Minor Update 10/20/00
Sup, minor update today. I uploaded about 2.2 megs of pictures on another angelfire account. The image section will be up soon, i just have to write the HTML for the pages. Also my DSL will be installed on November 2nd so i will work hard to get more downloads up around that time.
Update 10/15/00!!!!!!!
Well hello everybody. Thought i was dead huh? Well i'm back again and i am going to try a second attempt to maintain this site regularly and update it. I havent updated this site in so long, i'm suprised anyone even comes here anymore. Anyways i am getting DSL pretty soon so expect some more movie clips uploaded. Oh yeah and about the movie clips, as well as the sounds, midi's, walpapers, and fonts, well they are down because they cancled my accounts so not much media for now. I spent like a friggin friggin month uploading that crap on 56k, and for what? Nothing. Oh well at least i'm making an effort to update this site so please check back regularly, i will be posting new graphix, adding missing sections, and other thing so make sure you check them out! later
Major Update 6/4/00!!!!!!!
Sup peeps, welcome to my new layout. This is my first update of the new millenium. I havent updated this site in the longest time because my stupid computer crashed. But now i'm back and better than ever and now I have a hella fast computer. Its been about 5 months since I updated but its been worth the wait because now i have this phat new layout. I hope you enjoy the new DaLasDon's DBZ Page. Not all of the sections are up but enjoy whats here!
Featured Site: Universal Saiyanz
Visit my good friend TiTo's site, it kicks major ass
Coming Soon: DaLasDon's Top 100 DBZ Pages
Be sure to drop me a line and tell me about my site
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