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Never knew he would come to this 
beside the once polluted pond,
up in the harlem part
of central park.
And on this radiant, pre-spring
day he never knew that he would
be alone-
paused in his individual shelter,
hibernating with paper and pen.
And the lines-
the eternal stretching pain
of the lines-
flows like water from 
melting snow around him.

He always thought he would be with 
couldn't imagine,
even in this late autumn,
that they
would be separated by so much distance,
that he would
have to hold back all that boils
between them.
He lives in this soup of emotions-
knowing that,
out there she is waiting-
taking care of her infant emotions,
making a frail peace out of
anger and longing.

in his arms
is all she needs,
is all they need
to be whole again-
to spend the perfect day
painting and panting over this love,
years in the making,
and zipping from past
to future
like jet streams!



this is the landscape
the place where he waits
where the liquid from his eyes 
are like waterfalls
and blood pumped from his heart
like stone
over and over again
he calls her name
waiting in shadows
for light that never comes
he is ruled by the mistress
of night
the long nights without her
it is this tyranny
this tyranny of love
that has him in its possess
that kills him 
yet keeps him going



There is something that this 
hand may want
here in the land where Dahlgren reigns
what it is no one can tell
who's telling anyway?
the fading christian in the corner?
all these things are mixed 
with sadness and unreason
for many reasons they go this way
to madness
they hurt their hands
thrusting them against the nightstand
like a many-sided shaded drunkard
a blundering idiot
without the passion to move clear of
the debris
it is for all of these reasons
they toil to be understood
there is no understanding 
in their world
this is why they toil
trying to make recompense by loving
but all they have is sex
and wild memories as
wild as the smells
and memories of when there was none
now their hearts are as full as 
their hearths
gone to over-boil
like some wretched witches brew
in that dark land where
passion is never satisfied
is the leaning
over them

carlyle miller

Gallery 1:A Sensuous Flyingררר Gallery 2:Through The Galactic Swirl ררר Gallery 3:Insectoid Politicsררר Gallery 4:Shapes Of Sanityררר Gallery 5:Open To Where?ררר Gallery 6:Void Of Forgivenessררר Gallery 7:Crescents & Wisdomררר Gallery 8:Images In Grayררר Gallery 9:Pranthru's Dreamsררר Gallery 10:Realm Of Blue Lightררר Gallery 11:A Gentle Dyingררר Gallery 12:Dahlgrenררר Gallery 13:Roaming Visionsררר Gallery 14:Relectionsררר Gallery 15:Risings...

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