Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:43:49 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:11 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:19 AM)
Hi deb, What's up?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:36 AM)
Hi Carol...had problems getting in this AM, did you?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:40 AM)

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:53 AM)
Hmmmmm, wonder what's going on?!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:59 AM)
Maybe the weather?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:05 AM)
Could be.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:08 AM)
You don't have weather, do you?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:30 AM)
Well, it's actually raining right now, something we DESPARATELY need!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:43 AM)
Yes, I know.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:53 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:46:00 AM)
Hi Laurie

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:46:15 AM)
Hi Carol

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:46:24 AM)
Wondering if you have issues with frustration in your kids that border on behavioral problems?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:46:33 AM)
And of couse, I have a field trip to go on this AM with my least we'll be on the bus, and then right into the hotel...going to see 'Beauty and the Beast'...should be fun.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:46:44 AM)
Goodmorning Laurie

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:46:46 AM)
Sounds great.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:47:30 AM)
Good morning everyone. Not sure who all is here. My screen won't scroll down. I always have this problem.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:47:43 AM)
Just the 3 of us, Laurie

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:47:43 AM)
Carol...Just started with that stuff in the last month or so. Last week, Travis was actually written up, and sent to the V. P's office....something that is SO NOT him!!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:07 AM)
Yes, I've been in tears for 2 days, now. All of our stuff is at home but it's awful.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:15 AM)
I think he will be going for a full neuro and phyc eval....

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:26 AM)
My main behavioral problem in the classroom is zoning out and not paying attention. Like he is in another world.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:33 AM)
Carol...that was me exactly last Wed. and Thurs....

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:54 AM)
Yesterday, she took her sister's bead kid and after not being able to do it to her satisfaction threw it in the air and then deposited the beads throughout the room.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:49:16 AM)
Then stated she did it because she has CAPD.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:49:41 AM)
Did you all enter from I had to enter chat from I wonder if the other site is down.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:49:57 AM)
Because APD is neurological, day to day, hour to hour, it can and does, all change...sooooo frustrating! But, if it frustrates US this much, can you only imagine how our kids are feeling? Soooooo heart breaking.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:49:58 AM)
I entered from ncapd but took a long time

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:26 AM) too...couldn't get in through NCAPD....

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:39 AM)
what's the other address?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:51 AM)
from the heart?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:07 AM)
Last nite mys on was playing checkers with Dad and went into a flying rage when Dad double jumped him. My son has a hard time with rules of games.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:26 AM)
CapdFromTheHeart.....dah....I have it book marked....can't remember the whole addy....sorry.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:55 AM)
I'll find it, thanks deb.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:05 AM)
So the games are a problem for these kids?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:06 AM)
So does mine Laurie...he is not a good team player...gets frustrated VERY easily.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:09 AM)
God, what else.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:14 AM)
I've never been able to enter the site directly using Debbie's link, so I go to and go to the search button to put in CAPD.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:26 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:35 AM)
Hi dr.j

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:43 AM)
No kidding Carol...I have an IEP meeting tomorrow...should be quite interesting, and VERY long!

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:53:02 AM)
Goodmorning Dr.J...any probs getting in?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:53:24 AM)
Good morning all. Sorry I'm late. Traffic was heavy this am. Rain often causes people in this area to drive at 2 mph.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:53:43 AM)
We're getting some thunder out there right now...

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:07 AM)
My son is very easily frustrated. To the point that I purchased that book "The Explosive Child: How to Parent Chronically Inflexible Children" by Ross Greene PHD.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:10 AM)
Well, deb, please keep it to yourselves ;-) =)

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:15 AM)
Good morning Dr. J.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:22 AM)
Good moring Laurie C.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:32 AM)
I will try Dr. J....we need the rain, big time!!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:49 AM)
Laurie, did you like the book.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:51 AM)
How is that book Laurie? Find anything helpful in it?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:52 AM)
Deb....... I have my one yr IEP review in about 4 wks. I am dreading it.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:13 AM)
I see debbie is not here. I haven't been able to check my email so, I don't know if she sent out a message, but did she say she'd be late or missing this am chat?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:26 AM)
Yes Deb......... many of the cases profiled are very extreme behaviors, but you do learn lots of "tricks" on trying to deal with very inflexible children.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:38 AM)
This is my 2nd IEP mtg. ...had one right before Christmas break, and now that we have 2 more evals in...we're going to see what more we can do...

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:53 AM)
I'll have to get the book then.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:59 AM)
Sorry to be missing this. But, what book are you discussing?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:47 AM)
Hi Dr. J........ the Ross Greene book called "The Explosive Child: How to Parent Chronically Inflexible Children."

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:12 AM)
Thank you LaurieC. I never heard of that one before.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:15 AM)
We all seem to be having some real behavioal problems Dr. J....with Travis, this has only started in the last 4-6 weeks...VERY out of character for him. I think he's going to be getting a neuro and pysch eval done.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:16 AM)
Dr. J......... I couldn't enter this morning from the site. Had to go to

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:19 AM)
Deb, do you have any form of counseling going on.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:22 AM)
Deb if the behavior is not the norm and is "new", I'd think something different was going on to cause it. Any new things at school, changes, etc.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:26 AM)
LaurieC, I'm sorry debbie's not here. She is really our webmaster on all of this stuff. I wonder if there's a problem with the NCAPD site or the server???? I came through the anglefire portal as well.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:46 AM)
But then yesterday, he had a good day in school. Last week, it was AWFUL!!! Why, Dr. J, can it be sooooo to day, hour to hour? Is it because we're dealing with a neuro problem?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:56 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:03 AM)
Hi Debbie

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:11 AM)
Hi Debbie.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:12 AM)
good morning!

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:23 AM)
sorry to be running late

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:28 AM)
No counceling yet, but I think that will be forthcoming. No, nothing, no new changes, at home or in school.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:44 AM)
Mornin' Debbie!

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:00:07 AM)
In laws still there Debbie?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:00:13 AM)
Deb...... when my son had the neuropsych eval, they did pretty thorough review of his behaviors. Has this been done?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:00:33 AM)
yepper ..they sure are! will be here all week....then will be back again

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:00:43 AM)
deb, or is it because we are dealing with children in general? As a parent, I know that there are different types of children. What's really funny though, is that we had a great week from Mon - Thurs with our little one (Joshua), then Friday afternoon was really a major change. ANd that lasted throughtout the afternoon, evening, and all day Sat. Suddenly, SUnday he's like a different child and Mon and Today he's been great.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:04 AM)
It will be done soon I'm hoping. I have to call his Ped. when we are done here, to have him fax a referral to have the neuro and pysch evals done up at Shands.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:09 AM)
Good morning debbie. Hope everything's ok with you. How is Kendra the Itchy doing? ;-)

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:38 AM)
she's doing pretty good this morning dr j....Grandparents are here visiting, so she's happy to still be out of school

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:53 AM)
Dr. J, is that the CAPD or just a normal child's frustration? I know I don't go through that with my youngest without APD.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:02 AM)
That's how it will be with Travis too Dr. very UNpredictable.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:10 AM)
Yes, Kendra is really able to be spoiled this week ;-)

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:34 AM)
It seems like these kids do have lower thresholds of frustration. They're trigger points are lower.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:49 AM)
Did my friend Debbie from Australia make it in the chat this morning yet?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:50 AM)
Krystie does things that make me nuts, play dough squished into the rug, marker on the walls. She's going to be 8 this year and should know better. Is it behavioral or frustration?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:13 AM)
But then....... if we had to deal with the misprocessing they do all day long, we'd probably trigger our frustration quicker too!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:15 AM)
I met Zynnya from Australia here. Kept in touch, too

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:33 AM)
Much lower, I think Laurie. He isn't as bad as when he was younger, where it would seem like nothing would trigger him. But now, it's something totally's more behavioral now.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:35 AM)
Yes, that's why I don't know how to react.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:45 AM)
But, deb, what I often wonder is just whether our kids are testing limits at times. I think most kids with APD are very bright and they will try to test limits from time to time. My wife looks at it in this way when it's like what you describe with Travis. There are times when the children go through growth spurts and she says(and I often agree) they try out new things to test themselves, their environments and the limits.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:04:11 AM)
So how do you deal with the punishment?'

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:04:49 AM)
That's what his teacher has said Dr. J...she wonders if maybe he's not trying to test his limits.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:26 AM)
If you're asking me as a professional, my response is it is out of the scope of practice and skill for my professional background, licensing, certification, etc. If you ask me as a parent, I can say the following.....

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:29 AM)
You bring up a good point my son has matured a little (he just turned 8) he is learning to cope with his frustration a little better. He is still behind his 6 yr old brother on dealing with frustration, but it is getting a little better as his system matures a little.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:43 AM)
Right Carol, how do you deal with the punishments? SHOULD Travis have been sent to the V.P.'s office and got written up last week? Who knows...I sure don't.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:51 AM)
Right son is 8 1/2, and he also has a 6 y.o. brother, and is the exact same way as your two.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:57 AM)
Well..... now we are talking about school punishment vs hom punishment. It is more complicated at school I think.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:08:38 AM)
I think we need to look at what factors could be triggers and try to deal with interviening to cut off the triggers. As for children with processing problems, we have to constantly remember that they may be on overload at times (I think it was CArol who made that inference). As for limit setting, we have to set real limits, concrete and be sure that they are real and kept. We find with out son that there are times when the usual "consequences" really just don't work. It's at those times that we have to take a quick step back, think about the possibility of overloading and try to (what I call) "dump" out the excess energy/excess load to get our child back in touch with "reality" There are just times when there will be problems with behaviors and we have to deal with the kids and what may be going on.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:08:39 AM)
Deb, I missed the beginning of the Travis having a rough week this week too?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:08:48 AM)
I agree Laurie...they have a lot more children to deal with at school, but, I think that maybe Karin (his teacher), may have just been at her wits end that day, SHE was also frustrated, and that turned out to be the end result.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:08:52 AM)
THank God Krystie isn't a problem at school, they don't even recognize her problem, there.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:09:10 AM)
My son had a crying melt down in 1st grade last yr over some type of miscommunication between the teacher. She had never seen him get so upset and when she described it to me she used the words.."He kind of acted like many of the ED kids at school I've seen." Boy........ I knew I was dealing with total ignorance of APD at school at that point.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:10:41 AM)
I do find when she misses her outside activities, swimming, track, etc. she is worse. Maybe the energy she expends helps her control her behavior?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:11:01 AM)
Even the teacher notices this.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:11:26 AM)
That Ross Green book called "The Explosive Child" trains the parent mainly on how to recognize your child's trigger points and to avoid them.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:11:30 AM)
deb, you asked how do we deal with the punishment. Well, from my parent's perspective, (1) we need to reward ALL of the good behaviors; (2) we need to make sure that our kids know THEY ARE GOOD and it's a specific behavior that's wrong or "bad", not them; (3) this is always the tricky part, we need to identify consequences that are meaningful for each individual child, and we have to determine if our children are READY when we want to "repremand" them. ....

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:11:37 AM)
Debbie..yesterday was a good day...although he spent 15-20 minutes in the bathroom at the beginning of the AM, and didn't get any of his morning work done. Good afternoon she said. Was he trying to get out of his AM work because he was overloaded first thing when he got there? Or, was he just trying to get out of doing it? Don't know.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:13:06 AM)
This is so sad, Dr. J, but there are times after school without good behavior to reward. It's like we start in at each other's throats when she gets home. And with the crying fits. Where to begin?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:13:41 AM)
FOr example, when I discussed our son end of last week, he was not ready to take any repremand, and consequences, etc. What is so interesting, my wife asked him before bedtime Friday night if he could "stop" his behavior (which was not acceptable behavior according to our limits). He admitted he could not and broke down crying. He had cried about 3 or 4 times prior, but it was this crying that really sort of started the release of the overload. It took my wife about 1`/2 hour of his crying and her rocking him and stroking him to calm him enough to finally fall asleep.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:13:50 AM)
I totally agree with you Dr. J...last week, when he was 'mouthing off' to his teacher, one of his consequences that night, was to write her a letter of, he had no T.v. that night.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:03 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:33 AM)
It works so much better for us to let her play or whatever then later hit the homework. But that's not always possible. That's the behavior we go through every day, Dr. J. She claims she doesn't know why she feels so bad.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:42 AM)
Good morning Aussie Angel (Deb)!

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:45 AM)
Deb..... that is the hardest thing I have to deal with for my son at school when working with his teacher and counselor. How much of his failure to get his work done on time is truly due to miscommunication/misunderstanding and how much is due to just him trying to get out of the work. Both scenarios require different solutions. Tough call.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:58 AM)
good morning

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:11 AM)
Hi aussie angel

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:15 AM)
Same with Travis Carol...sometimes he really can't explain why he said/did/or acted the way he did.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:19 AM)
yes Dr J,,,,,we are now recruiting Debbie's from the other side of the world too!! =)

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:23 AM)
Carol, just looking back. I agree that I think many times our kids need to release their energy. THey have a lot of "held back" energy in order to control their behaviors.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:39 AM)
Mornin' aussie angel...from another deb!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:00 AM)
So that's the key, let them expend their energy then try to focus on their work?

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:04 AM)
hahaahha good morning from other Deb

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:07 AM)
Aussie Angel is my friend from Australia who recently visited. Her name is Deb.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:13 AM)
Good'ay angel, or debbie from Australia.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:19 AM)
Nice to meet you, Deb.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:42 AM)
Hi Aussie!

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:47 AM)
Wow, only 3 Deb's this AM?! *L*

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:27 AM)
g'day Dr.j ..........i have just found out today that my 11 year old son has capd

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:09 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:13 AM)
Carol, I have to say for our son, one thing is that sometimes when he's what we call "out of control" we need to spin him, rock him, stroke him, etc. Yes, it's like he has too much energy and needs to get rid of it. Whether it's becasue he (like last week) tried so hard to be "a good boy" all week that by Friday afternoon it just had to come out, or what we don't know. But, all in all, it lasted Friday pm, all day Sat, and was gone totally by SUnday morning.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:14 AM)
Hi Mary

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:16 AM)
Good Morning Mary

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:22 AM)
GOod morning Mary.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:28 AM)
Goodmorning Mary.....

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:45 AM)
My son has a hard time completing open-ended tasks without a time deadline (kind of like his Mom!)... so we came up with the idea of using a timer on him as he does his homework. It is working so far. It has eliminated the stalling, figeting, distraction, etc at home while doing homework.

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:51 AM)
good morning, everyone

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:03 AM)
Good morning Mary.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:20 AM)
Yes, Dr. J, now that I think about it, her bad days are those that have no energy releasing activity. Maybe they can work jumping jacks into her 504 at school. They'll want to commit me!

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:21 AM)
good morning mary

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:37 AM)
deb, actually, Carol's real name is debbie (just joking), my name is really dr.jdebbie, and Lauie is hidding the debbie between the Laurie and the C (just joking all around) =)

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:54 AM)
can someone fill me in a little about capds

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:59 AM)
I tried that with Travis too Laurie...he hates the timer! I still bring it out once in a while...if, he's having a 'good' homework night.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:21 AM)
Laurie, the timer made Krystie hyperventilate, like she does on her math speed tests.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:42 AM)
Aussie Angel is still awaiting the report from the audiologist who did the testing, but was told initially that Andrew had "severe" capd......

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:01 AM)
For what it's worth, I have 2 cousin Debbies, (one is actually Deborah) and 3 Debbie friends, not counting any of you.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:03 AM)
Dr. J....*LOL* crack me up! It's actually good to laugh! Seems like I haven't done that in a while.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:06 AM)
Timer's don't work here either!

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:47 AM)
If you go through all the testing and find out your kid has CAPD, then what can you do about it to help the kid get through school, and life?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:22:24 AM)
Carol, and all, I have to say that the most important and the BEST part of our son's school factors are that his teachers (teacher, assistant and para) and the director of the school and ALL of the adults at school are accepting of children's differences and will just allow his behavior so long as it does not hurt or harm himself or others. By accept, I mean they acknowledge that he is behaving, may be out of control, provide outlets (like going outside and running around when possible (we had poor weather on Friday so that could be a factor, not able to get the energy out going outside to play and run), and they deal with the behaviors andaccept the child's feelings.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:22:28 AM)
That's where I am at right now, Mary, trying to make it a little easier for her to get through life. You need to make the school aware of the problem and get all the help you can from them

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:16 AM)
Sounds like Joshua is in an awesome school setting Dr. J! That's wonderful!

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:18 AM)
Mary, what SHOULD happen after the testing is that the audiologist SHOULD look at the tests to determine the underlying factors attributing to the APD and should make recommendations to remeadiate those areas.....but you have to understand what is causing the disorder in order to take the next step

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:21 AM)
So, are you say, activity can be worked into a curriculum that doesn't necessarily provide it.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:44 AM)
I have to admit that (often) one problem is that the adult in charge (teacher, assistant, para, phys ed teacher) can make or break it for ALL kids, especially those with processing problems and sensory issues.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:08 AM)
i have been lucky so far even in aranging test ect the school and teachers have been very helpful

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:11 AM)
I'm sure the timer for homework won't work for everyone. We certainly don't use it in a school setting. Also..... we've put in an incentive plan for my son to organize his homework papers and empty his backpack when he gets home from school. We are careful not to incent him to do his homework (a no no in my book), but to get organized to start his homework.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:16 AM)
Yes, found that, Dr. J.

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:19 AM)
Debbie, what do you mean "you have to understand what is causing the disorder in order to take the next step"?

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:44 AM)
And, we just got our SI eval back, and Travis does indeed have some minor and major SI issues.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:17 AM)
Carol, yes, activity can be worked into ANY program. Here's the way I see it. If a child is on overload and the activity will release the "load" what's the value of fighting to get the child to sit and do work that the child is not ready at that time to do? However, what is important is to set limits and not allow children to USE their behaviors as ways of avoiding. ....

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:40 AM)
He goes for his first SI treatment today.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:26:36 AM)
Mary..think of when you have a stomach order to make your stomach feel better you need to know why it hurts

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:26:55 AM)
But, how do we, more so, the teachers distinguish that Dr. J?

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:27:21 AM)
Debbie, I know so little about this. What can be the possible reasons for CAPD?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:27:25 AM)
For example, say we go back to the case of the child marking up the walls. Brought up earlier. Maybe the marking up the walls was done at a time of overload. Well, that does NOT excuse the child from marking up the walls, but helps us to explain some factors or reasons why the child may have marked up the walls. SO, we dealwith the overlaod and provide acceptable ways to release the energy. Then, as soon as the child is back and available, the child has to clean up the walls, and is not allowed to play with markers for "x" time as a consequence (not punishment) of his/her behavior. THat's the modification or adjustment for a child with a sensory or processing problem.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:15 AM)
deb, I got lost when you say "distinguish that" to what does "that" refer?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:18 AM)
Glad to hear I handled that one appropriately, Dr. J. We painted them together. She hated losing the privilage of using them.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:37 AM)
It is so hard to figure out an appropriate consequence. Every child has different motivators.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:43 AM)
Mary, does your child have trouble understanding speech in the presence of background noise or trouble decoding or an integration problem?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:51 AM)
But so far, she's lost markers for a month, play dough for a month, beads for a month, marbles, etc. Then she got the play dough back yesterday, and into the rug it went. So she lost that forever.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:11 AM)
What I meant was, how does the teacher/parent distinguish if the child is really NOT capable of doing the work at that particular time, or, if they are just trying to 'stall'? Like yesterday, first thing in the AM, when Travis was in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes....was he just 'stalling', or, was he not able to do his work then? How can we. do we, tell the difference?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:12 AM)
Mary, those are only a few examples....

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:51 AM)
Debbie, the audiologist should be able to identify where the weaknesses lie, right?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:05 AM)
Yes Carol, they should.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:25 AM)
Yes, and since SHE HATED the privilage of using them, the consequence was SELF-PUNISHMENT. and that is the best stimulus to control behavior it's called INTERNAL control. Great example, again, is my son. We said that when he needs to release energy, the teacher takes him outside for 1-2 minutes to run around. Well, when he is fooing around (self controlled) say for attention, and the teacher says, "OK, let's go get your coat and go outside," he'll say, "NO, NO, " and suddenly behavior appropriately. But, when it's out of control time, the going outside and running around and screaming (yes, he even does what I'd call the primal scream thereapy) after a minute or two he's great and comes back inside and is fine.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:39 AM)
I can't wait for that eval. It will be nice to know exactly what can be done.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:43 AM)
dr.j will ritalin help my son who has been unoffically diagnose with capd.......which was suggested........we have already tried it about 3 years ago which was they though he originally had ADD

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:45 AM)
Debbie, we've just begun to look into this. She has trouble understanding speech in the presence of background noise, and I don't know about the others or even what they are. But are you saying it's a different remedy for each of them, just like a stomach ache caused by stress would be remedied differently from one caused by eating something bad?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:29 AM)
Deb..... last yr my son would lose his "apple" (an incentive in class) for ignoring the teacher. I was furious. They thought he was purposely isgnoring her. He wasn't..... he was clueless as to what she was saying and didn't understand her. I put a stop to it. But this stuff goes on in different forms I think every day.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:34 AM)
dr.j also for got to mention he has a speach and language problem as well.......

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:05 AM)
Dr. J, they take your son outside, by himself? What is the class doing at that time?

copycat (ID=87) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:17 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:23 AM)
Hi copycat.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:27 AM)
Mary,,,exactly! You have to approach each factor and work on each area

copycat (ID=87) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:58 AM)
hello carol

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:03 AM)
aussie son takes ritalin...we tried him off it a while ago in school, NOT good, for him! It works for some kids, and not for others. You may want to try a trial period. I am actually looking into a different med right now...

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:18 AM)
Good morning copycat........

copycat (ID=87) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:09 AM)
hello deb, just figured out how to get in, you suggested another browser

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:19 AM)
good morning copycat

copycat (ID=87) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:30 AM)
I emailed earlier, with problems

copycat (ID=87) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:50 AM)
new browser worked

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:13 AM)
We are happy you made it in copycat!

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:19 AM)
Carol, I'm reading back. SOunds to me like YOU set the consequences based on your choices. Yes, it is true what was said earlier, that is, the consequences have to be meaningful for each individual child. For example, my son recently got into playing board games and we've bought him about a 1/2 dozen different board games including Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, etc. We've given him one or two based on consequences of really excellent (good) listening and cooperating and following what adults (we, teachers, etc) have said to him. Well, example, yesterday he started misbehaving getting ready for bed. I said "If you don't cooperate, I'm taking Trouble away from you. (his new board game he got last Wed for being so good). Well, suddenly, he was more than cooperative. you'd think that the game were just a game, but to him, they're HIS games that HE WON for good listening, cooperation and attention. So, that was really important to him.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:45 AM)
Hi copycat. Debbie..... I had to enter through this morning. wouldn't let me in. Not sure if others had this problem.

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:49 AM)
My daughter behaves as though she has a shortage of short term memory--just like a computer with a shortage of RAM. Is that a form of CAPD?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:30 AM)
thanks LaurieC,,,I'll check the link

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:46 AM)
For Krystie it's books, we give and take away based on behavior but it seems to me that , as much as she hates losing them, she can't help her behavior.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:02 AM)
We do the same thing with Travis Dr. J....if he makes it through the week in school with no marks in his folder, he gets a 'treat' at the end of the week. He earned Bop It Extreme a few weeks ago....

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:30 AM)
It's not a 'bribe' to's a GOAL for hi,/

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:52 AM)
sorry...I meant for 'him'

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:56 AM)
Dr. J, please tell me how you work out the couple of minutes outside through the day. Is it with his teacher, an aide, etc? Does the class know he's going out, etc?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:39:58 AM)
Mary, what you describe is a problem with your daughter remembering. Memory problems could be due to MANY things including but not exclusive to an APD problem. MEMORY itself is a cognitive process and many memory problems are MEMORY deficits, many others are language based, many others are auditory procesing based. SO, the answer is that an eval of language, cognitive abilities, APD, all should be done to identify the underlying factors that could account for the presenting problems, such as on of poor memory.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:05 AM)
Deb that's a good point...A GOAL for Travis to work for! If it's a weekly goal then they know a head of time what to work' puts consistency in their routine and keeps it from being a bribe. We use weekly rewards too.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:02 AM)
Carol...I know what you mean. Some weeks it works, and others, it doesn't. He gets sad when he doesn't get his 'treat', but, he really does try. He just said to my parents and hubby the other day..." I wake up in the morning, and tell myself I'm going to have a good day. Sometimes it just doesn't happen though.' I feel soooo bad....

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:51 AM)
Exactly Debbie....

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:53 AM)
For my son I've found the incentives need to be quick. The goal... very short term. I can't keep him motivated long enough otherwise. Consequences are the same... I have to figure out what he is currently really liking to do(which shifts constantly), and then restrict his use of it.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:19 AM)
Same here Laurie, I can't use the end of the week or the end of the day, method.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:27 AM)
I do that as well Laurie....

Mary (ID=86) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:45 AM)
We have an appt with a learning consultant for comprehensive testing. Thanks for the info. I've got to go now. bye.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:52 AM)
bye Mary

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:08 AM)
But, the weekly goal gives him something to strive for...once, he went 5 weeks without any marks...he was elated!

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:09 AM)
bye Mary..I hope you'll join us again

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:11 AM)
bye mary

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:15 AM)
I'll be late tonight but need to hear about the topic. When is testing enough?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:21 AM)
Carol, the teacher actually brought it up in our 504 meeting. WHoever is available at the time does it whether it's the teacher, the assistant teacher, or the aide/para. The way it is is that someone identifies the behavior problem, usually the teacher deals with the problem when it gets (shall we say) out of hand, and if the teacher determines that he needs the "break" the teacher, para, assistant takes him outside. Problems is when the weather is bad, the "playroom/gym" whatever you call it, may be in use, and they won't let the kids run in the halls. At those times, the hard thing is to just sit with him and try to deal with the overload via stroking or whatever and wait until there's a place to run it out.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:44 AM)
Bye for now mary.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:09 AM)
Is the topic of the chat tonight "When testing is enough?" Interesting topic. I wonder what that means?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:22 AM)
Yes, Dr. J, my problem is they tell me she doesn't have any problems in school. I think it would benefit her, they don't see the need. So I run her after school. It helps.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:23 AM)
.oO(FOr me, testing is NEVER enough)

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:18 AM)
Meaning what, Dr. J. You think they should be tested through life in case of changes?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:18 AM)
Last week in the chat different parents were asking when is enough much testing do we put our kids through because it seems like we always get different answers and even more questions raised.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:20 AM)
Carol, it may be that she doesn't have any problems in school, but her trying to control all of her energies all day in school can be too much and she may need and, thus, benefit from getting it out after school.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:38 AM)
If ANY testing, will help me to narrow the puzzle pieces, I will do them. Thank goodness, Travis isn't too bothered by the testing, and all of the evals....he's got 2 more coming up soon!

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:47 AM)
For my son's daily homework prep work, I have set up a jar of quarters and a jar labeled "Dylan". He immediately comes in the kitchen, opens his backpack, lays out his agenda , math, spelling, reading book, etc and organizes them. After he finishes organizing, he gets to put 1 quarter in his jar. After he accumulates several, he uses them to buy a treat. For my son money is a motivator (I know many are against using it), but I use it to motivate organization skills, not to "pay" him to do homework.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:01 AM)
That's a great idea, Laurie. Dr. J. I agree, this is working and I don't think I have the "guts" to suggest anything else at the school. I think, they think, I'm crazy, although they are willing to work with her but I think that's only because we have testing proof from professionals.

deb (ID=81) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:05 AM)
I like that Laurie...hey, organization is VERY important to these kids.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:07 AM)
I agree me there is a reason for has taken us 9 years of test ect to findout what's wrong with our son andrew and it even took holiday to the states and to meet Debbie and Sara

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:43 AM)
Aussie Angel..I just told Kendra you were in the chat...she say's G'day!

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:14 AM)
Carol, if you define testing as I do, observing and making hypotheses and testing out these hypotheses......then, you are ALWAYS testing, evaluating, modifying, changing, trying, etc. As Jean Piaget stated (I paraphrase) a child's cognitive development or thinking does not grow or develop unless the child's current thinking is placed into conflict. Meaning that the child must see that the way he/she is dealing with the world is good and secure, and then, when it IS secure, the child needs to see a problem that must be resolved and the resolution is some different way of approching or dealing with or thinking about the problem. THus, we have to set the challenges and have to determine when they should and should not be set. SO, we are always testing and hypothesizing.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:22 AM)
say hi to her from her friends in Aussieland

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:11 AM)
Dr. J, I think of testing as now we'll check to see if she has SI or ADD, ADHD, neuropsych testing, etc.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:30 AM)
No, aussie angel, Kendra says "G'day" you have to say to her "Whatzup?"

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:52 AM)

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:53 AM)
I can see some issues in her of all these diagnosis' but I am satisfied to work with her based on her "symptoms" not only on diagnosis

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:22 AM)
ok whatzup........why aren't you at school

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:51 AM)
AA...Kendra still has chicken pox!

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:13 AM)
My reason for testing for CAPD is that the school has threatened to remove the 504 from her because she has no diagnosis.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:14 AM)
Carol, that's what I would call assessment. We are assessing a child's abilities in a specific area to determine how the child deals with those things we are presenting under controlled situations. We assess by taking a "snapshot" of a child's behaviors for controlled situations, for controlled tasks, under certain "standard" conditions. Then, our assessment SHOULD answer the questions posed when the child first came to us FOR the assessment.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:59 AM)
oh no not the dreaded chicken pox.......been through that with both kids and also don't laugh Dave about 2 years ago....

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:18 AM)
Carol, by law they are correct. A 504 plan is ONLY provided when a child is determined to be eligible by having a disability. SO, the child needs to be identified as having a disability.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:19 AM)
I think testing is so important because it gives you much info on your child, but I do get frustrated sometimes with the conflicting data you sometimes get. In my son's neuropsych report it states that "there is no evidence to suggest my son has an auditory processing disorder" yet his audiology report shows multiple areas of weaknesses on all the CAP tests. Arrrggh! The neuropsych takes a "cognitive" appoach to defining APD, and the aud takes a pass/fail approach!

Alanna (ID=88) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:51 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:56 AM)
hi Alanna

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:59 AM)
Hi Alanna

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:01 AM)
Good morning Alanna

Alanna (ID=88) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:09 AM)
Good Morning

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:37 AM)
Aussie Angel i can just imagine Dave with Chicken Pox.. *L*

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:08 AM)
Hi Alanna.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:24 AM)
yes lauriec you'll find that often and also i found the will say what they need to say to either get extra help funding etc

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:47 AM)
debbie no you can't lol

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:55:53 AM)
Well, LaurieC, one thing for sure is that the neuropsychological assessment or evaluation does NOT have theusual controls for auditory stimuli unless this is an unusual neuropsych evaluator. The bottom line for YOU to understand is DID the neuropsych control the auditory stimuli when testing your child. Was the intensity level, the material recorded, the input done under contolled listening conditions, the rate of presentation of test material controlled? If not, then I don't care what the neuropsychologist's report says, the neuropsych did NOT test auditory processing in your child.

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:56:46 AM)
can someone give me an idea on cost for a phonic ear easy listener over there in the USA

me (ID=89) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:08 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:28 AM)
Aussieangel, it varies depending upon the source from whom you are purchasing the equipment. Why do you ask?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:57 AM)
I agree TOTALLY Dr. J. I point blank asked the neuro if he had a sound booth and did he give his auditory processing test under controlled conditions. Answer: No. I knew then that I would pretty much discount anything this guy says in the report in reference to APD. He did a great job though with the cognitive, IQ portion of the testing, which we really needed to have on my son.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:59 AM)
So Dr. J, no one has yet tested Krystie for CAPD? The S/L's she's seen have only done written/verbal testing, nothing like you just mentioned. They then must only have a suspicion that this is her problem. So a dreadful thought just occurred to me, What if they are wrong?

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 9:58:39 AM)
thats what they have suggested for my son here in Australia I know I am up for A$1000

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:00:02 AM)
Carol in order to have a true diagnosis for CAPD , it must be dx by an aud....a SLP can screen for it, but not do a full evaluation.................

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 10:00:35 AM)
I know that but could they be mislead or is that something they are pretty good at detecting and now we'll find the weakness?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:01:27 AM)
Right, Carol. What IF they are wrong? What if Krystie's problem really is an underlying cognitive one? or a language one? Yes, if there is suspicion that Krystie has an auditory processing problem, then a proper, comprehensive auditory processing evaluation SHOULD BE DONE. And, unless the other professionals have the knowledge about the controls needed, and take the controls of the stimuli into consideration, only an audiologist does the APD testing, not because audiologists know what to do, but because audiologists are trained to use equipment that provides the controls. in my experiences, most audiologists who do APD testing are not competent to interpret and know what they are doing and what to do with the information they obtain from the APD testing/evaluation/assessment. BUt, they have the equipment naturally to do the testing under controlled conditions.

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 10:02:39 AM)
If they are not competent to interpret and don't know what to do with the info, what do I do after the testing?

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 10:04:31 AM)
Can I ask them, point blank, "do you know what to do with the info. once you get it?"

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:04:47 AM)
Carol, SLPs, education evaluators, psychs, neuropsychs, do NOT have the proper equipment to test for APD and they do NOT have the knowledge (as a group as a profession) to be able to distinguish between cognitive factors, language factors and auditory factors. SO, no they can not determine if a child's assessment and presenting behviaors and behaviors on tests are due to auditory based problems or cognitive or language problems. FYI, please note that most audiologists do not know how to distinguish between auditory based problems and language or cogntive based problems. However, they do have the tests and equipment to do the APD testing and it will be done under properly controlled conditions so long as the audiologist knows how to administer the APD tests.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:05:09 AM)
While we're talking about test reports, one thing I would caution everyone is that when we give test results to the schools that WE pay for, if the report has conflicting data in it or the evaluator uses words like "may benefit" or other weak language........ just realize the school will zero in on that weak language and possibly deny services. I have YET to get APD recognized in my son's IEP for this reason.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:05:32 AM)
Carol, yes you can. As the parent/advocate for your child, you can ask ANY questions you want. You SHOULD ask these questions to be sure YOU are comfortable with the evaluator's abilities to evaluate your child.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:06:17 AM)
LaurieC, why is it important to get "APD recognized in my son's IEP?"

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 10:06:25 AM)
dr.j is there any benifit in getting tested for CAPD at a young age......I mean if they have this disorder can they out grow it........can the serverity of the disorder get worse if not picked up

Carol (ID=80) (Mar 13, 2001 10:06:33 AM)
OK, thank you. I have to go to a meeting now. I hope to be here tonight but it will be late if I do.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:06:50 AM)
see you tonight Carol

Alanna (ID=88) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:02 AM)
Only had a minute to listen in. Hope to join you for a longer chat next time. Thanks!

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:31 AM)
Hope to see you soon Alanna! thanks for joining us this am

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:02 AM)
aussieangel, yes there are many benefits to testing a child at any age WHEN a concern arises and there are questions without answers. As for so-called outgrowing APD. Or, we should say, the child maturationally develops so the central nervous system is able to process information in a more accurate, efficient manner. .......

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:02 AM)
Because it is a label game with the schools just to get accomodations or modifications.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:28 AM)
What will you do with the child in the meantime waiting for the child to develop? Will you know what to do to appropriately present auditory-verbal information to the child/ Example: say the child has a problem decoding, will you slow down your rate of speech, will you use easier language, or will you do these things anyway and not stimulate your child to process normal rates of speech and higher levels of language?

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:10 AM)
LaurieC, accommodations and modifications are provided when an educational problem exists NOT when the child tests out the have such and such label. IF the child does NOT have indications of eduactional problems, then, why should the school be required to provide accommodations and modificaitions or why should a contract be drawn between the school (an educational institution) and the parent/child to provide special educational serivces or classroom/educational modifications?

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:51 AM)
Aussie Angel. Im going to use Sarah for an example...If Sarah has recieved the proper help when she was first diagnosed with APD 3 years ago, and if I had known then how to target her weaknesses, she may not be struggling as much as she is in school now. I would have been able to lay a better foundation for her learning if I had known what to do early.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:10 AM)
I don't mean to seem like cutting it off, but I just noticed it's 10;05am eastern time in U.S. I have a meeting I have to be at 10:15, so, just saying I will be having to leave shortly.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:03 AM)
dr always we appreciate your time this morning!

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:05 AM)
debbie, did you have indications 3 years ago that Sarah was having educational problems? ANd, did you have testing done 3 years ago?

aussie angel (ID=85) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:26 AM)
bedtime here in Australia hope to jion in next time

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:47 AM)
dr j, yes there was testing done and the teachers reported trouble......but because we worked so hard it was not reflected in her grades

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:49 AM)
Well, I'm going to spend the rest of this day in australia. G'night all ;-)

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:14:18 AM)
I don't believe the school SHOULD provide accomodations/services/ modifications if there is no educational problem existing. If the child IS having a problem and tests out with such and such label, I believe they SHOULD provide services, accomodations, and modifications.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:14:58 AM)
Yes, but debbie, you have to remember that you did what you believed was correct for Sarah, and, from the retesting done recently, the initial problems seen 3 years ago no longer exist and new problems have been identified, not that they are new, but that they are problems which were probably always there but masked by the decoding problems originally seen.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:50 AM)
Right dr j,,,now it's time to adress the new problems that have probably been at the root all's like digging to get to the bottom.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:08 AM)
Well, then, it really should not matter what is the label and you should challenge the school constantly. If the school is reporting your child is having specific problems, as the parent, you should constantly challenge the school to provide evidence and written explanations WHY your child is having the educational problems they are reporting. Then, the next challenge is to have the school put in writing what they are going to do about the identified problems, and how the accommodations, modificaitons, special services, etc. WILL address the specific underlying problems and the presenting problems. THis will do what the law is supposed to do, put the burden on the school. Then, as will probably happen, the school will NOT be able to provide the written info,. you have your private evals, and you challenge the school to see whether the info in the private evals does NOT answer the questions, etc.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:12 AM)
Debbie...... that is what I am so worried about with my son. We continue to have remarks from his two teachers that they are worried about his ability to keep up in 3rd grade. I'm trying to help him now, but worry that things will blow up on me in the future.

dr.j (ID=83) (Mar 13, 2001 10:19:42 AM)
Sorry, to have to say goodbye, but, see you all hopefully in two weeks on the 27th. Also, if anyone wants to discuss any issues further post on the CAPD list or email me privately at

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:19:49 AM)
Laurie in a way that is what I am seeing now with Sarah so we are reevaluating the way we are helping her to make sure the accomodations are appropriate.

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:20:19 AM)
Thanks Dr. J........ by for now.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:20:23 AM)
or should i say if the same accomodations are still appropriate

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:20:40 AM)
Laurie I am going to have to run too...will you be able to make the chat tonight?

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:20:55 AM)
I know it is frustrating Debbie. It seems like it is always a moving target.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:21:08 AM)
a very quickly moving target!

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:21:21 AM)
Me too Debbie. Bye for now. Not sure if I can make it tonite.

debbie (ID=84) (Mar 13, 2001 10:21:39 AM)
If I dont see you tonight, have a great week and i"ll catch up with you on the listserv

LaurieC (ID=82) (Mar 13, 2001 10:21:50 AM)
See ya. Have a good week too.

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