debbie (ID=19) (Jan 2, 2001 8:15:05 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:19:28 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:29:30 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:30:04 AM)
Good morning Debbie and a Happy New Year to you! How are you this am?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:30:31 AM)
I am doing wonderful!! Happy New Year to you and your family also!

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:31:12 AM)
I want to say that I just checked my email and visitied the revisions you made o nthe NCAPD website - again, WOW! THat is great and, yes, it would make the site MUCH more user friendly and is more than what I could expect.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:31:23 AM)
Are the girls back in school today?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:31:33 AM)
YES! they are! =)

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:31:56 AM)
ANd, how is your new schedule? You must be exhausted now?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:32:08 AM)
I worked on the revisions til about 2 this morning trying the get them finished before we met today.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:32:33 AM)
I start the new schedule in the morning as far as going in early.....I will definiely be taking a nap later on =)

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:33:14 AM)
SO you have not yet started the new schedule. It starts today ?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:33:37 AM)
I"m so happy you are pleased with the revisions! I really like the table of contents being off to the side

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:34:23 AM)
Yes, that's really great with the table of contents. Also, it really makes the entire website so user friendly and looks really "high class" as it should be!

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:34:30 AM)
Schedules take effect on Sunday. I've been off Sun, Mon and today and then will work Wed-Sat 4:45 am to 3:45 pm So I started my new schedule being off 3 days

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:35:04 AM)
Now, that's a great job where you start by being on vacation ;-)

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:35:50 AM)
SO, you'll be home today and you begin tomorrow morning (Wed) at and the milk man ;-)

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:35:57 AM)
I've had a productive few days. I have the mail out for the referral program ready to go out in mail today also! Right now I have 59 letters ready to go and will send more in a few days.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:37:02 AM)
I taught Sarah how to run off the brochures, so she's been a great helper!

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:37:16 AM)
That's great. I think you'll find most if not ALL of the letters will do the following: (1) get YES replies from the professionals, (2) correct any address or other changes needed, and, most importantly, (3) increase awareness of the NCAPD to professionals.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:37:35 AM)
Sarah must have really enjoyed "working" on the brochures.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 8:37:52 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:38:06 AM)
I"m chatting with Graeme also at the moment through instant you mind if i share the simulation with him?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:38:09 AM)
good morning shirl!

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:38:11 AM)
good morning Shirl and Happy New Year to you.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:38:58 AM)
No, not at all. I call him dolfrog (b/c of his email name). Say hello to dolfrog for me. Ask him to check out the simulaiton and give us feedback. He's really a good resource.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:39:10 AM)
Also, tell dolfrog to come join the chat here.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:39:52 AM)
shirl: I hope you and your family had a really nice holiday.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:40:37 AM)
Dolfrog is on lunch now, so I"m not sure how much time he has, but I did invite him to join us. =)

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:41:01 AM)
Tell dolfrog we're on breakfast so we can sit down and eat together ;-)

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:42:09 AM)
I"m not sure if he's headed in now or if he's headed back to work. He uses the AOL instant messenger, so we can always chat online when he's on.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:42:14 AM)
shirl: you're very quiet. Please feel free to just type in whatever you'd like to say. RIght now, we're just have a pleasant chit-chat while waiting for more people to arrive (if they remember to come, with the end of holidays and start of the new year and all).

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:42:21 AM)
Shirl, how are you doing this morning?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 8:42:24 AM)
we did thanks, one of the best! Happy new year to all of you. Not sure what you are discussing. My 10 year old has major homework on ancient Greece. I guess I'll be busy.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:43:15 AM)
Does your 10 years old child have auditory processing problems?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 8:44:20 AM)
yes he does. it is of course difficult for him to research info of this complexity

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:46:27 AM)
Shirl, I would think that for ANY 10 years old child it would be difficult to research info on a topic as abstract as Ancient Greece whether the child had APD or not. What is very helpful is to make the topic more realistic more within the relm of understanding for the child, especially one with APD. ANd there are a number of ways to do that which you can do with your child (don't know if it's your son or daughter as you did not specify).

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:46:44 AM)
Shirl, my daughter Sarah has been having difficulty in school lately also. I've found that preteaching the ideas with her is helpful.

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:47:00 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:47:15 AM)
hi all

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:47:18 AM)
Top o' the afternoon to you dolfrog.

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:47:33 AM)
Cheerioo and all that! ;-)

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:47:34 AM)
first time chat at last

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:47:42 AM)
good morning dolfrog!

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:48:03 AM)
atvios like a re union

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:48:25 AM)
it is

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:48:51 AM)
Happy New Year to you and the family, dolfrog (ribbit, ribbit ;-) )

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:49:10 AM)
my screen has frozen

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:49:33 AM)
the pond water is cold

dr.j (ID=21) (Jan 2, 2001 8:49:38 AM)
shirl: What types of things have you tried with your 10 year old?

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:50:27 AM)
happy new year to all

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 8:51:20 AM)
It is difficult to get these children to focus. My 10 year old is a son and the youngest. we let him dictate thoughts and ideas and we scribe for him to copy. If work becomes to lengthy we chunk it and insist on longer deadlines.

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 8:51:27 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:51:29 AM)
I"m sure dr j will be back in a minute..

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:51:33 AM)
oops! there he is!

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 8:52:12 AM)
Hello again, I guess that gremlin who froze dolfrog's screen kicked me out for a minute. But.....I'm baaaaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkk!

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 8:52:36 AM)
SOrry if I missed anything. DId I miss anything???

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 8:53:43 AM)
I don't know if my message to shirl got through. I had asked what things you have tried, shirl, with your 10 years old child. Maybe we could see if there are some other suggestions that could help?

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:54:45 AM)
I will have to go as i have tyo get back to work, but catch you guys later do you have your cahoots on if so do they keep you warm

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:55:12 AM)
phone call...brb

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 8:55:29 AM)
BYe for now, dolfrog. I don't have cahoots on my home computer and I'm logging in from home now.

dolfrog (ID=23) (Jan 2, 2001 8:56:25 AM)

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:57:15 AM)
I"M back...sorry for delay

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 8:57:19 AM)
SOrry if the chat moves too quickly for you shirl. It does take time getting used to the multiple "talkers" or input and the rapid speed at which messages move.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 8:58:13 AM)
I posted about chunking and scribing for him to copy. I think you were in freeze zone. We are waiting for an educational pysch consult. School was out on strike for three weeks . Makes delays even longer. If he nees to be deemed exceptional won't happen before he moves to middle school. It will probably be too late then

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:58:27 AM)
dr j...shirl did reply when you got knocked out of chat...she was saying how they allow their son to dictate thoughts and ideas and then they transcribe them for him to copy.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 8:59:46 AM)
Shirl, is your son in 5th grade now?

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 9:00:25 AM)
shirl: THese strategies you describe (chunking, scribing & having him copy) are ALL expressive strategies. NONE of them are input or receptive strategies. Does you son have auditory processing (meaning input or receiving/receptive) difficulties or expressive problems?

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 9:01:55 AM)
shirl: Has your son been identified specifically as having learning problems? Has he been classified as needing special educational services or accommodations?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:03:15 AM)
He is a great kid, thinks with his heart. Frustration with teaching him can be a barrier when he does not comprehend what is being said. Have to think of other angles to help him comprehend. He is deemed having cap and is grade 5. Has an individual learning plan. Must get teacher up to speed with cap

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:03 AM)
YOu say he is DEEMED as having cap (by which I assume you mean what is now being called APD or an auditory processing disorder). And he has an IEP or individual learning plan, so, he's been evaluated. What specifically has been identified as his learning or processing deficit areas? Understanding what are the specific processing deficit areas will help you better know how to help him?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:36 AM)
great teacher in grade 3 identified problem. noticed spelling errors matched the way he might say words.

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 9:06:57 AM)
Shirl: Has your son been evaluated to determine how he processes information (i.e., Auditory Processing or what may be called CAPD eval)?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:45 AM)
he punctured his ear drum and it has healed. disturbed that the doctor attending him stated he did not believe in cap. yes , my son does have cap. I find it hard to believe an ear specialist could disbelieve this problem. Maybe he was too old.

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:58 AM)
From the info you have stated so far, it appears that you recognize your son has problems comprehending and he uses (what may be called) inventive spelling. I ask or probe only because there are MANY reasons why a child can have both of these difficulties, and only a few of the MANY are due to specific problems with auditory processing. I'm trying to help you have a better understanding of what is or may be the specifics of his learning problems.

dr.j (ID=24) (Jan 2, 2001 9:10:01 AM)
You say "Yes, my son does have cap" (again, new termonology is APD, so, I'll continue using that - APD). Do you mind if I ask how you know he has APD?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:11:11 AM)
he was tested at Chedoke's audiology clinic which has a good reputation.

drj (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:13:22 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:13:57 AM)
*handing dr j a pogo stick to jump back and forth in chat*

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:00 AM)

drj (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:06 AM)
(This user is now known as dr.j)

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:22 AM)
SOrry, that gremlin caught me again.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:08 AM)
shirl: I know of Chedoke very well. I was a guest professor there for a number of years during the 1980's and loved working there and living in Hamilton.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:42 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:01 AM)
what a wonderful experience . It is a great facility.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:15 AM)
shirl: Do you know what specific area or "type" of APD your son has been found to have? KNowing the specific area of apd deficit will greatly help knowing his problems in procesing and how to help him.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:32 AM)
Good morning Laurie C and Happy New Year to you and your family.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:43 AM)
good morning Laurie C

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:53 AM)
Good Morning! Happy New Yr to you guys too!

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:41 AM)
I'm having problems scrolling I think.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:18:11 AM)
LaurieC try settings and options in the menu and change scrolling to "fast" It worked for me.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:19:49 AM)
I can't see who is in the room on the "nickname" section. Any way to fix that? Thanks for the other tip...I'll try that.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:19:49 AM)
shirl, how long ago was your son tested? Did the audiologist make specific recommendations for you?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:21 AM)
no. I know that words he hears he has trouble pronouncing and it can be difficult to make him say them correctly. Our last brick wall was "ancient" . He wanted to say acient and could not hear the n. He can not work in a noisy envirement and knows if he needs to really listen he turns off t.v. etc.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:29 AM)
Laurie, try clicking on rooms and then back on users and see if that will help with nickname list

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:21:19 AM)
Thanks.. hi shirl, Debbie, and Dr. J!

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:21:42 AM)
it has been left to the school to implement working plans. He was tested about 2-3years ago.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:22:20 AM)
shirl: Again, what you describe is an output or expressive problem. WHen he was evaluated at Chedoke, did they say specifically with what areas of APD he had problems? Let me briefly explain why I ask?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:23:00 AM)
hi Laurie

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:23:59 AM)
One area (for example) of auditory processing is decoding. ANd there are many aspects even of this area. BUt, in my approach and model of APD, and for most models/approaches that categorize APD into areas, decoding is the process by which we take the auditory information, extract the features from it that make up the important parts that will later become the words we hear from the message.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:58 AM)
Dr. J......I don't think I'll ever figure out the link between APD and language issues. Sometimes I feel I'm losing ground trying to under stand this stuff.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:00 AM)
Now, if a child has an auditory decoding problem, he/she will have problems comprehending IF he/she can not extract the correct or important features. WOrds can be lost, misunderstood, confused, etc. Example would be when the word CAT is said the child processes it as the word CAP or HAT. SO, the sentence I see a CAT would be processed as I see a CAP or I see a HAT. This would change the meaning of the message. ....

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:39 AM)
LaurieC maybe what I just typed helps in some way. BUt, I'm happy to address that in a minute.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:28:08 AM)
Dr.'ve helped me tremendously the past few months. I keep all your list responses to my questions in a file so I can re-read them. This issue is so complex for a lay person.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:28:28 AM)
shirl: In contrast, imagine if the child's auditory processing problems were in the area of what I call and many other models/approaches looking categorically at APD call INTEGRATION. Integration are the processes involved in taking the pieces of messages and putting them together to form the unified whole (according to my approach and my definition of integration). Thus, a child with an auditory integration APD sees the parts but can't get the whole. Thus, comprehension can be compromisd.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:29:51 AM)
BUT, the interventions and remediations and accommodations for a child with a decoding problem are FAR different from the interventions, remediations and accomodations for a child with an integration problem. This is why I asked, SHirl, if you had any info about the type of APD, the area of APD, or the category of APD your son has. WIthout knowing this, how can you intervene appropriately.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:17 AM)
I was not aware of all areas of APD. I will ask more questions and evaluate him more closely. He does not have comprehension of script. It is a small motor function which is a challange. He has spatial difficulties on paper. Reading is frustrating as much as he would like to read on his own, as he forgets what is previously read.

dr.j (ID=25) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:40 AM)
Laurie, you're correct. And what makes it worse, is the issues are often difficult and confusing for many professionals as well, so to whom can you turn?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:59 AM) are where I was at last Feb before I joined this list.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:32:03 AM)
Dr. J........the book you recommended to me (CAPD Most Mgt) suggests INTEGRATION is much more severe than a child just having the decoding or tolerance fading profile alone, right?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:33:36 AM)
thanks Laurie It is important to be reasured that where we get on board is okay as long as we get on the train!

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:00 AM)
Shirl, I think what LaurieC and Dr Jsaid are so true. It's very hard as a parent to understand all the facets of APD. The point behind the chat is to learn a bit at a time. That is why dr j tries so hard to get us to look past the label of capd and to look at what the underlying problems are. Many times it's up to us as parents to educate the educators, but first we have to educate ourselves.

drj (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:10 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:16 AM)
Shirl.....the thing I've learned most from this list is that our kids are all different and it is never too late to try to learn and advocate for your child. True.....the earlier the better, but its never too late to try to help.

drj (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:36 AM)
(This user is now known as dr.j)

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:55 AM)
Again, Ahhhhhhhhh! Sorry,

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:14 AM)
Problems getting bumped out, eh?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:18 AM)
the positive side to his learning is that factual learning he can recall and has an interest in. He can work orally in processing info.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:23 AM)
Laurie, I often feel as you do. the more I learn, the more I get confused. =) Then there are the days you go and try and explain what APD is to someone and you find yourself realizing you've learned more than you thought!

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:19 AM)
Good point Shirl.......ALWAYS point towards the positive side..i.e. what your child's strengths are.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:22 AM)
Shirl: I don't remember what I was writing at the time I was kicked out....but, the essence of my message is that there is NO ONE THING as APD or CAPD.....there are different aspects of processing that can be affected and it is important to know what sepcific aspect is affected in order to specifically interviene and help your son.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:27 AM)
does anyone have children in high school yet

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:56 AM)
SHirl I have worked with MANY children in HS as well as college with APD.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:16 AM)
what is their success

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:23 AM)
Not son is 7...about to turn 8 in Feb. My other son, who has no APD issues, is 6 1/2.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:39:31 AM)
From those I've seen post to the list, they can do quite well with the right support and if the learn good compensating techniques.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:39:37 AM)
As an adult with APD, success is fine so long as there are important people in your life supporting you, you have a good self image of yourself and you understand your strengths and limitations. ALso, you need to have teachers and others understand your differences and that is all that APD is it is merely a different way of processing not a wrong way.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:40:42 AM)
with support he will be able to hopefully enter community college

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:41:20 AM)
I think one of the most important things is to advocate for your child during their school years to try and teach the school your child "learns outside the box"....i.e. they have a different learning style than the typical "cookie cutter" approach to teaching.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:41:25 AM)
Shirl: What I often tell people is that growing up I never knew I had a problem because I was just ME. Fortunately I had some very supportive people around me, especially in school. I remember learning to read in fifth grade but never being told nor felt that I was stupid or could not read. I just remember the success of reading my first book in school in 5th grade.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:12 AM)
WIth support he can be Albert Einstein.....who is known to have had severe problems in math learning in school yet is one of the greatest mathematicians ever living.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:59 AM)
OK I feel stupid here. I've missed something. Dr. J....are you an adult APD? I didn't know that if you are.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:02 AM)
APD often means seeing things differently than other people because of the processing differences. YEs, what we need is to understand the specific areas of processing strengths and processing weaknesses. Here's an example......

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:11 AM)
why have some educators and other "bright peolpe" denied the validity of this problem

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:43 AM)
Laurie, yes. I am an adult who has APD. It is probably a large reason I got interested in the area and have staye with it.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:21 AM)
I just didn't know that for some reason. I knew something probably fueled your intense interest and dedication to this issue. You always struck me as so dedicated and knowledgable compared to most audiologists. I kind of thought maybe your son had it, but wasn't sure. Thanks for clarifying.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:35 AM)
my example.......Shirl you began with the Ancient Greece issue. Well, the approach you are considering is probably reading about and researching ancient greece via books. BUt, what if your son's processing strength is oral or visual. FOr example, what if he can learn better and comprehend better by seeing videos or hearing stories on tape? Then, we can get some videos or books on tape about ancient greece, and along with that, contrast and compare what is in the videos with the texts and other books from school or library. Suddenly, everything may become comprehensible and udnerstandable.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:49 AM)
shirl: many people deny the validity of APD since they do not understand it, just as15 years ago people denied the validity of ADD or ADHD. When people are not familiar with something, or do not understand the reason why something occurs, they are tend to say it's not true.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:47:07 AM)
brb......i have aphone call I have to take.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:20 AM)
back...that was fast.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:20 AM)
Good question Shirl........that is the million dollar question. Why DO other professionals disreguard this issue? The neuropsychs that recently did the psycho ed testing on my son weren't too supportive of the concept of APD....or as Dr. J pointed out recently on the list......lumped it into the lanuage processing category.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:53 AM)
when will it make its way inot tothe DSM which seems to be the bible to making things legitimate. It needs to be there.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:15 AM)
This year when my daughter was studying the presidential election process, I took her out of school for a day and we attended a political rally out of town. We talked about the election process all the way there but she did not show much interest. After the rally and seeing President Elect Bush, Sarah was fired up and had a million questions. The election became real to her!! She wanted to learn, but we approached it in a different style.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:51 AM)
Laurie, other professionals do NOT disregard the issue. Many other professionals do NOT understand what is and what is not APD. ALso, since APD is NOT a medical disorder, it is not a disease, it is not accepted in general concensus even within the profession primarily involved with APD (audiology), how can it be an accepted problem.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:52:14 AM)
Debbie, that is a great example of using strengths and then going from her understanding making it REAL for her into areas of weaker comprehension. One great factor with learning for ALL people is having a base on which to support what you are studying. For a person with a processing problem, there is often NO base or a weak base or they can not make the connection between what is new here (in this book or section of material or lecture, etc.) and what they have learned before. Not necessarily because of poor memory, they may have excellent memory, but because of poor LINKING (as I call it).

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:05 AM)
I agree my point of them totally disregarding the existence of APD is not correct......but SOME (i.e. the neuropsychs, SLP's, ) do seem to not distinguish it from other language processing issues like you pointed out on the list recently.

dr.j (ID=27) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:26 AM)
Shirl: I agree with you that for a MEDICALLY based problem to be accepted, it has to be in the diagnostic manual or DSM-IV (now in use). But, is APD a medical problem or merely a behavioral difference?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:18 AM)
Shirl......I too think it needs to be in the DSM IV, but its not really considered a mental disorder. But it has behavioral implications. I'm confused on what gets into the DSM.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:23 AM)
isnt' that the million dollar question?

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:55:23 AM)
now that becomes an issue for debate looking at the contents of theDSM . How many issues in the book are behavoral. and the results of the problem make it thus.

drj (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 9:56:50 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

drj (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:16 AM)
Ughhhhhh! SOrry.

drj (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:24 AM)
(This user is now known as dr.j)

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:28 AM)
hey Laurie, since you are on the other side of dr j...i'll toss you a rope and we'll tie him in the chat! =)

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:44 AM)
I wonder what the APA's official opinion of APD is?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:57 AM)
OK Debbie......I'm waiting for the rope!

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:08 AM)
Debbie, I think I have to really get down to chaning ISPs. This is awful.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:31 AM)

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:33 AM)
Are you guys on standard phone lines, DSL, or cable?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:48 AM)
APA.......the American Psychological Association.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:49 AM)
im' on standard phone lines......just a different server than dr j

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 9:59:00 AM)
pone lines

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 9:59:08 AM)
I'm on cable.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 9:59:53 AM)
Laurie, standard phone lines. I'm at home. Usually I connect from the university, but we're on intersession now. Also, I'm leaving he university so after the spring I'll need to reconsider what to do.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:09 AM)
I would think the APA would have a huge influence on what gets into the DSM.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:38 AM)
are you willing to say which university you are at.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:03 AM)
Are you going to another school Dr. J or doing private clinical work full time?

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:17 AM)
THE APA is the American Psychological Association. No, Laurie, it's the AMA the american medical association that controls the DSM manual. They have great input from APA as well as other professional organizations, such as the AAA and ASHA in the audiology and SLP areas. BUt, if you were the AMA and you found that the AAA and ASHA within each organization had strong opposing views on APD, would you classify APD as a medical disorder?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 10:03:21 AM)
do the AAA and ASHA have different opinions? I have the ASHA statement ,but not the AAA statement

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:03:31 AM)
SHirl: Right now, I am at Gallaudet University in Washington DC. That is known within my email address. BUt, I am leaving that facility and will be going full time into private practice and working with a number of groups of professionals in the Washington area as well as one association in the New York City/Long Island area.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:03:39 AM)
I can only imagine the political infighting that goes on between those organizations. I didn't know the AMA controlled it.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 10:03:40 AM)
considering what is classified in that manual I would

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:12 AM)
Good luck Dr. J.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:55 AM)
do you present APD in your lectures

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:06:45 AM)
Dr. J........the other audiologists that you work with at GU, do they hold similar beliefs as you with your models on APD?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:07:49 AM)
Dr. J.......I don't think I asked you a fair question to state your opinion on others beliefs......scratch that.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:08:17 AM)
Yes, Shirl. I do a lot of guest presentations and lectures all around the world. Recently, I've been doing presentations mostly locally in the Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia areas. I will be doing my next presentation for a school district in No. Virginia (about 1-1/2 to 2 hours outside Washington) in two weeks, then I have a presentation inservices for schools districts in Eastern Maryland. I have another in March in Washington DC for the DC Speech and lanuage association.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:36 AM)
Laurie, there are no other audiologists at GU who work in the area of APD which is one of the main reasons I am leaving the university. I have been there now for 1-1/2 years and have done NO work on APD there. MY work on APD since I've been in the Washington area has all been private.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:56 AM)
Laurie, I understand what you have said. BUt, a better example......

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:57 AM)
Dr. J........I am hoping over time you can educate the school systems to where they would accept APD more as a "disability" under their system. I guess that would mean we need to get

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:13 AM)
APD into the Federal Register. Sorry for the break.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:52 AM)
Dr. J.........why does that not surprise me? i.e. you being the only AUD at GU that researches APD.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:31 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:49 AM)
hello ozzy

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:54 AM)
Hi ozzy.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:54 AM)

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 10:12:06 AM)
hi Ozzy

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:12:12 AM)
hello to you all

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:12:13 AM)
Before I was at GU, I was at a university in New York city. There we did do work on APD, and there were two other professionals (audiologists ) and SLPs who did research with me on APD. THe two other audiologists did NOT hold my opinion on APD at all. They used and still use what I call the test battery approach to APD. Most of the SLPs held to my point of view on APD and often would consult with me on cases with which they were working. A few SLPs affilliated with the university did NOT hold to my approach, but felt I had a way of helping them with cases that was important.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:17 AM)
has APD been identified as predominately male or female problem

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:20 AM)
Laurie. Actually, what is funny and I often do not share is that the work I have done and am finishing up now while still at GU has been with Cochlear IMplants and parent counseling. It has nothing to do with APD.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:14:22 AM)
Well......Dr. J....I guess its not important that everyone hold the same opinion of APD but that you work together to help the child. It would be nice to work with people who held the same professional beliefs though.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:14:43 AM)
Shirl: APD often is seen within the general class of learning problems as is LD. LD has been found to be mostly male. Thus, APD is often mostly seen in MALES. ANd, the research on auditory development shows a significant difference between the development of the auditory pathways or nerves in girls (faster or sooner maturation) than in boys.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:15:12 AM)
Did I tell you that Dylan has a little girl in his class, born deaf, who has a cochlear implant? She speaks amazlngly well!

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 10:16:48 AM)
Dr J,,,,do you have class at 10:30 today?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:17:04 AM)
Do you deal with other LD problems along with APD?

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:17:17 AM)
Laurie, at GU I do NOT provide ANY clinical work at all which is another major reason for my leaving. THe clinic staff both Audiologists and SLPs there (in general) do NOT consult or work with me or seek out my assistance on any cases. Only one SLP does consult me on APD cases for remdiation and she even has the students work with me to develop the clinic goals and objectives for the semester for the kids. There is one audiology supervisor there who doe all of the APD evals and she comes to me to discuss each and every case especially for writing reports. Her approach is purely, also, the test battery apporach.

shirl (ID=22) (Jan 2, 2001 10:18:33 AM)
I am sorry to have to exit but look forward to chatting again. Thank you all for your helpful information. This was my first chat ever and a positive one. Hope to chat soon.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:18:36 AM)
Debbie, no, we're on intersession break. I do have to leave by 10:30, though as I have some errands to run before I have a lunch meeting with the editors of a book on Cochlear Implants for whom I am writing a chapter. BOok should be published by Gallaudet University Press and out next summer.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:18:51 AM)
Shirl it was great to chat with you.

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 10:19:46 AM)
That's right! I keep forgetting about you being on break this week. I know I am going to have to get going. I have a few things I have to get done yet this morning also.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:20:15 AM)
Laurie, we never did get to that discussion of language and APD. Sorry, maybe we can discuss it at the next chat or via email or you can contact me at my office (my private practice) at can still reach me via the gallaudet

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:20:48 AM)
Dr. J......Ozzy had a question about other LD's. Do you deal with other LD's?

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:20:50 AM)
Yes, Debbie, and you need to rest up. Maybe we can all say au revoir till next time in two weeks.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:21:13 AM)
Thanks Dr. J. I'll catch you on another chat.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:21:41 AM)
Yes, it's sort of hard NOT to deal with other LDs when APD is part of LD .

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:21:59 AM)
Does ADD cause APD problems?

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:06 AM)
Ozzy if I can help I'm happy. I can stay for about 5 minutes more.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:11 AM)
kind of a chicken and egg theory

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:16 AM)
which comes first?

debbie (ID=20) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:39 AM)
I"m going to go for now. See everyone in the chat tonight at 9 pm EST or in two weeks in the morning chat. Have a Happy Happy New Year.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:53 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:53 AM)
(This user has moved to CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:59 AM) you have a child dx'd ADD?

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:02 AM)
Bye Debbie for now.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:07 AM)
Bye Debbie.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:40 AM)
i have identical twin boys just diagnosed with add, nonverbal learning disorder, and

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:55 AM)
they have auditory processing, memory type problems also

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:03 AM)
and some other speech problems too

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:03 AM)
How old are they ozzy?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:06 AM)

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:16 AM)
we also live in Australia

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:23 AM)
Ozzy......ADD is seen by those who really understand it (and I hold largely to Barkley's work and definition) as a problem in impulse control and NOT a disorder of attending. ALso, ADD is seen as a problem involving the frontal areas of the brain. APD is a disorder in processing auditory information. As such, .....

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:25:55 AM) son has distraction/attending problems also. Do your sons have the impulse/hyperactivity component in addition to the inattention?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:26:21 AM)
not hyperactive type, passive type. Not too impulsive.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:26:40 AM)
A child who has a disorder in impulse control may act on partial auditory information received. Thus, a child with ADD could have problems processing auditory information, but the underlying problem would be the impulse control deficit or ADD and NOT a specific APD. On tests of APD, the child with ADD may have deficits, thus, using a test battery approach, the most popular, and most common approach used, a child with ADD off medication or not wit hthe ADD controlled will perform poorly on the APD tests and, according to the test battery apporach, would be dx as APD.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:27:26 AM)
we are looking at dexamphetamine as a treatment, but haven't tried it as yet

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:28:11 AM)
Ozzy, sorry I have to leave now. But, I would be happy to answer any other questions. You can email me priavtely at my private email at as from Australia I would think a phone call would be costly.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:28:14 AM)
that is why i was wondering if it helped with apd too

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:28:18 AM)
no problems, thankyou

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:28:20 AM)
for your time

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:29:23 AM)
Ozzy. the issue of APD vs ADD has been talked about a lot on the list. Have you seen the archives?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:29:37 AM)
no sorry, i will go there now

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:41 AM)
Ozzy, last to say, IF the ADD is controlled, then, the auditory processing would be improved because the child would NOT impulsively act on auditory informaiton. BUt, it is possible to have ADD and an APD separately. In my clinical work, in my practice, I see many kids with ADD or dx ADD or questions of ADD vs. APD. I test them ON the medication if we want to look at APD without the ADD interfering. I test them OFF the meds if we want to see how the ADD interfers wit hauditory procesing. Often I test them twice once on and once off the meds to get a complete picture of how the child functions and what is best for the child.

dr.j (ID=28) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:56 AM)
Bye to you both. Have a very happy, healthy new year.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:03 AM)
My own son was recently evaluated and I may be getting the ADD dx, in addition to the APD. Don't know if I'll medicate though. I'm not anti-medication....I just want to do more research.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:10 AM)
Bye Dr. J.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:17 AM)
yeah, it is a tough decision

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:35 AM)
i think i will try it but

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:56 AM)
as life is very frustrating for us all with them at present

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:32:19 AM)
As you can tell from Dr. J's response to you....this APD vs ADD issue is very complex and confusing! It's one of the issues I have the most problem with understanding.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:32:53 AM)
yeah, it is confusing. We have been aware of the APD type problems for about 18 months at least

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:33:14 AM)
but weren't aware of the ADD, or the nonverbal learning disorder

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:33:51 AM)
Ozzy.....the thing that concerns me about the meds for ADD is that I've been told my 2 or 3 professionals that ADD without the hyperactivity component doesn't respond well to meds.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:34:26 AM)
ok, our psychologist and paeds say there is aobut 80% success with it

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:34:51 AM) found out about the APD first, THEN the ADD. That is what happened to me. I've found out it is very unusual to find the APD first.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:26 AM)
How old is your son?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:31 AM)
Almost 8

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:36 AM)
How about your twins?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:39 AM)

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:46 AM)
how is he doing in school?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:36:54 AM)
OK......with my support. Learning to read was a struggle but we are making progress. My main concern in the classroom is attention span and his tendency to space out and get off track from his lesson.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:37:09 AM)
maths ok?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:38:02 AM)
Math pretty strong as long as it is not a long story problem with a lot of language. My son also has language and speech articulation issues....not too severe though, but not on track for his age.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:38:22 AM)
Are you working with a SLP?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:38:41 AM)
yeah, they have been in speech therapy for about 4 years now

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:38:53 AM)
and OT for about 2

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:01 AM)
In Australia, do you get much special ed support from the school system? Is his SLP private or through school?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:10 AM)
public health

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:19 AM)
not connected thru school at all

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:25 AM)
but free

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:48 AM)
we will not qualify for any special ed support

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:57 AM)
IEP's are hardly spoken of over here

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:40:09 AM)
most teachers dont even know what APD is_

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:40:30 AM) son has a private SLP in addition to school SLP. The school SLP only sees him 2X per week 30 mintues, so its not much. Right now he is not seeing his private SLP, but he did do FastForWord therapy this past summer.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:40:55 AM)
let alone nonverbal learning disorder. Our school Psych didnt even know what that was, I had to explain it to her. It is disappointing...............

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:40:57 AM)
Teachers here don't know what APD is either. It is so frustrating trying to educate teachers and principals.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:41:14 AM)
lol, well at least we aren't so far behind then.......

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:41:28 AM)
Did fastforword help?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:42:36 AM)
I don't know much about NLD. There are support groups on the web. Have you checked them out? FFWD went very well. I just got back his language scores about 2 weeks ago. We tested him using the CELF test 4 mos post FFWD and his scores went up greatly.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:43:21 AM)
FFWD is a very hot topic on the CAPD list. There are pros and cons.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:43:36 AM)
That is good he improved on it. Expensive to do?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:45:04 AM)
Cute icon. is expensive. It cost us about $2600. Many kids are now getting it in the US through their schools if the school system is big enough. You can also get it cheaper if you administer it at home, but I felt I'd have a motivational problem doing it at home, so I had a certified SLP do it.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:45:40 AM)
It is outrageous how expensive some therapies are.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:45:47 AM)

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:46:25 AM)
So do you agree with your sons ADD diagnosis?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:48:25 AM)
I don't have the neuropsych test results back yet. It was just done 12/18. I suspect I'll get the dx ADD primiarily inattentive, but I'm not totally certain yet. At this point, I don't know what to agree with. I went to the neuropychs to trying to "put the puzzle" together for me. I think I'll have a greater puzzle! We've done AUD testing, SLP, visual processing, IQ, etc.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:49:11 AM)
I had never considered it as a reason for their problems, but now that I have read more and had it explained to me by the psych it certainly explains a lot. It really does fit with what we have experienced.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:49:37 AM)
Have your son's been tested by a developmental optometrist or visual processing expert?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:50:11 AM)
No. A normal optometrist, who didnt deal with LDs at all

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:50:26 AM)
due to my husband having contacts.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:50:52 AM)
Regular optometrists here don't do any LD analysis either. The one we took my son to did 2 1/2 hrs worth of testing.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:51:03 AM)
The psych we took them too thoroughly tested their iq, visual processing and perception skills etc

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:52:30 AM)
What behavior with your twins points to ADD? My son, as i said, has problems with concentration/attention. He also has a pretty low frustration tolerance level, so he gets frustrated easily. He has a hard time sometimes reading social cues from other kids. This is typical for APD in addition to ADD.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:52:46 AM)
all of those,

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:01 AM)
they cannot follow instructions

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:07 AM)
remember instructions

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:22 AM)
cannot read body language either apparently

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:49 AM)
My son has to have instructions repeated a lot and broken down into steps. He has short term memory issues too.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:56 AM)
forget the beginning of a sentence before you get to the end of it

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:54:04 AM)
yeah, ours too

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:54:34 AM)
What language therapies have you tried?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:54:55 AM)
We looked at tomatis, but have been told it is a rip off

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:01 AM)
i don't know myself

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:20 AM)
hardly any slps have even heard of Earobics

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:28 AM)
1 did, and recommended it

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:45 AM)
i haven't tried it as yet

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:58 AM)
It is so hard to figure out what to do for your child. I think a lot of companies know this and target desparate parents.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:56:07 AM)
very true.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:56:27 AM)
I hear Earobics is good. It is very affordable.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:56:43 AM)
the psych told us that they go around only taking in 5% of their environment visually

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:57:16 AM)
That explains when we go places and say to them, "remember when we came here" they both look at us blankly and deny ever having been here

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:57:55 AM)
my husband and i just look at each other in sad amazement

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 10:58:19 AM)
OK question to that would a psych really qualified to make that statement without extensive visual processing testing? I'm not saying its not true. I've learned to question a lot of statements from professionals.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:59:15 AM)
Well, she is very experience and recognised in her field of work. And everything she said about our boys fits to a tee.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 10:59:36 AM)
But I am no expert, so I suppose you have to go with your gut feeling as a parent

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:10 AM)
Its good you've got a good qualified professional. They are hard to find. Did she recommend a certain course of treatment?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:23 AM)
She recommended going to see a pe

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:23 AM)

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:27 AM)

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:39 AM)
developmental ped?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:45 AM)
paediatrician experienced in ADD, and in doing a homeschooling grade 3 maths

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:00 AM)
program this year,

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:21 AM)
and gave us a list of strategies to do in regards to managing their problems

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:56 AM)
Do you think the schools will go along?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:02:00 AM)
they are in grade 5 this year, but are only at a grade2 - 3 maths level

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:02:37 AM)
I am hoping that the teacher they will get when we go back from our summer holidays will be a good one, the sort of teacher that connects with them and makes a difference to their whole life

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:00 AM)
Teachers are so cruicial in this equation. They can make or break our kids.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:04 AM)
I am going to ask for no homework in term 1

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:17 AM)
Homework for us is agonizing.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:27 AM)
too much pressure for them with us having to do the extra maths anyway

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:39 AM)
yeah, it is definitely agonizing.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:51 AM)
does your son have motor planning problems too?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:04 AM)
Do you guys have a math resource teacher that can provide extra tutoring at school?

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:11 AM)

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:13 AM)
What is motor planning ?

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:24 AM)
I think I might know, but not sure.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:26 AM)
like problems in managing to ride a bike for eg.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:56 AM)
planning what your limbs are doing in sequence for activities, in gross and fine motor activities

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:05:25 AM)
Well........they are OK, but not nearly as developed as his 6 yr old brother's skills. His soccer skills are atrocious.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:05:40 AM)
yes, that sort of thing.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:05:54 AM)
we have given up trying to teach the boys how to ride a 2 wheeled bike for now

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:06:04 AM)
too frustrating and unsuccessful for all

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:06:36 AM)
He can ride a bike and roller blade, but is not very graceful about it. Since he did learn these skills, I never really thought he had too much of the gross motor skills problem.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:06:44 AM)
and swimming is another thing that is very hard to learn for them,

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:07:17 AM)
their 2 year old sister is already doing things they are not capable of now

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:07:33 AM)
We did our neighborhood swim team last summer...again, he learned to swim, but is not very graceful about it.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:07:35 AM)
that is really pointing out to us how much they haven't developed in certain areas

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:08:01 AM)
Yes......a sibling comparison points out these things.

LaurieC (ID=26) (Jan 2, 2001 11:08:21 AM)
Well ozzy........I've got to run. It was nice meeting you. I'll see you on the list.

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:08:33 AM)
yeah, nice to talk to you too. thanks for your time

ozzy (ID=29) (Jan 2, 2001 11:08:38 AM)
good luck with your son

dr.j (ID=30) (Jan 2, 2001 1:30:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=31) (Jan 2, 2001 3:47:32 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

cindy (ID=32) (Jan 2, 2001 5:20:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

cindy (ID=32) (Jan 2, 2001 5:21:41 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

cindy (ID=32) (Jan 2, 2001 5:21:41 PM)
(This user has moved to CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

cindy (ID=32) (Jan 2, 2001 5:21:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

cindy (ID=32) (Jan 2, 2001 5:21:45 PM)
(This user has moved to CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Admin (ID=33) (Jan 2, 2001 6:00:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

CC (ID=34) (Jan 2, 2001 6:10:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

lisa (ID=35) (Jan 2, 2001 8:33:39 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KrystieDon (ID=36) (Jan 2, 2001 9:00:46 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:01:43 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie wood (ID=38) (Jan 2, 2001 9:01:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie wood (ID=38) (Jan 2, 2001 9:02:08 PM)
hi there KrystieDon! How are you tonight?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:02:20 PM)
OK, my first chat so a little nervous

debbie wood (ID=38) (Jan 2, 2001 9:02:38 PM)
dont be nervous....all nice people in this chat! =)

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:02:45 PM)
Good to hear.

debbie wood (ID=38) (Jan 2, 2001 9:02:47 PM)
How did you find out about this chat?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:03:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:03:11 PM)
looking around for CAPD info. since Sept. when my 7 year old daughter was tentatively diagnosed

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:03:31 PM)
Final diagnosis Monday with an audiologist

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:03:35 PM)
ok..this is still me...i was having trouble getting in the room tonight

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:03:44 PM)

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:04:06 PM)
did you get here through the NCAPD website or CAPD: From the Heart?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:04:19 PM)
CAPD From the heart.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:04:31 PM)
That was your daughter I read about?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:04:40 PM)
Yes, Sarah is my daughter

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:04:49 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:04:53 PM)
It was like reading my and my daughter's story

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:05 PM)
hi Attie! Welcome to the chat tonight

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:22 PM)
Hi. Debbie, are you the one that posts about the Tuesday night chats?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:24 PM)
Hi Attie

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:33 PM)
I hope it's was helpful....I need to finish the story, but at times it's hard to write about it.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:35 PM)
Hi Krystie!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:40 PM)
yes Atti, that's me!

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:05:56 PM)
Oh! Ok!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:06:15 PM)
I take it you are on the email list for me site?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:06:29 PM)
oops..for my site not me..

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:06:46 PM)
I got on some type of list a while ago by doing a capd search

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:06:56 PM)
That's how I found you, too.

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:06:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:07:05 PM)
Hi Julie

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:07:13 PM)
Hi Julie

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:07:24 PM)
How are all you people involved with CAPD? I am a mother

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:07:29 PM)
I have a list on my site that is strictly for chat announcements and such and then Dr J has a listserv on CAPD that is very active with questions and open communication.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:07:32 PM)
I am too

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:07:34 PM)
hi Julie Francis

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:04 PM)
My daughter, Sarah was diagnosed with CAPD almost 3 years ago. That is how this site was begun and also the NCAPD.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:16 PM)
Who is Dr J and how do i access him from my comp? I am not so good with comp

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:21 PM)
How old is Sarah now?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:35 PM)
Sarah is 9 1/2 years old now.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:39 PM)
How old is Sara?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:46 PM)
I have never attempted a chat room before.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:08:57 PM)
This is my first chat, too.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:09:01 PM)
Yes, you have to read a type real fast in a chat room.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:09:15 PM)
Dr J is an audiolgist in Washington DC who hosts chats in there every other Tuesday morning. He is on the board of directors for the NCAPD.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:09:26 PM)
When is the next chat?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:09:34 PM)
Oh. I guess he's on next Tuesday, huh?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:09:47 PM)
I'll try to be there.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:09:57 PM)
***For those who are new, do not worry if you miss something,,,,I archive the transcripts on the entry to this chat on the CAPD: From the Heart of a Mother website.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:10:12 PM)
He was here this am, so he will be here again on the 16th.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:10:37 PM)
What time in the morning?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:10:45 PM)
Oh. be here morning or afternoon? I didnt get any announcment about that. Is he here in this chat room?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:10:47 PM)
So what does he talk about?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:10:58 PM)
8:30 to 10am EST

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:11:43 PM)
I have one kid who was dx with capd, but i have another one who i would eat my hat if he didnt get the same dx

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:11:57 PM)
this is the website address to listserv..he sent the announcement out on his list about this morning's chat...I was running behind getting the announcements out.......

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:12:06 PM)
Was he tested too?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:12:30 PM)
He answers whatever questions YOU it varies each chat.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:12:30 PM)
No. I am thinking of it. Do i really need testing to tell me what i know already? I am debating about it

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:12:45 PM)
Was he tested at school?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:12:49 PM)

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:12:56 PM)
I had to test to satisfy the school and set up section 504

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:13:20 PM)
But i will tell you that i took him out of school to homeschool him because he was getting so frustrated

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:13:30 PM)
I already knew what had to be done to get her attention but it seemed no one listened until the hospital wrote what to do.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:13:47 PM)
Atti, I think the testing is important,,,,,there are many forms of order to find the best course of remeadiation you need to know the underlying cause of the capd..what is causing the processing problems.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:13:49 PM)
I know all too well, the frustration

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:26 PM)
May I ask where everyone is from? I"M from Florida.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:27 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:31 PM)
But what type of testing and where did you go?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:32 PM)
I didnt know there was more than one form. My daughter was tested her in MI by Cindy Wilson, who just called it CAPD. that was all.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:36 PM)
hey there Deb!!

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:48 PM)
I'm from Massachusetts.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:53 PM)
Hi Deb.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:14:58 PM)
Hi, Deb

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:00 PM)
Happy New Year everyone...sorry I'm late...

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:06 PM)
I am from California

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:25 PM)
was good talking to you today Deb....thanks for the email and the two word review =)

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:26 PM)
as i mentioned i'm from michigan. and as you can see i hate the shift key

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:40 PM)
hey atti,, you type just like me!

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:15:45 PM)
ha ha

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:05 PM)
You made me laugh, something I haven't done in a while.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:17 PM) was soooo good to hear your voice...the 2 word review...once again...awesome!!!!

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:23 PM)
heres something else to make you laugh. atti stands for addicted to the internet

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:38 PM)
OK, Krystie is really my daughter.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:48 PM)
julie audiologist will determine the appropriate type of testing for your child depending on the presenting problems....

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:53 PM)
Oh, and your name is Don?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:16:53 PM)
do you are Don?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:06 PM)
No, Carol Donovan

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:07 PM)
boy i can't type tonight!

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:27 PM)
Oh its Donovan! this is confusing.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:34 PM)
Debbie...probably because you've been doing it since 2 AM!!

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:48 PM)
So the test he took from school are not good enough?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:17:57 PM)
I did get a nap this afternoon Deb before I met with dr j again.....

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:18:14 PM)
Anyway, i'd like to learn more about different types of APD. How will knowing what type my child has help? Are there different treatment for different types? and how do i find out what type?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:18:24 PM)
How did it go with Dr. J?? I'm glad you got a nap in...

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:18:30 PM)
The test Krystie got at school showed next to nothing. Except for the speech pathologist they found her just lazy.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:18:38 PM)
julie frances, that will depend on your school district..i know my disctrict tests were very basic screening tests and sarah passed my school she has no problems

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:18:55 PM)
Same with Krystie.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:19:33 PM)
Anybody here?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:19:34 PM)
my sons school sent us to a Fast Forward program which really helped but its only during the summer

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:19:45 PM)
Atti, the different types of APD all have different types of remeadiation. Very very soon the NCAPD will have an auditory simulation available that will detail different types of auditory processing disorders.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:19:53 PM)
I'm still reading back, a bad habit, I guess.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:16 PM)
Deb..the meeting with dr j went very well....i'm so pyshced about the progress!

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:20 PM)
How can i find out what type my daughter has and what remediation she needs?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:25 PM)
Do any of you use medication or strickly other means?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:33 PM)
I havent done med

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:47 PM)
Neither have I, I'm afraid of them.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:20:54 PM)
Debbie.....I CAN'T WAIT!!! I bet he's pretty pysched too!

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:21:01 PM)
Does medical insurance pay for testing?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:21:13 PM)
Mine does. BCBS.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:21:46 PM)
Atti, the audiologist that tests your child for CAPD should be able to tell you what form of CAPD your child has and SHOULD help tailor remeadiation aimed particularly at your child.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:21:58 PM)
I dont use any medications with Sarah at all

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:22:05 PM)
Are the meds for auditory or focusing issues?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:22:32 PM)
I will ask Cindy (our audiologist) about that. What will i do if she says theres only one type? She did call it Central auditory processing disorder

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:22:35 PM)
My son takes meds for focusing isues...

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:23:27 PM)
Is there evidence that the meds help for both issues?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:00 PM)
I've heard there are meds that would reduce the frustration she feels but I'm hoping to accomplish that myself.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:04 PM)
are dyslexia and capd connected in any way? my daughter seems to have both

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:20 PM)
Atti, ask your aud what are the underlying factors that contribute to your child's CAPD. ...does he have a decoding deficit or auditory memory trouble, etc?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:20 PM)
My daughter also appears to be dyslexic.

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:40 PM)
Has anyone tried Fast Forward or Lynda Mood Bell

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:45 PM)
Atti, how old is your child?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:48 PM)
i wonder what to work on first. the visual issues or the auditory issues

Jen (ID=43) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:52 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:58 PM)
hi Jen!

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:24:59 PM)
Hi Jen

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:06 PM)
Hi Jen

Jen (ID=43) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:09 PM)

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:10 PM)
My daughter whose name is Chaya Nissel, is almost 11. my son is 13

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:11 PM)
I'm not sure if the meds help both issues or not...Travis also gets very's better than it was before, but the meds really do help him to stay focused. We tried him off for a few days, HUFE difference!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:17 PM)
julie frances, we went through FFW a year ago

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:32 PM)
hI Jen.....

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:38 PM)
My daughter is 7 and the dyslexia seems to be improving.

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:39 PM)
Did It help

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:25:48 PM)
I am thinking very seriously of doing ff. How do you fellas like it?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:07 PM)
What is fast forward?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:09 PM)
yes I think it did....we started using a FM trainer at the same time that we did FFW...I think the combination was helpful

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:20 PM)
What is an fm trainer?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:39 PM)
Can you tell me about FM trainer

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:26:53 PM)
FFW is a computer based program that uses electronically modified speech to train the auditory pathways....

Jen (ID=43) (Jan 2, 2001 9:27:11 PM)
I am a student who has Auditiory Processing and I am trying to find ways to help because I was just told a year ago, so I have many years to catch up. It this what we are suppose to do.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:27:57 PM)
How old are you Jen?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:27:57 PM)
There are currently 3 Fast Forward programs its geared to grade school students

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:27:58 PM)
The FM trainer my daughter uses is called the Fm Easy looks like a walkman radio that Sarah wears and the teacher wears a microphone on her dress.....

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:28:16 PM)'s soooooooo good to see you join the chat! We've been emailing back and forth!

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:28:23 PM)
I've heard of that and it has been suggested that Krystie wear one.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:28:43 PM)
I'll try anything and everything

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:28:57 PM)
Any of you homeschooling?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:29:06 PM)
the Fm has been of great help to Sarah and she can tell the difference with and without it....Sarah is in public school

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:29:18 PM)
not me but it is very discouraged around here.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:29:19 PM)
We are going to be testing various FM trainers once we get back from break...Travis' teacher is VERY excited about that!

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:29:26 PM)
No I dont feel qualified to help

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:29:57 PM)
i find the one on one at home with less distraction, and learning at the childs own pace and what the child needs to leaarn to be of tremendous value

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:13 PM)
No, I'm not homeschooling...did it for a year when he was in Nursery school...

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:18 PM)
I bet it does help but don't you both become frustrated?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:18 PM)
Jen..this is Debbie from

Jennifer (ID=44) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:30:56 PM)
Hi Jennifer...

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:01 PM)
hi Jennifer!

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:02 PM)
Hi Jennifer

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:16 PM)
i am getting frustrated with the walls we cant get passed from her capd and her dyslexia. that is why i am here. to learn what more i can do to help. i especially would like to learn what to do about the horrible spelling of both my children

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:16 PM)
Have any of you attended special ed school board meetings to help Federal Funding which is badly needed

Jennifer (ID=44) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:24 PM)
This is the same person as Jennifer and I did something and I couldn't get back on

Jennifer (ID=44) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:30 PM)

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:45 PM)
Atti, is their writing very sloppy, too?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:31:55 PM)

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:32:10 PM)
Jennifer,,I"m not sure if you got my message..this is Debbie at

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:32:14 PM)
The meds help with the handwriting

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:32:26 PM)
what meds are you using.

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:33:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:33:20 PM)
My sons handwriting used to be horrible....very sloppy...he has improved sooooooo much though! Still makes letters bigger, VS. smaller though....

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:33:33 PM)
One of the things that helps Sarah alot is we use what is called preteaching...I get her spelling words ahead of time and go over them with her...If she is familiar with them before the teacher uses them in class, then she's ahead of the game instead of starting off behind.

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:33:38 PM)
My son takes retalin and it makes a big difference in his writing I also have his school blow up the sizes of his math pages so he can get the colums straight

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:33:47 PM)
I am sorry I keep hitting the button and yes I got the message

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:34:25 PM)
it's ok Jen..we all have to get use to the chat the first time in here.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:34:32 PM)
Do any of these kids have a problem with written math as oposed to oral math?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:34:54 PM)

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:34:57 PM)
I don't what to do

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:05 PM)

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:07 PM)
I am leaving for a few minutes to click on that guide for capd, next time its on my screen here

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:31 PM)
Jen, are you in high school or learning at home?

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:32 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:39 PM)
Hi, Lisa

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:46 PM)
hi Lisa..welcome to the chat tonight

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:49 PM)

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:51 PM)
Keep your expectations in line. What do they truely need as an adult

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:35:59 PM)
Jen...after you type in your message, hit the send button...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:07 PM)
Hi Lisa.....

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:15 PM)
What is the best way to work on spelling?

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:21 PM)
I am in college

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:29 PM)
Sorry, that's great.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:50 PM)
one way my daughter had come to enjoy spelling is through doign rainbow words.....let me explain...............

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:36:57 PM)
For us typing on the computer is the best becausse handwriting is difficult

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:32 PM)
i also taught Chaya to type. explain away debbie

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:36 PM)
hi deb.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:41 PM)
Jen....what are you having the most difficulty with?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:37:47 PM)
she uses three crayons.....she writes the words in one color..then traces it in another color..and then traces again in the third color...the word looks like a rainbow so it's prett and she's just practiced it three times!!

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:12 PM)
I'm going to try that with numbers.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:12 PM)
does she really remember how to spell that word when she needs it?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:21 PM)
Jen....are you still using your organizer?

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:24 PM)
debbie,how old is your daughter?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:37 PM)
Atti,,,it helps her...we do rainbow words one night...pyramid words another night.......

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:41 PM)
I have a lot of differcult in spelling and sounding out the words and remembering

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:53 PM)
Also this works great for younger kids.. spell the informantion on their back as you say the words it helps to keep them focused

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:53 PM)
and what is pyramid words?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:38:54 PM)
lisa my daughter is 9 1/2 years old....I do the same thing with my 7 year old.

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:39:43 PM)
I was just wondering because I have an 8 yr old and a 131/2 yr old

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:39:45 PM)
Debbie, does your 7 year old have the same problem?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:39:47 PM)
pyramid words.....say the word is one line she writes an "a" on the next line she writes "ap" next line..."app" "appl"....."apple"...the words form a pyramid

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:40:11 PM)
Jen.........did your Dr. give you any type of remediation....give you ideas or suggestions on what to do?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:40:17 PM)
oh. that sounds neat. i could do it with both of them

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:40:19 PM)
Yes, I am It helps a little but I forget what I wrote if I spell it wrong. I give you guys a lot of credit for helping you kids my parents didn't do that much

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:40:37 PM)
no my 7 year old does not..but using the extra forms of teacher for her accomplish two things...Sarah dont feel so different and it gives Kendra more practice and her spelling has improved.

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:40:50 PM)
It's very new Jennie, don't sell them short there wasn't that much out there like now.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:41:10 PM)
Jen....have you tried to go in since we've emailed and talked to your professors? or used the tape recorder?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:41:15 PM)
jennie, maybe nobody even knew there was such a thing as capd

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:41:20 PM)
My husband, in his 40's, just was diagnosed with it, too. Nothing back then either.

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:41:26 PM)
would the pyramid work for my 13 yr old?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:03 PM)
why not lisa? sometimes it's just a matter of making them enjoy a different learning method...

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:23 PM)
i am wondering- there is such a long list of words my kids cant spell. even with rainbows and pyramids how would they remember so much?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:24 PM)
that sounds over didnt sound right. im sorry.....

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:33 PM)
I just figured he might think it child's play

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:37 PM)
Yea, I use a tape recorder and I am out for winter break but I plan to do it alot different then before

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:42:48 PM) word at a time.....

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:11 PM)
oh, when you know they remember one word, you add another and then see if they remember both?

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:27 PM)
Kalyn has no spelling words to speak of and can't read as well

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:40 PM)
review, never take a day off

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:42 PM)
Atti...break the list down..dont concentrate on it being such a long list..concentrate on knocking one word off list at a time....maybe work with a set of 4 or 5 words..then add to them....

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:46 PM)
do most kids with capd have alot of trouble reading?

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:43:53 PM)
I do

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:44:10 PM)
oh, am i glad i am here! I better get some fun markers!

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:44:31 PM)
jennie is your school helping out

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:44:36 PM)
Is it possible that a kid with CAPD is a great reader? or did we get a wrong diagnosis?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:44:40 PM)
My 8 year old has improved with his reading, but still isn't at his 2nd grade level...his 6 year old brother helps him...

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:44:41 PM)
Jennie are you able to read for enjoyment or is it too frustrating?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:44:55 PM)
I use to do a lot of flashcard words too....i'd make a bunch of words on different cards and we'd take turns picking cards to make silly sentences.

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:05 PM)
I am sorry you guys are going to fast for me

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:09 PM)
his teachers don't expect him to go anywhere's in life

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:17 PM)
Krystie, yes it is possible.....

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:28 PM)
thanks Debbie.

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:33 PM)
how do you deal with teachers like that?

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:45:57 PM)
Chaya is a pretty good reader. but she mixes up like sounds all the time! b and p, c and k etc. Her spelling is rediculous. i dont doubt the dx

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:05 PM)
I've had problems for 4 years with teachers. It's lack of knowledge. Just educate them, bring in forms and notices from web sites and doctors.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:06 PM)
Lisa you do everything in your power to make your child believe in himself and make him believe he can!!!!

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:08 PM)
I get frustrated alot, but I love to read I just learn to skip the word if I don't get get it

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:26 PM)
I do that

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:30 PM)
Oh! Chaya skips alot of words too but she seems to get the general idea

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:41 PM)
Lisa....give them info on CAPD...and once the simulation is up, let them take a look at that too....teachers like that shouldn't be teaching as far as I'm concerned.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:49 PM)
For anyone who is new...dont worry if you miss something said in the chat...........the transcripts are archived and you can go back and read them later.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:46:53 PM)
Jennie if it makes you feel better the typing is too fast for me too!

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:47:11 PM)
he gets discouraged because his 8 yr old sister is ahead of him and she also has capd

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:47:16 PM)
Lisa, that's all you can do. Interview the next grade level if you can to get an idea which one would be best.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:47:40 PM)
Do any of you also have any children wit autism? I do

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:47:58 PM)
I dont Atti....

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:03 PM)
Not me

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:07 PM), I don't...just APD..

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:10 PM)

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:21 PM)

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:31 PM)
My school try to help but I don't know what to say to tell what to do and they don't know and they don't know what it is really

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:50 PM)
oh. I thought parents who have autistic child were more likely to have other kids with lang disorders, so i was curious

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:48:59 PM)
Print what you can off web sites and bring it in just about CAPD

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:00 PM)
I am just learning all about this

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:07 PM)
they have had an fm system since nov. for him and it hasn't been used yet

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:08 PM)
I don't have any children

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:11 PM)

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:22 PM)
Jennie about how old are you? i dont mean to be nosey, but what grade level are we talking about here?

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:37 PM)
Jennie it just takes one special teacher if its outside your school seek them out thats how I got help

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:49:51 PM)
one goal of the to put out an informational booklet..kind of like a handbook to auditory processing disorders, once we finish the project we are working on now....

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:07 PM)
20 years old and my second year of college

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:11 PM) go girl!!!

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:24 PM)
way to go jennie

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:32 PM)
Jennie...feel free to give your professors the website for the NCAPD at

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:46 PM)

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:53 PM)

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:50:58 PM)
Deb...that's a "we go girl" you will be involved in that i"M sure!! =)

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:51:59 PM)
Debbie....uuuuummmmm....that's what I meant to say!! =) I'm actually very excited about all that is going on!!!

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:52:08 PM)
Jeannie universities have help just for people like you. There are many options like note takers etc available to you

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:52:20 PM)
I am realy shy, so it is a set back for me. I try but I back down becasue I get that feeling I am stupied an

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:52:29 PM)
thats good to know for my daugter when she needs it

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:52:44 PM)
How would I get in touch with them

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:52:47 PM)
Deb, that might just mean another road trip to Gainesville one day

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:03 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:05 PM)
Jennie, your school should have an office for students with special needs......

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:08 PM)
how old are you julie if you don't mind

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:10 PM)
Jennie, my daughter is only 7 but you describe her, too when you say shy and backs down. I always tell her to forge ahead , it's all you can do

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:18 PM)
hi are you tonight?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:28 PM)
Hi Jill

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:35 PM)
hi Jill

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:38 PM)
is shyness also related to capd? chaya is very shy too

julie francis (ID=41) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:46 PM)
jeannie you have worked very hard to get where you are you deserve some help

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:50 PM)
great glad to have the kids back in school

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:53:56 PM)
Jennie....but this is when you MUST seek out the help that can/should be offered to you at college.....and they WON'T think you're stupid or anything else...just SMART, for asking for the help you nedd in order to do well in college.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:12 PM)
listen to Deb!

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:17 PM)
Hi Jill.....

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:25 PM)
Atti, shyness and stubborness?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:44 PM)
shyness can be related to capd......if a child is having trouble understanding what others say....then they will tend to be a bit more of a one wants to be "different' from their friends...........

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:54:46 PM)
I will have to leave soon. and no, not stuborness in our case

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:55:03 PM)
what are the chances of having 3 capd children?

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:55:24 PM)
I also have to leave soon but I'm so happy to have had the chance to talk to people who understand.

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:55:26 PM)
i dont know but i think i have 2. one wasnt dx but i know it

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:55:36 PM)
That is true what you said debbie

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:56:09 PM)
chaya was also dx with mild lang impairment. i wonder if its a result of capd

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:56:13 PM)
I am happy that I came tonight becauseI learn that their is people out to help

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:56:16 PM)
I'm pregnant with my third child and just wondered

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:56:17 PM)
Jennie, I've talked to many parents who have kids with capd who have failed in school or are failing...others who have made it through school and never went to college...YOU should be very proud of yourself for beingin your second year of college!!! I think I can speak for the other parents in here when I say WE are all proud of you and hope our kids will go on to college.

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:56:50 PM)

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:03 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:03 PM)
I agree with Debbie and can only pray my daughter makes it to the 3rd grade.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:03 PM) the web, the NCAPD site, and Debbie's site, you can gather TONS of info...print it out, and highlight what things pertain to YOU....and give them the web site, they will find all kinds of great info as well...

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:04 PM)
debbie, you are so right. i hope you get the help you need jennie. you will be your own worst enemy if you dont

KrystieDon (ID=37) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:11 PM)
Hi Diane

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:20 PM)
for those who have to leave soon..please know the chat is always can always stop by and see if anyone is here...there is a parent chat every tuesday night although next week we will begin at 8 pm EST

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:25 PM)

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:41 PM)
I just have to come over my shyness

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:51 PM)
Hi Diane....

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 9:57:53 PM)
I was just able to access this chat is it over :(

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:09 PM)
Hi Diane

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:16 PM)
hello Diane

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:18 PM)
Jennie...yes, we are all proud of you...and you should be proud of yourself as well!!

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:19 PM)
what intervention is best if child has decoding problem and which is best for aud memory problem? please answer soon, because i am about to leave. thanks. this was a great experience

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:20 PM)'s not over Diane..welcome to the chat!!

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 9:58:43 PM)
Oh great Thanks for the welcome my first time here :)

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:59:30 PM)
Do you have a child with APD Diane?

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 9:59:46 PM)
Yes I do a son age 9

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 9:59:55 PM)
My son is 8....

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:01 PM)
If a child has auditory memory you want to work on building the memory..using games or such....we use to play the game where we all clapped our hands and said...going on a picnic and I"m taking a .....(filled in whatever you want to take) then next person repeats and says what you said and adds an item....

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:06 PM)
i hope that makes sense!@

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:34 PM)
Do they have program in which i can learn things that I have missed

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:37 PM)
I'm very anxious to learn all I can about CAPD

Atti (ID=40) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:55 PM)
Yes, it makes sense. Actually if i understand all this, my daughter has good auditory memory. its the decoding of sounds thats her problem.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:00:56 PM) have come to the right place then!

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:08 PM)
is there anyone here from canada?

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:12 PM)
I'm not familiar with this type of chat please excuse my slowwwwness

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:29 PM)
You'll catch on quick Diane!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:43 PM)
Diane, it' sok...we were just talking a bit ago about it takes a bit to catch on the first time!

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:46 PM)

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:48 PM)
yea, I figure it out and this is my first time

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:55 PM)
Thanks Deb :) do you all meet each week at this time ?

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:01:59 PM)
See are doing great!

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:07 PM)
I am from conn. ( norwich)

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:26 PM)
Yes Diane,,,,the chat is going to be at 8 pm ESt time each tuesday evening

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:28 PM)
Indiana here

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:31 PM)
Every Tuesday week it will start at 8 PM..right Debbie?

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:50 PM)
Eastern time

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:02:53 PM)
Oh good 8 is better for me when school is in session

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:03:05 PM)
right Deb..with having to get up at 3 am EST time, I have to try and end chats earlier.

lisa (ID=46) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:08 PM)
talk to you all next week it's late up here.goodnight and god bless

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:09 PM)
Debbie....I will be thinking of you when I get up in the AM>>>I think once you get used to won't be so bad. You are actually going to have a life...just have to do a little re-arranging at first!

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:09 PM)
If I use the settings feature will it retain my info till next time

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:27 PM)
Is Earobics good for decoding and learning how to repeat sounds

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:32 PM)
gOODNIGHT Lisa....

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:46 PM)
goodnight lisa

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:04:56 PM)
Jill my son uses "Earobics"

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:00 PM)
Well, I have to go but this has been great and I will becoming back becasue I really enjoyed to talk to people who understand

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:24 PM)
My son is going to be starting Earobics...they have it in school, now I just have to get the home version....

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:32 PM)
Boy do I need to meet people that understand

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:39 PM)
Jennie...I'm so happy you came to the chat tonight....feel free to keep in touch via email too ok?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:54 PM) back next week....8 PM!!! Glad you could make it!

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:05:57 PM)
My son uses it in school and we have the home version

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:06:18 PM)
Deb..the new schedule will be great once I get use to it!

Jennie (ID=45) (Jan 2, 2001 10:06:26 PM)
yes, thanks for everything you made me have some hope thanks again. Bye everyone

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:06:33 PM) is he doing with it? How much time do you use it at home?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:06:53 PM)
Night Jennie...

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:06:59 PM)
Diane...I dont think anyone in this room tonight is a professional..we are all parents or family members of someone who has capd....

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:07:21 PM)
It has made a big difference and we are working up to 45 mins aday at home

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:07:51 PM)
Our school system just started using it last year

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:08:15 PM)
I just got our home version it is abit slow I hope Timmy doesn't get bored He is in 1st grade I notice that the age is 4-7 but it says to start with the volume 1

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:08:20 PM)
Travis' Dr. wants him to do an hour, 5 days a week at home...on top of an hour to an hour and a half of homework...hmmmmm. ..that should be fun!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:08:53 PM)
I read some where 20 min. a day

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:19 PM)
Deb we are working up to 45 mins a day because if homework it is tough to get in that much time a day.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:24 PM)
Deb..are you going to be in teh chat for a bit yet?

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:34 PM)
How old is Travis

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:09:59 PM)
We are using version 2

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:01 PM)
In school they may do 15-20 minutes, because of time allowed...but yeah, his Dr. wants an hour, 5 days a week....

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:23 PM)
Have you heard good things about it Deb ??

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:29 PM)
Jill...he's 8, in 2nd grade.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:41 PM)
Debbie...yes, if you'd like me to be!

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:10:45 PM)
All this is pretty new to me I have alot to learn

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:15 PM)
Diane...yes, very good, lots of other parents who have been in here, have used it as well....

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:16 PM)
I believe general rule for homework that age is 45 min.

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:18 PM)
I am going to have to cut out a bit early so I can get things ready for tomorrow....would you mind staying a bit to help me out?

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:27 PM)
about CAPD

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:51 PM)
Diane, my daughter was dx almost 3 years ago and everday I realize how much I have to learn!

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:11:58 PM)
Debbie...absolutely! Not a problem....I was kind of planning on it after our phone conversation today anyway! =)

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:12:14 PM)
You're awesome! Thank you!

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:12:24 PM)
Deb are you who sent tme the e-mail reminder ? if so thank you soooo much

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:12:46 PM)
Awwww, shuck! *L* You're pretty awesome yourself my friend!!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:12 PM)
For those who dont know...Im starting a new shift at my job in the morning...Im use to working til 1 or 2 am and now I go in at 4:45 am so Im adjusting to a new schedule...

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:15 PM)
My son was dx'd the summer after 1st grade he is now in 3rd

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:18 PM)
Diane....Debbie sent you the e-mail reminder

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:26 PM)
So I do apologize for leaving a bit early tonight...........

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:13:55 PM)
Thank you Debbie :) I appreciate very much :)

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:14:00 PM)
Go get some sleep Debbie...and thanks for my e-mail today...I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:14:26 PM)
You both are very welcome! Goodnight and I"ll talk to you all soon....

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:14:41 PM)
Thanks Debbie

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:14:42 PM)
TTYS Debbie! Nighty night!

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:15:00 PM)
Deb I will have an email to you early tomorrow with instructions for the teacher to access simulation......

debbie (ID=39) (Jan 2, 2001 10:15:05 PM)
sweet dreams!!

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:15:16 PM)

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:15:19 PM)
Deb did you say you have a son or daughter ?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:15:48 PM)
Diane...I have a son...8...2nd grade

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:16:18 PM)
Does he have an IEP/ and did you have to figh to get it ?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:16:25 PM)
He was dx just before he turned 5, but we started testing him when he was around 4....

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:17:02 PM)
He has had an IEP since he was 3 and in Nursery School...his NS teacher is the one who suspected a problem...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:17:46 PM)
He also has a language/speech problem...that's how we got the IEP...NOT because of his APD...

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:17:58 PM)
I had to have my son privately tested the summer after 1st grade they wanted to retain him and i knew something just wasn't right they said he was immature and did not have enough academics in kdg,...

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:18:38 PM)
I was so angry at the school district then :(

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:18:40 PM)
did you retain him I'm being told Timmy may need to

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:18:50 PM)
Travis has been privately tested as well...they are much more thorough, and know what to look for...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:19:47 PM)
The schools just don't understand or know about APD's....WE, as parents, MUST do the educating to the educators...wether they want to hear it or not!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:19:48 PM)
who tested him

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:20:11 PM)
NO I refused to let them do that,... his self-esteem was already being bashed because of his unrecognized problem and he was saying things like "I'm just stupid etc"

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:20:37 PM)
How did you stop the school

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:21:06 PM)
and I knew how smart he was and that there was some kind of problem he is also dyslexic

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:21:42 PM)
How is he doing in second

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:21:56 PM)
I told them what I thought and the proof would be in the testing I was going to have done over the summer they agreed

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:23 PM)
Diane.....That is SOOOOOOOOOO horrible when you hear your child say things like that...and it's not they they are stupid, they just don't 'get it' as quickly as the other kids do. Tavis' teacher this year, thought maybe he should go back to 1st grade....I said NO WAY!!! Plus, his 6 y.o. brother is in 1st grade...hmmmm...wou;dn't that be just great for the self esteem levela?

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:22:50 PM)
He is now in third grade and doing well

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:01 PM)
Sorry, my typing is getting sloppy!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:21 PM)
What have you done to bring him up to grade level

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:23:25 PM)
No it would not be good Deb and I feel self-esteem is half the battle

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:11 PM)
He has been using earobics and is in the resource room for reading and language arts

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:19 PM)
Yes, it is...I just started Travis with therapuetic horseback riding lessons...he goes again tomorrow about his self esteem going WAAY UP!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:24:56 PM)
I how long have you done earobics

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:25:43 PM)
I couldn't handle him thinking that he was stupid,........we have been using it since 2nd semester og 2nd grade

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:26:28 PM)
and all the testing proved me right and now they listen to me

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:26:59 PM)
Diane is your son main streamed in a reg class

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:27:35 PM)
Diane...goood for you! We parents must always stay on top of what is going on in school....T's teacher and I have a notebook that goes back and forth every day...that way we both know what's going on...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:27:49 PM)
Mine is....

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:27:54 PM)
They want to move Timmy into a special class we are in private school...I think mainly because they don't want to help

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:27:59 PM)
Yes he is he has 45 mins of reading and 45 mins of language arts in the resource room

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:28:42 PM)
Thats right you told me Sorry

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:29:06 PM)
Jill...A lot of private schools aren't required to do sppech therapy/ OT therapy, etc...which I find very sad.

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:29:26 PM)
We have private speech weekly

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:29:34 PM)
Is it a spec ed class Jill ?

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:29:58 PM)
self contained ?

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:07 PM)
No private Just him and the teacher

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:26 PM)
for all his work ?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:31 PM)
At school, or outside of school?

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:45 PM)
She is the one that tested him we next need an audio done

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:30:55 PM)
It is outside school

Diane (ID=48) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:19 PM)

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:32 PM)
Jill...when looking for an audiologist, make sure you get one who knows CAPD, and can test for it...very importnat!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:31:42 PM)
Actually we have kept the school in the dark because we know the want to move him

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:32:16 PM)
That's probably a smart move on your part....

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:32:39 PM)
She gave us on and she actually did her thesis on the subject...the spl

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:32:40 PM)
It's ashame the school is like that, and unfortunatley, most are.

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:33:40 PM)
The funny thing its a Christian School...we are moving school at the end of the year.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:33:51 PM)
That's she is very familiar with it...that is a big plus! Travis/ SLP did her grad work with an audiologist who HAS APD...thought that was pretty neat.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:01 PM)
You would think that they would be mostly concerned with...'How can we help this child learn better'...not ...'Let's get this kid out of here' sad....and frustrating!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:35:39 PM)
I hoping after I'm done they will

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:36:03 PM)
I'll keep my fingers , eyes and ears crossed!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:36:10 PM)
His teacher is young no kids and by the book no creativity

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:37:02 PM)
Funny thing is Tim love her...I'm frustrated with her ..

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:37:33 PM)
That is the kind of teacher that is WRONG for an APD child...they need one who is creative, can teach differently, and in a fun way...keeps their interest and focus a lot better.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:38:06 PM)
Really? Isn't that odd, that he really likes her?

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:38:42 PM)
Tim's spl is going in to observe him and her and help her to learn how to teach him and other that may come her way..We'll see if she does it.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:39:48 PM)
If she's a 'by the booker' teacher, it has to be frustrating for you! I hope that she follows through with make sure that she does...keep asking her if/when she is going to do it!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:41:00 PM)
We really lucked out his spl adores him and wants to really to have the best So between his father, her and me We'll get me through the year and make sure next teacher is prefect

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:43:13 PM)
That is wonderful Jill that she really is looking out for him, and adores him...just keep thinking...the year is half over with...only the last half to go! i KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT GETTING THE PERFECT TEACHER FOR NEXT YEAR....I have the one picked out for Travis next year...she taught special ed for 14 yrs., and is now a reg. ed teacher...

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:44:09 PM)
She isn't in california is she?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:44:29 PM)
No....Florida....not sunny right now though!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:48:23 PM)
The one thing about public school I think they are have more education...We left public for private because of peers. But I think the public has so much more and the teacher are better educated

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:50:06 PM)
i'M NOT TOO FAMILIAR WITh private schools....but I have always had good luck (so far) with public. Although, this school year, the boys just started going to a charter school...I LOVE IT!!!!!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:51:43 PM)
I have tried to get two charter school started with a school district that unfornately does want progress( competion)

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:52:16 PM)
Timmy is my youngest out of three boys

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:52:39 PM)
That's not fair...but you're right, they don't want the competition. How old are your other 2?

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:13 PM)
10 years 5th grade and 12 7th grade

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:30 PM)

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:53:59 PM)
I have another boy...6 years, 1st grade....wanted a girl, but stopped at two!

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:54:20 PM)
Thats good 3 can rock the house

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:54:21 PM)
Tavis, my APD'er, is 8, and in 2nd grade...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:54:42 PM)
So I've heard! Both of my brother have 3....

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:27 PM)
Hey Diane....

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:55:39 PM)
My older two because they are older as best friends and can't wait to be together...glad you are back Diane

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:56:14 PM)
Hi I'm not sure what happened I had to restart !!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:56:32 PM)
Everything froze

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:56:51 PM)
Our computer use to do that to you have aol

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:57:22 PM)
Yep AOL and I'm getting real tired of it happening :(

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:57:33 PM)
Travis and Corey get along really well...for the most part anyway! But, I can see as Corey gets a little older, he is going to be hangin' with the guys...he makes firiends very easy...Travis, is more of a loner...makes me sad. =(

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:58:00 PM)
I call it Always Off Line

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 10:58:02 PM)
That's weird Diane...does it happen a lot?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:58:12 PM)
Deb I have the same worries about my Jake

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:58:39 PM)
Yes it happens way to much

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 10:59:27 PM)
You may have to upgrade your computer we did that at christmas and it helped I know that isn't what you wanted to hear

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 10:59:34 PM)
He has friends but has some socialazation probs.

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:00 PM)
Does he do things outside school?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:15 PM)
Travis has always, always been a loner...until he was dx, couldn't figure out why...but, take him OUT of the school setting, and he's the first to go up to a kid in the park and introduce himself, and start to play...doesn't feel the pressure I think, like in school...doesn't feel like he's being looked at differently, or isn't as smart...

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:00:22 PM)
Yes he plays soccer and is in cub scouts

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:12 PM)
But he just doesn't seem to cue in on social skills as well as other kids

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:33 PM)
Boys can be like that too

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:41 PM)
and he is very friendly and outgoing

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:01:57 PM)
I need to get Travis into something...I'm hoping this therapeutic horseback riding helps, and maybe get him involved...he IS NOT a good team sport player!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:02:07 PM)
Yes I was wondering if it is just a "guy thing "

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 11:02:47 PM)
team sports are hard for must little boy

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:10 PM)
Diane...Travis doesn't cue in on social stuff either....I don't really think it's a guy thing, just another APD thing...sadly...=( =(

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:10 PM)
most men too

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 11:03:39 PM)
can an ot help there?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:07 PM)
soccer has helped Jake some and his Dad and I are the scout leaders and he is pretty close with that group of boys but they seem to be maturing faster I think

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:04:48 PM)
My youngest, Corey, has already told a girl in his class he's in love with her, he gets all of the jokes he's told...he laughs at the jokes when told to him...he has tons of friends, knows all of the kids names in his class, etc, etc....but, NOT Travis...

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:05:51 PM)
Deb thats interesting that is my Jake exactly,...... I learn new things about APD all the time

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:05:54 PM)
Travis is also 'immature' for his age...another APD trait....

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:06:20 PM)
My gosh I have so much to learn about all this

Jill (ID=47) (Jan 2, 2001 11:06:45 PM)
Well ladies it is getting late need to do the bed routine Thank you for your support and advice this evening I so appreciate it and hope that it gets warmer in Florida and that your week is bright Thanks bye

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:07:13 PM)
Night Jill nice chatting with you

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:07:18 PM)
Diane....our APD'ers just need a little more guidance, a little more understanding, a little more of everything. But, they're probably the most loving kids around!

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:07:32 PM)
Night Jill...see you next week I hope...8 PM!!!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:08:21 PM)
Oh Deb you are so right,.. and it is so wonderful to talk to some one that knows what it is like to have a child with this

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:10:52 PM)
It can be oh soooooooo frustrating a lot of the time...but, we just have to kick in our gear again, and keep going. I'll tell you...Travis was dx almost 4 years ago, and until I moved to Florida, and founf Debbie and this site about 8 months ago, I knew NOTHING, other than what was told to me 4 years ago...Debbie, and this web site, have saved me, and Travis. I am now helping her out with the NCAPD...she has been my God send and saviour!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:13:00 PM)
Well I am sooooo happy I have stumbled onto this site, I look forward to learning from all of you and having people who understand to bounce things off of

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:14:44 PM)
Another great thing too...every other Tuesday morning from 8:30 - 10:00 AM EST, there is a chat with Dr. was today, the week after next, will be the next chat with Dr. J...try and can ask him anything...he is VERY knowledgable, and a wonderful man! Although I've not met him....

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:15:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:15:21 PM)
Hi are you?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:15:32 PM)
I am doing great thanks

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:15:47 PM)
Do you have a child with APD?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:16:00 PM)
My name is Shawna, I suppose I should have used that rather then

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:16:17 PM)
*L*...what the heck!

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:16:30 PM)
I am taking my daughter to the audiologist tomorrow to start the screening process for CAPD

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:16:45 PM)
How old is she?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:16:49 PM)

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:17:36 PM)
I took her to an audiologist already but she said all she could do was the basic screening, and that she would need to see a different audiologist for the CAPD, so we shall see

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:18:00 PM)
My son is 8....and I just had him re-evaled after 4 years...ASK QUESTIONS....when they go over the results with you...and after you get the report, ask more...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:18:29 PM)
Is this audiologist familiar with CAPD? Can they dx it?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:19:17 PM)
I feel so much like I am in the pilots seat with all of it, she has been diagnosed with ADHD and depression, and I am the one who has had to push for all of it.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:19:18 PM)
You need to have one that knows CAPD...very important!

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:19:51 PM)
Yes this one that she is seeing tomorrow does know about it, at least that is what the first audiologist I hope so

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:19:59 PM)
And you will ALWAYS be the one to push for wise and everything else.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:20:09 PM)
Yup that is for sure.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:20:24 PM)
The appt she has tomorrow is about an hour long...does that sound about right?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:20:30 PM)
Diane is new to this still here Diane?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:20:44 PM)
I'm still here LOL

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:20:59 PM)
It is good to talk to people who understand about this

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:21:01 PM)
Diane...OK just checking...jump on in!

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:21:11 PM)
I hope I didn't interrupt??

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:21:54 PM)
And I was just going to say that it amazes me that evryone has to fight for their child like I did,...... something is wrong with that it really upsets me :(

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:22:02 PM)
Shawna....Travis' last eval lasted about 3 1/2 hours, the Dr. said it would be about 2-2 1/4 hours, but Travis was holding up real well, so they did addt'l testing....

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:22:23 PM)
hmmm, now that makes me wonder about this appt tomorrow

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:22:48 PM)
Yes Diane I agree with you, sometimes it drives me nuts that the drs don't offer up info

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:22:54 PM)
Diane...You are soooooo right...and I agree with you...BIG TIME!!! It can be very frustrating!

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:23:44 PM)
?'s ?'s ?'s...always ask them...and if you don't know which ones to ask right then, findout, then ask them later! I do it all the time!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:24:03 PM)
Deb did school pay for his evaluations,...if I may ask

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:24:31 PM)
Shawna...ask them what testing they are going to do...what time is the appt.?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:24:34 PM)
Yes I found that to be very true with her ADHD, lots of questions, that is why I do so much research on the net, so that I can find out what to ask

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:24:43 PM)
the appt is at noon

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:24:53 PM)
Diane....No...we did it privately...his insurance paid for it.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:25:10 PM)
our insurance is paying for ours also

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:25:24 PM)
mine was private too, but insurance would not cover it,

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:25:49 PM)
I just needed a refferal(sp) from her regular dr.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:25:51 PM)
Shawna...lots of times, they dx ADD or ADHD, when it really is just CAPD...BUT, a lot of the time, they can and do, co-exist.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:26:20 PM)
Yup that is what I have realized with all the reading I have done.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:26:37 PM)
even depression is sometimes misdx when it is really CAPD

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:26:38 PM)
Diane...were you referred to do the APD testing, or did you just go and do it on your own?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:27:07 PM)'re right.

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:27:25 PM)
Oh my god Deb I didn't know that,........ my son'd teacher said that ADHD was what he had and dr confirmed that he ADD only but I wonder

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:27:30 PM)
I knew when I typed referred it didn't look right...LOL

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:28:27 PM)
Yes Diane that is what I was told also, and my daughter is on meds for it, and I do believe that she may actually have both, she has so much excess energy, but I think that sometimes they take the easier route and dx the easiest quickest thing

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:28:45 PM)
I just did it on my own I knew that something wasn't right for a long time

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:29:25 PM)
My son is on meds,.....He is on Concerta and it does seem to help

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:29:52 PM)
At Travis' first eval, 4 years ago, they said CAPD, and it was a toss up and the ADD...the new eval, done in Oct. the Dr. said NO WAY with ADD, just some serious APD issues, new ones we weren't aware of...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:30:52 PM)
But, Travis does take ritalin, to help him focus and stay on task better.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:31:05 PM)
Diane was he on anything else before the concerta?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:31:47 PM)
I still feel that we are searching for the right dx I need to have him tested further i think he was dx's by a audiologist and psychologist, should he see someone else his testing ltook 5 hours

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:33:04 PM)
He was on reg Ritalin before i like the Concerta one dose a day and his concentration lasts till after homework most nights

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:33:20 PM)
Hope is on Adderall, we have tried ritalin, not a whole lot seems to be helping her, she cannot focus well at all, she is so easily distracted and I always hear about how she is off task, she HATES loud noises, and when she is overloaded it looks like she is gonna crawl out of her skin if the outside noise doesn't stop

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:33:51 PM)
With Travia' first eval, he was seen by a child neurologist, child phychologist, SLP, and one other...can't remember right now.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:34:30 PM)
was he seen by all those people on one day? or were they spread out appts?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:35:12 PM)
Deb does it make a difference between speech/lang and audiologist ?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:35:20 PM) thing to make sure they test her for tomorrow, is hearing in background noise...that's one of Travis' worst problems...we will be trying out FM traqiners when school goes help him hear the teacher, and not the background noise.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:35:56 PM), they were spaced out over a few months.

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:36:31 PM)
yes I really think that is her hardest part also, like if the tv is on in the house, there is no reason to even try to talk to her, but to everyone else it just looks like she is *ignoring* me

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:36:51 PM)
Diane...You mean as far as testing goes? If yes, then yes, it does make a difference.

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:36:53 PM)
Exactly Shawna

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:37:22 PM)

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:37:33 PM)
Yes with testing deb , I want him to have the right and best dx

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:38:53 PM)
I am SOOOO happy to have found this room, do you both come in here often? it is so great to talk with people who don't think I am nuts, people look at me like I am a fool, like I am reaching for the perfect dx, I just want what is best for my child. People think that if her hearing test comes back ok then there is nothing wrong.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:38:57 PM)
Diane...then for doing the testing to dx APD, then you want to see an audiologist who is familiar with, and can dx CAPD. A SLP can't do it...they may suspect, but can't properly administer the proper MUST be in a sound booth when testing for APD.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:39:57 PM)
Shawna...and that is SO WRONG!!! Her hearing is probably JUST FINE...but, her PROCESSING ISN"T!!!!!!!! HUGE, HUGE, HUGE difference!

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:40:10 PM)
I couldn't agree more!!!!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:40:50 PM)
He was never tested in a sound booth

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:41:23 PM)
with either of your sons, do they have language or speech problems? I don't feel that Hope does, she seems to do well with this area, but I am just curious what you both have encountered as far as this

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:41:29 PM)
Shawna...I'm usually here every Tues. night for chat....and every other Tues. in the AM...8:30 - 10 AM with Dr. J...he is awesome. Debbie, the hostess of this wonderful chat, had to leave early tonight..she had her hours switched at work, and has to get up at 3 AM...

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:42:12 PM)
They all conferred and said it was CAPD, and no my son does not have speech or language probs

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:42:33 PM)
Travis has had sppech therapy since he was 3, and his Dr. wants hoim to be eval'd for language...we start that the 10th of this school.

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:42:36 PM)
Everyone is amazed at his vocabulary

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:42:47 PM)
I am going to make sure I write those times down, so that I can learn all I can and have support in this process

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:43:30 PM)
I wish i could attend the morning chat :(

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:43:42 PM)
Yes that is how it is with Hope, she does great with spelling tests and either of your sons have poor writing? I am curious if that can be a part of it. She writes very sloppy.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:44:03 PM)
The next chat in the AM with Dr. J will be Tues. Jan. 9th...

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:44:19 PM)
Writing is a nightmare here, he is really having a tough time with cursive

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:44:35 PM)
what time zone is that for?

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:45:15 PM)
Yes, it is part of it...another APD trait! Travis' printing has improved GREATLY since last year, but he still writes very BIG, it's very difficult for him to write small.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:45:26 PM)

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:45:48 PM)
ok good to know that about the writing...another thing for me to point out to the audiologist

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:46:15 PM)
I can only imagine the problems we'll have with cursive! My 6 y.o. dabbles with cursive already!

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:46:21 PM)
Oh I can't believe you said that Deb that is one thing that I am constantly trying to get jake to do is try to right smaller

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:46:35 PM)
WOW me too with Hope

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:46:47 PM)
and if she tries to write smaller it is sloppier

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:46:49 PM)
I am just amazed at all these traits that he has are so common for CAPD

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:47:02 PM)
It's VERY DIFFICULT for them, especially if there is a small motor issue, like there is with Travis.

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:47:14 PM)

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:47:45 PM)
no real small motor issues for jake he does remarkable things with Legos and such

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:47:56 PM)
do either of you have the disorder also? in getting Hope dx with ADHD I discovered that I have it also, and I think that I may have APD also

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:48:21 PM)
As far as I know, I don't have it...

RICHARD45 (ID=51) (Jan 2, 2001 11:48:21 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:48:40 PM)
Hi are you tonight?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:48:52 PM)
Hi Richard45

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:49:04 PM)
What brings you here tonight?

RICHARD45 (ID=51) (Jan 2, 2001 11:49:05 PM)

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:49:15 PM)
No I don't but I;m sure my husband has it and Jake inheritated his dyslexia from his father also

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:49:50 PM)
My husband and son are miror images of each other

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:50:09 PM) you have a child with APD?

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:50:28 PM)
that is how it is with Hope and I, the more I learn about her the more I learn about me

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:50:46 PM)
Ooops, we lost Richard...I wonder if he got booted off....

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:51:41 PM)
I sometimes see some of me when I'm researching...but, I really don't think I have it...

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:51:48 PM)
I love cable modem, I never get booted anymore

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:52:08 PM)
What's cable modem Shawna?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:52:09 PM)
My hubby wants to go cable too

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:52:34 PM)
he hates AOL

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:52:52 PM)
It is through my cable company, and it is always connected, and you don't use your phone line, so there is no need for a second line or tying up your main line

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:53:10 PM)
and it is connected at a higher speed then most modems

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:53:31 PM)
I just got a new computer from, no more AOL, I now have compuserve....don't know about that yet...haven't had it long enough...

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:54:05 PM)
Through your tv cable company? How much is it?

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:54:20 PM)
wahhhh I'm jealous Deb I want a new computer really bad :(

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:54:26 PM)
I don't use any of those services, I have to have an internet service provider where I live and it just doesn't pay for me to use both

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:54:45 PM)
Yes through my tv cable company, and it cost me $30 a month

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:55:03 PM)
I really needed one that was faster, and that I could store LOTS of stuff in it..I needed it for my photo business.

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:55:15 PM)
Thats a good price Shawna it's $50 here

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:55:49 PM)
Mine is so slow it drives me nuts

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:56:04 PM)
Hmmmm....don't know if I could do get the computer at the price my hubby got it, there is a 3 yr. sign on with

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:56:04 PM)
and on top of that I have my cable bill too, but I couldn't resist it, it is so much nicer, and anytime I want to get on, I just hop right on, no connecting or anything

Deb (ID=42) (Jan 2, 2001 11:57:06 PM)
That sounds SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME SHawna...I would love that!

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:57:33 PM)
yeah see here if I want a service like compuserve or AOL or msn, I have to pay for that service plus pay the internet service provider, so I don't use any of those services, I just connect to the net

diane (ID=49) (Jan 2, 2001 11:57:37 PM)
it is instantanious my neighbor has it I was amazed at how fast things load

Butterfly (ID=50) (Jan 2, 2001 11:58:16 PM)
yes it is quick

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