, look around -- just like my son in class

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:27:45 PM)
Horse back riding was not so good since it involved puting the saddle on and a bunch of other stuff . Corrie was always the first to come and the last to leave . The same with swimming too

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:28:00 PM)

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:28:34 PM)
our kids are listening to words they are suppose to knwo in a language they are suppose to know, but the words dont make sense..

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:28:48 PM)
The stable where my daughter rides has high school kids as helpers for the younger kids.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:29:01 PM)
And you think you know what he said -- until someone starts asking you specific questions, and you realize you just have a general idea what the topic was.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:29:34 PM)
Dinner 2 nights ago:

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:29:51 PM)
right Wendy, but if it is a passage that you've heard before or a story from the Bible that you know, it makes more sense?? That's the idea of preteaching with our kids

Reid (ID=72) (Nov 21, 2000 10:29:54 PM)
First time on this chat thank you . Time to go sleep . Happy Thanksgiving to all

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:30:05 PM)
Happy Thanksgiving Reid!

drew (ID=76) (Nov 21, 2000 10:30:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:30:10 PM)
hope to see you again@

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:30:15 PM)
hi drew!

drew (ID=76) (Nov 21, 2000 10:30:32 PM)

drew (ID=76) (Nov 21, 2000 10:30:48 PM)
What is the topic for tonight

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:31:09 PM)
general discussion.....no paticular topic

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:31:10 PM)
Ooops....hit return. Aaron - "whys the computer out?" me - "Daddy took it in b/c it wasn't working" Aaron - "oh, ok"....me "so Aaron, why's the computer over there?" Aaron "I don't know...I didn't hear you." But he didn't know that he didn't hear me until I asked him about it.

drew (ID=77) (Nov 21, 2000 10:32:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:33:04 PM)
Right now Sarah is starting to "know" when she is having trouble understanding or processing what is being said..

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:34:00 PM)
It's really exciting to see her making adjustments herself and she's told me several times lately how much her FM helps her and that she can tell the difference

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:34:08 PM)
The other morning I told my daughter to get her shower, but to wear a shower cap because there wasn't time to wash her hair. After a loooonnnnnnnng time she came out with hair soaking wet. All she heard was "wash your hair.

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:34:42 PM)
That's such a good think for her! Knowing will lead to her asking for help, finding a quiet place to talk, etc -- which is our ultimate goal -- for our kids to have coping strategies they know when to use.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:34:49 PM)
KMAN does she normally wash her hair everytime?

ncz/Texas (ID=78) (Nov 21, 2000 10:34:51 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:35:09 PM)
no, usually only on Sunday night,

Wendy (ID=67) (Nov 21, 2000 10:35:39 PM)
I'm going to head out. This was my first chat. Thanks for so many good ideas! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:35:47 PM)
I was telling my sister that as an adult we take coursed at work on attentive listening and communication skills...

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:36:21 PM)
and here we are having to teach these same skills to our kids so young but think how far ahead they will be if they learn effective listening young

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:36:40 PM)
Reid, mind if I ask you a question?

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:37:32 PM)
not sure if Reid is still here or not

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:38:58 PM)
Kathy,thank you for your help the last few weeks!

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:39:36 PM)
YOu are welcome. Anything I can to to help you out...you have made such a big commeitment

KManBAM (ID=74) (Nov 21, 2000 10:39:41 PM)
Guess I'd better head out. Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:39:48 PM)
you too

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:40:17 PM)
might be only us left

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:40:26 PM)
it's a committment im happy to make!!

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:40:52 PM)
We see Dr. M tuesday

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:03 PM)
please let me know how it goes!

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:06 PM)
hi slkooch

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:23 PM)

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:28 PM)
hope to be here next tues night. never seem to make the tuesday am sessions

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:46 PM)
i was in this mornings chat for just a few before i left for the dr

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:41:55 PM)
how are you tonight slkooch?

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:42:05 PM)
i have a few question....who wants to answer me

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:42:35 PM)
we can try..depends on the questions =)

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:42:51 PM)
i'm fine....always wanted to join this on tuesday night but never made it

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:43:34 PM)
we are here for just a few more minutes

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:44:46 PM)
well i have thought my chil age 9 boy had capd so i joined the list almost a yr ago....i've read everything and then i had my son tested and he showed up mild to normal with noise 76% in right ear and 83% in the left

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:45:22 PM)
then the school wanted to test him themself and he show no capd

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:45:48 PM)
according to the school my daughter had no auditory processing problems either

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:46:02 PM)
did your school use a sound booth and an aud trained in capd?

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:46:02 PM)
my school wont test for it

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:46:20 PM)
then the slp tested him and he showed the following:auditory number memory age 7.7

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:46:48 PM)
auditory sentence memory 9.7

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:47:19 PM)
what is actual age again?

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:47:38 PM)
audititory word memory 6.1

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:48:33 PM)
auditory interpretation of directions 12.10

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:49:00 PM)
auditory processing 9.3

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:49:16 PM)
what does this mean?

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:50:06 PM)
9 yrs 10 days

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:50:45 PM)
the main area of weakness seems to be the auditory word memory..what recommendations were done?

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:51:01 PM)
none yet

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:51:14 PM)
meeting tuesday

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:51:51 PM)
ask if building vocabulary would help

kathy (ID=65) (Nov 21, 2000 10:52:20 PM)
good night, SOrry I can't help you slkooch. Happy Thanksgiving

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:52:40 PM)
good night Kathy

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:52:46 PM)
happy Turkey day

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:53:14 PM)
his vocabulary is great....talked in full sentence very early and uses wide range of words above his age

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:53:41 PM)
does he just have trouble using the right word?

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:53:49 PM)

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:54:37 PM)
spelling and reading last year was his area of problems and this year so far we are ok with both

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:55:48 PM)
hmmm..not sure what recommendations may be made then

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:56:58 PM)
they have already made some modifications in spelling....he can spell the wods verbally but has a hard time writing them so on friday morning he will spell all correctly before he gets out of the car but will misspell about 6 on the test...then his teacher will ask him to spell them verbally and he will spell them correctly with out any hestiation

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:57:28 PM)
does he get credit for them?

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:57:33 PM)

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:57:43 PM)

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:58:06 PM)
sorry about misselling the words>>>>LOL....but trying to type fast

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:58:35 PM)
if you dont look at my typing I wont look at yours! *LOL*

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:58:44 PM)

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:59:13 PM)
i hate to have to run since yu've not been here long, but im exhausted

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:59:22 PM)
just not sure what his ld is....hard to try to fiqure it out

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:59:41 PM)
thanks....good night

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 10:59:55 PM)
will i be the only one left

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 10:59:57 PM)
goodnight and have ahappy holiday!!

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 11:00:16 PM)
happy thanksgiving

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 11:00:20 PM)
i think so....im sorry...

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 11:00:28 PM)
good night

slkooch (ID=79) (Nov 21, 2000 11:00:36 PM)
i will leave too

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 11:00:50 PM)
i hope we can chat soon!!

debbie (ID=66) (Nov 21, 2000 11:01:23 PM)
good night

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