angel (ID=10) (Feb 13, 2001 3:23:19 AM)
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debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:32:27 AM)
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Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:32:39 AM)
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debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:33:20 AM)
Good morning Carol

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:33:24 AM)
Goodmorning debbie

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:33:39 AM)
This is my first time so im gonna be slow

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:33:44 AM)
How are you doing this morning?

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:33:53 AM)
Fine, thanks and you

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:33:57 AM)
That's ok..once you get use to the chat, it is pretty simple.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:34:02 AM)
Where are you from?

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:34:12 AM)
Orlando, Fl

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:34:22 AM)
I"m in Jacksonville!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:34:47 AM)
The NCAPD is hoping to hold it's first conference in Orlando in August

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:34:54 AM)
My mother -ln -law i believe talked with you earlier this month.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:35:07 AM)
Yes, we emailed back and forth

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:35:08 AM)
Oh really do you know the dates?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:35:52 AM)
Right now I am planning for August 25th,,it's a Saturday, but I have to confirm dates and reservations. Slight chance I may end up moving it or Jacksonville, but I"M not sure yet

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:17 AM)
Jeffrey has not yet been diagnosed but I have contacted Dr. Jay ? and waiting on a response from him.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:24 AM)
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Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:42 AM)
I am very interested to find out as much as i can

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:45 AM)
The dr j in this chat is not the same Dr Jay that I gave your mother in law the information for.

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:50 AM)
Good morning deb

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:56 AM)
Goodmorning all!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:36:56 AM)
good morning Deb!

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:37:27 AM)
I am at work right now so I don't know how long I will be able to stay on.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:37:31 AM)
Hey, remember, it's Dr. J's Birthday today!! We need to 'sing' to him this AM

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:37:49 AM)
The dr j that hosts this chat is Dr J Lucker from Washington DC...the dr that i referred you to is DR Jay Hall. Deb just recently took her son to see him.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:37:57 AM)
I remember Deb!! =)

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:38:27 AM)
I am so excited to maybe finally get some answers.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:38:30 AM)
Carol...Dr. Hall is very thourough in his testing, and easy to talk to. I liked him a lot.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:38:42 AM)
Carol, Deb is also from Florida.

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:39:01 AM)
Great. How long did it take to get an appointment?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:39:32 AM)
also Carol if you keep in touch I will definitely let you know when the final plans are made for the email is or

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:39:33 AM)
About a month I think. It was worth waiting for though. Where do you live Caol?

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:39:50 AM)
Orlando, FL

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:40:09 AM)
Debbie, yes I will definately keep in touch

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:40:33 AM)
Deb, I went to the school yesterday to talk to Sarah's tutor and other staff....*grin*

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:40:46 AM)
OK, I'm in Ocala. I know there is an audiologist at Arnold Palmer, who HAS APD, my sons SLP worked with her.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:41:03 AM)
Carol, I really hope we are able to help you find the answers to help your son.

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:41:32 AM)
Thank you , I feel better just being in this chat room and talking with other people.

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:41:50 AM)
Deb.... What is the Dr's name?

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:42:05 AM)
Debbie....yeeeeeesssss? I left yet ANOTHER message for our ESE woman. She's NOT on my good list right now. IEP mtg. next Tues...and I STILL don't have Travis' Lang. eval...which was done on Jan. 10th!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:42:30 AM)
Deb and I are both attending a symposium next week on the 22nd in Gainesville on auditory processing

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:42:57 AM)
Bring back lots of information.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:43:00 AM)
Carol...I'll have to look it up....amungst my HUGE mess! If I can't find it, I'll ask his SLP....I'll give you my

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:43:17 AM)
we hope to

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:43:46 AM)
Debbie...any more info on that next week? Time, etc? His teacher wants to go if she can...also, the OT in Ocala I met with is interested in going.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:44:06 AM)
*LOL* too funny Deb,,I'm on the phone calling U of F right now

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:45:04 AM)
Debbie....YIPPIE...can't wait to hear.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:45:11 AM)
Deb, there is no answre now...but based on the brochure that I got in the mail...there is a $20. fee to attend

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:45:35 AM)
Carol....e-mail me in a few days, and I should have her name for you,....can't find it right now....

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:45:52 AM)
I was originally told no since we were not applying for CEU' I dont know if we will have to pay it or not

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:45:55 AM)
Ok, great

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:46:12 AM)
registration is at 8:30...conference is scheduled to end at 3L30

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:46:24 AM)
Dr J must be caught in DC traffic

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:46:54 AM)
Ladies....I have to get out now. Did I understand correctly in that I can review what goes on here maybe this afternoon.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:47:01 AM)
University Centre hostel

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:47:03 AM)
debbie.....even if we do have to pay the $20.....I'm still going!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:47:30 AM)
Carol, the archives will not be up by this afternoon due to my schedule.....please give me a few days, i'm working hard on getting them updated,

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:47:45 AM)
i have to take sarah to dentist to have teeth i dont expect to get alot done today

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:47:45 AM)
IS it at the place where we went for Earobics, or the other one, do you know?

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:12 AM)
ok, thanks for all your help.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:14 AM)
i believe the other one deb, cause the flyer says across from Shands hospitlal

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:23 AM)
Carol there is a parent chat tonight at 8 also

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:31 AM)
I'll be there.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:34 AM)
1535 W Archer road

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:39 AM) is teeth pulling day....

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:39 AM)
ok Carol, see you then!!!!

Carol (ID=18) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:46 AM)

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:48:58 AM)
Sarah has to have 5 teeth pulled altogether .....poor little girl

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:49:18 AM) that is the one aaccross from Shands At least we won't get lost this time! *L*

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:49:39 AM)
you just have one phone line right/

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:49:41 AM)

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:49:46 AM)
Poor you have lots of ice cream and pudding at home for her?!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:50:03 AM)
I"ll get her some...we are having macaroni and cheese for dinner

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:50:05 AM)
Yes...just one....=(

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:50:45 AM)
I have a feeling someone had a surprise planned for dr j that kept him away so far this am..i got an email from him last night saying he'd see me this am...

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:50:59 AM)
She should be able to eat mac and cheese ok....poor thing....I remember oh to well when I had 4 of mine pulled.....

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:51:03 AM)
i just tried to call you....have to tel you what's been happening at the school.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:52:04 AM)
How were they with you? Cold....or did they actually listen? What a switch that would be! Yep, I bet you're right about Dr. J...he's usually not this late, if he's late at all.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:52:31 AM)
I tried to email you last saturday, but i was so upset that i couldnt email you from work

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:52:51 AM)

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:53:36 AM)
i spent 20 min on the phone with sarah's teacher and was in tears,,,,i ended up spending the rest of my break in the restroom crying..i was alreayd having a rough day.....

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 8:56:41 AM)
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Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:56:52 AM)
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dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:01 AM)
Good morning debbie and deb. Sorry I'm late. Good morning Carol.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:05 AM)
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you!!!

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:18 AM)
Good morning.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:22 AM)
not a problem..deb and I are just chit chatting

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:23 AM)
and Happy Birthday

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:35 AM)
Is this the same Carol that was just here!

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:46 AM)
Thank you very much debbie. And, deb, thanks for the wonderful surprise birthday card I received last Friday.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:47 AM)
No, my daughter is Krystie

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:57:54 AM)
Getting about as many Carol's in the chat as Debbie's =)

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:58:01 AM)
Happy Birthday Dr. J!!!!!!!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 8:58:02 AM)
this is KrystieDon!

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:58:06 AM)

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:58:37 AM)
Oh, I'm glad that you got it! Did you like the lightbulb border?! I thought that was quite appropriate!

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 8:58:46 AM)
Well, how are things going with you all? And Debbie, did you receive my first draft for the simulation article for the newsletter?

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:59:01 AM)
The counselor called me yesterday, wants a meeting because Krystie holds her ears. Is this related to CAPD?

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 8:59:08 AM)
Yes. The whole thing was a wonderful surprise.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 8:59:28 AM)
I'm glad you liked it!!

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 8:59:29 AM)
Carol, when you say Krystie holds her ears, when does she do that?

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:59:45 AM)
with loud noise, or even normal surprise noise

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 8:59:53 AM)
Noise that she didn't expect

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:00:48 AM)
I was just telling Deb, how Sarah's teacher told me on Friday how Sarah is acting strange in class....after all when they are talking about a certain topic Sarah may give an inappropriate response...such as when they are talking about the zoo, Sarah may say

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:00:49 AM)
Carol, that's good observation. Does it seem that the noise that "bothers" her is of a specific pitch, or does it just seem that she is "thrown" by the presence of an unexpected noise. And, does the noise have to be loud to bother her?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:00:54 AM)
"I have a cat"

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:01:42 AM)
That's the thing, the teacher said the noise is like a bell ringing to change class, not loud but sudden. Also, a fire engine going by outside made her almost cry

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:01:47 AM)
debbie, have you ever noticed that type of behavior at home or with friends?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:02:34 AM)
yes i have...the teacher is not telling me anything me it's not strange sarah the teacher is talking about the zoo, which has animals, and sarah has a her it is related

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:03:04 AM)
Carol, if the sounds that bother Krystie are loud, then, she may be frightened by the suddenly loud, intense sounds. It could be related to auditory hypersensitivity OR it could be related to her body not knowing how to deal with the loud sounds.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:03:28 AM)
That is they way Sarah is a progression there to her......

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:03:52 AM)
I'm finally having her tested by an audiologist but we have to wait until July or August.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:04:43 AM)
Dr J, yes I did get your article, thank you very much...sorry just realized that I had not answered that.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:06:13 AM)
This audiologist isn't an MD is that typical?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:06:33 AM)
just a sec..brb

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:06:41 AM)
debbie, that type of behavior is very much related to a breakdown in integration.....and Sarah's auditory processing problems are at the level of integration. What is happening is that Sarah is getting (extracting and focusing) on just as you said, the animals and not the WHOLE picture. A good way to help Sarah and see if the teacher is willing to do this as well is to acknowledge that she has contributed something, but, try to help focus her on the ENTIRE topic maybe try emphasizing the key or important words to help form the total mental image....such as, "Yes, you have a cat and there are animals in the zoo, but we are talking specifically about ANIMALS IN THE ZOO. So, is your cat an ANIMAL IN THE ZOO?" I would expect Sarah to realize from the emphasis that her cat is NOT in the zoo, then, the teacher can reask the question, "Well, then, what ANIMALS do we SEE in the ZOO?" or whatever.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:08:49 AM)
Carol, I'm surprised that you have to wait neraly 6 months to see an audiologist. ANd, yes, an audiologist is NOT a medical professional in the sense of being an MD. Audiologists are certified and in most states licensed professionals who either have master's degrees in audiology, doctorate degrees in audiology (called the AuD - a relatively new degree status for audiology), or doctorate degrees in some related field that is Ph.D's or such.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:09:43 AM)
OK, so she should be able to diagnose with certainty. In Boston the wait for an appt. was 8-10 months. I have to go out West to Lexington.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:09:59 AM)
When the teacher was telling me about this type of "strange" behavior, she commented on she didnt know if this is just Sarah's personality or a need for a attention, I tried explaining it to her that it iwas part of Sarah's APD. It made me realize the teacher really dont understand at all.....

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:10:47 AM)
That is so common, debbie, they really don't understand the whole picture. Our teacher thinks it just involves attention.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:11:04 AM)
and hearing

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:11:45 AM)
The teacher went on to tell me how this "strange" behavior makes it hard for Sarah to make friends and that although Sarah appears to be a happy child, that she probably is very sad inside, and that I may want to consider moving her to another school when she goes to jr high, so that she's around new kids who aren't use to her "behavior" so that she has a chance to make friends.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:11:50 AM)
I'm thankful Travis has such an understanding teacher....although right now, he is having major difficulties in school.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:12:24 AM)
That's so sad, debbie, these kids can learn to accept her the way she is and be her friends.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:12:24 AM)
Carol, I would carefully reply to your response when you said "OK, so she should be able to diagnose with certainty." Most audiologist really do NOT understand and are not experts in the area of APD and most audiologists do NOT know how to diagnose differentially APD vs. a whole bunch of other related factors. Most audiologists who do APD testing just know how to give the tests, but the bottom line is to find someone who really understands auditory processes and auditory perception and can look at the test data, test behaviors, and presenting behaviors and be able to differentially diagnose what is causing the child to have the presenting behaviors and what led to the child having the problems found (if any) on the APD tests.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:13:11 AM)
Well, with a teacher like that, and has the nerve to say that to you Debie, has no business being a teacher. She's not listening to YOU, Sarahs parent, who knows her better than anybody.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:13:27 AM)
That's just what I want and I told them that. This is our 4th round of testing for her and this time I want specifics.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:13:48 AM)
How do you find that kind of audiologist?

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:15:24 AM)
debbie. I must agree strongly with Carol on this. Children do NOT have predjudices against other children who present with "quirks" or "strange behaviors." If the adults in the environment (the parents and the teacher, especially the teacher) accepts the child for what the child is, and models behaviors to deal successfully with the child, then the other children will merely see Sarah as Sarah and those who want to be her friend will be her friend.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:16:33 AM)
Carol, you ask the audiologist some background questions such as "What is your approach to APD?" "How do you define APD?" "What do you usually find from your APD testing?" "In what way will your report of my daughter's APD testing help us at home and help in school?"

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:17:16 AM)
So this is done at the appt. because, before that, the only conversation is with the secretary.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:18:04 AM)
We had the prelim. testing done Jan. 8 and are still waiting for the report at the school. But since I didn't get a diagnosis, I hope they never get it because I am scared I might lose the 504 which needs a medical diagnosis

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:19:10 AM)
I find it totally amazing that last year, Sarah's teacher, always told me how sweet and well liked Sarah was and now this year she's "strange" and dont make any friends..

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:19:15 AM)
Carol, see if you feel comfortable with the responses the audiologist gives you to these questions. FOr example, the most common approach audiologists take is to view APD as an auditory perceptual problem. They may not say that, but they may say, "Well, I see APD as a problem in the auditory system leading from the ear to the brain. ANd the tests will tell specific areas of deficit such as whether your child can understand filtered speech, or how well your child is able to understand speech in noise." What you want is to find out the underlying or bottom line - what factors in processing auditory information cause or lead to a child not being able to understand filtered or distorted speech or having problems understanding speech in noise.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:19:35 AM)
debbie, is it true that sarah has no friends?

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:20:29 AM)
Carol, a 504 plan does NOT need a medical diagnosis. WHo told you that the ADA requires a medical diagnosis?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:20:30 AM)
Sarah does not have real close friends like her sister does, she tends to want to play with her sister at recess instead of classmates

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:21:00 AM)
but when she invited girls over for a sleepover they were so excited about comign over..they turned down the circus to come over

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:21:08 AM)
debbie, do you think that Sarah's wanting to play with her sister at recess is Sarah's choice or her avoiding playing with others?

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:21:20 AM)
The counselor at the school thought it needed a diagnosis but I'm willing to fight to keep it because it is helping

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:21:42 AM)
avoiding playing with others....but also wanting to play with her sister,,they are very close.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:22:24 AM)
ANd, what you can continue to do is get Sarah together with other children in her class and, perhaps, discuss and practice or model for Sarah how to discuss getting together with her classmate/friends for a weekend. Then, when recess time comes, Sarah can spend time with her friends discussing what they will do that weekend when they get together.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:24:09 AM)
dr j, Sarah is a very sweet and loving girl with a tender and fragile spirit, her feelings are hurt easy and I know she has trouble making friends,, I was hoping by having more sleepovers and play days at the house, that Sarahs' friends would get to know her one on one in a small group and get to know her for who she is....and that would carry over to school.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:24:12 AM)
Carol, the 504 plan or section 504 comes from the Americans with Disabilities Law and relates to the fact that without these 504 accommodations the child is NOT able to obtain equal access to whatever (in this case learning and equal access to the teacher's message). THus, any disability that interfers with a child being able to obtain equal access leads to a disability and any accommodation that is needed is written in the 504 plan.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:25:03 AM)
So the ADL isn't specific regarding a certain diagnosis? That's great and she can maintain the 504 through school.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:26:11 AM)
debbie, you are doing all the right things. Now, you can do a bit of extension by helping Sarah set up conversations or discussions (I'm using these adult terms, but use whatever works for Sarah) so that during recess just prior to a sleepover or playdate, Sarah has some specific questions she needs to ask her friends and discuss with them, such as, "WHat videos should we get for our sleepover?" Then, during recess, Sarah can discuss the videos with her friends and that would get her to interact with them in school.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:26:30 AM)
Carol, by ADL do you mean ADA?

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:26:37 AM)
yes, sorry

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:30 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:37 AM)
No, the ADA requires that the school agree upon some "label" for why a child is unable to receive equal access. For example, the problem could be a receptive language disorder, or an auditory processing problem, or an auditory based deficit. Some schools will NOT accept the APD diagnosis, but they will accept a label describing the child has having problems listening.....(auditory based problem) which is not a hearing loss. If a child has problems listening and needs certain accommodations to listen more appropriately, then the child can have a 504 plan under ADA.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:41 AM)
Good morning Cindy

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:43 AM)
Hi cindy

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:46 AM)
Goodmorning cindy......

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:47 AM)
Good morning Cindy.

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:28:54 AM)

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:29:12 AM)
I am new to this, but have been dying to talk to someone

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:29:20 AM)
So the auditory processing problem should be enough for now?

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:30:28 AM)
debbie, do you think that for a future upcoming sleepover or play date, you could discuss with Sarah, at home, some questions that she needs to discuss in school with her friend(s) and encourage her to discuss these questions at recess and lunch. Then, Sarah and her friends can see that there is a goal a reason for getting together and they may want to then go off and play with Sarah.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:30:39 AM)
Carol, enough for what?

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:31:32 AM)
to satisfy the school to keep the 504 in place. That is written pending CAPD diagnosis. Won't have that until the summer so the auditory processing problem should be enough of a reason to keep the 504 in place

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:32:36 AM)
dr j, I will definitely go over ideas with Sarah I"m also trying to get Kendra and Sarah to do a few more things independently. I want them to be close, but they each need to be their own person. Kendra is definitely the leader between the two of them.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:33:19 AM)
debbie, my youngest, Shannen, is also the leader between the 2

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:33:26 AM)
Debbie....exact same thing with Travis and Corey. Corey is definately the leader.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:33:26 AM)
No, the auditory processing problem is not sufficient for keep an 504 in place and even a diagnosis of APD is not sufficient. What is needed and I would suspect you have is documentation from school (especially the classroom teacher) that without the accommodations Krystie is not able to "listen" sucessfully in order to obtain the teacher's message. SO, we need to use these accommodations to maintain Krystie's abilities to access the teacher's information in class.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:33:50 AM)
Oh, OK, thanks

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:33:55 AM)
debbie, if I am not mistaken, the girls are, what 2 years apart in age, right?

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:34:01 AM)
anyone, My son is 10 and still having trouble with using correct grammar in speech. Is this common? He does see a speech therapist 2x a week. He uses her in place of she and things like that? I feel so bad but he doesn't seem to notice and I don't know if he'll ever completely stop. And he, at least 3x a week leaves his finished homework in his backpack, after we have worked so hard on it the night before

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:34:08 AM)
yes they are dr j

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:35:06 AM)
cindy, my daughter also forgets to pass in her homework after hours of doing it. She says she forgets but I think she misses the prompt from the teacher to pass it in

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:35:58 AM)
Does any of your children fly off the handle over simple things, and he is so posessive, never wants me out of his sight for a minute, God forbid I want to go to the grocery store

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:36:26 AM)
I have to say from my own children's experiences, they were very close and throughout the elementary and middle school, they were ALWAYS tagging along, especially the youngest (at that time) Christopher. One of the few grateful things Anne and I have often said was when we moved down to the D.C. area, and the older kids were off at college or our older son stayed with his grandparents to finish his last year of HS then on to college, we saw a tremendous growth in Christopher becasue he could NOT fall back on his siblings and had to be "his own person."

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:36:50 AM)
My son will fly off the handle over 'nothing' type things...but not nearly as much as he did in the past...he's 8.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:37:12 AM)
Cindy, what you seem to describe is a langauge based problem that could be a result of an underlying auditory processing deficit, but is more likely to be the result of a receptive or expressive language based disorder.

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:37:13 AM)
flying off the handle, or losing control, the increased frustration, is the reason I pursued all the testing. I can handle the lack of attention, it's the frustration and depression that is the problem

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:38:43 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:38:49 AM)
Hi Lori

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:38:50 AM)
Dr. J...I am in the process of waiting for Travis' language has now been over a month since his SLP did the testing. I told her I want it by tomorrow, as we have our IEP mtg. next Tues....very frustrating.

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:39:00 AM)
Hi All!

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:39:04 AM)
Good morning Lori

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:39:15 AM)
hi Lori! How are you this morning?

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:39:34 AM)
Great Thank you & You

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:39:37 AM)
Carol, when you ask about and describe your child as "flying off the handle" this can be related to numerous underlying factors. CHildren who can't understand (because of auditory processing problems or receptive language problems) may get lost or overloaded and can easily fly off the handle, a child who can't express himself (expressive language disorder) can become easily frustrated....a child with attention problems, distractibility, impulse control, underlying behavioral problems, etc. SO, flying off the handle can be due to a variety of underlying factors.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:04 AM)
deb, is this a school based SLP eval or private?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:10 AM)
I"m doing great this morning Lori! =)

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:25 AM)
good morning Lori.

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:36 AM)
I think my husband is a little harder on him, then I am and that makes him want me more, and yes Dr J they did tell me he has an expressive language delay. It is decreasing but I am hoping he will try and work on it, he seems to no realize its there. And I dislike correcting him, I feel bad. Mostly because other children are so cruel. I just try to ignore it. I'm just glad he has alot of good friends

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:40 AM)
This is only my second visit to your chat

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:43 AM)
Yes, and because of the testing, I now have a better sense of what frustrates her and now have to get the school to cooperate and appreciate her problem

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:40:50 AM)
Dr. based. She thinks there is an expressive language problem...I at least got that much out of her a few weeks ago.

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:41:01 AM)
My 16 year old daughter was just diagnosed with CAPD

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:41:59 AM)
Lori we are happy you could join us again How is your daughter doing in school

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:42:29 AM)
I have 2 boys and 1 daughter, she is fine, but now they tell me my second boy has a mild case of capd. I never noticed except for the speech delay. He is 6. My other son is so severe. I guess thats why I never took notice, or maybe I was in denial to go through all this again

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:42:49 AM)
Cindy, here's something that should help if your son has expressive language problems. THis may also be helpful for some other parents as well. I present this both as a professional and as a parent who found it successful with our children.

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:42:58 AM)
Doing well but has cheated and used her twin brother to help her

cindy (ID=22) (Feb 13, 2001 9:43:40 AM)
We were in a bad school situation for a while, then we moved thank goodness, I get lots of help now. What is your suggestion Dr J?

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:43:52 AM)
I have to get going, Valentine's day party for my youngest. What time is chat tonight, 8?

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:44:20 AM)
Bye Carol...hope to see you tonight in chat....yes, it's at 8 PM

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:44:25 AM)
The high school is also very cooperative, she was diagnosed 3 months ago and she already has an FM system, note takers and other accomodations

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:44:28 AM)
yes Carol at 8 tonight

Carol (ID=21) (Feb 13, 2001 9:44:37 AM)
bye, thanks

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:44:47 AM)
I dont know how long I will be able to be in chat tonight, Sarah is having teeth pulled at the dentist today, so I may be in and out

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:44:51 AM)
CIndy, what often causes a child to fly off the handle is that the child does not know another more socially and emotionally appropriate way to handle the situation. What we can do, and this takes a lot of educated guessing, is to provide the child with the words to express himself. For example, instead of yelling and screaming, it is NOT ok to yell and scream but it IS ok to say "I am angry" or "I am disappointed," etc.

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:45:46 AM)
The diagnosis, while devastating was also the missing puzzle piece. I now have my happy daughter back.She is relieved because she thought she was dumb

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:47:06 AM)
Debbie....just popped into my we need to register for next Thursday?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:48:42 AM)
we can register at the door

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:49:13 AM)
Lori, in my experience, I feel this is one of the most important things a professional can provide when APD testing results in an APD deficit. I typically ask the parents to leave the child present during a few minutes discussion after the testing (when the child is old enough an that's a lot to do with what I observe during the testing) to explain to the child that there is a real problem and you're not dumb.

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:49:42 AM)
Dr J, is it possible that my daughter can make up for 16 years of not learning

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:50:10 AM)
Her educational evaluation shows her at Kindergarten to 5th grade levels

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:50:23 AM)
Debbie...ok...just so I can tell his teacher and the Ocala OT....let me know if there is the $20.00 fee if you can...or any other info you haven't already given me. Thanks! =) =)

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:50:24 AM)
She is a junior in High School

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:51:28 AM)
will do deb

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:51:32 AM)
If what you are asking, Lori, is can my daughter go back and start all over again, I think you'd agree with me, NO. BUt, even adults can learn and can learn to compensate for problems and accept their processing styles. So, anyone and any age who is motivated can learn. WHat your daughter needs is support, acceptance, understanding and a constant reminder that she needs to do things differently, but different is not a negative, it's just her style her way of doing things.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:51:40 AM)
Thank you mam!!

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:52:57 AM)
Thank you Dr J, my daughter is working hard both at home and in school.I am quite surprised because I was told that a 16 year old would not want to work at home. She has already completed the first phase of Earobis.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:54:05 AM)
Lori, just to help you see this. Once I had an adult, about 32 years of age come to see me. She had dropped out of two colleges, tried community college, that was also a "bust," and she had worked a number of different jobs never being satisfied. She was very bright, but has a very serious auditory decoding problem. She could not read well, spelling was terrible, and writing was very difficult.

cindyl (ID=25) (Feb 13, 2001 9:55:32 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:56:14 AM)
I discussed with her that we need to accept that she has to learn things differently and would she try some of the things we might do for young children to go back to the basics and start over. Well, within about 7-9 months she tried a number of different things. She then moved to California, and wrote a three page letter telling me and the SLP with whom she worked about her new job (part-time) writing and designing cards (like hallmark stuff) and that she was enrolled, part-time in a college majoring in graphic arts and design. So, even at 30+ you can learn.

cindyl (ID=25) (Feb 13, 2001 9:56:57 AM)
hi I got kicked off line. This is cindy but it says I cant use that name I don't know what happened. I will be on tonight at 8 talk to you all then. bye

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:57:15 AM)
Thank you Dr J and thank you all, I hope to get to know everyone in later chats. Thanks again!!!

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 9:57:24 AM)
Bye Cindy...see you tonight.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:57:43 AM)
lori, That's great. Interestingly, this 32 years old woman of whom I was just talking went through both Earobics Step 1 and Step 2 and then did FFWD. The SLP also used a visual-phonics based approach sort of a self-made Lindamood-Bell conceptualization for teaching this adult how to read and write.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:58:24 AM)
I guess Cindy has met up with the CHAT gremlins.......hmmmmm ;-)

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:58:25 AM)
Lori, we hope you will be able to join in many many more chats! =)

Lori (ID=23) (Feb 13, 2001 9:58:54 AM)
Thanks for the hope.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 9:58:54 AM)
dr gremlins must be giving you a break today as a birthday present

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:59:17 AM)
yes. And I'm surprised with the Gallaudet system being so unreliable.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 9:59:59 AM)
Debbie and Deb I followed a thread of your discussion. Are you two going to a workshop or something next week on Thursday?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:00:22 AM)
Deb and I are attending a symposium next week at the U of F given by James Jerger

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:00:26 AM)
Yes, at U of F...

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:00:55 AM)
Really. WOW. James Jerger is speaking on APD basically presenting the view from the Texas consensus group I would suspect!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:01:39 AM)
The symposium is more about auditory processing in the older age population, but I"m still very interested in hearing him speak and would suspect many of the problems faced by both age populations would be similar

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:01:41 AM)
Will it be an informative session Dr. J.? Dud, dumb question, right?! *L*

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:02:36 AM)
I meant, duh....!

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:03:28 AM)
deb, I would expect it to be very informative. I don't know to what level audience Jerger will be addressing, but, I would definitely suspect it will be informative. Jerger's approach to APD (unless he has changed) is very different from mine and possibly will be very different from the approaches you both are most familiar. So, it should be very interesting to see a different perspective on APD.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:03:34 AM)
The title of the lecture is "How Aging affects Auditory Functioning"

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:05:54 AM)
Oh, then Jerger will be speaking about the changes in the central auditory system and brain due to aging and how that affects auditory processing. He has been very interested in that aspect of auditory functioning for years. In the field of audiology, we know that as we get older we loose our hearing (meaning our hearing sensitivity). But, those of us who are observant or have interests in APD factors have noted that many people who are older and have mild or moderate hearing losses functiong much poorer in speech understanding than, say, a young adult or a child with the same hearing loss.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:06:01 AM)
I'm looking forward to hearing what his take on APD info is always may find that one 'thing' that may apply to your child.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:07:40 AM)
deb, you are very right.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:08:48 AM)
Well, it looks like it's that time for me to say, au revoir and get ready for my 11 am class. Again, deb, thanks for the wonderful surprise birthday card, and thanks for that great birthday song debbie. Debbie, see you later. and Deb, see you around maybe next chat in two weeks.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:08:48 AM)
I really think that as parents we have to gather as much information as possible and then make a determination for ourselves in what we believe and what applies to our child. That's why sometimes I feel like we go over the same things in the chats, but each time we might get one new bit of information that we missed before.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:08:51 AM)
I am so thanksful I am exposed to all of this since moving to FL...certainly wouldn't have had this in upstate NY...=(

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:09:23 AM)
deb, where in upstate NY are you from?

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:09:25 AM)
see you later dr j....deb, cant' wait to get together again next week!

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:09:42 AM)
I agree Debbie....I always pick up something in every single chat. Ithaca, NY...Cornell Univ.

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:10 AM)
Have a great birthday Dr. J...and as always, THANKS!!!

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:13 AM)
Beautiful country (middle of nowhere) but beautiful in Ithaca.

dr.j (ID=20) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:22 AM)
bye for now.

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:25 AM)
bye bye

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:30 AM)
Yes, beautiful, but BORING!!! *L*

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:41 AM)
Bye Debbie...see you tonight!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:42 AM)
I feel bad..I have Dr J's birthday card here at home somewehre!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:10:48 AM)
see you tonight.....

deb (ID=19) (Feb 13, 2001 10:11:04 AM)
*LOL* silly girl! CU tonight!

debbie (ID=17) (Feb 13, 2001 10:11:11 AM)

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