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Through The Galactic Swirls


caught on the edge 
the vortex
concentrically spinning
it's passion
obedience to the galactic night
ties knots into mathematical formulae
of physics 
understood only by itself

through the galactic swirls
we're taken
molecule by molecule
stripped of our freedom
becoming one with the night
where darkness
holds only a candle of meaning
in the small insignificance
of a black hole
super nova


Come one
come all
to this place of metal and steel
of burning things
of modern molecules
place of the overblown sun
preparing to go supernova
smashing itself up against
the universe's wall
till multi-colored gases
expectorate with fissions
and fusions
and tiny particles
that fly away from this 
four chambered dwelling place
this heart
thup thump
thup thump
through the echoes of
cold space

revised 7/99
carlyle miller
Gallery 1:A Sensuous Flyingררר Gallery 2:Through The Galactic Swirl ררר Gallery 3:Insectoid Politicsררר Gallery 4:Shapes Of Sanityררר Gallery 5:Open To Where?ררר Gallery 6:Void Of Forgivenessררר Gallery 7:Crescents & Wisdomררר Gallery 8:Images In Grayררר Gallery 9:Pranthru's Dreamsררר Gallery 10:Realm Of Blue Lightררר Gallery 11:A Gentle Dyingררר Gallery 12:Dahlgrenררר Gallery 13:Roaming Visionsררר Gallery 14:Relectionsררר Gallery 15:Risings...

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