nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:06:59 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:08:54 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:09:05 PM)
hi nee nee

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:09:17 PM)
hi debbie

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:09:42 PM)
how are you doing tonight

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:10:58 PM)
i am fine. it's nice my daughter is on spring break. i'm excited about the Be-a-Friend Program. i hope lots of people are. hor are you?

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:11:23 PM)
oops, i meant HOW are you?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:11:49 PM)
I"M doing fine. Hopefully I'll have the be - a- friend program ready to go in the next few days..just a few more things to do

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:12:11 PM)

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:12:38 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:12:43 PM)
nee nee.if you want to remind me where you are from I can look and see what I have in your area!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:12:45 PM)
hey Debi!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:13:00 PM)
Hi gals!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:13:14 PM)
how are you feeling Deb?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:13:30 PM)
I lost all my power this AM, that's why I disappeared from chat today!

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:13:33 PM)
hi deb. debbie, i live in georgetown, tx, near austin.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:13:57 PM)
I'm in Ocala, Fl...I have a cousin who lives in Austin.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:13:58 PM)
we have people in austin! there were a few people there..let me grab the sheet

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:14:53 PM)
did you list austin as your address?

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:15:33 PM)
i've started calling around to see if there's a support group for parents with children who have learning, i listed Georgetown as my address

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:15:39 PM)
deb we were talking about the be a friend address....

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:16:16 PM)
Debbie...Travis had his 1st SI therapy session today...he really liked it. So, now lets hope that down the road, we will see some benefits from it. He had a TERRIBLE day today...4 marks in his folder. =( Have you made any 'matches' yet Debbie?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:16:59 PM)
that's what i thought nee nee....i have you down with an austin address

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:17:33 PM)
Deb, I am making the matches tomorrow..ive been inputting all the information in a spreadsheet so i could organize everyone

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:17:56 PM)
i do have someoen else in Austin

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:18:16 PM)
georgetown is about 30 miles from austin

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:18:16 PM)
If you want, you canswitch me around...I had put in that I 'wanted' a friend, but, I will be more than happy to 'be' a friend.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:18:22 PM)
i also have brenham, el paso, houston

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:18:39 PM)
thanks deb...i'll mark that down.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:18:55 PM)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:19:10 PM)
nee you know ncz from the listserv?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:19:26 PM)
I am so glad you told me all I had to do was press enter...don't have to hit the 'send' tab!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:19:41 PM)
*LOL* you are too funny Deb!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:20:20 PM)
I am faxing the contract for the conference tomorrow Deb! It IS Saturday, August 25th at the Hawthorn Suites in Orlando near the airport....

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:20:26 PM)
Ahhhh, you made me laugh Debbie....*L*....that's hard to do right now!

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:20:35 PM)
no, what is ncz? and i am only a little familiar w/listserv. what is it?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:20:52 PM)
The topic will be....Straight Talk about auditory processing

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:21:02 PM)
YIPPIE!!!! I'm writing that on the calender as a FOR SURE then....right now!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:21:53 PM)
NCZ is a person who is active on the listserv with dr j....also a member of the ncapd.....rightnow I have her down as your match in the Be-A-Friend Program....

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:22:39 PM)
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debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:22:56 PM)
hi Robin..How are you tonight?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:23:24 PM)
Hi .. Doing good

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:24:13 PM)
I've been trying to catch one of these chat sessions, so glad I finally did.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:24:14 PM)
Hi Robin.....

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:24:31 PM)
Hi deb

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:24:38 PM)
The chats are every Tuesday evening Robin.......happy you finally caught us too!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:25:00 PM)
Do you have a child with an auditory processing disorder?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:14 PM)
nee nee...I"ll have the email address for ncz to you by tomorrow...

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:15 PM)
I have an 8 year old son (and a 5yr old & 18 mon.) who has a procesing disorder, diagnosed @ 51/2 yrs old

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:29 PM)
thanks, debbie

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:34 PM)
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debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:43 PM)
hi Peggy! how are you tonight?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:46 PM)
Hi Peggy.....

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:26:53 PM)
Hi peggy

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 8:27:00 PM)
Hi All!.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:27:20 PM)
Deb...what happened with Travis today?

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 8:27:30 PM)
I'm busy, problems at work tonight I have to monitor, So I won;t be able to chat much...

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:27:50 PM)
not a problem peggy...we understand that..hope things go ok at work

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:29:33 PM)
Robin. how is your son doing in school?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:30:40 PM)
Not following directions, not getting his work done....same ole same ole. It took him 45 minutes to write 2 sentences in his journal this AM....he's still 'picking' his hands, and now, he is obsessed (teachers word, and I believe her) with picking away, moving away, all of his eraser dust, or whatever you call it.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:30:45 PM)
There's so much to learn...The topic of "testing" sounds like a winner, I had an eval done @ 5,but the more I read, the more I think I need more testing! My testing revealed delays of 2-21/2 years, but did not disclose the specific detailed areas. Are these specific areas important to address the problems

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:32:36 PM)
Stephen is doing well now, after a long battle...I'm sure you know. He has speech 2x's weekly and a toteable sound unit in the classroom. Also has resource for 2 hrs. in class, which I love

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:32:45 PM)
Robin. the topic of testing is something that hits home with so many parents.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:32:59 PM)
Sounds like your school is somewhat receptive to helping you.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:22 PM)
Yes the testing should tell you specifics about what areas you need to work on in order to help Stephen.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:26 PM)
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debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:30 PM)
hi Bethe,

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:33 PM)
Robin....I would say more testing would be a good idea. Plus, they change so much. I had my son tested and dx, around the same age as your son. Mine is now 8 as well, and we just had another eval done.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:41 PM)
They don't have a choice! I'm the only advocate right>

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:43 PM)
Hi Bethe....

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:33:49 PM)

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 8:34:26 PM)
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debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:34:26 PM)
have you had a hard time getting services Robin?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:34:30 PM)
hi Kathy!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:34:35 PM)
Hey Kathy....

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 8:34:44 PM)
Hello everyone...

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:35:11 PM)
I was looking into the NCAPD network and found a local...Elizabeth Patterson.. ever hear of her?

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:35:15 PM)
robin, what is this toteable sound unit you write of?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:35:22 PM)
Hi kathy

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:35:45 PM)
have all your children been tested for capd?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:36:01 PM)
Yes, our Director of Spec. Ed just changed & it's a bit easier

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:36:19 PM)
Yes....tested and dx at 4 yrs. 11 mo., and just had another eval done.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:36:31 PM)
who did you have do your testing..?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:36:34 PM)
Robin I can look and see what info I have on Elizabeth Patterson..just a moment

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:36:51 PM)
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deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:36:53 PM)
Depends on where you live Bethe. Where are you from?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:01 PM)
Hey ya Marge!!!

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:05 PM)

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:20 PM)
are your kids dx'd anything else?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:28 PM)
hi deb

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:33 PM)
my son is hyperlexic/PDDnos

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:38 PM)
<--- greets the room

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:41 PM)
Robin, the only note I have down is that she has a satellite office in Philadelphia as well

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:42 PM)
but i'm sure capd fits too

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:43 PM)
hi Marge

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:44 PM)
Hmmmm.....check the NCAPD web site, and there may be a listing for a Dr. in your area who does APD testing.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:45 PM)
The sound unit is kept on my son's desk, and the teacher wears a headphone which is used to send a clear signal directly to Stephen's workplace,,,He "loses" the whole lang. concepts if he misses a few words

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:37:55 PM)
hi debbie

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:38:07 PM)
there are listings for Cincinatti on the NCAPD site.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:38:15 PM)
thanks i'll check it

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:38:19 PM)
robin: i've heard those called "personal soundfield" systems, or "lunchbox" soundfield systems

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:38:53 PM)
<--- must go put kids to bed, but will be in & out for a while

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:38:57 PM)
Marge, Yes, that's it

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:10 PM)
Robert W. Keith, Ph.D., Professor and Director Division of Audiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Office: Center for Auditory and Language Disorders 231 Albert Sabin Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0528 Phone: 513-558-4863 Fax: 513-558-5203 Email:

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:13 PM)
See you in a bit MArge...

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:28 PM)
wow your'e good

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:35 PM)
robin, so do you highly recommend this method of helping your son?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:36 PM)
Dr. Robert Keith is the author of the SCAN software... really knows his stuff

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:39 PM)
Dr Keith has a wonderful reputation..he just put up a new website at

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:58 PM)
<-- back in a few

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:39:59 PM)
It's a brand new website. If you contact him, please let him know you got his name from the NCAPD.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:40:25 PM)
Bethe...Dr. Keith also has a web site which is's

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:40:26 PM)
I'd really like the soundfield amp. unit that has 4 speakers mounted in the class, but I agreed to this one after 2 years of battling. We all think it has helped alot

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:40:32 PM)
there are a few other listings for Cincinatti on the NCAPD site also.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:40:40 PM)
Deb,,you are

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:40:53 PM)
IM thinking of Alan Gertner's new site.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:41:16 PM)
So many sites, so confusing Debbie! *L*

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:42:02 PM)
Bethe, I"m the one who puts the listings on the NCAPD site, so it's easier for me to recall what cities are there or if they sound familiar

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:42:15 PM)
oh dont' be so modest!! LOL

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:42:40 PM)

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:42:43 PM)
Debbie...I don't think I've checked out Dr. Gertner's site is it? I'm sure it's great.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:43:10 PM)
i just wrote his name down...i'll look into the website and check it out ...i went through childrens hosp to get him dx'd...i figured they would have someoone who runs these sort of tests too...i'll check it out

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:43:23 PM)
neenee..Do you use the unit?

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:43:35 PM)
are there certain named tests to ask for??

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:43:45 PM)
Alans' site is new..he's planning on adding information as time goes on regardign a research project he's working on......He's not Dr yet..hes getting his PhD now...

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:43:50 PM)
or a certain type of audiologists???

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:08 PM)
Bethe....the one thing you want to remember, is to have an audiologist who knows, and can dx APD....VERY important! Not all audiologists can do the testing for APD.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:26 PM)
got ya

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:36 PM)
Bethe....if you go through the children's hospital we do have doctors listed on the website for the children's hospital.......make sure you tell them you want testing for auditory processing disorder

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:42 PM)
no, but i think i shall check into it. is your son's teacher very receptive to it?

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:44:53 PM)
thanks again i will

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:06 PM)
Debbie....ooops....thought he was Dr. already.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:11 PM)
Martha C. Cummings, PhD. CCC-S

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:13 PM)
Dorsey Ann Heithaus, M.A. CCC-A, FAAA

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:25 PM)
both are at children's hospital in Cincinatti

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:45:33 PM)
great thanks

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:47:07 PM)
Last week in the chat one topic that came up that I wanted to continue tonight is "When is enough, enough"..basically how does a parent know when enough testing has been done to give an accurate picture of their child?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:47:19 PM)
She calls it "the madonna" look! His teacher last year was great...For this year,I asked for a specific match for someone who didn't mind the extra work. Stephen's RRoom teacher is great w/it and encourages everyone to use it (Special Teachers: Art, music, etc. ) That's one advantage to the toteable unit.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:08 PM)
*LOL* Nee Nee,,,, I just got a new form for you for the Be - A - Friend program that you sent before the chat..the one I have must have been an older one!

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:48:49 PM)
i'm curious to this topic too...but since my son is just starting school (kindergarten) i feel that maybe i DO need to know more so that we start him out the right direction...??

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:49:30 PM)
WHat is the B-A-Friend program?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:08 PM)
Ahhhhh, testing.....we're going for a neurological and phycological eval....just had the language and SI evals done. There are too many missing puzzle pieces yet for Travis.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:13 PM)
Nee nee.. I had a chance to observe during Amer. Educ. Week, it was amazing how much of a difference it makes in the classroom. Also, observed the unit in action during Art. That was also a big difference. I sat across the table from Stephen and no matter where the teacher was, you could hear his voice at the same vol. & clarity.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:39 PM)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:41 PM)
The Be - A - Friend program is a program just being launched by the NCAPD where we will be matching parents up with other parents who have registered for the program so that parents have a one on one contact to talk to during the week..

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:50:56 PM)
these are parents volunteering to reach out and help other parents.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:18 PM)
that sounds great

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:30 PM)
i need all th ehelp i can get

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:35 PM)
debbie, i remember completing a form a couple weeks ago, and then noticed a 2nd form i didn't think i had filled out (the one i did tonight).

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:51:51 PM)
you can register for the program though the NCAPD site.

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:30 PM)
is it lissted under B-A-Friend

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:52:38 PM)
nee nee somehow or another I accidentally deleted the form from the website.....had to put a new form up on the site

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:53:06 PM)
yes it is...please also fill out the About you Survey if you dotn just helps me with matches...

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:53:23 PM)
sounds easy enough

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:53:43 PM)
Debbie...what type of questions should you ask the Audiologist when selecting a site for testing?

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:54:33 PM)
are your kids in public or private schools>?? that's my lastest concern...where to send my son next yr for first grade?? all my other boys went to the catholic school ...and i just don't know what to do inthis case

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:03 PM) want to ask the audiologist what their approach to APD is? What tests will they be using and what is the purpose of each test....

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:32 PM)
will they be making specific recommendations for your child based on the test results?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:42 PM)
Mine is in a charter school...wonderful!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:55:59 PM)
My daugther goes to public school

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:31 PM)
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Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:33 PM)
do any of them have IEP's --or are they just on regular inclusion

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:35 PM)
hi BC

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:48 PM)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:49 PM)
my daughter has a 504 Plan in place..

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:56:52 PM)
Hi BC.....

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:08 PM)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:20 PM)
Right now we are in the process of doing a reevaluation for additional services...

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:35 PM)
seems there's so few strategies for helping CAPD children in the classroom. besides this unit, what else is there? i will ask about it in our CARE meeting after spring break.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:57:36 PM)
My son has had an IEP since he was 3, he is now 8.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:19 PM)
Deb, what has qualified your son for special education specifically?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:41 PM)
neenee...have you heard about Fastforword, Earobics (Both computer programs)

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:58:46 PM)
mine was inearly intervention...and now has an IEP for kindergarten...but doesn't really get anything more than a 1/2hr ST and 1/2OT once a week

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:01 PM)
He also has a speech/language problem...that's how he got his IEP....not because of his APD.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:07 PM)
one thing that my daughter's teacher does is to use visual aids...we are also using rephrasing of instructions and using a day planner...

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:26 PM)
debbie, howold is she?

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:45 PM)
deb, and your son?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 8:59:46 PM)
we are goign to be beginning vocabulary building exercises daughter is 9 in 4th grade.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:00:39 PM)
neenee..We tried both. still using Earobics (at home) even though he has "aged out" he still hasn't mastered it, so we practice when we can

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:00:53 PM)
Have any of you tried FastForward?

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:04 PM)
gotta run..i'll try you again next tuesday

Bethe (ID=105) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:07 PM)
good night

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:20 PM)
Travis gets speech therapy 2x a week, for a total for 1 hour, and OT 1 x a week for 1 hour.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:01:46 PM)
be back in just a sec

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:09 PM)
BC..We did Fastforword

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:17 PM)
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BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:27 PM)
Robin, what did you think of FFWD?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:30 PM)
Hi are you tonight?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:30 PM)
Hi Diane

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 9:02:31 PM)
i have heard of FastForward but this is the first i've heard of Earobics. so you like Earobics better? Is it something a child can benefit from, on-and-off again?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:26 PM)
Hi everyone I'm at my ropes end just got done with a major homework asignment

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:31 PM)
My son loves the computer, so we tried is very tiring. I don't think it hurt him but it didn't solve all of our problems

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:03:51 PM)
ne nee my son uses Earobics

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:04:13 PM)
I am concerned about my daughter (6 yo) sitting at a computer for 100 minutes a day 5 days a week for months.

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:04:23 PM)

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:04:33 PM)
hi diane... oooooh, i can sympathize!

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 9:04:59 PM)
my daughter doesn't care much for the computer, so would it make sense to think a computer-based program could help? is Earobics expensive?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:15 PM)
FFW and Earobics are two different types of programs. As far as on again off again...I think you would want to start out with it full force. Then, as they master the different parts in the program, you could 'slack' off...I guess. Although, to get the full potential out of the program, I wouldn't suggest doing it, unless you are willing to spend the needed time. My son is supposed to do Earobics 5x a week, an hour each session.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:16 PM)
Literature circle project ..a nightmare

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:26 PM)
neenee..we use Earobics. Very similar to Fast Forword, but more relaxed. I like it because it is yours and you can continue to use it, unlike FastForword, when its done, you're done

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:46 PM)
and it's not expensive !!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:50 PM)
earobics is cheaper than FFW, but i believe the 2 groups are making different claims for their products... they aren't made by the same company

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:05:54 PM)
supposedly FFWD really intrigues the child, it's a "fun" thing for them to do

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:06 PM)
my son uses it at home and at school

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:31 PM)
my school wouldn't pay for either FFWD or Earobics

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:41 PM)
BC..Been's hard! We broke the sessions into 2 w/ a board game to be played in between & a reward at the end of each week

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:42 PM)
I have been pleased with the results

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:52 PM)
We have it at school, and will be getting it for home as well.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:06:55 PM)
BC soem part sof FFW can be fun....but there are parts that were difficult for my child that she hated too!

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:08:06 PM)
Is FFWD REALLY worth the effort, expense, etc.?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:08:55 PM)
deb: i just scrolled up & saw your son is going for additional testing... when will that be, if i might ask?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:09:09 PM)
deb do they use it district wide where you are ?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:09:14 PM)
we did FFW at the same time that we started using an FM I cant say which one provided the me it was the combination..but I saw improvement and have no regrets about doign the time I was not familiar with Earobics

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:09:47 PM)
Marge....not sure yet. I have to call his Ped. tomorrow to see if they faxed his referral to his ins. co. If they did, I will call Shands tomorrow and make the appts.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:10:34 PM)
BC. Earobics is not as expensive to Fast Forword..and the games seem to address the same concepts. If given the choice for Fastforword again....I probably would not do it. I thought alot of the tasks that they said he had mastered were simply learned & memorized.. very little carry-over. but EVERY child is different.

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 9:10:58 PM)
can anyone say that it appears FFWD and/or Earobics results are long-term? also, my daughter has particular difficulty with math (not only with word problems). i wonder if her math struggles are related to the CAPD?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:11:00 PM)
Diane...No, we (my Mom and I), were avle to get it for free for our school. An organization where my parents live, bought it for the school.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:11:43 PM)
Robin...see, here is where I have some difficulty. My daughter is extremely intelligent and can memorize just about anything that she can see. This makes it difficult to judge whether or not any benefit would be obtained from FFWD.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:12:20 PM)
Good for you deb :) our district is in it's third semester using it, Jake's school was a pilot program to see how the children responded

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:12:20 PM)
nee nee we did FFW 1 1/2 years far I'd have to say yes the effects have been long term,,but again..we started usign the FM at the same time...I attribute the gains to the combination

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:13:14 PM)
neenee...Math is tough for us too. I don't think anything is truly long-term (or at least w/us) the skills need to be given in every imaginable way, and then one more time just because.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:13:45 PM)
again I'm very pleased but he has a long way to go and will be interesting to see how long term the effects are

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:13:48 PM)
Diane....they have it hooked up to all of the classrooms, so any of the kids can use it. But, mainly, just the kids who have speech therapy are using it, at least, last I knew.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:25 PM)
we do have a long wayt to go too...

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:14:37 PM)
It is now on all elementary computers in our district

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:04 PM)
That's wonderful Diane! Sounds like you have a good school system.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:14 PM)
so far ........

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:28 PM)
that is good to hear Diane!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:15:39 PM)
and i work for it .....

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:02 PM)
Want to hear something funny?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:07 PM)
so it's nice to be able to hear and say that

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:11 PM)
BC...If she's that visual, go for it. Any way that you can positively enhance her skill development, it couldn't hurt. It was a big expense for us. out of pocket it hurt!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:14 PM)
what's that deb?

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:21 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

nee nee (ID=100) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:32 PM)
diane, where do you live?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:40 PM)
hi Basha!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:43 PM)
Indianapolis IN

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:16:52 PM)
hi basha... welcome!

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:09 PM)
Hi, thanks

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:11 PM)
I'm not worried about the expense, I'll work three jobs if I know that it would help her. I just can't see taking my child out of her normal environment and placing her in front of a computer (whether it be at home or elsewhere) for 100 minutes a day.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:36 PM)
The other day, our Principal asked me if I wanted to be a sub in school!! So, I filled out all of the paper work, went and got finger printed today, and will turn all the papers in tomorrow. The funny thing is, I'm not even a certified teacher!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:38 PM)
BC how old is your daughter ?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:40 PM)
Hi Basha

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:44 PM)
see my daughter loved the computer and still anything i can do on the computer for her..the better

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:50 PM)
6 years old

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:17:58 PM)
Hi Robin

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:04 PM)
Hi Basha....

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:06 PM)
Thats great Deb..there is such a shortage of subs...

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:20 PM)
deb that is basically how I got my job with our district too

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:26 PM)
deb in florida you dont have to be a certified teacher to sub.. in our county you just have to have 60 college credits

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:18:40 PM)
same here Debbie

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:29 PM)
the principal of my son's school approached me with the job

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:32 PM)
there was just a news story on shortage of subs on tv tonight ..they were having a job fair

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:41 PM)
Just curious but what are some of your occupations?

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:51 PM)
BC.It's not as bad as it seems..Like you said, you'll do anything if it helps. We did it after school, I pulled him out 30 minutes early (He was in Kind) & it workedBC

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:19:54 PM)
Plus, it will get me into the 'thick of things' so to speak. As a parent though, I am really on the inside track at school....A LOT. I know things that only the teachers and staff knows...they all say I should be working there. So.... we'll see how this subbing thing goes. I just think it's too funny, since I'm not even a teacher.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:17 PM)
I'm an instuctional aide for spec needs kindergarten

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:23 PM)
been thinking about doing it again, too. But the principal at W's school won't hire a sub for his class. They just farm these babies out to who ever has the space..needless to say I am not

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:39 PM)
pleased, but the principal has the final say...

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:41 PM)
I'm a photgrapher....a baker by trade though.

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:49 PM)
Basha..I'm stay at home, was a special Ed teacher (imagine that...)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:20:55 PM)
Basha,,,I work full time for an internet company at he moment and also started the NCAPD as a concerned parent

nee nee (ID=111) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:17 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:28 PM)
I'm a stay at home mother, college student, and hot-air balloon pilot

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:35 PM)
deb that is my situation exactly as a matter of fact i had a message from the principal at Jakes school today asking me to be on a q &a committee for our "Blue Ribbon School interview

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:39 PM)
I have a degree in Elemntary ed but have never been fully certified in FL

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:21:51 PM)
i'm a stay at home mom, but before children (B.C.!!) i was in clinical research. my degree is in biomedical engineering

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:22:05 PM)
BC!! I did not realize that was you!! didnt put the initials together! *HUGS* it's been a long time since I've seen you!

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:22:38 PM)
Hi Debbie, was going for incognito, it's been a long time. Been extremely busy!

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 9:22:38 PM)
I ma at home with my son now too

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:03 PM) should do it Diane. I feel, that the more I can be there, and be seen, the better for Travis. Seems to help. We'll see tomorrow though, I have another IEP meeting. YIKES!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:08 PM)
and I figured working in spec ed I would be in the "loop " LOL

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:11 PM)
Wow. I'm just finishing up grad school in speech pathology and am a stay at home mom. It's taking me MANY years to finish up but it' almost over. I have a 4!/2 yr old son in an early intervention program for speech/langugage and possible LD.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:12 PM)
well it's very good to see you again! hope you will keep in touch

nee nee (ID=111) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:21 PM)
i got cut off earlier. came back to say bye, until next time! gotta tend to the kids.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:38 PM)
goodnight nee nee...look for my email tomorrow

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:55 PM)
Thanks Debbie. I'd like to. My hubby has been traveling often for over a year now, it makes it difficult.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:23:58 PM)
Night nee nee....

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:10 PM)
yep deb 2 years ago they hated to see me coming now thay like me they really like me ...LOL

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:39 PM)
diane: hahahaa

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:41 PM)
I'm taking my son in for an audiology exam this week but I'm pretty sure there is an auditory memory problem. Any suggestions for questions to ask?

Kathy (ID=106) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:46 PM)
I am going to head out, too W has been sick and I am tired so til next week...

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:46 PM)
Debbie..while you're at the e-mailings, could you e-mail me a be-a-friend form?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:24:51 PM)
bye nee nee.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:00 PM)
Diane...*LOL*'s true though, isn't it?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:01 PM)
at least they act like they do lol

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:09 PM)
the be a friend form is on the ncapd website at

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:14 PM)
Bye neenee

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:16 PM)
basha: make sure they do a full audiological evaluation: ask them exactly what tests they will run

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:17 PM)
yep !!!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:18 PM)
i dotn have it in a file to send...

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:29 PM)
Debbie, how many be-a-friends do you have so far?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:33 PM)
basha...we've talked before!

Basha (ID=110) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:47 PM)
Debbie--yes we have!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:25:59 PM)
basha: plain-old hearing loss doesn't cause auditory memory problems, but it can influence the results if the child is having to spend a lot of time figuring out the sounds

Robin (ID=103) (Mar 13, 2001 9:26:18 PM)
Debbie, Thanks..will look for it

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:26:21 PM)
BC..probably between 65 and 70

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:27:00 PM)
took me a minute to place the got the website from the ASHA meeting in Illinois or indiana right?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:27:08 PM)
Wow Debbie I've been meaning to get there and sign up and join ncapd.....sorry I've bee remiss in that area

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:27:40 PM)
may I ask what is ASHA

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:27:50 PM)
american speech and hearing association

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:05 PM)
duh....thanks Marge

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:14 PM)
actually, now it is the american speech language hearing association... but they are retaining the ASHA initials

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:19 PM)
that is the number of people for the be a friend......for the ncapd there are only about 24 members right now....the memberships are important because they help support the chats...

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:42 PM)
<--- reminds herself to do something about sending in that membership form!!!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:50 PM)
I know and you have been very supportive and helpful thanks :)

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:28:57 PM)
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Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:10 PM)
me too Marge

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:14 PM)
you are very welcome Diane!!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:19 PM)
Deb is now lurking under her computer! *L*

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:21 PM)
sorry got kicked off for a minute

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:29:26 PM)

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:06 PM) WILL get it....sometime BEFORE the NCAPD confrence! PROMISE!!!

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:14 PM)
Marge-- do you have a child with auditory problems

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:20 PM)
Debbie anyone from Indiana on the list ?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:23 PM)
debbie: tell us more about the current plans for the ncapd conference

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:37 PM)
basha: 4 kids with various auditory problems AND myself

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:30:40 PM)
the be a buddy list

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:03 PM)
wow. when did you know there were problems?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:18 PM)
I am proud to say I am faxing the contract tomorrow!...the Conference will be on Saturday August 25th at the Hawthorn Suites hotel near the Orlando Airport

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:30 PM)
Dr J will be flying in to be a key note speaker along with dr moncrieff

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:41 PM)
boy i sure would love to attend

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:42 PM)
basha: when i was 28.... i'm 42 now. didn't suspect the kids had problems til my oldest was hmm 7 or so

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:31:59 PM)
right now in indidana I have an audiologist who signed up for the be a friend program.....

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:16 PM)
Marge: did any of the kids have problems sequencing?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:18 PM)
Hey Marge....I'll be 42 in August...actually, 5 days after the confrence!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:18 PM)
really may I have the name !!!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:46 PM)
I'm still researching who and where for Jake eval and dx

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:49 PM)
basha: no, none of us have sequencing problems. lots of consonant discrim problems, noise suppression problems, tho'

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:32:57 PM)
her name is Sally Cochran-Beuchler..her contact information is on the referral listing

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:15 PM)
she is in south bend

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:25 PM)
out of Soth Bend right ??? darn thats 3 hours from here

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:33:47 PM)
I've heard wonderful things about her

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:18 PM)
It may be worth the drive though Diane. When we lived up north, our sons Dr. was 2 hours away....worth the trip though.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:23 PM)
oh so you have heard of her!

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:23 PM)
Marge: so what has this meant for your kids at school? How are they helped?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:25 PM)
diane: it might be worth the time & effort to see her. getting correct answers the first time around will spare you so much unnecessary anxiety and may ultimately be cheaper & quicker in the long run

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:34 PM)
her name was mentioned at Int"l Dyslexia Conference I atteded 2 weeks ago

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:37 PM)

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:47 PM)
(to what Marge said!)

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:48 PM)
basha: they get preferential classroom seating, mostly

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:34:55 PM)
You are right marge

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:08 PM)
<--- BC can tell you a long, sad story about getting correct answers

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:08 PM)
Absolutely Marge!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:12 PM)
i just ask if you see drs from the list you let them know where you got their name so they know the referral program is helping them too!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:12 PM)
back; phone

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:35:42 PM)
no problem debbie i would shout it from the roof top lol

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:11 PM)
Any word from Dr. Hall yet Debbie? If not, I will e-mail him again.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:29 PM)
Does anyone here have a child who uses an FM unit?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:43 PM)
he emailed asking us to list his conferences..but no other word that you are speaking of

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:53 PM)
My son just started with one a few wekks ago.

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:55 PM)
basha: at one time their test results were just awful, and at that time I campaigned for soundfield FM in their classrooms. but their most recent tests were great, so preferential seating is as far as i care to push it

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:36:57 PM)
BC ...Sarah uses an Easy listener

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:19 PM)
just curious

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:22 PM)
Can I ask what an easy listener is?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:32 PM)
brand name of fm equipment

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:36 PM)
made by phonic ear

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:40 PM)
I'll e-mail him again about the referral for the NCAPD.

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:58 PM)
basha: are you familiar with personal fm equipment?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:37:58 PM)
basha we have preferential seating for my son in his IEP and it has helped

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:08 PM)
Does anyone here know much about auditory memory problems?

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:20 PM)
Basha...what do you want to know?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:31 PM)
I know that is one of my sons problems

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:37 PM)
basha: i also alert my children's teachers about their auditory history and they have been good about repeating information, getting their attention before speaking to them, etc.

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:38:45 PM)
My son can't remember spoken details, count in order, recite the alphabet in order...

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:39:00 PM) old is your son?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:39:12 PM)
here is a strange but true: for 2 years running, my kids had terrible scores on some of the scan-c subtests (auditory figure ground & filtered words)

basha (ID=112) (Mar 13, 2001 9:39:14 PM)
He'll be 5 in August

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:39:30 PM)
the next time they were tested, tho', all of them did GREAT on those subtests

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:01 PM)
Basha...I just had my 6 yo daughter tested by the SLP and her auditory memory was that of a 2.5 yo.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:02 PM)
what changed Marge ??

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:06 PM)
we didn't do ffw or earobics or any of that... only thing we did different is my husband started reading the "Redwall" series to them out loud... a few chapters a night

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:11 PM)
Go figure, right Marge?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:36 PM)
my husband reads the characters with all the British, Irish, and Scottish accents

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:40 PM)
interesting Marge

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:40:59 PM)
kinda makes you wonder... Total cost for the Redwall series in paperback is hmm $100 tops

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:32 PM)
making a note to check into the Redwall series

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:35 PM)
That's wonderful MArge...good for everyone concerned...the kids, and hubby. Good quality time, and helping the kids as well. Tell him he gets a big A+

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:38 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:43 PM)
When my daughter hears an accent, she thinks that they are speaking a foreign language! She can't understand a single word. It's funny, (not really), but you have to laugh at something!

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:48 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:41:52 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:03 PM)
sorry Marge I got kicked off

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:05 PM)
deb: yeah, "go figure" is right!!! makes you wonder: is the test/retest reliability of scan-c that bad? or did this "accidental therapy" do the trick??

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:09 PM)
welcome back basha

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:09 PM)
hi amy..hi carol

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:18 PM)
hi debbie, just got home

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:19 PM)
Hi Amy and Carol....

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:19 PM)
Hi amy

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:29 PM)
Hi carol

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:33 PM)
Hi Carol Hi amy

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:34 PM)
Hi all!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:42:46 PM)
bc: i am often like that too... went to a play tonight at middle school... kids were affecting english accents... some echo in the auditorium... i got hmm 10-20% of what they said

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:05 PM)
bc: it was like watching a Japanese movie... without subtitles! :-D

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:14 PM)
hi carol & amy

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:27 PM)
Deb did you say your child had some problems counting in order, reciting alphabet and remembering specific details?

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:43:31 PM)
I can't imagine. How frustrating for a person who doesn't even have all the language down yet. How frustrating for anyone!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:16 PM)
That must be so frustrating Marge....hmmmm., and I wonder how all of our kids then must feel.

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:26 PM)
I can read a two sentence story to my son, then ask him for any simple detail and he can't remember. But he can tell me the main idea...

Ro (ID=116) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:43 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:47 PM)
Hi friends! I'm back for my 2nd visit to your chat-I'm hoping to learn more from the true experts ! Thanks for sharing with me last week-My almost eight year old daughter has been identified as having a weakness in auditory processing so I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:48 PM), it wasn't my son.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:54 PM)
Basha, that's how my daughter is. Only if there are pictures can she remember anything about the story.

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:44:58 PM)
Quick question: Dr. J. mentioned this morning that not all audiologists know how to interpret test results. Do we actually get results from an audiologist that we can take to others to interpret?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:08 PM)
Hi Ro...

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:15 PM)
BC how old is your daughter?

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:20 PM)
Hi Ro

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:23 PM)
Basha...6 yo

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:39 PM)
Carol...I"ve done that..I had one audiologist do the testing and another one interepret the results for me...

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:52 PM)
how did you know the first one did n't know how to?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:52 PM)
hi ro

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:45:56 PM)
BC--what type of help has your daughter gotten in school? My son needs pictures too to remember things

Ro (ID=116) (Mar 13, 2001 9:46:12 PM)
Hi..its just Robin. Got cut off & couldn't get back on

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:46:30 PM)
Carol...I wont say the first one ditn know how to..but I knew the two took different approaches to I wanted get both view points

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:46:39 PM)
basha..not much unfortunately. Right now she is wearing an FM unit and that is it. Preferental seating as well.

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:46:58 PM)
So they don't mind doing that, giving up their own results and reading results of others?

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:16 PM)
What exactly does the FM unit do to help? BC?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:19 PM)
yes, hearing what you KNOW is english & having it sound like japanese is frustrating... but luckily, this was not some super-important lecture i was attending. mostly went to the play so my oldest could see her classmates perform. she was able to follow the dialog

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:24 PM)
my audiologist was very cooperative.....

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:37 PM)
Here's hoping!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:47:57 PM)
I even called my aud and asked for the raw data and not just the results in percentages...

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:04 PM)
basha: the fm unit helps by improving the "signal to noise" ratio: what you hear on the receiver is almost like having the person speak directly into your ear

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:13 PM)
and in my case it was very good that I did that!

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:19 PM) gives the same amount of information going into each ear simultaneously as well (in addition to what Marge said...)

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:42 PM)
basha: it cuts out room noise, echoes, and of course prevents the signal from fading with distance

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:43 PM)
How did you know how to do all that. Ask for raw data, look for other audiologists, know they interpret differently...?

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:48:54 PM)
BC ...I wonder how that helps auditory you know?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:07 PM)
In all honesty...from things I've learned in this chat.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:18 PM)
Yeah, my daughter reported that she could hear her teacher in a meeting while my daughter was in the lunchroom! My daughter thought that was really cool!

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:19 PM)
OK, I have until July to learn!

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:42 PM)
basha...I don't think that it has made a difference for my daughter. She's been wearing the FM unit since she was 3 yo.

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:49 PM)
basha: it doesn't directly help with auditory memory... but it prevents other auditory factors from messing up the signal and makes the signal clearer

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:49:51 PM)
Carol I'll be learning right along with you

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:07 PM)
the last audiologist who tested my daughter was dr moncrieff (she's now on the board of directors for the ncapd)..........

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:12 PM)
Sounds good

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:23 PM)
good :)

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:33 PM)
basha: so, the fm system won't help in ALL cases of poor auditory memory

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:41 PM)
How many audiologists has Sarah seen, Debbie?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:47 PM)
before our first visit. i emailed her and asked her about her approach to capd and asked her questions that I let me get her answers in writing so that I could review them..and had them in black and white...

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:48 PM)
Carol & have certainly come to the right place! I can't tell you how much I look forward to Tuesday nights from 8-10!!

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:50:59 PM) has helped my daughters speech. She went from completely unintelligible to somewhat intelligible within 3 months of being fitted with the fm unit

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:00 PM)
BC.. my son seems to needs SOMETHING! He can't even repeat three numbers or letters back to me in the correct order. We're holding him back from kindergarden because he can't stay on task in school, sing songs correctly etc..

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:02 PM)
how many total Carol?? *L*

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:16 PM)
basha: only the cases where the person is already struggling with OTHER aspects of the sound.

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:17 PM)
How many tests?

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:20 PM)
I make sure my Tuesday nights are free si i can be here

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:24 PM)
Debbie and Carol-I too have questions about the auditory evaluation. My daughter will be having one on Thurs. this week. She is having it done at the Speech and Language center in Richmond, Va. How can I be sure this evaluation will give us the information we need?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:33 PM)
basha: has he had any hearing tests done, say, in the last year?

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:38 PM)
basha...what tests have been performed on your son?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:51:57 PM)
Yep, me too Diane....other than my once a month PTA meeting, then, I just get here a litle late!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:11 PM)
amy: is that where Dr. Hecker is?

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:13 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:15 PM)
Marge and BC -- he's being seen by an audiologist this week but I was told they can't diagnose until 7!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:17 PM)
hi jill

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:22 PM)
From what I've seen so far, Amy, you can't. We have seen 3 SLP's and have only been told about an auditory weakness. Now ready for the audiologist and now I'm learning there may be more.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:28 PM)
Hi Jill!

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:36 PM)
I need to get jakes teacher to not assign so much homework on tuesdays LOL

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:39 PM)
basha: there are some types of auditory processing problems that can't be diagnosed til age 7, that is true

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:40 PM)
Sorry so late to much homework

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:41 PM)
Sarah orignally saw an audiologist at age 5 for speech dysfluency and auditory processing...she saw another one for a hearing test...then she saw another another aud at age 6 1/2 who diagnosed her and then a different one last summer

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:42 PM)
basha...there are many other things that could be causing these problems.

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:50 PM)
Hi Jill, Deb how come PTA is on Tuesdays?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:52:58 PM)
basha: this is because many of the tests assume the child has mastered a kindergarten vocabulary

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:24 PM)
basha: obviously, it would not be fair to expect a say, 4 yr old, to have mastered a kindergarten vocabulary

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:35 PM)
Marge- I 'm not familiar with Dr. Hecker

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:37 PM)
So 4 then Debbie? All audiologists? We've seen 3 SLP's. One was in the audiology dept.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:39 PM)
basha...what speech tests have been performed?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:42 PM)
basha: but there are many, many tests of auditory function that can be performed on young children

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:53:59 PM)
amy: i don't think he's in richmond... think he's further south in the state

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:01 PM)
*L*....I agree Diane! And we now go to Travis' SI therapy on Tuesdays, from 4:45-5:30....cutting things close....homework and dinner! Although, we did come home after school and got started on the homework!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:21 PM)
she's seen 4 auds off an on yes....and then there is another aud that i consult for sarah regarding her tests....

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:22 PM)
BC... I'm sure there could be other things... but while he's been in early intervention, his speech and language have come far (as well as many other developmental areas). The auditory memory thing won' t get better though.

Diane (ID=109) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:35 PM)
how is that therapy coming along carol ?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:36 PM)
basha: even if you suspect auditory processing problems, the first thing they MUST do is rule out various types of hearing loss

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:37 PM)
Are any Dr. J?

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:51 PM)
What therapy, Diane?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:54:55 PM)
you bet! dr J is the one I consult now on tests...

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:55:08 PM)
Would he take me on as a client?

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:55:10 PM)
Marge--absolutely, we'll know more this week!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:55:31 PM)
that's a question only he can can email him at

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:55:31 PM)
basha...I would be interested to hear what you find out.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:55:48 PM) you mean the SI therapy?

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:56:12 PM)
Thanks Debbie, I will. I'm Krystie's Mom, no therapies yet.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:56:26 PM)
Ooops....I mean Diane...

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:56:27 PM)
BC.... sure, I'll be on next tuesday and let you know what the aud. says. I'm going to mention the idea of a FM unit if it seems appropriate.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:09 PM)
basha...GREAT! I hope that I'll be able to be here. If not, my e-mail address is Let me know!

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:14 PM)
Does any one know about apraxia?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:23 PM)
keep in mind..remember when i said sarah saw an aud at age 5....she was referred for auditory processing and speech dysfluency? At that point in time I never heard of auditory processing and evidentally neither had the aud..the only tests that were one is tofor auditory processing tests...

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 9:57:59 PM)
Yes, we did that, too. Way back before I heard of CAPD.

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:58:16 PM)
basha: speech in noise type problems are like the number 1 reason for going to an fm unit

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 9:58:50 PM)
basha: if you notice your child has near-100% discrimination in quiet, but, say 50% discrimination in noise, that would be a good indicator that they'd benefit from the fm

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 9:58:53 PM)
Jill I am not familiar with apraxia..sorry...

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 9:59:03 PM)
Jill--I might be able to tell you a little about apraxia, what do you want to know?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 9:59:07 PM)
Nor am I jill. =(

Ro (ID=118) (Mar 13, 2001 9:59:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:00:06 PM)
Well what are the signs and who can tell if your child had it? I starting to wonder who has the right DX

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:00:17 PM)
Has it?

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:00:48 PM)
The chat gremlins are after Robin....

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 10:01:11 PM)
Debbie-I was drawn to your website searching for help. I couldn't believe Sarah's story . .. . it was so similar to my daughter Kara. They even look alike! I'm curious what type of educational system she is in public or private schools?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:02:07 PM)
Sarah is in 4th grade in public school Amy

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:02:35 PM)
So what are the chat gremlin's?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:03:12 PM)
chat gremlins are the little make believe critters that keep knocking Ro out of the chat....just kind of a chat joke

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:03:15 PM)
Jill....Robin keeps getting booted off the computer...Dr. J usually refers to them as gremlins!

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 10:04:07 PM)
Jill, I don't know alot about developmental apraxia, except that it is a motor programming problem with speech. Signs can be articulatory substitutions, omissions, repetitions or additions. The child may block or hesitate during speech. As far as I know there are sometimes "groping" behaviors where the child is trying to find the right sound through "trial and error"

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:04:25 PM)
Amy, what grade is Kara in? May I ask where you are from?

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:04:47 PM)
thanks---I haven't been able to get on line due to homework and life...I enjoyed tuesday mornings but it's too early

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:04:55 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:05:09 PM)
Arghhhh I got booted

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:05:19 PM)
welcome back Diane

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 10:05:48 PM)
Debbie-Our Kara is in 2nd grade in a small Episcopal school. We are considering public school next year and she is currently being tested in the public school system to determine if she would be eligible for any services there. We love our school but they are not equipped to provide any special services. We live in Richmond, Va.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:05:50 PM)
So did Robin...twice...but the gremlins may have gotton her for sure the last time around.

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:06:03 PM)
Thanks this darn computer I may be going puter shopping sooner than i wanted to

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:06:46 PM)
if i scroll up i get a frozen screen

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:03 PM)
Thank you Basha I need to do more research...

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:11 PM)
sorry you are having trouble with the chat Diane =(

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:33 PM)
I really think it's my computer Debbie

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:38 PM)
Diane....whe i first started on chat, and I would scroll up, same, i never scroll anymore...I used to get soooooo mad!

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:40 PM)
Gotta run--thanks everyone

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:42 PM) is Kara doing in school?

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:49 PM)
gnite basha

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:52 PM)
Night Basha...

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:55 PM)
good night Basha!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:07:56 PM)
Bye basha

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:01 PM)
good to see you again!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:11 PM)
peggy: you still there? don't be shy ;-)

basha (ID=113) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:14 PM)
thanks be back next week

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:32 PM)
Hi Peggy :)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:41 PM)
Peggy is at work and she has some problems at work she has to take care of so she's peeking in on the chat tonight Marge

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:08:44 PM)
<--- and definitely don't be intimidated by all these 70 wpm typists ;-)

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:09 PM)
debbie: oh, that's right... i remember now... lots of ppl here tonight; hard to keep up w/everyone

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:13 PM)
70 WPM?????

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:32 PM)
70 words per minute

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:33 PM)
my typing sucks this time of day (actually it sucks most times )

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:53 PM)
Peggy is my late late night chat buddy..or should I say early early morning.. I catch her now and then when Im up at 3:30 am

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:57 PM)
I know, I know, just curious about how many 70 WPM typists there are on here!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:09:59 PM)

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:10 PM)
Debbie-She is struggling . . .. we are having her tutored and she is seen by a speech therapist once a week. I realize the chat is closing. . . when is the next session? Is it next Tuesday morning?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:10 PM)
not me BC! *L*

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:13 PM)
I'm tired and getting goofy..........

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:18 PM)
I need to go my son has a science project he needs to typeStanding over my shoulder I am hoping life will slow down so I can chat more Goodnight all see next week

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:34 PM)
gnite jill

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:35 PM)
Night Jill

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:40 PM)
Night jill

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:43 PM)
AMy..the next chat is next tuesday evening...No morning chat next week

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:46 PM)
Goodnight Jill

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:10:50 PM)
Night Jill...

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:15 PM)
are the archive up to date

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:21 PM)
Debbie, where do you chat at 3am?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:26 PM)
up to the last week or so...

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:37 PM)
I catch her on AOL....just instant message..

Jill (ID=117) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:38 PM)
Thanks bye

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:44 PM)
I will be archiving this chat tomorrow

Amy (ID=114) (Mar 13, 2001 10:11:57 PM)
Thanks to all. . .. Good night! I look forward to the chat next week!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:04 PM)
Debbie you are a jewel :)

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:09 PM)
Actually, I think I'm going to head out as well....have to go get some more IEP meeting stuff in order for tomorrow! Have a good day tomorrow everyone.

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:17 PM)
Night Amy....

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:27 PM)
goodnight deb, see you next chat.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:30 PM)
goodnight Amy! if youwant to email during the week you can reach me at or at

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:35 PM)
gnight Amy!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:38 PM)
Yes you will Carol, always!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:38 PM)
deb much luck at the IEP tomorrow sending good thoughts your way

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:39 PM)
bye amy

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:46 PM)
goodnight deb..goodnight Amy

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:12:54 PM)
Thanks Diane, I appreciate it!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:03 PM)
Deb..if you want a pep talk before you go or watn to talk me!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:20 PM)
You working tomorrow Debbie?

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:33 PM)
Diane...thanks =)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:13:47 PM)
no. im not working..kendra is stil out..think im sending her back thursday

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:14:17 PM)
That's what I thought...ok...I just may call you in the AM....what's a good time?

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:14:18 PM)
chicken pox still debbie /

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:14:22 PM)
i'm letting her have the extra day since grandparents are here...she's well enough to go back

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:14:48 PM)
I'm gone from 8 to can call before or after

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:04 PM)
I'll call you after....

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:05 PM)
just winding down on the chicken pox Diane...FINALLY!!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:13 PM)
after 8:15 I mean.

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:24 PM)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:24 PM)
ok..what time is meeting? if for any reason im nto here....leave me a message and i'll get back with you

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:30 PM)
Thanks Debbie!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:44 PM)
you're welcome go get some rest!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:56 PM)
Night Deb

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:15:57 PM)
It's at 2:30...I'll probably be here at home til 1:30 or so.

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:01 PM) inlaws showed up to surprise us too on Saturday night...

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:29 PM)
I"m almost ready to go back to work and didnt think I'd ever say that!

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:33 PM)
getting late here... i better get going

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:37 PM)
Thanks Debbie...I'll call you tomorrow.

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:39 PM)
nice to see everyone tonight

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:40 PM)
Goodnight Marge

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:41 PM)
surprise oh my I hope it was apleasant surprise lol

Marge (ID=107) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:47 PM)
good night all!

deb (ID=102) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:48 PM)
Night night Marge...glad you made it!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:16:58 PM)
i love my inlaws to pieces.....a pleasant surprise!

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:17:01 PM)
I hope never to be surprised!!!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:17:02 PM)
night zMarge

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:17:18 PM)
lucky you

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:17:50 PM)
but they are sleeping in the living room so I probably better get off here so they can go to bed.....

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:00 PM)
Mine are fine but i would not want to be surprised by them

Carol (ID=115) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:12 PM)
I have to go, too. Goodnight all and hope to chat in the future.

BC (ID=108) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:23 PM)
I need to go but I wanted to say...Thanks everybody, I needed to hear "it's gonna be OK!". I appreciate you all being here and especially Debbie for having this available to us. Hope to "see" you all soon...good night everyone!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:40 PM)
Me too night ladies thanks for my weekly pep talk

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:18:41 PM)
goodnight Carol...BC keep in touch....I've missed ya!

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:19:01 PM)
sweet dreams and I'll be talking to you all soon!

Diane (ID=119) (Mar 13, 2001 10:19:12 PM)

debbie (ID=101) (Mar 13, 2001 10:19:19 PM)
goodnight Diane.....Peggy..hope you have a good night at work

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:20:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:20:56 PM)
Hi Dr J. I think everyone just signed off.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:21:49 PM)
HI peggy, Yes. I was doing some work and remembered that Debbie has the evening chat. I have only been on one evening so I never remember the time. GUess I missed it. Hope it was good and interesting. How are you this pm?

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:22:56 PM)
I'm OK. Busy at work right now, so I didn't get to do much with the chat... It is nice to meet you. Debbie thinks highly of your work.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:23:33 PM)
The chat is now at 8pm. usually last til 10 or 11pm. Depends...

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:24:40 PM)
Well, if it went to 11pm I'd have been able to make part of it. Oh, well. It is nice to chat a bit with you. Guess you're busy working now. Don't know if you were planning to logout or what?

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:24:51 PM)
My son has APD, he is 8yrs old. But he has other LDs. Language delays, fine motor and possible dyslexia. The LD field can be so confusing...

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:25:45 PM)
I am on the CAPD list_serv. It is very good.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:26:05 PM)
Yes, actually, from my approach to APD, I see APD as a part of LD in terms of considering it an educational handicap. APD in and of itself, from my approach to APD is just a disability that (if anything) would only require a 504 plan accommodations.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:26:22 PM)
Peggy, I'm glad you find the CAPD list good and helpful.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:27:36 PM)
One question, if you don't mind, I know your busy too. Do children with APD usually have the other disabilities? Like Expressive/receptive language delays? etc? Could hearing loss have helped to cause APD?

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:28:20 PM)
My son had a hearing loss for I'm not sure how long. We found out when he was 4yrs old. They used the old term "glue ears" .

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:28:46 PM)
Regular pediatrician never saw the hearing/ ear fluid problem.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:30:20 PM)
Peggy, one question at a time I'll answer...Yes, there is a lot of research support the relationship between chronic middle ear problems (fluid and ear infections) and later auditory processing and language and reading problems. SO, this is a factor.....

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:31:08 PM)

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:32:12 PM)
SInce APD relates to processing of auditory-verbal information, then, yes, many kids with APD have language problems. Actually, and I say this so often, it is very critical to filter out the auditory based APD problems from the language based APD problems. AN auditory remediation program for a primary language problem will not help. And a language remedaition approach to remediation for a primary auditory based problem will not help. Additionally, a lot of APD is cognitively involved and this is probably the one area overlooked by professionals.

bev (ID=121) (Mar 13, 2001 10:32:52 PM)
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Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:33:05 PM)
I hope to use Fast ForWord this summer!

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:33:08 PM)
good evening bev, I guess you missed the chat as well.

bev (ID=121) (Mar 13, 2001 10:33:25 PM)
yes, just checking in

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:33:29 PM)
Peggy, you said you hope to use FFWD this summer. Are you sure your child is an appropriate candidate for FFWD.

bev (ID=121) (Mar 13, 2001 10:33:55 PM)
what determines an appropriate candidate

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:33:56 PM)
Well, good to see you bev. Peggy says people had already left by 10pm when I got a chance to log in.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:34:38 PM)
I had a friend of my husbands look over his test results. He works for a school district which uses FFWd . He said my son is a good candidate. His standards are tougher than SLC

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:35:37 PM)
Bev, it depends on who you believe and what you believe about FFWD. I have completed a major research project this past summer on a group of 20+ kids (actually 20 finished the entire research project). a Major part of the research was focusing on candidacy and what changes in auditory processing occur after FFWD. OUr study suggests that the usual candidate stated by Sci Learn is NOT the appropriate candidate for FFWD.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:35:41 PM)
He is in Special Education.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:36:18 PM)
Peggy, what was the basis of your friend's husband's analysis saying your son is an appropriate candidate for FFWD?

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:37:17 PM)
I am not sure of the details. He said they have a tougher screening than what SLC uses. He said my son did fit the school district's profile for a FFWd candidate.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:39:14 PM)
I live in Pennsylvania. He is with a different school district than what I am in. What do you feel is the best candidate for FFWd?

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:39:37 PM)
Do you have a certain profile from you research?

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:39:42 PM)
Well, perhaps the school district's profile is not appropriate. FFWd has been used for improving reading and it has NO impact on phonemic awareness, reading decoding, or auditory decoding.

bev (ID=121) (Mar 13, 2001 10:41:14 PM)
Well, I amm too late...don't want to keep you...will catch the next one had a late bb practice...i am in Houston by the way...nice to meet you.....bye

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:41:23 PM)
Yes, from our research the basis is a child who has all of the underlying skills or what I guess would be the components (like the child has the phonemic awareness on phonemic awareness tasks, has sound-letter identification/association, has good decoding skills, has the basic language and vocabulary skills).....BUT the child lacks the ability to put it all together or integrate. The greatest areas of improvement in our APD testing was in integration.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:42:57 PM)
Oh... That is interesting... My son is developing in the areas you mention. I think he could use help putting it all together.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:44:09 PM)
The cognitive issue, what do you think is getting overlooked?

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:44:15 PM)
Then, if you have the test data and observations that say he's getting the basics but needs to put it together, he should really do well with FFWD....and, what's the best is its intensive and in a short time of around 2 months things start coming together. GOod luck with the program.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:45:01 PM)
Thanks! I think it would be good for the summer. We'll see..

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:45:46 PM)
MOst of what we do when we process requires decision making and deciding how to act on the information we receive. The usual accommodations remove that decision making process and remediation usually provided for kids with APD looks at basic skills and not at problem solving, decision making, analytic/inductive and deductive reasoning, using the information and figuring out the cues that tell what is the meaning etc.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:47:03 PM)
OH... so we need to try to get the kids to think... decide and reason more?

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:47:59 PM)
Yes, and teach them how to use the language cues, the auditory cues, etc. to do the thinking, decision making and reasoning.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:48:49 PM)
I find my son has problems with too many choices, it's hard for him to decide. It is something we need to work on. Maybe I can bring this up to his school...

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:50:02 PM)
He is using cues more when reading.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:51:23 PM)
We were using an FM, but aren't now. We want him to improve with out having to use it.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:52:01 PM)
You and Debbie did a wonderful job on the simulation on!!!

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:52:38 PM)
Peggy, I am a strong supporter of what you are doing in removing the FM and providing the practice and support for him to work on his own. GIven the right support and the right strategies and tools, he'll do really well.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:53:40 PM)
We had to switch him to a different school to get more individual help, but it seems to be working out alright.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:53:45 PM)
Thank you for your comments on the NCAPD. We're really trying to get as much info out there as possible. I hope you might be able to come to the first annual Convention of the NCAPD. We're holding a conference on APD this summer in August in Orlando. Check out the NCAPD website for the conference info.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:54:53 PM)
I might be there.. I am in FLA from 8/19 - 8/25.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:54:57 PM)
Peggy, I understand. ANd, as both a profesional and as a parent, its more often the who works with the child than the program or what is offered. We had same experience with our little one. WHen we switched schools last year it was like a breath of freshly needed air and he's just florished.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:55:03 PM)
I am a member of the org.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:55:35 PM)
Your son has APD?

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:55:46 PM)
The workshop will be the weekend around the 25th. CHeck out the info. I don't think Debbie has the dates yet. BUt, we're going to really focus on give and take between audience and presenters.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:56:33 PM)
Sounds good. I hope to make it... I hope to take my sons to Disney...

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:56:44 PM)
My son's current dx is SI and possible attentional problems. His dx last year and through the IEp meeting of Jan was specific language disorder. BUt, he has auditory awareness and auditory sensitivity and auditory decoding problems.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:57:39 PM)
That's what our family is trying to do as well. GO to Mickey's world (not disney world in our family) for the week before the conference and end up the weekend at the conference and then home ready for getting everyone back to school.

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:58:40 PM)
I'm checking the time. I have to log off and finish some email before I totally nod off and type the wrong things. Hope to have a chance to chat more, Peggy. ALways feel free to email me if you have any can always use the ncapd

dr.j (ID=120) (Mar 13, 2001 10:58:45 PM)
BYte for now.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:58:46 PM)
It isn't easy, I find that LDs can be intermixed and each kid can be different. It is hard to get a good dx and put it all together. My son has mixed Language disorder, fine motor and dyslexia.

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:58:51 PM)
It was nice to chat with you!

Peggy (ID=104) (Mar 13, 2001 10:58:57 PM)
Hope to see you in FLA then..

lingy (ID=122) (Mar 13, 2001 11:06:29 PM)
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