pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:22:03 AM)
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debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:29:10 AM)
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debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:29:17 AM)
good morning!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:29:32 AM)
good morning to you.
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:29:58 AM)
How are you doing this morning?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:30:28 AM)
fine and you?
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:30:45 AM)
doing pretty good...I hope you haven't been waiting in here very long...
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:31:05 AM)
No only about 5 minutes.
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:31:57 AM)
ok..I was trying to do a bit of filing before the chat. Where are you from?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:32:18 AM)
Cairo, Ga.
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:32:52 AM)
I"m just over your southern border in Jacksonville, Florida
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:33:00 AM)
Do you have a child with APD?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:33:09 AM)
We go to the zoo there every year.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:33:12 AM)
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debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:33:30 AM)
We really like the zoo here too....
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:33:35 AM)
Good Morning Dr j!
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:33:47 AM)
Good morning Debbie and pabu. How are you both this morning?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:34:01 AM)
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pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:34:07 AM)
I am ok and you?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:34:12 AM)
Here I arrive, and I have to excuse myself for just on minute. BRB
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:34:26 AM)
Goodmorning everyone!!
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:34:36 AM)
Good morning Deb! How are you this morning? How's the hand?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:34:45 AM)
Good morning Deb
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:35:22 AM)
So very is totally back to normal...go figure! How are you today Debbie? Getting used to the new work schedule?
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:35:54 AM)
Yes I finally am starting to adjust a bit to the new hours.I really do like them.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:01 AM)
Good morning are you today?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:02 AM)
Back again.....and Good morning Deb.
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:07 AM)
Pabu, is this your first time in the chat?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:16 AM)
Goodmorning Dr. J....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:22 AM)
yes it is
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:43 AM)
Deb I am fine and you?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:43 AM)
I feel like I've been out for so's so great to be back!
debbie (ID=36) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:45 AM)
We are happy you could join us today.....
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:36:56 AM)
How are you Deb....and a very Happy New Year to you and to pabu as well.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:37:00 AM)
Great, thanks pabu..
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:37:23 AM)
Happy New year to you to Dr. J
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:37:34 AM)
Yes, wilkomen, bienvenue, Cabaret....sorry! ;-)
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:37:40 AM)
Same to you Dr. J....Travis is enjoying his therapeutic horeseback riding!!
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:38:34 AM)
That's great. Surprised that he can even go horseback riding at this time of year....but, maybe it's not too cold where you are?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:09 AM)'s been warmer...but he has had good weather on the days he has gone riding.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:13 AM)
well, there go the gremlins munching up debbie.......pulling her our of the chat ;-)
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:42 AM)
Deb, if I'm not mistaken, you live near Debbie, right?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:44 AM)
That happened last Tues. night on the parent chat...had a few parents chewed up by those nasties!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:52 AM)
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Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:56 AM)
Yes, about 2 hours away.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 8:39:57 AM)
oops! wrong button
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:40:14 AM)
But, she makes it back safely.....tah-tah!
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:40:28 AM)
Silly're our professional computer woman!!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 8:40:54 AM)
got you fooled Deb! *LOL*
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:41:13 AM)
*L* did a good job! *L*
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:41:32 AM)
pabu, I understand this is your first time at this chat. If you have never been at a chat before, please understand it can be a bit overwhelming at first. But, right now, we're just "chit-chatting" for a few minutes waiting to see if anyone else arrives.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:42:08 AM)
ok I am just looking at test results.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:42:19 AM)
I just lit a fire under our ESE woman this week...told her I wanted Travis' FM system ASAP...we'll see what happens when I see her at school tomorrow....
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:42:37 AM)
Deb, is the FM in his IEP?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:43:12 AM)
No, but Dr. Hall, up at Shands had put that in his recommendations for Travis after he saw him.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 8:43:45 AM)
Are you going to need to rewrite his IEP in order to get it included?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:43:50 AM)
Is the school agreeing to add the FM in his IEP?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:44:51 AM)
Thet're going to get him one, but they are all in use right now...that's what his SLP told me. Yes, we will include that when we get together after his Language eval has been written up...his SLP says he does have language issues as well as his speech....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:45:07 AM)
Dr.J what is noise tolerance training?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:45:40 AM)
Debbie....yes, I'm sure we will have to re-write his, I want to add a few getting his Earobics daily at school, as well as at home.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 8:46:33 AM)
Deb, when is the language eval suppose to be ready?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 8:47:36 AM)
She did it last Wed. and I spoke with her on Fri...she was in the process of getting it written up. She sees him today at school, and I will see her on Friday there. So, hopefully, I will have it this week.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:48:11 AM)
pabu, you asked "What is noise tolerance training?" I will reply ONLY as follows. SInce I have no knowledge of the specifics of to what this is related, and since terms are often used in APD and APD reports meaning many different things to many different people, I will begin only with MY understanding and interpretation of this.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:48:46 AM)
Thats fine because I have no idea what it means
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:49:57 AM)
Noise Tolerance is something I have used as a term and I have heard used related to two factors: (1) Some children with APD have auditory hypersensitivities....that is, they have problems dealing with certain sounds, especially loud sounds; (2) Sometimes noise tolerance is used in relation to auditory distractibility such as in the Buffalo Model in which a child is identified as having APD in the Tolerance-Fading Memory category.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:50:52 AM)
pabu, before I go should go to the person writing the report or recommending the "noise tolerance training" and ask THEM what they mean by it...why it is recommeneded, and what is the expected outcome from such training.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:51:33 AM)
To go on....then, if a child has auditory sensitivities to certain sounds, tolerance training then would be to help the child learn to tolerate the "noxious sounds." Does that make sense?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:52:52 AM)
The person whp recommened this is a audiologist at FSU yes it does make sense I just don't know how to do this.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:53:37 AM)
Is the audiologist at FSU recommending YOU to do the noise tolerance training yourself?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:54:11 AM)
she really didn't say it is in the report that he would benifit from this
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:56:20 AM)
I mean there are 10 recommentaions plus the noise tolarance plus the use of a fm system
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:57:27 AM)
Pabu, then, you may want to go back to that audiologist and ask for more specifics on what are the recommendations for....for you to be doing at home OR for a specialist to be doing and which specialist? In school? Privately? etc. Also, is the noise tolerance training for auditory hypersensitivity or for auditory distractibility. The training for each would be different.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 8:59:03 AM)
I will call down there later today thank you.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 8:59:50 AM)
pabu, please understand my next comments....they are NOT criticisms of the audiologist. Audiologists as with many professionals in health and educational areas, are trained a certain way and it is usually not what I call "client centered" or "family centered." Thus, the info provided and the reports written are often written for another professional with knowledge and NOT for the parents or the client. So, you may need to go back and get clarifications of any questions you have on the report and the information provided to you by the audiologist.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:00:44 AM)
I agree with you I had to ask Calebs speech teacher what most of it meant
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:03:29 AM)
DR J, how do we go about getting more "family centered" reports?
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:04:54 AM)
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Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:02 AM)
Dr. it 'normal' for an APD child to have really 'off' days.....maybe a weeks worth ( or two..) in school...and then, turn around and have many 'on' days, or even weeks at school?
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:15 AM)
good morning Carol
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:25 AM)
good morning
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:29 AM)
Goodmorning carol....
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:36 AM)
good morning
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:44 AM)
I am glad that there is a professional you were able to contact for help. You may want to ask Caleb's school SLP about the noise tolerance training as well. If the problem is related to auditory sensitivity, it would be one thing, but, if it's related to auditory distractibility then it is may also be called auditory figure-ground training. Years ago, a company called DLM came out with a packaged program for Auditory Figure-Ground and the program is still around. I know another company bought it up and is now distributing it - I think DLM went out of business.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:44 AM)
Good morning Carol
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:05:51 AM)
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:06:45 AM)
I asked her she has no idea what it is.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:07:30 AM)
I just got a catalog in the mail this last week from Lingui Systems with various programs for auditory processing disorder listed in the catalog. Dr J are you familiar with Lingui Systems?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:08:28 AM)
She said she would find out so now I can let her know there are two kinds and we need to know which one to teach him.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:08:31 AM)
Debbie, that's a great question about getting more professionals especially in the fields of audiology and SLP to be more "family centered." The answer has to be their training. It doesn't mean a new degree such as in counseling, social work, etc. (it is from these fields that client centered and family centered approaches have developed). It really comes from parents making professionals aware of the professional's lack of success in supporting the family and giving information to the family that is at THEIR level of understanding.
carol (ID=41) (Jan 16, 2001 9:09:05 AM)
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carol (ID=42) (Jan 16, 2001 9:09:18 AM)
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carol (ID=43) (Jan 16, 2001 9:09:58 AM)
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dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:10:10 AM)
Debbie, what is most interesting is that in many of the latest laws and guidelines (mostly guidelines), the concept of a family centered approach has been incorporated. The most notible is the early intervention part of IDEA (the 0-3 years age group). The plan for children at this level is called the Individual Family Service Plan or IFSP as opposed to the school and pre-school aged plan called the IEP only focusing on the individual.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:10:40 AM)
I know I've viewed reports from different audiologists. When I was reading the reports that one audiologist wrote I was stunned! The audiologist listed deficit by deficit what the findings of the tests were and what could be done to assist in each area. I was amazed at how clear the report was.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:10:44 AM)
Good morning carolbarnes. And hello and goodbye to carol :-)
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:11:16 AM)
I wish our report was like that!!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:12:22 AM)
Is the difference in the way these plan guidelines were written, who they are assuming spends the majority of the time with the kids? In other words, in kids 0-3, they usually spend most of time in day care or with parents and once over age of 4 up, usually in some sort of school setting?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:13:17 AM)
Yes, Debbie, that is why I believe it is so important for parents to ASK the audiologist or professional doing the evaluation what is his/her approach to the evaluation, the disorder (APD in our case) and listen intently and see how the professional approaches your questions and how the professional responds with you. if you ask a question, is the professional's responses something so technical you are lost? Does the professional try to insure you are following, understanding? Does the professional take over the conversation or is there a sense of equality between your as the parent and the professional.
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:13:42 AM)
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debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:13:54 AM)
Good morning CeCe
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:13:56 AM)
Hi CeCe....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:06 AM)
Hello CeCe
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:08 AM)
Good Morning everyone!
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:18 AM)
Debbie, let me see if what you say makes sense. You said, a child from 0-3 spends most of his/her time with the parents/family, while a child above 3 is in school. Well, let's analyze this a minute.....
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:25 AM)
Good morning CeCe
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:41 AM)
Hi Ce Ce
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:46 AM)
How many hours would you say a child is typically awake during the day?
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:14:56 AM)
what age?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:15:22 AM)
Preschool and elementary school age (Let's say up to about the age of adolescents)
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:15:23 AM)
if of school age, my kids are awake about 15 hours a day
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:15:40 AM)
same with mine.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:15:49 AM)
mine too
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:15:59 AM)
when my kids were younger than school age, they were awake about 13 hours a day due to naps
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:16:37 AM)
OK, 15 hours per day on weekends alone means the child is with you 30 hours for JUST two days (Sat and SUn). Now. There's the other 5 days of the week. That's 5 X 15 = 75 hours during the week. Of all of those 75 hours Mon - Fri, how many hours does a child spend in school?
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:17:19 AM)
mine go to school from 8 to 3 roughly so 7 times 5 would be about 35 hours....
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:17:23 AM)
About 35 or so..
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:17:24 AM)
Now, with naps, we can eliminate a few, so, let's cut it down to 60 hours Mon - Fri and 20 hours on the weekends b/c we're gonna let them sleep in late ;-)
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:17:38 AM)
Mine go to school for 7 hrs and 24 mins a day
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:19:50 AM)
So, of all the hours in a child's waking time, they spend, maybe 35 hours per week in school and we subtract the 35 from the 60 Mon - Fri and have a remaining 25 hours Plus the time on the weekends that's +20 or a child has available for parent planning and interactions about 45 hours per week, and of the 35 hours in school, we have to deduct maybe 2 hours per day for NONE teacher involvement....right? So, we take 35 hours in school minus 10 for a total of.....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:21:32 AM)
I agree with you dr.j. no one knows my child better than me and no one spends more time with him and it will be the parents who have to decide what is best for there child so they should be the most informed.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:21:36 AM)
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dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:21:36 AM)
Teacher impact about 25-30 hours per week WHEN THERE IS SCHOOL and parent impact on child 45 hours per week. So, would it make most sense to have a professional approach in which the professionals working with your child know what is going on (30 hours contact and impact) or the parents have control and manage and know what is going on (45 hours per week).
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:21:58 AM)
pabu....I support you 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 %
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:01 AM)
good morning Diane!!!
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:11 AM)
Hi Diane
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:16 AM)
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:17 AM)
FYI that's one gazillion percent!
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:22 AM)
this is my first time here
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:34 AM)
do you all have children with Audit. Proc disord
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:35 AM)
Thank you!!!!!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:44 AM)
Please understand I don't think anyone knows my child better than I do! I'm wondering at the logic behind the differnt approaches.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:45 AM)
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:47 AM)
hello diane
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:52 AM)
hi pabu
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:22:58 AM)
Diane, yes my daughter has APD
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:23:13 AM)
Good morning Diane
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:23:14 AM)
Diane yes my son.
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:23:22 AM)
I have 2 with CAPD, one 11 and one 9, both boys.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:23:34 AM)
The doc. that diagnosed my daughter said there is no med or surg or anything for this. She just has to learn to read lips more is that true
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:23:45 AM)
Then, it should be ALL professionals' jobs to apply a family centered approach and be SURE that the family members (at least one parent at minumum) really understands and knows what its all about for that child. Furthermore, after about 1 - 2 years of working with a child, the parents (family) should be better able than the professionals to provide input and have knowledge.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:24:14 AM)
Agreed, Dr. J!!!!
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:24:25 AM)
The biggest problem I find is getting the teachers to work with you and your child.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:24:26 AM)
besides the changes that need to take place in school
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:24:32 AM)
Good morning to everyone else to joined. I have lost any additional threads. Diane, sorry, what's this with your daughter?
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:25:17 AM)
The doc that diagnosed my daughter happens to have this disorder. He said she should try to become more proficient at reading lips and besides changes at school that is all that can be done
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:25:20 AM)
is that true
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:25:48 AM)
Yes Carol even if you have an IEP who knows if it is followed??
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:25:53 AM)
carolbarnes.....I have to agree. What we need to understand is that teachers as with so many professionals are taught and supported with a professional centered approach. They know what is best and you don't you're just the "crazy mom" or "dumb dad" (don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm one of those dumb dads.)
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:26:03 AM)
i find that a lot of teachers haven't even heard of this....why?
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:26:33 AM)
the doc that diagnosed my daughter said that a lot of kids have this and are mis diagnosed as ADD
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:26:43 AM)
Diane, what disorder are you describing? Is your daughter profoundly deaf and the doc you are discussing making her more oral?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:26:44 AM)
I think before kids were labeled slow learners and they let it go at that
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:26:53 AM)
Most of the older teachers are less accepting.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:26:57 AM)
auditory processing disorder
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:27:42 AM)
The best thing a parent can do and I really commend each and every one in here this morning, is to educate yourself, so that when you go to meetings, you appear knowledgable on the area. It may make the school feel a bit threatened, but when they realize you are not a "crazy mom" or "dumb dad" their attitude does change a bit and they become a bit more willing to work with you.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:28:04 AM)
Diane, an auditory processing disorder or APD (make it easier to type) is NOT a problem with hearing. It is a problem in processing auditory information. Speechreading or lipreading is NOT the sole treatment for APD and it may not even be appropriate for MANY children with APD.
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:28:17 AM)
That is where I'm at AGAIN. I meet with the school in 2 weeks to discuss AGAIN this very topic. My son has, difficulty communciating what is going on in school so I do role play (he the teacher and myself playing him). This is the only way I know what is going on. It is clear to me that the IEP is too vague and what is there the teacher is not implementing it to its fullest.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:28:27 AM)
Debbie where do you learn about this I have read things on the net but I would like a book
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:28:43 AM)
I agree Debbie...we MUST educate the educators where APD is concerned....
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:29:04 AM)
I have a young teacher. The problem I'm dealing with is her inexperience. So older or young there are problems.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:29:19 AM)
i understand that but the doctor that diagnosed my daughter has APD and said that if she can focus on peoples lips as they are speaking to her it will help her to understand even though her ears are fine.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:29:43 AM)
I don't know what else I can do?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:30:08 AM)
I'd like to underscore what Debbie says. Also, learn how to question and ask questions and how to obtain information and knowledge. If necessary, practice asking questions called PROBING. Probing is NOT the same as the usual way we question. It is really more of taking what was said and clarifying, getting deeper into the information, restating to confirm.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:30:10 AM)
i know about changes in school that can help but what about every day things at home
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:30:14 AM)
One tool that you may find helpful in understanding different problems associated with APD is the auditory simulation on the NCAPD website at
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:30:28 AM)
Diane..that may work for HER, but NOT for your child.....
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:30:44 AM)
Diane, but, you question what this doctor said? Right?
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:31:06 AM)
not really I just don't know what to do to help my daughter...this is all very new to me
carolbarnes (ID=40) (Jan 16, 2001 9:31:25 AM)
The younger teachers are more accepting because APD was not an issue for the older teachers when they were teaching years ago. You do really have to be an informed parent going into the meetings. Make sure when you go for your meeting that you have the principal present. It may or may not help depending on the principal.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:31:34 AM)
I have to make sure I have Caleb's attention before I tell him things and then only one at a time not a whole string of things at once.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:32:02 AM)
The simulation is will really give you insight as to what our children, and adults are dealing with...I cried when I viewed the simulation. Which, by the way Dr. J....IS FABULOUS!!!! You and Debbie did a WONDERFUL job!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:32:41 AM)
I ''m glad at least I know what it is because everyone kept telling me that she was fine when I had her tested for LD I kept looking into things until I found this testing and VOILA i found out what the prob. was. and I thank God
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:33:11 AM)
Deb, awhile back you mentioned that you performed preteaching with your daughter with the assistance from the teacher. Back in October I asked for this as well as a communication folder between myself and her. She has yet to share much info. and the "teaching" she offers is for example: "study short i sounds, practice math facts". I want tools or more. What do you do?
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:33:14 AM)
Weel, Diane, what you need is to be sure to have a complete, deep and really good understanding of how your daughter processes information that is causing her to breakdown in her auditory processing. Having this understanding will almost automatically lead you in the right direction to know what to do to help her or to the appropriate questions to ask to get the help.
diane (ID=45) (Jan 16, 2001 9:33:48 AM)
thank you
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:35:04 AM)
CeCe, in the communication folder are you writing notes, asking the teacher questions? This is one place where you can use the idea of probing as Dr J mentioned. Ask the teacher exactly what you should be preteaching your child in order to help prepare them for the next week.......
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:35:33 AM)
CeCe.....Debbie does the pre-teaching with her daughter. But, I do have a notebook that Travis' teacher and I send back and forth daily....really helps us both a lot!!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:36:48 AM)
This is something we have started doing with Caleb I have his letters and his EIP teacher plus his tutor and his speech teacher helps also.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:36:54 AM)
If you dont understand how she wants you to practice the short i sound...ask her what she wants you to do...does she have any suggestions on where you may get workbooks that may help you preteach? ....Dont write statements in the book,,,ask questions so she has to respond.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:38:03 AM)
Absolutely CeCe....that's just what I do,a nd his teacher does the same with is so helpful for both of us!
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:38:58 AM)
We send it back weekly and while I have voiced concerns and have asked questions concerning his comprehension etc..... She has done nothing but sign it and write things as I stated( study short i or o sounds/ rhyming/ count by 2's etc....) I'm going to address everything in 2 weeks at the meeting as well as I have asked for a private meeting with the principal to "remind" her of her responsibility of her staff/ accountability.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:40:10 AM)
One topic that Dr J and I have discussed on several occassions...hope you dont mind me sharing this Dr the important role of two way communication between parents and professionals working with our kids.............
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:40:14 AM)
You can lead a horse to water but can not make them drink. I am in a frustrating position of having a teacher that doesn't get it. We will have to look at a different class placement next year.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:40:55 AM)
The big key is not only to have two way communication, but to have EFFECTIVE two way communication......
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:40:58 AM)
Just to jump in here. We have a folder that goes between home and the SLP for our son as well. It has really been worthwhile. And, when WE forget to respond or put anything in the folder (one a weekly basis) the SLP sends a note back to use the next week, "I did not receive any feedback or questions. Hope all is going well at home." And I have sent her notes when we get notes from her saying "(Our son) is doing fine." My notes say something like "Glad to hear he is doing fine, but fine doing WHAT?"
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:42:07 AM)
Yes, debbie is 10000000% correct. And, again, take what the professionals and teachers send to you and read the responses and see how simply and easily you understand what is being said. If you do not understand, probe with questions, like what I sent to the SLP.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:42:22 AM)
Good poaint Dr. J....we must ASK FOR SPECIFICS...and not take less...keep asking and asking....until you get the answers.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:42:33 AM)
The teacher may be assuming that you know what to do to preteach the things she is you may need to go back and say,,,I know you suggested preteaching in this area,,but I'm not sure what I should do..can you give me SPECIFIC examples?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:42:59 AM)
I always ask for work sheets
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:43:36 AM)
FOr example, if the teacher says, "We're working on chapter 2 in our social studies book." OK, what does WORKING ON mean and what are the key points/facts/vocabulary, (whatever) you want my child to get out of this chapter. THus, we can help him at home as well as in school making your job easier.
Dorien (ID=46) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:21 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:26 AM)
Sometimes as parents, (mainly talking about myself), I get very defensive when it comes to the school and helping Sarah, I have gotten to the point where I automatically assume the school will say no or not be willing to be helpful because of past experience. As Sarah's mom and main advocate, I have to be open to ideas and information from each teacher and have to find a way to work effectively with each teacher.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:32 AM)
hey Dorien!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:36 AM)
hello Dorien
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:37 AM)
Hi Dorien...
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:50 AM)
pabu, worksheets are good, but with preteaching (the best way to prepare you child rather than merely tutoring or reviewing what is presently going on in class) make it clear that you want worksheets for the NEXT section or the UP COMING materials to be covered in class.
Dorien (ID=46) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:55 AM)
Hi everyone
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:46:57 AM)
Good morning Dorien.
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:47:25 AM)
Good morning Dorien!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:47:33 AM)
That is what they give me upcoming work.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:47:58 AM)
This week we are doing the letter Z
Dorien (ID=46) (Jan 16, 2001 9:49:54 AM)
dr.j can a person giving a hearing test pick up on a child with CAPD
CeCe (ID=44) (Jan 16, 2001 9:50:07 AM)
I suppose that is what I'm looking for ----work sheets. This would at least allow me to review the multi - step directions ahead of time so that he may grasp it in class as it is apparent to me that there is no follow-up to make sure that he is on task and truly comprehended what was said.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:50:22 AM)
One good way to understand the idea of preteaching is by looking at the auditory simulation I mentioned earlier on the NCAPD website. There is a section entitled linguistic Knowledge....It demonstrates how knowing the material ahead of time will help you understand a message, even if you only get a few pieces of information.....
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:51:09 AM)
pabu, you seem to really have a lot of your son Caleb's stuff under work and under control. I applaud you.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:52:03 AM)
The simulation for this section uses a nursery rhyme that most of are probably familiar with so we will be able to figure out the rhyme. At the same time, I showed the simulation to a friend of mine from Bulgaria. She is not familiar with our common nursery rhymes and she had not idea what the rhyme was.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:52:30 AM)
Thank you dr.j. I am a parent who will stay in your face until I get what I want if I don't fight for Caleb who will????
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:52:33 AM)
Dorien, a standard hearing test can NOT pick up on auditory processing. However, the intake information may provide clues and some of the test behaviors may provide clues. ALso, a few, very few in my experience, audiologists include Speech-In-Noise as part of their standard audiological test batter. If they do, this could indicate there may be an APD problem
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:53:27 AM)
pabu, you are the type of parent with whom I like to work. As a professional, I call you "advocate" and you're the type of parent with whom I like to work. Keep up the work "advocate" for Caleb.
Dorien (ID=46) (Jan 16, 2001 9:54:08 AM)
I know that my dtr has CAPD but it was suggested to have my 5 year old son tested for this as well.
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 9:54:50 AM)
CeCe, I like what you said about making sure you child understands the multi step directions ahead of time. That is very very important. By understanding these directions and having a familiarity of the directions, your son will better be able to repsond to these directions when given in class.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:55:36 AM)
I am determined that my child will not fall through the cracks of the system I volunteered at our school before we picked up on Caleb's problem and I have seen kids who need help and never get it so when Caleb started school and we noticed his problems I said to my self not my child.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:58:21 AM)
Caleb will do well pabu, because of you!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 9:58:44 AM)
I hope so Deb
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 9:59:11 AM)
pabu, just keep advocating and doing what you as parent feel is best for your child.....he's YOUR child.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 9:59:54 AM)
He will....when the parents care, and do as much as you are, and other parents here as well, they won't slip through the cracks, like sadly, others do.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:13 AM)
I know some times I think I push to hard but I think I have to. I don't care if every one up at the school hates me I am fighting for the life of my child.
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:13 AM)
Yes, Deb. YOu are correct. Unfortunately, many kids do slip through the cracks. As a professional, I often wonder if schools are hoping for the children to slip through the cracks unnoticed until graduation.......whew out of our hands now
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:22 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:32 AM)
Good morning Frances.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:44 AM)
We, as parents, MUST make/take the time to help our children....we certainly can't rely on the schools to do it for us...we can help THEM, to help our children while they are in school, but, at home, is where the real help lies.
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:49 AM)
good moorning
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:01:51 AM)
Hello Frances
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:13 AM)
Pabu, one day the guidance counselor at my daughter's school kindly explained to me that she was only doing her job......I kindly replied that I understood that and that as Sarah's mom , I was only doing my JOB too!
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:17 AM)
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:21 AM)
Hi Frances
Dorien (ID=46) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:30 AM)
good by
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:34 AM)
were are we????
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:38 AM)
good morning Frances! good to see you again
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:02:55 AM)
But you know Deb some times I think they wish us parents would fall off the face of the earth!!!
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:03:10 AM)
thank youit feel good to read from you
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:03:57 AM)
Move to Puerto rico, and if you feel you don't have support there imagine here!!!!
dr.j (ID=37) (Jan 16, 2001 10:04:14 AM)
Excuse me all. I notice that it is close to 10am, and I have to leave at 10 to prepare for my first day's class for this spring semester. So, I hope you all keep up the chat and Please come back in two weeks (January 30th) same time same station. Also, I invite you all to visit the NCAPD website and view the Simulation there. And, please if you can, fill out the feedback form so we can improve the simulation. Bye for now and have a great week all. See you on the CAPD list !
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:04:14 AM)
Oh, ABSOLUTELY pabu...we can be, and sometimes are, their worst nightmares! They don't like being told that they don't know everything...that WE, as parents, may actually know more than they!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:04:39 AM)
bye Dr J....have a great day!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:04:43 AM)
and thank you!
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:04:51 AM)
Bye Dr. J...thanks for always!!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:04:55 AM)
Good bye dr. j. and thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:05:31 AM)
We do know more than they do when it comes to OUR kids
Frances (ID=47) (Jan 16, 2001 10:05:56 AM)
from were are you Carol?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:06:04 AM)
Without a doubt, pabu! That's why we must continue the fight for our kids.....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:07:03 AM)
Our counseler has no children but thinks she's an expert on mine.
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:07:13 AM)
Without us, where would they be? In the cracks....
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:07:14 AM)
I"m going to take an unpopular stance for just a please forgive me everyone.......put yourself in the shoes of the guidance counselor for just a moment........they are in a bad position also at times...they do not get to determine who gets help and who dont.....the school guidelines and district guidelines dictate that...the school personnel are in a frustrating situation at times as well..........
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:07:58 AM)
Agreed Debbie...true, but very sad point!
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:08:15 AM)
I will agree with you because I know that is so true it is up to special ed who gets tested and who does not
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:08:46 AM)
it is sad!! that's why we need to work together in coming up with information to share with schools that they can take back to their district level to try and get us help......
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:09:53 AM)
this is where unfortunately we have to educate the educators....they have 100's of disorders they may have to deal with...we are dealing with the one(s) our child we have more time to devote to helping and definitley a more personal dedication .....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:09:53 AM)
that is what I would love to do I want to help other parents who are not as pushy as me and give up fighting to soon
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:10:45 AM)
then pabu...volunteer to help the NCAPD,,,,help us by talking to parents in chats.....or if you are familiar with the IDEA, help us to hold chats on the IDEA
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:11:54 AM)
Caleb will be given an complete psychoeducational evalution in the spring and that has never been done at our school before because he will be only 6
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:12:02 AM)
sometimes parents just need the encouragement from other parents....someone to say I understand and I do KNOW what you are going through....let them realize you have the t-shirt that says been there..done that..and I can help you...
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:12:22 AM)
Where is it and what is it?
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:12:47 AM)
I want to help
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:13:13 AM)
the NCAPD is a national nonprofit organization that right now is mainly run via the internet.....visit the website at to learn more........the whole thing is about helping parents..and public awareness of the disorder.....
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:13:25 AM)
The NCAPD is what makes this chat possible.....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:13:46 AM)
bless them
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:14:12 AM)
pabu....Bless Debbie and Dr. J....they ARE the NCAPD
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:14:25 AM)
bless both of you
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:14:29 AM)
The NCAPD is new and there is so much to be is going to take time,,,but we will get there....the auditory simulation is a first but HUGE step in public awareness..........
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:15:09 AM)
I want to help you get there
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:15:32 AM)
no Deb...the NCAPD is everyone who joins this chat and shares, or the professionals who have repsonded to join the national referral's you for volunteering tohelp with a newsletter and for always being so supportive....
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:16:03 AM)
What can I do to help Debbie?
Deb (ID=38) (Jan 16, 2001 10:16:10 AM)
Debbie and Dr. J continue to do all kinds of wonderful work, so that they, the NCAPD, can help all of us. BUT< we must also help THEM, if and when we can. TOGETHER, we all CAN and WILL get the information out there!
debbie (ID=39) (Jan 16, 2001 10:16:42 AM)
Pabu, you tell me what your areas of interest are and I'll find a way for you to help.
pabu (ID=35) (Jan 16, 2001 10:17:24 AM)
I want people to know what Capd is when I tell people Caleb has this they look at me weird