Andrea (ID=115) (Feb 27, 2001 8:22:00 PM)
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debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:24:12 PM)
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Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:25:38 PM)
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Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:26:12 PM)
Hi Debbie you there?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:26:18 PM)
hi Kathy
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:26:21 PM)
how are you tonight?
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:26:54 PM)
We are fine. Just finished dinner...gymnastics Tuesday night makes us run late
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:27:03 PM)
How are you?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:27:18 PM)
I"m doing good..just finished up on some homework..been a real long day
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:28:34 PM)
yes Im sure it has...We finihed homework at lunch time He was not cooperative at school today so he had to do it early then take a nap without tv or videos...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:29:42 PM)
i has the meeting at schoo.l this am...then metboth kids for home in time for meeting with dr j..ended that in time to pick up kids and do homework and dinner...just winding down now
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:30:01 PM)
after homework I told him to go play in his room til Daddy came home for lunch...It got really quietr.. I went in and found him undressed and in bed...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:30:22 PM)
poor little one was tired
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:30:33 PM)
he knew Iwas not happy....
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:30:55 PM)
he got up and ate lunch...then palyed somemore before nap
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:31:04 PM)
it's amazing how kids pick up on that
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:31:27 PM)
it was pretty clear....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:31:35 PM)
i know kids know here too
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:32:02 PM)
he was rude and the worst part is that the teacher hasnt slept in two days...two sick kids at home and he made her day worse...
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:32:28 PM)
I venture he'll be more pleasant tomorrow...
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:32:56 PM)
Did kendra get the pox yet?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:33:05 PM)
no so far she is clear
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:33:12 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:33:19 PM)
sarah had her first day back now we are playing catch up....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:33:43 PM)
remember i told you they were goign to fast track her reevaluation for ht e 504 after the meeting this morning?
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:33:48 PM)
yuck homework is always so pleasant to do anyway.....:(
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:34:04 PM)
yes did they change their crummy little minds?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:34:29 PM)
they did the first part of the retest by noon today..within 2 hours of me leaving the school!!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:34:47 PM)
it was only the hearing test..but they have to do that to do the other tests.
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:35:17 PM)
see if they want to do it they can....did she see an audiologist on two hours notice?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:35:46 PM)
it's the school test for hearing..the very basic..but it's required to do the other testing...the IQ testing....
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:36:03 PM)
was she ok about being tested without notice?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:36:16 PM)
but it shows they are taking things seriously now...when was the last time you saw a school do something within 2 hours
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:36:28 PM)
she was fine with it...sarah thinks these tests are fun
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:38:03 PM)
good the only time I have seen something done fast is when I called the distrcit office to complain that the firedoor to W's classrooom had been blocked for two weeks...the teacher had complained to the principla several times but with in 30 minutes or my cal the door was unblocked...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:38:15 PM)
this is the first time i've really sat down all day and i feel like i could fall asleep sitting up!!..not good!
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:38:43 PM)
since it is only us maybe you should head for bed....
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:02 PM)
Deb probably wont be here she was going out if she was up to it
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:14 PM)
she said she'd be in late..
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:23 PM)
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debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:24 PM)
are you going to be online tomorrow?
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:27 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:28 PM)
hi Peggy
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:36 PM)
Hi Everyone!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:41 PM)
How are you all?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:45 PM)
i can try and catch you online during the day...should be slow at work
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:39:52 PM)
doing pretty good Peggy and you?
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:03 PM)
off and on... the plumber, the carpet cleaners and the garage door opener guy are coming
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:14 PM)
sounfds like a fun line up.
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:15 PM)
OK... Some viruses going around this area...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:35 PM)
today was Sarah's first day back to school after chicken pox!
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:39 PM)
my car is in the shop no a/c and I am sttranded
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:52 PM)
Hi Peggy
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:40:59 PM)
dont sound like any fun Kathy!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:41:00 PM)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:41:11 PM)
Anything new here lately?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:41:31 PM)
I had meetings with Sarah's school today..I think we are making progress!!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:41:44 PM)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:02 PM)
I remember you were worried about that last week.:
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:10 PM)
Glad it is going well!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:13 PM)
First time in a long time I"ve felt posotive about what's happening at school
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:17 PM)
Are they working with you?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:29 PM)
What are they doing different???
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:32 PM)
they brought in a 504Planning specialist from the school district...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:44 PM)
by the end of the meeting i had a feeling he was 1/2 on my side...
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:42:54 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:04 PM)
we changed tutors to a tutor who will be working on class related material....
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:07 PM)
good. what do they plan to do?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:14 PM)
they are putting her in a before school reading program...............
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:21 PM)
wow glad you ditched the old one....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:39 PM)
and 3 times per week she will go to the computer lab to work on a vocabularly building program.............
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:42 PM)
What is the before school program?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:43:57 PM)
and they are redoing the IQ testing to try and qualify her for the IEP
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:44:24 PM)
Great! Does she have someone with her in computer lab ?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:44:49 PM)
the before school program is Great Leaps program..ti's actually the reading program the psych recommended last year
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:45:29 PM)
Debbie, I have a question for you...or for your opinion...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:45:43 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:45:50 PM)
if i can answer i will....
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:45:55 PM)
My husband and I are at odds right now and we have to work on this one....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:46:13 PM)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:46:18 PM)
Right now, my son has school from 8:15 to 4:00 each day.
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:46:25 PM)
We have a tutor 2xH
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:46:32 PM)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:46:52 PM)
We have a tutor 2x's per week on Tuesday/Friday for an hour each day....
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:47:09 PM)
My son also has homework on Monday thru Thursday...
gail (ID=119) (Feb 27, 2001 8:47:15 PM)
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Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:47:31 PM)
My husband think this can be too much.... He say's,
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:47:39 PM)
"Let the kid be a kid"
gail (ID=119) (Feb 27, 2001 8:47:56 PM)
hi all
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:01 PM)
The tutor and school want 20 minutes of reading on top of homework.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:06 PM)
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debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:08 PM)
peggy that's something i'm struggling with...
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:09 PM)
Hi Gail
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:12 PM)
How much can be too much ???
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:12 PM)
hi Diane and Gail
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:25 PM)
How do we handle this so there is a balance???
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:30 PM)
Hi debbie and everyone
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:30 PM)
Peggy to that I dont have an answer.....
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:48:43 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:49:04 PM)
I wonder the same thing....some nights like tonight Sarah was at the table all night doing homework (she's catching up from chicken pox)..........
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:49:04 PM)
Maybe some other Moms do. Or maybe that can be a topic sometime???
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:49:26 PM)
seems as if there are some times she has no "down time"...i dont want her to resent school
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:49:35 PM)
How do we balance work and being a kid so we don't overload the kids.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:49:47 PM)
Peggy...remind me and we'll pose it as a topic next week......ok?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:49:53 PM)
Thats what my husband says, he would resent all the work.
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:16 PM)
I am sure it could lead to school work struggles....
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:18 PM)
may I ask what you all have been discussing?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:32 PM)
basically much is too much?
gail (ID=119) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:40 PM)
anyone care to give me their opinion
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:41 PM)
school work/tutors and how to balance everything...
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:49 PM)
homework etc??
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:51 PM)
when do we draw the line between school...tutors and let the kids be kids
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:50:58 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:51:19 PM)
like tonight..sarha was literally at the table doing homework all night long........when do the kids get "down time"
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:51:20 PM)
Maybe Dr. J would have a opinion?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:51:21 PM)
Oh boy I wish I was in on this one one of my main dilemmas
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 8:51:22 PM)
This is a problem faced by all parents even ones with out the special needs.. My neighbors child had 1 to 2 hours of homework in K and 1st grade now much morein later grades
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:52:05 PM)
I think it is a problem we all may have at some time.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:52:06 PM)
there are some nights we do homework for 3 hours or more.....when does Sarah get to play?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:52:43 PM)
They do need down time... But all the schools want at lease 20 minutes of reading per day. on top of homework.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:52:58 PM)
I agree debbie ,..I hesitate to sign jake up for anything extra curricular
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:52:59 PM)
Then there is dinner, baths, etc...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:53:00 PM)
I ask myself the same thing when it comes to tests...when do you know when to quit testing....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:53:09 PM)
exactly peggy
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:53:30 PM)
we are doing NOTHING extra curricular..have to take care of basics first
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:53:33 PM)
I think I am done with testing for a while...
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:53:40 PM)
we have no downtime here
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:00 PM)
Same here.. We do have baseball comming up in April,
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:04 PM)
ok so let me ask you...wiht everything going on with our kids....when do you moms have down time?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:21 PM)
We have done soccer in the past but I did not sign Jake up for spring season
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:21 PM)
Now, at work....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:32 PM)
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.,..........tough question!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:39 PM)
My work time is my down time usually.
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:54:56 PM)
Or late at night at home in front of TV... I just veg out..
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:55:01 PM)
mine too Peggy...
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:55:37 PM)
my down time is 11 12 at night and then I am usually reading or researching ways to help make my sons life a little easier
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:55:40 PM)
I think we all probably need a vacation....!!!!!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:56:04 PM)
peggy...think florida conference!! ! =)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:56:31 PM)
OK... Is it near Disney?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:57:10 PM)
20 min away!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:57:11 PM)
I spent all afternoon on the phone searching for alternative testing
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:57:34 PM)
i'm looking for discount rates
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:57:35 PM)
I can't get an appt with this Dr wynnne for 3 mos
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:57:38 PM)
I'll considerate it.. When is it again?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:58:02 PM)
What kind of testing are you looking for Diane?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:58:06 PM)
we are looking at Aug 25th..i'm working hard on confirming dates and hotels
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:58:26 PM)
I have vacation 8/19 - 8/25...
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:58:35 PM)
Jake has yet to be formally dx'd APD
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:58:52 PM)
How old? What state?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:59:12 PM)
that would work pegyy!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 8:59:15 PM)
He is 9.5 and Indiana
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:59:22 PM)
Debbie, Is the conference 1 day?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 8:59:35 PM)
one day conference on sat the 25th
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 8:59:50 PM)
Diane, are there any Childeren's hospitals?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:00:06 PM)
we are thinking if parents are there on friday night maybe we could hang around the pool and visit or something
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:00:24 PM)
Yes Dr wynnne is with Riley Chidrens part of IU Med Center
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:00:28 PM)
Debbie, I just may be able to make it... My family is in Jensen Beach, I hope to visit that week.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:01:17 PM)
I found out that there is a Speech language clinic at Butler U waiting for a call back
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:01:29 PM)
Peggy that would be awesome....I really look forward to meeting people from the chat....I got to meet Kathy last week!! =)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:01:33 PM)
I'll keep the conference in mind...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:02:06 PM)
I"M probably going back to Orlando next week to work on plans again
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:02:08 PM)
also a center called Crossroads that is an Easter seals sponsered group
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:02:40 PM)
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debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:02:48 PM)
hey deb! you made it
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:02:50 PM)
Diane, Looks like you have a lot of the right places.. Can you get an appointment ?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:02:52 PM)
all are to call me back :(
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:03:02 PM)
Thanks worked! *L*
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:03:18 PM)
great! i had to reboot this am to get in too
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:03:27 PM)
Diane, Keep after them..
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:03:45 PM)
I hope so Peggy and my Dr is working on getting refferal thru ins
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:04:00 PM)
I'm glad that I made it in! So, now I know the secret...reboot it! *L*
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:04:01 PM)
My son was Dx'd at DuPont hospital in Wilm Delaware.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:04:25 PM)
deb for your computer the secret is dynamite *L*
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:04:38 PM)
I am certain that he is APD I just want it formally dx'd
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:04:41 PM)
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:04:49 PM)
The school accepted the hospital's report.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:03 PM)
deb...want to hear something funny? guess what I left in Orlando yesterday?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:08 PM)
Good Luck Diane.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:17 PM) way?!?!?!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:22 PM)
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:24 PM)
That is what I awnt acceptance from school and the right help
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:28 PM)
Not again?!?!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:31 PM)
you got it!! *L*...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:05:54 PM)
at least it's at my sisters house..she emailed me
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:06:08 PM)
UGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!! Two times now! Did you call them to see if they found it?
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:06:36 PM)
Ahhhhh, that's at least a good thing...not lost forever then, like the last one!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:06:39 PM)
in case people are wondering..the first time i went to meet deb i lost my day planner....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:06:47 PM)
i left my new one in Orlando on this trip!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:07:05 PM)
Oh my debbie that would be a disaster for me "lol
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:07:18 PM)
And we were only drinking sodas at lunch!! *L*
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:07:34 PM)
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debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:07:38 PM)
for me first I was thinking it's ok..cause i Have my notebooks....but they were in my im heading back to orlando on sunday i think
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:07:57 PM)
Hi Andrea..........
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:08:00 PM)
hi Andrea...welcome to the chat!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:08:21 PM)
hi Andrea
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:08:22 PM)
Hi, Debbie! Hi all
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:08:38 PM)
Are you going to look at other places for the confrence, or go see your sister and get your stuff?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:09:05 PM)
both....will probably go sunday and spend the night and then look at sites on monday again
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:10:26 PM)
I wish I could go again...Mondays just aren't good for me. Plus, it's another crazy week at school...our P.E. teachers last week, and I'm trying to plan something for her, plus, I think we have our IEP mtg...
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:11:02 PM)
I want to get things pinpointed for the conference..I will be making another trip to Gainesville soon too Deb
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:11:24 PM)
Let me know about Gainesville....maybe I can meet you up there.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:11:29 PM)
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:12:55 PM)
Debbie....were they able to start things today with Sarah?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:13:22 PM)
yes.they started with the hearing tests today so they can set up the new IQ test..they had it done before noon...
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:13:43 PM)
Oh yeah Debbie, I am suprised they don't have an IEP already...
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:14:10 PM) must be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!! It's about time they did something, and the right thing, too!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:14:17 PM)
What does the 504 do different than an IEP?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:14:25 PM)
debbie why are you ahving new IQ tests done if I may ask
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:15:11 PM)
is that something that should be done after a formal dx
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:16:08 PM)
Diane, it is being done at the recommendation fo the 504 specialist we spoke with today.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:16:10 PM)
Peggy....a 504 only gives accomosations in the classroom, with NO sppech or OT. With an IEP, you get the services.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:16:39 PM)
Sorry, my typing is off...not feeling too well. =(
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:16:43 PM)
can you have both an IEP and a 504?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:16:51 PM)
Thanks! I have to look into the 504 more. We have IEP.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:16:59 PM)
When sarah orignially tested according to her IQ test she was not showing enough of a deficit..if she scores just a few points higher this time..she should qualify for pull out reading and language services
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:17:04 PM)
NO you cant have both
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:17:30 PM)
Hmmmm.....not sure if you can have both or not Diane. Debbie, do you know? My son has always had an IEP....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:17:50 PM)
No you can not have both and IEP and a 504...
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:17:52 PM)
So far, so good for my son at new school. Some times a new/different teacher can make a difference!
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:18:19 PM)
Absolutely Peggy!! All the differnce in the world!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:18:22 PM)
Which is more benificial to the child ? Jake is getting great help for his dyslexia but the APD is not really being addressed
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:18:26 PM)
He does better in a small group.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:18:38 PM)
debbie, what is the cutoff? How much of a deficit do you have to show? Is it the law?
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:18:58 PM)
I would think an IEP would be better will certainly get him more than a 504 would.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:19:01 PM)
that varies from state to state..usually one standard deviation
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:19:04 PM)
he has an IEP now
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:19:17 PM)
Diane...then keep it!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:19:30 PM)
IEP is a legal contract between you and school and has specific goals...504 is usually general and hard to enforce
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:19:31 PM)
okie doke LOL
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:20:01 PM) just have to let them know what YOU think he needs and should have in order to get a FAPE.....
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:20:04 PM)
oh. i have IQ tests on my 2 kids and there are discrepancies between performance and IQ, but I have to brush up on my statistics (failed in college) and the NJ law
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:20:48 PM)
it will need to be amended I assume after the formal APD dx correct?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:20:50 PM)
looks at the LD online website at there are comparisons for 504 and IEP..also a section on understanding test scores
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:21:35 PM)
Thanks Debbie there goes more downtime lol
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:21:43 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:21:50 PM)
they are good articles and worth reading!
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:21:56 PM) should be. Depends on what his testing shows, and what he would need as far as services go, and any addt'l help with any certain subjects, etc....
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:21:58 PM)
yeah, i saw that. i have to read it thoroughly and apply what i learn to my kids. is there any info about whether or not having an ld can depress an IQ score?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:22:06 PM)
I have to share with you all what I did today that helped my case with school....
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:22:12 PM)
ldonline is a great site a wealth of info there
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:22:55 PM)
please do debbie
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:22:55 PM)
Yes Debbie??
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:23:02 PM)
Sarah has been given the same test at the school 3 times over the last few what i did today was make up a bar graph showing what her scores were the last few years and this year...........
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:23:05 PM)
You go girl!!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:23:23 PM)
the bar graph showed areas of strengths,,weaknesses and declines...
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:23:33 PM)
Great going!!!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:23:44 PM)
debbie that is a great idea
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:23:48 PM)
the weaknesses were over emphasized by the stong their attention!!
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:24:42 PM)
you mean she had many more weaknesses than strengths?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:24:42 PM)
it worked..i did each year in a different color....504 specialist was surprised by the graph and said he's not seen scores presented quite that way before...but it was effective and got his end of meeting i had a feeling he was on MY side!
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:24:49 PM)
I am soooooo proud of you, and soooooo happy for you and Sarah!!! Maybe she will now finally start getting the help that she has deserved for a very long time!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:25:24 PM)
Debbie Sarah has not been getting any help in the past ?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:25:37 PM)
no..but her weaknesses were consistent Andrea....made it easier to chart tests over the 3 years..instead of looking at numbers
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:26:06 PM)
Sarah has been getting some help such as the FM and class modifications..but never getting any type of language or vocab help which she needs...
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:26:19 PM)
oh, i see, so her weaknesses remained weaknesses ... no change over the years
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:26:53 PM)
does sarah have only capd, or other issues as well?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:26:55 PM)
I'm very happy for the 2 of you Debbie all your hard work has paid off
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:27:04 PM)
and she's been going down hill in some areas..but the areas taht showed as weaknesses reinforced her auditory processing.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:27:37 PM)
I need to hear this stuff, so I can get strong to advocate for my kids.
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:27:45 PM)
I have another interesting question....
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:28:04 PM)
Diane, it's a beginning..they offered new modificiations starting today!...we are nto where we need to be,,but it's a definite step in the right direction..they are fast tracking her reeval
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:28:12 PM)
You're in the right place then Andrea!
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:28:17 PM)
How many.. what percent of kids with APD also have other LDs???
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:28:26 PM)
Andrea do your kids have other dx's besides APD? my son is also dyslexic
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:28:28 PM)
i have heard that IQ can actually deteriorate
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:28:57 PM)
you can add my son to that list Peggy
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:29:15 PM)
Peggy..Nina Kraus did a report on CBS evening news with Dan Rather and stated that approximately 1/3 of all kids with LD's have an auditory processing problem...I"ve not seen the data to back that up....
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:29:22 PM)
Peggy...don't know the percentage, but my son has speech/language issues...and I am waiting on his SI eval we had done....
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:29:34 PM)
Yeah. jessie has capd, sid, mild adhd. josh not officially diagnosed, but probably all of the above plus dsylexia
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:30:03 PM)
and SI is probably in the picture too we are in the proicess of addressing that issue right now too
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:30:03 PM)
My son has Speech/Language, APD, fine motor and the newest... dyslexia.
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:30:09 PM)
Soooo confusing....
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:30:24 PM)
yeah, peg, fine motor is josh's problem too
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:30:36 PM)
dad has all that stuff too.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:30:40 PM)
Peggy....yep, fine and gross motor with my son as well.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:31:06 PM)
dad is dyslexic here too and i would bet the farm on him being APD
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:31:59 PM)
Diane and Peggy....genetic, I wonder? You both must have your plates extra full....bless you both.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:32:13 PM)
diane, my kids are getting si therapy 2x a week and i'm not really sure it's making any difference
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:32:15 PM)
I saw a Developemental Pediatrician so I could try to put this all together and get a better understanding... It just seems that some kids have multiple LDs. They can run together... I still want to get a better understanding though....
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:32:33 PM)
they've been getting several months already
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:32:40 PM)
I strongly believe that it is genetic and thanks Deb :)
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:32:43 PM) long have they been getting the SI treatment?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:33:09 PM)
A lot of the time it can be genitic.... Varying degrees..
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:33:16 PM)
My sil is an OT and is setting up all the SI stuff for Jake
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:33:23 PM)
it's definitely genetic in our case. i think i also have capd, maybe not as serious, but i hate a crowded room
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:33:35 PM)
we are just getting started with it
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:33:56 PM)
and i had trouble with reading comprehension as a kid. i still have difficulty reading textbooks
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:34:12 PM)
Sometimes I think I'm dyslexic and APD.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:34:45 PM)
deb, a few months, i can't remember when they started, but they are getting annoyed and starting to act out at therapy.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:34:48 PM)
Andrea...I was just reading the other day about a little girl, who after finally being SI dx, it was a year plus, before they really saw SIGNIFICANT changes...I think it takes time. Plus, it depends on how old the kids son is 8, and I'm sure it will be a while before we see any major changes. Old 'habits' you know, die hard.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:35:16 PM)
2 sessions ago, jessie spent the entire session in the moon swing because she wouldn't do anything else. she is 8!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:35:28 PM)
good point Deb,...sil said it does take time
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:36:15 PM)
wow! a year or more! i hope i can hold out. plus i'm changing my insurance. i hope they cover it.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:37:02 PM)
Andrea does your ins cover it now ? that is another thing I am wrestling with.... ins
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 9:37:10 PM)
gotta go daddy fell asleep and four year old running amock
Kathy (ID=117) (Feb 27, 2001 9:37:14 PM)
night all
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:37:18 PM)
Andrea...maybe that's what she needed that day, was to be in the swing for the whole session. She probably would have been REALLY mad if she had been 'forced' to do anything else, hence, the SI session being a waste. At least that way, she was able to let go of some of her frustrations by swinging.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:37:21 PM)
Night kathy
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:37:25 PM)
deb, what kind of stuff is most disturbing. for jess, she just can't regulate herself. like the energizer bunny ... keeps going and going
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:38:40 PM)
Do any of your children have socialization problems, my son does
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:38:46 PM)
yes, my insurance covers it 100% right now. yes, jessie definitely needed the swing, she just coudn't get a hold of herself!
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:39:15 PM)
i'm worried about josh. he is 5 with no friends his age in the neighborhood
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:39:16 PM)
and he is getting to the age where it is really starting to bother him
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:39:39 PM)
he definitely gets frustrated easily, diane, and that worries me
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:40:21 PM)
Andrea so does Jake and he is at the age where he sees his social diffs
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:40:36 PM)
i want him to fit in so badly, but i am worried that he'll get frustrated on time, fall apart, and the kid (whoever he may be) will not want to play with him, or that the parents will think i don't have control over my own children
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:40:37 PM)
Andrea....has her therapist sat down with the 2 of you, and given you ideas/suggestions that you can do at home/in school? I think, even at 8, they don't know quite how to regulate themselves...which is sad and scary for us parents. But, as the therapy goes on, she should hopefully, know what she can do to help that out. Soooooooo confusing sometimes, isn't it?
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 9:40:49 PM)
My son can be shy at first... "slow-to-warm" temperment... But he can be OK when he is in more familiar settings.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:41:36 PM)
how old is jake?
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:41:43 PM)
Sorry Andrea...I meant he...
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:41:59 PM)
Jake is that way with afew of his friends that he has had for years but the socila circle is widening and he doesn't think he fits in
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:42:13 PM)
he is 9
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:42:35 PM)
no, deb it's jess that has the energizer problem. josh has the socialization problem
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:42:53 PM)
sorry about my spelling I'm on cold meds and they are starting to kick in lol
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:43:02 PM)
Oh, mind is fuzzy from my fever I guess! *L* So sorry!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:43:28 PM)
deb you under the weather too ?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:43:51 PM)
we are battling the flu here
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:44:21 PM)
I'm glad I'm not the only one Diane! Yep, I just took my temp and it's 100, not too bad, but I just feel AWFUL! And I have to be in school ALL day tomorrow! UG!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:44:48 PM)
I am going back tomorrow
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:44:50 PM)
josh is quite an enigma. he can be shy and easily intimidated, but do something wrong and he may go over the edge
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:45:18 PM)
Diane, I think it's good that he has some old friends who understand him, probably.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:45:25 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:45:29 PM)
I feel alittle better today but we have had it since last Friday
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:45:46 PM)
Hi Carol......
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:45:58 PM)
Yes andrea that is the case they have been together since kindergarten
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:07 PM)
i think both my kids have the feeling they are different. if they weren't so smart, they wouldn't know! yours too diane!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:08 PM)
Hi, everyone
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:19 PM)
I hope that I feel better tomorrow, or else it will be a long day in school!
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:25 PM)
Sorry you all for not being overly attentive otnight..i'M eavesdropping on a chat with Dr Jack Katz....
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:26 PM)
Exactly Andrea :)
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:38 PM)
hi carol!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:45 PM)
Hi Carol
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:46:51 PM)
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:47:03 PM)
Debbie....what are they saying...or Dr. Katz saying?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:47:39 PM)
going over the 4 categories of capd according to the buffalo method (his method).
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:47:39 PM)
Sorry I'm late, a PTA meeting.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:48:11 PM)
Is this the one you were telling me about Debbie?
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:48:26 PM)
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:48:30 PM)
Debbie could you email me some book lists on APD
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:48:34 PM)
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:49:03 PM)
if you look on my website CAPD :From the Heart of a mother..there are some books recommended
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:49:04 PM)
ones you would recommend
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:49:33 PM)
The best book I"ve found is the book by teri james bellis....
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:49:47 PM)
Oh okay see said my brain was addled tonight I NOW remember that you have a list there
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:50:00 PM)
it's entitled. Assessment and Management of Auditory Processing Disorders in the Classroom Setting
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:51:07 PM)
TThanks debbie I'll get it
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:51:38 PM)
I have a new problem: My daughter's teacher doesn't see much evidence, anymore, of APD. She made it sound like the kid got over a bad cold or something.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:51:39 PM)
it's around $50 to $60 but it has checkpoints for understanding..i like the lay out as well as terminology
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:52:28 PM)
deb, sorry for this delayed answer. i have to scroll back and read stuff. yes our ot tells us stuff here and there, but she is not very good at documenting anything for us. she mentioned the alert program, but she doesn't have the book. i'm trying to get it on-line, but i think i didn't fill out the form right on amazon
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:52:33 PM)
Oh Carol that has to be distressing
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:52:46 PM)
Her grades in language and writing went from A's and B's to C's and D's. When questioned, the teacher didn't have any answers because she didn't bring her mark book.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:53:26 PM)
Her comment was continually that she is doing so much better. Her work habits have improved dramatically
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:53:35 PM)
and she ddoesn't see any APD issues anymore that doesn't make sense to me
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:53:50 PM)
Me either or to my S/L
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 9:53:52 PM)
If work habits have improved and APD is better..what accounts for decline in grages?
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:54:12 PM)
Andrea....see if she would use a small notebook, and just jot down a few lines after each session. That's what my sons classroom teacher and I do everyday. BIG help for BOTH of us. His new SI OT is going to do it as well.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:54:15 PM)
That's what I kept asking. Dr. J. gave me some ideas this morning and she couldn't address any of them
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:54:44 PM)
I don't believe teachers half the time. Jessie's teacher has a son with APD (she claims!) and Jess is in open classroom, and she says Jess is doing "JUST FINE" and she also told me recently that jess complains to her about her finger hurting, or this hurting or that. well I just read on that somatic complaints are symptoms of kids with lds.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:54:59 PM)
sorry to be so negative.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:55:25 PM)
great idea deb!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:55:47 PM)
The advice to me was for me to get a counselor for the family because her problems seem to be more in the home. The S/L just about fell off the chair and suggested her stress comes from school and her work should be adjusted
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:56:09 PM)
and that somatic complaints are a sign of ANXIETY!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 9:56:41 PM)
and that anxiety is over school in my opinion
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:56:46 PM)
I basically got no where today. The counselor bowed out, she states she knows nothing of APD. I know Krystie is high anxiety and frustration but only shows it at home
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:56:48 PM) doesn't have to be a novel or anything, just a few lines, just so YOU know, if it was a good session, and maybe why oy why not.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:57:10 PM)
yeah, and jessie and josh are telling me all the time ... mommy I wish i could stay home with you all day!
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:57:34 PM)
got it deb. i'm writing it down. thanks!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 9:57:39 PM)
Andrea, that is so hard. Krystie did it more last year but every now and then does it now.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 9:57:46 PM)
to remind myself
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:57:48 PM)
You're welcome Andrea.
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 9:59:06 PM)'s it going with Dr. Katz?
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:00:10 PM)
yeah, Carol. i had an social worker at school tell me I was causing jessie's anxiety. i was so angry i could barely breathe. i was very cool. i told her i would think about what she said, but i haven't talked to her since.
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 10:00:33 PM)
talking about a preschool test!!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:00:40 PM)
Krystie's first grade teacher can't believe it either.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:00:47 PM)
that was over a year ago and according to jessie's teacher she is doing JUST FINE
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:00:51 PM)
Andrea I was told that exact same thing in 1st grade made me so angry
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:03 PM)
I think I'm going to head out....I still have lots of those MOM things to do yet before I can go to bed...
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:14 PM)
that was 1st grade for me TOO!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:15 PM)
Goodnight, Deb
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:26 PM)
goodnight deb. thanks
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:26 PM)
Debbie...I'll talk to you tomorrow night maybe...I'll be gone all day.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:27 PM)
Night Deb thanks for your input
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:27 PM)
nite Deb...
deb (ID=121) (Feb 27, 2001 10:01:48 PM)
Night all!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:02:51 PM)
1st grade was when they wanted to retain jake and wouldn't listen to me that I knew he had a problem that was not being addressed that is when i had him privatelt psychoed tested
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:03:24 PM)
did they move him ahead?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:03:26 PM)
and proved to them that his anxiety was all performance based
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:03:36 PM)
Oh yes !!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:04:09 PM)
Diane, I and her S/L at the hospital and at school think she is all anxiety related to performance. Is Jake a perfectionist, too?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:04:18 PM)
he came home in tears just about everyday
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:04:29 PM)
Yep, we cried every night
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:05:03 PM)
Yes he is Carol and it was so frustrating for him that he could not get the concept of reading
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:05:11 PM)
there's a boy down the street they're talking about retaining. he was a little young, but not too young as he did make the cutoff, and i know he has dyslexia, difficulty with reading & writing, but rather than help him, they're probably going to keep him back. he's in 3rd grade
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:06:05 PM)
That's too bad, Andrea. Krystie is great in reading, her problem is completely with understanding what is said. That's why I am so limited to what I can use to help her.
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:06:18 PM)
jess & josh are perfectionists as is their father. i suppose i have a tendency toward it as well!
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:06:34 PM)
They said jakes problem was immaturitty and the fact that he attended a private kindergarten which did not supply eneogh school curriculum
debbie (ID=116) (Feb 27, 2001 10:06:56 PM)
ladies im headed to bed...goodnight and sweet dreams....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:07:03 PM)
Goodnight, debbie
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:07:10 PM)
Night Debbie thanks
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:07:22 PM)
goodnight debbie
Peggy (ID=118) (Feb 27, 2001 10:07:23 PM)
G'nite Debbie. See ya!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:07:25 PM)
I feel bad for you Andrea, these perfectionists are very hard to deal with
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:07:35 PM)
I meant to say academic curriculum
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:08:20 PM)
when they got the dyslexia dx they were VERY apolegetic
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:08:40 PM)
that is so sad, diane... what kind of intervention is he getting?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:08:49 PM)
At least they were apolegetic, Diane. I didn't even get that
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:09:02 PM)
aaand thest is how I got offered my job as a instructional aide for spec ed
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:09:44 PM)
Do you like that job? There was a position available here but I don't think I could handle it after dealing with her
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:09:49 PM)
He has an IEP and get resourse room help for reading and Language arts
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:10:20 PM)
Yes i do like it it is with kindergartners and I am learning alot
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:10:46 PM)
Oh, that does sound nice, this was with 3-6th graders
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:10:49 PM)
both about the system and how to help him more at home
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:11:30 PM)
what are they doing specifically for reading?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:11:44 PM)
Boy these meds are really kickin in I can't type or spell anymore LOL
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:12:29 PM)
He is using the program "Earobics and has one on one reading instuction
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:12:41 PM)
Are any of you involved with counselors specifically for the frustration.
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:12:48 PM)
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:13:07 PM)
are they using Wilson Reading, or something else?
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:13:13 PM)
Not yet but we are considering it Carol
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:13:36 PM)
So am I but I guess the school counselor is out
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:14:35 PM)
we have a psychologist who has done iq testing and has working with jess on relaxation, but it really needs to be done intensively, i think and we haven't spent enough time. that only gets paid by insurance at 50%
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:14:45 PM)
was working
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:16:23 PM)
I had better go 6:00 am comes mighty early and it's back to work tomorrow for me
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:16:52 PM)
see everyone next week (((((((Hugs to all ))))))))
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:16:55 PM)
okay. it's getting late. see ya next week?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:17:18 PM)
I have to go too, too late for me. Hope to chat soon
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:17:23 PM)
this chat is my salvation lol
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:17:28 PM)
mine too
Andrea (ID=122) (Feb 27, 2001 10:17:41 PM)
okay goodnight all
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=123) (Feb 27, 2001 10:17:45 PM)
Diane (ID=120) (Feb 27, 2001 10:18:00 PM)
Night sleep well and a good rest of the week to all