Benedict XIV (1740-1758)
- Allatae Sunt - On the Observance of Oriental Rites (July 26, 1755)
- Apostolica Constitutio - On the Preparation for the Holy Year (June 26, 1749)
- A Quo Primum - On Jews and Christians (June 14, 1751)
- Cum Religiosi - On Catechesis (June 26, 1754)
- Ex Omnibus - On the Apostolic Constitution Ugenitus (October 16, 1756)
- Ex Quo - On the Euchologion (March 1, 1756)
- Magnae Nobis - On Marriage Impediments (June 29, 1748)
- Nimiam Licentiam - On the Validity of Marriages (May 18, 1743)
- Peregrinantes - On the Holy Year 1750 (May 5, 1749)
- Quanta Cura - On the Misuse of Alms and Stipends by the Clergy (June 30, 1741)
- Quod Provinciale - On the Use of Mohammedan Names in Muslim Territories (August 1, 1754)
- Ubi Primum - On the Duties of Bishops (December 3, 1740)
- Vix Pervenit - On Usury (November 1, 1745)
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