Please, be patient! 35 quilts are on this page, so it will take a little time to load.
Thank you to the 32 participants who contributed to the club EQ February Challenge.
February -- Y2K quilt The challenge for February was to make a quilt layout for the year 2000. You could design a quilt with 2000 pieces. You could collect blocks with names that are significant to this event, in your opinion. You could design something original. Something funky maybe. Futuristic. Whatever.
You could do something that has nothing obvious to do with the millennium
other than the subtle, |
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All files in this challenge can be opened in
Electric Quilt 4 & EQ5.
All files are EQ4, unless noted as EQ3 file.
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Quilt's clubEQ webpage for links to all of the challenges,
plus the rules for joining in on the fun.
MM=2000 2000 half-square triangles made up of scrapbag pieces. Each block is 50 pieces, and there are 40 blocks in the quilt. MM in Roman numerals means 2000. BarbV Illinois |
M&Ms for the Millennium After realizing that MM in Roman numerals was 2000, So...M&Ms... Blocks done in Applique Draw. BarbV Illinois |
This quilt will be made for the 1999 Quiltfest in Boerne, Texas. It will be a signature/raffle quilt. The snowball blocks & the white in the rails will be for signatures. You must pay $1.00 to sign name on quilt and the names will be kept until the first Saturday in May, 2000, when the winner of the quilt will be drawn.
Peggy Texas |
Each block has 25 pieces. 80 blocks x 25 pieces = 2,000 pieces in quilt.
Sheila Illinois |
Millennium quilt = 2001
Betty New Jersey |
Stairway to the Stars
All I thought of for the year 2000 was stars, stars and more stars-
JoAnn Ohio |
Happy Birthday 2000
Pat Illinois |
Sue Texas ask for y2k.prj |
Mercedes Iowa ask for my2k.prj |
Millennium Star - a star to guide us to the future
Millennium starts with M.
Janna California |
Deborah Georgia ask for y2kfeb.prj |
I think the y2k brouhaha is much ado about nothing. Life will
pretty much be the same as in the previous millennia. My quilt depicts fire, earth and some of earth's creatures, surrounded by water and air, which I predict to be as much of our future as they are of the past. 2,000 pieces in quilt.
Suzanne Florida |
Quilt contains 2,000 charms. The lighter squares in the 9-patch blocks are for signature squares that I've collected from y2k swappers all over the world. For a detailed description of "the how" of this quilt that Jennifer will be making in fabric, see her webpage:
Jennifer Kansas |
FarPoint Galaxy - for exploring space in the next millennium
I designed the central block, FarPoint for the 1st episode of "Star
Lillian Kentucky |
Another Message from Hal (y2k is not my fault)
2,000 squares in the center of quilt. Pat Florida |
Rose Flower Garden
2,000 pieces
At first I planned to do a Charm quilt using the twist block with all the
Charlotte Florida |
2,000 pieces
I love scrap quilts and have always wanted to do a pineapple.
Charlotte Florida |
I'm just about sick of millennium quilts, but the M&M's were cute,
so I decided to try. Since Barb Vlack used the M's, I decided to use four
500s (D's) instead. I didn't count the pieces in mine, so that has no
significance. I looked through Blockbase for a block, and couldn't resist
the one called Footprints through the sands of Time.
Martha Arkansas |
My design has 10 x 10 blocks of 20 pieces each, making 2000 pieces!
The movement in the design and the rainbow colours stand for the turmoil the world is in today and for the commotion about the millennium-problem.
Ingrid the Netherlands |
I work with computers all day and have to deal with the Y2K problem on
a regular basis. I have had it up to here with Y2K and am retiring to my
log cabin (fictional) until it is all over. It is an orderly area and the
around it is also orderly and restful. The further you get away from it,
the more chaotic things become. But it's OK because I am going to be as far
away from the chaos as possible.
Lauraleigh Ontario
Y to K
Lynne Florida |
This quilt is for the year 2000, to commemorate my 60th birthday (hence,
60 Blazing Star candles), the Olympic Games being held in my home city and the MillenniumBug, which I hope will not cause me any difficulties.
Judy Maraylya, Australia |
Road to a New Century
Blocks: Turn of the Century & Road to California
Lynne Western Australia |
Toward Y2Kaos
Lynne Western Australia |
Jaye California ask for clubeq2.prj |
This quilt was planned to help use up all those small scraps I seem to
collect. Never thought about a Y2K quilt & using 2,000 pieces until it
was mentioned on a quilt list. I did find out from designing this in
EQ that having a strong connecting line throughout the quilt would give it
some definition. Otherwise, it would be a jumbled mess.
Ellen Montana |
2000 M&M Pieces
The pieces of the M&M blocks total exactly 2000, that is why I added
Patti West Virginia |
The center white square of the block is for a signature block, making
this a friendship block.
Ethel Oregon
![]() |
I used a traditional block "World Without End" as my theme block. I had
to revamp some of the words I had first used, as I later recognized it in
part of someone's signature and was unable to contact her to get permission
to use similar wording.
Clarine Ontario |
Shows my hope for the new millennium - love and peace around the world.
Sue Connecticut |
Millennium Blues
June Ontario |
Sherry CA ask for febcleq.prj |
Hope to complete this king-sized quilt by New Year's Eve. The block is a variation of Going to Chicago. I'm exclusively using scraps - from previous quilting projects as well as clothing and home decorative items (curtains, placemats, pillows, etc.) that I've made in the past. Set in various orientations, the overall design is intended to resemble computer circuitry boards, the Y2K culprits :-) I designed the border fabric in EQ to mimic one I've created in reality - it's dyed, overdyed, discharged, and stamped; the background reads as navy blue, and "2000" appears in multiple hues in the gold family- with some small scattered stars.
Kathy Georgia
Annie Nevada ask for y2kquilt.prj |
Terry Oregon ask for y2k.prj |
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Quilt's clubEQ webpage for links to all of the challenges,
plus the rules for joining in on the fun.
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Page created February 11, 1999
Page updated
July 17, 2005
Pat, author of this page