Carol (ID=124) (Jan 23, 2001 8:07:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:09:09 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:19:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:19:19 PM)
Hi Kathy

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:19:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:19:42 PM)
Hi Gilly

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:19:51 PM)
Hi Carol

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:19:58 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:02 PM)
This is my firsst time here.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:07 PM)
Hi Deb,

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:14 PM)
Only my second time here

gina (ID=129) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:23 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:28 PM)
My 7 year old daughter has CAPD

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:35 PM)
Hi is everybody tonight?

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:39 PM)
Hello, I was off playing solitaire wait for anyone else.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:44 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:20:46 PM)
I was playing too

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:21:02 PM)
Hi Debbie....

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:21:09 PM)
Hi Debbie

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:21:25 PM)
My 7 year old son had apd. Has any one had any success with any interventions?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:21:35 PM)
hey everyone..sorry im running late

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:21:47 PM)
What interventions

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:22:02 PM)
I just got the diagnosis and need advise

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:22:03 PM)
Debbie...totally off topic for a sec....if AOL bought out Compuserve, how come CS is soooooo AWFUL?!

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:22:10 PM)
We have done fast forward and even auditory processing training.

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:22:35 PM)
Sorry - that is auditory integration therapy.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:22:49 PM)
Deb....even though AOL owns compuserve they are still two totally seperate services.....

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:22:59 PM)
What is auditory integration therapy?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:15 PM)
Boy, what a difference between them...DON'T like CS AT ALL!

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:31 PM)
Hi Pabu

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:32 PM)
Thanks Debbie! *L*

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:36 PM)
It's hard for me to explain - I don't understand it very well. But I'll try.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:48 PM)
Hello every one

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:53 PM)
Hi ya Pabu....

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:23:59 PM)
hi are you otnight?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:24:02 PM)

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:24:08 PM)

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:24:15 PM)
how are you?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:24:36 PM)
I was running late...just got here..did you get my email Pabu?

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:24:39 PM)
He wears headphones 2x a day for 30 minutes each time for 2 weeks. Thru the headphones he hears filtered music and it is supposed to re -train neuro pathways in the brain.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:24:51 PM)
I have to look into it, thanks

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:25:04 PM)
yes and I am on it I have to see my tax lady thurs.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:25:14 PM)
Does he have reading problems or just attentional issues.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:25:29 PM)
ok Pabu....not rushing you..just wanted to make sure I sent to right addy..*LOL*

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:25:49 PM)
we are in the middle of having Caleb tested for ADD

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:17 PM)
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debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:25 PM)
hi are you tonight?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:31 PM)
Hi Diane

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:34 PM)
He has trouble hearing in noisy settings. That affects his attention. His reading seems to be ok. Also he has trouble following long directions.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:39 PM)
Hi Diane

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:46 PM)
Hi Diane

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:26:47 PM)
Exactly like my daughter

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:27:03 PM)
Hi Debbie,Deb I'm pretty good and you ?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:27:04 PM)
She can read and spell fine but when timed or distracted, forget it

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:27:14 PM)
Hi Pabu :)

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:27:17 PM)
I"m doing pretty good....

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:27:20 PM)
She can't even do a 2 step direction

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:27:40 PM)
Are you doing better Diane?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:00 PM)
Yes I am Pabu thanks :)

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:11 PM)
What grade is she in?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:15 PM)

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:24 PM)
I talked to the SLP at my son's school

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:36 PM)
Like my son. It is really hard.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:48 PM)
I know it is so confusing when you first find out . What did she say?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:49 PM)
Yes, the frustration she goes through is the worst

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:28:55 PM)
Gilly, what grade is your son in?

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:29:04 PM)
He is in 2nd.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:29:08 PM)
she is going to get back to me on jake seeing the school audiologist

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:29:08 PM)
our lastest is that the neurologist cleared my son today -no recheck for one year

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:29:31 PM)
and trying to pinpoint his dx

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:29:39 PM)
ENT found a 40% rupture in one of his ears and a non-patent tube in the other

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:29:58 PM)
We are having Caleb tested for ADD

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:30:00 PM)
oh Kathy that sounds terrible

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:30:00 PM)
wow Kathy!

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:30:14 PM)
When Pabu ?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:30:43 PM)
The teachers have done the papers and he goes tothe Dr Feb 15

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:30:56 PM)
too young for repair surgery. Amybody have any idea how much hearing he might be loosing?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:04 PM)
Do you think he is ADD

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:24 PM)
kathy...what did the aud say?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:39 PM)
I don't know the systems are about the same for ADD and CAPD so who really knows?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:42 PM)
I'm skeptical about my son now that i've read so much on CAPD

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:47 PM)
I'm very disappointed, had an appointment at an audiology clinic in Boston and was only seen by a spech pathologist instead of an audiologist so no difinitive CAPD diagnosis though she also agrees Krystie has an APD.

gina (ID=134) (Jan 23, 2001 8:31:56 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:04 PM)
last audio was in Nov at Dr. M she knew there was a rupture but could not visualize it

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:17 PM)
Do you think it is CAPD?

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:20 PM)
today was the recheck with the ENT based on her report

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:28 PM)
Hi Jill

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:32 PM)
I think so

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:41 PM)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:47 PM)
Hi Jill

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:51 PM)
what are they planning on doing for rupture?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:55 PM)
I don't know he is doing better on the meds but he has resource support that he didn't have before the meds

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:32:56 PM)
I think Caleb is too but we want to rule out ADD

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:33:03 PM)

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:33:13 PM)
What kind of meds?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:33:29 PM)
Concerta 36mgs a day

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:33:37 PM)
he can't repair until W is older... if he repairs it and then gets more fluid, he will need another tube....

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:33:46 PM)
is that a form of ridlin?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:33:47 PM)
I knew you said Dr M was unable to do the testing but I didnt remember you saying anything about the rupture

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:34:07 PM)
Yes it is a new formulazation

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:34:27 PM)
slowly released thru the day

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:34:28 PM)
is that the one you take 3X a day?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:34:42 PM)
No just in the am before school

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:34:47 PM)
Deb.......did you ever get to show anyone at the school the simulation?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:35:00 PM)
I am trying to research this in case Caleb goes on med

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:35:31 PM)
he hates to take any thing so I don't know what we will do.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:35:36 PM)
I am happy with this but.....if it's truly CAPD that is the only reason for his problem

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:35:55 PM)
Debbie...I haven't gotten any feedback from anyone yet. I have to go to school tomorrow to take pics at our B.U.G. program....I will ask them all tomorrow.

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:36:13 PM)
she didnt but she said the tympanagram showed that the right ear drum was not vibrating properly and that it showed an opening....I doubt that it was this big...funny thing is I saw the ENT on 11/21 and he was fine ear drum intact, then Dr. M found the opening on the 11/28. Now the hole is big....I wonder if the ENT jsut missedit the first time?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:36:22 PM)
Debbie you all have B.U.G. too

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:36:34 PM)
ok Deb..I couldnt remember if you told me and i'd just forgotten..*LOL*'s called senility

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:36:35 PM)
great program

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:36:36 PM)
I know but we won't know for sure for a yr. and a half and if the med helps then Im willing to do it

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:37:21 PM)
That is my thought Pabu it is helping him now so we continue with it

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:37:32 PM)
Diane & Debbie....yes, I think the B.U.G. program is a great thing. Ahhhhh, senility...remember, it can strike at any age!! *L*

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:37:39 PM)
I also was refered to a new devolpmental ped. in Tampa

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:37:53 PM)
Debbie is there a Chat room Tuesday morning?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:38:05 PM)
what grade is he in Diane?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:38:12 PM)

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:38:20 PM)
The chat is every other Tuesday morning....the next chat with Dr J will be next week since there was not one today

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:38:26 PM)
Caleb is in kindergarten

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:38:55 PM)
Pabu I am instuctional aide for kindergarten

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:38:57 PM)
deb...isn't that an am i suppose to remember senility can hit at any age if i'm already there? *LOL*

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:13 PM)
Does anyone here have a child that is on section 504 without being special needs?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:18 PM)
Don't feel alone Debbie LOL

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:25 PM)
Then you know how hard it is to get help this early

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:34 PM)
Carol, my daughter is on a 504 Plan

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:36 PM)
Debbie....*LOL*'re absolutely right!!!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:45 PM)
What can I put into it to help her?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:54 PM)
I have a basic question...We have had test done with the spl and are looking into a audio done..but the school thinks that with central processing that we need other physological test done When do you know it's enough?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:39:54 PM)
Yes Pabu I had to fight tooth and nail in 1st for jake

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:40:32 PM)
I am fighting now, I mean Caleb cannot go to 1st grade

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:40:36 PM)
my daughter has extra time for tests,,,,pull out of the classroom for major tests (FCAT), FM trainer, tutoring,,,classroom modifications

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:40:41 PM)
I think you know it's enough when they finally listen to you that you have a problem and they are willing to help

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:40:54 PM)
Jill psyc testing first dx'd my sons processing problems

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:40:55 PM)
I think I need all that for her, Debbie

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:41:00 PM)
He cant even say the alaphet

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:41:32 PM)
of corse I can't even spell it :)

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:41:40 PM)
Pabu neither could Jake in Kdg

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:41:53 PM)
Timmy too

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:41:55 PM)
jill...the psychoeducational testing is a good way to know exactly what areas she's having trouble in due to the APD......a multiprofessional approach to helping your daughter is god

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:42:02 PM)
did you let him go on or hold him back?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:42:46 PM)
I let hinm go on because I did not want to squash his self-esteem anymore and I KNEW something was amiss

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:43:04 PM)
but I do understand what you are saying Jill..........Sarah has been through so much testing, you begin to wonder if all the testing itself will drop her self esteem...i wondered if sarah would realy think there was something "wrong" with her since she kept going to doctors.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:43:28 PM)
I don't know where you live but here in Ga. they have to do a lot in 1st and i think he would be lost

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:43:29 PM)
That was a problem for me too so I had to sit down with her and explain what CAPD is.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:43:52 PM)
But what tests..I feel that the school is grasping at straws to label him When we know what it is Also looking for a reason not to help

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:43:55 PM)
actually I demanded he not be retained in 1st they wanted to and that is when I had him privately tested

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:01 PM)
She told me enough testing and she only had 5 so far

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:11 PM)
I"ve talked to Sarah over and over about her CAPD.....

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:12 PM)
Of couse if he gets on meds maybe he can catch up

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:38 PM)
I have him tutored twice a week

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:46 PM)
I have to say Jake started on the meds at beginning of 2nd and it made a huge difference

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:49 PM)
I talk to Travis about his APD as well...and his 6 yr. old brother as well.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:50 PM)
That's good to hear. I was wondering if I should be talking to her about it.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:44:59 PM)
Jill if you see a good pyshcologist who does psychoeducational testing it will be worth it...the CAPD can manifest itself in so many ways,,,,

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:05 PM)
right away?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:08 PM)
I talk to jake all the time about it

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:19 PM)
Sarah approached me the other day and asked me if having CAPD is a good thing?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:25 PM)
in just a few months

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:44 PM)
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Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:50 PM)

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:50 PM)
hey Peggy!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:45:56 PM)
Debbie, what did you say to her when she asked you that?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:00 PM)
Hi Peggy :)

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:06 PM)
How are you Debbie? Hi Diane.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:09 PM)
we get out of school in May but he will still have speech over the summer plus tutoring so who knows?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:17 PM)
Hi Peggy

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:22 PM)
Travis' teacher sent home a present, or a "carrot" to get him through the week...he has been having a rough time lately....

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:25 PM)
Whats up tonight?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:28 PM)
Hi Peggy

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:33 PM)
It will help Pabu to have ongoing summer help

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:41 PM)
I told her that having CAPD was a way that God made her special in his eyes...that although it made it harder for her to hear and understand it made her very special to God

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:41 PM)
Hi Peggy.....

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:53 PM)
Hi everyone!

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:46:56 PM)
Has anyone heard about the CAPD conference in CLearwater in May?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:00 PM)
Is any one in private school

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:03 PM)
I hope so. If it and the meds help maybe I will let him go to 1st

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:09 PM)
I've said the same thing to Krystie

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:12 PM)
Charter School......

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:15 PM)
My son is in private school.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:34 PM)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and send good thoughts your way :)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:37 PM)
Kathy...I thought it was in March...

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:39 PM)
Kathy there is a conference the first of march in clearwater but it is more aimed toward professionals than parents...

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:51 PM)
Thank you and I will do the same for you.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:47:59 PM)
Thanks :)

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:48:10 PM)
Gilly goes your school help you?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:48:32 PM)
Carol both of my girls have a tremendous faith in God,,,,,sometimes that really helps Sarah cope

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:48:34 PM)
I was told May 12, but could be wrong... found out from a pre-k teacher. put on by Educational Resoures?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:48:48 PM)
We do too and I think it helps very much.

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:48:49 PM)
Not really. We have worked tremendoulely with our son ourselves.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:48:58 PM)
Debbie when I find out something do you want me to e-mail you at work or wait for a chat?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:00 PM)
Kathy the conference we are speaking of is being put on by Dr M and Dr Hall

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:02 PM)
Faith of Child is so great..:)

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:13 PM)
Pabu,,,please email me at work

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:13 PM)
Debbie...I don't know though....when I was talking to Dr. Hall the other day, he was heading out to do a confrence, and then I said I had heard about seemed surprized...but I was thinking of the one in March...he said it should be a good one...

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:22 PM)
I will

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:45 PM)
Diane how long has your son been in speech?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:46 PM)
Gilly where are you?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:49:49 PM)
Deb..can you get a list of conferences from Dr Hall that he will be conducting?

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:04 PM)
I am in Miami.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:11 PM)
Kathy....who is sponsoring the conference you are referring to? could you get info ?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:21 PM)
He doesn't have speech but has a resource teacher for reading and spelling an hour and half a day

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:22 PM)
Does anyone have a problem with thier CPAD child having attention problems in regular class?

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:27 PM)
I guess I'll call about the info I have and let you know

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:41 PM)
Educational Resourses

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:42 PM)
Big problems, Peggy. My daughter is in 2nd

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:55 PM)
I do Peggy

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:56 PM)
My son is still having problems in regular class and they are thinking about moving him to special ed class.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:57 PM)
Debbie...I haven't gotton an answer from Dr. Hall yet about the referral program, or his input on the simulation....he was going to be at this other conference til today, I think.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:50:59 PM)
I'm not getting that much help from the school

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:02 PM)
Is that what we call special education down here?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:09 PM)
Debbie...I'll ask him about that, yes.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:20 PM)
Yes it is Pabu

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:30 PM)
My heart is beaking at the thought of him having to switch school mid year to go to the other class.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:33 PM)
isn't it kind of funny that almost 1 /2 the people in the chat are from Florida?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:40 PM)
That is what we want for Caleb

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:51:55 PM)
Deb..he might be with Dr M...I know she went to see Frank Musiek

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:00 PM)
You noticed that too

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:00 PM)
It has made a worls of difference for my Jake

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:07 PM)
I've missed all the people who said they were from too....Ocala.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:08 PM)
Of couse that is not what the school wants to do

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:15 PM)
jill...where are you from?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:26 PM)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:36 PM)
Debbie...I think you're right.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:47 PM)
I had to fight them but they know i mean business now thats how i got the job I have they offered it to me

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:52:55 PM)
Had anyone with attention problems tried meds yet? I have been against it, but might try to keep him in same school.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:04 PM)
Where we don't have electricity I may leave any second do to burn outs

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:14 PM)
Peggy my son is on Concerta

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:18 PM)
We tried meds on my son but they didn't make any difference.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:20 PM)
Peggy, I've not tried any meds with Sarah....

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:27 PM)
understood Jill...good luck!

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:31 PM)
So we took him off.

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:37 PM)
I mean I know we have a little school Pre-K thru 8th and less than 500 students so they are maxed out

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:43 PM)
Diane, Has it helped?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:44 PM)
Peggy.....Travis does take ritalin for attention and focusing does help him with both.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:53:59 PM)
Yes it has Peggy

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:03 PM)
Can ask is med usually given to a capd kid a new kid on the block

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:11 PM)
From what I"ve been told in the past is that if a child is truly APD, that meds would not help unless they had other problems too,,but I May be wrong

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:17 PM)
Jill & Deb, thanks, any problems with the meds

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:33 PM)
I believe that is what we found out with our son.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:36 PM)
No problems here

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:45 PM)

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:54:54 PM)
Debbie, do you think it would hurt to try before moving him to a different school???

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:55:05 PM)
try meds..

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:55:32 PM)
Peggy do you not have inclusion classes where you are ?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:55:47 PM)
so he would not have to move

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:55:53 PM)
They don't, it would mean moving to a different school.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:02 PM)
Peggy that is a tough call...before I would put Sarah on meds, I'd have to know exactly what the doctor thought the meds were goign to do to help Sarah......and I"d have to have soemthing showing effectiveness with others....

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:04 PM)
I was told meds wouldn't help the CAPD issues but would help with the frustration and anxiety she has. We didn't try any, yet.

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:07 PM)
They say no room. cost.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:12 PM)
thats to bad we are lucky to have them here

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:13 PM)
Isn't that against the law?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:47 PM)
under parents right they have to teach him at his school??

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:48 PM)
Diane, is your child in a special class? Does it help?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:56:54 PM)
Carol I think that is where the meds help my son he calls it his concentration medicine

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:57:02 PM)
I am having an IEP meeting this Friday to discuss this possible move.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:57:06 PM)
What is he on, Diane?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:57:31 PM)
He is in a resource room for reading and spelling hour and a half a day

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:57:39 PM)
The move is because he still has problems in regular class focusing and staying on task. He is fine with FM in smaller group.I

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:57:41 PM)

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:05 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:08 PM)
Peggy where do you live?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:14 PM)
hi laurasmom

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:21 PM)
West Chester, PA

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:22 PM)
and sits atthe front of the room in reg classroom

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:27 PM)
hey are you?

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:36 PM)
hello laurasmom

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:43 PM)
I am at work, so I have to switch back and forth with chat.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:48 PM)
Krystie does, too and the teacher does special things to get her attention through the day

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 8:58:51 PM)
Hi, Deb and everyone, Pabu, jill, kathy, peggy

Peggy (ID=135) (Jan 23, 2001 8:59:02 PM)
Hi Laurasmom.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 8:59:03 PM)
Same here he has agreat teacher

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:59:09 PM)
Do you have a copy of your parents right Peggy?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 8:59:39 PM)
My son has a great teacher too...what a difference that can and does make.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 8:59:49 PM)
Krystie's teacher is great, too but not willing to alter curriculum for her. Keeping timed math and spelling tests, etc. We have MCAS tests to worry about and practice for

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 8:59:54 PM)
Wish Caleb did!!!

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:00:12 PM)
I'm late, please forgive me! Are any of you on the West Coast?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:00:20 PM)
Yes I am really going to miss her next year he had her last year too we do what they call looping in 2nd and 3rd grades

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:00:23 PM)
i'll be back in a few everyone.....

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:00:29 PM)

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:00:35 PM)
I only ask because once again I'm looking for a new school for my daughter

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:01:03 PM)
Diane...I just read another article the other day about do you like it?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:01:16 PM)
kids stay with same class and teacher for 2 years

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 9:01:24 PM)
Our school does it also.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:01:42 PM)
It si wonderful all the kids just fell right back in step

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:01:42 PM)
laurasmom where are you from?

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:03 PM)
We've tried a Waldorf school, where she had a terrible accident the second week of school and flew down a firepole, breaking two bones in her leg. It's been four months of recovery. I think in part it's a sensory integration issue...judging the ground. Also, the teachers believe "what will be will be". Jill, I'm in Southern California

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:21 PM)
I really like the looping idea....I think it would benefit EVERY child.....great idea.

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:25 PM)
(besides capd problems too)

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:27 PM)
no remediation from previous year

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:40 PM)
Westlake? Lauramom

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:45 PM)
My son went to occupational therapy for sensory regulation - it seemed to help him a lot.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:51 PM)
It does seem to benefit all kids

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:02:56 PM)
That's me!

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:03:21 PM)
Gilly I am having my son evaluated for SID this weekendO

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:03:28 PM)
I am in the process of getting my son tested for SI....his reg. OT said she could do some of the therapies, true?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:03:35 PM)
my sil is an OT

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:03:47 PM)
Jill, do we know each other, or did we talk last week and you have an amazing memory!

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:03:54 PM)
and thinks he would benefit

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:04:22 PM)
Yes Deb that is true

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:04:25 PM)
last week you have been on my mind...What is your e-mail again?

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 9:04:28 PM)
We had a regular OT work with my son. It really helped him alot of different areas.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:04:46 PM)
Jill...thanks...I thought so, but wasn't totally sure.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:04:59 PM)
I am anxious to get it going for my son every little bit seems to help him

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:05:08 PM)
Deb, what kind of sensory integration improvements does your OT believe he can make with your son?

Gilly (ID=127) (Jan 23, 2001 9:05:14 PM)
That is exactly how we felt.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:05:50 PM)
My kids call you my computer friends!

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:06:02 PM)
Think our smiley faces are funny

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:06:14 PM)
I have to say I am so thankful i found this chat :)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:06:19 PM)
me too

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 9:06:43 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:06:44 PM)
I really needed to talk with others that understand from a parents point of view

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:07:00 PM)
laurasmom...Shawna, right? I'm not exactly sure what she will do with him...but he hasn't been tested as of yet..I'm waiting to get the appt. date....

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:07:10 PM)
Hi kman....

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:07:10 PM)
I tell everyone I talk to about this web site It's amazing how many out there there is

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 9:07:31 PM)

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:07:47 PM)
Yes it is amazing and i often wonder how many there are thathave not been dx'd

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 9:07:51 PM)
hello kman

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:08:01 PM)
hi kman

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:08:06 PM)
Deb, I'm Susan. Trying to understand how an OT works

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:08:13 PM)
Hi kman

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:08:20 PM)
Hi kman

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:08:21 PM)
Me too Jill....I tell everyone about this site....and I've given the NCAPD's web site to all of the people that work with Travis, and his Principal as well.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:09:27 PM)
Deb nad Susa there is a wonderful book about SID called The Out of sync Child

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:09:41 PM)
We had a meeting with Timmy's school and with the confidence I have gain plus what you all have taught me I openned their eye.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:09:50 PM) much for the fading memory...sorry! His OT works with him right now on his fine motor skills...writing, etc. and his gross (large) motor skills as well.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:09:59 PM)
really opened my eyes and explains it beautifully

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 9:10:01 PM)
I have read that book it is really good

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:10:26 PM)
Yes, Diane, I have it and am dipping into it.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:10:28 PM)
written by an OT

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:10:29 PM)
Diane...I ahve it....I met the author in Orlando a few months ago, and went to her seminar...she autographed my book too!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:10:37 PM)
Does SID involve poor writing skills and coordination. My daughter drives into things when riding her bike because she can't figure out what else to do

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:10:52 PM)
Oh lucky you !! I'm jealous :( LOL

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:11:04 PM)
Some one told me of a book called the i ndigo child has any one heard of it?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:11:04 PM)
yes Carol it does

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:11:25 PM)
I have heard of that one too but have not read

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:11:39 PM)
Diane....she was very inspiring, and a wonderful, knowledgeable person...I talked to her for quite a while after her seminar.

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:11:49 PM)
Carol, isn't that rough! I daughter was always spraining ankles and wrists...but this breaking of bones has been the worst. How old is your daughter?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:11:52 PM)
Could a kid hide SID? She was evaluated by OT and they told me she doesn't have that kind of problem

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 9:12:03 PM)
I hate to leave all of you great people but 5:00 am gets here real fast so I have better hit the bed. Hope to chat again Tues. A.M

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:12:05 PM)
I bet I absolutely love the book so insightful

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:12:16 PM)
Carol, is SID Sensory Integration Disfunction?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:12:21 PM)
Carol....yes, it can and does involve poor writing skills and does with Travis.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:12:22 PM)
Krystie is 7 but no broken bones or really bad falls, just the little stuff

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:12:53 PM)
Night Pabu...see you Tues. AM...

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:13:10 PM)
Night Pabu good luck ((((((())))))))

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:13:13 PM)
Thank goodness, but still, it's hard to watch

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:13:14 PM)
laurasmom...yes, it is.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:13:24 PM)
Bye Pabu

Pabu (ID=131) (Jan 23, 2001 9:13:28 PM)
Thank you all

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:14:21 PM)
my son's writing skills are terrible and cursive has really thrown him for a loop

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:14:30 PM)
What's cursive

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:14:42 PM)
one of the things my sil hopes to help with

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:14:43 PM)
Everyone, I find that traditional schooling is so test-oriented and very difficult for a capd child. Are all of you working within the public school system? Have you tried homeschooling or any private or alternative schools?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:04 PM)
script writing not printing

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:20 PM)
We have worked really hard on Travis' printing...he's in 2nd grade...but I'm sure once he starts with cursive next year, it will be difficult...for both of us!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:23 PM)
The private schools in my area don't do well with special needs and I'm in huge trouble when she starts script

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:37 PM)
There is more service in public

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:37 PM)
My daughter is so uncomfortable in noisy environments and can't bear the whistles on the playyard.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:44 PM)
It's a nightmare

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:15:56 PM)
I have thought about home schooling but afraid it will further hinder her social skills

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:16:12 PM)
we are in public i had to fight but it has been worth it

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:16:29 PM)
and will continue to do so

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:16:30 PM)
I still have people telling me there is nothing wrong with her. We cry every night

laurasmom (ID=136) (Jan 23, 2001 9:16:31 PM)
Jill, that's interesting to hear. Maybe we have to take another look at public. I'm worried about stigma, for one thing. In Calif., there are 32 kids in a classroom, as well.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:05 PM)
Wow that is a huge class size

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:08 PM)
K-4 should be 20 in a classroom

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:14 PM)
In Massachusetts you have to beg for services

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:15 PM)
Travis is in a Charter's a wonderful school...and he is getting the services, and has a great teacher...I'll be able to help 'pick' his 3rd grade teacher when the time comes.....

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:30 PM)
here they are between 22-25 with an aide

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:42 PM)
here there are about 20 also with an aide

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:57 PM)
Laurasmom look at charter is become a huge movement in Calif

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:17:58 PM)
We have between 19 to 23 per class.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:18:05 PM)
She left

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:18:29 PM)
I"m back

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:18:30 PM)
32 is WAY to many kids in a class IMO

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:18:32 PM)
Most be a Calif power thing

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:18:34 PM)
How is a charter school different

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:18:54 PM)
I agree....32 is is way too many...for the kids, and the teacher.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:01 PM)
Parent often controled

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:04 PM)
Welcome back Debbie!

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:05 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:15 PM)
WB Debbie :)

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:17 PM)
hi Kelli

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:24 PM)
Hi Kelli....

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:31 PM)
Hi Kelli

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:31 PM)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:32 PM)
Hi Kelli

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:33 PM)
Had to get a few things ready for tomorrow....sorry for being gone so long

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:38 PM)
is anyone from the midwest ?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:48 PM)
I am in Indiana

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:19:52 PM)
I am in Michigan

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:09 PM)
Kelli we are neighbors :)

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:17 PM)
So has anyone met each other?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:24 PM)
A Charter School is classified as a public school, but can adapt things into their cirriculum, and they have more say in what they do and don't do in their school....

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:25 PM)
Deb and I have met!!

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:28 PM)
She's great!

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:34 PM)
where in Mich we go to mackinaw City every summer

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:38 PM)
Yep....she's AWESOME!!!!!

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:51 PM)
Debbie-indeed there is a conference on May 12 in CLw.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:20:56 PM)
Deb, thanks, sounds like something I should look into

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:03 PM)
Debbie....*LOL*...there they go again...those great minds thinking alike!

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:05 PM)
Diane, Grand Rapids area. We also go "up north" every other year or so.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:14 PM)
what is the cost for the conference and how do iget more info?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:24 PM)
Carol...I LOVE our charter school!

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:26 PM)
I am from Michigan grew up in Port Huron went to college in Kalamazoo and have a summer place at Higgins lake

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:27 PM)
who's you know?

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:41 PM)
beautiful country "Up there"

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:47 PM)
Hi again.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:53 PM)
Hi Peggy

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:21:57 PM)
Diane, Yes it is.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:00 PM)
Welcome back Peggy.....

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:07 PM)
we go right thru higgins Lake on our way to Mac city :)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:07 PM)
No one from the Northeast?

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:07 PM)
Deb, we also use a charter academy and love it!

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:20 PM)
The vbest I can tell is Kristen Strandand Kathleen Loftus West. no credentials. I ordered a phamplet

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:24 PM)
I'm from outside Philadelphia.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:56 PM)
hi Fran!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:56 PM)
Can anyone attend a charter school?

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:56 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 9:22:57 PM)
New York, here.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:03 PM)
Hi Andrea

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:04 PM)
Kelli....they really are different from the public schools, aren't they...even though they're considered pubic....

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:05 PM)
hi andrea

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:07 PM)

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:09 PM)
Carol, Yes but most have waiting lists.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:19 PM)
great, more waiting

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:19 PM)
I have a question for Deb

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:28 PM)
Hi andrea and fran

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:31 PM)
Our legislature is trying to pass charter schools here

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:23:34 PM)
Deb, Yes. We have been at ours since our oldest started Kgn. He is now in 4th grade.

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:08 PM)
I received mail this week about a simulation test????Could u send it to me again

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:15 PM)
Kelli...this is our first year...the school is brand new as of this school tear...they just broke ground for the middle school!

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:18 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:21 PM)
That simulation test was something

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:26 PM)
the simulation can be reached on the NCAPD website at

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:33 PM)
Hi, all. I'm a first-timer.

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:35 PM)
ok thanks

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:37 PM)
Debbie, The simulation on was GREAT! I hope you got my feedback.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:41 PM)
How many in here have seen the simulation?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:48 PM)

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:51 PM)
I have

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:53 PM)
Laurasmom welcome back

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:54 PM)
Deb, Our school's first year had some hurdles. Stick with it if it's working for you.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:55 PM)
I did and cried as I read it

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:57 PM)
debbie, ME!

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:24:59 PM)
Help! AOL knocked me off big time!

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:00 PM)
Peggy, yes I did and thank you to everyone in here who sent the feedback!!!

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:06 PM)
Thanks, Jill..

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:07 PM)
I have and so has my husband and SPL

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:09 PM)
debbie I am going to have my son's rexsource teacher access it tomoorow when I pick him up after school

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:18 PM)
Kelli...I'm not going anywhere! I love it!!

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:22 PM)
great Diane!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:32 PM)
I still have to pull myself together and do the entire thing

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:39 PM)
I think she will be very impressed

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:48 PM)
Debbie...I PROMISE.....I will send in my feedback!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:51 PM)
Hi Dorien

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:25:54 PM)
I am hoping to add in some more examples to the simulation soon..Dr J and I are both working on making some of the simulations harder which would make them more realistic

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:00 PM)
Me too debbie

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:00 PM)
Jill, could you remind me where you live, please

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:01 PM)
I will send feedback too

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:08 PM)
Me too

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:08 PM)
debbie, I still need to do the feedback. I also need to pass it on to our SLP. Hi Dorien.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:08 PM)
Hi Dorien....

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:21 PM)
Sunnyvale-No. Calif

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:22 PM)
I will take it this week, and send my results thanks

fran (ID=140) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:33 PM)

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:34 PM)
Hi how is every one

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:34 PM)
hi are you tonight?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:40 PM)
goodnight fran..take care

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:42 PM)
Yes yes, jill,

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:46 PM)
Hi Dorien :)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:46 PM)
bye fran

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:48 PM)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:48 PM)
Night Fran.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:26:57 PM)
Night Fran

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:01 PM)
Debbie, How is your daughter doing in school now? I remember you had some concern a little while ago.

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:08 PM)
So there must be large class size after grade 3 where you live?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:13 PM)
today was report card day...=(

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:24 PM)
report cards next week

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:42 PM)
but....................she's trying hard...her grades came up a bit over what they were at midterm

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:52 PM)
Our SLP thinks that our son's attention is lacking in the class. I want her to see the simulation on distractibility (sp?).

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:27:59 PM)
How was it Debbie? I know....Travis went from a B to a C in math....

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:00 PM)
Thats good Debbie.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:08 PM)
BRB son is really upset he just watched "My dog Skip "

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:25 PM)
Debbie....that's GOOD, GREAT!! Yippie Sarah!!

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:29 PM)
I beleive it starts about 4th--We are in private that is 25 I have a 7th grader with 20

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:40 PM)
Any suggestions on IEP meetings? I have one this Friday for my son.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:41 PM)
Sarah's grades are lower than they have ever been...but she knows what she has to do to bring them up and we are working together..........

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:50 PM)
ohhhhhh...that was a good, but sad movie!

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:53 PM)
4th grade is hard.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:28:54 PM)
Krystie, too

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:06 PM)
I'm giving up at the 2nd grade

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:21 PM)
We also had report cards this week. Thankfully grades are not an issue with our son (6 As and 1 B). I know the small class sizes help (15 students with 1 teacher and 1 parapro).

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:24 PM), you can't give up.....

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:34 PM)
Before I was knocked offline, some of you(deb?) were saying that public schools give more support than private. Any suggestions on who to talk to in a district? Is there a

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:41 PM)
I know but it doesn't seem like it gets easier

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:41 PM)
Timmy gets his report card on my 40th..Not looking forward to that day There is never anything possitive on his report card or papers

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:29:58 PM)
Sarah had her first sleep over this last weekend....She had a set of twin girls spend the night....Sarah was the center of attention...I was about in tears watching the girls dance in the living room.....she was sooooooooooo happy!!

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:30:15 PM)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:30:30 PM)
Laurasmom, definitely talk to anyone who will listen, Speech pathologist, teacher, principal, counselor

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:30:35 PM)
debbie, I love it! Our son sometimes struggles with the social graces with other children.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:30:41 PM) sometimes doesn't get easier........but, we must plug away, and do what we must. If we don't, who will?

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:30:45 PM)
whoops~ That's the frustration with traditional schools. Those darn report cards. That's why we tried a Waldorf school...concentration is supposed to be on learning for it's own sake, not learning for tests.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:30:54 PM)
It was so nice watching Sarah on the inside looking out instead of being on the outside looking in.............if that makes sense....

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:09 PM)
yes it does...

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:10 PM)
debbie, perfect sense.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:12 PM)
Did your kids have to take the standardized tests at school?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:22 PM)
Back it's gonna be a long bedtime tonight :(

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:29 PM)
Yes in Kindergarten?!?

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:33 PM)
Debbie, I know just what you mean.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:38 PM)
Debbie....I was just telling the boys they could have a sleepover....I know it would be a big booster for Travis as well! I'm soooooo glad Sarah had a great time!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:31:39 PM)
Comprehension 40%, then the teacher wondered why

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:32:15 PM)
social skills are a concern for me

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:32:35 PM)
So was being a parent this hard when we where growing up

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:32:39 PM)
the older Jake gets the harder it is for him

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:32:43 PM)
Diane, Our son stays on one subject long after his peers have moved on.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:32:55 PM)
Same here kelli

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:32:55 PM)
Krystina does too

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:01 PM)
Carol, I was sitting today and reorganizing some files.. I was lookign over some of Sarah's tests that she's amazes me that the schools often do not take the standardized tests into consideration for passing and failing (tests are often used to rate the school for budget purposes instead)...........

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:07 PM) too. Travis just brought a paper home the other day, and this is what he wrote...." David and RJ are my best friends, but I don't play with them much" =( =(

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:07 PM)
It is little things like that which makes him stand out.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:31 PM)
I know and they don't like it when the kids don't perform

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:43 PM)
She did well on everything but comprehension

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:46 PM)
therefore our kids who demonstrate the need are qualifying the school for additional funding, however they dont qualify in many of our cases to use the funding they recieve to help our kdids....

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:53 PM)
I am afraid that things will only get harder as he gets into adolescent years.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:57 PM)
and he is much more sensitive to comments and such,..Deb that sounds just like my guy :(

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:33:59 PM)
My son was teased today by 5th graders because of his FM trainer. =(

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:14 PM)
I was going to send an e-mail to his teacher about it.

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:15 PM)
Not in Ny any more they have to pass the test or they do not pass Debbie

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:27 PM)
You mean, my daughter's poor comprehension grades got the school money?

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:36 PM)
Peggy, I bet it broke your heart.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:44 PM)
Diane...absolutely!! Travis too...he has always been so very himself and to others.

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:45 PM)
Yes it did....

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:34:54 PM)
I dread middle school

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:01 PM)
Carol, go to the school and ask them what the tests are used for?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:04 PM)
I dread everyday

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:09 PM)
I will

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:17 PM)
Middle school......UG!!! NOT looking forward to it AT ALL!!

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:21 PM)
There is a boy at school that teases our son about different things. He also atends our church, summer camp.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:25 PM)
I can't wait until the school year is over

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:34 PM)
My son has a BIG heart and never would tease another, so it is hard to see it happen to him expecially because it's not his fault.

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:34 PM)
A lot is seriously wrong with the system. Are you all ready to start a new school with me?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:34 PM) he ok? how long has he had the FM?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:42 PM)
Thank God no teasing here but plenty of people who don't understand

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:50 PM)

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:53 PM)
Carol, How old is your APD child?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:35:56 PM)

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:03 PM)
Count me in Peggy !!!!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:08 PM)
me too

kathy (ID=125) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:08 PM)
gotta go four year-od still up daddy fell asleep in kiddos bed.....

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:11 PM)
Talk to Children's Pastor It sounds like a kindness lesson

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:17 PM)
good night Kathy!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:22 PM)
Bye Kathy

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:23 PM)
Night Kathy.....

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:29 PM)
Night Kathy

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:40 PM)
by Kathy

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:36:42 PM)
Jill, If that was for me - Thanks!

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:00 PM)
Debbie, he is OK. A little down. He has had the FM since November. It helps in small Learning Support class, but not as well in regular class. That is why they may move him to a different school. (My heart aches)

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:24 PM)
I'm in charge of the Children's for our church and teasing hurts me so bad.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:28 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:29 PM)
We're still waiting for our FM....we're next on the list......

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:29 PM)
Peggy...........*HUGS*..........I think we all feel that same heartache.....

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:33 PM)
hi Marge...

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:35 PM)
I have mentioned it to an aide at school. It seems someone was stealing his homemade snacks there for a while. They took care of it.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:40 PM) are you?

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:48 PM)
It will be hard to move him mid year. He has been with the same kids since begining of 1st grade.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:52 PM)
Hi Marge

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:54 PM)
And if those count me ins were for me Laurasmom (Susan) then feel free to e-mail me at Starting a school system that will help our kids is a long way off, but it has to start somewhere. Let's talk.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:37:58 PM)
wow... what a crowd tonight... i'll be right back as soon as i get my kids in bed... doing fine, thanks for asking, deb! hi diane

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:38:25 PM)

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:38:37 PM)

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:38:39 PM)
The reg class teacher says he is not focused and distractable. It will be a hard decisioin.

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:38:54 PM)
Peggy I know what you are saying I had Tricia held back in 2 and she was upset but now she is doing better

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:01 PM)
You know, we identify our kids' shortcomings, but don't you find that they also have special abilities and specail sensitivy as well?

lilgrapes5 (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:04 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:12 PM)
Susan I'll email you next week we are off skiing thursday

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:13 PM)
Are all of your husbands involved. Mine always wants to know what is happening. But with job etc, it seems like I do all the work!!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:26 PM)
My husband has CAPD

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:29 PM)
why is it when the teacher makes a comment like my child is not focused or is easily disttracted, I just watn to say DUH!!!

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:34 PM)
thanks, Jill, that would be great. Have fun on the slopes!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:37 PM)
He's the one who identified it

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:41 PM)
h are you tonight??/

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:44 PM)
Me too Debby

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:48 PM)
Debbie, sorry

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:39:55 PM)
Carol, He must understand then what your child goes through.

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:40:06 PM)
Debby, We are dealing with just that right now with our oldest (9).

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:40:13 PM)
My husband is very understanding with Tricia.

lilgrapes5 (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:40:14 PM)
Hi doing well took me awhile to get here...will spare the room the details...I have to go soon so this will be a quicky today

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:40:32 PM)
laurasmom...yes, they all do have wonderful sides to them that the schools, teachers, peers, don't see....makes me sad.

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:40:59 PM)
The comments that get me most is Sarah needs to apy attention or doesn't explain herself well....

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:00 PM)
He's great and a very big help but I'm alone with the school, he's been burned bad by the schools and won't even go unless a formal meeting

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:04 PM)

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:09 PM)
My husband has CAPD, dyslexia & ADD. He can be impatient sometimes but is also supremely understanding.

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:25 PM)
Our youngest (4) is far more distractible than our oldest is. I worry about her.

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:29 PM)
Any suggestions Debbie? I realise if he goes to the other class, he will be in a smaller group and get more individual attention. This is all good. But the move will be hard. I was thinking of trying meds to see if it would help attention and if not stop right away. It is so confusing. I want to do the right thing.

lilgrapes5 (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:37 PM)
andrea that sounds familiar..i'm capd dyslexic and ADD

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:41 PM)
And Deb, you know, when they grow up, I'll bet you anything that they will do fine. Standardized testing skills are not what it takes to have a meaningful life.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:42 PM)
We had that written on her report card last semester, Debbie

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:54 PM)
Andrea my son inheritated his dyslexia from his Dad

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:41:57 PM)
My husband is very good with all of our children. I just sometimes feel like I'm running a race with no ending.

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:42:13 PM)
oh, kelli, that was well put.

lilgrapes5 (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:42:20 PM)
(This user is now known as Mary)

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:42:35 PM)
Lilgrapes5 assume you are a woman. How did you do in school growing up?

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:42:47 PM)
ahhh much ghost was in here earlier

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:42:52 PM)
Peggy...if the medication being gven is for the CAPD i'd have to think long and hard about it.....There is no way the school can provide help or tutor for where he is?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:42:58 PM)
I agree Laurasmom but worry about all the problems these kids can have I don't worry about the test scores

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:05 PM) true, so true. Compasion, giving, kindness, those are things I like to also measure Travis with...not just his grades, and school performance.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:14 PM)
I'm still in school, it's been interesting. School has always been hard but usually doable

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:41 PM)
I don't know. We do tutor 2x's per week privately for reading. He is at PP3 level.

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:47 PM)
We have IEP on Friday.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:54 PM)
What is IEP

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:55 PM)
Deb, Our son has very good character values. We too feel these are a great benefit to him.

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:43:57 PM)
to discuss everything

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:11 PM)
does he have a peer tutor to help him during day? or a peer helper? like a study buddy?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:13 PM)
With who, is IEP

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:26 PM)

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:32 PM)
High school? They never figured out how to help my husband and let him graduate barely being able to read. He runs a successful business now, but struggles a lot.

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:35 PM)
Carol. Individual Education Program with school.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:38 PM)
Kelli...they really are a benefit....

laurasmom (ID=142) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:41 PM)
Deb, Carol, and everyone, are you familiar with Howard Gardner and his theories of Multiple Intelligences? Our kids may not have the verbal or the math skills in the forefront, but there are others...musical, interpersonal, that are just as significant, but not measured or addressed by the schools.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:44:44 PM)
Individual Education Plan

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:45:18 PM)
no laurasmom..not familiar with him

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:45:23 PM), I'm not.....

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:45:32 PM)
Have not heard of him but not surprised. Our son is gifted in math and science. Writing is like chinese torture.

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:45:32 PM)
Isn't it a contract of how the school/teacher will help your child(IEP)

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:45:35 PM)
I don't like iep's or at least the process...I couldn't have made it through without one

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:46:16 PM)
What do I need to get into the IEP

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:46:25 PM)
IEPs can be intimidating. I still get nervous after 5 years but they are necessary.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:46:29 PM)
Mary....what kind of help did you get via your IEP?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:46:34 PM)
Does she have to be a special needs student?

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:47:51 PM)
ladies, I am going to have to say goodnight....3:30 comes so early! I will talk to you all throughout the week and see you back here in the chat next week

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:00 PM)
Carol, she has to require special services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy just to name a couple. Our experience is just with these services. However, our IEP also lists classroom modifications to reduce background noise.

Dorien (ID=143) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:13 PM)
Good night

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:17 PM)
Good Night Debbie.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:18 PM)
Debbie.....I'll give you any feedback that I get...TTYS...Night-night!

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:20 PM)
I got the works cus of other ld's as well...specifically for apd I got lecture notes, I got assistant to tell me what to do...

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:24 PM)
Night Debbie Thanks again for all you do

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:32 PM)
I have a boy age 5 and girl age 8. Son is probably a carbon copy of dad. He's already classified (preschool early intervention). Daughter isn't classified 'cause they won't do it yet because she is working at grade level. I'm switching schools soon --- looking for a paradise for them. What kind of help has proven the most beneficial to you, Mary?

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:43 PM)
I got low distraction testing environment.......

debbie (ID=130) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:44 PM)
take care and *HUGS*

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:48 PM)
Carol...Same goes for me, as with Jill.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:48 PM)
nite debbie

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:48:59 PM)
Kelli, we have no special services, part of my problem, I'm told she doesn't qualify not flunking out yet.

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:14 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:25 PM)
I got reading aids (books on tape etc) flex deadlines on major projects

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:39 PM)
Our son is almost a straight A student and still receives services. Has your child received any testing (speech, IQ, psych etc)?

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:44 PM)
The use of speak easy in high school.

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:50 PM)
Mary, you are fantastic, having all those things and keeping up here!!

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:53 PM)
hi, i'm back. Regarding Howard Gardner, and multiple inteligences, you can check out:

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:49:54 PM)
all of it

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:03 PM)
speech therapy

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:12 PM) and type in Howard Gardner in the window at the top

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:19 PM)
I got all a's until college :X

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:24 PM)
You'll get tremendous information

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:31 PM)
Mary, where did you go to school?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:48 PM)
I've been continually told she has APD but doesn't need services and I don't know or just learning how to modify the 504

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:50:51 PM)
I was told there needs to be a 20 point gap between the receptive/expressive scores and the IQ (nonverbal) to receive speech therapy. Our son has an 18 pt spread and still receives services.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:00 PM)
I read Howard Gardners book when my son was in preschool very interesting

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:01 PM)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:04 PM)
thanks laurasmom....I will check it out for sure!

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:17 PM)
Ummm k-5 was at school in NH, then 6-8 was in private school in MA NY and PA one year each

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:28 PM)
We too have an 18 pt spread but that doesn't qualify here

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:48 PM)
Carol, we also pursued the APD test last summer to protect him as he was closing that same gap. I want the "label" to protect him as our charter school may not always be his school.

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:51:53 PM)
What kind of private school? Did your parents pay or the school?

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:08 PM)
9 I was in england for 6 mos, then in NH for the other 6 mos.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:20 PM)
We paid I think...will ask

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:25 PM)
Carol, Do you at least have classroom modifications such as sitting closer to the teacher, breaking down multiple step directions etc?

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:27 PM)
Great, Deb. Please drop me a note if you have a chance. I'd very much like your reaction.I actually studied with him a billion years ago (ok, make it 20+ when I was a student in Geneva doing research for Jean Piaget.) I never knew he'd make it so big!

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:39 PM)
That's how I feel, too Kelli but now I'm warned that there are behavioral kids in the building that she will have access to with that label.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:48 PM)
10 I was in Seattle WA 11 I was at private proggie, school paid

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:52:57 PM)
and 12 I did WA state running start

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:07 PM)
susanlaurasmom: wow, that is really interesting that you did research for jean piaget! i'm impressed

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:26 PM)
then i did last year at CC,this year i'm at Seattle U

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:27 PM)
Diane, do you wish there was a school with that approach?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:30 PM)
laurasmom...I will let you know...I wrote down your may be a few days though!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:34 PM)
mary: do you use supportive gear like FM?

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:36 PM)
I'm trying to move to a small district, hoping the services will be more personalized. It's a public school with 2 classes per grade. K-8 all in one building, then on to, believe it or not, Princeton (NJ) high school.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:53:52 PM)
I currently use FM system (sprite)

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:13 PM)
how's the sprite working for you... i have read about it and it sounds pretty neat, but is expensive

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:13 PM)
Yes I do my son was in co-op preschool and kdg and they used his approach to learning alot

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:14 PM)
Marge., thanks. He was a graduate student at the time (Gardner, not Piaget). We were studying how children acquire ability to use pronouns!

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:16 PM)
I was afraid that without the APD label, he would lose the protection of the IEP. I tend to educate the teachers on APD myself.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:35 PM)
I started though jsut this quarter when I retested last term for accomodations here..

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:35 PM)
What's proggie and running start. Did you use the FM system in high school or earlier?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:51 PM)
susanlaurasmom: so you've got some great credentials for being a mom of kids who have trouble with word meanings, eh?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:54:53 PM)
She sits close and the teacher re-focuses her constantly and she needs a squeeze ball to keep attention and glasses, without perscription helps her focus, too. I'm not sure about breaking down multiple step direction but I know the teacher knows that's a big problem'

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:55:19 PM)
I love first I thought it was warped but now it is working well and don't know how I survived without it

susanlaurasmom (ID=147) (Jan 23, 2001 9:55:32 PM)
I suppose so! I was just thinking about the irony of it! Deb, no rush, but it would be nice to chat. You too, Marge.

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:55:33 PM)
Our youngest is in Pre Primary Impaired preschool. I'm hoping that early interaction with her will help. Our oldest didn't start speech etc til starting Kdg.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:55:45 PM)
mary: you thought it was warped? what do you mean exactly i am curious?

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:55:48 PM)
proggie private totorial program, and running start is a program where you take college classes for hs and college credit

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:55:53 PM)
Glasses How do they help her focus?

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:15 PM)
Just sounded really weird to actually help...kinda like wearing glasses the first time

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:16 PM)
jill: yeah, i'm curious abt that too, if they are nonprescription

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:24 PM)
dont' know what I was really missing

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:38 PM)
and with that I have to go cus I am secretary of a club that meets in 5 minutes

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:42 PM)
Jill, I think it's either in the teachers head or my daughter's but she seems better with them.

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:43 PM)
still have yet to leave my room

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:55 PM)
Night Mary...come back and chat!

Mary (ID=146) (Jan 23, 2001 9:56:59 PM)
I will be here next week at around 6:15 see ya then

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:06 PM)
this question is addressed to the whole room: have you (if you have APD) and kids had a thorough hearing eval before being classifed APD?

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:09 PM)
Night Mary

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:27 PM)
Marge, Our son had a full screening last summer (almost 3 hours).

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:45 PM)
Our youngest only had a base done (only 3 at the time).

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:45 PM)
<--- honest, i am not trying to be a crank about this... but we are still getting reports of kids "classified" as apd when they haven't ruled out plain-old hearing loss

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:46 PM)
Carol, are the glasses tinted?

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:50 PM)
Full hearing test at Children's Hosp in boston

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:57:54 PM)

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:58:16 PM)
She wore a low prescription last year and the beginning of this year

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:58:19 PM)
Has anyone here looked into FastForWord's Cross Training program?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 9:58:26 PM)
Marge.....Travis was just re-eval'd up at Shands...31/2 hours....all kinds of tests...I actually have them tonight MArge...unlike last time!

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 9:58:43 PM)
I want my son to get FFWd this summer and was thinking about using it...

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:58:49 PM)
Then she didn't need them and the teacher felt she lost a lot of ground without them so we got a pair without a prescription

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 9:59:21 PM)
carol, has your daughter seen a developmental optometrist?

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 9:59:34 PM)
Peggy have you tried Earobics

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 9:59:34 PM)
Our son also wears glasses. It did help him although his eyesight wasn't very good. The teacher caught this one. We didn't have a clue.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 9:59:46 PM)
carol: oh, you mean a low power reading eyeglass prescription? i understand that... don't understand the loss of ground w/o eyeglasses tho'... unless maybe the frame in her peripheral vision helped her concentrate her visual attention on just what was in front of her

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 9:59:50 PM)
What is a developmental optometrist?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:00:07 PM)
kman: i have heard some bad things abt developmental optometrists... check out

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 10:00:21 PM)
marge, like what?

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 10:00:32 PM)
Jill, My son didn't like Earobics too much... He didn't get enough positive feedback from the program.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:00:33 PM)
kman: apparently their theory is that all eye/vision problems are the result of *environmental* factors...

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 10:00:51 PM)
I understand what the glasses do but I do know she focuses less on people beside her when she is wearing them.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:02 PM)
kman: when it can easily be demonstrated that many eye/vision problems are physical

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:04 PM)
My son uses "Earobics and it has helped him

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:05 PM)
My son is finding to boing right now

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:14 PM)
Peggy, ditto for us. It's like pulling teeth to get him to do it. Our youngest doesn't like the step one either. Same with Away We Go.

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:15 PM)
What's earobics

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:18 PM)
so far

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:19 PM)
that is boring

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:37 PM)
We use Earobics in school,a nd I'm also getting the home version.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:42 PM)
carol: i've worn glasses for nearsightedness since age 7... i do notice more in my periphery when i take them off. isn't that an interesting effect?

kman (ID=137) (Jan 23, 2001 10:01:43 PM)
our optometrist feels that children with auditory processing disorders often have other processing disorders such as vision.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:03 PM)
That si the program our district uses and we have the home version

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:08 PM)
Earobics is a computer program designed to improve listening skills, phonetics etc. Try for info

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:35 PM)
kman: some children do have problems processing all sorts of information, but aud processing problems don't necessarily mean there are vision proc problems as well

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:36 PM)

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:38 PM)
What do learning specialists say about devel. optometrists?

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:59 PM)
Do they believe in them?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:02:59 PM)
andrea: i have no idea... got the info re: developmental optometrists from an MD

jill (ID=133) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:02 PM)
I need to go and feed the troops and get homework done I'll try to get up next Tuesday for morning chat or I'll chat next week...Good Night Dear freinds

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:06 PM)
gnite jill

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:13 PM)
Goodnight Jill

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:14 PM)
bye Jill

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:20 PM)
deb: did you have some questions abt the audio testing you had done at shands?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:25 PM)
Goodnight Jill...see you next week.

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:32 PM)
Our opthalmologist is treating our son for lazy eye and says vision therapy is bs.

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:34 PM)
I must go Thanks everyone for the insight and understanding it's a great moral booster

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:44 PM)
Bye Diane

Carol (ID=126) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:51 PM)
I'm going to try to be here next week (morning and night) but have to go. Goodnight and thanks for everything

Diane (ID=132) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:51 PM)
Night all see you next week

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:03:51 PM)
deb: if i recall, you wanted to know how some of the tests translated into real-world performance?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:04:02 PM)
andrea: that is what this MD says too, on

Kelli (ID=138) (Jan 23, 2001 10:04:17 PM)
I should go too. Take care everyone.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:04:22 PM)
gnite kelli

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:04:30 PM)
Hold on MArge....I'll grab the results....brb...

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:04:38 PM)
Nite all.....

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 10:05:13 PM)
I'm gonna look at quackwatch. See you next week. Bye all

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:05:18 PM)
gnite andrea

andrea (ID=141) (Jan 23, 2001 10:05:28 PM)

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:05:52 PM)
well, we're down to a foursome. Bridge, anyone? How about golf? (haha)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:06:28 PM)
ok Marge....what results do you want? He had SCAN-R...PPS....Dichotic Digits(double pairs)...

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:06:58 PM)
and lots know a lot...what would be most helpful to give you?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:07:02 PM)
deb: whatever results you wanted additional information about... i forget where we were in our conversation earlier

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:07:25 PM)
oops... gotta file my 2 oldest girls... i will brb in a trice

Peggy (ID=139) (Jan 23, 2001 10:08:37 PM)
I still have work to do. Have a good night ladies! bye

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:08:41 PM)
Ok...on the Dichotic Digits...93% of the presentaions to the R. ear, and 0% to the left ear were correctly repeated. What does that exactly mean?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:08:52 PM)
Night Peggy....

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:12:13 PM)

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:12:40 PM)
deb: wow! what a contrast in the scores between ears!

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:13:19 PM)
Aud. Fusion Test-Revises....The results from this were markedly abnormal for Travis' age. (8) ...Then it has ACPT (Aud. Continuois Performance Test) Inattention errors=13: Impulsivity errors=8: Total error score=21. The ACPT required Travis to attend to the intermittently presented stimulus word "dog" during the presentation of 576 words.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:13:46 PM)
Yeah, Dr. Hall and his asst. said they'd never seen scores like that before.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:14:06 PM)
deb: well, no APD test or audio test can be interpeted in isolation... the dichotic digits scores could mean lots of things depending on the other test results

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:14:14 PM)
deb: does he have any hearing loss in the left ear?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:14:15 PM)
He said there was some type of inner ear damage, unrepairable.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:14:54 PM)
No, Dr. Hall gave him an AOK as far as hearing goes.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:15:07 PM)
unrepairable means there's no medical or surgical remedy for it, but depending on what's causing the problem there are other things you can do for him.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:15:24 PM)
did dr. hall measure otoacoustic emissions (OAE)?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:16:02 PM)
I'm getting info...

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:16:20 PM)
no problem... i can well imagine you leafing thru a thick sheaf of papers for the info

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:17:33 PM)
while you're leafing... please look for ABR results

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:20:18 PM)
It says...diagnostic DPOAE testing revealed emissions present within normal limits at all frequencies tested except from 2093 to 3625 Hz in the right ear and 1812 to 3165 Hz in the left ear. DPOAE amplitudes were abnormally depressed, or not observed, within this frequency region. The central aud. test battery was administered at 50 dB HL bilaterally via insert earphones. Huh....was thast enough?!?!?! I didn't think I'd ever stop typing....sorry!!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:23:22 PM)
deb: ok, i got it

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:24:10 PM)
the depressed dpoae results, the way i understand it, means that your son does in fact have a hearing loss

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:25:08 PM)
I didn't find anything with ABR it bad? I mean, is it something I should go further with as far as testing or anything?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:25:18 PM)
the hair cells in the cochlea aren't responding to certain combinations of tones... i have the same problem

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:26:37 PM)
i don't know nearly enough about OAE testing to be certain, but i know that dr. berlin in new orleans, who has published extensively on OAE, supports the idea of using hearing aids if there is diminished hair cell function, which is what depressed oae results indicate

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:27:54 PM)
for what it's worth, i get depressed OAE function... and the regions where the depression occurs varies depending on which stimulus pairs they use.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:28:08 PM)
Does he have a web site...or where could I find his info?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:28:11 PM)
i wonder if you should get a second opinion about his results from dr. berlin

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:29:02 PM)
yes, he does... you can email him at directly... it can take him a few days to get back in touch with you if he's at a conference, but he is usually very prompt about responding.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:29:09 PM)
Do you have a phone number, or a way I could get in touch with him? Do you think I should...sounds like I should....

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:30:39 PM)
well, i know dr. hall is a good guy... but i have been seen by dr. berlin and have a lot of respect for him too... so of course i would say, yes, that is a great idea

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:30:46 PM)
I will definately send him an e-mail....should I just say that I had heard of him, and could he verify what, if anything else I should do for, hearing aids, etc....

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:31:18 PM)
yeah, i have dr. berlin's contact info... feel free to tell him i told you to contact him; he will recognize my name... hold on a sec while I get the info...

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:31:43 PM)
Thanks Marge!!!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:34:40 PM)
i have his new phone number upstairs... can you wait about 20 more seconds?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:35:01 PM)
Yes....thankm you!!!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:35:31 PM)
ok... here it is:

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:36:00 PM)
dr. charles berlin (he often goes by chuck)... (504) 568-4785 x 242

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:36:30 PM)
let me give you the fax number... he will likely ask you to fax the results to him, then call you to discuss them... fax is (504) 568-4460

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:36:51 PM)
i can get his website too... gotta pull out a folder for that:

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:36:55 PM)
THANK YOU SO MUCH MARGE!!!! You are awesome!!!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:37:29 PM)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:38:27 PM)
Should I e-mail him, or call him first?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:38:50 PM)
took me many years to find some answers regarding my auditory situation: dr berlin has been a huge help to me... i would email him first, then call if you don't get a response in a couple of days

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:39:47 PM)
Ok...sounds good. I will let you know how it goes. Marge, what's your last name, so I can tell him you gave me his name...if you don't mind, that is.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:40:01 PM)
no problem... my name is Marge Tamas

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:40:27 PM)
Dud....that's right! I knew I'd recognize it as soon as you typed it!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:40:35 PM)
no problem :-)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:40:55 PM)
Duh...not dud!!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:40:58 PM)

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:41:27 PM)
by any chance, has your son sprained his ankles or wrist more than once?

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:41:49 PM)
I'm so glad you made it in are always such a big help to all who are in are full of valuable and helpful info...thank you!

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:42:37 PM)
Actually, he has only broken an arm...ever! And that was because he was messing around with his cousins, and fell off a high shelf!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:42:43 PM)
one theory we're exploring as regards myself is that there is an underlying connective tissue disorder that might explain the strange auditory results

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:43:43 PM)
the inner & middle ear are made up of a complex, almost fabric-like, arrangement of different connective tissues, and the whole inner ear is such a finely tuned structure, that possibly even a small alteration in its structure could lead to unusual hearing

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:43:55 PM) would that fit in, I wonder? Hey, with this whole APD thing, almost anything could fit in it seems.

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:44:40 PM) interesting that is....but, it seems like it would make sense.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:44:55 PM)
you know that in order to be able to hear anything at all, that sound makes a couple of membranes ripple?

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:45:36 PM)
if the membranes are unusually stiff or lax, they won't ripple the same way as normal

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:45:41 PM)
No, I didn't know that. See, there you go again, with all of that wonderful information!

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:46:06 PM)
Makes total sense.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:46:36 PM)
trick is, the symptoms of connective tissue disorders aren't usually well known

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:46:49 PM)
would be very easy to pass them off as "variations of normal" in quite a few cases

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:47:08 PM)
which is why i asked about sprains

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:47:39 PM)
Dr....must have a great Dr., who is open to things, and will go that extra mile to check out everything!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:47:58 PM)
that would be dr. berlin... very open to new information & ideas

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:48:09 PM)
Interesting Marge....

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:48:28 PM)
I will most certainly e-mail him tomorrow!!!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:48:59 PM)
great! in addition to being very smart, he is also a genuinely warm human being.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:49:17 PM)
he will treat you like family... wish more clinical types were like that

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:49:46 PM)
ok, i gotta go... getting late... but glad i was able to pass along that lead for you :-)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:49:47 PM)
That really helps to make a great Dr....someone who REALLY does care! I like him already! Thank you for all the info on him!

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:50:15 PM)
Yep, me too...I was up til 2 this Am, and am ready to go to bed!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:50:19 PM)
he is a PhD audiologist, not an MD, by the way... but he holds a professorship of otolaryngology

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:50:40 PM)
he got his phD the same year i was born!! 1958!!!

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:50:44 PM)
I hope you can make it back in's always so nice having you in chat! Thanks again Marge.

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:51:06 PM)
more than welcome... let me know how it turns out... you can email me privately if you wish at

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:51:30 PM)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:51:52 PM)
I will...thanks! Mine is!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:52:25 PM)
got it!

Marge (ID=144) (Jan 23, 2001 10:52:28 PM)

Deb (ID=128) (Jan 23, 2001 10:52:33 PM)
Nite Marge....

LaurieC (ID=148) (Jan 23, 2001 11:12:46 PM)
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