debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:13:45 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:26:54 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:27:27 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:27:27 PM)
Hi Debbie, How are you tonight?

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:27:43 PM)
Hi wonga

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:27:50 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:28:07 PM)
hi there

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:28:09 PM)
Hi peggy, how are you

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:28:12 PM)
sorry i ddint see you all enter!

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:28:24 PM)
Well, I finally got in....same probs as last week. =( How is everyone tonight?

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:28:50 PM)
Doing well. This is my first opportunity to join you

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:29:04 PM)
Glad to have you wonga!

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:29:06 PM)
With working on the conference I forgot to send out the chat announcement tonight..IM so sorry!

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:29:43 PM)
Well, I guess we can let it go Debbie!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:29:58 PM)
Do you have a regular group?

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:30:22 PM)
yes we do wonga....we usually meet every Tuesday evening from 8 to 10 pm EST

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:30:55 PM)
Do you talk about programs like Fastforword and whether to send kids to private school or not?

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:31:18 PM)
we talk about whatever issues parents would like to's an open forum

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:31:27 PM)
We talk about whatever is brought up wonga...if you have anything in specific, ask away....

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:31:48 PM)
Has anyone had their child on the Fastforword program?

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:31:50 PM)
Hey Deb, I missed out last week, How did it go about the issue of

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:31:58 PM)
Boy Debbie, there go those same minds thinking just type faster! *L*

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:32:18 PM)
over doing it with the kids... Homework etc. How much is too much?

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:33:54 PM)
*LOL* Deb...I type all day long!

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:33:56 PM)
Wonga,,my daughter went through FFW 1 1/2 years ago...

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:33:56 PM)

debbie (ID=7) (Mar 20, 2001 8:33:56 PM)
If you can see my messages,,I"m having trouble with the chat..I'm going to exit and come back in right back

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:34:03 PM)
Peggy....we talked about that, and lots of other things as well....everyone kind of put in what happens at their homes with homework, always, it was hard to find the 'right' thing to do...but, it was great sharing ideas and thoughts.

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:34:09 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:34:35 PM)
ooops....I bet the chat gremlin got Debbie.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:35:03 PM)
Thanks Deb... I'm at work and a little busy... I hope to be popping in and out... I'll have to check the archives...

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:35:09 PM)
looks like it could be along chat *LOL* screen was stuck...

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:35:18 PM)
Peggy..the archives are actually up to date!!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:35:35 PM)
I gather everyone has problems with homework that take too long?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:35:42 PM)
I can't remember exactly all that was said Peggy...I was not in a great frame of mind last week....

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:35:54 PM)
there are some nights we can do homework for anywhere from 2 to 4 hours

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:36:37 PM)
How old are your kids? My son Christopher, is 8.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:36:44 PM)
ours usually lasts about 1 1/2 hours....should only take 30-40 minutes tops. Well, at least for my other son anyway. =(

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:37:21 PM)
mine are 8, with APD and a 6 year old, no APD

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:37:35 PM)
my daughter is 9...soon to be 10

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:38:06 PM)
I have an 8 yr old son w/APD & Language (expressive/receptive) delays... fine motor delay too.

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:38:07 PM)
Do they play alone at school a lot?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:38:29 PM)
Oh, question Debbie about Sarah....does she like to write, like in a journal, or diary? Do you think it would motivate her to do it, if she doesn't really 'like' to do it now?

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:38:36 PM)
He plays soccer with the other kids.

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:39:18 PM)
wonga..i have two daughters..they go to recess about the same youngest one is 2 years younger than sarah....they tend to play together alot..they are very close friends

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:39:22 PM)
Christopher has been disagnosed with CAPD I will have to check what APD is after finishing our chat.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:39:39 PM)
wonga....mine did from the time he was 3 in nursery school, up until last year, when he was in 1st grade. Now, he plays with other kids at recess, and climbs the monkey bars, etc.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:39:43 PM)
APD is CAPD whitout C.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:39:52 PM)
It is the same thing! :).

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:40:46 PM)
Ok two kids Christopher (8) and Laurie (11) are here with me looking as I type and quite interested...they say Hi!!!

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:40:55 PM)
Deb..she loves diaries, but dont write everyday.....

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:40:56 PM)
The powers that be dropped the "C" and it is officially APD - Auditory Processing Disorder.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:41:12 PM)
Hi Christopher and Laurie!!!

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:41:14 PM)
hi Christopher! hi Laurie!!

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:41:36 PM)
oh no Deb! we do think alike! *LOL*

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:41:36 PM)
Hi Chris and Laurie

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:41:44 PM)
Big chuckles from Chis and Laurie

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:41:56 PM)
This is way cool for them

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:42:07 PM)
you know...we really do have to get the kids chat going again! What would be a good tiem for you all?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:43:14 PM)
Debbie....Corey just brought home a book order today, and I saw this really cute journal. It's called furry flower journal, and it comes with a really cool pen to match! It's pink and furry/fuzzy looking....she wouldn't have to write every day...for her b'day you think? Or, should I just go with a book?

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:43:37 PM)
I think dolfrog tries to have a place for kids. wonga, have you checked out

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:43:38 PM)
would an afternoon be better or perhaps sometime on the weekend?

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:44:00 PM) also has a kids area.

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:44:10 PM)
No, have not checked out, but will.

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:44:14 PM)
Im not sure how manykids he's had participating....we've talked back and forth about a kids forum...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:44:19 PM)
Yes...weekends....Sat. AM isn't good for us....Travis has his therapuetic horseback riding at 11 AM.

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:44:42 PM)
Weekend is good for us also.

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:44:46 PM)
there is another great website at Alan Gertner is really doing a great job with his site....

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:45:02 PM)
wonga..may i ask what part of the country you are from?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:45:14 PM) is another good one.

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:45:30 PM)
Are all your kids still in public school or private?

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:46:01 PM)
peggy were you on the list about a year ago when parents tried to set up email buddies for the kdis?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:46:01 PM)
Charter school

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:46:01 PM)
my daughter is in public school

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:46:59 PM)
Debbie, did they have to make special arrangements for your daughter?

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:47:41 PM)
wonga , i've been through a 3 year battle with the school over accommodations...we are currently on a 504 plan but we are reevaluating for additional services

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:48:11 PM)
That sounds like it would be a great idea...if the kids chat didn't work out because of timing it....I think the email buddy list is a GREAT idea!!

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:48:56 PM)
I"Mjust curious how it turned out..I"ve not heard anything about the email buddy list for a long time...

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:49:16 PM)
Chris has just had special arrangements starting. We will determine his progress and decide if private school is an option.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:49:29 PM)
Deb, I wasn't here a year ago, started here last fall. Sorry.

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:49:41 PM)
how long ago was chris daignosed ?

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:49:49 PM)
ok Peggy..thanks...

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:50:36 PM)
Last October 2000.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:50:36 PM) sone has had an IEP since he was 3...he gets speech/lang. therapy 2 x a wk, OT 1x for 60 min. each week, and he just started Monday in a smaller lang. arts class with only 4 other students. Plus, he has other things written into his IEP as well, plus classroom modifications.

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:51:28 PM)
Is IEP a general education term. I am from Ontario,

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:51:49 PM)
it stands for individualized educational plan

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:51:51 PM)
an IEP is an Individualized Educational Plan

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:52:05 PM)
it's our form of exceptional student education.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:52:06 PM)
Great minds again Debbie! *l*

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:52:13 PM)
Any of you from Canada?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:52:23 PM)

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:52:38 PM)
IM from Florida also

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:52:57 PM)
We use the same IEP terminology.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:53:30 PM)
Hey, just thought I'd let you know my son, since he has switch schools, is doing GREAT! He is now only in Learning support for Reading / Language Arts. They placed him in regular class for math because he was doing so well. It has really made a difference to get the right teacher/class setting! :)

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:53:43 PM)
wonga,,,was it hard for you to find someone in Ontario to test for CAPD?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:54:52 PM)
POeggy...Travis just started the support class yesterday for lang. arts and reading...he loves it so far!! Yippie!!!

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:54:52 PM)
Peggy..that is fantastic to hear!!! I'm so happy for you both!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:54:53 PM)
We only went because we hired a tutor for Chris...she recommended the testing.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:54:53 PM)
It looks like the right teacher or learing support person can really make a difference :)

debbie (ID=11) (Mar 20, 2001 8:54:53 PM)
looks like chat gremlins got me right back

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:00 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:22 PM)
are you all still here?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:24 PM)
That is sooooo awesome Peggy!! HIP-HIP-HOORAY!!!!

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:39 PM)
i'm having alot of trouble tonight with the chat.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:40 PM)
We are, are you here again Debbie?

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:43 PM)
It was not hard to find the audiologist...but the payment was from out of our pockets and the web sites have Canadian testers listed.

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:55:55 PM)
He now has spelling test and has gotten 100% for the last 4 weeks! :)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:56:05 PM)
wonga..which websites?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:56:38 PM)
That is absolutely awesome Peggy!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:56:42 PM)
I will get them later...I have the listings printed out upstairs.

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:57:05 PM)
if you get a chance will you send me the websites at

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:57:10 PM)
spelling has always been Travis' best subject...he has gotton an A each marking period this year....You must be soooooo excited Peggy! Congrats!!!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:57:19 PM)

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 8:57:50 PM)
Peggy...that must put a HUGE smile on his face I bet!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:57:51 PM)
Is the Fastforword program beneficial?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 8:58:48 PM)
at the time that we did FFW, we also started using an FM trainer...between the two of them together..we saw progress...

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 8:59:18 PM)
What is FM trainer?

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 8:59:28 PM)
Deb, yes it does. Thanks! We are going to do FFW this summer.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:00:00 PM)
Debbie.....Travis' teacher isn't noticing any changes with the FM....=(

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:00:31 PM)
I'm going to see if I can borrow schools Earobics program over the summer.

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:00:33 PM)
the FM trainer is an assistive listening's like a headset that sarah wears in class.....the teacher wears a microphone and her voice is transmitted directly to sarah's helps drown out the competing background noise..

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:00:47 PM) long has he been using the FM?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:01:18 PM)'s been about 3 weeks now....we only have it for 8 weeks.

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:01:58 PM)
does travis notice a difference?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:02:28 PM)
He says he does...but Karin isn't seeing anything significant since using it.

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:02:43 PM)
what difference is he noticing?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:03:55 PM)
But, I'm hoping that by going to the class from 8:30-10 each AM, when he gets back in her class, he's all ready to go! You know what I mean? He has had 2 good days so far this week...but, he has also had subs both days too. He says he can hear her better and louder.

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:04:46 PM)
deb...give it've got a bit of time to work with...

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:04:52 PM)
Even after completing Fastforword and with FM trainer, do kids still experience problems? This is something Chris will have for a while...permanently?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:04:54 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:05:02 PM)

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:05:15 PM)
this is my first time in here

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 09:05:31 PM)
Hi Rosa...I am new also

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:05:41 PM)
my son is 7 yrs old

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:05:44 PM)
That's what I'm hoping....because Margaret didn't write it into his IEP last week...wanted to see how it played out over the 8 weeks. But, I think if HE says it works, then they should use it. What do you think?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:05:52 PM) depends on the factors that are contributing to your childs' auditory processing problems....some kids may outgrow it..but not all kids will...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:05:57 PM)
Hi rosa....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:06:02 PM)
hi rosa..happy you could join us tonight!!

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:06:05 PM)
hi deb

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:06:16 PM)
thank you debbie my son was just diagnosed wiht this problem

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:06:20 PM)
he is in first grade

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:06:30 PM)
deb..if he notices a difference then i would fight to keep it.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:07:18 PM)
Debbie....I'm going to. But, this IEP meeting was for his IEP for NEXT year, so we wouldn't have to have another one this year!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:07:38 PM)
Rosa, I guess your son takes a while to get started and completing homework, reading etc?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:07:45 PM)
yes wonga

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:07:49 PM)
when i say some kids may outgrow apd...what i am referring to is if the apd is due to lack of maturation of the auditory system....thenas the auditory systme matures.the child's processing may get better...

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:07:51 PM)
he scored advaned in math

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:08:10 PM)
but has this problem with the reading

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:08:24 PM)
im still unsure as to what is causing this or understanding this

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:08:59 PM)
they said his score in "suditory processing isn indeicative of a significant processing deficit in that area?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:09:14 PM)
ooops auditory

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:09:17 PM)

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:10:00 PM) is all so very complex, and affects these children in so many different ways. It's been almost 5 years for me, and I STILL am trying to understand it all! It seems that my puzzle keeps getting bigger, and I am missing sooooo many puzzle pieces.

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:10:32 PM)
is this an emotional or physical problem

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:11:13 PM)
it's not an emotional problem.....however it can affect a child emotionally if that makes sense...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:11:13 PM)
it's a neurological problem...but, can definately bring in some emotional issues.

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:11:32 PM)
oic so how do we as parents help him

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:11:45 PM)
has anyone had their kids on meds

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:11:46 PM)
an auditory processing problem is when there is a breakdown between when the ear recieves the auditory stimuli to when the brain processes it...

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:12:04 PM)
or is it just learning to cope

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:12:14 PM)
or different ways of learning?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:12:27 PM)
as of this point in time there is no research that i know of that will indicate medication will be helpful if a child truly has apd...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:12:33 PM)
READ!!!! Here are some web sites to check

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:12:42 PM)
wow thanks deb

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:12:57 PM)
i will , just got the results today

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:13:13 PM)
the way to overcome an auditory processing disorder is to pinpoint the underlying factors that contribule to the disorder and then work on each of those factors...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:13:39 PM)!! Check out the simulation that Debbie and Dr. J have put will give you some REAL insight as to what these kids are dealing with.

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:13:39 PM)
how do you pinpoint the underlying factors

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:13:56 PM)
ie..if your child has a problem with background discrimination,,,,then you have to have a way to teach your kids how to seperate the sounds....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:14:38 PM)
rosa..the audiologist who dx your child should be able to help you with this...they SHOULD be able to look at the tests and determine some of the underlying factors.....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:14:41 PM)

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:14:48 PM)
Rosa, My son sometimes has difficulty 'playing nicely' with other kids so it affects social skills as least I think it is due to APD...he has trouble reading and remembering long senteces and paragraphs and this frustrates him.

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:14:58 PM)
they psychologist said he needs specific training in sound blending and phonemic segmentation?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:15:19 PM)
if your child failed 2 tests and they both test for the same need to work in that areas.....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:15:55 PM)
rosa..what recommendations did the audiologist make for you to work on those areas?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:15:57 PM)
wonga my son is very passive and has never had social problems and as of yet has not i would say "given up " on trying to learn

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:16:22 PM)
he only saw a psychologist

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:16:32 PM)
should i look for an audiologist?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:16:45 PM)
the school he is in did this on their own

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:17:14 PM)
rosa...only an audiologist can truly dx an auditory processing disorder...a psychologist may say they believe the child has a processing disorder,,but theydo not have the proper equipment to dx capd

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:18:01 PM)
ok so then maybe a suggestion is to get with an audiologist

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:18:13 PM)
they are talking about keeping him back in first grade

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:18:14 PM)
in order to test for an auditory processing disorder and to make a conclusive dx, an audiologist tests in a sound proof booth where they can control the auditory stimulus

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:18:26 PM)
rosa..that would be my recommendation....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:18:41 PM)
why do they want to retain him? how will retention benefit your child?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:18:53 PM)
we are having a meeting next week to discuss

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:00 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:05 PM)
hi kathy

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:06 PM)
Absolutely arosa....find an audiologist who can dx APD

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:07 PM)
they just mentioned it thats all did not suggest it

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:09 PM)
hi kathy

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:14 PM)

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:15 PM)
Hi kathy

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:32 PM)
Rosa, whereabouts are you? I am the only Canadian so far...everyone else is from the States (Florida, I think). We may regional listings of audiologists...Hi Kathy.

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:40 PM)
Sorry Im so late

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:44 PM)
im in florida lol

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:50 PM)
daytona beach wonga lol

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:19:55 PM)
one question that you have to learn to ask is..."How will this benefit my child?"...if they can not give you a good answer..then really think about the recommendation

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:01 PM)
but my father in law is from toronto lol

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:09 PM)
i willl debbie

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:14 PM)
hey in jacksonville.....have you heard about the conference in orlando in august?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:17 PM)
Where rosa? I'm in Ocala. Do you know about the confrence in Orlando on August 25th?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:24 PM)

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:39 PM)
i did not deb

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:44 PM)
im verynew to this

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:48 PM)
hey Kathy....sorry I missed you online earlier

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:56 PM)
Debbie!!! Wave lenthing it again! *LOL*

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:20:57 PM)
and i am still unsure about the psychologists papers

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:21:21 PM)
im not quite sure on how to read these scores lol

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:21:29 PM)
rosa..if you go to the web site for the NCAPD. at there is information on the conference we are holding on August 25th in Orlando.

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:21:33 PM)
KI'd like to ask an unrelateed question. Has anyone else had a child who rutured an ear drum and had a subsequent severe ear infection?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:21:48 PM)
thanks debbie

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:21:55 PM)
deb..that's your question!

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:10 PM)
No KAthy....has it ruptured even more since Gainesville?

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:24 PM)
there is hardly anything left...

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:33 PM)
does anyone know about verbal and performance scores?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:35 PM)
Have you talked to Dr. M/

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:36 PM)
that's right...Kathy was the one telling us about it in Gainesville...IM so confused! *L*

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:47 PM)
two rounds of oral antibiotics, one of drops now injections and more oral anti..

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:22:57 PM)
*L*'s getting late Debbie!!!

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:23:19 PM)
what is your question rosa? we can try and help.

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:23:33 PM)
Wow KAthy...poor is he handling it all? And you too?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:23:54 PM)
is says there is a 21 point discrepancy between the scores? with teh verbal score being the higher

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:24:16 PM)
does that make sense

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:24:34 PM)
he is a basket case and I am taking it day by day the heavy drainage has stopped...but if this round of treatment fails we go to IV's kid has started to bite his nails and is very anxious

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:25:02 PM)
then in the papers it says his reading level is below level of a child withhis demonstrated potential

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:25:07 PM)
normal standard deviation on scores is usually 15 points..that means there is more than one standard deviation between scores....may i ask what the scores were?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:25:17 PM)
okim looking debbi

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:25:51 PM)
Oh KAthy....I feel so bad for you both. =( Dr. M say anything?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:26:36 PM)
Kathy...*HUGS*.....poor little william....what is the doctor saying is going to happen?

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:26:40 PM)
havent talked to her...having his hearing only assessed here thursday...also see the developmental ped. on Friday

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:26:53 PM)
ok let me see there are a few tests on here

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:26:55 PM)
kathy..are you seing an ENT? or who?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:27:41 PM)
ok is it the verbal scale iq and performance iq

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:27:53 PM)
that doesnt add up lol

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:27:57 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:27:58 PM)
hold on im still looking

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:01 PM)
eventually he may need graphs but at this time he is still actively draining so they cant do that surgery we are still seeing the reg. ped will make appt for ent for two weeks or so...I

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:05 PM)
what test did they do?

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:07 PM)
Hi Diane....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:08 PM)
hi Diane

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:28 PM)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:36 PM)

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:44 PM)

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:28:44 PM)
Hi debbie,deb everyone :)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:29:01 PM)
ok..on the wisc III...what are scores for verbal and performance?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:29:35 PM)
verbal iq was 105 and performance scale iq 84 and full scale iq 95

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:29:40 PM)
does that sound right

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:30:24 PM)
a full scale iq of 95 is within the normal limits...

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:30:57 PM)
ok soooooo...

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:31:07 PM)
the wiscIII is scored with 100 being +/- 15 points is still within one standard deviation of average....

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:31:28 PM)
ok so its not that off

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:31:30 PM)
the performance is below that is where your child may quailify for help....

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:31:42 PM)
what is performance?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:32:33 PM)
i wish i had my wisc III in front of should show you what subtests the performance is made up of....

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:32:58 PM)
I'm looking right now for my test results debbie....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:33:01 PM)
how have you been Diane....

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:33:22 PM)
ok the woodstock johnson revised was short term memory 100, auditory processing 80,

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:33:29 PM)
okay busy weekend and week so far

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:34:41 PM)
with an 80 on the auditory processing..i would suggest seeing an audiologist for a full auditory processing test.......

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:34:53 PM)
why do you say that debbie

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:34:57 PM)
how are you doing debbie ?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:35:01 PM)
what are your thoughts

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:35:29 PM)
Diane,,we are finally over the chicken pox.!!!! =) Everything else is going good too!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:35:49 PM)
yeah !!!!!!!!!!!! good to hear

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:36:02 PM)
did kendra get 'em too?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:36:13 PM)
the 80 % on the auditory processing would indicate that there is a problem....seeing an audiologist would help them pinpoint what is happening and would tell you what to do next...

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:36:29 PM)
what is average range debbie

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:36:30 PM)
yes Kathy..she just went back to school on Friday and now they are on spring break

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:37:08 PM)
average is 100 with 85 to 115 being within normal limits...

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:37:19 PM)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:37:32 PM)
Rosa..I am not an expert,,,but this is my understanding from all the testing we've been through with my daughter......

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:37:36 PM)
im in the daytona area, does anyone know of any audiologists to suggest

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:37:50 PM)
how old is your daughter debbie

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:38:01 PM)
my daugher is 9..she was dx 3 years ago

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:38:13 PM)
my son just turned 7

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:38:24 PM)
rosa..on the NCAPD website..there are audiologists listed for Orlando and Gainesville....

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:38:25 PM)
how is she progressing

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:38:30 PM)
at least she's not sick on vacation=)

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:39:24 PM)
we don't have spring break till the 1st week of april and boy do we all need it !!!

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:39:34 PM)
Sarah is very aware of her processing disorder...some days are a real struggle..but other days she does great....she's a real trooper....the good thing is she's starting to recognize when she's in a situation where she doesnt' understand what's being said and is realizing what to do to put herself in a better situation

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:39:54 PM)
that is awesome debbie

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:16 PM)
ours is the week of the ninth of April...

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:17 PM)'s been along road and we still have a long ways to go!!!

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:31 PM)
i can see that

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:32 PM)
Same with ours Kathy....

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:44 PM)
debbie thats wonderful to hear

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:46 PM)
thank you for all your help i will stop in again sometime

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:40:55 PM)
Debbie, does Sarah 'struggle' at school? Is this getting better for your family?

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:41:09 PM)
and definately check out the websites

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:41:16 PM)
in all honesty some days i still sit and cry out of frustration...but then some days im so proud of her...

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:41:26 PM)
thanks rosa! it was good to "meet" you in here!

rosa (ID=13) (Mar 20, 2001 9:41:32 PM)

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:41:50 PM)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:42:17 PM)
wonga...yes sarah still struggles...she's gone from A/B honor roll to some D's and F's and has been on academic warning....but she's trying really hard to work on grades....

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:42:27 PM)
Debbie you doin anythig cool for break...

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:42:51 PM)
no kathy..i took so much time off with them for chicken pox..i have to go back to work when they are on break!

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:42:59 PM)
the snowbirds are attacking starting next wednesday

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:43:15 PM)

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:43:15 PM)
thats what i figured...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:43:27 PM)
We just got report cards last Friday....I was actually quite pleased with Travis'....

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:43:37 PM)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:43:56 PM)
the girls dont want to be here with me this week best friend's daughter had a baby on friday....they want to be at her house with the baby!

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:43:58 PM)
My son Chris was in tears at the many D's on his recent report card and we felt so frustrated and helpless

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:44:08 PM)
we got repost cards last Friday too, I was pleased alls A's and B's

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:44:12 PM)
wonga..we go through the same tears here

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:44:19 PM)
What did she have zDebbie? What's the name?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:44:33 PM)
Deb..that is great! Super for you too Diane...

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:05 PM)
but he has to really put forth so much effort to get those grades

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:15 PM)
thanks debbie :)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:16 PM)
Deb....Penny has a new granddaughter named Hayley Danielle...she was 6 lbs. 13 oz and has a head full of dark brown hair......we got to babysit today!!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:34 PM)
beautiful name

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:47 PM)
Diane..I know sarah is going to have to work hard for her grades all through much harder than the other kids...

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:47 PM)
I wish his were A's and B's...3rd marking period with an A in spelling though! Went up in reading from a D to a C, and everyhting else stayed the same...he didn't go down in anything! Yeah!!!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:45:53 PM)
I'd LOVE to cuddle a newborn :)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:46:15 PM)
i was trying to chat with dr j this afternoon while holding the baby....hard to type...*LOL*

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:46:35 PM)
we were at the hospital when the baby was absolutely precious!

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:46:44 PM)
I bet the girls were loving that!! You're not getting any ideas are you Debbie?!?! *L* I love that name too!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:46:49 PM)
yeah deb Jake has improved alot the past 2 grading periods but it has been with much sweat and tears

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:04 PM)
babies are so so so .....

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:13 PM)
Oh yes Diane....lots of that!!

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:14 PM)
they smell good

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:25 PM)
Do you feel the help/progress has come mostly from your own efforts or from your respective schools or audiologists (combination)?

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:35 PM)
I LOVE the smell too Kathy

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:42 PM)
ahhhhh, yes they do kathy...I just love the smell of a baby

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:47:57 PM)
both school but mostly home

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:48:04 PM)
this happens everytime I talk about babies... i want one...

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:48:12 PM)
deb...bite your tongue!! no more kids here!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:48:38 PM)
out of the ? here LOL

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:48:50 PM) all depends on your school and if they are willing to work with you. I would have to say, the majority of the hard work comes from us, the parents. Even when you have a school that is doing all it can, like ours.

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:48:55 PM)
you take what you get and love it anyway!!!!

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:49:05 PM)
as much as i love Hayley and her sister There are no more kids in our future.....

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:49:22 PM)
NO WAY for me either! I'll just hold them and smell them , thanks! *L*

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:49:45 PM)
Yep, you're right Kahthy.

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:49:47 PM)
I agree with deb 100% our school has been great but we as parents have put in a lot of effort

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:49:59 PM) all honesty...the progress we have seen with sarah has been due to work at home.....with the help of the people in this chat and on the listservs...

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:50:05 PM)
Are there special excerises/tasks you do at home? Is it just getting through homework the best way every night?

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:50:52 PM)
we use to play alot of memory games with sarah since she showed short term memory trouble...and we've seen improvement..she can now tell us what she did in school....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:51:05 PM)
we also work on rules of language....and decoding...

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:51:11 PM)
Debbie, When Sarah was four ish did you do special things at home to help her...flash cards,

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:51:15 PM)
YES....absolutely at home, and most definately, this chat and listerv!! I wouldn't be where I am now, if it weren't for this chat and the listerv.

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:51:22 PM)
Chris and Laurie say goodnight!!!!!

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:52:07 PM)
Night gal and guy! Glad you could be here!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:52:26 PM)
Night Chris and Laurie :)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:52:36 PM)
kathy..when sarah was 4..we did nto know she had a processing disorder....

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:52:46 PM)
goodnight Chris and Laurie..sweet dreams!

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:53:16 PM)
fair when did your realize and when did you start the extras at home

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:53:58 PM)
we put sarah in preschool at age of 3 since we knew there was a problem with her speech..we always thought it was hearing related..didnt realize how bad it was til kindergarten....that's when we really started with extra work

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:07 PM)

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:22 PM)
Same here kathy...

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:34 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:37 PM)
hi jill

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:46 PM)
hey Jill....

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:50 PM)
Hi Jill

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:54 PM)

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:54:58 PM)
Hi jill

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:55:17 PM)
we've done extra work with sarah everysince kindergarten

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:55:45 PM)
Same here....I do school work every day in the summer for an hour to an hour and a half each day.

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:55:49 PM)
same here,and it finally starting to show

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 9:55:51 PM)
It is hard lately finding the time to get on with homework and science project season

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:55:53 PM)
ladies im going to have to scoot..ih ave to get things ready for work in the am....

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:55:57 PM)
I am exhausted and I know you have to be at work at 4 tomorrow. so good night. we are getting up early here just to have extra time to administer meds

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:11 PM)
Good night

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:14 PM)
thanks for the input see ya next week

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:19 PM)
kathy..i'll keep youand william in my thoughts and prayers

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:20 PM)
Night debbie and kathy

kathy (ID=14) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:26 PM)

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:33 PM)
goodnight everyone......see you next week!!

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:43 PM)
Night debbie thanks

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:46 PM)
I'm actually going to sign off as well....have some things I need to get done...Debbie...will e-mail you with a few things....

wonga (ID=9) (Mar 20, 2001 9:56:53 PM)
Good night all...Thanks for all the info and thoughts.

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:06 PM)
boo hoo bye everyone

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:10 PM)
ok to you know where to find me *LOL*

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:26 PM)
Night all...see you next week...remember, chat with Dr. J next Tues. AM....8:30-10 AM

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:28 PM)
sorry diane..if 3:30 didnt come so early i wouldnt go

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:33 PM)
Good night all I have to read the archives Since I'm so late

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:52 PM)
I understand completely debbie i should go too really

debbie (ID=12) (Mar 20, 2001 9:57:52 PM)
*HUGS* to all...sweet dreams

deb (ID=10) (Mar 20, 2001 9:58:03 PM)
highy night everyone!

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 9:59:15 PM)
So Diane are you the only one here I know it is late back east

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 9:59:55 PM)
Looks like it Jill you are on west coast right ?

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:00:20 PM)
Yea are you from New York or Florida?

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:00:28 PM)

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:00:47 PM)
almost 10 here

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:01:00 PM)
So it looks like we are talking about extra homework

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:01:20 PM)
I can barely get the homework done he has

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:01:42 PM)
yeah I was late getting into chat kept getting a frozen screen so didn't get alot of the chat

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:01:55 PM)

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:02:32 PM)
neither can i jill,....yep again, how ols is your child again / my son is 9 3rd grade

Peggy (ID=8) (Mar 20, 2001 10:02:35 PM)
Hi, I gota go... Have a good night!

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:03:06 PM)
Timmy is in 1st

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:03:11 PM)
oops i didn't even see Peggy here :(

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:03:33 PM)
Me too I think she is at work and comes in and out

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:04:22 PM)
Jake has a tremendous load of homework every night and now they are doing something called "Literature Circle and he has to right a synopsis of a chapter every night it's brutal ...

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:04:37 PM)
Does your son go to summer school so you have any other kids?

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:05:20 PM)
No summer school this year thank God,...and jake is our only I'm a late in life mom had him at almost 40

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:06:12 PM)
I was sooooo happy to get the news of him doing well enough to NOT have to attend summer school

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:06:29 PM)
Timmy is my youngest I have a 7th grader and a 5th grader in private school with tons of homework which makes it hard to spend time with Timmy

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:07:06 PM)
Oh my,..... I bet,.... I absolutely dread middle school

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:07:21 PM)
We are pulling Timmy from Private school to public because of the quality of teachers

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:07:53 PM)
I have heard that public is better for a child with a disability

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:08:02 PM)
Actually boys are a little easier I hear..but they have mood swings...

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:08:24 PM)
Jake is just starting to get into the moodiness thing

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:08:58 PM)
That happens about 3rd to 5th.......

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:09:30 PM)
yep i just got a book at the library called you 9 yo child and that is what it says

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:09:40 PM)
I have 3 boys and it is lively here

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:10:11 PM)
hard time deciding if he wants to be cool or just a kid lol

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:10:32 PM)
I bet 3 boys is a handful

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:11:02 PM)
at times currently the older two are fighting over cooking dinner

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:11:17 PM)
a mothers dream

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:11:42 PM)
well that ccould be nice i wish someonr here would like to cook beside me LOL

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:12:08 PM)
We bbq alot it helps

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:12:30 PM)
LOL keeps the mess outside

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:12:35 PM)
How is your weather are the tulips coming up

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:12:54 PM)
Do you work out side the home?

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:13:25 PM)
today was glorious and yes all the bulbs are coming up and shpuld be in bloom in a few weeks,.... yeah !!!!!!!!! it's been a log winter

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:13:50 PM)
Sounds like it

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:14:14 PM)
yes i do I'm an instructional aide for kindergarten level special ed students

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:14:55 PM)
Is at Jakes school?

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:14:55 PM)
first time at this type of job and 1st time i've worked since pregnat with jake

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:15:22 PM)
Great hours if you have to work???

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:15:53 PM)
No our district kindergarten is what they call centralized all the kindergartners attend a seperate schhol

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:16:51 PM)
Yes the hours are great, Jakes principal recommended me for the job, i think it was to keep me off his back

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:17:06 PM)
Wow that must be interesting...A school of 5 and 6 year olds

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:17:25 PM)
i was pretty persistent till i got him the services he needed

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:17:46 PM)
You have to be I am learning

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:17:48 PM)
It's wonderful I absolutely love it :)

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:18:15 PM)
I'm the children's ministry director of our church I love kids

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:18:27 PM)
Jill it took me a longgggggg time and alot of bit-----to get where we are at now

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:18:34 PM)
But could not be ateacher

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:18:56 PM)
Thats sounds like a wonderful job too

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:20:04 PM)
I started timmy with a tutor and they are starting from the very beginning and it is hard to watch it knowing he should be a head It's like he wasn't there I fault the school and his last two teachers

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:20:26 PM)
I was frantic to get Jake help and they kinda blew me off for about a year I din't give in

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:20:46 PM)
has he been dx

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:21:50 PM)
with dyslexia as a formal dx we have an appt with an audiologist in april but the SLP and resource teacher cocur that he has APD

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:22:19 PM)
geez my spelling and typing are the pits tonight

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:22:35 PM)
It's late I understand

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:23:32 PM)
I better go the boys have dinner done and Timmy still has one homework page left Spelling his least favorite Mine too he just doesn't get it

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:23:40 PM)
I feel his dyslexia and APD really feed off of one another

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:24:05 PM)
I have heard that from a couple other people

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:24:15 PM)
Night Jill hope all goes smoothly see you next week enjoy that dinner :)

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:24:41 PM)
Thank you for staying on with me :)

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:25:03 PM)
I know its late----Good Night

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:25:11 PM)
No problem it was nice I love being able to talk to other parents that understand

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:25:24 PM)
see you next week

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:25:32 PM)

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:25:35 PM)
I hope you get some time to yourself tonight

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:25:52 PM)
Thanks a shower then reading

jill (ID=16) (Mar 20, 2001 10:26:15 PM)
Sounds good I hope to do the same til next week

Diane (ID=15) (Mar 20, 2001 10:26:26 PM)
Night :)

Marge (ID=17) (Mar 20, 2001 10:48:07 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

Marge (ID=17) (Mar 20, 2001 10:48:21 PM)
Hi, Debbie... just checking to see if anyone was home

Laurel (ID=18) (Mar 20, 2001 10:52:24 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

laurel (ID=19) (Mar 20, 2001 10:57:06 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart) (IP =

laurel (ID=19) (Mar 20, 2001 10:57:55 PM)
Is anyone in this chat room?

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