dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 8:29:44 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:45:14 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:45:24 AM)
good morning dr J!

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 8:47:15 AM)
Good morning debbie surprised to see you here. I just got a phone call I have to take. BRB!

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:47:23 AM)

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 8:56:53 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:57:28 AM)
good morning! you made it in!

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 8:57:55 AM)
Yes I did -- IE worked fine...now I just have to figure out how to send this.....

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 8:58:30 AM)
Is it just you and I?

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:58:31 AM)
see you'll be an old pro in no time!

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:58:53 AM)
dr j is here also..he's on a phone call...normally there are a few more parents..may just be running late

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:09 AM)
Sorry, I'm back.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:32 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:36 AM)
Good morning WendyAita (May I just say Wendy?) and Debbie and Kel

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:37 AM)
good morning Kel!

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:50 AM)
Welcome back dr j!

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:53 AM)
Debbie, how are you? I thought you'd not be here b/c ........???

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:56 AM)
good morning

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 8:59:57 AM)
I see...jeez - I really don't have any questions...I just wanted to hear what everyone else is talking about. Yes, just Wendy is fine. Good morning Kel.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:00:12 AM)
good morning

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:00:15 AM)
I"m on my way in just a few minutes....but wanted to stop in quick to say hi

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:01:05 AM)
Wendy, everyone is discussing whether Gore and Bush really have "processing problems" that is problems processing the interests and will of the people ;-)

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:01:14 AM)
.oO(Just kidding)

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:01:21 AM)

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:01:57 AM)
dr j...did you get the pics? =)

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:05 AM)
Debbie, no, at least not as of my brief time on email yesterday. Our email system was down for most of the day, and I only got on 1/2 hour before my class, so I just quickly checked ....I'll check later.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:03:11 AM)
Wendy and Kel, where are you from?

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:04:23 AM)
Dr. J my daughters compressed speech test results were 48% for Right Ear and 62% for the left ear. The normal limits are 72% and above. Base on these results would be able to tell the severity of her apd?

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:04:28 AM)
I'm in S. New Jersey....about 1/2 hr out of Philly. COLD here today.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:05:06 AM)
I should say based on the results would you be able to tell the severity of her apd?

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:05:33 AM)
Good question, Kel. Is severity assessed by measires, or functional abilities in the "real world?"

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:02 AM)
i really don't know

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:03 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:12 AM)
Morning, Rose

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:22 AM)
good morning Rose

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:29 AM)
Kel, no. All we know from the compressed speech scores is that your daughter had problems with this one task. I'd need a lot more information to determine anything about her auditory processing. Please note that I do not use what I call a pass/fail approach to APD. That is, I do not look at test scores (esp. when the % is %correct). I want to see patterns and overall behavior.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:29 AM)
good morning rose!

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:06:49 AM)
Hi I'm glad I made it , I have been missing all the chats.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:07:36 AM)
ok, thank you

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:08:25 AM)
Rose, it's good to have you back with us

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:08:31 AM)
You bring up a good point about severity. There IS not such thing really as severity of APD as it is not a scaled behavior. One could use a pass/fail approach and say 1 standard deviation is mild to moderate and 2 standard deviations is moderte to severe and more than 2 standard deviations is profound or really severe. BUt, what does mild, moderate, severe mean ? ? ?

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:08:52 AM)
Good morning rose......or is it rosy lips ;-)

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:09:01 AM)
I have a question about assistive listening devices, do they need to be set at any special settings to benefit a child. My son is suppose to be getting one, but since he isn't hearing impaired based on school guidlines we won't get the actual audiological team to set this up.

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:09:03 AM)
I have some good news...went to my son Aaron's (6 1/2) parent -teacher conference, and things seemed to have "clicked" for him since he moved to the front of the room. He's now getting 95-100's on math tests (he was sent for a remedial eval just a few weeks ago), and seems to understand directions with only 1 repeat ( but even this is not every time).

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:09:35 AM)
good news, Wendy

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:10:36 AM)
I get so frustrated with the school at times trying to get them to really understand my son's problems. things are more complicated for him than just CAPD as he has many other LD's including ADHD.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:10:59 AM)
I have been curious to know the severity of our daughters apd. Should I ask the audiologist who DXd her

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:11:04 AM)
Thanks, Kel. I'm finally a little more relaxed -- not obsessing about him failing (which he was doing at the beginning of the year).

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:13 AM)
we are doing the same here. Our girl was not doing well at the beginning, but now is doing much better

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:30 AM)
From my professional point of view, I think the whole idea of considering severity is ridiculous since we don't even know what that means. Better to understand the underlying areas accounting for your child's problems in processing auditory-verbal information and what can be done to accommodate his/her present processing abilties and how to move him/her forward to process more effectively, more efficiently and more accurately.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:12:38 AM)
With my daughter sarah, it seems like she's been going in streaks understanding things in school.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:13:06 AM)
Dr. J is there a program that is affordable for home use for my son . Earbotics and fast forward were recommended but the school doesn't have either program. Also which level would be best for him, he is 8 and in third grade but currently at a 1-2 grade reading level.(it fluctuates)

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:13:18 AM)
Kel....that's terrific. I think one thing that really helped was educating the teacher...I know now that she doesn't think he's stupid or not paying attention....and she has more patience and understanding.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:13:25 AM)
good point Dr. J.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:14:35 AM)
To get the school to provide the assistive listening device I had to point out that his auditory problems were evident outside of school also and indicated i could provide affidavides from individual;s that have worked with him.

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:14:58 AM)
Debbie...do you pre-tutor at all? We got a set of texts for home, and I go over the concepts (we don't do the problems or anything). Hearing it once here in a quiet setting, and answering any conceptual problems has really helped.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:15 AM)
Dr. J the only part of her audiology test that did not pass was the compressed speech

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:19 AM)
Rose -- the Earobics home version is not so bad. It's $59.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:27 AM)
Rose, you asked about setting an assitive listening device. Yes, these (the personal ones expecially) are amplifiers and have a volume level max and min (internally) as well as and most importantly a maximum power level. Consider the volume like the speed of a car based on pushing down the accelerator/gas pedal and the maximum power as the fastest speed the car could go with the pedal floored down hill. Thus, you may be able to go from 40 to 60 with the gas pedal but the maximum speed could be 120 or 150 miles per hour. SO, the internal settings for these devices HAVe to be set appropriatealy and it is the hearing professional the audiologist who knows about these settings.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:15:47 AM)
That is reasonable but which level should I get.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:16:39 AM)
So how do I make sure that the school is getting his set properly?

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:17:02 AM)
Kel, again, I can't answer much since I do not have sufficient information and if your daugther was provided with a comprehensive APD assessment battery and she showed no problems on the other tests, I'd need to know what were the other tests, what areas of auditory processing the other tests assess and how she performed on those tests. ......read on.....

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:17:33 AM)
How old is your child? Mine is 6 1/2...I bought step 2 (ages 7-10) but it was WAY too hard. We're doing step 1 now...and it also has finally started to "click" for him. They also let you return a step 2 if it's to hard for a step 1 within 30 days.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:19:29 AM)
Compressed speech has a number of factors that underlie processing of this type of distorted information. FIrst, compressed in time relates to a temporal factor. Second, the words are distorted, so the listener needs to have good decoding abilities, third, you need to make decisions about what words your THINK you have heard which is cognitive decision making involved in the processing of the auditory information, fourth, the compressed speech can make you anxious and there can be anxiety and emotional reactions to that listening task that could cause a breakdown in your ability to process information. Thus, without a lot of other information, I could not determine based on this one test what factor might be accounting for your daughter's poor performance on this task.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:20:23 AM)
Rose, a while back you asked if there is a home program I could use that is affordable for my son. Well, this questions to me is too open ended. Use with your son for what purpose?

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:20:55 AM)
My son is 8 but not on grade level. Although he is in a mainstreamed classroom, he also goes to resource room for reading 7 periods a week. His reading level is hard to determine as he is inconsistant and it can fluctuate from a kindergarten to early second grade level depending on the day.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:22:48 AM)
Rose, again, I ask, for what purpose are you looking for things to do at home? Are you looking to improve his reading? Are you looking to provide practice in reading? Are you looking to improve his listening? Are you looking to provide practice in listening? For what purpose are you looking for something to work on at home?

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:24:18 AM)
Okay I want to use something at home that will help him to improve his language skills and work on decoding of words to improve reading. I guess I want to do anything that nay hep but I am not sure what exactly earbotics and fast forward do. I know it was recommended by the audiologist though.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:24:42 AM)
What absolutely drives us crazy, is how our daughter's grades can fluctuate. Does anyone have this problem?

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:24:46 AM)
Rose, you asked how do you know the school is having your son's assistive device set properly? Ask who is setting the device and if it is the audiologist ask to speak with the audiologist and ask for an explanation of the gain (volume) and maximum power or MPO of the unit.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:24 AM)
All of the above. Listen skills and improved reading and language skills. Improvement on anything will be helpful.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:25:45 AM)
Kel, we have the same problem with Sarah. One day she gets an A and the next day it's a D or an F

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:26:27 AM)
Yes, same here with our daughter

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:26:46 AM)
Been trying to figure out how we can keep her on top with the grades.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:26:52 AM)
Rose, you're asking for something to use at home to help his lanugage skills. The BEST is to speak with him. Disucss things. Point out things in pictures, in the environment. FInd out about language and language rules. Get books out from the library or consult with an expert in language who really understands language rules and how to develope language rules. Then, play interactive games with him that focus on developing specific language rules ONE AT A TIME. You will find NOTHING better than human interaction to develop language in ANY child.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:27:07 AM)
Sometimes I think it's more of a lack of study for her.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:27:27 AM)
As for decoding - do you mean auditory decoding or reading decoding or visual decoding or languagedecoding. These are NOT the same.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:27:42 AM)
She's not complaining that she's not understanding in the classroom.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:28:19 AM)
My son is failing science this peried and who knows what else, a big part of his problem was his inabiltiy to read the text and also follow along when students read. It didn't help that he always forgot his books and never studied for any tests, at least now we have books at home and hopefully his grades will improve.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:28:26 AM)
Kel, probably she's not complaining because she thinks she is understanding or she is understanding on a level she believes is understanding or she does not know how to ask for help.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:29:07 AM)
I think one thing that is hard for parents is we are told that our child has a problem in auditory processing but not told the details of the problem. so dr j is asking questions we dont have answers to but they are questions we NEED ANSWERS to!

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:29:33 AM)
Her teacher has stated she does ask for help.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:29:39 AM)
Rose, have you tried non-reading related activities to improve his understanding of the science information. If your son has a reading problem, but is having problems in science, the goal is to improve his understanding of the material and concepts in science. Thus, reading should not be part of the process.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:29:57 AM)
Dr. J I really don't even know the difference. I am not even certain what information I have would explain it to you.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:30:09 AM)
Debbie, thank you for clarifying that for the others. ANd you are right. To all....

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:31:20 AM)
Dr. J. -- very good point on actual interaction with your child. I've found that since I've been explaining things more and having him join in conversations, *he* is now asking more. Wants explanations on how things work, what specific words mean....etc. I've also been giving him feedback on his grammar -- he tends to overgeneralize the "-ed" for verbs (i.e., I woked up; we goeded to the store.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:31:45 AM)
That is what I hope to do now that I have the textbook at home. prior to getting the text I had no idea what science concepts they were working on. He scored well on science on his standardized testing last year, so i think it was reading and listening problems that have made it difficult.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:36 AM)
Rose,our school district has just recently been able to provide CD'S to our daughter's reading curriculm. This has helped with reinforcing the teaching from her teacher.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:32:39 AM)
Everyone on this chat. For me the problem is that you may have been told your child has problems in auditory procesing. But, consider the following.....Imagine if I as your medical doctor told you that you have problems with your eating. ANd all I said to you was that you have problems with your eating. WOuld you suddenly run around and change your diet? TO what? Take medications for ulcers? Schedule surgery for the ulcers? Go for chemotherapy for stomach cancer? What would you do?????? yet.....

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:33:24 AM)
Yet we hear that our child has an APD and we start to do just these things ....so, what would you do if you heard you had problems eating? Or what would you do if you heard your child had problems processing auditory information?

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:34:21 AM)
My son will also be getting his textbooks on tape but I don't know how long this will take.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:34:33 AM)
KEL, I support what you are saying. Children who have problems accessing information in one modality (such as in reading) SHOULD be provided with computer / internet resources, visuals pictures, videos, CDs, books./stories on tape, etc. etc. to gain access to the information.

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:34:57 AM)
Dr J - you're absolutely right -- as you know, I have found that lack of specific information to be maddening. How can you address a child's problems without a full understanding of thier processing issues. You recommended a multi-disciplinary evaluation for my son...and I agree wholeheartedly (just have to find a place now).

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:35:16 AM)
Rose, until the tapes come, why don't you sit down and read his text books to him and discuss the information with him if you want something constructive to do at home. Also, this will be very low cost.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:35:28 AM)
Dr. j for us, it's just a matter of finding out what helps and works best for her. thanks to the listserv and this chat room.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:35:41 AM)
One thing I have come to learn in the many many conversations I've had with dr j is the importance of understanding what factors are contributing to Sarah's processing problems.If I understand what the underlying problems are and work to remeadiate them, then we are much further ahead of the game and on our way to overcoming the capd

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:36:05 AM)
Wendy, thank you for underscoring what I feel is my soap box preaching. Also, and this is the major problem in the area of APD, at least for me, (1)....

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:36:29 AM)
I can do this now that I have the textbooks at home, I just got them. I had to fight to get them. With his ADHD he is just incapable of getting the correct textbooks home when needed.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:36:44 AM)
1. There is no agreement on what is and what is not APD so the so called experts have differeing opinions, so you need to know what is the approach the expert to whom you are speaking takes for APD.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:36:46 AM)
science projects are another way to bring the science to life for your son rose. if you make the learning visual and hands on it will help and make it more real than something you "read in a book"

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:38:16 AM)
2. Most so called "experts" are not experts but just professionals who have some knowledge about how to give tests called tests of auditory processing or CAPD tests. Most audiologists do NOT understand a process from a hearing aid. ANd, I am an audiologist, so I am knocking my own profession. It's like medical doctors not knowing an tumor from a part of the anatomy.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:38:29 AM)
He truely likes science, this kid watches the neature channel and stuff like that. he just hasn't been following along with them this year. the reading is too hard and he can't catch it auditorially since the teacher has students reading it is even more difficult.

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:38:37 AM)
Rose....have you set up a chart for organizing your son? We have a morning, afterschool, and evening chart/checklist to help with Aaron's organizational skills. I put it in the computer so we just have to print them out. Your son is older, so an assignment book and checklist would help. It's going to be even easier for him to forget things, knowing you have all the books at home.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:39:35 AM)
That only works if you as the adult and parent are organized, since i am also ADHD I am not organized enough to do that.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:40 AM)
Rose, from our experiences we know that having students read out loud in a classroom with our daughter, DOES NOT work in reading!

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:44 AM)
Rose, you need to focus on what is your goal for your son in science. Is it to read and keep up with the reading materials or to follow, understand, learn about, and increase his knowledge in the areas of science covered in class. Thus, if it is the second goal for science class, then focus on that goal and provide everything you feel you can to help your son understand and learn science.

debbie (ID=46) (Nov 21, 2000 9:40:47 AM)
I am going to have to go to make it to my morning appointment on time. If I dont talk to you all before Thanksgiving, please have a safe and blessed holiday!

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:41:01 AM)
I am trying to get the school to work with him in school. I can only do so much at home. I spend a lot of time at home teaching him what he doesn't learn in school and he also has counseling ect.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:41:03 AM)
bye Debbie, Happy Thanksgiving

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:41:52 AM)
Rose, I understand how you feel.

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:10 AM)
Dr J -- I think that's why it's so important for parents to gain a full understanding of auditory processing. After doing my own research, it was clear that our audiologist only gave an abbrieviated apd eval. And then proceeded to tell me there was nothing that could be done for him (or anyone with apd)...no speech therapy...just live with it. I'm glad I found the list and became educated, and am not taking that for an answer.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:15 AM)
Rose, I understand what you are saying about your ADHD. What you need to do is set up specific times during the week when you and your son will sit down and spend that hour or whatever to go over the science from school. Also, find videos when appropriate on the topics in class discussion.s For example, in my local library there is a section in the children's videos on learning videos with a lot of stuff on science.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:19 AM)
Ny goal is the same for all of his classes which is for him to learn and understand the material being introduced. Although I would like his reading to improve I realize he needs specialized instructions to do this and am not concerned that he be able to read at grade level at this time.

WendyAita (ID=47) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:25 AM)
Got to go....everyone have a happy Thanksgiving!

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:42:51 AM)
Bye Wendy

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:06 AM)
Wendy, you are correct. Unfortunately professionals do NOT understand processing and there is a lot of controversy about what it is. YOu are doing some great work.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:17 AM)
Wendy, have a great Thanksgiving.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:43:48 AM)
Before, our dtr was dxd with CAPD, I couldn't figure out why I was having to work so hard in reteaching what she should now learned in school.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:07 AM)
Rose, now we know it was the apd.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:44:49 AM)
Rose, I understand your goal. Then, forget the reading. Teach him about the material without the interference with the written text. You can then meet your goal that he learns the material in class. Work on the reading as a separate issue. ANd be sure to get a good diagnosis of what are the underlying factors accounting for his problems in reading and build that base.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:45:07 AM)
Rose, she is now equipped with a FM sys. and it seem to help.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:45:11 AM)
I am still not sure if APD is the only problem.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:45:28 AM)
she is not so distracted!

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:45:28 AM)
Build that base. We must remember the weakness of a structure is the weakness of its base. A strong base will hold up even under pressure.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:46:02 AM)
My son has a list of problems that all seem to have some effect on his learning ability, he does however have an above average intelligence.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:46:36 AM)
apd's do show normal intelligence.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:47:44 AM)
Rose, in my experience, there are some specific areas and often one or two specific areas alone that account for the weakness in the base. YOu need to be sure that the assessments and information you gather from the professionals focus to get at the underlying problems and not the surface problems. Focusing on the surface problems is like putting a band-aid on a cut when there is really a severe underlying infection that will, if not treated properly, spread throughout the body.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:48:08 AM)
He is dyslexic, had CAPD,ADHD, a language based LD, sensory issues, fine motor skills problems, visual perception problems, nodules on his voicebox from vocal abuse, and so on and so on. I do have some individual or more specific information but am not certain what everything means.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:14 AM)
KEl is correct. For a child to have JUST an auditory based or language based problem in processing auditory information (which we are calling APD) there has to be normal cognitive abilities. Children with abnormal cognitive abilities ALWAYS have problems processing auditory information because they have limited cognitive abilities to deal with higher levels of auditory and language processing.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:31 AM)
I have been trying to get him assessed in each area of difficulty but so far it has only caused more confusion. Now we have a ton of puzzle pieces but not all of them and can't seem to put them together.

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:46 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:53 AM)
hello kathy

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:49:54 AM)
Hi Kathy

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 9:50:08 AM)
Good morning...

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 9:50:20 AM)
Do we have a particular topic today?

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 9:50:28 AM)
or I should say did we?

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:04 AM)
He is scheduled for an evaluation at a neurologist a Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in January . I am hoping they can put the pieces together and find the underlying cause.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:31 AM)
Kathy, just trying to help Rose.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:51:53 AM)
I am also hoping they refer him for other testing at the hospital I would really like to get a true picture of what is going on with him and find ways to help.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:52:15 AM)
Rose, read what you have written hear a number of times and you will note the following I hope. You are listing labels and labels and labels. What you need to do is list behaviors and what are the factors inwhich those behaviors occur. What you will then see is some of the underlying problems. Evaluations or assessments should have provided you with the information to understand the underlying problems. If you do not have that understanding, you may find it appropriate to find a consultant who can put together all of the assessment information, test reports, other infor and help you understand the underlyuing problems. YOU need to focus on the underlying problems and treat them while focusing on goals that are achieveable through accommodations like read all his texts to him.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:53:51 AM)
Rose, I hope you understand what I am saying here. I am not criticizing you, but I hope helping to clarify and focus. You may never understand or never find out the CAUSE as you said you hope to find the underlying CAUSE. What I have been saying is to find the underlying factors or areas that are accounting for the behaviors we see. HEre's an analogy as an example.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:54:14 AM)
good point Dr. J.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:07 AM)
With our daughter's difficulties in reading, we have found that the audio tapes are a big help in improving her comprehension.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:54 AM)
Life is often difficult since he is not my only child with disabilities and I can get overwlemed at times. The assessments are giving pieces of information and aren't neccessarily addressing all of his needs. Often things that help with one problem are considered not worth trying(although I ahave argued to get the school to provide things anyway) because of another problem he has. an example is giving him books on tape to eliminate reading, the school argues he won't be able to follow due to auditory problems. etc.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:55:59 AM)
Remember the eating problem. OK. Let's say the professional says, "It looks like getting you off of a meat eating diet will help your behavioral and presenting symptoms. So, you become a vegetarian. SUddenly, you find a lot of your problems going away. Then, you find new problems related to this new diet. SO, you learn what to substitute for protein in a vegetarian diet. A year later, you are symptom free except for missing the taste of meat. Now, notice we identified an underlying factor.......remove meat from your diet, but we did not identify the underlying cause.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:57:17 AM)
Now, in the process of being a vegetarian, you may eventually learn the underlying cause is a metabolic disorder. Or, you may never learn the underlying cause and be a vegetarian all your life and live a happy, healthy, long life. So, did you need to find the cause or what an underlying factor to treat the presenting problems.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 9:58:21 AM)
Dr. J would you have explanation as to why our dtr can comprehend reading out loud versus silent oral reading?

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 9:58:27 AM)
Rose, again, you may need to consider finding a specialist/consultant who really puts things together in what I call a SYSTEMS APPROACH. Looking at all of the "systems" and how they interact and affect your son.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 9:58:49 AM)
Point well taken, but when you deal with several problems at once it gets complicated and its hard to tell what is helping what . I didn't mean know the cause as much as understand how each thing is effecting him and determine the best way to approach these areas so as not to cause problems in other areas.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:00:38 AM)
I have some details about each area of difficulty but I don't always understand what it means. An example is with his CAPD report and the audiologist wasn't helpful in explaining. I hope to have this redone by someone who has the knowledge to explain the results.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:01:05 AM)
Kel, reading out loud is a very different process then silent oral reading. I know this seems like I'm avoiding the issue, but not really. The processes are different. What I'd like to know is what is it in the oral reading that is helping her compared with the silent reading ? Is she better able to understand because of the auditory input? Is she better able to understand because of the oral-motor/sensory input? This infor or behavior alone is not sufficient to understand but certainly provides a good piece of the puzzle.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:01:39 AM)
I had no problem with my older two since I only have one area to address with multiple problems it has been more difficult.

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:02:18 AM)
TO all, I don't mean to cut things off. But , it is coming onto 10am Eastern time, and I have to prepare and go to class. I wish you all a happy thanksgiving, don't eat too much (yeah right ;-) and, please keep in touch. If you want to contact me privately, here's my email.......

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:02:26 AM)

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 10:02:44 AM)
Happy Thanksgiving Dr. J.

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:08 AM)
Do you participate in the evening chat?

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:15 AM)
See you on the CAPD list or in two weeks back here or in private email. FYI, I will be away on holiday until next week, monday if you're tryingto get in touch with me.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:25 AM)
Thanks for answering my questions as best as yo can. happy Thanksgiving and hope your class goes well. Bye Bye

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 10:03:32 AM)
Bye Dr. J

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:02 AM)
Rose, I know how difficult it can be to get answers fast enough in chat.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:25 AM)
Debbie can you send me an e-mail with Dr J email address so I have it handy?

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:32 AM)
Kathy, I am not able to participate in the evening chat since I teach classes on Tuesday evenings this semester. I'll see what my schedule is in the spring. I will be trying to get to some of the evening chats or change a time to be more convenient for some rather than this early morning time that has been working so far. BYe to now.

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:52 AM)
Thanks for all you do!

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:04:56 AM)
Rose, Debbie had to leave the chat earlier. HEre it is............

dr.j (ID=45) (Nov 21, 2000 10:05:05 AM)

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:05:11 AM)
I can only participate if I don't work , I won't know until later on.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:05:27 AM)
Thanks Dr J have a good day then.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 10:05:32 AM)
Rose have you joined the listserv.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:05:57 AM)
not sure what you mean ?

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:06:28 AM)
been here for a ong time just haven't been able to make any recent chats

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:07:13 AM)
been friends of debbie via the net for awhile even before the NCAPD was started

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 10:07:28 AM)
The listserv provides a wealth of info, from parents all over the world dealing with issues such as yours and mine.

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:07:59 AM)
have tons of lists I am on but not sure what you mean listserv

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 10:08:57 AM)
the St.Johns listserv

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 10:09:27 AM)
Chat with you all soon! Rose, good luck - it seems we can research and research and still not know which of the many "therapies" are best for what problems.

Kel (ID=48) (Nov 21, 2000 10:10:15 AM)
you're so right Kathy

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:10:21 AM)
no I am not do you find it helpful, I'm not sure if I can handle any more than I have going on right now. Thanks Kathy

Kathy (ID=50) (Nov 21, 2000 10:10:42 AM)
Happy turkey day -

Rose (ID=49) (Nov 21, 2000 10:10:59 AM)
Listen I have to run and get my youngest up he has a class trip today and I have to get him ready.

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