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Patti's Story

I am quite familiar with CAPD problems because I have lived with them my whole life as do 3 of my 4 kids... This is my daughter's story..
I have a 10 year old daughter who has CAPD is hearing impaired and dyslexic. She can now read but her spelling is still very dyslexic.
I had my daughter tutored by a credentialed teacher after school twice a week. Her son and Meridith were both Dyslexic and she was at the end of her rope. She said "What I usually do isn't working with these two, what are we going to do?" I told her I think my Aunt Dottie can help us. She lived about 100 miles away from me and I was planning on calling her the next day. Well my Sister in Law called and said that she was in a Coma and dying of brain cancer so I couldn't talk with her. I was devistated.
I knew she was a tutor but I never knew what she did or the methods that she used. I just knew when I wanted to talk with her, she was dead. I felt like one of the foolish virgin's who had let the oil out of her lamps and wasn't prepared. My aunt was so passionate about teaching and helping kids. Her funeral was packed with children and parents and the school district employees of the small town she lived in. Her 21 year old son got up and said, "When I was in third grade I couldn't read, and my mom learned how to teach me to read." My Uncle sat next to me during the funeral and I comforted him as all of his kids, adopted, step, etc. got up and said how much they loved their mom. I was fired up and searched and asked my daughter's speech path, what is auditory discrimination in depth because that was the only clue I had to how my aunt taught children to read and succeed. She then said, oh that's Lindamood-Bell's program which is now called LiPS.. I then told her then that's what I am supposed to do with Meridith and asked her if she could do it with Meridith until I got the training myself.. Finally a step in the right direction!!
Talk about guilt...It took me kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade to figure this out. I guess the timing wasn't in God's plan until now. I can't fix the past mistakes but I can help guide others from my own mistakes. We spent over $1000 for my training at a workshop this summer and according to my husband it is the best training I ever got. I worked with Meridith last summer and she made a breakthrough!! I had specialists with the school district working with my daughter since kindergarten and it wasn't until I got more involved in her instruction myself that she made progress. Once or twice a week pullouts wasn't enough. She is very verbal and with a hearing aide she does pretty good, but the CAPD misunderstandings still get in the way.. and I felt that a school for the deaf would not be in her best interest considering her, above average IQ, hearing and verbal level. I felt it would hold her back.
The signs were there that Meridith had a problem but I didn't pick it up right away, and I should have considering I knew our hearing impairment was genetic... She was a slow talker. But is wasn't until her Preschool Teacher said, something isn't right with Meridith. She is so good with her small motor skills but she just isn't picking up the sounds of the letters and things and the way she says certain things aren't right either. Then the light bulb went on, she can't hear what is going on so she isn't aware of things. She was always so good She would entertain herself for hours, draw, talk to herself, which is something I did as a hearing impaired child. A hearing impaired person is really good at TUNING out and entertaining themselves when it is too hard to keep up with the world around them and they feel overwhelmed.
Lindamood-Bell's ADD program had been around for over 30 years and I learned this way as a kid. I just couldn't remember what to ask for when my own daughter had trouble. In June 1998 I had an Ah...Hah... experience at an IEP meeting that was going nowhere fast. The teacher kept telling me...this..."Your daughter isn't listening to me" I told her "you know what...She is listening to you because that is how she is learning because she can't read...she is hearing impaired and learning auditorially so if she doesn't hear you she isn't learning." The FM system has been a life saver to her. I am returning to college this fall and I am going to use one in college myself. I am not going to take a chance and make things harder for myself by being to proud to use the latest technology available. This same teacher didn't push the trainer with my daughter and she was doing her such a disservice.
My daughter was in 3rd grade, reading at 1st grade level and the IEP team basically told me she needs to be retained, put in SDC or put in a school for the hearing impaired. I told the IEP team that I didn't want retention because that would not solve the problem, she is hearing impaired and learning auditorially because she can't read. She would be 19 years old in high school and she is big for her age too. I told them that their solutions weren't good enough for me and I was going to teach her to read myself. So I decided to get trained in Lindamood-Bell because I knew that my aunt had done it and it really made a difference for her children and all the kids she tutored. It made a breakthrough for my tutor's son and my daughter. With my tutoring both children are now reading and writing on grade level..I now work in a public school as a title one reading intervention aide. I am tutoring 20 kids 5 to 1 ratio every single day. They are so excited to work with me and I know the program works. I am actually a professional artist. My website link is attached at the end of this e-mail..
The teachers that have complied with the IEP and used the trainer faithfully have had the most success with my daughter. She is getting it and I am thrilled. Recently when she started summer school, the FM system didn't make it to the Summer school teacher. My daughter was upset because SHE DIDN'T have her FM system. She told me "Mom, I need my trainer, you have to find it!" I work for the district and know the audiologist personally so I was able to get it and put it back in service in the classroom.
Any other questions please feel free to contact me. I am turning into my aunt because I believe she is so excited that I picked up the torch she had to leave behind to teach literacy and help other parents and children! My daughter loves reading now as do the other children I have tutored. You will make it through this. I was just telling my husband this morning, how amazing it has been for me to meet other people through the internet that have faced and are facing similar challenges in their life with their own children and students, and just this morning I learned about you and your similar struggles. There are so many people out there who like us need the help and encouragement, from the trailblazers. You are a trailblazer. You are helping others and at the same time they will assist and help you.. Good luck.
Patti Marker-White

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