debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:04:00 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:04:07 PM)
hi Marge, hi Carol

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:04:14 PM)
Hi Debbie, Hi Marge

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:04:14 PM)
How are you two tonight?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:04:20 PM)
Doing OK thanks

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:04:56 PM)
Great to hear! How was your week?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:05:07 PM)
Not too good, got report cards

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:05:22 PM)
uh I dare ask?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:05:44 PM)
A's & B's except for attention and handwriting and grammar skills, D's

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:05:55 PM)
Like I'm talking to a wall

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:06:02 PM)
the school I mean

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:06:36 PM)
I"m going for a new round of meetings with the school too..i ended up in tears on the phone with the guidance counselor today..she caught me in a bad mood

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:07:13 PM)
when she politely and sweetly said....oh, i understand how you feel, i blew it....told her no she dont!!

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:07:14 PM)
My guidance counselor still hasn't gotten back to me. She was reviewing our record but that was over 2 weeks ago. What did she say to you?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:07:35 PM)
YEP, been there

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:08:08 PM)
I was actually told by the principal who also has a son with CAPD that my daughter might be pushing my buttons using frustration.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:08:39 PM)
I now have a meeting with the principal next week, but I am going to have to take time off work to go. Idont want to take time off work..taht's my vacation time...dont understand why we can't meet on one of my days off...i'm going to tell them I have to reschedule.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:09:47 PM)
Will they make you wait very long. My meeting won't be even scheduled until the results come back from audiology. They don't even know yet that we didn't see an audiologist so don't yet have that diagnosis

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:09:51 PM)
Your principal has a son with CAPD? Is she responsive to your needs for your son at all? I was told my school just plain dont offer remeadial reading for kids who need it.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:10:45 PM)
No, I dont think they will make me wait...I think they think I"m prepared for mediation....I was pretty upset.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:11:19 PM)
He is unbelievably not there for me. His son is 20 and on his own. My daughter is 7 and floundering, a very big difference. All I'm asking for is for ME to take her out of class a couple of times a day for breaks. She doesn't get any now

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:11:27 PM)
the guidance counselor told me that they dont want any parent to feel as if they are not getting help for their child (in other words, they dont want a fight)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:11:40 PM)
I think they don't care here

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:12:03 PM)
By the way, did I tell you I got your membership?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:12:19 PM)
you told me by e-mail. Look for all the material I can find

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:12:32 PM)
I wanted to say thank you!!!

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:12:39 PM)
you're welcome

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:12:57 PM)
By the way, did you get my e-mail that I'll host chats if and when you need'

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:13:34 PM)
yes I did...I"ve not had a chance to return emails yet's been hectic!

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:13:50 PM)
Here too, snow day so everyone is home and house bound

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:14:17 PM)
I know Deb said she's be in the chat tonight to stay for the last part of chat....I have to be in bed by 9 at latest if I'm going to be functional tomorrow

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:15:09 PM)
Some parents have expressed that the Tuesday night chats are not convenient for them. That is why I was thinking about a second chat another night during the week. To give parents another opportunity

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:15:32 PM)
I still have to get the kids to bed tonight so I'll be leaving for a bit later.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:15:54 PM)
I just put my kids down to bed before I signed in

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:24 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:27 PM)
That was smart

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:33 PM)
Hi Bizzysmom

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:38 PM)

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:44 PM)
my first time here

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:50 PM)
hi Bizzysmom

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:56 PM)
welcome to the chat tonight

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:16:59 PM)

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:17:13 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:17:16 PM)
Sarah just finished homework about 7:30...she started at 3:30....

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:17:23 PM)
hi Diane, How are you tonight?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:17:25 PM)
Hi Diane

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:17:51 PM)
Bizzy' you have a child with capd?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:17:57 PM)
Is it more than a usual amount of homework It takes us that long but I think this teacher is too tough

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:18:02 PM)
Hi debbie, Carol :) I'm doin' okay I guess

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:18:04 PM)
Not sure yet, but it's looking that way.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:18:30 PM)
My daughter, Krystie, is 7 and so far know she has APD. To be diagnosed with CAPD this summer

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:18:45 PM)
Ackkkkk homework we just finished 2and 1/2 hours

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:18:51 PM)
Sarah had to do spelling words in alphabetical order and write them 3 times...23 math problems and an outline for a wroting

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:19:00 PM)
My daughter is almost 6 (end of April) and is already on an IEP at school.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:19:49 PM)
That's about what we get, too. Don't you think it's a lot?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:19:53 PM)
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debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:19:54 PM)
how long do you average on homework each night?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:19:55 PM)
We too had spelling, a language paper to fill in verbs and nouns and alot of math

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:02 PM)
hi Graeme! how are you tonight?

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:03 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:04 PM)
Hi all

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:07 PM)
hi pabu

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:14 PM)
at least an hour and a half here

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:16 PM)
no real homework in K here.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:17 PM)
Homework, about 2-3 hours and I do some of it with her help

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:17 PM)
not too bad

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:22 PM)
hi debbie

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:33 PM)
Graeme,,,thank you for listening earlier =)

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:39 PM)
Hi Pabu :)

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:48 PM)
hi Diane

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:51 PM)
May I ask if any of your children were preemies?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:20:59 PM)
Bizzysmom are you doing to have your child tested for APD?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:02 PM)
thats ok hope every thing ok

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:02 PM)
Hi Dolfrog and Pabu

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:04 PM)
Carol I have to help or Jake would still be there

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:09 PM)
mine daughter was 11 days late

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:10 PM)
Hi Carol

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:20 PM)
Her teacher is well read on the condition and says the testing can't really be done until age 7.

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:30 PM)
Or at least they don't do it around here until that age.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:21:59 PM)
Bizzysmom Where are you

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:01 PM)
where are you from?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:04 PM)
Cursive writing is our major problem at the moment he hates it

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:09 PM)

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:11 PM)
did i tell you my new site is being translated into Greek

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:28 PM)
yes you did! that's exciting

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:29 PM)
Ours is math

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:51 PM)
the guy runs speciall holidays for the disabled

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:22:58 PM)
well on top of math spelling and language arts LOL

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:23:06 PM) have you been?

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:23:22 PM)
going crazy and u?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:23:35 PM)
makes no sense to me...know what I noticed tonight? Sarah knows hers multiplication but struggles with addition.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:23:52 PM)
pabu I think we may all be in that same boat

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:24:12 PM)
I have been sitting in Drs office for the last 2 weeks

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:24:16 PM)
that is understandable they are 2 different concepts of maths

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:24:16 PM)
I"M not going....I think I crossed over today...just ask dolfrog

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:24:23 PM)
If you want to go crazy, be up here in New England. We got almost 3 feet of snow last night in six hours.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:24:25 PM)
We are having a big problem with multiplication too

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:24:52 PM)
Bizzysmom, We got about 10 inches but back breaking stuff

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:01 PM)
I heard that Bizzy how dreadful

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:10 PM)
Multiplication is difficult for apd s to cope with

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:14 PM)
<~~~~ thinking I"m happy I'm in Florida

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:24 PM)
Last night we couldn't get up the hill in our neighborhood. The car was plowing snow with the bumper and just wouldn't go.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:31 PM)
Sarah can do the multiplication...she's struggling with the addition

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:40 PM)
That's interesting to hear dolfrog

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:25:55 PM)
also distressing :)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:26:11 PM)
Oh God, multiplication, something else to worry about. I thought subtraction was the worst

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:26:21 PM)
addition should be easier, but if you understand one then i may be difficult to conceptualise the other quickly

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:26:54 PM)
no division is worst

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:27:01 PM)
Math has always been her best subject and suddenly she's not getting it.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:27:11 PM)
and doing accounts

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:27:29 PM)
I was the same when i was young

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:27:47 PM)
pabu..i know you are not so far away as the others in the chat.....if there was a conference on APD in orlando that was geared for parents...would you be interested?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:27:51 PM)
Is there a special program to help them?

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:00 PM)
i"m happy in Georgia too have th eair on here tonite

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:02 PM)
are there any more late realised apds here

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:14 PM)
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Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:21 PM)
Hi Kathy

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:22 PM)
yes Debbie I would be

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:22 PM)
hi Kathy, how are you tonight?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:32 PM)
Hi Kathy

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:34 PM)
air conditioning? What's that? Have had snow on the ground for two months.

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:42 PM)
Hi Kathy

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 8:28:43 PM)
Hi everyone. Fine thank ou Debbie.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:10 PM)
Kathy, I was just telling pabu, that we are thinking of having an APD conference for parents in Orlando..would you be interested if it were on a Saturday?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:11 PM)
all you can do is find as many ways of explaining the concepts of maths untilo they find the one which works for them

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:13 PM)
we just got rid of our snow now he have mud 3-4 inches deep yuck I hate it :(

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:39 PM)
Depending on when yes. I will be out of state the month of June

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:40 PM)
all we have here in the uk is rain

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:40 PM)
yes air it was up in the 70's here today

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:43 PM)
what age is it usual to discover that your child has capd?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:29:56 PM)
dolfrog, what you said a minute ago is what's happening to's like she can only do one concept at a time

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:09 PM)
I'll be right back

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:09 PM)
I'll keep the snow rather than the rain. I HATE constant rain.

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:10 PM)
I knew something was wrong around the age of 3

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:10 PM)
Kathy...looking at August

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:31 PM)
I knoew by about age 2 to 3 something was wrong with Sarah

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:34 PM)
Only one concept at a time here too, if it is mixed problems we are sunk

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:40 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:42 PM)
didnt know it was capd until 6 1/2

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:44 PM)
My daughter has so many little issues as a result of her extreme prematurity, it's so hard to figure out what is caused by what.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:44 PM)
hi Peggy

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:51 PM)
it is difficult to jump from one concept to another, as we have to staer from basics each time

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:53 PM)
Will be here, unless we take a long weekend to go see Thomas theTank Engine in NC. I will attend if I can.

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:30:57 PM)
hi Peggy

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:31:06 PM)
I suspected at arouind 3-4 but did not know what it was

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:31:11 PM)
Hi Everyone...

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:31:22 PM)
we start school around the middle of Aug

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:31:24 PM)
Hi Peggy

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:31:58 PM)
We start school Aug 7th.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:32:05 PM)
until he was almost 7 he is now 9

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:32:05 PM)
How is everyone...

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:32:08 PM)
I have now got to recognise APD at an early age, but i am bit of an APD oddball

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 8:32:20 PM)
They tried that over here too. parents we too upset for them to do that

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:04 PM)
I can recognise things from my own and my sons experiances which makes me almost unique

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:15 PM)
we hate going back so early but we love getting out in May

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:18 PM)
We were thinking about having teh conference at that time so it would coordinate with back to schools and planning for new year

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:26 PM)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:37 PM)
Dolfrog, what is best envirnment for APD kids in school?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:45 PM) many hours a night does lain do homework?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:49 PM)
Pabu we start middle of Aug here and get out may 30

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:33:56 PM)

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:34:18 PM)
Iain has 2 hour a noght most days.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:34:48 PM)
the environment depends on the model of APD you suffer from

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:34:52 PM)
I think they pile on way to much homework ,..the kids have NO down time

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:34:57 PM)
we will get out this year May 18th and we went back Aug 12th I think

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:35:03 PM)
I agree Diane.

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:35:25 PM)
at what age are your kids starting to get homework?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:35:32 PM)
I dont think Sarah has too much homework..but it takes her forever to do it...

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 8:35:34 PM)
I will have to look at my son's APD report again...

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:35:52 PM)
mine started in 1st grade with a paper or 2

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:35:53 PM)
Caleb is in Kindergarten and has home work tonight which he has not done yet

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:36:24 PM)
home work for an Apd can be a pain as we need time to re4 assess what has happened during the past day

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:36:27 PM)
we moved last summer from a school district that gave out 7 or 8 sheets of homework to my kindergartner. She is now is 1st grade and doesn't have half that much yet.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:00 PM)
Bizzy that is rediculous !!!

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:02 PM)
but she handled it fine. It's her younger sister who is now in K who has the problems. So far no homework for her.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:05 PM)
So they don't make allowances for CAPD

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:23 PM)
Even with the IEP?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:25 PM)
Not on homework here

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:29 PM)
Because we need to reprocess what was said in class to make sure we understood it correctly

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:35 PM)
not at our school Carol

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:37 PM)
I don't know. I have a 5 and 6 yo. It was the older one who had all the homework. She doesn't have CAPD.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:37:59 PM)
With Sarah it's like she sees how much she has and it immeadiately blows her mind

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:38:04 PM)
Thank God we moved. My little one would have croaked with all that homework.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:38:09 PM)
I was told we couldn't either but I thought it's because no IEP

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:38:16 PM)
all the IEP does for Caleb is break down dir. where he sits and the FM system

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:38:23 PM)
7-8 pasges in K is way to much I am a teachers aide in K and we don't do homework

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:38:47 PM)
i agree

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:38:57 PM)
the home work Caleb does is just trace letters or numbers

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:02 PM)
That's what our 504 does. The IEP would allow for special services ie. reading, speech, ot

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:15 PM)
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pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:25 PM)
Caleb does have speech 3 days a week

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:38 PM)
Hi roxie

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:46 PM)
Hi Roxie

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:48 PM)

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:39:52 PM)
hi roxie ...welcome to the chat

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:40:09 PM)
we're on an IEP because she has very mild cerebral palsy and qualfies as "other health impaired" Good thing because she's showing so many learning difficulties already.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:40:15 PM)
My son does not receive spec services on his IEP just classroom accomadations and resource room help

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:40:38 PM)
I am now in 2 chats it is living in the Uk does not allow me to do all i want due to the time diff, so i miss the odd bit

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:40:41 PM)
This is my first time. My 10 year old son was dx-ed last spring and I an searching for options.

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:40:47 PM)
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pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:40:55 PM)
Debbie my friend is looking over that for me when she lets me know some thing I will let you know

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:01 PM)
hi Baker34....welcome to the chat tonight

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:03 PM)
Hi roxie

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:06 PM)
we have PT, OT, speech, and adaptive PE. But she will always be in a regular classroom. She doesn't use braces or anything special. She's just clumsy and falls a bit more.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:07 PM)
thanks pabu

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:11 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:37 PM)
they know I'm writing a little of the homework with her help because when she doesn't do it, she gets no special reward and a D on the report card which freaks her out

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:39 PM)
PT and OT are very helpful Bizzy

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:41:52 PM)
Hi All! What are you talking about? Hate to interrupt a conversation.

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:03 PM)
Oh..the homework battle.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:04 PM)
We get nothing for services but I think she needs OT for her writing and coordination]

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:07 PM)
Caleb goes to the Dr in the am for add eval.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:22 PM)
Carol I write Jakes reading summary every night for him otherwise he would never be done

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:24 PM)
Has anyone used the softwear programs called PACE, VISUALIZING & VERBALIZING, AND/OR FAST FORWARD?

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:46 PM)
we moved from a district with class sizes of 35 kids to a place with class sizes of about 18. I think that will be of benefit.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:42:51 PM)
Do you have to alter the handwriting, Diane? I do to make it look like hers

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:43:07 PM)
I used to write a lot of my sons' papers. Your teachers have a problem with that?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:43:11 PM)
otherwise I get a not

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:43:15 PM)
note, sorry

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:43:34 PM)
No I told them that writing is a real struggle and I would be writing the dictated summmary so far they are okay with it

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 8:43:47 PM)
a friend of mine had it put in her childs IEP that no letter or # grade is to be on her sons papers

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:43:55 PM)
They think by making her practice, the writing will get better, they can't appreciate that it's a result of her stress and frustration

Bizzysmom (ID=110) (Feb 6, 2001 8:44:12 PM)
woops, gotta run and put kids to bed. School night after a snow day. Thanks for the chat.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:44:32 PM)
You hit it right on the head carol for my son

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:44:58 PM)
They think because sometimes her writing is quite nice, she is doing it deliberately. What do you do, Diane?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:45:01 PM)
He gets way to frustrated with cursive and is in tears

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:45:08 PM)
Krystie too

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:45:19 PM)
I would think that they should be willing to accomodate the handwriting issue as long as it is not a writing assignment. As long as the content of what they are learning is grasped, why would they care? How old are your kids?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:45:25 PM)
We both still cry many nights. It's better, though, not every night'

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:45:38 PM)
Mine is 7, second grade

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:46:06 PM)
Have you tried letting her type her assignments? Would they accept that?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:46:14 PM)
Jake's cursive can be perfect when he is well rested and not stressed but after doing homework that he has to write it is too much for him he breaks down

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:46:18 PM)
I've had 3 speech pathologists write in their reports about her that her handwriting skills are excellent unless stressed

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:46:54 PM)
Exactly, Diane. Typing isn't accepted until 4th grade. Don't forget, they think by making her practice, it will get better

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:47:01 PM)
We are going to address the writing in a week or so i am having him evaled for SID this weekend

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:47:10 PM)
My writing if i have time is great but if you have APD then you have 2 problems one you think faster than you process to write, and then you may not have processed the writing instructuions correctly when you were younger

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:47:14 PM)
What is SID\

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:47:37 PM)
Sensory integration dysfunction

Baker34 (ID=117) (Feb 6, 2001 8:47:47 PM)
Gotta run, I'm supposed to be working. Good night.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:47:48 PM)
Sensory Integration disorder

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:48:13 PM)
My daughter told her teacher, that she thinks too fast and can't write it all so ends up writing bits of her thoughts. She still got a D on the paper.

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:48:24 PM)
my sil is an OT and suggested it

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:49:20 PM)
That is different than CAPD?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:49:20 PM)
that is the APD problem processing thoughs on to paper, because you say what you think before you express it verbally or write it

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:49:43 PM)
the more I read and learn the more I realize about my son's problems

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:49:44 PM)
Sarah has trouble expressign her thoughts too.....

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:50:00 PM)
verbally, Debbie, or just on paper?

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:50:06 PM)
same here Debbie verbally and written

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:50:28 PM)
worst on paper than verbally

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:50:32 PM)
So what can be done?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:50:49 PM)
you try it think of something you want to say, and a voice in your head says it for you, now an APD haproblems processing that on to paper

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:51:09 PM)
Jake is worse on paper but still has trouble sometimes verbally

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:51:25 PM)
Krystie, too

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:51:33 PM)
Is the school flexible?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:51:54 PM)
on paper you have to process the inner voice into writing code instructions

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:52:02 PM)
so far our school has been very accomadating to jake

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:52:26 PM)
but i worry about middle school and up

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 8:52:44 PM)
I have to create a web site to get help for my sons

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:52:45 PM)
So no D's for Jake for writing skills? Also does he have a problem with punctuation?

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 8:53:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:53:19 PM)
No he gets B's and C's and punctuation is okay

JJDad (ID=119) (Feb 6, 2001 8:53:33 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:53:45 PM)
hi Jill, hi JJDad

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:53:47 PM)
She uses "i" instead of "I" and never remembers to capitalize the beginnings of sentences. Is this the CAPD or just a kid who's not a good writer?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:53:53 PM)
\Hi Jill and JJDad

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 8:54:05 PM)
Hi everyone

JJDad (ID=119) (Feb 6, 2001 8:54:08 PM)
Hello how is everyone tonight

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:54:10 PM)
dolfrog it is nice to hear your prospective from the adults side

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:54:20 PM)
I agree dolfrog

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:55:04 PM)
doing great!

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:55:05 PM)
I didn't really get what was happening for jake till I did the simulation on the NCAPD site

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:55:40 PM)
I understand soooooo much more now

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:55:48 PM)
me too, it was very helpful

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:56:05 PM)
Diane, I'm happy it helped you! eventually we'd like to add the audio,,but it's going to be a while before we can.

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 8:56:20 PM)
Debbie-what was the first tests that Sarah had...Has she ever had an IQ test If so what age

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:56:30 PM)
Debbie it is great and very helpful

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:57:27 PM)

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:57:51 PM)
roxie my son uses "Earobics"

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:57:59 PM)
not me because Krystie's problems are writing under stress and math. Her reading and spelling is OK

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 8:58:09 PM)
and it has been very helpful

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 8:58:15 PM)
Our biggest problem is the stress and frustration

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:58:18 PM)
Sarah had nonverbal IQ at age of 6..score was 135...on verbal IQ of 85.... on the regular wisc III she scored 100...the psychologist and I were both surprised..we thought itwould come back much higher

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:58:27 PM)
Roxie, I did FFW with Sarah last year

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:59:04 PM)

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 8:59:07 PM)
What does the wisc contain?

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:59:10 PM)

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 8:59:51 PM)

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 8:59:53 PM)
I did FFW at home with Sarah, she was 8 at the time....the costs will vary from provider to provider

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 9:00:15 PM)
We use it at home and school the home version is only $60 and he is doing much better reading almost on grade level he is 9 and in 3rd grade

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:00:16 PM)
the liscense fee was $900 I think then the professional fee which is what varies f

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:00:49 PM)

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:00:54 PM)
refresh my memory---is Sarah in a large class Does any one have their kids in small classrooms Special ed

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:00:56 PM)
We started using an FM trainer at the same time as we did FFW...between the two of them, we saw some progress in Sarah being able to express herself

momsbizzie4 (ID=120) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:07 PM)
I paid all fo it out of my pocket.....

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:16 PM)
Hi momsbizzie4

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:20 PM)
Sarah has about 28 kids in ther class.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:27 PM)
welcome back momsbizzie

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:36 PM)
I am considering FAST FORWARD for the summer

momsbizzie4 (ID=120) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:37 PM)
Hi Carol

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:39 PM)
Wow 28, that's huge

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:41 PM)
Has she ever been in Special Ed

momsbizzie4 (ID=120) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:48 PM)
Hi All

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 9:01:58 PM)
Hi moms :)

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:02:22 PM)

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:02:39 PM)
i am with you again i am going between 2 chats

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:02:39 PM)
no Jill.....she's always been in reg ed.....we are going for meetings with the school again!

momsbizzie4 (ID=120) (Feb 6, 2001 9:02:45 PM)
Forgive me if I am slow, I haven't been in a chat room in a long time

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:02:49 PM)
Yep. Landmark School is in Beverly Mass. 28 thousand a year

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:03:08 PM)
Summer is cheaper

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:03:22 PM)

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:03:51 PM)

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:04:21 PM)
Hi carol the stress and frustration does not go away

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:04:36 PM)
Good Luck Roxie. So what can be done? dolfrog

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:04:47 PM)
roxie...each child's progresw with FFW will depends on what underlying factors are contributing to your childs capd

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:05:13 PM)
you have tyo klearn to cope with it, and not get too upset if things do not work out first time

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:05:26 PM)
where are you Roxie?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:05:42 PM)
basically you have to become laid back

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:05:46 PM)
I think things would be better if she got breaks in school and less homework. My fight are those 2 issues right now

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:05:49 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:06:12 PM)
She's not at all laid back. Her Dad is and that's how he copes

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:06:43 PM)
I was wondering because Tallahassee has a place there and they use fast forward

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:06:44 PM)
I have found I can't be laid back. I am involved in school, home and with tutor, and this chat, I find/hope the more involved I am, the better I can help my son.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:06:52 PM)
dolfrog I try to be pretty laid back, and i do as much as anyh parent humany can for Sarah,,but today the school just pressed the wrong know how frustrated i was earlier

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:07:04 PM)
if she had more processing time , time to be on her own, because i need time to be on my own to go through the events of the day so that i do not miss any thing, and also to plan for ther next day

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:07:07 PM)
dolfrog, is your handwriting a problem still? or was it when you were younger

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:07:14 PM)
Debbie, what did the school do???

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:07:30 PM)

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:07:58 PM)
i know maria my wife has a very short fuse and she has 3 apds

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:08:15 PM)
still a problem

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:08:25 PM)
told me they know how i feel.....NO THEY DONT

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:08:39 PM)
Dolfrog, I give my son some time alone to play, he seems to need it. I just recently added an "Indoor sandbox." He loves it. I think it helps him unwind.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:08:46 PM)
I only have 2 but pitty her

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:08:51 PM)
ask your audioligist for a school. They sent me the booklet for one with Caleb's report

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:08:51 PM)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:09:14 PM)
*Hugs* Debbie...

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:09:47 PM)
My son just started the new school, we will see how it works out...

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:09:59 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:04 PM)
Hi moni

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:06 PM)

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:07 PM)
I have no idea I have never called to check Caleb is in Kindergarten and we are letting the school have there way this year then next year it will be my terms

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:26 PM)
Hi everybody

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:31 PM)
i was naturally lefthanded, but because i did not process the instructions properlyabout writing, did what all APD do when not sure, do what the others do, and they were all right handed, it was not until i was 9 that they discovered that i held the pen in my right hand with a lefthanded grip

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:46 PM)
back soon

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:10:51 PM)
thanks Peggy.....Im ok now....just was a bit frustrated earlier....i dotn like being patronized...was not a good card from the deck to play if you know what I mean...

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:11:03 PM)
hi moni, how are ou tonight?

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:11:06 PM)

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:11:16 PM)
So, who is the expert on APD ?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:11:29 PM)
Us too here, roxie

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:11:59 PM)
Good Luck with school Debbie...

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:11:59 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:03 PM)
moni, we do not have an "audiologist expert" tonight...but we are all parents and experts in that way!

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:07 PM)
hi candy....

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:11 PM)
Hi candy

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:18 PM)

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:25 PM)
I don't need luck I have an ace up my sleeve seems like a child got in sp ed because his mom is friends with the county physcol. and I found out and I will use it

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:28 PM)
Great. I think I need advice from parents anyways.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:12:41 PM)
where are you from moni?

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:12 PM)
My son is in 5th grade and they school thinks he has ADD. I have been reading about APD and I think he fits thos symptoms more. I am from upstate NY, how about you?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:17 PM)
Thanks Peggy.....I appreciate the support

Diane (ID=111) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:23 PM)
I have a feeling I'm in for more of a battle on the APD they are addressing his dyslexia okay but the APD is going to be afight I'm sure

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:26 PM)
Dolfrog, did you switch to left?

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:31 PM)
I am down in florida

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:51 PM)
I am so jealous of you being in Florida. It is like 20' here

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:13:55 PM)

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:14:13 PM)
moni I am taking my son in the am for an ADD eval. the school asked so I figured why not rule it out.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:14:37 PM)
I'm in Boston Moni and my advice is to have him tested ASAP by an audiologist or pediatric specialist

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:14:52 PM)
dors he have an FM system?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:14:53 PM)
That's the only way I got anything started with the school

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:14:59 PM)
As far as everything I have read, there is no concrete test for ADD. We had him evaluated in 2nd grade because of their concerns and the psychiatrist said he did not have ADD

momsbizzie4 (ID=120) (Feb 6, 2001 9:15:36 PM)
My daughter was just diagnosed APD two months ago, at the age of 16 and the school has already gotten her a FM system, speech specialist and all kind of support. Im in NJ

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:15:37 PM)
They keep wanting us to put him on a trial medication, and I am against that for several reasons.

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:15:45 PM)
then take the report to school and then have him tested for APD

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:15:49 PM)
my school plain told me today they do not provide any reading remeadiation for any kids....

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:15:53 PM)

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:16:25 PM)
We are taking him to see his pediatrician at the end of Feb. because everything for insurance needs a referral.

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 9:16:26 PM)
garabe, Debbie what about Title one

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:16:29 PM)
We too, were told ADD by the school in kindergarten and tested privately at Childrens in Boston where they suggested APD

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 9:16:37 PM)

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:16:55 PM)
I have all ready told them that he will only be on it for a month if no results are seen and they agreed to that

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:17:19 PM)
With APD do they have to have difficulty in reading? My son is a very good reader, but he has trouble with comprehension

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:17:28 PM)
Here, if they give out the special needs "label" they'd have to pay for a special school if I wanted to do that so they are not very free in labeling special needs

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:17:54 PM)
Kathy, I know it's garbage..I know who the reading specialist is!!

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:18:02 PM)
Moni, my daughter is exactly like that. She does comprehend but can't make me or anyone else comprehend what she read so frustrating to her

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:18:09 PM)
I really think the problem lies in funding.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:18:24 PM)
BINGO pabu

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:18:33 PM)
Carol, how old is your daughter and does she have difficulty with math?

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:18:42 PM)
I think it is more than just funding, I think it involves training as well.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:18:43 PM)
7 and horrible with subtraction

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:19:11 PM)
speed tests are new and killing her

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:19:13 PM)
My son is 11 and he has trouble with all the basic math functions. No matter how I explain it to him, he just doesn't get it.

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:19:21 PM)
there again it's the funding we don't have enough regular teachers

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:19:51 PM)

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:20:10 PM)
Does any one get tired of the schools telling lies...I have had a principal tell me one thing then my husband another Like we don't talk

Kathy (ID=114) (Feb 6, 2001 9:20:39 PM)
night all

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:20:57 PM)
Roxie, we, too were told it wouldn't help her. The teacher does a good job of getting and keeping her attention and she thinks that's enough'

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:20:57 PM)
but if he keeps failing at work that is not good the FM system really has helped Caleb

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:21:28 PM)
Do all of you with APD children have them see a psychologist or social worker for learning how to pay attention? The "Dr" at his school told us that he should see someone for counseling

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:21:47 PM)
it cuts out all the back ground noise and it is like the teacher is talking to only him

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:21:48 PM)
Carol, are you goign to be staying in the chat for a bit tonight? Deb can't get in

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:21:57 PM)
I've been waiting 2 weeks for our counselor to get back to us. I'll be here until 10

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:22:00 PM)
I agree for a quick check, my son did not do well with school until a fm system was put in place, the only person my son has seen is his audiologist, pediatrician and ent specialist.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:22:10 PM)
hi i am back

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:22:31 PM)
Thanks the counselor and get back to them..if you wait on the school...hell could freeze over first

roxie (ID=116) (Feb 6, 2001 9:22:44 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:22:45 PM)
Thats what I figure

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:22:58 PM)
How many people can be the chat at one time Debbie

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:23:07 PM)
Everyone, I have to be up at 3:30 so Im going to have to head out

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:23:24 PM)
Jill, I believe the level is set for's her server....

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:23:33 PM)
yes stay on top of them they have thier own time frames but the squeeky wheel gets the oil

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:23:40 PM)
Hi moni i am an aging apd what attention probs

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:23:54 PM)
nite debbie

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:23:57 PM)
Thanks Goodnight your info on the testing helps

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:01 PM)
She flips with bad marks, too. Bye debbie

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:10 PM)
bye debbie

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:16 PM)
He has trouble paying attention in school. Staying on task without redirection, etc.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:21 PM)
catch you later debbie

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:32 PM)
Does the teachers help with that, moni?

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:36 PM)
sounds like my Caleb moni

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:42 PM)
Don't forget about next weeks chat morning it's Dr. J's B-day

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:52 PM)
does he process the instructions properly if at all

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:56 PM)
Dolfrog, are you using Left all the time???

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:24:59 PM)
Well, he has a special ed teacher who helps as much as she can

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:25:14 PM)
Left handed I mean.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:25:18 PM)
moni, she helps with his processing?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:25:20 PM)
no i am ambidextrous, but i write with my right

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:25:30 PM)
before I go I do want to thank each of you sincerely for joining in the chats. Dr J and I started this chat one year ago on February 8th. You all have been a great blessing to me. Thank you!!!

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:25:45 PM)
Thank you Debbie!!!

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:25:53 PM)
Well, she explains things over and over and makes up study guides for him, stuff like that.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:00 PM)
catch you on messanger

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:04 PM)
Yes thank you and DR J

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:04 PM)
That sounds helpful

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:20 PM)
Debbie, before you go, have you ever seen a child with apd and talented and gifted as well? How have they handled that ?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:44 PM)
does she try different ways of explaining things

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:50 PM)
But they always want to label him with something. Makes me wonder why. Do the schools get more funding if they have more children that need aid?

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:26:58 PM)

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:27:23 PM)
Yes, dolfrog, she explains things over and over in different ways, but he does not always understand. Especially math.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:27:25 PM)
Debbie, I was originally told that my child would qualify for gifted with a nonverbl IQ that was so high, but we've not persued it,,I have to get her through regular instruction first....I cant speak for others.

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:27:32 PM)
oops...that was to candy...

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:27:32 PM)
they get extra money if your child is in speech

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:27:42 PM)
candy, I've been told my daughter tested on the high side of above average and I would never see it with school work because of the frustration and the time she needs to do her tasks

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:27:47 PM)
you can tell im tired! *LOL* Im talking to myself in a chat

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:01 PM)
That is what he is labeled as right now. Speech impaired

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:05 PM)
at the first stages of explaining a new topic to an apd, you need to use the same basic language with no biult in assumptions of understanding

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:07 PM)
Bye Debbie... G'nite.

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:14 PM)
It really is not speech per say, more of comprehension

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:20 PM)
candy, if you would like to email me you can reach me at or

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:21 PM)
good night debbie

debbie (ID=109) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:30 PM)
goodnight for the last time

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:28:32 PM)
Good night Debbie

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:01 PM)
it is not comprehension it is processing

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:09 PM)
right, dolfrog

T (ID=123) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:20 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:22 PM)
Good night Debbie

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:22 PM)
but the school sees it at comprehension

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:28 PM)
Hi T

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:29 PM)
Still new to APD so did I use the wrong word?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:40 PM)
I find I need to do a little better at slowing things down for my son... It isn't easy, I need to try a little harder and have more patience....

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:29:54 PM)
Peggy, that's the hardest part

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:00 PM)
any suggestions?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:06 PM)
i can hear what you say, i can repeat it back to you but it may take me a minute, an hour, a day or a week or more to process the meaning

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:36 PM)
So how can a kid cope in a school system that gives the standard 15 minutes

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:36 PM)
My son says "never mind" or " I don't know" a lot...

pabu (ID=113) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:40 PM)
I think I will join Debbie and head off to bed. I get up at 5:00 and I still have things to do tonight. Thank you all for being here for me and Caleb!!!!!! :)

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:42 PM)
Okay, I get it. But if he reads a book, it is still processing when he cannot tell me what it was about?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:47 PM)
no you used the word that most use not your fault

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:30:50 PM)
Good night Pabu

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:31:11 PM)
good night pabu

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:31:11 PM)
yes it is exactly that

Jill (ID=118) (Feb 6, 2001 9:31:25 PM)
Need to go too and feed the troops

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:31:26 PM)
he can rwad the words but not the meaning

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:31:43 PM)
My daughter has many questions if she doesn't understand.

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:31:58 PM)
If I take him to the pediatrician and get a referral to an audiologist, is there a specific kind of audiologist for APD testing?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:32:01 PM)
She gets frustrated when questioned about what she read

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:32:27 PM)
apds need a lot of re-assurance thaththey have understood something corerctly

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:32:30 PM)
moni, I think all audiologists can test for CAPD but I know some, like Dr J specialize with it

Lulu (ID=124) (Feb 6, 2001 9:32:56 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:33:09 PM)
My daughter's audiologist specializes with deaf primi's but is testing for CAPD

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:33:20 PM)
Hi Lulu

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:33:24 PM)
I'm just afraid that his peditrician will say that because he doesn't have any problems with pronouncing words and reading that he cannot possibly have CAPD

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:33:30 PM)
yes if you read something youneed to process it before you can give a verbal response, you have to process the verbal response

Lulu (ID=124) (Feb 6, 2001 9:33:47 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:33:53 PM)
He can't diagnose CAPD, moni, only an audiologist can and without that diagnosis is when you have much trouble in school

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:34:21 PM)
sorry if i do not acknowledge the comings and goings but withapd i can only concentrate on one thing

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:34:25 PM)
I don't think he will say that moni because my son is gifted and you would never guess he has any problems at all without being tested.

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:34:37 PM)
Hi lulu

T (ID=123) (Feb 6, 2001 9:34:46 PM)
Hello everyone

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:34:50 PM)
Do many APDs also have expressive/receptive language delays??? My son does.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:34:54 PM)
It's OK dolfrog, I have trouble sometimes too but with me it's the late time

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:35:04 PM)
be back soon

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:35:20 PM)
Well I am not the type to back down. I had 12 people sitting around a table last week telling me that they thought he had ADD and should be on meds, I told them I was going back to his Dr. Then I stumbled on CAPD on the internet.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:35:42 PM)
moni, that's about where I was last year

T (ID=123) (Feb 6, 2001 9:35:51 PM)
Can someone tell me the difference between a 504 and having a child classified?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:36:25 PM)
classified is when the school has to give special services. 504 is only an altered classroom style

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:36:29 PM)
Moni, they thought my son was ADD too....

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:36:35 PM)
So Carol, forgive me if you already said, but has your child been diagnosed as CAPD?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:36:41 PM)
School wanted him on meds.

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:36:53 PM)
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candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:37:03 PM)
Hello Diane

T (ID=123) (Feb 6, 2001 9:37:07 PM)
Thank you

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:37:25 PM)
Peggy, from what I have read it is often mistaken for ADD. That is what is so scary. They want him to go on medication that does have side effects for 30 days. Why if they do not know for sure?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:37:29 PM)
Hi I got booted :(

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:37:42 PM)
moni, I made the appt. with an audiology clinic for this January, 8 months ago. Their procedure is to have a speech/lang pathologist test and if warranted refer to audiologist. She was our 3rd s/l path. and now waiting until Aug for audiologist testing

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:37:58 PM)
We never went for the meds, but more testing...

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:38:14 PM)
Then we got APD, and Language delay dx.

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:38:20 PM)
WOW. It takes that long to get tested?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:38:22 PM)
Our first s/l saw Krystie last May.

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:38:23 PM)
I would not allow them to put your child on meds if you have any doubts, make sure you are helping, not hindering or hurting.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:38:50 PM)
I waited until this past Sept. for the Children's hosp appt.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:38:56 PM)
It can be so confusing... No one seems to know all the answers and there are so many opinions out there.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:24 PM)
i am back

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:26 PM)
I still won't do meds although they say some might help with focus issues.

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:33 PM)
We didn't have a long wait for our audiologist's appointment, I think it depends on your area.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:33 PM)
hi dolfrog

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:42 PM)
That is one of my confusions my son is on ADD meds but I think his problem is all APD

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:43 PM)
Where are you Candy

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:39:56 PM)
I know. I had someone tell me that they would not deny their child glasses if he could not see, why deny meds. I said yes, but you would not put glasses on your child if you did not know for sure that he needed them either

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:40:12 PM)
I am in Ohio, located about an hour to an hour and a half from Cin, Dayton and Columbus.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:40:24 PM)
the add thing is due the frustration we apds feel at not being able to communicate with others although we are as if not more intelligent than the others

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:40:25 PM)
We go to Children's in Dayton.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:40:29 PM)
Diane, did meds help?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:40:34 PM)
The meds have helped but from all I've read I'm not so sure he is ADD

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:08 PM)
medication will not help if it is only APd it will make things worse

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:11 PM)
That is why I am waiting for audiologist to see him and give us the correct dx

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:11 PM)
Dolfrog, do you find ADD meds can help APD kids?

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:20 PM)
That's just what I was told, dolfrog

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:29 PM)
you just answered, sorry

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:55 PM)
medications stop or slow down the ability to build coping strategies

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:41:57 PM)
Well if that is the case my son may be ADD but I think the meds help his concentration

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:42:13 PM)
Dolfrog, do APD kids often have expressive/receptive language delays?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:42:19 PM)
I just want a true and correct dx

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:42:22 PM)
how do you build coping strategies and how do you teach those.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:43:04 PM)
yes because they can not process what is being said, and they can not always process what they want to say, i had a stammer for years

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:43:15 PM)
Do any of your children get up and leave the classroom? My son gets up and walks out several times a day. They find him in the hallway looking at pictures. My feeling is that maybe he gets overwhelmed and needs a break.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:43:47 PM)
My son has the language delays, I think is also effects his reading speed/fluency.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:43:49 PM)
My daughter does that home, but not in school

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:44:19 PM)
Moni, my son needs breaks because of APD.

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:44:23 PM)
each APD has to biuld their own coping strategies as they are based on personal life experiance markers

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:44:53 PM)
It takes a lot of effort to process all he does in school, he gets exausted and needs a break

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:03 PM)
my eldest would not walk out of a class but i would not put it passed my midle one when he is older

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:06 PM)
But how do you get a child to recognize what those coping skills are in order to keep up in school.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:10 PM)
dolfrog, that's one reason they're not helping my daughter, they say she has excellent coping skills. I think she's going to have a nervous breakdown

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:29 PM)
Dolfrog, do you have any coping stratagies on your web site?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:46 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:52 PM)
dolfrog, what's your web site address?

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:45:58 PM)
coping skills are one thing but you need to put twice the effort to make them work

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:46:08 PM)
He doesn't even ask the teacher he just gets up and leaves. He does not have any behavioural problems in school - other than this!

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:46:28 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:46:28 PM)
moni, good for him. My daughter sits and cries in school

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:47:28 PM)
If he has lost the thread of what the teacher is saying because of a processing problem the he can either day dream or leave

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:47:48 PM)
or cry

dolfrog (ID=112) (Feb 6, 2001 9:48:10 PM)
back soon

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:48:12 PM)
"hugs" Carol

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:48:29 PM)
thanks Diane, things have gotten better for her. This teacher is good

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:48:29 PM)
I know where you are coming from

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:48:49 PM)
We had a suggestion made to us, when it gets to be too much, use earphones or earplugs to stop or quiet down the noise. Then as he is using these then write down what he is feeling and what was it specifically that put it over the too much point and this is suppose to get him to recognize the stress signs. And the breaking point. But he is only to use this for no more than 10 minutes at one time.

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:48:50 PM)
I don't think he has cried in school. Maybe that is why he gets up, because he doesn't want to cry in class. Well thank you all for your help. I am going to take him to his Dr. at the end of the month and an audiologist after that. Yes. He is a big daydreamer. In kindergarten they thought he had epilepsy because he would stare out the window. In first grade they said he needed glasses. And how it is ADD. What is next.

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:49:11 PM)
My son was a basket case in 1st grade came home everyday crying sayiong he was stupid broke mt heart

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:49:59 PM)
My son would stare out the window because with his apd if there is too much noise his brain will not interpret any sounds coming in and he hears nothing but rings and such.

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:50:03 PM)
moni my son's 1st dx was ADD

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:50:18 PM)
That would have to be added to my 504 but I'm not sure it would be something she needs. Krystie had an order for an MRI when she was 3 but I never took her for it. To rule out seizure disorder

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:50:24 PM)
and now i'm almost sure it's just the APD

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:50:59 PM)
Diane, first grade and the beginning of second grade, every day had crying fits,(from both of us)

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 9:51:32 PM)
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Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:51:36 PM)
same here Carol, it is so frustrating to get the help and correct dx

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:51:38 PM)
Hi kathyc

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:51:46 PM)
Hi Kathyc

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:51:48 PM)
Hi kathyc

moni (ID=121) (Feb 6, 2001 9:51:57 PM)
Well, it has been a very informative chat. Thank you all so much and I will be back again soon. Bye.

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:00 PM)
hello - a little late today

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:06 PM)
Diane, I still know I don't have the help she needs

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:10 PM)
Night moni

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:10 PM)
Bye moni

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:16 PM)
bye moni

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:35 PM)
How are things Kathyc

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 9:52:51 PM)
not too bad. good topics tonight?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:53:03 PM)
Carol I know that too but I am going to do whatever it takes I work in Spec Ed and still I'm fighting and begging

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:53:47 PM)
Me too Diane, and I know it's not easy. Talking mostly about schools and testing for correct dx, kathyc. debbie had to leave, she has an early day tomorrow

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:53:49 PM)
I work with an SLP everyday and i think I know more about APD than she does

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:54:09 PM)
I wouldn't doubt it Diane

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:54:17 PM)
You have a vested interest

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:54:29 PM)
and the district Audiologistis not well versed in APD either

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:54:40 PM)
That's too bad. I can

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:54:56 PM)
sorry, can't wait for the final diagnosis from the audiologist

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 9:55:16 PM)
i had drew to get his osteopathic manipulation yesterday, and the doctor was explaining to a visiting resident that drew "only hears sometimes" - he "mostly feels the vibration of my voice.......they just don't get it (he is older) ...........oh brother

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:55:18 PM)
so I'm sure I will have to have him tested outside of the ditrict

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:55:54 PM)
kathyc, is Drew hearing impaired?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:55:58 PM)
the school is who pushed for the ADD dx

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:21 PM)
I'm sure because it is easier addressed

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:31 PM)
My school never heard of APD, only Krystie's first grade teacher did

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:41 PM)
no - he has had an ABR which was normal. he can hear. he can't process the information - severe in the left ear and worse in the right. try and explain that to a doctor.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:43 PM)
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candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:45 PM)
I'm in the same boat as you Carol.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:54 PM)
get a new doctor

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:56:59 PM)
Hi beth

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:57:10 PM)
Hello Beth. Get a new doctor Kathyc

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:57:24 PM)
debbie had to leave, she has an early day tomorrow

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 9:57:58 PM)
It is so nice to talk to other parents that have the same issues :)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:57:59 PM)
candy, do you have a 504 in place?

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 9:58:36 PM)
i do have other doctors for other things that are very supportive - he's the best at pediatric osteopathic manipulation in this area of the country - so he can think whatever i guess. sometimes it's more work to try to explain it than to just observe and listen.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 9:58:38 PM)

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 9:58:43 PM)
Yes, but for a sound field only and we got that because he started out with a 50% hearing loss due to liquid in the ears. Now we have that working right I don't know if they will let us keep the 504.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 9:59:17 PM)
i have a question, if that's okay......don't like interrupting

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:59:23 PM)
I just told the school we are in the process of testing and it staying because she needs to be constantly re-directed to task

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 9:59:28 PM)
It's OK beth

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 9:59:43 PM)
thanks, it's about FastForward

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:00:22 PM)
I'm sorry, I don't know much about it. debbie has tried it for Sarah with good results.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:00:24 PM)
keep hearing that it can really help a certain kind of problem - can anyone tell me to kind it helps?

T (ID=128) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:05 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:30 PM)
haven't been able to get my son dx and wonder if he fits the profile that it would help

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:36 PM)
candy, Krystie needs a squish ball to hold and that helps keep her attention for some reason. That too is on the 504

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:42 PM)
Hi T

kathyc (ID=126) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:48 PM)
i'm fading off into the sunset......good night!

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:54 PM)
bye kathyc

T (ID=128) (Feb 6, 2001 10:01:56 PM)

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:02:22 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

candy (ID=122) (Feb 6, 2001 10:02:31 PM)
Bye Kathyc, I think what ever will work for your child, you can try ideas but each child and situation is different and go for what is needed.

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:02:56 PM)
hi i am back but i was cut off so i missed a bit

T (ID=128) (Feb 6, 2001 10:03:07 PM)
Any ideas on how to get through to a teacher about CAPD?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 10:03:21 PM)
dolfrog I have a ? for you if I may

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:03:34 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:03:35 PM)
hello, T

T (ID=128) (Feb 6, 2001 10:03:39 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:03:40 PM)
dolfrog any ideas about FastForward? T, I gave them at the school the ncapd web site address and told them about the simulation

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 10:04:03 PM)
Is APD ever dx'd as ADD before an audiologist tests the child ?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:04:08 PM)
Dolfrog, Have you used FastForward?

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:04:09 PM)
i am not the best person to ask aboutFFW

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:04:45 PM)
maybe i'll post the question on the BB on the ldonline website

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:04:50 PM)
the research behind it is good but the marketing is outragous

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:05:04 PM)

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:05:08 PM)
Diane, it happened to me but the pediatrician that diagnosed it suggested we follow up with the audiologist because that can be missed

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:05:16 PM)
dolfrog, what kind of profile does it help?

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 10:05:37 PM)
my son's APD dx came from the psychoed testing, not an audiologist yet

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:05:58 PM)
Beth, I am having someone get that information for me... They work for a school district in the special ed field. I'll let you know when I do...

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:06:06 PM)
Mine too Diane but we are still waiting for the CAPD diag. from an audiologist

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:06:36 PM)
They are looking at my son's test results. The person said they have really good results with a certain type of child...

Diane (ID=125) (Feb 6, 2001 10:06:38 PM)
same here Carol it amazes me how many of our stories are so similar

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:06:40 PM)
Sorry, should have said "my daughter's too"

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:06:45 PM)
or certain type of APD.

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:06:55 PM)
dr.j! is best at this but it helps the identifaction of sounds and thus increases the initial progress in coping with APD

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:07:11 PM)
my son's school offered FFT in the summer but we're going to year-round now so don't know if he could get it and want to know if it would help him before investing all the time into it

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:07:15 PM)
Diane, I think that's because the schools aren't that used to seeing or at least working with this

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:07:30 PM)
I hope to use FFWd this summer.

Carol (ID=108) (Feb 6, 2001 10:08:04 PM)
I've got to run. Hope to see you here next week.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:08:20 PM)
It is great if they offer it in summer. Lots of schools don't even offer it.

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:08:31 PM)
ffw is a tool to ass ist children with APD it is not a cure

dolfrog (ID=129) (Feb 6, 2001 10:09:29 PM)
bye for now catch you later

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:09:53 PM)
that's what i've read - doesn't help all kids - just ones w/certain problems. i just want to know the characteristics of kids that it helps or doesn't help

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:10:17 PM)
I don't know, but if I find out, I'll pass it along.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:10:42 PM)
I wish there was a cure!

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:10:50 PM)
thanks, i have my son in VT now so don't want to put too much on him

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:11:00 PM)
whats VT?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:11:07 PM)
vision therapy

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:11:38 PM)
Does it help?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:11:56 PM)
he just started it last wednesday so too soon to tell

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:12:43 PM)
do you have boy/girl, what age?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:13:01 PM)
My son just switched schools so he could get more individual attention. It was hard to do. My son is 8 in 2nd grade.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:13:55 PM)
my son is 9 and in 3rd grade

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:14:33 PM)
your son dx w/CAPD?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:14:55 PM)
My son has CAPD and expressive/receptive language delays with some fine motor delay.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:15:12 PM)
He is at a PP3 reading level.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:15:25 PM)
my son has been in speech/languge and OT since 3/4 yrs old

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:15:47 PM)
Distractable in class. He has a FM. My son has seen OT and SLP since he was 4.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:16:06 PM)
do you have specific dx's?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:16:25 PM)
? on specific

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:16:33 PM)
we are still trying to get a dx. i've learned lots on the computer

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:16:52 PM)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:17:05 PM)
We saw a Audiologist at DuPont Childrens hospital for CAPD Dx.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:17:20 PM)
and he told you CAPD?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:17:22 PM)
Also a SLP at DuPont for Language Dx.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:17:25 PM)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:17:44 PM)
Both CAPD and Language delays.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:18:04 PM)
Very good hospital, DuPont.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:18:09 PM)
that's my major problem - can't get my son a diagnosis. went to audiologist but they wouldn't test for that

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:18:22 PM)
School District recognises there results.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:18:40 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:18:48 PM)
Where do you live? Do you have a childrens hospital near by?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:18:58 PM)
haven't had much luck w/them. my son's doing all grade level but i work w/him at home lots

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:19:13 PM)
I'm back my screen keeps freezing up

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:19:14 PM)
i live in CA

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:20:12 PM)
Did carol leave ?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:20:34 PM)
Hi Diane.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:21:01 PM)
Hi Peggy, I keep getting frozen :(

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:21:14 PM)
See if a reputable Children's Hospital has an Audiologist who does CAPD.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:21:19 PM)
it's driving me crazy

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:21:50 PM)
and i missed dolfrogs answer tro my ? :(

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:21:54 PM)
found one online but have waiting list and cost lots of money

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:22:04 PM)
I might find it. let me look.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:22:41 PM)
Peggy do you know if APD is oftem miss dx'd as Add ?

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:23:08 PM)
or anyone else know

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:23:36 PM)
diane, i've heard that it is. know it was with my son

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:23:48 PM)
Yes... My son was thought to have ADD, but he has APD and Language delays instead.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:24:02 PM)
really Beth because I think that is the case with my son

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:24:33 PM)
that is amazing to me that there are 3 of of the this has happened to

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:24:44 PM)
I'm am going on Feb. 14th to see a developemental pediatrician with ALL my test reports to sort out the puzzle of my son's problems.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:24:47 PM)
i know my son isn't ADD - lots of people just want to give them a pill but won't help a LD

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:24:49 PM)
I hope they can help.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:25:46 PM)
The school tried that with me... They said he was ADD and didn't even concider his language delays. We then got more testing.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:26:07 PM)
Beth and peggy my son is on meds and they have helped BUT.....he also started getting help for his dyslexia at the same time so i don't know if it's the meds or the help

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:26:30 PM)
Did you try taking him off meds?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:26:48 PM)
lots of ld's have add as an symptom (they told me vision problems are also dx'ed as ADD)

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:27:04 PM)
psycoed testing said he was dyslexic and APD and school and Dr said ADD too

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:27:55 PM)
It is all so confusing. I wish there was a test to point out this is ADD, this is APD, etc.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:28:04 PM)
I haven't taken him off the meds yet and he has had a exam by ped opthamoligist but has never seen an audiologist

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:28:07 PM)
It seems like it can all run together.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:28:21 PM)
i won't put my son on meds - have to get the ld figured out first

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:28:33 PM)
Beth, that is were I am...

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:29:02 PM)
I hope the Developemental Pediatrician can take all the test we have done and set it all straight.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:29:14 PM)
We'll see, we go on 2/14.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:29:21 PM)
Thats what I'm thinking Peggy and I'm afraid to take him off the meds becuse they do seem to help his concentration and homework burnout

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:29:45 PM)
my son just started vision therapy - so hoping that will make a difference. know it won't help the auditory problems but can only do so much at a time

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:29:53 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:30:34 PM)
If they say meds can help my son, I am going to try them.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:30:35 PM)
I just get so frustraed I want to help him as best i can and not do anything to hurt him in the long run (meds)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:31:00 PM)
Diane, if the meds help, you are helping him. :)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:31:28 PM)
but first, get the dx. because lots of ld's look like ADD

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:31:41 PM)
I keep telling my self that and I do trust his Ped's opinion

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:31:47 PM)
Thats right!

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:32:27 PM)
More testing never really hurts if it helps to find the root of a problem.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:32:44 PM)
I'm hoping that if the APD is properly addressed at school that the meds can be done away with

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:33:35 PM)
Just being able to bounce my thoughts and feelings off of others that understands really helps Thanks

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:33:46 PM)
diane, what other things are going on w/child. if you don't mind my asking?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:34:03 PM)
Good Luck Diane. That's why I am here too. :-)

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:34:50 PM)
He is dyslexic and APD and thay say ADD (no hyperactivity just focusing and concentration probs)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:35:12 PM)
hello, I hate to barge in here...and i'm new at how old is everyone's children that we're talking about..? I've tried to get here on time for the dr chats for weeks now...but I can never get my son to bed before they're over

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:35:25 PM)
dyslexic means reading problems, right?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:35:45 PM)
my son is 6 yrs, and in kindergarten

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:36:09 PM)
My son is 8yrs old in 2nd grade with CAPD, Expressive/Receptive language delays and some fine motor delay.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:36:11 PM)
my son is 9yrs and 3rd grade

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:36:28 PM)
and I do not medicate him on weekends and his concentration is fine for other things, yes dyslexic is reading problems, my son is 9

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:36:41 PM)
3rd grade also

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:36:48 PM)
he is hyperlexic, expressive/receptive language delayed and fine motor also, but they labeled his as: PDD-NOS

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:36:59 PM)
my son that is

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:37:02 PM)
whats PPD-NOS?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:37:22 PM)
oops, PDD-NOS

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:37:59 PM)
pervasive dev. disorder-not otherwise specified....kindof like they're not too sure,,,

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:08 PM)
where is everyone from ? I'm in IN

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:13 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:20 PM)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:21 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:25 PM)

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:42 PM)
Indpls here we are close Bethe

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:38:45 PM)
peggy, we moved here from PA (williamsport area)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:39:22 PM)
capd, so tell me how were all your kids dx'd and what were they thought to have had as youngsters

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:39:48 PM)
I really must go I have to be at school (work) early tomorrow

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:39:55 PM)
good night

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:40:18 PM)
mine was dx'd by psychoed testing and SLP

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:40:20 PM)
bethe, my son still doesn't really have a dx

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:40:30 PM)
practically neighbors diane!

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:40:51 PM)
and I'm pushing for audiologist testing asap

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:40:58 PM)
diane, and he was told to have had capd even as a 3-4 yr old?

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:41:11 PM)
no at 7

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:41:19 PM)
i thought the audiologist was how you got the dx for capd...??

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:41:40 PM)
so what did you think was wrong prior? and did he get any early ed services?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:41:55 PM)
yes but no audiologist will test for it

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:42:03 PM)
what? why not?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:42:14 PM)
who will then?

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:42:21 PM)
Well on the pyschoed testing there are areas that can somewhat dx I assume, least that is what I've been ledto believe

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:42:32 PM)
not no but not all of them will

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:42:49 PM)
There are audiologists that specialize in APD

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:42:50 PM)
yes, I thought you had to be spec. trained for this area...

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:43:09 PM)
my son has been in speech since he was 3 (he's 9 now) and shortly after began OT

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:43:16 PM)
yes that's right Bethe

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:43:48 PM)
so it sounds like your kids (sons?) were having problems with expressive/receptive language and a few other things ...sounds like my son...

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:44:13 PM)
No he got no early ed but was in preschool for 2 years and i suspected something was wrong from about age 3.9 to 4years

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:44:14 PM)
our primary care physical wouldn't go along with getting another audiologist so.......

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:44:41 PM)
but this PDD-NOS, is like a high range autism catagory...and i just hate the thought that people will always want to assoicate him with it, even after all the successes he has had...

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:45:15 PM)
I fschool gives me any grief on testing by Qualified audiologist I will get referral from our Ped and send them the bill

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:45:40 PM)
Sorry, I'm at work and missed a little, I'm from outside Philadelphia. (West Chester)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:45:49 PM)
don't worry about that, bethe. know they told me my son's problems are a form of autisim but doesn't really mean that much

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:46:07 PM)
i sometimes feels guilty using the term, even though it's been officially labeled as such, becasue we know too many kids in the programs at school that do have autism and my son is just soooo much more advanced that i find it hard to lump them together

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:46:25 PM)
I have not been told that tto me our son's sound alot alike

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:47:03 PM)
Mine has simular problems. Language/CAPD and Fine motor.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:47:07 PM)
i think they use it for any developmentally delayed symptoms

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:47:35 PM)
peggy, where in pa are you from?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:47:41 PM)
West Chester.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:47:47 PM)
At school they use the term Autism Spectrum disorder

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:47:49 PM)
outside Philly.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:48:10 PM)
my husband is from pa, we lived in allenwood (near williamsport) for 6 years

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:48:36 PM)
he is mainstreamed in kindergarten and has tested higher academically than any other child in the grade right now--and it's due to the fact that he has hyperlexia, which is a early reading skill, along with exp/recetp delays...HFA like....

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:48:46 PM)
I work with spec ed kdgs 2 are low functioning autistic

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:02 PM)
My son was just switched to a different school. So he can get better individual attention.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:04 PM)
yes all these things are considered part of the autistic spectrum

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:31 PM)
Is Marge still there?

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:33 PM)
I'm actually here now!!

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:43 PM)
Hi Marge.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:49 PM)
how are your children's handwriting skills?

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:49:51 PM)
I JUST got here...

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:00 PM)
hi beth, bethe, diane, peggy

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:09 PM)
hello, marge

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:20 PM)
my sons special ed help is ST 2 x a week, and OT 1x..then we have private speech and ot.

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:26 PM)
My son is slow/difficult with writting. he uses inventive spelling, but getting better.

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:34 PM)
<--- is going to review what's been said so far...please pardon any delays in my responses to you.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:38 PM)
he hates to do anything fine motor like

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:39 PM)
I really must go ladies thanks for the chat and support, gads LOL I can't get out of here my son's handwriting skilss are terrible

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:50:50 PM)
goodnight, diane

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:00 PM)
goodnight diane

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:04 PM)
I just got an "Indoor sandbox" for my son. He LOVES it.

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:07 PM)
Wahhh I wanna stay

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:16 PM)
so is my son's.diane, have you ever checked out VT?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:24 PM)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:29 PM)
Have a good night Diane. Take care. see ya next week!"

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:40 PM)
No I haven't beth vision therapy right ?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:51:47 PM)
For fine motor, the sand is great!

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:52:05 PM)
why sand?

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:52:11 PM)
we do alot of kinestetic things Peggy it helps

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:52:33 PM)
I hide things in it, small coins, etc and he loves to play with it.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:52:35 PM)
what do they do for you in vision therapy?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:52:39 PM)
yes, just got my son started with it. his handwriting skill s were very bad. in fact, fine motor skills were in the 1%

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:53:18 PM)
OT said rice is good to let them hide things in and find again.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:53:27 PM)
how does the vision therapy help with the fine motor?

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:53:27 PM)
i read that there are basically two kinds of vision therapy. one is called "orthoptics" and it is apparently something you can get insurance to pay for & has research that shows it's effective. there is another kind that has been heavily criticized

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:53:44 PM)
i found out about the 2 types on

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:53:50 PM)
VT does not measure the 20/20 kind of vision - more about how the eyes work together

diane (ID=130) (Feb 6, 2001 10:53:56 PM)
I'm really gonna go thanks again see you all next week Hugs to all

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:00 PM)
gnite diane

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:12 PM)
Bye Diane... See ya

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:15 PM)
do you all meet here every tues?

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:28 PM)
Try to. yep...

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:42 PM)
Debbie is great!

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:49 PM)
and does the VT help the hand writing

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:54:54 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:55:13 PM)
i just know when they tested him, i could see all the problems he's having and they seem to think they can help him

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:55:20 PM)
Debbie who is the host, she had to go, she kinda runs

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:55:21 PM)
peggy: she works very hard to help other parents... she is spearheading the NCAPD... getting that off the ground

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:55:41 PM)
peggy: i believe she is the one who proposed the idea of NCAPD

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:56:05 PM)
she has a great web site!

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:56:07 PM)
my OT are working with the trunk muscles --saying that he needs t strengthen it to strengthen the shoulder girdle which helps the fingers...???

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:56:22 PM)
so should I look into this VT?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:56:36 PM)
vision will affect about everything you do - my son has lots of problems copying from the board or from top of paper, loses place when reading , skip words, etc

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:56:59 PM)
i when to a behavioral optometrist a year or so ago...i guess he would know about this--i should hook back up with him

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:12 PM)
bethe: i would recommend that you check the website to see which of these techniques have research to back them up before committing to anything. seems like everyone has a $2000 therapy they want to sell you.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:12 PM)
went to

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:26 PM)
yes, bethe...that's what they call them DO's.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:32 PM)
yes you are so right and i've tried most

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:37 PM)
Good one Marge.

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:46 PM)
DO... isn't that doctor of osteopathy?

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 10:57:59 PM)
oh oh oh you mean developmental optometrist

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:58:14 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:58:30 PM)
am i missing something?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:59:13 PM)
i'm fully aware of the controversary but everything made so much sense (i've noticed for years something was going on w/my son's eyes)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:59:33 PM)
i've noticed things too...

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 10:59:49 PM)
what do you see, bethe?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 10:59:50 PM)
has your son ever done any peripheral tracking with toys or objects?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:00:07 PM)
or close one eye when he points across the room

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:00:19 PM)
that's one of the things they will be working on.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:00:41 PM)
my son will always lay his head on the left side when writing something

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 11:00:57 PM)
beth: has your son ever seen a pediatric ophthalmologist who specializes in strabismus? I think they are the MD-type person who would investigate eye muscle balance problems

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:01:31 PM)
well, we're not to the writing things down too much yet, just being in kindergarten and all......ok, remind me of the things you said your son had trouble with..

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:01:36 PM)
no, marge....been having LOTS of problems trying to get a dx for my son

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:01:46 PM)
oh yes, no dx

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:02:03 PM)
and your son is 9?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:02:14 PM)
but been in therapy for almost 6 yrs

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:02:15 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:02:20 PM)
how long have you suspected trouble

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:02:54 PM)
since he was a baby - looking back now. but noticed things were different early (he's my 3rd child)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:03:04 PM)
and this VT you've gone to, that's what his dr title is? a VT?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:03:22 PM)
he was late walking, talking (most people couldn't understand him)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:03:33 PM)
my son is my 4th, but 9 years between him and the last we blamed a lot on spoiledness

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:03:47 PM)
no, DO (develpmental opto.......)

Peggy (ID=115) (Feb 6, 2001 11:04:13 PM)
I gotta go. Have a good night ladies. See ya next week. :-)

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 11:04:17 PM)
gnite peggy

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:04:42 PM)
bethe, that's what my doctor said at the time - we were not making him speak, etc

Marge (ID=105) (Feb 6, 2001 11:04:50 PM)
i hate to duck out now, but i really must... gnite all

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:04:53 PM)
ok, then that is the same kind ive met up with in the past...i'll call him again...we could nt get my son to cooperate with this dr...he wanted him to try on glasses, lenses, and well it didn't work...then came the dx and so i headed in a different direction wiht my quesitons

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:05:32 PM)
ok, beth let me pick your brain for a few more minutes

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:05:51 PM)
bethe, i don't think VT is the only answer to my son's problems but have to get the eyes to work right, then work on some of the other stuff

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:06:01 PM)
i agree with you

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:06:15 PM)
so how does he fair in school as a 9 yr old?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:06:20 PM)
he does get speech/language via school and OT

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:06:31 PM)
pull out?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:06:42 PM)
my son too

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:06:45 PM)
he's doing grade level (above in reading) but i do work with him LOTS at home

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:07:11 PM)
speech 2x's a week and OT (1x in the classroom)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:07:34 PM)
my son talked as a 3 yr old, just was that he recited things...movies, books, video games...but he didn't have a language vocab of his own...

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:07:53 PM)
everything was memorized

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:08 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:13 PM)
my son, most couldn't understand him (i could 60% of the time but was difficult)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:22 PM)
i've read about it online

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:30 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:36 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:42 PM)
haven't heard of that

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:08:50 PM)
oh, echoing?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:09:23 PM)
go to if your interested...its quite an amazing dx

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:09:28 PM)
no, he had very poor speech - just couldn't make out what he was saying

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:09:45 PM)
apraxia type troubles?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:10:04 PM)
actually, his expressive language is very good now. more to do with receptive language now

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:10:26 PM)
i guess that's where the capd falls into place now

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:10:54 PM)
lots of these terms are new to me - like i said still trying to find out a dx for him. i know what i do from researching on the net

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:11:23 PM)
oh, forgot to mention ...he had LOTS of ear infections as a child

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:11:24 PM)
the internet is wonderful isnt it?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:11:30 PM)
mine too!

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:11:48 PM)
your son doesn't happen to be named Jonah is he??? LOL!

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:11:51 PM)
sure has helped me

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:11:57 PM)
nope, kory

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:07 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:07 PM)
I have a Corey too

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:11 PM)
he is 15

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:25 PM)
i have a daughter, 13 and a son, 22

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:34 PM)
and a chris 19, and a Jared 17

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:48 PM)
all boys?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:49 PM)
they are really spaced

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:52 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:59 PM)
mine too

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:12:59 PM)
yours i meant

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:13:29 PM)
the 22 yr old is in college

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:13:37 PM)
my first 3 were all together..i thought i was crazy then...but looking back it was great...theyr'e such good buddies

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:14:02 PM)
my 19 yr old was in college...the quarter just ended 1/26 and he decided not to go back

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:14:04 PM)
knew i couldn't do that

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:14:28 PM)
he doesnt have a clue as to what he wants to do

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:14:39 PM)
this whole ld thing has been an eye-opening experience

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:14:51 PM)
so true....

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:15:13 PM)
how does he get along with kids in school...does he have any social skills trouble?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:15:38 PM)
i didn't know anything about them - heard of ADHD and making letters backward but that was it

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:16:09 PM)
no, but sometimes he's not aware of other kid's reactions

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:16:31 PM)
for the most part, he's very friendly and well liked

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:16:46 PM)
that's great to hear

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:17:12 PM)
does your son have sensory issues?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:17:36 PM)
its hard to know what kinds of trouble your kids will be dealing with anyway as they go along..but throw this stuff on top of it and it can be so difficult for them to fit in

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:18:15 PM)
yes he does...light, some oral stuff...he's not into foods at all...he has a very limited about kory?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:18:33 PM)
yes, i started working for the school district almost 2 yrs ago and work mostly in SDC (special day classes) as an aide

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:18:41 PM)
that's great

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:19:02 PM)
he does have some issues but i think he's outgrowing lots of them

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:19:33 PM)
jonah too, he used to have a real problem with the noises of a bathroom, esp at restaurants...but no problems there any longer.

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:19:38 PM)
smells can really get to him,

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:19:49 PM)
mid-line crossovers were a problem

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:19:57 PM)
oh yes..what an unbelieveable nose this boy has

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:20:09 PM)
yes on the mid-line too...we still work on that

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:20:31 PM)
balance problems - not very good at sport but LOVES them and doing better in them now

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:20:40 PM)
he just took a hand preference about 1 yr ago..but he still avoids crossing midline at times

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:21:24 PM)
that was another thing i noticed - not right or left handed until almost 6 yrs old - kept asking about that

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:21:32 PM)
jonahs balance is good..he is a great climber...loves to be in trees...sits on the top of furntiure i don't know if thats anything other than a nusance

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:22:11 PM)
we have a small trampoline in our basement and he gets a lot of deep pressure from that

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:22:18 PM)
took long time to learn to tie shoes - still has problems with buttons

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:22:24 PM)
the other boys love to play with him on that too

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:22:36 PM)
are you sure his name is not jonah? LOL

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:23:10 PM)'s so great to know that other people know exactly what you're going through........

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:23:26 PM)
i have jonah is velcro shoes right now--i need to get laces so we can get working on that--and he knows why i want to get him new he is balking at it

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:23:55 PM)
its rare to have one sooo similar on lots of listservs!!

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:24:00 PM)
so many little things i've noticed but no-one ever told me that can be a sign of ld's (found out online)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:24:36 PM)
yes, and never having been down this road before you only learn by trial and error too

My girl (ID=132) (Feb 6, 2001 11:24:42 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP = )

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:24:50 PM)
hello my girl

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:25:35 PM)
for the longest time i tried to push kory into doing it (GOT to have that down by 5! LOL) but finally went with velcro and sweat pants (zippers and buttons were too hard). glad to say, he can do most of this stuff now

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:26:03 PM)
hello, my girl

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:26:07 PM)
we work on so much i didn't think this was a pronblem leaving this for next year

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:26:37 PM)
right, got to quit worrying about what everyone else thinks.

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:26:57 PM)
we go to private ST and OT two times a week too

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:27:19 PM)
will the school provide it too?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:27:22 PM)
well, 2 x for speech, 1 x fo r OT

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:27:56 PM)
yes, we get ST 2x at school, and OT 1 x there too...but to me its NOTHING compared to the private therapists

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:28:18 PM)
kory did get it via medical but was getting to be too much so went with the school district (also, happened to move to CA)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:28:30 PM)
how long ago?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:28:46 PM)
how did the older kids handle that?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:28:52 PM)
2 years ago in july

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:29:35 PM)
my son joined the navy so he was out of the house, daughter didn't like it but loves it here now (took over a year, tho)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:29:54 PM)
that has to be a tough time for them

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:30:17 PM)
i'm tired of it but my husband works for the federal government so......

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:30:18 PM)
Navy? I'd love my son to join up....he is directionless right now

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:30:29 PM)
so you've moved a lot?

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:31:02 PM)
well, i didn't want him too but he wouldn't listen to me (it's worked out fine for him, in college - ROTC)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:31:38 PM)
yes, quite a bit - before PA (6yrs), tucson (5yrs), okalahome (14mos)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:32:13 PM)
being from cincinnati, where people tend to live and die their whole lives within a 2 mile radius...the thought of moving is so foreign...although we almost did 3 yrs ago..but there's that almost husband couldn't bring himself to do it...

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:32:57 PM)
well, i'm tired of it but will probably move within the next 6mos so......

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:33:17 PM)
what causes all the moves?

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:33:25 PM)
what does he do/

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:33:44 PM)
husband work for the federal prison system so they move people around for promotions

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:33:51 PM)
i see

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:34:42 PM)
told him only one more move - not doing anymore. daughter will be in 8th grade and don't want to move her in high school

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:34:48 PM)
you know, with all the worries and wonders about my son jonah, it's my son chris, that's 19 that really drives me crazy with worry and wonder

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:35:09 PM)
that sounds like a fair deal

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:35:28 PM)
think that's the age............he'll figure it out. my son, at 22, is like a different kid now

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:35:45 PM)
i can't wait for him to find himself

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:35:46 PM)
so much more mature

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:35:59 PM)
mine is so immature

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:36:13 PM)
see, mine needs the navy

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:36:17 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:36:31 PM)
i always say - 17 to when they are on their own is the hard years LOL

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:37:06 PM)
my 17 yr old hasnt hit it yet...but he's always been more mature than my 19 yr old...even as youngsters

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:37:19 PM)
my 17 yr old is a junior in high school and doing great

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:37:28 PM)
you can only take so much..................

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:37:32 PM)
chris was 17 and entering college

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:37:53 PM)
he was young for his grade...what a mistake!

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:38:16 PM)
and so we fight...and I feel like all i do is make things worse

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:38:18 PM)
i kept kory back a year (knew he wasn't ready)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:38:25 PM)
mine jonah too

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:38:56 PM)
but my corey is in the same boat as my chris...young, august birthdays and so the youngest in the grades

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:39:30 PM)
but he is a wonderful kid very much involved in things and with much direction and dedication to his school work

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:39:39 PM)
kory is in september so he's the oldest in his class (and CA has a DEC cutoff date)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:39:47 PM)
this is what my chris lacked totally

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:40:27 PM)
well, he'd fit right in here in cincinnati

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:40:37 PM)
sept is the cutoff

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:41:08 PM)
that's what PA was - changed it to the last day of september after my son but didn't let him go anyways

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:41:34 PM)
jonah has a may bday so he is older than the most regular older kids by a few months...but there are so many people holding their summer bday kids back now., so theres lots of them close to his age

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:41:56 PM)
so, now my daughter is one of the oldest in her class but would rather it be that way than the other

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:42:06 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:42:55 PM)
loved talking to you but bed-time for my kids so gotta go

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:43:01 PM)
well, beth, its been great talking to you...i hope i can get back on next week and catch up with you me privately if you'd like so we can keep up

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:43:21 PM)
mine is

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:43:28 PM)
okay, my e-mail is

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:43:58 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:44:02 PM)
hey, do you ever do msn instant messeneger

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:44:08 PM)
good night

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:44:35 PM)
yes, i've got it. love it

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:44:44 PM)
if you do i have an email at hotmail too...its

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:44:46 PM)
that's my address

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:03 PM)
i'll hook it up and be talkning to you then

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:08 PM)
okay, i'll add you to my list

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:13 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:19 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:22 PM)
it s been great chatting thanks for all the hlep

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:25 PM)
good night

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:35 PM)

beth (ID=127) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:38 PM)

Bethe (ID=131) (Feb 6, 2001 11:45:42 PM)

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