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Void Of Forgiveness



In the half-light of the marketplace
I can see myself burn-
totally consumed by stares of shoppers
and gift-seekers.
What shall I demand in return
for their vengeance that constantly
spoils me?
Like a fish out of water
I flap here and there.
In the bars I see painted ladies
and gay men in trim suits,
and thin ties
competing for the same lovers.
In the Bowery I hear bottles
calling my name.
Under the stairs, in darkness,
I'm merely a mortal man
gripping my battered suitcase
to the coldness of my flesh.

In the fullness of the morning light
a pigeon coos a name.
Sounds blend into the traffic on 59th and 5th
then dies suddenly-
as if it were never spoken.
The bird flies away leaving my
wispy presence to blend into the early
morning fog of Central Park.
Whose feet are these
that stumble through early spring
grass in this dying masquerade
of brick and steel?
It is mid-morning when I reach the
pond, and by afternoon, with the sun in
full bloom,
I learn of truth from the ripples
created by contaminated fish.
That name was mine the pigeon cooed.
This face, etched by the cumulative showers
of spring, is also mine-
desolate and disfigured.

Stations flash pass my memory
into the interminable cacophony
of N.Y.C.
They blend with the throng of millions.
How can recognition come with
such competition,
and who will be the judge?
It's like the shopping center's
giving and taking:
the eyes of whites burning me with suspicion;
the eyes of blacks wondering who this
unkempt nigger is.
What is the price for this
harlequin nightmare?
Can I find redemption in Macy's
and Bloomingdale's-
perhaps through Gillette and Barbasol?
Not even the waters of Central Park
would recognize me.
Then I'd have to strive again
merely for the recognition of myself.

I float into the nightmares of my past.
Finally, fully dark, the city comes alive.
The Bronx is stilled by gutted buildings
where only streetlights follow the rules,
and men no longer live to give orders.
Is this the secret of my past-
a two bedroom walk-up in the
Bronx where my mother used to cry,
and the four of us (and a cat) cringed
in the corner-lest her tears drown us?
All my friends were dead before they
were friends-
the vicious politics of America
and its unique relationship to blacks!
The jails hold them now in more
freedom than I'll ever have
standing here, lost among crowds
in the bilingual Bronx,
watching/feeling the fires burn.

I see the meteor fall out of near darkness
into light.
Streaked clouds over the George Washington Bridge,
hide the intermittent secret
of my birth.
This was the revelation of my mother's
my head ripping through her flesh;
trailing blood like a wounded animal.
The details of who I am are slim,
but she held me to her breast
and loved me as her own.
What is alienation?
It is just that-
or just a black man (any black)
without a fare in America
and not begging to have one.

Darkness descends on the city
like a coffin top at funeral's end.
The ghouls prey,
and I, among them,
become the night hunter of myself.
Central Park's ponds have not answered
the question
of who I am.
The answer is not even formed on
my lips-nor noticed in the ripples
of water.
Even the marketplace has turned against
no more burning stares-
just coldness in the eyes
that say I'm not there.
Have I ever been?
Spring is summer now,
but the city is insane
and as frantic as the drunken
imagination in my shelter
below the stairs.
Seasons change-situations don't.
I fart in the silence of my

The questions remain the same,
yet the streets appear a bit
brighter in the
half-light of this "golden age"
where no one-
not a one-
can even find the source
of radiance.


Gallery 1:A Sensuous Flyingררר Gallery 2:Through The Galactic Swirl ררר Gallery 3:Insectoid Politicsררר Gallery 4:Shapes Of Sanityררר Gallery 5:Open To Where?ררר Gallery 6:Void Of Forgivenessררר Gallery 7:Crescents & Wisdomררר Gallery 8:Images In Grayררר Gallery 9:Pranthru's Dreamsררר Gallery 10:Realm Of Blue Lightררר Gallery 11:A Gentle Dyingררר Gallery 12:Dahlgrenררר Gallery 13:Roaming Visionsררר Gallery 14:Relectionsררר Gallery 15:Risings...

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