Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:13:24 PM)
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Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:13:50 PM)
Hi Kathy!
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:14:32 PM)
Hi Tammy I was playing solitaire
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:15:08 PM)
I had to chase my husband off the computer...that's what he was doing too!
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:15:49 PM)
It's been awhile since I've joined in the chat. Anything new going on?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:15:50 PM)
I seem to get here before everyone.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:16:19 PM)
I usually show up after everyone else has left!
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:16:46 PM)
I don't know, mostly people trying to get the public school or staff to cooperate
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:18:31 PM)
Do you have problems with that too? Ours finally is giving CJ some services but it was a real battle.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:19:22 PM)
Do you have a child with CAPD?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:19:29 PM)
My son is four he doesn't have a dx yet. therefore he is in a communications disorders classroom two mornings a week...
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:19:51 PM)
Does he have a speech impediment?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:20:02 PM)
regular preschool three mornigs I have not had the problems yet that some have had
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:21:06 PM)
no he has a language delay... he tested out of all speech services...which means nothing but that he des not need to work on his articulation just talking more
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:21:38 PM)
CJ started with speech in school when he was in preK. They finally started giving him his language arts in a small group/one on one instruction a couple of months ago.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:22:03 PM)
he is in the same class with the same teacher and kids as when he was recieving "speech" but the teacher changed emphasis for him..
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:22:21 PM)
How old is CJ
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:22:34 PM)
So he knows how to pronounce the words but not what they mean?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:22:40 PM)
CJ is 8 now.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:23:40 PM)
sort of...he knows what they mean but if there are distractions or more than a few words together he doesn't always understand. He also does not express things well.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:24:46 PM)
for instance he knows his colors shapes and numbers can match and sort, but he can't tell us where the "Three little kittens lost their mittens" any answer will do
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:25:15 PM)
like on the floor in their pocket on their head
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:25:40 PM)
CJ has problems expressing himself too. He keeps starting his sentences over and can not write his homework "stories" without being told what to write about. If you get him started, he is usually okay.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:26:06 PM)
Does he answer "yes" to everything you ask?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:26:23 PM)
CJ does that all the time...even though he has no idea what you asked him!
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:26:29 PM)
he doesnt know songs and kiddie ryhmes His expressive language was mostly based on memorized lines from movies...he is mostly past that now
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:27:22 PM)
no, mostly no
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:27:48 PM)
CJ just this past Christmas started singing Christmas carols.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:27:57 PM)
his second language only comes out if he is really excited and really really needs to tell you something
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:28:14 PM)
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:29:15 PM)
It aggravates me with his teacher because she'll ask him if he understands and he answes "yes". I keep asking her to have him tell her what he is supposed to do but she either forgets or is in too big of a hurry.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:29:17 PM)
I sing badly and William tells me to stop, so he never gets the stuff I try to sing to him. He is starting to sing with movies and tapes... a word here a word there
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:29:25 PM)
What do you mean by "second language"?
spike (ID=47) (Jan 30, 2001 8:29:46 PM)
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Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:30:06 PM)
Well, then he must be picking up some of what he's hearing.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:30:11 PM)
Hi spike!
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:30:19 PM)
I guess answering yes al the time is a problem.. I think the no thing is that most 2 year olds say no alot and he never did then so I get it now.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:30:44 PM)
Does he seem a little delayed in any other areas?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:31:40 PM)
Spike, do you have a child with CAPD?
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:31:40 PM)
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Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:31:49 PM)
Hi Debbie!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:31:51 PM)
hi there everyone..sorry im late
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:31:54 PM)
His second language was when he was younger and he wanted to talk and could not get the words right.. much later than others It is only been the last six months or so that it has gone.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:31:55 PM)
how are you doing Tammy?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:32:04 PM)
Hi Debbie
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:32:22 PM)
Pretty good, thanks. How about you?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:32:28 PM)
got the phamplet on the seminar in May in Clearwater.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:32:54 PM)
hi Kathy
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:33:01 PM)
hi Spike, how are you tonight?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:33:08 PM)
what seminar?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:33:21 PM)
tried to get info on the one in March, but the site Dr hall sent out doesnt work..
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:34:02 PM)
I have www.hp.ufl.edu/cd/seminars
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:34:06 PM)
There is a conference in Clearwater sponsored by the U of F in March, Im not sure about one in May
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:34:37 PM)
I am going to the U of F tomorrow for a presentation on Earobics. I will check on other conferences and dates.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:34:42 PM)
The one in May is at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:35:51 PM)
the 12th mostly geared toward professionals got the initial info from a friend of a friend who is a SLP in Pinellas County
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:35:54 PM)
Kathy, who is sponsoring that one?
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:36:27 PM)
Educational REsources, Inc. from Medfield ,MA
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:12 PM)
also given in Staten Island in Feb.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:13 PM)
Kathy, can you send me any info that you have on that conference? including costs and sesssions
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:21 PM)
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:23 PM)
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debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:32 PM)
hi Alanna
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:36 PM)
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:37:40 PM)
Hi Everyone
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:38:11 PM)
is it a one day or two day conference
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:38:19 PM)
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:38:33 PM)
will get with you later to find out were to send info
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:38:57 PM)
ok Kathy....you can send it to any of my emails that you may have
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:39:01 PM)
please let us know about the one in CLw in March
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:40:15 PM)
will do...
spike (ID=47) (Jan 30, 2001 8:40:19 PM)
I'm just learning how to do this and the keyboard is not cooperating very well!!!!!!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:40:35 PM)
i'm finishing homework with a little one..sorry if slow responding.
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:40:44 PM)
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Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:41:01 PM)
HI Kathyc
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:41:09 PM)
hi kathy
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:41:32 PM)
hi kathyc
spike (ID=47) (Jan 30, 2001 8:41:37 PM)
Hi ///////////////////////Kathyc
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:41:57 PM)
hi, hi, hi to all!!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:42:01 PM)
spike, it can take a bit of getting use to, if you've not been a chat before
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:43:16 PM)
okay - my drew was seen in buffalo in november - diagnosed with severe capd in left ear, but extremely more so in the right ear. this is the ear he has had repeated ear infections earlier with a tube. talk about weird - everyone we see says they have never seen anything like him.
spike (ID=47) (Jan 30, 2001 8:44:21 PM)
I'm sure I will get the hang of it quicker than getting the doctors to listen to what I tell them about my son!
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:45:19 PM)
I didn't realize that CAPD could be in varying degrees in each ear? Tell me more.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:45:51 PM)
I know with my daughter, her left ear seems to have more trouble than her right...the left ear has not matured the way it should
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:46:19 PM)
I understand that actual hearing can be of different degrees.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:46:50 PM)
each ear operates independently also so they can have different levels of processing.
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:47:08 PM)
Of course, that make sense.
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:47:41 PM)
well.......we originally thought that his capd was due to his severe prolonged anoxia at birth (lack of oxygen), however the extreme differences between left and right I don't think would be due to that......he can hear according to the ABR, but can't process - less so in the right ear...for whatever reason. He couldn't do any of the testing with background noise. their recommendation is to plug the bad ear during difficult subjects at school, then plug the good ear and attempt to "retrain" it....not sure how......
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:47:43 PM)
be back in a moment..have to finish homework with Kendra
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:48:18 PM)
CJ's capd is also much more severe in his left ear. however, he also has a significant problem with his right.
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:48:24 PM)
Do you see specific processing problems with each ear?
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:48:43 PM)
he has a hard time locating the source of the sound
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:48:56 PM)
tammy - i am interested to find that maybe it's not just drew!
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:49:34 PM)
believe me, it's not just him! i used to think the same thing about cj until i started talking to other people.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:49:41 PM)
does anybody elses child ask what's that sound alot?
spike (ID=47) (Jan 30, 2001 8:49:53 PM)
My son is now 15 and the Dr kept saying ADHD till Aug this past year Then it is now bipolar type 2 and I'm stilltrying to get them to do a capd evaluation on him
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:50:00 PM)
what a relief! - kathy - he just says "what?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:50:35 PM)
that's CJ--WHAT??
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:50:52 PM)
how old is cj?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:51:18 PM)
"what is in about every other sentence. cj is 8.
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:51:36 PM)
drew will be 8 on 3/24 also.
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:51:52 PM)
he asks about the dishwasher, the icemaker, a man mowing down the street , not just speech sounds he never has asked us to repeat anything to him, he also will not repeat for us unless it is a basic need
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:52:19 PM)
"What" is always used by Steve. He can't handle alot of sequencing.
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:52:40 PM)
mine gets really frustrated if/when i can't understand what he is trying to say to me or tell me.
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:53:09 PM)
Mine will retell a story (out of order) and not realize it.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:53:11 PM)
CJ has problems with sequencing too...please don't give him a list of things to do that more than two long. if you do, you can bet he will confuse them.
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:53:31 PM)
BINGO!! Steve too!
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:53:45 PM)
CJ stops talking if you make him repeat something more than twice.
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 8:54:01 PM)
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Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:54:07 PM)
Its becoming a problem, because his younger sister is starting to call him on it.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:54:09 PM)
Hi Jill!
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 8:54:24 PM)
can they read? after listening to a seminar several weeks ago , someone suggested that we write done or use pictures to many step directions..
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:54:31 PM)
drew also has apraxia on top of it - so if I try to get him to try harder to speak appropriately - forget it!! how does CJ do in school? does he have an aide or pull out time? learning to read is a challenge as is spelling
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 8:54:34 PM)
Good evening
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:55:12 PM)
Steve is 10 and can read,. Decoding is okay, comprehension is very poor.
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:55:20 PM)
drew is starting to read - mostly sight words - sounding out right now is out of the question. any word starting with f is fish. we have used sign since he was 2 to clarify unclear thoughts/words.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:55:23 PM)
My five year old is doing things CJ has a lot of trouble with. I know it really frustrates CJ but I don't want to discourage Cameron.
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:03 PM)
tammy - same - my angelisa is almost 6 and reading of course - for now they are about on the same level - but soon to be bypassed.
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:08 PM)
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debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:19 PM)
i'm back....
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:34 PM)
hi jenny's kid and anyone else I missed when they came in~
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:39 PM)
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debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:47 PM)
hi Diane
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 8:56:56 PM)
You put in a long day Debbie
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:02 PM)
Hi Debbie
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:03 PM)
Hi Debbie :)
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:05 PM)
Hi All
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:11 PM)
comprehension is difficult also. just getting the words is an accomplishment for now.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:13 PM)
CJ gets special classes for speech and language arts. the rest of the time he is in a "normal" classroom. He just learned to read this past June but still has trouble sounding out new words.
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:19 PM)
Weren't we here 12 hours ago
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:35 PM)
I have a question
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:38 PM)
My son can speaks in good sentences, but loses it when he has to put it down on paper/
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:51 PM)
have any of you heard of an LLD class?
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 8:57:59 PM)
yes Jill I think we were *L*
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:58:23 PM)
what is LLD?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 8:58:25 PM)
Kathyc, does the signing help? I've considered using it to help CJ but had heard he would come to depend on it instead of speech.
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 8:59:00 PM)
Dr. J is a great source of information I have been sharing all day...Kent is looking forward to reading the archives
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:59:09 PM)
It is a Language Learning Disability class
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:59:17 PM)
it has helped immensely tammy. i have heard the same, but also read that it helps them, decreases frustration, and allows them to concentrate more on the speech. it has helped all of us!
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 8:59:21 PM)
What did you chat about this am ?
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 8:59:45 PM)
LLD sounds great! is it all the same age, same ability - all kids from district or at each school?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 8:59:58 PM)
Yes I was at an IEP meeting and missed it
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 9:00:18 PM)
What are the groups like? what is done?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:00:41 PM)
There are a total of three classes in our area that are less than 7 miles away
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 9:00:49 PM)
Brain is fuzz But very basic for us new kids on the block
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:12 PM)
I don't know much about it
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:23 PM)
5:30 is early....
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:29 PM)
I am going to set up an appointment to go observe
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:34 PM)
I wish I could attend one of the am chats but i'm working at school
Kelly (ID=54) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:38 PM)
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jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:48 PM)
Hi Kelly
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:49 PM)
Hi Kelly!
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:53 PM)
be back in a minute - my kids insist they hear a "ghost" in the bathroom..........
Kelly (ID=54) (Jan 30, 2001 9:01:54 PM)
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 9:02:06 PM)
After this morning I going to read all the archives
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:02:29 PM)
Why what was different?
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:02:32 PM)
Will this am's chat be posted in the archives soon ?
Kelly (ID=54) (Jan 30, 2001 9:02:36 PM)
I was just trying to search the archives for anything regarding anger in young kids. Do ya'll have hot tempered or strong willed children?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:02:59 PM)
YES!!!!!!! but they are not my APD kids
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:02:59 PM)
Mine can be
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:03:33 PM)
Diane, I am behind on archiving chats and hope to catch them up this week, but I will be out of town tomorrow
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:03:42 PM)
Mine is my littlest and she is a red head and has that red head temper I always heard so much about
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:03:51 PM)
CJ is getting a lot better but we used to have all kinds of problems with him--especially on the playground where he would be very aggressive. He is still very strong willed but his behavior is getting better.
Alanna (ID=49) (Jan 30, 2001 9:04:04 PM)
Got to roll. I'm going to be looking into the archives for all the info. Thanks! Goodnight.
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 9:04:11 PM)
Debbie you are speaking with Fast Forword?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:04:17 PM)
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 9:04:34 PM)
Or Earobics?
Kelly (ID=54) (Jan 30, 2001 9:04:34 PM)
Well, my 5 year old APD (not diagnosed yet because of age but I know she has it), is extremely strong willed and as of the last couple of weeks, she's very angry. I don't know why, and if I ask her, she can't answer me because she either doesn't understand my question or doesn't know how to respond. I'm not sure what to do with her.
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:04:35 PM)
Thats okay Debbie I understand,.... I'm just curious I've really enjoyed anfd learned alot from the archives
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:05:09 PM)
oh ok Kelly
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:05:28 PM)
the ghost was my husband's pager vibrating on the counter!!
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:05:39 PM)
kathyc lol
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:05:56 PM)
The most important thing is to be patient. I've found with CJ that his biggest problem was trying to tell me what was bothering him. He just didn't know how to express himself.
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:05:56 PM)
Mine is soon to be five and has just started this hot headed temper... I am wondering could it be an age thing instead of an APD thing?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:06:06 PM)
LOL Kathyc
Kelly (ID=54) (Jan 30, 2001 9:06:28 PM)
The sad thing is - it's a vicious cycle - when she acts like this, she makes me more angry of course, and I lose my temper with her more often. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm exacerbating the situation. I have a bad temper too, and she's probably seeing the way I'm reacting to her. I don't know - it's really hard.
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:06:29 PM)
See that is my apd child
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:06:45 PM)
kathyc, did the whole family take a sign language class?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:06:47 PM)
she won't tell you anything ( she is 9.7)
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:07:22 PM)
My son has a very hard time exprsssing what he is feeling,... he is 9
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:07:30 PM)
That is mine
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:07:42 PM)
she will not tell ou anyhting
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:07:44 PM)
sorry for being so quiet this evening..im monitoring another chat at the same time....
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:07:56 PM)
It can be very hard on everyone
Kelly (ID=54) (Jan 30, 2001 9:08:00 PM)
I agree - it may not be APD related - but I don't know what to relate it to. She's mildly autistic as well, and that doesn't help of course. We also have her on Prozac for anxiety, and she was doing great for a while, but she's regressing now. I'm at a loss. I'm thinking about asking the school district to come in and set up a behavior management plan. Have ya'll ever done that?
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:08:04 PM)
I took one with drew, then i followed up with a second one. the rest of the family learned it from our common use. we don't do formal sentences - just clarification. It's easy to know words but it's a completely different story if you try to talk to deaf people - not our intention. very helpful.
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:08:10 PM)
it may take days for her to tell you
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:08:12 PM)
Is that the auditory chat Debbie ?
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:08:23 PM)
My husband gets very frustrated with CJ. He says CJ is 8 and should act like an 8 year old. But in a lot of ways my 5 year old acts more mature.
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:08:46 PM)
Tammy same thing here :(
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:09:06 PM)
an 8 yr old who can't communicate his feelings gets very frustrated. although drew gets mad now if i don't stop at mcdonalds - and i know exactly what he wants!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:09:09 PM)
yes it is Diane.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:09:30 PM)
thought maybe I could pick up something new to share
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:09:30 PM)
Kathy c
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:09:39 PM)
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:09:49 PM)
I was thinking about checking in on it but my poor brain is so addled tonight i doubt it ...lol
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:10:19 PM)
I was wanting to take a sign lang class but was told that if Jessica is having a hard time
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:10:35 PM)
We had a Cub Scout pack meeting tonight 2 hours of LOUD 7-12yo boys
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:10:45 PM)
that I would be adding more on to her and possibly confussing her more
Kathy (ID=45) (Jan 30, 2001 9:11:00 PM)
good night all
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:11:02 PM)
was sign lang hard for drew to pick up?
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:11:17 PM)
Night kathy
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:11:58 PM)
the cool thing is that we finally have requested use in the classroom - and all the other kids think it is the coolest thing! one mom had to buy her son a book on it. It is not hard. A good book will include a picture, the printed word, and the sign. There are also a few CD's that do this - showing the motion if there is one involved.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:12:12 PM)
has anyone in the room who's had a child on a 504 had their child retested and qualified for an IEP?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:12:45 PM)
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:12:52 PM)
No mine started with an IEP
Jill (ID=51) (Jan 30, 2001 9:13:24 PM)
g2g I'll check back after I get dinner done...If you are all gone have a good week..
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:13:25 PM)
thanks for the information..i think we'll have to start looking into sign lang (anything to help him)!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:13:27 PM)
what extra help did you get with the IEp that you were not recieving wtih the 504"
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:13:42 PM)
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:13:46 PM)
we had a 504 and for years they told me that Jessica did not qual. as SLD and I pitched a fit this year and had them retest her and she qualified with flying colors
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:14:08 PM)
(idon't know if that was a good or bad thing:( )
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:14:11 PM)
what extra benefits werer there for her?
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:14:27 PM)
"Im considering having Sarah retested, but I"m not sure what she would gain.
Tammy (ID=46) (Jan 30, 2001 9:14:35 PM)
i'd better be going..i have to get the kids to bed. good night all.
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:14:44 PM)
Night Tammy
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:14:58 PM)
same here! good night all..good to chat
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:15:08 PM)
Night kathyc
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:15:14 PM)
See they weren't doing anything for her on her 504 except to let her have additional time on the FCAT and to have breaks to get up and move around
kathyc (ID=50) (Jan 30, 2001 9:15:23 PM)
night diane, night johnboy
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:15:57 PM)
what do you get on the IEP now Jennykids
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:16:13 PM)
Debbie are auditoryonline's chats archived ?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:16:20 PM)
We just got them to give her SLD teacher for one hour a day
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:16:25 PM)
THe FM system
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:16:47 PM)
we already have an FM system on the 504....not srue what else to look for to help her...
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:16:53 PM)
Decoding and comperhension work
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:17:25 PM)
I am still waiting to hear on Jakes' audiology retest thriugh school they are starting to tick me off
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:17:34 PM)
how long has it been Diane?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:17:36 PM)
and also some more modifications on the FCAT and Fl writes
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:06 PM)
We are still adding though
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:09 PM)
well I asked about it 3 weeks ago and the SLP keeps saying she will get back to me :(
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:19 PM)
Diane, ask in writing..
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:37 PM)
we have another meeting on the 7th of Feb
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:37 PM)
and I work with this woman 2xs per week :(
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:51 PM)
I gues it is going to come to that
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:18:58 PM)
That is awful
mary (ID=55) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:02 PM)
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mary (ID=55) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:20 PM)
hi ya'll
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:25 PM)
hi Mary how are you tonight?
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:28 PM)
I thought once I started working for the district I might get some quicker answers
mary (ID=55) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:33 PM)
I'm doing pretty well
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:41 PM)
guess not :(
mary (ID=55) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:42 PM)
How is everyone else?
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:44 PM)
Diane, by putting it in writing they will know you are serious and it also sets a timeline in effect
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:44 PM)
I know it took me three weeks of asking for the psychologist report then finally I told them I wasn't leaving until I got it
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:19:51 PM)
Hi Mary
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:20:15 PM)
I'll do it tomorrow
mary (ID=55) (Jan 30, 2001 9:20:16 PM)
hum IEP's?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:20:30 PM)
Hi Mary
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:20:44 PM)
put it in writing that is
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:03 PM)
that is what I did too
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:12 PM)
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Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:26 PM)
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:33 PM)
I accidently clicked out
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:38 PM)
I would like to know how to get it to be an issue in the State of FL
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:40 PM)
usually putting it in writing will get the schools attention,,they knwo it is a step toward meadiation and they want to avoid that
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:47 PM)
did you get bumped mary ?
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:21:53 PM)
jenny'skids where are you at?
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:22:11 PM)
lol no I was trying to click the box and hit the x instead
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:22:12 PM)
I I am in Pasco County
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:22:39 PM)
I want to lobby the state or something
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:22:45 PM)
I"M up north in jax..where about is that?
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:01 PM)
I am an hour norht of Tampa
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:04 PM)
I just assumed since I am now an employee of the district,....just goes to show it doesn't relly matter who you are
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:15 PM)
No I agree
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:30 PM)
i am currently trying to get ahold of a report that was done....the state of florida dept of education had a task force on capd in 1999
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:38 PM)
they still take their time
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:44 PM)
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:23:55 PM)
anything I can do to help let me know
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:24:01 PM)
and time is precious as far as I am concerned
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:24:03 PM)
Yes they do
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:24:34 PM)
I am hoping to get a bit more infomration on it tomorrow.....I 've not seen a published report but there has to be a way to get it
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:24:35 PM)
I know someone at district whose child was diagnoised and they can't get any more help than I can
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:24:51 PM)
it's a lot of legal paper pushing of course they take their time...sorry am in a rather cynical mood
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:25:17 PM)
No problem Mary I can relate
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:25:23 PM)
me too
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:25:33 PM)
mary that seems to be the mood of the night =)
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:25:48 PM)
what they want to do with Jessica is put her in an LLD class and hold her back
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:26:01 PM)
It's just the more i learn about CAPD the more i see they could be doing that they are not
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:26:23 PM)
Me too Diane
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:26:53 PM)
I wish I knew what I know now before the last IEP in Aug
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:27:03 PM)
I wish I could find someone to do the Fast forward program that I could afford
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:27:44 PM)
Me too Jenny :(
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:28:11 PM)
ya tis a pain I don't know. IEP's are worth it for the kids but accoring to my parents are a pain in the butt on your end.
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:28:13 PM)
I really want to do it but don't have the 2000.00 it will take
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:28:36 PM)
Jake uses "Earobics " in school and it has helped but ........
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:28:37 PM)
I'm in college now and having to do it all myself but benifit for college is that the plan lasts all four years
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:29:01 PM)
I hear FastForword is better
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:29:10 PM)
I"m goign to a presentation on Earobics tomorrow.. Im looking forward to learing more about it.
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:29:33 PM)
well look guys I need to go
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:29:45 PM)
it's helped him ALOT, don't get me wrong
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:29:50 PM)
Hubby just came in and has hurt himself some how
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:00 PM)
See ya later
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:00 PM)
jennyskids..mention ffw on the listserve and see if anyone does it distantly..
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:02 PM)
oh yikes take care jenny
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:04 PM)
Oh those hubbys.....
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:08 PM)
take care!
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:12 PM)
cool ok I will
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:18 PM)
Night Jenny
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:30:37 PM)
keep in touch with me if you need any help..... wsumey@yahoo.com
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:31:01 PM)
doing nails sorry
jennykids (ID=52) (Jan 30, 2001 9:31:01 PM)
I will do anything I can
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:31:20 PM)
Im monitoring another chat at same time so if i'm slow answering im sorry
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:31:41 PM)
Debbie do they archive their chats ?
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:31:56 PM)
ahhh two chats at once always fun.
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:32:11 PM)
last night i was monitoring 2 and having fun in a third
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:32:12 PM)
No way I could do that LOL
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:32:29 PM)
the audiologist that i'm working with for my daughther is holdling another chat tonight..mainly for professionals, but i thought i'd eavesdrop
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:32:52 PM)
ah i see.
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:33:04 PM)
Learning anything Debbie ?
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:33:26 PM)
interested in some projects she's working on regarding apd testing
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:34:26 PM)
oh what type of projects?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:35:12 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:35:18 PM)
from what i gather, standards in testing
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:35:19 PM)
hi peggy
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:35:21 PM)
hi Peggy
Diane (ID=53) (Jan 30, 2001 9:35:38 PM)
I'd better go I might check out that chat for a few minutes Night all
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:35:39 PM)
Hi Everyone!
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:36:06 PM)
bye diane
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:36:15 PM)
how are you peggy?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:36:27 PM)
Pretty good.
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:36:45 PM)
it's kinda quiet tonite
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:38:15 PM)
dr m is talking about the type of deficit my daughter has...sorry to be so distracted
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:38:53 PM)
no problem :)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:39:18 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:39:29 PM)
hi drewk
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:39:38 PM)
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 9:40:04 PM)
hi drewk..how are you tonight?
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:40:10 PM)
What is the conversation going on tonight
Mary (ID=56) (Jan 30, 2001 9:40:22 PM)
not really one right now what's up?
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:40:54 PM)
not too much. Just thought that I wourld pop in for some conversation
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:41:41 PM)
How are everyone's children doing with their CAPD in the school setting.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:43:15 PM)
Hi drewk. We are switching my son to a Learning Support classroom starting Monday.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:43:38 PM)
It was a hard decision, but everyone says it is for the best.
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:43:50 PM)
IGood for you! I think that we have spoke before about this situation
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:44:21 PM)
It seems to me that you have some reservations about the whole scenario, yes?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:44:38 PM)
It means a different school, etc. You have probably heard about my story. I have been talking a lot about it so I could make the right decision.
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:45:05 PM)
Would the school that you are now in not accomodate him?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:45:32 PM)
Any change is hard. My son has accepted it, and so did I. The school he is at now doesn't have the LS classroom or room for any such class.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:46:18 PM)
I am going to make the best of it. Just got off the phone with his Reading tutor. She is going to work with new teacher on IEP goals... which will be nice.
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:46:45 PM)
My school wanted me to do the same but I stuck to my guns and the accomodations were eventually completed at the current school sight. Better yet I was able to obtain for her a tutor for more one-on-one studies
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:47:02 PM)
Peggy what state are you in?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:47:12 PM)
West Chester, PA.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:47:31 PM)
Has it worked out well for you child?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:47:49 PM)
Does school pay for tutor?
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:48:25 PM)
The one-on-one was idealistic for her and since it is establsihed in her IEP that gives me enough ammunition to go forth (hopefully) in the years to come.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:48:27 PM)
What kind of accomidations.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:48:30 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:48:55 PM)
Yes the school pays for the tutor as well as the full time aide that has been assigned to her
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:49:30 PM)
Does she have one-on -one instruction ? How much? Did it make the difference in regular classroom?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:49:53 PM)
Is tutor outside school time? Reading/math?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:50:10 PM)
Sorry for so many questions...
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:51:41 PM)
Right now I pay for tutor.
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:51:50 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:51:52 PM)
Yes she has one-on-one for 3 days of the week along with the aide 5 days per week. The tutor is doing school hours mainly for reading writing and math. She also receives during school hours occupational therapy for a sensory integration problem that she has and speech therapy during school hours. She also during her last hour of the day participate in a computer program that is idealistic for CAPD children.
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:52:19 PM)
hi debbie, drew, peggy
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:52:30 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:52:34 PM)
i will be in & out here, as i put kids to bed
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:52:36 PM)
welcome nic
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:52:49 PM)
Which program? Fast ForWord? Hi Marge.
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:52:52 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:53:00 PM)
My daughter is also in the resource room for other situations as well as being mainstreamed in with her homeroom class.
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:54:09 PM)
She completed the Fastforward program this last summer. Actually I believe that it is on the line of alphabetphonics but I cannot remeber the name. I will have to look up this information.
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:54:24 PM)
I have a question? My daughter has capd and I am trying to work with her school are there any programs other than the resource room
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:54:27 PM)
drew: how did she do after FFW?
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:54:49 PM)
nic: well, the "doctrine" in special ed is to go with the least restrictive environment...
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:55:10 PM)
nic: what are your audiologist's recommendations for dealing w/your dau's capd?
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:55:57 PM)
Drewk, my son will get (2) 1/2 hrs Speech therapy. (1) 1/2 hr OT. Learning support class for reading and math and specials/homeroom with regular 2nd grade class. They can't give him as much individual at his current school as in the new school they say. Not enough room...
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:56:01 PM)
She did well on the Fastforward program but to be completely honest she hated actually sitting down and soing it. it takes alot of organization to complete the 42 days on a timely basis but I did see some fantastic results.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:56:31 PM)
I am going to have my son do FFwd this summer!
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:57:10 PM)
to reduce backround noise there was an fm system mentioned
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:57:40 PM)
nic: the fm system can be used in a regular ed classroom... was that explained to you?
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:57:54 PM)
it effects langauge arts
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:58:12 PM)
yes but i dont think the school will pay
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:58:13 PM)
Drewk, I am going to give it a try... I wish we didn't have to move him! I do hope and pray he will get a better education with the move.
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 9:58:45 PM)
i heard something about sector 504?
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:59:00 PM)
nic: you may have to lean on the school to get them to go for the fm, but if the aud recommended it, I would not give up easily
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 9:59:19 PM)
My son has an FM. School has provided it for him.
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 9:59:20 PM)
nic: section 504 is for accommodations for kids with disabilities of all types who are NOT behind in their work
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 9:59:59 PM)
Peggy, what would happen if you called an emergency IEP meeting and demanded that he not be moved and really demand that he be given the assistance at the current school. The parent still holds that right . I don't think legally they can turn you down.
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:00:30 PM)
nic: accommodations under 504 must be "reasonable", IDEA gives you more rights.
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:00:49 PM)
she is only behind mostly in reading when she gets helps she does well
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:01:42 PM)
she is in a small class only 14 childern its a small school
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:02:15 PM)
may i say that the FM trainer that all schools tell you about is the first step to pacifying the parent. it truly didn't help my daughter except it draw attention to her disability and provoked children to tease her. Truthfully a good friend of mine that is a teacher said that most teacher do not use these things in the course of the day although they are "mandated" by the IEP to do so.
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:02:16 PM)
where can I find more about 504
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 10:03:06 PM)
It is something I will think about. I will be at school and talk to them about it...
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:03:20 PM)
drewk- that was a concern i had mostly i dont think the teacher would wear it
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:03:29 PM)
drew: if the teacher isn't following the IEP that is a very serious matter... fm systems are not a cure-all, nor are they appropriate for all children with capd... but for kids with background noise problems, they're a godsend.
Peggy (ID=57) (Jan 30, 2001 10:04:19 PM)
Well, I am at home tonight, so I am going to get some things done.. Have a good night all! Take care... :-)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:04:26 PM)
gnite peggy!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:04:30 PM)
im back everyone...
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:04:35 PM)
hi debbie!
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:04:37 PM)
hello marge and nic
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:04:54 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:05:17 PM)
Peggy do not give them any warning that you are considering this. Then they are prepared to turn you down. Just tell them that you need to call the meeting to discuss the future of your son. It doesn't hurt to try. I hate it when the public school districts try to mandate the parent s on what yur child needs when you know through your investigations of this disablitly what your child really needs and deserves.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:05:31 PM)
sorry as i said a bit ago i was monitoring another chat at same time...normally i try to be more involved here
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:05:41 PM)
can the iep and the sec 504 two seperate things or can they be combined
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:06:22 PM)
the 504 is typically used for kids who dont "qualify" for am IEP...they are not used at same time
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:06:52 PM)
Thank You
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:07:27 PM)
My child also has problems with background noises yet if not implemented the FM trainer doesn't work
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:08 PM)
nic i was reviewing the chat.....you are concerened that your teacher will not use the FM?
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:10 PM)
gotta put kids to bed... will brb
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:16 PM)
k Marge
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:26 PM)
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debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:35 PM)
hi dr j....good to see you again! =)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:52 PM)
hi debbie good to see you again as well.
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:08:58 PM)
I've been trying to bounce back and forth between the chats..mostly listening on the other chat.
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:09:04 PM)
Good evening drewk, Marge, and nic
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:09:14 PM)
Good evening
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:09:51 PM)
Question My daughter was tested last year and her weakness was in language arts and did qualitfy for iep but i didnt want her to go in the resource room. I did go for the speach part for language arts
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:10:29 PM)
why do you not want her to go to the resource room?
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:10:36 PM)
Now I had her tested by audiolist not through the school
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:10:51 PM)
what were the results of the testing?
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:11:01 PM)
I didnt hear good things about the teacher
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:11:27 PM)
Did you establish an IEP with your schol Nic?
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:12:25 PM)
her highs and lows were avg and she is getting by "B" "C" in most classes
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:12:38 PM)
i still have the option for the iep
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:12:43 PM)
dr j, im curious..if a child is on a 504 plan, is there abenefit to having the child retested by the school to gain an IEP instead
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:12:54 PM)
I left that open for her
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:14:14 PM)
If i am correct wouldn't you feel more secure knowing that an IEP is established to always be there for the benefit of the child in the educational setting?
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:16:03 PM)
debbie, the real difference between a 504 plan and an IEP is that the IEP provides for specific GOALS for specific things that need to be reached such as Johnny will be able to follow 2 step verbal directions with no visual or gestural cues when presented by a person speaking at a normal loudness level and rate of speech. This is a specific goal and would need an IEP. BUt, if we state that the teacher should speak slower and at a louder level as an accommodation, then all that is needed is a 504 plan and the same improvements educationally can occur.
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:16:12 PM)
i dont want to hurt her esteem because she is a hard worker and what was told to me is that the work load is cut in half and a different work load
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:16:55 PM)
that is what i am looking for
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:17:13 PM)
i think she only needs extra help
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:18:29 PM)
nic, are you saying she needs extra help meaning to go over things a second time? tutuoring? or do you feel she has a specific problem learning in the regular educational setting unless changes are provided.
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:18:30 PM)
dr j, i appreciate your work on the apd simulations on the ncapd website... that should help clear up a lot of the typical questions that come up on the list
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:18:51 PM)
So wouldn't an IEP almost guarantee the extra help desired?
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:20:09 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:20:32 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:20:50 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:21:20 PM)
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:21:43 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:21:45 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:21:51 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:22:04 PM)
debbie (ID=48) (Jan 30, 2001 10:22:08 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:22:14 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:22:30 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:23:41 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:24:04 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:24:39 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:24:45 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:25:28 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:25:40 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:26:26 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:27:07 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:27:11 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:28:28 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:28:40 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:28:41 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:29:32 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:29:36 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:30:15 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:30:30 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:30:32 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:31:47 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:31:50 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:32:53 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:32:58 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:33:13 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:33:38 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:36:21 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:36:42 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:38:34 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:38:39 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:38:47 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:38:59 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:41:21 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:41:35 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:41:44 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:41:57 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:42:13 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:42:23 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:42:59 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:44:23 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:45:01 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:45:15 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:46:16 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:03 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:16 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:31 PM)
moni (ID=62) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:37 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:45 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:52 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:47:53 PM)
moni (ID=62) (Jan 30, 2001 10:48:01 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:48:26 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:48:33 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:48:42 PM)
moni (ID=62) (Jan 30, 2001 10:48:45 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:48:53 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:49:18 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:49:25 PM)
moni (ID=62) (Jan 30, 2001 10:49:43 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:49:51 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:50:33 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:50:45 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:52:00 PM)
drewk (ID=58) (Jan 30, 2001 10:52:22 PM)
Marge (ID=59) (Jan 30, 2001 10:53:05 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:53:06 PM)
nic (ID=60) (Jan 30, 2001 10:54:27 PM)
dr.j (ID=61) (Jan 30, 2001 10:54:28 PM)
moni (ID=63) (Jan 30, 2001 11:02:00 PM)
Marge, thank you for the compliment. Please, though the accolaides
<--- cheers for Debbie & Dr J
Yes it would IF she qualifies as needing special educational services. AN IEP falls under the special education law (IDEA).
Marge, thank you (and the check for that advertisement is in the mail) ;-)
I"m going to have to say goodnight. 3:30 is going to come early and I want to get some rest so that I will be fresh for going out of town tomorrow afternoon.
goodnight debbie!
Nic states that she was approved for the formation of an IEP although she turned this option down for fear of the child.
goodnight everyone!
Yes, good night Debbie, you need your sleep before work. SPeak with you via email soon.
dr j- I think i am looking for both
the reason i left the option open for the iep is to keep her main stream
but i would like some help for her
Nic how old is your child with CAPD?
nic, if you really feel she needs special services (i.e., special education), and needs to have specific goals that the special educational services must work towards, then, an IEP is the way to go. Essentially, an IEP is a contract between you (the parents as advocates for your daughter) and the school. It holds the school responsible for working to meet those goals, AND, YOU (the parents) are a critical person in writing and developing the IEP.
she is not failing but we saw the signs of her problem and had her tested for that reason
she is 8 in third grade
nic, an IEP has NOThING to do with mainstream vs. special education class setting. THe IDEA law includes the LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT. And if the test results show that the Least restrictive environment is a regular class, then she stays in a regular class BUT gets special services and accommodations as needed and written into the IEP.
They were fighting me bacause of the cost for that
nic, when you say, you want some help for her, you need to determine whether that help is tutuoring or special educational services.
Dont' hesitate because in the long run the school district can look back on the fact that they OFFERED the option fo forming an IEP and since you have turned them away at first then they hold the option to not offer you the possible needed services. I am saying this on grounds of experience and not legalities
nic, I understand the school's position trying to save money, but if you have evidence/proof that your daughter needs special services, don't worry about the money, it is the school district's problem not yours and in the end you can sue the school district for not providing the services that have been proven to be needed and the law suit will cost far more than the special services.
its not in there buget its a small school. I didnt like that answer and if she goes with the iep they get money. but i wanted her to stay in class
Nic is this a public school?
Then don't worry about it! this money can either go to help your child or they government will spend it in another way.
ANd, if there is NO proof that she can NOT stay in that class, she should not and will not be moved.....always remember, least restictive environment. SPecial services can be provided either within her class (not usually the best if the only service) as well as pull-out.....having the child pulled out of class during the school day for the special educational services needed.
Are there different rules for different states
NO. It's a federal law. THe only differences between states may be the names for some of the committees and teams, and how the money is funneled to the school district and the percentage of federal money distributed to each school district. But the IDEA is a federal law.
I have that done for speech two days a week and that is not part of the iep
nic, that's great. Your daughter IS getting special services. BUT, what are the specific goals the SLP is working on with her and in what way does the SLP interconnect his or her goals with the classroom teacher?
the iep touched on her problem but didnt say what it was that is why I had her tested privately
Again from my observations in this chat room over they year I see parents in other states being told things that do not hold true. These school districts try to get out of treating and paying for services by messing with parents heads. Believe me!~
Nic, under the IDEA the IEP HAS to say what is the problem by providing what is called a "label" What was your daughter's label?
drewk, you are correct. Unfortunately, most parents do NOT know how to "play the IEP game." FYI of all, there are two excellent resources on this. One is a website www.wrightslaw.com (or maybe .org) Marge do you know the exact URL for Wright's law? the other is a book about which I recently learned and just obtained a copy last week. It is called something like WOrking Around the IEP Maze: A Guide for Parents and Teachers published by Woodbine House in Bethesda, MD (just a stone's throw from my home).
they are supose too but to get information is not the easyest to do
let me look in my notes for the wrightslaw site...
she is doing rhyming and sequencing lately for speach
nic, I have to agree with you on the problems with correct and meaningful information. That's why we are lucky to have debbie wood who set up this parent chat, hosts it at (presently) HER own expense, has developed and set up the NCAPD, etc. SO, you are fortunate you found this connection.
At the beginning of my daughter's labeling of her disability and through all of her needed testing I was in complete denial of her having any problems and in all honesty I see some denial in Nic. I am sorry that I had to say that but one the other hand once I accepted that my daughter had a learning disorder I have gone forth and have obtained much needed help through the district. Once you research all options and laws you gain so much. I love my daughter and thank God for her on a daily basis because this child of mine has taught me a very valuable lesson even when it comes to life itself. You have to fight for what you want and believe in. yes I am affiilitaed with the wrightslaw web sight. It is an excellent resource although sometimes it is hard to acces some deeper web sights needed for the whole story.
drewk, I am so happy as a professional and as a parent to hear what you have to say. Yes, our children are special and we do have to fight for them and in so teach them to fight for themselves when they grow up.
the iep didnt lable her the speedh audiologist said it was capd
wright's law addy is http://www.wrightslaw.com
Marge, thank you.
Thanks for looking that up Marge
nic: is the SLP also an audiologist?? SLP s don't diagnose capd, tho' they may see behavior that suggests it
DrJ would you say that Nic is getting the complete run around at this school district?
dr j: also the book title you mentioned is: "Negotiating the Special Education Maze: a guide for parents and teachers," by Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, and Deidre Hayden. Woodbine House is the publisher. I got my copy at Borders.
drewk, I can't say. From the information nic presented that I have read/heard (it is a CHAT), IF it is true that the school did offer to have an IEP, then, the school did offer to provide special educational services and support services under the IDEA law. A parent has every right NOT to agree to the special educational services and the IEP. But, there could be a problem going back and asking for the IEP, unless the school is still supportive. So, I can't say the schools are giving nic a run around.
This is new to me and I am trying to understand and research information what would best help my daughter and I found this site which i appreach your opinions
Again, Marge thank you. I found that book to be really clear and easy to read and follow and filled with a LOT of excellent information. It's funny that I had never heard of that book before. I happened upon it at a workshop I gave recently where they had some vendors including WOodbine House (being in the D.C. area).
Thanks for the info on the book and I will definitely buy it.
nic, we are all here to help. This APD thing seems to bring people together here and on the CAPD list (a discussion list for parents and professionals) where questions can and are rasied and answers and guidance is provided.
i agree with your review: clear & easy to read, and it tells you what you need to do to find out about the peculiarities of your own state.
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )
hi moni... welcome!
drewk and nic, that book is really inexpensive. Now, I beg to Marge. How much was the book at Borders on line?
im not saying it is a total run around but i did not like what they offered me
Hello everybody
Hi moni, welcome. It is getting late for some of us, but good to see you here tonight.
dr j: ooooh, tough question... i didn't buy it online. Got it off the shelf. I want to say $23, but I could be wrong by +/- $10
I have to go for the night. It has been great chatting with all of you and Good Luck Nic--It will work out in the long run. Just don't give up. Good night
I totally forgot today was Tues and I have a question
gnite drewk
dr j: aha! in the fine print on the back it says it is $16.95... so it is cheap to boot :-)
Well, my recent copy direct from Woodbine has a price of about $16 or $17 on the back cover.
Do any of you know how hard it would be to distinguish between ADD and APD? My son's teachers think he has ADD
<--- "cheap" relative to various professional texts... and even nice paperbacks ... i've bought lately
Thank You drewk
drewk, have a great night and a great week. Hope to see you on the CAPd list or at the morning chats. I usually am not able to make these evening ones.
moni, the answer to that question is more of finding the appropriate specialist in auditory processing who really understands ADD/ADHD and APD. As for myself, from my approach to APD, it is quite easy to differentiate between ADD and APD when I do an assessment of a child.
I unfortunately have to work Monday-thursay so I miss the day chats but with my being an advocate for other parents these evening chats help me immensely. Take care
alas, it is getting too late for me to be up chatting... i must go... nice to chat with you all... thanks for coming dr j!
Bye for now, drewk.
thank you for your thoughts
Yes, it was good to "see" you again, Marge. I too have to log off as it is getting late. nic, I hope you found this helpful. Please, if you have other questions, feel free to email me at drj@ncapd.org
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )