dr.j (ID=2) (Nov 28, 2000 8:31:47 AM)
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dr.j (ID=3) (Nov 28, 2000 8:43:01 AM)
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~joe~ (ID=4) (Nov 28, 2000 9:03:45 AM)
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dr.j (ID=5) (Nov 28, 2000 9:10:49 AM)
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~joe~ (ID=6) (Nov 28, 2000 7:53:44 PM)
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ama (ID=7) (Nov 28, 2000 8:56:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=8) (Nov 28, 2000 9:00:47 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:04:14 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:04:23 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:04:41 PM)
Hi Kathy.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:04:51 PM)
Hi Peggy

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:05:07 PM)
How are you tonight?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:05:15 PM)
Fine thank you and you?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:05:25 PM)
Pretty good :)

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:05:38 PM)
I live in Fla wehre are you

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:06:06 PM)
My son just started using and FM trainer at school today. I am in Pennsylvania. I used to live in Fla. Jensen Beach and Miami Springs.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:06:08 PM)
my typing skills leave alot to be desired

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:06:23 PM)
How did his day go?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:06:32 PM)
How old is he?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:07:12 PM)
I am at work on ISDN. so it is a little faster... The teacher said it went well in the morining. He figgited (?) with in a little in the PM. He is 8 yrs old in Second grade.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:07:40 PM)
She said he seemed a little better with eye contact and focus. We shall see.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:07:49 PM)
good by afternoon all eight yearolds are tired.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:08:23 PM)

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:08:57 PM)
He does tire easily. ISDN is faster Internet access. Kinda like cable.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:09:15 PM)
Do you have a son or daughter?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:09:24 PM)
Do they use FM?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:09:33 PM)
we have that too, ours is called road runner. doesnt use a phone or modem has its own little box.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:09:41 PM)
I have a four year old son

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:10:10 PM)
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Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:10:13 PM)
no fm no diagnosis yet...just strong suspiscions

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:10:27 PM)
Hi Denise

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:10:44 PM)
Hi Denise.

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:10:45 PM)
Hi Kathy

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:11:19 PM)
we entered a study today at UF and tired to test for CAPD, he either is too immature, doesn't understand the directions or just plain doesnt understand

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:11:21 PM)
Kathy, are you going to have testing or wait til he's older?

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:11:22 PM)
Hi Peggy,

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:11:54 PM)
This test study is desiigned to reach younger children

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:12:12 PM)
It isn't easy to figure out.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:12:16 PM)
Good Luck.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:12:52 PM)
We will teach the [rocedures then re-test in six months

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:13:14 PM)
I have not been in the chat room for months, what is everyone talking about tonight?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:13:51 PM)
I forget what Debbie's e-mail said...

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:13:52 PM)
we are kinda just starting..

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:14:11 PM)
does she give us a topic?

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:14:22 PM)
Oh good, I haven't missed to much LOL

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:14:34 PM)
My son just started with FM trainer today, so I'm seeing what other people have experienced.

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:14:55 PM)
How old is he?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:15:07 PM)
He is 8 yrs old and in 2nd grade.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:15:27 PM)
Teacher said he did well in the morning... We shall see. I hope it helps.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:15:37 PM)
so do I

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:15:59 PM)
I also hope it wont hurt him any by the other kids thinking he is different, etc.

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:05 PM)
I am home schooling this year, but will be thinking of that if she goes back to public school.

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:07 PM)
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Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:23 PM)
Hi Debbie

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:25 PM)
hi everyone..sorry i'm running a bit late tonight

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:45 PM)
Hi Debbie.

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:52 PM)
How are you ladies tonight?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:16:59 PM)
Denise, how old is your child and is home schooling workng for you? HI Debbie Met Dr. M today

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:17:06 PM)
How did it go??

Denise (ID=11) (Nov 28, 2000 9:17:39 PM)
My daughter justed turned 9 and it is unbelievable how well she is doing.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:18:00 PM)
Debbie, My son just started using FM trainer at school today. He is 8 yrs old in 2nd grade. So far so good.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:18:21 PM)
slight hearing loss in one ear... not aid able. He either is too immature for the testing, doesnt understand the directions or doesnt understand. I will teach him the testing procedures and re-test in six months

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:18:40 PM)
that is great Peggy....let me know how it goes!

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:19:42 PM)
I'm not sure how long I'll be able to be in the chat tonight.....I ended up going in and having the surgery I was to have last week. this week instead since the infection started to come back in my arm. The surgeon decided to go in and take the cyst out

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:19:56 PM)
Will do. How is it with other kids... No teasing,?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:20:18 PM)
Also met a speech path at Shands, in pyschiartic pediatric speech...just because her inlaws are friend of my inlaws...great insight

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:20:20 PM)
Debbie, hope you are feeling better!

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:20:22 PM)
Sarah has used her FM for over a year and NO teasing at all

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:20:32 PM)
Good... Thanks.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:20:45 PM)
sorry Debbie....

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:21:05 PM)
Peggy my arm is a bit sore tonight, i just dont want to push it to far

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:21:31 PM)
dont push

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:21:32 PM)
Hope you are better soon! :)

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:22:03 PM)
Your Thanksgiving note was very nice. Thank you for all you do!

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:22:22 PM)
I'll second that

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:22:27 PM)
You are very welcome! I enjoy trying to help others!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:22:43 PM)
It works! :)

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:23:55 PM)
I"m going to give my 30 second commercial on the NCAPD........if you like the chat and would like the NCAPD to do more, please consider becoming a member! The membership is helping us put together more programs to try and help.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:24:35 PM)
OK...I will look into it. Thanks.

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:24:42 PM)
Hopefully very very soon we'll also have t-shirts for order on the website that will help fund programs. We are wanting to put together like a paren'ts handbook on capd...general inforamtion and a place to keep records of appts and such......

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:24:52 PM)
we are looking into some neat ideas!

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:24:58 PM)
ok...commercial over *LOL*

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:25:01 PM)
Sounds great!

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:25:35 PM)
is there an application and how much I know we have discussed this before but Im not always with it

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:25:37 PM)
Debbie, are there certain FM trainers which are better than others?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:26:06 PM)
where do we mail the check

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:26:09 PM)
the information is on the website for the NCAPD at www.ncapd.org

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:26:24 PM)
rodger wilco

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:26:29 PM)
thanks =)

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:26:53 PM)
Peggy I am most familiar with the Easy Listener...that's the one Sarah uses and we really like it

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:28:00 PM)
OK. The school is providing the trainer right now. They said for 30 day trial. If it works, they may do some kind of speaker instead of headset at a later time.

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:28:22 PM)
How are they goign to measure if it is working?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:28:46 PM)
If he seems to do better in class with focus, attention, etc.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:29:46 PM)
Any recommendations?

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:30:12 PM)
a little girl in class told me after the first morning that sarah seemed to answer faster with that "hearing thing"

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:30:45 PM)
I will be at the school tomorrow to read to the class. I hope to see how it goes then...

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:30:49 PM)
ask him if he can tell a difference and keep a log of any comments he makes

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:31:01 PM)
The log is a good idea. I will.

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:31:44 PM)
Kathy,, I"m sorry that Dr M could not complete the testing today

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:32:39 PM)
It was a chance we knew we were taking.. She told me to look on your website for visual aids to help william

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:32:59 PM)
Told her I'd talk to you tonight

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:33:29 PM)
I haven't had a chance to go through the whole website to make sure the whole thing is back up and running yet....but if you email me i'll see what i can find for you ok?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:34:29 PM)
ythanks after talking to the speech path for m Shands and Dr. M we need to use story board s or picture ques for William to get him to talk

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:35:14 PM)
I'm going to have to run for a few minutes....will be back about 10...do you think you may be here yet/

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:35:39 PM)
check back

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:36:13 PM)
ok....i promise by next week i'll be back up to par

debbie (ID=12) (Nov 28, 2000 9:37:14 PM)
i'll be back in a few....

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:38:05 PM)
Hi Kathy, Sorry, I'm at work so I'm in and out of the chat.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:40:25 PM)
Are you there Kathy?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:40:28 PM)
Thats ok I was jsut looking to see if there were some visual aids on the web site

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:42:00 PM)
my son has a severe language problem-he doesnt understand nor does he talk as much as he should

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:42:40 PM)
My son has language delays too. Expressive and receptive. Been to speech therapy since he was 4 years old.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:43:06 PM)
we started at 2 and a hsalf

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:43:33 PM)
He also does OT for fine motor.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:43:36 PM)
is in a reg pre-school three mornings and a Communication Disorders class two

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:43:40 PM)

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:44:01 PM)
yours too?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:44:14 PM)
Looks like you are on top of things. My son has OT since 41/2.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:44:32 PM)
Learning Disabilities are soooo confusing...

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:44:53 PM)
we started ot at three when he qualified for public school. His inital eval at 2 did not show a dely-

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:45:43 PM)
I kept up with speech and OT and now we have CAPD. They thought he was ADD, but we didn't, so we got him tested and he is now at... Language delays and CAPD.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:45:49 PM)
we are also just getting ready to do a PT eval... I'm not sure he needs it, but he doesnt jump the same way the others do..

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:46:24 PM)
Good Luck. Is this through the schools? The testing?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:46:27 PM)
Or private?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:47:08 PM)
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Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:47:10 PM)
because of the language delay, the experts today told me to can the speech and concnetrate on the language and to worry aboyt articvulation later/

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:47:48 PM)
Hi Deb. Debbie is not feeling well saidshe'd try to check in again.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:00 PM)
That sounds good. I didn't realise how important the language part was. Now I do. I wish I knew earlier.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:03 PM)
Hi everyone....

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:09 PM)
Hi Deb. How are you?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:22 PM)
Good Peggy, and you?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:26 PM)
Peggy, the public schools are providing the PT testing We paid for the private eval at UF today

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:28 PM)
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Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:48:57 PM)
Kathy...how did it go? I'm sure you've already said, since I'm late!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:49:24 PM)
Hi KathyC...how are you?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:49:35 PM)
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KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 9:49:40 PM)
I'm doing okay - how's the chat?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:49:59 PM)
hi deb, kathy, kathyc, and peggy

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:00 PM)
Kathy...we had a few surprizes with Travis' eval at Shands!

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:12 PM)
Hi Marge

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:13 PM)
Hey Marge, how are you?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:13 PM)
deb: do tell... what sort of surprises?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:19 PM)
mild hearing loss in one ear, mnot aidable and he couldnt be tested for capd.. Too imature, didnt undrstand toe directions or didnt undrestand at all. Will teacha nd tutor the testing procedures and retest in sicx months

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:49 PM)
Marge...and of course I don't have his results here...his teacher has them!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:58 PM)
Marge...hold on...

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:50:59 PM)
kathy: i'm not sure i understand... mild hearing loss that is not aidable?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:51:10 PM)
met a great speech path from Shands-my inlaws are freinds with her inlaws

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:51:44 PM)
does not need an aid- will just have to compensate...not too severe

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:52:05 PM)
kathy: is your child in school? did anyone discuss soundfield fm systems?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:52:19 PM)
he is too little he is just four

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:52:40 PM)
we have no diagnosis because he cant complete the testing

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:52:58 PM)
kathy: when you say "mild", can you give me a little more detail about what that means in his case... what range of db levels are we talking about?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:53:24 PM)
and yes he goes to public schools-Communication Disorders Class two mornings a week amd a regular pre-school three mornings a week

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:53:31 PM)
(for those who don't know, I completed coursework for becoming a licensed hearing aid dispenser this summer)

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:53:54 PM)
The test was this morning. I dont know the dbs wil have to wait for the report

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:54:12 PM)
I think it was 20

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:54:13 PM)
Marge..they want him to be eval'd by a language therapist at Shands. They also said with the ?#$%? test they did, that he has 93% of ?? in his right ear, and 0% ?? in his left....I'll let you know next week...

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:54:23 PM)
kathy: oh, i understand... no problem

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:54:44 PM)
Marge....I'm LOST without my results in front of me!! Can you tell?!?!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:54:47 PM)
deb: the ?#$%? test.... hmm, i don't remember reading about that one :-)

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 9:55:17 PM)
Kathy - your son sounds like where we were 2 yrs ago - he couldn't do enough to get the diagnosis (he was 4 @ the time) and now he is 7.5. We just got back today from SUNY Buffalo - . Every "expert" in their field has said they have never seen anything like Drew. Drew can "hear" sound - but with the right ear he has very little processing or understanding, while the left is better but not normal. Like two people speaking differently in each ear. Add on to that severe apraxia - not a good day - but this is more info than we have had previously.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:56:17 PM)
kathyc: did they run any of the evoked potential tests at buffalo? (wow, you must've had a full day!)

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:56:23 PM)
KathyC our eval was this morning at Unniverstiy or Florida

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:56:40 PM)
ahh, kathy has had a full day too.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:56:53 PM)
Marge...I can't remember the name of that one. They did addt'l testing on him, because he was holding up so well. He has some type of damage in his left ear...and Dr. Hall had never seen results like his before.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:57:14 PM)
deb: wow, that is saying something!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:57:42 PM)
Marge..I am SOOOOOO mad that I don't have my info in front of me!!!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:58:08 PM)
(pats deb on the back of the hand... gives her some chocolate cookies) there, there :-)

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 9:58:30 PM)
Marge, Nancy Stecker did the otoacoustical test if that's what you're talking about - Kathy - sounds like we were doing the same thing today - gotta love chocolate cookies Marge.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:58:31 PM)
Dr. hall said he is amazed that Travis is doing as well as he is in school.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:05 PM)
Marge...Can I have peanut butter cookies instead?! *L*

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:33 PM)
kathyc: nope,t hat's not the test i mean... otoacoustic emissions isnot evoked potential test.... but OAE yields some valuable info.

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:39 PM)
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Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:42 PM)
Deb, what did Dr. H recommend next?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:47 PM)
deb: sure! how many pnut butter cookies do you want? :-)

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:49 PM)
hi there! i'm back

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:51 PM)
How are you feeling Debbie?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 9:59:53 PM)
hi debbie!

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:10 PM)
a bit sore....the surgeon went ahead and removed the cyst this morning

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:16 PM)
hey Marge

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:17 PM)
Marge...a dozen should do! =)

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:26 PM)
Marge - not sure about evoked potential test?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:29 PM)
deb: lucky for you, i have some fresh out of the oven

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:42 PM)
kathyc: it would have looked like an EEG, with electrodes on the head

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:00:47 PM)
Marge...you're my kinda woman!!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:01:26 PM)
deb, awww, thanks *blush*I

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:01:26 PM)
Debbie...I hope you're not going to work tomorrow...day off, I hope?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:01:59 PM)
Marge...I'm sooo glad you're hear tonight! Haven't 'seen' you in a while!

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:02:15 PM)
day off tomorrow Deb =) go back on Thursday

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:02:25 PM)
deb: thanks! been super busy with kids in school. this is our first year in middle school.

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:02:30 PM)
Oh I gotcha! We had one of those done at Children's earlier in the year - which came back normal. He could hear the sounds. Nancy actually was considering "auditory neuropathy" except that the ABR was normal - she was going to check for differences in the ears though.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:03:14 PM)
Debbie...GOOD!! Then, RELAX tomorrow!!! Ooops...there goes that Mom-itis again! *L*

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:03:19 PM)
kathyc: ah, good, they checked for that then. that is the main thing: that they are not overlooking something like auditory neuropathy, IMHO

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:03:26 PM)
Marge...how is the middle school thing going?

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:03:43 PM)
*LOL* yes mommy Deb!!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:04:07 PM)
Debbie....at least you're laughing!

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:04:12 PM)
actually i think i'm going to try and put up the christmas tree =)

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:04:25 PM)
deb: teachers are fine, workload has finally settled out... for a while there it was an hour or more of homework every night, and she doesn't get home til 4:45 pm. hearing issues are fine; not much problem there.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:04:40 PM)
are you crazy take the day off

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:04:43 PM)
Debbie...HUH?!?! When...

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:05:12 PM)
Marge - how do you know all this stuff? They suggested blocking his right ear during intense schoolwork - but making sure not all the time. And then intensive training of the right ear will be required - he's too young just to block it off all the time.

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:05:45 PM)
i'll be careful....promise..but if i dont do things...no one else will ....i want to be able to decorate the tree with the girls tomorrow night

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:05:46 PM)
Marge....Travis does at least an hour each night....but, he doesn't get home at 4:45...that makes a huge difference. I'm glad to hear that things are getting settled.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:05:46 PM)
kathyC: i've had a bunch of the tests run on myself & my kids. lots of auditory issues over here.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:05:59 PM)
we went to a christmas tree farm on the way home from Gainesville-boy does Fla grow some shabby looking Christmas tree.. Makes Charluie Brown look good

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:06:23 PM)
*LOL* Kathy!! i have an artificial one we use

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:06:24 PM)
kathy: cmon up here to Atlanta. you can get a decent tree here :-)

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:06:53 PM)
Kathy....wait a second! I've seen some nice ones!! Oh, wait, I think they were artificial! *L*

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:07:19 PM)
I just have to go down the street to the gas station or Franks and buy one so much for trying to teach the kid where the trees come from....

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:07:38 PM)
Kathy - we have gone to the Big Bear parking lot for years!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:07:52 PM)
I'm a 'real' Christmas tree kinda gal...I've seen a few tree farms, have to check them out yet.

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:08:05 PM)
last year for xmas we went to ny to my inlaws farm and the kids got to go out in the woods and pick their own tree..it was so neat!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:08:13 PM)
nothing beats the smell of a real tree, IMHO

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:08:19 PM)
donmt bother...go to the mall parking ot and get one fresh off the truck...

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:08:58 PM)
Debbie..we have always done that...every year, trek through the snow, pick out the tree...but, we all loved it!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:03 PM)
peggy: you there??

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:06 PM)
Seems no matter how hard I try to water it - it's always dead before Christmas...is it just me?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:26 PM)
best tree at the tree farm was one from michigan sitting in a pot of water....

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:27 PM)
I think Peggy is joining us while at work so she's in and out

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:37 PM)
KathyC....do you put sugar in it when you first put it up? Or an asprin?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:46 PM)
kathyC: hmmm, you don't let the water go below the end of the stump? Do you trim the stump back a few inches when you bring it home?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:56 PM)
debbie: thanks

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:09:56 PM)
Kathy C...were are you from?

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:10:17 PM)
cut the stump at a bit of an angle?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:10:33 PM)
Yep....to the angle thing!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:10:39 PM)
Hi , Sorry, a little busy,

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:10:41 PM)
Never heard of that Deb! Marge - yeah we trim the stump but I think we get too big of a tree leaving not enough room for water - We live in Powell Ohio (just north of Columbus) - oh the angle thing!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:10:43 PM)
kathy, kathyc: how was the staff at the places you had testing done? Gainesville? Buffalo? How were you and your child treated?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:10:55 PM)
stick that puppy out in the driveway and hose it off gets it nice and fresh

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:11:05 PM)
you guys crack me up - this is fun

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:11:26 PM)
kathyc: now you see the allure of chat :-)

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:11:29 PM)
This is usually a really good group of ladies and some great gents now and then too!

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:11:47 PM)
If i get slow typing tonight, you all have to forgive me......

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:11:52 PM)
debbie: and everyone plays nice... can't say that about all chats

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:11:57 PM)
peggy: no problem :-)

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:12:28 PM)
Marge, I'll always see to it that everyone plays nice in here..*grin*..if not they dont play

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:12:30 PM)
Marge....we were just at Shands (Gainesville) 2 weeks ago...the staff we dealt with was great, and Dr. Hall spent at least 30 min. with us after testing explaining things to us...although I can't recall a single thing for you tonight!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:12:30 PM)
debbie: how is membership in NCAPD going? how many signed up?

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:12:43 PM)
Marge we had a wonderful experience. Had a Dr. of Audiology , a grad student and an undergrad student help with the test. Even to office was run byu students...all was good.

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:13:21 PM)
right now we have about 10 members.....anxiously awaiting more so that we can begin work on some projects we are thinking about...

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:13:28 PM)
We were treated very well at Buffalo (they were fascinated at how we chose them as we are from Ohio - Nancy Stecker was very professional and fascinated with Drew. Gay Masters was also very nice - she did refer to Jack Katz several times as he has worked with kids with cochlear implants. We were very happy - first new information and recommendations we've had in a very long time....oh yeah Drew had a total of 6 female students working with him for the 2 hrs of speech eval - he's a real flirt.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:14:12 PM)
Debbie, I will see about joining this week.. :)

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:14:21 PM)
kathyC: Does Drew have a cochlear implant?!

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:14:44 PM)
Peggy and Kathy got my 30 second NCAPD membership commercial earlier *LOL*

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:15:33 PM)
No - but she was mentioning his work with those kids and also apraxic children who are mentally retarded - he convinced her (Gay masters) that phonology is helpful to those kids (even though cochlear implant kids have never heard sounds...making sense? I'm getting confused - too much input today.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:16:18 PM)
kathyC: oh, i see... i get the drift, even without the specifics

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:16:39 PM)
understand completely about too much input... try being the patient AND the person who has to remember everything!

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:16:41 PM)
The Internet still amazes me - how much I've learned in 3 months on the sites. Imagine before this - how isolated we would all be feeling now.

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:16:53 PM)
Oh man Marge.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:17:19 PM)
kathyc: oh, hey, it was my search for answers about my auditory situation that got me interested in the Internet in the first place. If not for that, I probably wouldn't've bothered.

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:17:41 PM)
KathyC....that is exactly how this site started...I spent 1 1/2 years feeling isolated and alone.....this site started as a way for me to keep tract of information I found

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:18:00 PM)
We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky - and yes I need to join also!

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:18:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:02 PM)
hi sallie

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:03 PM)
Has anyone heard of "listening therapies"?

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:05 PM)
Hey Sallie!!!!

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:05 PM)
hi sallie

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:17 PM)
Hi all!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:25 PM)
kathyc: as a general term, or does it refer to a specific set of techniques?

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:29 PM)
What do you all think of tshirts with the NCAPD logo on them?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:44 PM)
I'll buy some!!

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:19:56 PM)
Tomatis, Samonas, The Listening Program, EASe are some examples - also Interactive Metronome as listening therapies

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:20:01 PM)
debbie: great!! be sure to stencil "can't hear you, come around front" on the back of them :-)

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:20:48 PM)
That's a great idea Marge! I like that!

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:21:06 PM)
Marge - I love that - Drew lipreads (self-learned coping technique)

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:21:24 PM)
this is why I like throwing ideas out in here...=)

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:21:32 PM)
Sallie...how have you been doing?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:21:40 PM)
kathyC: i would get very, very specific info from the provider about outcomes with those techniques... seems like everyone has a $2000 therapy program to sell you... look into the techniques covered by your insurance first... don't look for miracle cures

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:22:23 PM)
Fine, thanks. We just started Will (almost 10) on ritalin last week and the focus help has been huge. It was a hard decision and it's a trial time, but he is so excited and we are so thankful!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:22:52 PM)
sallie: so will can really tell the difference with the ritalin?

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:22:56 PM)
I am finding that out........Tomatis was $4400 for 60 hrs ($67/hr sounds better doesn't it). SUNY Buffalo didn't have much input about them - I didn't gather they favored them. I was just curious. Thanks!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:23:22 PM)
Sallie...my son takes it too, for focus..

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:24:11 PM)
It's profound! Within the first hour of the first dose he said "Mom, there just isn't as much noise inside my head as there usually is. After two days of school on it last week I asked him what was different, and he said "I felt smart." I asked him if he had ever felt smart before, and he said "no".

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:24:53 PM)
Deb, do you take your son off of it on weekends, holidays? I have heard mixed reports about that.

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:24:56 PM)
Sallie I think I would have had tears in my eyes at that point!!!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:24:57 PM)
sallie: really interesting comment there, about "not as much noise in my head"... wonder what he experiences without the ritalin?

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:25:30 PM)
Marge, a friend who teaches special ed said that CAPD is like being on a bad cell phone connection all of the time and not knowing it.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:25:33 PM)
Sallie...it really can help some kids. Yes, I do take him off on weekends and holidays.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:25:42 PM)
Does anyone know why CAPD and ADD/HD are soooo close?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:07 PM)
Do they co-exist?

KathyC (ID=14) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:10 PM)
Well, I need to go sort laundry and get ready for the days ahead. Thanks for the chat!! and best of luck to all this week

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:13 PM)
sallie: i tend to agree... that's pretty much been my experience

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:17 PM)
bye kathyc

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:31 PM)
peggy: yeah, capd and adhd can coexist

Sallie (ID=17) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:43 PM)
Peggy, when I read about the symptoms, they are so similar. I think that is part of what makes diagnosis so hard.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:52 PM)
Sallie...he doesn't have the pressures at home, like he does in school..so, I have always done that, will no ill effects.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:52 PM)
peggy: there's some behavioral overlap between hearing loss, capd & adhd

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:26:53 PM)
How do you tell the difference and if they are both there or just one?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:27:13 PM)
pggy: did you know that about 80% of the kids diagnosed with adhd have a significant history of ear infections?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:27:28 PM)
oops...with, no ill effects..sorry.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:27:28 PM)
Marge, no.. interesting...

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:27:50 PM)
Marge, what are the differences???

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:28:01 PM)
that is why it is so critically important to rule out hearing/auditory problems before you go to the adhd diagnosis. deaf children can come across very hyper too.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:28:05 PM)
Who can tell?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:28:21 PM)
Doctor wise?

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:28:30 PM)
Peggy an audiolgist can tell the difference.only an aud can test for capd

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:28:32 PM)
peggy: you need an audiologist to do the hearing tests

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:29:12 PM)
My son did see an audiologist. He did test positive for APD. He is starting FM trainer at school this week.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:29:46 PM)
Audiologist wants full speech and language eval done. I have appointment on Jan. 2nd.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:30:08 PM)
Then they want a re-eval of CAPD in a year to see how it is.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:30:10 PM)
Dr. Hall recomended FM system for Travis as well.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:30:18 PM)
here are some othe rthings to consider before concluding there's a problem with adhd or capd. i say this as a general statement. i don't have specific papers to back up every point. here goes: lack of sleep, anxiety, thyroid disorders, disorganized home life

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:30:37 PM)
i use an FM system any time I'm in a large-group listening situation

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:30:39 PM)
Thyfoid disorders???

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:31:02 PM)
Thyroid (i mean)

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:31:28 PM)
peggy: yep. we have a friend whose child was misdiagnosed as adhd when really he had high thyroid and capd

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:31:39 PM)
Deb, Does Travis use the FM?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:32:00 PM)
What does Thyroid do? Symptoms?

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:32:03 PM)
the problems showed up behaviorally first. took a few years before their pediatrician tested his thyroid

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:32:16 PM)
thyroid is a fundamental regulator of metabolism

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:32:41 PM)
classic high thyroid symptoms are nervousness, sweating, popped-out looking eyes

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:32:44 PM)
Ladies, I apologize, but I think I'm going to excuse myself and head for bed a bit early tonight

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:04 PM)
classic low thyroid symptoms are sluggishness, weight gain, thickened skin

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:08 PM)
gnite debbie

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:09 PM)
Good night get some rest...

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:11 PM)
Good Night Debbie. Hope you are feeling better! =)

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:14 PM)
Peggy...for the past few months, he has been using a headset that we bought at Radio Shack, but, Dr. Hall wants the 'real deal' system in the classroom...

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:32 PM)
good night everyone!! I'll see you all next Tuesday if not before!!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:37 PM)
Deb, my son's school set him up with his FM.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:37 PM)
Debbie...I'll catch up with you sometime tomorrow...feel better, and REST!!!!!!!!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:52 PM)
See ya Debbie.. .Thanks for everything!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:33:55 PM)
peggy: that's great! some parents have to fight like dogs to get the fm from the school

debbie (ID=16) (Nov 28, 2000 10:34:10 PM)
yes mommy Deb!! *LOL* nightie night

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:34:21 PM)
gnite debbie... rest well

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:34:24 PM)
Peggy...I'm hoping that I won't have a problem getting it for him...we have re have an IEP meeting...

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:34:31 PM)
I sent them the Audiologist report with recommendations .

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:34:37 PM)
Debbie...sweet dreams!! XXOO

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:35:03 PM)
Deb, can you get a report with FM on recommendations???

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:35:22 PM)
We just had test done on Oct 30th and he started using FM today.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:35:35 PM)
peggy: what'd he say about the fm?

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:36:21 PM)
Peggy...Dr. Hall put it in his recommendations for him...do I just need to show that to them then?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:36:25 PM)
The Audiologist had a few recommendations at the end of report. One was use of FM trainer in school. The school accepted the report and so far so good.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:37:43 PM)
deb: i believe that the theoretical answer to that is "yes": the recommendations of dr. hall should be sufficient... but some districts will try to dispute it anyway... there are far more experienced IEP trench fighters on the CAPD list than myself... you really need to read a book to get yourself up to speed on it.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:38:13 PM)
Peggy...damn...and the person from the district was just at school Monday, and our principal showed it to her...maybe we won't have an IEP mtg. then...Tammy was going to let me know by Wed. or Thurs.

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:38:27 PM)
i read the book "Negotiating the Special Education Maze"... it was pretty good.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:38:47 PM)
Deb, I hope they would accept your Audiologist. Good Luck! I hope they work with you.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:39:06 PM)
Marge...maybe I'll get it...

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:39:17 PM)
It isn't always easy and I have had to fight in the past with school for testing...

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:09 PM)
i'm getting reeeeeally sleeeeepy... think i better pack it in for tonight... nice chatting with y'all!

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:22 PM)
ggod night

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:27 PM)
Thank you Marge!!!

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:29 PM)
good night

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:31 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:33 PM)
Good night!

Marge (ID=15) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:40 PM)
thanks, and goodnight!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:43 PM)
I really don't anticipate any problems...the school has been fabulous so far...I'm going to be at school all morning tomorrow...I start teaching my Junior Achievement classes tomorrow!.....so, I'll see what I can find out.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:51 PM)
Night Marge!

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:40:53 PM)
The computer kicked me off, now I'm back

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:03 PM)
Hi Sallie.

Kathy (ID=10) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:11 PM)
I'm going to go nitey nite too see ya next week

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:13 PM)
Welcome back Sallie!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:16 PM)
Deb. Good Luck! I am sure it will go OK.

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:20 PM)
Night Kathy

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:31 PM)
Thanks Peggy...

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:33 PM)
By Kathy, nice chatting with yo~|

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:41:35 PM)
Is there a kids' chat these days?

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:42:05 PM)
Debbie W. metioned something about that...

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:42:08 PM)
Actually, I really need to go and re-read my Junior Achievement stuff...those 2nd graders can be pretty tough!

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:42:37 PM)
Have a good day tomorrow everyone...see you next week!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:42:38 PM)
I am the Mystery reader for my son's 2nd grade class tomorrow.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:42:50 PM)
Take care Deb!

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:43:01 PM)
Peggy, how old is your child with CAPD

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:43:08 PM)
That will be fun...that's pretty cool...I like that! Have fun!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:43:09 PM)
My son is 8

Deb (ID=13) (Nov 28, 2000 10:43:20 PM)
Night all!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:43:24 PM)
Will do Deb. You too! nite!

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:43:43 PM)
How about you Sallie?

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:44:00 PM)
Will is nine and will be 10 in Jan. He was diagnosed a year ago

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:44:41 PM)
Learning Disabilities can be sooo confusing and frustrating. This place really helps.

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:45:05 PM)
My husband is a pastor and we're often counseling on Tuesday nights, so I don't get on as much as I would like

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:45:20 PM)
But you're right on about the confusion and frustration

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:45:49 PM)
How is your son doing? Does he use an FM trainer?

Sallie (ID=18) (Nov 28, 2000 10:46:21 PM)
What part of the country are you in? We are in Colorado and have been fourtunate to have a school that is really helping. He just began ritalin and it's incredible. No, he doesn't use a trainer

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:47:31 PM)
I am in Pennsylvania.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:47:51 PM)
I'm at work right now... TV Guide in Radnor Pa. TP

Sal (ID=19) (Nov 28, 2000 10:48:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Sal (ID=19) (Nov 28, 2000 10:48:40 PM)
This thing keeps kicking me off

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:48:57 PM)
I'm going to be going... Have some stuff to finish up. Nice talking with you all. Have a good night and see you next week.

Sal (ID=19) (Nov 28, 2000 10:49:07 PM)
Take care Peggy

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:49:23 PM)
Thanks.. Hope you don't get kicked off again.. Take care.

Sal (ID=20) (Nov 28, 2000 10:49:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:49:37 PM)
Oppps... looks like you got kicked off again.

Peggy (ID=9) (Nov 28, 2000 10:49:49 PM)
see ya Sallie.

wonga (ID=21) (Nov 28, 2000 10:55:23 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

wonga (ID=21) (Nov 28, 2000 10:55:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

wonga (ID=21) (Nov 28, 2000 10:55:49 PM)
(This user has moved to CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

wonga (ID=21) (Nov 28, 2000 11:16:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

wonga (ID=21) (Nov 28, 2000 11:16:34 PM)
(This user has moved to CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

wonga (ID=21) (Nov 28, 2000 11:17:08 PM)
Anyone still online in the CAPD chat room?

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