Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:09:18 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:09:33 PM)
Hi debbie
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:09:56 PM)
hi are you tonight?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:10:02 PM)
Doing OK, thanks
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:10:19 PM)
We're in the middle of the blizzard so have the kids home again tomorrow
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:10:47 PM)
I've got Kendra home for 10 days...chicken pox have struck again!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:10:58 PM)
OH NO! Not you, I hope.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:11:15 PM)
no...Kendra this time..she's pretty bad
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:11:17 PM)
How old is Kendra?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:11:29 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:11:33 PM)
Hi audge
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:11:58 PM)
hi audge how are you tonight/
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:12:43 PM)
kendra is 7
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:13:40 PM)
That's too bad, I hope you escape them.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:14:04 PM)
audge, Do you have a child with APD?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:14:36 PM)
audge..or you can type a message without selecting a name and it will be public
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:15:31 PM)
Carol as of right now..the conference will be on Aug 25th
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:15:40 PM)
Any location, yet?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:15:40 PM)
Okay, I got it! Hi Everyone, I am so glad to have found this site. My son, Christopher has just been diagnosed with CAPD. He just turned 7. The school doesn't wnt to listen and feel he was tested too young. They feel he is ADD.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:15:57 PM)
Hawthorn Suites in Orlando Florida, near the airport!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:16:14 PM)
audge, may i ask where you are from?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:16:32 PM)
I will confirm the location today...I called today, but did not get a call was late.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:16:56 PM)
I live in a suburb outside of Allentown, Pennsylvania. I had an audiologist confirm that he has severe CAPD.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:16:58 PM)
Anywhere in FL sounds good to me right about now. We have a foot of snow and more falling
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:17:38 PM)
audge, I'm no expert but was told that 6 was late to test.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:18:01 PM)
be right back..tucking kids in
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:18:26 PM)
My daughter was 7 when we found out, too and we thought we lost so much time. Now the plan set forth by the school because of the school eval. has helped so much
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:19:03 PM)
That is what I was told as well! Can anyone tell me if CAPD is considered a Learning Disability? The public school told me that it is not recognized by the Federal Government as a LD, so they do not have evaluate him, or give me help for this specific illness.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:19:12 PM)
We have the audiologist exam this summer so still don't have the diagnosis
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:19:44 PM)
It most certainly is an LD. Recognized I believe by the ADA, american disab ilities act
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:19:53 PM)
audge..CAPD is not in itself a LD.....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:20:10 PM)
It's not , debbie?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:20:23 PM)
So not recognized by the ADA?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:20:23 PM)
however....CAPD can lead to proglmes in other areas...and can be a cause of LD...
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:20:27 PM)
no is not..
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:20:44 PM) is not....................let's say yet
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:20:56 PM)
So I have no control if the school feels they can pull her section504 which is a threat
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:21:11 PM)
You're giving me palpatations, debbie
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:21:12 PM)
i was going over some information today and ran across where dr j was talking about capd as an ld..just a moment
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:21:35 PM)
That is what I thought! Every thing I have been reading has said that!! They are so stuck on him having just ADD. I am visiting a developmental pediatrician March 14 to determine whether he may have ADD, but it really upsets me that they are ignoring the diagnosis of the audiologist and am basically pushing the ADD and would like me to try medication.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:21:51 PM)
I"m going to send his letter he posted in bits and pieces....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:21:51 PM)
audge, does Christopher have learning disabilities, ie. is he learning.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:21:53 PM)
A learning disability is defined as a disability under PL94-142
and IDEA (in the United Stated Education Laws). It is a problem in learning due
to a problem in "one or more..." (now I paraphrase) of the psychological or
behavioral processes involved in visual perception, auditory perception, etc.
etc. and it is NOT due to a phyisical problem (like blindness or hearing loss)
and not due to cognitive deficits (like developmental disability or mental
retardation). As such, LD IS defined by law.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:22:25 PM)
CAPD is a term used to describe a number of things: failure on specific tests
called CAP tests; problems on verbal information tests where the evaluator says
"it's an auditory processing problem," description of behaviors that can be due
to a variety of different things, but, the describer says its "auditory
processing problem" related. CAPD is NOT defined in the law as a disability.
And, many people who fail tests of CAPD do NOT have learning problems. Thus,
CAPD in and of itself is NOT a learning disability, nor should it be considered a
learning disability.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:22:43 PM)
If a child has problems reading, is it a learning disability? However, if not
being able to read leads the child to perform poorly and not have equal access to
the information presented in class, then, the reading disability can and would
lead to a learning disability. However, consider the following, a child can not
read, but EVERYTHING in the child's "make-believe" environment is taught
verbally, no reading or writing is required, as in this make-believe world,
everything is oral. WOuld the child have a learning problem? NO!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:22:53 PM)
now im' going to give you a minute to read....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:23:44 PM)
OK, so given that the section504 helps her learn, ie. helps her concentrate and attend, there should be no reason to dismiss their value, right?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:24:16 PM)
Do any of your children that have CAPD also have ADD or ADHD?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:24:36 PM)
right....if a child has a "disability" that impairs a major life function,,then the child should qualify for a 504 plan..if not the IEP
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:24:37 PM)
That's exactly what my school is saying, "She may have CAPD but there are no learning disabilities because she is doing well in school." Not mine, audge
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:25:15 PM) child does not add or adhd
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:25:36 PM)
audge, they thought Krystie had ADD because of her inattentiveness but I think that was caused by giving up, or boredom or something to do with CAPD
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:25:47 PM)
a psychologist can test to determine if it is ADD or ADHD.....and can rule it out!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:26:01 PM)
That's what we had to do, debbie, to satisfy the school
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:26:23 PM)
Carol, I've done the same thing
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:26:53 PM)
I'm so disappointed to hear CAPD in itself isn't a LD
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:27:09 PM)
Only because of the help it would afford me in school
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:27:14 PM)
My child is not reading at the level he should be. He has a terrible time with any background noise and really does not get phonics at all! He has NO problems with math. He is attending language therapy through my doctor, once a week. The school won't provide it, becasue when they tested him, they felt he was within the mean for his age! They are prividing him with 30 minutes, 4 times a week with a reading specialist. I don't feel it is nearly waht he needs!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:28:07 PM)
Carol, since there is no one thing that is or is not is hard to classify it ias a LD...until there is a consensus on how to define will not be recognized as an LD or by the ADA
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:28:29 PM)
audge, my daughter can't do math and is reading at a 3rd grade level in the 2nd grade. They tell me she's lazy and that's why she can't learn figures
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:28:38 PM)
is he getting the reading through an IEP?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:29:18 PM)
Let me check on paper what they exactly called it, be right back! This is so helpful, thank you to both of you!!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:29:30 PM) may be that your child needs more help in vocabulary..not just reading..
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:29:36 PM)
we are happy to help audge
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:29:39 PM)
So the IEP is "given out by the school" and not by diagnosis
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:29:58 PM)
Krystie doesn't qualify according to the school
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:30:14 PM)
Each district or state has guidelines in order to qualify for an IEP..
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:30:19 PM)
So she's flunking math which means she'll have to repeat the 2nd grade
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:30:31 PM)
Over my dead body, of course
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:30:34 PM)
usually there not only has to be a "diagnosis" but there also has to be an academic need...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:30:55 PM)
How can I prove she's not lazy but smart and having major problems?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:31:05 PM) the state department of education and ask for a copy fo the Exceptional student education guidelines....
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:31:28 PM)
has the school done an IQ test?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:31:58 PM)
yes and one at MGH, sorry Mass General Hosp.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:32:13 PM)
Both she above average intelligence
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:32:21 PM)
so they say she's lazy
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:32:21 PM)
was there a difference in her verbal and nonverbal iq scores?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:32:37 PM)
Okay, they told me that he does not qualify for an IEP, becasue it is not an LD! They feel he should stay in the regular classroom, with a little bit of reading help. He really struggles in the regular classroom, when it comes to reading. My audiologist has labeled him gifted(not sure why) with a LD...CAPD. He called it a Learning Disability. The school does not. The school won't give him an IQ test, only if he qualifies to be tested for a LD.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:33:13 PM)
you need to not just look at the overall score, but look at the subtest score scatter......were there some 5's and some 12' you know what i mean?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:33:27 PM)
I have the papers in front of me, ...looking
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:33:45 PM)
How can I get an IQ test?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:34:05 PM)
so audge, the school is dismissing the audiologist tests?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:34:27 PM)
i wrote the school and asked themt o do one to determine my daughter's level of capability.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:34:42 PM)
Yes!! My audiologist wants me to contact a child advocate. I left a message with her today? I feel I am going to be in such a battle!
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:34:56 PM)
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debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:35:02 PM)
hi Lady bug..
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:35:07 PM)
Hi Ladybug!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:35:14 PM)
debbie who would do the verbal/nonverbal test, Hi Ladybug
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:35:15 PM)
audge..may iask who your audiologist is?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:35:35 PM)
on most IQ test...there are verbal and nonverbal tests I believe....
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:36:31 PM)
Yes. His name is Dr. John Page. He is located in Allentown, PA
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:36:37 PM)
I found visual processsing above average and audio processing below average, still looking
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:36:56 PM)
audio processing below average supports APD
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:37:37 PM)
what IQ test was administered?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:37:46 PM)
Yes, they agree with that but not that she is impaired because of it. Yes , twice
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:38:14 PM)
which IQ test..was it the WISC III? what was the score for auditory processing?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:38:25 PM)
Has anyone thought of private school? I am visiting one, called the Hillside School next week. They are 5 minutes from me, which is really ironic, becasue people from NY, NJ and PA come to bring their children here. It is a school for average to above average intelligence kids K-6 WITH Learning Disabilities. I have heard only wonderful things. BUT, it is expensive!
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:38:51 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:39:03 PM)
They accept the CAPD, diagnosis at this school and are so very willing to talk wiht her and me, yes the WISC 3, Audge, be careful, at least the ones around here don't deal at alll with LD
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:39:53 PM)
Hi nee nee
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:40:31 PM)
Hi all! This is my first time chatting. . . I find myself here searching for resources. My almost eight year old daughter has been identified as having a weakness in auditory processing. Initially my pediatrican thought she had ADHD but after a trial of medication proved unsuccessful we had educational testing done and the weakness in auditory processing was identified. My daughter is really struggling academically. She is in 2nd grade in a small private school. My concern is where is the best place for her educationally-public or private school? Anyone have any ideas?
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:40:46 PM)
hi, this is only my 2nd chat and last time i just "listened". looking forward to participating.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:41:12 PM)
hi nee nee
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:41:12 PM)
This school only accepts children with LD. They do not except any child that is mentally challenged, mentally retarded etc...It was started in 1983 by a group of Learning Disability teachers that felt the public school was not providing what was needed for these children.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:42:23 PM)
Ladybug, just telling audge to be careful about private schools. In Massachusetts at least, they don't recognize or deal with them. My friend has a dyslexic son who has his services after school at the public school and his private school doesn't address his issues at all. This is his last year there
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:42:26 PM)
private school is not an option for i have to make public schools work
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:42:41 PM)
i am so excited to be here to share, i don't know where to begin!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:43:08 PM)
OOOh, that sounds good, audge, there's one around my area, $28,000 a year, no can do!\
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:43:12 PM)
Ladybug, I had my child in a Catholic school for Kindergarten and I have to say it was a disaster! I am not sure if you are having problems, but they did want to deal with my "problem" child and it was awful. I found that if your child was perfect or "normal" it was fine. The private schools, such as a religious school do not have to provide for your child, like the public school. I had to pull him out.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:45:02 PM)
I meant that they DID NOT want to deal with my child! Sorry I need a spell checker!! If the private school is not for LD, I would not recommend it! They do not have to deal with the issue, and became VERY frustrated with me and my son!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:45:22 PM)
Ladybug, my strategy, working so far, is to be in their face,(Public school). They know me well and any concerns I have, I address who needs to be, principal, S/L, teacher, counselor.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:46:23 PM)
The private school that I am looking at next week, specifically for LD is 13,000/year. They offer financial aid for some parents.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:46:24 PM)
nee nee..where are you from? (if you dont mind me asking)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:46:51 PM)
That's not too bad, audge, especially if you can get aid
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:47:01 PM)
We are in the process of having our daughter evaluated in the public study-a child study team recommended a full evaluation. Next week she will have a psychological evaluation including an IQ test as well as other educational testing. My main concern about public school is class size and I've read that children with auditory processing concerns do better in a smaller setting.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:47:39 PM)
Lady bug that can be very true about smaller settings....
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:48:01 PM)
our situation is so similar to yours, ladybug. our daughter is 8 yrs old, a 3rd grader in a public school, after K-2nd in a private school. since the private school had no resources for her CAPD we decided we must move her to public where they have resources. as we chat, i am in the middle of "fighting" all the red tape to get her services (special ed) at public school. i am wondering how all of you are getting your CAPD kids' needs met; are they thriving in school? are your children on medication? etc etc etc
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:48:11 PM)
I know. Ladybug, I feel the same way. My child does so much better with smaller class size. the 25-1 is killing him! He is also feeling bad, and lately is having low self-esteem. The private school I am looking into is 6-1.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:48:44 PM)
Krystie is in with 20 but the teacher, following a section 504, re-attends her by getting her attention in a variety of ways and also re-wording directions to the class so they don't see she's different.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:48:59 PM)
I have been fighting for help for my child for 3 years...I think this year we are finally making progress.....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:49:46 PM)
I've been at it for 3 years too,
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:50:39 PM)
Has anyone tried the scientific learning programs?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:50:39 PM)
nee nee, I am running into the same red tape! They are telling me since it is not recognized as a LD by the Federal GOvernment he is not entitled to special ed. They are only giving him a small amount of individulaized reading help and really won't listen to me until I rule out that he also doesn't have ADD. I go March 14. He may, but they still are completely ignoring the CAPD. They say if we get his ADD uner control(medicate him) then everything may fall into place!!
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:51:22 PM)
we just moved from dallas to georgetown, tx (near austin) about 2 months ago. i grew up in georgetown and attended a private lutheran school in a tiny town called walburg. i always dreamed of moving back home and having my daughter attend that same private school, but after trying the same type of lutheran school in dallas, we knew it wouldn't work for her.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:51:25 PM)
My language therapist that I us once a week has started Earobics with him. I just bought it. Everything I read about it seems very good.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:51:35 PM)
there is an article on LDOnline about the differences between capd and add.that might help you two!
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:52:09 PM)
Debbie, where is that article? Can you tell me the URL?
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:53:38 PM)
Audge-we tried medication initially-my daughter experienced no change-that leads us to believe that the auditory processing weakness was causing her lack of focus, distractibility, difficulty following directions,etc.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:54:21 PM)
let me see if i can find it..just a moment
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:54:56 PM)
May I ask what medication? So have you ruled out ADD/ADHD?
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:55:46 PM)
my daughter was diagnosed as ADD by numerous doctors in dallas (we kept getting opinions) and we even tried ritalin and some other medications in 1st grade. actually, ritalin did help her focus, but the side effects of all the meds were horrible, so we quite that. doesn't ritalin help anyone focus better? then finally the latest dr called it CAPD
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 8:56:11 PM)
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Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:56:26 PM)
nee nee, I was told ritalin wouldn't help CAPD, by a speech/Lang. person, not a DR.
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:56:37 PM)
We tried Adderall then Concerta(the new time release Ritalin)-our daughter experienced increased irritability no positive change
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:56:43 PM)
Was the last Dr. an audiologist?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 8:56:48 PM)
this is one good article
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 8:57:20 PM)
i'll have to pause and read what everyone's writing. this is so great. i have always felt quite alone through all this. still hoping to find a local support group too
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:57:24 PM)
Hi Kelli
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 8:57:40 PM)
Hi Carol!
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 8:57:54 PM)
Hi Kelli
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 8:58:07 PM)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 8:58:38 PM)
debbie, next step for the school that thinks she's lazy? Any ideas?
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 8:58:51 PM)
Has anyone here tried both the personal and soundfield FM systems and can give a parental view on which they liked better?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 8:59:21 PM)
Debbie thanks for that site. I do not think that the my school will listen to me about CAPD until I rule out he has ADD or put him on medication to see if ALL his problems are solved! Can I ask is anyone having good progress with the Public School. If so, what are they doing for your child?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:00:13 PM)
My school is just helping her cope with her issues, ie. focus, distractability, nervous hands.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:00:25 PM)
It has helped her quite a bit
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:00:32 PM)
audge, there was an article in Newsweek about several different kinds of ADD. Medications only helped 2 of them. I'm not sure if Newsweek prints online or not but medication does not always help ADD.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:00:49 PM)
I asked the school about the FM system. They didn't want to do it because they felt it would embaress my son even more. They felt everyone would stare.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:00:53 PM)
for a school that thinks she's lazy.........the only thing that I can suggest if you have to be able to show what type of deficits and how they relate to the area that you are having trouble in.........has to be an established relationship
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:01:16 PM)
So you'd approach the teacher, first, right?
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:01:19 PM)
Audge, the soundfield system has speakers throughout the room. No one student is singled out.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:02:10 PM)
I'll be back soon, bed for the kids, may lose the power again so bye if that happens
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:03:01 PM)
first you have to sit and really thing through how apd is affecting your childs' able to document examples of work
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:03:09 PM)
Oh, I thought you meant the system with the headphones and amplifier around the teacher. No, but maybe I should ask for that.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:03:37 PM)
audge your audioloigst should be able to tell you which one would benefit your child....
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:03:54 PM)
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deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:03 PM)
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debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:04 PM)
remember with teh classroom soundfield...everything is magnified.....with the personal only the teacher's voice is....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:11 PM)
no school tomorrow, 3rd day, so will let them stay up later and hope to sleep longer in the morning
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:12 PM)
Audge, We have been down the ADD road before so I'll admit I get a little defensive about drugging children without reason. My brother is ADD and needs medication so I know it is sometimes necessary. I do not like to see them "trying" drugs to see if we notice a difference.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:16 PM)
hi deb! how are you feeling? hi Diane!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:32 PM)
hi deb and diane
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:41 PM)
debbie, If the teacher is still the one wearing the microphone, how is everything magnified?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:42 PM)
debbie, thanks. I will ask him, but his recommendation, of course is the Private School dealing with Learning Disabilities.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:04:45 PM)
Hi everyone
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:02 PM)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:05 PM)
Hi everyone...feeling better...not 100% yet...sorry I'm late...PTA meeting.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:15 PM)
Not still the flu, deb?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:18 PM)
Kelli, I feel the same way about the drugs. I really don't want to do it.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:33 PM)
late here too,...cub scouts
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:35 PM)
Carol...nasty cold now!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:44 PM)
im sorry..not meaning everything amplified..everything is still heard....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:05:48 PM)
That's a shame, sounds like people around here
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:24 PM)
we had the flu the last 2 weeks
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:28 PM)
Oh well Carol....we Mom's aren't supposed to stop everything either! *L*
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:38 PM)
we do try, though
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:40 PM)
been worried about you deb...
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:47 PM)
Debbie, Thanks for the clarification. The benefit to hearing everything still is that we use a very small charter school (15 students in his 4th grade) where there is a lot of student interaction.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:50 PM)
Where are you from, Diane?
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:06:59 PM)
Not to worry Debbie.....=)
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:03 PM)
Has anyone been able to, in the public school, get a lot of help for their child with CAPD? Meaning, taken out of the regular classroom for say several hours a day to get individualized or at least small group help specifically for this?
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:08 PM)
Indiana Carol
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:39 PM)
audge, How many students in your child's class?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:43 PM)
with my daughter using the personal helps drown out he background noise that she has trouble with... I've heard good things about the class system from other parnents..but i've not used it
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:43 PM)
audge, we had the very same problems at emilia's lutheran schools (tried 2). yet we kept her in private school 3 years before we decided we need public for the services. but emilia has tested twice now and did not qualify for special ed because there was not a big enough gap between her potential and achievement (or something to that effect). this is texas law. is it the similar where you all are from?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:46 PM)
None, audge, they say she doesn't need it. I';ll admit, they're right with reading but math is another problem, a new fight that I just started, they say she's lazy
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:07:50 PM)
Kelli, there are 25.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:08:15 PM)
audge my son gets resource room help but he is also dyslexic but they say the help he is getting for that is also addressing his CAPD
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:08:28 PM)
I disagree
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:05 PM)
My son gets speech and OT, but he also has speech/lang. issues, and small motor issues...they do work with the APD with him there.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:10 PM)
Our IEP gives our son speech therapy, OT (both 2X per week) and classroom modifications for the APD.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:10 PM)
Is CAPD something a person learns to deal with or something they outgrow?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:12 PM)
nee nee that is exactly what has happened to my son. He basically is "good" enough or not "bad" enough to need special services. He is not reading at his grade level!!!! It is very frustrating!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:17 PM)
hey deb...Kendra has chicken pox! *L*
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:50 PM)
inherutated from Sarah Debbie ??
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:53 PM)
did i read ncapd is working on getting capd classified as a learning disability? thought i did.
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:09:59 PM)
Debbie....Imagine that!! *L*....when did she get them? Poor baby...poor MOM!!!
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 9:10:19 PM)
My daughter is almost eight-does the auditory weakness improve or will it always be an issue for her?
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:10:28 PM)
Kelli, what is OD?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:10:40 PM)
yes Diane...three kids in Sarah's class and Kendra are all down with chicken pox this week..Kendra goes back just in time for spring break!
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:10:56 PM)
audge, Occupational Therapist for fine motor issues. Very weak pencil grip.
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:11:00 PM)
Boy, lucky Kendra!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:11:03 PM)
debbie, no vaccine there for pox?
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:11:16 PM)
oh my I really feel for you Debbie
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:11:41 PM)
i thought it would have been included with regular vaccinations..guess not! *L*
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:11:56 PM)
it was mandatory for kindergarten, here
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:12:14 PM)
No, you have to ask for it. The boys both had it when they were young...knock on wood, so far it has worked!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:12:15 PM)
i thought i t was here too..guess notQ
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:12:19 PM)
Ladybug, I was told our children with APD will always deal with APD but will learn coping skills the older they get to better deal with this disorder. We have been dealing with this since our oldest (9 yrs) was quite little. Our youngest (4) is also suspected to have it.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:12:33 PM)
OK, showing my computer weakness, What does *L* mean?
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:12:54 PM)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:13:00 PM)
Oh, thanks
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:13:04 PM)
*LOL*....laughing out loud
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:13:12 PM)
yep, knew that one
nee nee (ID=38) (Mar 6, 2001 9:13:14 PM)
carol, i believe capd is something one must learn to deal with and not something one outgrows. it took my child to get me to realize i probably have capd myself, yet i did not have such problems in school. but i do catch myself missing part of what i (should!) hear or rereading info alot.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:13:47 PM)
My husband is suspected of having it too but I always thought he was just a guy.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:14:09 PM)
He had horrible stories in school, thought
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:14:14 PM)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:14:45 PM)
Has he been tested Carol?
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:15:10 PM)
I sometimes wonder if my husband has it as well. He didn't do great in school - just OK but an IQ test through work a couple years ago showed an IQ in the 140s. It makes me wonder sometimes.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:15:19 PM)
I'm pretty sure my husband has it too,..and he is dyslexic also
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:15:24 PM)
No, and refuses to be. He copes and takes much time with anything auditory or written.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:15:32 PM)
if the capd is due to a lack of maturation of the auditory system, then there is a chance the child may outgrow part of the apd..but if the apd is due to a breakdown in the processing of the information..then a person must learn coping strategies to help them throughoutl life.....
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:15:51 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:15:56 PM)
Hi mama
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:04 PM)
hi mamawooleybear
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:10 PM)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:13 PM)
That's too bad Carol....he copes ok, though?
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:27 PM)
Debbie-how do you determine whether it is maturation of the auditory system or breakdown in processing?
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:28 PM)
Hi mamawooleybear
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:35 PM)
My husband's brother also has admitted to me he can not stand to talk on the phone when something is making noise in the background. He never graduated due to problems in school.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:39 PM)
yep, the running joke is that there should be inmates running around the area. He runs the jail in Boston
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:16:53 PM)
the audiologist would have to determine that....
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:11 PM)
Hi mamawooleybear!
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:19 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:30 PM)
hi ya'll
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:31 PM)
Hi ne ne
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:38 PM)
That's right Carol, I remember you saying about him running the jail before....
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:42 PM)
had to put on my face
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:48 PM)
very cute
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:51 PM)
Love it!!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:17:53 PM)
it's a perfect face for you! *L*
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 9:18:14 PM)
My daughter was identified as having a weakness in auditory processing after educational testing but has not had an audiological evaluation-is that a must?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:18:21 PM)
i can't stay long but i have some questions
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:18:29 PM)
Deb..a conference update....we are looking really good for Saturday, August 25th in Orlando....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:18:34 PM)
Ladybug, my school insisted on it
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:18:58 PM)
Debbie.....YIPPIE!!! Pin down a place yet?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:18:58 PM)
I live in Mississippi and I think my daughter has an auditory processing disorder
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:09 PM)
my system kicked me off and would not let me back on as nee nee since "someone" else has it. so i'm ne ne now!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:12 PM)
Has she been tested, mama?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:19 PM)
but her school says they have never heard of such a thing
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:19 PM)
I think a full APD screening by a trained audiologist is important. It helps break down the weaknesses in which area.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:40 PM)
I had to bring in copies from ncapd to show them
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:47 PM)
I don' really trust them to test her if they have never heard of it before
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:19:59 PM)
Kelli that is very very true..
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:20:06 PM)
mama....I agree with really should be done, and by an audiologist who knows and can dx APD.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:20:10 PM)
It's hard to find someone trained to do this testing. We live in Michigan and I could only find one person in West Michigan able to do the test.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:20:10 PM)
I don't know where to look for help
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:20:37 PM)
I've asked the speech teachers i work with
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:20:45 PM)
but they don't know either
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:21:13 PM)
mama, start calling audiologists or hearing impaired centers in your area. A teaching college may be able to help as well if they teach audiology.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:21:17 PM)
I've tested her in school and privately at the hospital and in July, we have to go 100 miles out to see an audiologist that specializes in APD issues
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:21:18 PM)
what is it that these educators have never heard of capd?! i'm almost embarressed for them when i say emy has it and most have to admit they haven't heard of it
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:21:39 PM)
I"m lookig to see if we have anyone on the NCAPD referral list for Mississippi
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:21:45 PM) the referal program up and running again? If it is mama, you can check out the referal list on the NCAPD web site.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:21:59 PM)
I live in Mississippi were the senate just passed allowing kids to drop out of school at 15
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:22:38 PM)
ne ne, I was told by my S/L that she doesn't hear of it very often and Krystie was the first child she ever saw in person
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:22:41 PM)
does anyone have their child on meds that seem to help with their disorder?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:22:55 PM)
I did see someone in Muscle Shoals Alabama
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:22:57 PM)
mama, that is sad
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:03 PM)
Our school paid for our test as the only person in Western Michigan able to do this test worked for a special education center for small children. They would only do the test if ordered and paid by a school.
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:06 PM), how sad is that law to have been passed! Really gives the kids some incentive to stay in school, huh?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:16 PM)
no one in Missisippi right now...i'm sorry =(
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:20 PM)
They don't want these kids messing up their test scoes
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:38 PM)
Oh God, something really needs to be done, there!
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:44 PM)
intresting kelly
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:23:53 PM)
We have the MCAS to deal with here, what a nightmare
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:24:02 PM)
is speech therapy the most valuable service we might get at the public school for capd?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:24:26 PM)
what Jill does is bizarre
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 9:24:31 PM)
Is there any resource directory of audiologists that specialize in APD? I live in central Virginia.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:24:45 PM)
mama, I would have preferred to pay for this privately but would have to drive across the state. It seemed easier to go with the school testing. I felt they cut corners a little on the testing but overall it seemed professional.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:24:49 PM)
she gets info from a printed page but has no idea about letter sound to read
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:24:52 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:01 PM)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:04 PM)
Hi zynnya
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:11 PM)
Hi Zynnya,
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:12 PM)
hi zy
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:15 PM)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:18 PM)
hi zynnya
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:23 PM)
has anyone tried the Fast Forward program and does it work? i have not heard much but i've heard benefits are temporary.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:24 PM)
Hi Carol
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:34 PM)
Hi Mama
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:36 PM)
Hi Zynnya
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:38 PM)
Hi Deb
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:40 PM)
Ladybug..for the NCAPD we are in the process of setting up and building a referral program for audiologist who test for capd..... website for ncapd is
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:41 PM)
Have to go tend to the kids (again) be back soon.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:48 PM)
hi Zynnya
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:25:52 PM)
Hi Kelly
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:00 PM)
I looked there debbie
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:12 PM)
I found one in muscle shoals alabama
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:13 PM)
Do you all have children with auditory processing problems?
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:32 PM) 8 yr. old son.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:38 PM)
We have looked into FastForward and even had the pretesting done for this program. We were told by the SLP that our son was not a good candidate as his scores were not low enough.
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:41 PM)
carol, what's MCAS?
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:45 PM)
yes a 9yo son here
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:46 PM)
My son will be 8 in July.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:56 PM)
Zynnya, Yes our oldest is 9 with APD and our youngest (4) is suspected to have APD.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:26:57 PM)
I'm tying to find out how to get my daughter tested zy
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:27:10 PM)
I've only heard of this today.
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 9:27:18 PM)
Thanks Debbie
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:27:29 PM)
From who zynnya?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:27:45 PM)
I asked our school's enrichment teacher to test our son to see if he could have enrichment classes (because our daughter is _very_ intelligent & advanced in almost all areas)
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:28:03 PM)
Imagine how I felt when she said that he tested "average"
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:28:47 PM)
Zynnya, It is not unusual for children with APD to have higher than average IQ's. Our son tests in the gifted range for both math and science. His phonetic skills are high school level when tested at almost 9 yrs old.
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:28:54 PM)
Did she say anything to you about an aud. problem?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:29:13 PM)
She mentioned his "auditory memory".
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:29:19 PM)
Ladybug (ID=37) (Mar 6, 2001 9:29:28 PM)
Thanks to all for your help? I have to go but this has been wonderful-are there established chat times so I can join you in the future?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:29:36 PM)
He did very well in his straight maths questions.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:29:36 PM)
It makes me so mad. If a kid can pass even if they are using all their intellegence to compensate for a severe disability they don't get the help they need to do their best
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:29:57 PM)
Ladybug we chat every tuesday evening at this time and every other Tuesday morning from 8:30 am to 10 am with dr j lucker
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:09 PM)
all chat times are EST
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:14 PM)
I'm in Australia, it's early afternoon Wednesday here now.
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:25 PM)
every Tues night ladybug....8-10 PM EST...and every other Tues AM at 8:30-10 AM chat is March 13th with Dr. J....
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:27 PM)
cool zy
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:35 PM)
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:37 PM)
and going on fall too?
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:38 PM)
Zy, Auditory memory is one of the areas affected by APD. Our son tests low on auditory attention due to background noise and auditory memory.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:30:40 PM)
Wow Zynnya
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:31:05 PM)
Yes mama
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:31:19 PM)
- but still hot enough for fans & air conditioning.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:31:30 PM)
(am in central Queensland)
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:31:38 PM)
my fruit trees have just bloomed
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:31:47 PM)
I do want to take a moment to encourage people to become members of the National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders. Your membership helps support this chat
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:31:50 PM)
Kelli, what did you mean by background noise?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:32:19 PM)
all that stuff normal people filter out when listening
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:32:24 PM)
Membership information can be found on the NCAPD website at
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:32:26 PM)
Any background noise such as other conversations, pencils tapping, shuffling of feet reduce our sons hearing.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:32:47 PM)
I am back! My child can not concentrate at all if there is any background noise. When the audiologist tests for CAPD, that is one of the tests.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:32:49 PM)
I can ask my daughter to do a series of things, if she's paying attention; but I can only ask my son to do one thing at a time, & then he often asks me a number of things what he had to do....
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:09 PM)
zynnya my son does the same thing.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:20 PM)
He focuses on the ticking of the clock the same as the person trying to carry a conversation with him. It makes it very difficult for him.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:20 PM)
How can we help them?
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:22 PM)
sounds like my son zyn
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:24 PM)
He has been diagnosed with CAPD
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:25 PM)
I always hear "WHAT"
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:40 PM)
What is CAPD, I'm new, today, to this.
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:33:54 PM)
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:34:19 PM)
I went through the simulations the other day
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:34:31 PM)
were they helpful?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:34:33 PM)
CAPD, now referred to by many as APD, is when there is a breakdown in the way we process auditory stimuli
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:34:36 PM)
it looked just like my daughter's spelling
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:34:47 PM)
Zynnya, Multliple step directions are very difficult for children with APD. My sons teachers break down steps for him or give it to him in writing.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:34:55 PM)
If I hadn't asked for him to be tested for enrichment (he claims to be bored at school & I was just hoping that he was just as intelligent as our daughter, just a different personality & less confidence), then I wouldn't have known about this, would have put it down to "just being a boy" or "just him".
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:35:55 PM)
mamawooleybear...was the simulation helpful in understand your daughter?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:36:01 PM)
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:36:13 PM)
did you fill out a feedback form?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:36:28 PM)
the things she asks me make more sence now
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:36:29 PM)
I'm afraid people, especially his teachers, will just think he is "dumb". I felt hurt when the enrichment teacher said that she had shared his results with his school teacher of last year (our school year begins end of January) [remember his results were "average"] & she said that that's what she would have guessed. :-(
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:36:32 PM)
Zynnya, I would encourage you to join the listserv mentioned on this website. I have been on this listserv for over a year now and have learned sooo much.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:36:32 PM)
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:37:20 PM)
great mamawooleybear!! I"m happy the simulation was able to help!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:37:44 PM)
Can any of you relate to my feelings?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:37:59 PM)
I printed it and sent it to her teacher along with the web address
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:00 PM)
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:09 PM)
Kelli, I liked your tips: break it down into steps; give it to him in writing - thank-you.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:14 PM)
yes zynnya..we can!
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:19 PM)
I have to go now, this has been wonderful. I will see you next week! Thank you everyone!
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:22 PM)
my daughter is 8 and in 3rd grade. she does not seem to be making close friends. her social skills are lacking. do others see this happening too?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:25 PM)
mama, what did you send to her teacher?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:31 PM)
bye audge
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:34 PM)
Ne ne,
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:52 PM) 8 y.o with APD...then, my 6 y.o. who HELPS his older brother with homework....
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:38:54 PM)
the simulation on the ncapd site
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:01 PM)
nene, yes, my son is shy & lacking in confidence, some of the time - I feared that this would cause people not to realise his intelligence too.
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:01 PM)
Yes this is very common. Usually children with APD do better in smaller social settings with a couple of close friends.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:01 PM)
lack of social skills are a problem for my son
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:02 PM)
night audge!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:05 PM)
yes, ne ne, mine is in the 2nd. But both me and my husband lack many friends so I didn't think it was abnormal
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:16 PM)
jill also has adhd
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:19 PM)
mamawooleybear.............i printed the simulation and took it my school for a teacher..other teachers were asking me if they could make copies...finally they are starting to realize the problem is real
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:27 PM)
goodnight audge!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:35 PM)
mama, I tried some simulations & was lost when it wasn't a nursery rhyme!
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:36 PM)
it has been well controlled with meds and behavior mods
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:47 PM)
I got them all
audge (ID=36) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:55 PM)
goodnight everyone!
Kelli (ID=39) (Mar 6, 2001 9:39:59 PM)
I have 4 children coming over tomorrow in addition to my 3 so I'm going to bed. Take care everyone.
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:40:05 PM)
mama my son is ADD and takes meds they help
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:40:07 PM)
but I have been compensating for dyslexia for 35 years
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:40:20 PM)
night Kelli...GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!!
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:40:30 PM)
i'm used to screwed up codes
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:40:34 PM)
goodnight Kelli..t.hanks for joining the chat!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:40:38 PM)
Debbie, do the simulations just give empathy & understanding for people who don't know about this, is that what they're for?
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:41:22 PM)
he is also dyslexic
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:41:28 PM)
zynnya the idea is not to give empathy, but help people understand that our kids are facing legitimate disorders and how our kids process information......
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:41:30 PM)
poor baby
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:41:35 PM)
mama, from my brief research this morning online, dyslexia seems to be related - maybe in a nearby area of the brain, or similar functioning?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:41:46 PM)
Maybe if people understand the way our kids process, they will be more willing to help.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:41:59 PM)
it seems to me it is all screwed up code
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:12 PM)
I feel that dyslexia and CAPD go hand in hand in my son
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:17 PM)
just different areas of jjusage
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:24 PM)
screwed up code - you been on that computer too long? (hehe)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:25 PM)
My husband has both, too, I think
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:47 PM)
How common is this apd?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:51 PM)
but that is kinda what it's like zy
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:51 PM)
carol, how interesting you would compare your child to you and your husband. my husband and i have just a small circle of friends too and naturally that exposes emy to fewer people. i am not the best at getting playgroups and such together either. it's work? i guess we expect school and summer camp to take care of her social needs.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:57 PM)
Is it genetic?
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:42:58 PM)
I went to a Dyslexia conference on saturday and there were many people there that agreed
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:43:30 PM)
Diane, agreed with what?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:43:44 PM)
there is ongoing research on the relationship between apd anddyslexia..but no findings have been released yet i dont think......................
Diane (ID=40) (Mar 6, 2001 9:43:50 PM)
that dyslexia and CAPD are often intertwined
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=35) (Mar 6, 2001 9:43:51 PM)
I'm the same way, ne ne, I use birthday parties as her socialization. They also swim and belong to a play group, group that puts on plays.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:44:10 PM)
a conversation at my house is hilarious
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:44:21 PM)
its all I heard you say this
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:44:22 PM)
That's funny, Debbie, because my internet search this morning suggested that to me!
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:44:22 PM)
zynnya, i have been told by numerous doctors that it is genetic
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:44:33 PM)
no I said that
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:44:39 PM)
well I heartd this
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:45:14 PM)
Mama, I've heard that from my husband before, it makes me so cranky, but I think it's his problem - hahaha
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:45:29 PM)
mama....I bet it gets real confusing there a lot of the time!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:45:31 PM)
ne ne, I'm left wondering what _isn't_ genetic! :-)
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:45:35 PM)
different audiolologists have different theories about the cause, but here is no one cause yet......
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:45:53 PM)
at least we have learned to say i don't think i heard you right
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:46:07 PM)
I wonder what tests are available in my part of the world - central Queensland, Australia - what do I look for, how do I find out?
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:46:12 PM)
mama....ahhhhh, very good!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:46:47 PM)
zynna,, i have a friend in austrailia that just had their child tested for apd.if you email me at I can try and get you some info
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:46:49 PM)
Did your children have problems with speech? My son used to say "krog" for "frog" & "swaaarm" for "farm".
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:46:54 PM)
carol, birthday parties would be great, but she almost never gets invited to one. the last one was months ago and that was for a 3-yr-old (my son's age). i could just cry that my daughter doesn't at least get invited to a birthday party now and then. i can just imagine the kids at school talking about sleepovers and birthday parties and my kid just having to listen. boo hoo. i don't know how to help.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:47:13 PM)
we have gytes instead of lights
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:47:50 PM)
sarah kept telling me she was selected for the tag team after school....took me forever to figure out she meant computer tech team...
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:48:15 PM)
Debbie, just emailed you, didn't go through, is that address correct?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:48:16 PM)
I've always heard the difference in my daughters speech, but my hubby's family talks the same way they can understand her
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:48:18 PM)
zynnya, isn't that the truth!
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:48:39 PM)
they drink wagee instead of water
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:49:21 PM)
ne ne, breaks your heard, doesn't it? My children could have been invited to two recent parties, but weren't, & I'm just hoping that's because they were only family things, or very limited in numbers. :-(
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:49:27 PM)
the simulation helped me in understanding this
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:49:51 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:50:04 PM)
haha mama, maybe it comes from his side then.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:50:07 PM)
booted off, hi again
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:50:29 PM) or both are good addresses for me
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:50:29 PM)
prolly, I have reading disabilities
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:50:46 PM)
but I can talk a blue streak
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:51:30 PM)
Trying again now Debbie, thanks.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:51:39 PM)
debbie, I joined the list server and there are so many people with questions. I've lead a couple to your web sites, that's OK right?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:51:51 PM)
It almost reminds me of what happened to the gil in _Nell
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:52:04 PM)
of course that is ok Carol!!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:52:14 PM)
ok zynnya
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:53:00 PM)
Trying a third time...
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:53:27 PM)
i dont know why it would go through...i get mail continually at both addresses
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:53:35 PM)
why it wouldn't go through
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:53:41 PM)
is anyone familiar with the Be-a-Friend program thru NCAPD?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:53:54 PM)
what questions do you have ne ne?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:54:02 PM)
What is it, ne ne?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:54:06 PM)
The debbie at whatever was the problem....
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:54:41 PM)
Apart from breaking down steps; & writing things down, what else can we do to help our children?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:54:57 PM)
The Be -- A - Friend Program through the NCAPD is an attempt to hook up parents with other form a more personal support contact.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:55:07 PM)
Where is it?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 9:55:18 PM)
Why "from the heart"?
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:55:25 PM)
i got an e-mail from a Bethany Sliker 2 days ago asking if i'm still interested. i'm not sure what it's all about though. am waiting to hear back from her. debbie, do you know what it is?
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:55:48 PM)
oh, thank you debbie
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:55:48 PM)
We would prefer to hook up parents with other parents in their state..but if other parents from the state are not registered..then we will hook upparents with someone form another state.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:56:03 PM)
Yes,,bethany emailed you on my behalf...
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:56:03 PM)
it sounds neat
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:56:04 PM)
So it's yours debbie?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:56:27 PM)'s on the NCAPD website.....just got the new registration form up and running over the weekend...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:56:37 PM)
I'll check it out
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:56:46 PM)
ne ne I am working on launching the program this weekend...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:05 PM)
Anyone else from Mass, debbie?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:12 PM)
that you know of?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:14 PM)
can I do it too even if Jill has not been dx'ed
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:18 PM)
Have you ever wished you had someone to talk to who understood? That is the goal of the give you somoen to talk to!!
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:29 PM)
cool! i will try it
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:40 PM)
Krystie hasn't been diagnosed, mama. Not until July.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:53 PM)
KManbam (ID=46) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:54 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:57:55 PM)
Carol..I dont have the list in front of me at moment....i have a bunch of files sitting here..but have to get a master list made so I can start making matches
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:00 PM)
hi Kmanbam
KManbam (ID=46) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:07 PM)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:11 PM)
hi Kmanbam
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:13 PM)
I'll try it too, always willing to talk
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:16 PM)
Hi Kmanbam
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:19 PM)
hi kman
ne ne (ID=43) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:37 PM)
carol, glad you asked that. anyone from texas? you know, we're such a BIG state!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:58:54 PM)
the idea is if we can match up parents in an area and then put you in touch with a few more parents..perhaps this can be a way to start local support groups...
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:59:00 PM)
me too Carol\
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:59:10 PM)
actually nene i know for fact we have people from texas *LOL*
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 9:59:31 PM)
I have family in Houston nene
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 9:59:55 PM)
Deb..if you dont going to use you and I as a "Be - A - Friend" example.......
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:00:19 PM)
ok....go right a head friend!! *L*
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:00:21 PM)
Does apd have anything to do with this: in our son's test yesterday, he was asked what number came before 12. He answered 11. Then he was asked what number came after 12, & that's when he realised his mistake.....(shocked me, didn't know he had this problem)
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:01:00 PM)
Deb and I keep in pretty close contact through emails and such throughout the week..If we find out about a conference...we see if we can make arrangements to meet. At the lst conference. Kathy met up with us's nice to have the personal contact....Deb and I have become great friends.
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:01:40 PM)
We sure have...she's the best...I am sooooo glad we live close!
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:01:54 PM)
I'll go to Australia and meet zy lol
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:01 PM)
you guys make me jealous, I have no one here that understands
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:06 PM)
ok zynnya...maybe i'm being slow..but what was the mistake...was he asked the same the first time...
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:11 PM)
me either Carol
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:12 PM)
Thanks Mama :-) what did you all think of my last question?
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:15 PM)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:29 PM)
Ooops...sorry about the caps everyone!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:31 PM)
CArol.....we'll try and find you someone! that's the purpose of the Be - A -Friend..
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:45 PM)
Sounds good.
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:47 PM)
we actually live about what 3 hours away...but we commute and meet up
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:02:54 PM)
can't even find someone who knows enough to test JIll
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:17 PM)
zy, Krystie routinely re-asks questions to clarify and does mistake before & after, etc
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:21 PM)
school keeps telling me she's lazy
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:28 PM)
me too,
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:33 PM)
Debbie, he was asked what number is before 12 (can't remember exact wording) & he said 13. Then he was asked what number follows 12 - that's when he realised his mistake...
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:46 PM)
Don't buy that's NOT true!!!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:47 PM)
Yep, that's something Krystie would do
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:03:54 PM)
no it's not
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:03 PM)
ok..i understand now...
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:19 PM)
we study every day for an hour on spelling and she still maeks 30's
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:31 PM)
the first time you said he answered 11 and i thought that was what came before 12,,but I am really tired!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:33 PM)
That's us in math, mama
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:36 PM)
My mistake Debbie, I said that he answered 11 but he answered 13, & now I'm wondering if I have a problem! hehe
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:42 PM)
but makes 100's on mathe or vocabulary
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:52 PM)
That's Krystie in spelling and reading.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:04:55 PM)
Funny ha?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:05:04 PM)
zynnya..when im tired you could convince me of about anything =)
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:05:22 PM) son is the opposite...he does great with spelling, but poorly in math
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:05:33 PM)
She's in jeopardy of staying back, hysterical about it, trys her best and still can't pass a math test, they are speed tests by the way
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:05:42 PM)
I have also noticed that if she has to make up a test and is by herself she does much better
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:05:58 PM)
I might suggest trying that, mama
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:06:06 PM)
mama....probably because there are no distractions for her.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:06:07 PM)
what is the point of a mathe speed test?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:06:30 PM)
That's my big fight, now. They say they can better determine their number facts
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:06:35 PM)
don't know why I keep spelling math withan e
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:06:35 PM)
Speed tests are enough to freak anyone out!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:06:39 PM)
She just falls apart
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:02 PM)
mama, because maths is short for mathematics
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:13 PM)
if they have the concept of the math
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:26 PM)
then the real world has calculators
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:33 PM)
well everyone, it's close to 10 and im going to have to's been a pleasure chatting tonight.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:43 PM)
That's exactly my point, plus, they complain that she's such a good reader they can't keep her back
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:47 PM)
I was so stressed in primary school when we had speed facts - until I got the hang of it - our teacher would ask us verbally & we had to write the answers down - boy, I sure adapted fast!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:49 PM)
night debbie
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:50 PM)
bye debbie nice to meet you
KManbam (ID=46) (Mar 6, 2001 10:07:52 PM)
nite, debbie
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:02 PM)
me too....I have to get some things ready for school....
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:06 PM)
im going to scoot out and i'll see you all next week!!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:13 PM)
blizzard here, 3rd day home
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:13 PM)
can you get an IEP
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:18 PM)
Debbie....I WILL catch up with you soon!! *L*
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:19 PM)
Deb if you get a chance,,try and catch me tmorrow sometime
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:34 PM)
No, they say she doesn't qualify, they say she's lazy and not trying
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:42 PM)
*L* great minds...I'm off work for 10 days Deb on FMLA...we'll catch each other!
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:50 PM)
I'll try....I'll be busy all AM baking....maybe in the afternoon after school?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:08:57 PM)
thats what they say about Jill
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:01 PM)
Are you all leaving?
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:07 PM)
I"ll be around..can't go anywhere with "SPOTS"...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:11 PM)
It's an up hill battle
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:11 PM)
why I'm trying to find someone to test her
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:13 PM)
YYEEAAHHHAAA!!! For sure we will catch up then!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:22 PM)
I'm so lucky that our son is good at maths & spelling, pretty good at reading...
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:27 PM)
*LOL*....poor Kendra!
debbie (ID=34) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:36 PM)
zynnya..i have to get going...been up with sick kids and im pretty tired tonight.everyone else is welcome to stay and chat...
deb (ID=41) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:47 PM)
TTYS Debbie!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:09:49 PM)
mama, I'm doing an internet search now for someone in Australia - plus Debbie is going to email me.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:10:00 PM)
great zy
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:10:14 PM)
hope you have better luck than I have in Mississippi
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:10:19 PM)
mama, she was tested at school then at a pediatric clinic at the Children's in Boston, then at an audiology clinic in boston by a S/L now in July by an audiologist
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:10:56 PM)
I didn't come up with much Mama, will look in the yellow pages (of telephone directory) next.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:11:02 PM)
with a dx they have to make accomidations
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:11:20 PM)
not here, only with learning disability which they say she doesn't have
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:11:35 PM)
Mama, with a diagnosis the school has to make accommodations?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:11:46 PM)
I have to try to get this audiologist to point out that math skills are a weakness for her.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:12:01 PM)
with a discrepancy like you described, they say there isn't an ld
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:12:10 PM)
even without a diagnosis, we have accomodations
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:12:16 PM)
Because our son is doing okay in school, I think nobody would have done anything - but you see, I can see the difference between my two children, that's what has alerted me, plus what the enrichment teacher said to me last night.....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:12:34 PM)
That's my problem, they say she's lazy not learning disabled
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:12:49 PM)
Carol, are you in a similar situation then, Krystie is doing okay in school so they think she doesn't need any help?
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:12:55 PM)
Tell 'em to get off it
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:13:02 PM)
zy, do you see frustration or anxiety, stress?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:13:10 PM)
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:13:34 PM)
In his first year of school, our son's teacher commented that his pencil sometimes becomes an aeroplane...
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:13:51 PM)
but I know our school won't even let on there is such a thing as apd
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:13:51 PM)
My daughter ate her shirt sleeves
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:14:09 PM)
mine does that carol
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:14:18 PM)
bring in all the documentation you can, mama, especially the Dr. stuff. It worked for me
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:14:21 PM)
Carol, our son is _bored_ by school. He just wants to go & kick a soccer ball. He tells me he doesn't want to go to school sometimes.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:06 PM)
They let Krystie use a squeeze ball, really helped with the chewing. That started last year, zy, but was because she didn't understand the teacher when she spoke
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:11 PM)
I suffer from anxiety & stress, & I know he's more like me in that regard - the other two (my husband & daughter) are more laid back.
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:12 PM)
ladies I have to get ready for work in the morning. It was great talking with ya'll. I'll try to get here next week
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:37 PM)
try to come by in the morning and hear the dr. he's great
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:42 PM)
Bye mama, thank-you for chatting. :-)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:46 PM)
bye mama
mamawooleybear (ID=42) (Mar 6, 2001 10:15:47 PM)
gotta work tomorrow
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:16:01 PM)
he's every other Tues. morn
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:16:33 PM)
Carol, if this wasn't archived I'd give you my son's web page address, then you could see him.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:16:53 PM)
zy, my daughter has melt downs with homework, especially math.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:17:00 PM)
see him how?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:17:12 PM)
you mean a picture on-line
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:17:19 PM)
He has photos of himself on his web page. It needs updating though.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:17:28 PM)
How old is he?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:04 PM)
He's good at straight maths, spelling, Age of Empires (great computer game) & is going ahead in leaps & bounds with violin (after three exasperating no progress years) & can read music now...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:05 PM)
I've got to figure out how to work this computer and do stuff like that
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:13 PM)
He'll be 8 in July.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:18 PM)
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:24 PM)
I could email the address to you.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:33 PM)
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:18:40 PM)
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:19:17 PM)
Just us now zy
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:19:30 PM)
Trying to email you...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:19:53 PM)
Having computer problems tonight, weather. 2 feet of snow so far
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:20:16 PM)
My friend couldn't e-mail me. keep my address and try later if it doesn't work now
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:21:06 PM)
It never snows here, in this part of Australia.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:21:16 PM)
Can I come?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:21:23 PM)
I've had it
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:21:28 PM)
I think it went through okay.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:22:20 PM)
Got it, he did that himself?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:22:31 PM)
He's cute
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:22:42 PM)
No, I did it, asked him what he wanted on it, several years ago actually, maybe two years?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:22:59 PM)
Did you scroll down? haha
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:23:15 PM)
so you're my age, then
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:23:36 PM)
You have cows?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:23:38 PM)
Probably - I'll be 37 in June.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:23:48 PM)
No, I was this past Nov.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:23:51 PM)
Yes, on our farm way down south.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:24:04 PM)
I might have seen a cow twice in my life
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:24:14 PM)
Horses, too
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:24:28 PM)
What time is it now there?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:24:57 PM)
Oh my goodness, I need to update it, it's been about three years!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:25:19 PM)
It's 1:16pm Wednesday
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:25:50 PM)
Oh, wow, that's so weird. It's 10:16pm Tues. So your son isn't special needs?
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:26:08 PM)
Oh dear, wrong email address on that page too....
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:26:33 PM)
No, although he had speech therapy when he was fourish for a while....
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:27:26 PM)
You see, because he's doing okay nobody has noticed that he has a problem - but he's not doing okay, not doing as well as he could of course - especially when considering that his sister gets high distinctions & distinctions in all kinds of areas...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:28:34 PM)
Yes, that sounds like us. My little one 5, does much better in some areas but Krystie, I think, is smarter. She does very well in school, except for math, but has a section 504 which is only a classroom tool.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:29:06 PM)
No one knew she didn't understand except for one teacher who told me to have her tested
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:29:19 PM)
What is a section 504?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:29:45 PM)
That was her 4th teacher. 2 in pre-school and kindergarten. It is something used here for kids who need help but don't qualify for special needs.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:30:27 PM)
It can have any form of help in it. Ours says she needs the squeeze ball and the teacher needs to repeat directions to her more than twice
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:30:44 PM)
We've had it suggested that we have his hearing tested - but it's like a short term memory loss perhaps - or the message just doesn't get in because he's concentrating on something else - reminds me of my father, I can remember as a child speaking to him while he was engrossed in his leatherwork - minutes later he would say, as if waking from a deep sleep: "H-e-e-y?"
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:31:29 PM)
Does Krystie look people in the eye when they speak to her?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:32:19 PM)
The teacher does a very good job. I watched a couple of times. She catches her eye and does repeat things. I hope not because I was there. that sounds like Krystie, too. We had to have her hearing tested three times. I don't think she does but you know, I'm not sure, I know I have to say "Look at me" many times
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:32:51 PM)
- because our son didn't used to look anybody in the eye, even us when we spoke to him, I've had to tell him to....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:33:12 PM)
I do too, but it's like my husband so I didn't connect it to her problem
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:33:21 PM)
Could be
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:33:42 PM)
My big thing with her since she was an infant is her temper and frustration
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:33:47 PM)
So so far I have these suggestions: get the teacher to: make sure there's eye contact when asking him to do something; break it down into steps; give it to him in writing.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:34:19 PM)
She doesn't understand, holds it in all day then blows like a top. Yes, they are also part of her 504.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:34:34 PM)
Frustration: as a three year old, screwing up a piece of paper & throwing it into the bin, because his drawing wasn't perfect!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:34:42 PM)
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:34:50 PM)
What else is on her "504"?
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:34:54 PM)
absolute fits about nothing
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:35:09 PM)
Absolute fits when asked to do any simple little thing!
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:35:32 PM)
I think it's too stressful for him, I just realised it this minute, & now I feel like crying for him.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:35:59 PM)
It's always rush, rush, rush here in the mornings, & that must be worse for him.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:36:09 PM)
1. eye contact with all explanations and diretions, 2. written vs. oral explanations 3. squeeze ball, 4. chew straw, 5. breaks between subjects
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:36:40 PM)
there are 3 more that I can't come up with right now. Krystie just learned how to dress herself. We cried every night until I found this site and found some help for her
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:36:58 PM)
Oh, lists written or drawn
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:37:39 PM)
That includes routines, homework and anything else expected. We had the clothes listed on her wall in order of dressing, she cut them out of the magazines. I cried for a week
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:38:12 PM)
My immediate reaction is that they have to learn how to function in the big world eventually, & is getting written vs oral directions just catering to them - not sure how to put that...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:01 PM)
The teacher made a great folder for her, her first page was the closet, a picture of it, so she knew to hang her coat, then the desk with the chair on it so she knew to take the chair down etc. right to morning papers. Yes but now she doesn't need these charts
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:06 PM)
Oh Carol, you poor thing. I have so little to complain about.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:21 PM)
Not really, I'm sure you have stuff, too.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:23 PM)
I meant, they will have to be able to function eventually....
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:41 PM)
Yes, but I do think she'll need help with anything knew
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:48 PM)
Oh I see, it's a learning process, they do get there then...
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:39:59 PM)
I give her a weeks notice before testing or party
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:40:19 PM)
Anything new will stress her. Yes, she does get it eventually
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:40:27 PM)
I noticed Bokky get his shoes wrong the other day, at 7 3/4!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:40:35 PM)
Unusual fears, too, needles, fires
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:40:45 PM)
every day with her
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:41:06 PM)
His sister who is three years older has been able to swim all the different swim strokes/styles for years. He's still using the spaghetti (floating) thing to kick with. :-(
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:41:17 PM)
shoes before socks, pants before panties etc etc. Going outside without a coat, 20 degrees
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:41:41 PM)
she started swimming at 3, she's 7 but a good swimmer and diver
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:42:15 PM)
We had to have an anaesthetic pad put on his hand & a doctor in attendance to administer a relaxant through his hand & stay for a dental visit involving fillings a couple of years back!
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:43:01 PM)
zynnya, I have to go, getting too late for me. But keep in touch, so good to talk to someone who understands. Yes, we could have used and anaesthetic pad for her first train or plane trip.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:43:03 PM)
I feel aggravated that the teaching staff must just think he's "average" & so don't expect more from him.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:43:20 PM)
Exactly what happened to us
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:43:34 PM)
I meant a pad to numb his hand for the needle to go into for the relaxant...
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:43:56 PM)
& I said to a teacher at a meeting - look at his sister's report card.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:44:06 PM)
She had _all a's_
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:44:07 PM)
Not until the testing did I even realize she's above average. At 6, she was reading 2nd grade level
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:44:21 PM)
I had no idea
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:44:27 PM)
My daughter was reading at a 10 year old level when she had just turned 6
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:44:41 PM)
Krystie will never have all A's though.
zynnya (ID=44) (Mar 6, 2001 10:44:50 PM)
But my son isn't that advanced, but I think he would be if he read for pleasure like she does, or close to it.
Carol (Krystie's Mom) (ID=45) (Mar 6, 2001 10:45:05 PM)
got to go, take care
karate mom (ID=47) (Mar 6, 2001 10:57:02 PM)
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karate mom (ID=47) (Mar 6, 2001 10:57:53 PM)
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karate mom (ID=47) (Mar 6, 2001 10:58:15 PM)
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karate mom (ID=47) (Mar 6, 2001 10:58:32 PM)
hello, is anyone out there?
k's mom (ID=48) (Mar 6, 2001 11:01:54 PM)
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k's mom (ID=48) (Mar 6, 2001 11:02:58 PM)
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