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A Day In The Life

morning saw her
making the bed
cleaning up the last
fragments of
memory that had
swept her
just last night
into his arms
those brutal dark trunks
holding her
like a prisoner
covering her moans
of exultation

in the early morning light
without makeup 
dripping from the inundation
she sees herself
just as unclad as she had been in his arms
against his dark skin
her lips splattered 
like some fragile egg
searching for the tongue
of pleasure
not only for her mouth
but for her soul
between her thighs
and his 
that is
between his thighs
the thighs of a stranger
there was an obscure obelisk
that had a soul of its own
and she knew the joys of
spirits gathering in the gloom
of penumbra
where not one but many
had made their mark
then climaxed their way to slumber
the throngs
all the obsolete ghosts
of ruthless men

in the mirror
that morning
in the mirror
she saw truth
the sallow eyes
the small hint of wrinkles curving her mouth like
a wicked twitch
the frown of anxiety 
from the superfluous work
she scorned
to make a decent living
the work so fly-by-night
that left her fifty bucks
a grudging grunt
so early in the hours of hot
hot june
where she spends
each day in her life
trying to forget
the brutality seething around her

carlyle miller Copyright © 1999

Gallery 1:A Sensuous Flyingררר Gallery 2:Through The Galactic Swirl ררר Gallery 3:Insectoid Politicsררר Gallery 4:Shapes Of Sanityררר Gallery 5:Open To Where?ררר Gallery 6:Void Of Forgivenessררר Gallery 7:Crescents & Wisdomררר Gallery 8:Images In Grayררר Gallery 9:Pranthru's Dreamsררר Gallery 10:Realm Of Blue Lightררר Gallery 11:A Gentle Dyingררר Gallery 12:Dahlgrenררר Gallery 13:Roaming Visionsררר Gallery 14:Relectionsררר Gallery 15:Risings...

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