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Since october 18th 1999

Hey, these are some of my Disney drawings I have created myself on the computer with a mouse, please feel free to use these at your site, but please e-mail me first letting me know that you have, also, please sign my guestbook. I have started drawing on the computer since about five or six months ago, my first drawing was of course, of Ariel! Sadly it got deleted, and I didn't even upload it because I did'nt have AOL, or internet, or a webpage. As you can see, most of the drawings in this page are of that little mermaid and if you saw my sketch pads, you'd also notice that almost all of them where of Ariel, I don't know why I love to draw her so much, she is very inspireational to me, infact, if I would have never seen "The Little Mermaid" I dont think I would have even started to draw! I first started drawing when I was in kindergarten, I drew really well, but I really started getting really good in 4th grade, now I am still not the best at it, but a lot of people that I know think that I am ONE of the best artist in the school, or close.

Finally, if I get a scanner, which my mom ordered for me, I will scan all my drawings and put them in this page.

Lisa's Wonderful World of Disney->She created a page for me:)Click here:)Thats nice of her:)

Have fun, and enjoy your visit to my Secret Grotto of computer art!

~Go to my FORUM!!!

Some scaned sketches

Click on the image to the right to view my animations page, it doesnt have so many yet, since they take so long to make and one carries about 8 frames some take less...but some take more, I will make a lot more animations, but when I get the time to, since I have so much homework and I have to practice my instument, as soon as the time I will:D

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I hope you liked my art work that i drew on the computer!

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Now that i've seen everything, GETME OUTTA HERE!!:D I'll be back though:)
