GC ELECTRONICS 1801 Morgan St., P.O. Box 1209 Rockford IL 61101 TEL: (800) 435-2931, (815) 968-9661 FAX: (815) 968-9731 Power plugs, dummy loads, antenna parts, chemicals, connectors, tuning tools, etc.
GOLD LINE P.O. Box 500 West Redding CT 06896 TEL: (203) 938-2588 FAX: (203) 938-8740 www.gold-line.com Dummy loads, antenna parts, connectors, etc.
J.W. MILLER div. Bell Industries 306 E. Alondra Bl. Gardena CA 90247 TEL: (310) 515-1720 FAX: (310) 515-1962 www.jwmiller.com Specializes in TVI, RFI, and AC interference filters and RF coils.
RADIO SHACK nationwide www.radioshack.com Your local R/S has a wide variety of parts, CB equipment, and even some new toroid filters for TVI and RFI. (Cat. #273-104). Check with their national parts center: 1-800-THE SHACK (800-843-74225)
AUSTRALIA: DICK SMITH ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. P.O. Box 321 North Ryde 2113 NSW TEL: 61-(02) 888-3200 www.dse.com.auEUROPE / NETHERLANDS AVERA BV Attn: Piet Evers Postbus 9538 4836 LG Breda TEL: 31-076-596-3820 FAX: 31-076-596-3833 www.avera.nl Big distributor of export radios, repair parts, service manuals, etc.http://dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy /Companies/News_and_Media/Radio/Amateur_ Radio/Retailers/COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS INC. P.O. Box 1045 Ann Arbor MI 48106 TEL: (800) 872-7226, (313) 996-8888 FAX: (313) 663-8888 www.usascan.comSCANNER WORLD USA 10 New Scotland Av. Albany NY 12208 TEL: (518) 436-9606 www.scannerworld.comTHOMAS DISTRIBUTING 128 E. Wood St. Paris IL 61944 (800) 821-2769, (888) 422-7234 www.thomas-distributing.comCB & RADIO EQUIPMENT U.S.A. WHOLESALE NOTE: The companies in this category are strictly wholesale, and won't give you the time of day unless you're a quantity purchaser.
DRAGON DISTRIBUTING 411 Kansas City Ave. Excelsior Springs MO 64024 TEL: (800) 825-3746, (816) 630-6011 FAX: (816) 630-0968 www.dragondistributing.comH&Y ELECTRICAL SUPPLY P.O. Box 39322 Louisville KY 40233 TEL: (800) 638-5451, (502) 231-2931 FAX: (502) 231-2986 www.hyelectronics.comM.J. PRODUCTS (formerly C.C. Distributing) 115 W. La Cadena Dr. #302 Riverside CA 92501 TEL: (800) 232-7020, (909) 786-3700 FAX: (909) 786-9364 www.mjproducts.comRAMKO DISTRIBUTING INC. 3840 LaGrange St. Toledo OH 43612 TEL: (800) 284-7441, (419) 470-1802 FAX: (419) 470-1802STUART ELECTRONICS 79-12 Parsons Bl. Flushing NY 11366 TEL: (800) 221-0150, (718) 591-9700 FAX: (718) 591-5609 www.stuartelectronics.comTALLEY COMMUNICATIONS Main warehouse: 12866 Ann St., Bldg. 1, Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 TEL: (800) 949-7089, (562) 906-8000 FAX: (562) 948-3126 www.talleycom.com Phoenix AZ: (800) 949-7069, (602) 254-1133 San Diego CA: (800) 949-7059, (619) 546-0355 Hayward CA (800) 949-7049, (510) 783-2111V.W. DISTRIBUTORS 7525 Rosecrans Bl. Paramount CA 90723 TEL: (310) 602-1122, FAX: (310) 602-1611CB MANUFACTURERS ANTENNAS & ACCESSORIES
ANTENNA SPECIALISTS CO. Div. Allen Telecom Group Inc. 30500 Bruce Industrial Pkwy. Cleveland OH 44139 TEL: (800) 321-9977, (216) 349-8400 FAX: (216) 349-8692 www.antenna.comASTATIC CORP. 341 Harbor St. Conneaut ON 44030 TEL: (216) 593-1111 FAX: (216) 593-5395 www.astatic.comGALAXY RADIOS Sorry, address is still a mystery! Contact by phone or Internet only. (760) 480-8800 www.galaxyradios.comHUSTLER INC. #1 New-Tronics Pl. Mineral Wells TX 76067 TEL: (940) 325-1386 FAX: (940) 328-1409 www.new-tronics.comJO GUNN ENTERPRISES Rt.1 Box 32-C, Hwy. 82 Ethelsville AL 35461 TEL: (205) 658-2229 FAX: (205) 658-2259 www.jogunn.comK-40 ELECTRONICS 1500 Executive Dr. Elgin IL 60123 TEL: (800) 323-6768, (708) 888-7200 FAX: (708) 888-7094 www.k40.comSHAKESPEARE CO. 19845 US Hwy. 76 / P.O. Box 733 Newberry SC 29108 TEL: (800) 800-9008, (803) 276-5504 FAX: (803) 276-8940 www.shakespeare-ef.comSIGNAL ENGINEERING 2624 Fayette Dr. Mountain View CA 94040 TEL: (415) 948-3833 www.signalengineering.comTURNER/HYGAIN c/o TELEX COMMUNICATIONS 8601 E. Cornhusker Hwy. Lincoln NE 68505 TEL: (402) 467-5321 FAX: (402) 467-3279 www.hy-gain.comVALOR ENTERPRISES INC. 1711 Commerce Dr. Piqua OH 45356 TEL: (800) 543-2197, (937) 778-0074 FAX: (937) 778-0259 www.poncede.com/valor.htmWILSON ANTENNA INC. 3301 E. Deseret Dr. St. George UT 84790 TEL: (800) 541-6116 www.wilsonantenna.comCB MANUFACTURERS RADIOS
Following are the manufacturers still actively engaged in the CB business who can provide most parts and service manuals for their radios.Remember, you can often find a part from an extinct manufacturer if it has a counterpart among current makers. For example, let's say you need the binary Channel Selector switch from a Lafayette HB740 Cybernet type radio, a chassis sold under dozens of other names too. You can probably order this from G.E. or Midland by specifying one of their own chassis model numbers.COBRA ELECTRONICS 6500 W. Cortland Chicago IL 60607 TEL: (800) 262-7222, (773) 889-8870 Also: (800) 622-6272 (Voice) & (773) 889-6343 (FAX) direct to Parts Dept. www.cobraelectronics.comMAXON AMERICA INC. 10828 NW Airworld Dr. Kansas City MO 64153 TEL: (800) 922-9083, (816) 891-1093 FAX: (816) 891-8815 www.maxonusa.comMIDLAND CONSUMER RADIO 1670 N. Topping Kansas City MO 64120 TEL: (800) 669-4569, (816) 241-8500 FAX: (816) 241-5713 www.midlandradio.comPRESIDENT ELECTRONICS EUROPE (non-U.S.A. export models only) Route de Sete - BP 100 F-34540 Balaruc, FRANCE TEL: (67) 462727 FAX: (67) 484849 www.president-electronics.com PRESIDENT (U.S.A.) - See UNIDENRADIO SHACK (Nationwide.) You can generally order a specific service manual or parts through your local R/S store, or call their national parts center in Texas: 1-800-THE SHACK (800-843-74225) www.radioshack.comREGENCY - See UNIDENUNIDEN CORP. OF AMERICA 4700 Amon Carter Rd. Fort Worth TX 76155 Parts-Voice: (800) 297-1023, (817) 858-3300 Parts-FAX: (800) 323-2641, (817) 858-3849, (817) 858-3927. www.uniden.com This address is also where you would ship their legal U.S. only CB models for repair. (Don't bother trying to send "export" CBs; they'll deny their existence and send them back to you.)CB RADIO ORGANIZATIONS
REACT INTERNATIONAL INC. 5210 Auth Rd. #403 Suitland MD 20746 TEL: (301) 316-2900 FAX: (301) 316-2903 www.reactintl.org
SAMS CB "FOTOFACTS" HOWARD W. SAMS CO. 2647 Waterfront Parkway E. Dr. Indianapolis IN 46214 TEL: (800) 255-6989, (317) 298-5400 www.hwsams.comSAMS finally stopped publishing the CB series of Fotofacts in 1981, after 293 volumes. But some are still in print, particularly for the most popular current U.S. models. Each Fotofacts has three or four radios in it. Once you know which models are identical, you can buy just those you actually need, without duplicating any. Try to copy the model index from Volume #293, which lists every radio model they ever covered.They will sell you photocopies of out-of-print Fotofacts. But be prepared to pay about $20 each; there's no other way to get them now.NOTE: The address above is only for the Fotofacts books. For many years SAMS had published many other great electronic titles. That book division was sold to MacMillan, and you can still order those books directly:MacMILLAN PUBLISHING CO. 11711 N. College Av. Carmel IN 46032 TEL: (800) 428-5331, (317) 573-2500 FAX: (317) 573-2583 www.macmillan.comFor many other titles of interest to radio technicians as well as general electronics, servicing, and computers, TAB is another of the major publishers:TAB BOOKS, ELECTRONIC BOOK CLUB (now div. of McGraw-Hill Publishing) P.O. Box 509 Blacklick OH 43004 TEL: (800) 262-4729, (614) 759-3666 FAX: (614) 759-3749 www.books.mcgraw-hill.comMany beginners ask us where they can find books on subjects like how to read schematics, electronics terms, how to use an oscilloscope, etc. Both TAB and MacMillan both offer titles on these and many related subjects.
FCC COMMERCIAL LICENSE Q&A GUIDES AMECO PUBLISHING 224 E. 2nd St. Mineola NY 11501 TEL: (516) 741-5030, 741-5031 www.amecocorp.com If you want the FCC ticket, memorize the questions and answers in these excellent guides. If you want the theory behind the answers, they have those books too. Their books are sold in most Ham radio stores. (See that section too.)GENERAL RADIOTELEPHONE LICENSE HANDBOOK (ISBN #0-672-21930-1) HOWARD W. SAMS CO. Address above. Another excellent Q&A/Theory book for the Commercial FCC license exams.
The following companies are still willing to sell special-order crystals to individuals in small quantities. Expect to wait 2-4 weeks.CRYSTEK CORP. 2351/2371 Crystal Dr. Ft. Myers FL 33907 TEL: (800) 237-3061, (813) 936-2109 FAX: (813) 939-4226 www.crystek.comINTERNATIONAL CRYSTAL MFG. 10 N. Lee Av. / P.O. Box 26330 Oklahoma City OK 73102 TEL: (800) 426-9825, (405) 236-3741 FAX: (800) 322-9426, (405) 235-1904 www.icmfg.comJAN CRYSTALS 2341 Crystal Dr. Ft. Myers FL 33907 TEL: (800) 526-9825, (813) 936-2397 FAX: (813) 936-3750ELECTRONIC PARTS NEW
ALL ELECTRONICS CORP. P.O. Box 567 Van Nuys CA 91408 TEL: (800) 826-5432, (818) 904-0524 FAX: (818) 781-2653 www.allcorp.comALLIED ELECTRONICS (over 80 locations all over the U.S.) Main HQ: 7410 Pebble Dr. Fort Worth TX 76118 TEL: (800) 433-5700, (817) 336-5401 FAX: (817) 595-6444 www.avnetallied.comCIRCUIT SPECIALISTS INC. P.O. Box 3047 Scottsdale AZ 85271 TEL: (800) 528-1417, (602) 464-2485 FAX: (602) 464-5824 www.cir.com A great source for all general replacement parts like Japanese and American semiconductors, capacitors, resistors, coils, etc. They mirror much of Mouser's stock, plus lots of their own specials. We buy many CBCI kit parts here.DICK SMITH ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. P.O. Box 321 North Ryde 2113 NSW Australia TEL: 61-(02) 9937-3200 FAX: 61-(02) 9888-3631 www.dse.com.au These guys are the "Radio Shack" of Australia & New Zealand, with hundreds of stores and some unique, special items just for radio people.DIGIKEY CORP. 701 Brooks Av. South / P.O. Box 677 Thief River Falls MN 56701 TEL: (800) 344-4539, (218) 681-6674 FAX: (218) 681-3380 www.digikey.com Huge inventory of all kinds of general parts, especially the cheaper Japanese types. Also some TOKO coils and transformers used in CB radios. Similar to Circuit Specialists and Mouser. We buy many kit parts here.JAMECO ELECTRONICS 1355 Shoreway Rd. Belmont CA 94002 TEL: (800) 831-4242, (415) 592-8097 FAX: (800) 237-6948, (415) 592-2503 www.jameco.comMOUSER ELECTRONICS 958 N. Main St. Mansfield TX 76063 TEL: (800) 346-6873, (817) 483-4422 (800) 992-9943 to get a catalog only FAX: (817) 483-0931 www.mouser.com One of the biggest. Fast shipping and rarely out of stock on items. We buy many kit parts here.NEMAL ELECTRONICS INC. 12240 NE 14th Av. N. Miami FL 33161 TEL: (800) 522-2253, (305) 893-3924, (305) 899-0900 FAX: (305) 895-8178 www.nemal.com Specializes in RF connectors and coax.NEWARK ELECTRONICS Stores all over the U.S. Main HQ: 4801 N. Ravenswood Av. Chicago IL 60640 TEL: (800) 281-4320, (312) 784-5100 FAX: (312) 275-9050 www.newark.comPARTS EXPRESS INC. 340 E. 1st St. Dayton OH 45402 TEL: (800) 338-0531, (937) 222-0173 FAX: (937) 222-4644 www.parts-express.comQUEMENT ELECTRONICS 1000 S. Bascom Av. / P.O. Box 6000 San Jose CA 95128 TEL: (408) 998-5355 FAX: (408) 292-9920 www.quement.comRF CONNECTION 213 N. Frederick Av. #11 Gaithersburg MD 20877 TEL: (800) 783-2666, (301) 840-5477 FAX: (301) 869-3680 www.therfc.com Specializes in RF connectors and coax.RF PARTS CO. 435 S. Pacific St. San Marcos CA 92069 TEL: (800) 737-2787 strictly orders only! (760) 744-0700 all other questions FAX: (760) 744-1943 www.rfparts.com Specialists in Motorola line of RF power transistors, and RF tubes. They have many hard-to-find linear parts and schematics. TRI-POWER RF AMP construction plans.
CONTACT EAST 335 S. Willow St. / P.O. Box 786 North Andover MA 01845 TEL: (800) 225-5370, (508) 682-2000 FAX: (508) 688-7829JENSEN TOOLS INC. 7815 S. 46th St. Phoenix AZ 85044 TEL: (800) 426-1194, (602) 968-6231 FAX: (800) 366-9662, (602) 438-1690 www.jensentools.comTECHNI-TOOL 5 Apollo Rd. / Box 368 Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 TEL: (610) 825-4990 FAX: (610) 828-5623 www.techni-tool.com
NOTE: The best overall sources for parts,test equipment, and changing electronic technology were the sister magazines published by Gernsback, ELECTRONICS NOW (formerly RADIO-ELECTRONICS) and POPULAR ELECTRONICS. As of January, 2000, they're being combined into a single new hands-on magazine called POPTRONICS. If you had to pick just one magazine to maintain your electronics education, this is it!POPTRONICS (formerly ELECTRONICS NOW & POPULAR ELECTRONICS) 500-B Bi-County Bl. Farmingdale NY 11735 TEL: (516) 293-3000 FAX: (516) 293-3115 www.gernsback.comELECTRONIC SERVICING & TECHNOLOGY c/o CQ COMMUNICATIONS INC. 25 Newbridge Rd. Hicksville NY 11801 TEL: (516) 681-2922 FAX: (516) 681-2926POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS c/o CQ Communications Inc. 25 Newbridge Rd. Hicksville NY 11801 TEL: (516) 681-2922 FAX: (516) 681-2926 www.popularcommunications.com
MONITORING TIMES MAGAZINE GROVE ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 98 Brasstown NC 28902 TEL: (800) 438-8155, (704) 837-9200 FAX: (704) 837-2216 www.grove-ent.com
M.J. PRODUCTS (formerly C.C. Distributing) 115 W. La Cadena Dr. #302 Riverside CA 92501 TEL: (800) 232-7020, (909) 786-3700 FAX: (909) 786-9364 www.mjproducts.comMCM ELECTRONICS INC. 650 E. Congress Park Dr. Centerville OH 45459 TEL: (800) 543-4330, (513) 434-0031 FAX: (513) 434-6959 www.mcmelectronics.com Major source for Japanese transistors and ICs, large selection of connectors and name-brand test equipment.TOKO AMERICA INC. 1250 Feehanville Dr. Mt. Prospect IL 60056 TEL: (847) 297-0070 FAX: (847) 699-7864 www.tokoam.com The major manufacturer of virtually all the tuned coils and transformers used in CB radios.WORLDWIDE COMPONENT DISTRIBUTORS 18 Stern Av. Springfield NJ 07081 TEL: (800) 222-6268, (973) 467-6264 FAX: (973) 467-8519 www.quikpage.com/W/wrldcomp
The Internet is the best place to find all kinds of sources and general information on Amateur radio. Perhaps the best starting place of all is:AMATEUR ELECTRONIC SUPPLY (AES) 5710 W. Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee WI 53223 TEL: (800) 558-0411, (414) 358-0333 FAX: (414) 358-3337 www.aesham.com Also stores in: Wickliffe OH (800) 321-3594 (216) 585-7388 Orlando FL (800) 327-1917 (407) 894-3238 Las Vegas NV (800) 634-6227 (702) 647-3114 Clearwater FL (813) 461-4237BURGHARDT AMATEUR CENTER 182 N. Maple Watertown SD 57201 TEL: (800) 927-4261, (605) 886-7314 FAX: (605) 886-3444 www.burghardt-amateur.comTHE HAM STATION 220 N. Fulton Av. Evansville IN 47710 TEL: (800) 729-4373 www.hamstation.comHAM RADIO OUTLET West: (800) 854-6046 Mountain: (800) 444-9476 Southeast: (800) 444-7927 Mid-Atlantic: (800) 444-4799 Northeast: (800) 644-4476 New England: (800) 444-0047 www.hamradio.com Nationwide stores located in: Anaheim CA (714) 533-7373 Atlanta GA (404) 263-0700 Burbank CA (818) 842-1786 Denver CO (303) 745-7373 Newcastle DE (302) 322-7092 Oakland CA (510) 534-5757 Phoenix AZ (602) 242-3515 Portland OR (503) 598-0555 Salem NH (603) 898-3750 San Diego CA (619) 560-4900 Sunnyvale CA (408) 736-9496 Woodbridge VA (703) 643-1063HENRY RADIO 2050 S. Bundy Dr. Los Angeles CA 90025 TEL: (800) 877-7979, (310) 820-1234 FAX: (310) 826-7790 www.henryradio.comJUN'S ELECTRONICS 5563 Sepulveda Bl. Culver City CA 90230 TEL: (800) 882-1343, (310) 390-8003 FAX: (310) 390-4393 www.juns.comLENTINI COMMUNICATIONS 21 Garfield St. Newington CT 06111 TEL: (800) 666-0908, (860) 666-6227 www.lentinicomm.comOKLAHOMA COMM CENTER 13424 Railway Dr. Oklahoma City OK 73114 TEL: (800) 765-4267, (405) 748-3066 FAX: (405) 748-3077 www.puka.com:80/okcommHAM RADIO LICENSING & STUDY GUIDES
AMECO PUBLISHING 224 E. 2nd St. Mineola NY 11501 TEL: (516) 741-5030, 741-5031 They make some of the best Q&A Guides for passing all levels of the FCC Ham tests. Their books are carried in most Ham Radio stores.AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE 225 Main St. Newington CT 06111 TEL: (203) 666-1541 FAX: (203) 665-7531 www.arrl.org This is the voice of Amateur radio lobbying, and their Web site includes a list of many more Ham dealers than we have room for here!GORDON WEST RADIO SCHOOL 2414 College Dr. Costa Mesa CA 92626 TEL: (714) 549-5000, (714) 434-0666 www.gordonwestradioschool.comSUCCESS EASY HYPNOSIS CENTER Learn Morse Code the Easy Way! 123 NW 13th St. Boca Raton FL 33432 (561) 417-7731 FAX: (561) 417-7732 www.qth.com/cweasyW5YI MARKETING P.O. Box 565101 Dallas TX 75356 TEL: (800) 669-9594, (817) 461-6443 FAX: (817) 548-9594 www.w5yi.org
CQ MAGAZINE c/o CQ Communications Inc. 25 Newbridge Rd. Hicksville NY 11801 TEL: (516) 681-2922 FAX: (516) 681-2926 www.cq-amateur-radio.comQST MAGAZINE American Radio Relay League (ARRL) 225 Main St. Newington CT 06111 TEL: (860) 594-0200 FAX: (860) 594-0303 www.arrl.org73 AMATEUR RADIO TODAY WGE Publishing Inc. 70 Rt. 202 North Peterborough NH 03458 TEL: (800) 274-7373, (603) 924-0058 FAX: (603) 924-9327 www.waynegreen.comWORLDRADIO 2120 28th St. Sacramento CA 95818 TEL: (800) 365-7827, (916) 457-3655 www.wr6wr.com
CIE / CLEVELAND INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS 1776 E. 17th St. Cleveland OH 44197 TEL: (800) 243-6446, (216) 781-9400 www.cie-wc.eduHEATH CO. ("HEATHKIT") Benton Harbor MI 49022 TEL: (800) 444-3284, (800) 253-0570 www.heathkit.com Heath now specializes in self-study electronics courses. You build a breadboard trainer to use with them. The programmed learning method, where you must actually make a written response, is much more effective than just reading a book. A reasonable price to pay for your education.NRI SCHOOLS 4401 Connecticut Av. NW Washington DC 20078 TEL: (800) 321-4634, (202) 244-1600 www.nri-schools.com
SEMICONDUCTOR PARTS SUBSTITUTION BOOKS Always have a copy of the latest ECG, NTE, or SK-SERIES replacement guides handy, since most Japanese parts have American equivalents. You can usually buy these guides directly from the publishers, or their distributors.ECG REPLACEMENT GUIDE 1001 Snapp Ferry Rd., Plant #2 Greenville TN 37745 TEL: (800) 526-9354, (423) 636-5104 FAX: (800) 346-6621 www.ecgproducts.comNTE REPLACEMENT GUIDE NTE ELECTRONICS INC. 44 Farrand St. Bloomfield NJ 07003 TEL: (800) 683-6837, (973) 748-5089 FAX: (973) 748-6224 www.nteinc.comTCE-SK REPLACEMENT GUIDE THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS Distributor & Special Products Division 2000 Clements Bridge Rd. Deptford NJ 08096 TEL: (856) 853-2449 to order a disk. Now on disk only. Call for details.PUBLICATIONS BUY, SELL, & SWAP EQUIPMENT
AMATEUR RADIO TRADER P.O. Box 3729 Crossville TN 38557 TEL: (800) 774-2623, (615) 484-5137 FAX: (800) 423-9030, (615) 484-2532 www.hamtrader.com Huge magazine dedicated to buy/sell/swap of Ham gear & all other electronic equipment.HAM TRADER YELLOW SHEETS P.O. Box 2057, Glen Ellyn IL 60138 or P.O. Box 15142, Seattle WA 98115 World's oldest swap sheet for every conceivable kind of Ham & related radio gear. Send a large SASE for a free sample.NUTS & VOLTS 430 Princeland Ct. Corona CA 91719 TEL: (800) 783-4624, (909) 371-8497 FAX: (909) 371-3052 www.nutsvolts.com This is a very big swap magazine, with over 80,000 readers. Electronic parts, computers, ham, and surplus stores.
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