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Crescents & Wisdom


Charmaine's Hands

touched my face
without recoil
without expectation
little softly
spread happiness with her
in her hands
she held miracles
melted snow
freshly picked vegetables
glowing incense passed in


No Combination

Two sitting-talking literature:
lesbians and marriage/
light/dark-skinned niggers/
black women raped by white men
(as if this isn't logical).
What is real to you, black man?
A re-entry of thought:
black spirituals;
swing low sweet chariots
as people with voices and trumpets
harmonize and doo-woop.
Voices remote, moved-analyzed?
An article read in the Village Voice-
brothers break-dancing
as the contortions of their black bodies
analyze an art form.
What is their definition of art?
Is ours valid by letting it be?
Some brothers at 2 Penn Plaza
with boxes and movement-
I just sat there and looked at them.
Did you notice that?
Five Smooth Stones started
then put down again
like the Man?
You know,
the nigger that becomes
Certain things have to be read
when they are written.
If they're read later, they become
dated and historical pieces.
The Beatles and Elvis Presley
(wriggling his hips)-
were once great, but now foolish.
But I read them in a setting
of history.
Did the Man have an impediment?
Was his dark skin his weakness?
Did Irving Wallace say that
or mean it?



Sara is a statue in the sand.
She lies on the seashore in
howling wind/
rising tides/
swollen with pregnant waves.
Head bowed,
belly flat against
the curve of earth's gentle flowing-
a child's frivolousness with a
gigantic beach ball.
Bowed head
between her arms/
legs crossed/
mouth wrapped as with bandages,
lips parted enough to
taste the sea breeze-
tears dropping emeralds
from the eyes.
torn apart like
sutures from an angry wound.
could be as a pillar of salt:
Lot wouldn't have known the difference
if he had not looked back!
Sara is a statue in the sand-
washed ashore by life's whirlpool/
a leaf plucked by a tornado/
a failing lover with her mate.
Bowed head/
wrapped in her bandaged paradise/
impregnated by the
pregnant waves.


Prayer To Art

In framed silence
art speaks to me-
photos of mankind's
Collages of strife
engulf the colors and
sets themes
I cannot remember
ever being there.
Surround me with tones
and prismed hues.
Give me the chance
to see myself
as reflections in mirrors-
not strokes on used canvasses
that hide my imperfections
behind dark paints
and wet-white light!

Gallery 1:A Sensuous Flyingררר Gallery 2:Through The Galactic Swirl ררר Gallery 3:Insectoid Politicsררר Gallery 4:Shapes Of Sanityררר Gallery 5:Open To Where?ררר Gallery 6:Void Of Forgivenessררר Gallery 7:Crescents & Wisdomררר Gallery 8:Images In Grayררר Gallery 9:Pranthru's Dreamsררר Gallery 10:Realm Of Blue Lightררר Gallery 11:A Gentle Dyingררר Gallery 12:Dahlgrenררר Gallery 13:Roaming Visionsררר Gallery 14:Relectionsררר Gallery 15:Risings...

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