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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 12

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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This story is completely fictional!
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“We’re locked in!” JC said trying to pry open the door.
“What?!? How could that be?” Felicia said in disbelief.
“Well, you must have kicked back the door stopper without realizing it. I guess we’re just gonna have to wait until someone comes and gets us. Nick should be here soon, he told me he was gonna check up with me later.” JC said wiping a trickle of sweat off his face.
“How could you be so calm?!? It’s so hot in here; I’m gonna melt!” she worried.
“Just stay calm! Your right, it is hot in here.” he agreed.
“What are we gonna do until someone comes?” she asked.
“I know what I’m gonna do.” he said taking off his Nike t-shirt to reveal a white tank top. Felicia fell into a state of shock then quickly regained her consciousness. She tilted her head, to get a better look at him.
“What do I have two heads or something?” he asked tilting his head back at her.
“Oh,” she said stuttering. He laughed.
“Don’t worry, Nick should be here any minute?” he said as he gently touched her shoulder.
I hope he never comes! Felicia thought excitedly.

“Why do you have a folded up napkin in your pants?” Jackie asked puzzled.
Nick had gotten out of the shower and they were just about ready to go. Jackie decided to fix up the room a little, starting with Nick’s side. She was folding his clothes into a neat pile.
“Why are you looking in my stuff?” Nick countered, as he was putting some gel in his wet blond hair.
She threw what looked like an unused, clean napkin on his night stand, and continued folding the clothes.
“Okay I’m ready.” he said letting her observe his new hairdo.
“Nice,” she said barely looking, “here.” She threw him a towel to wipe his hands on.
“Nice? That’s the best you could do! I worked on this for a long time!” he said in disbelief while wiping his sticky hands.
“Oh shut up and stop complaining!” she hushed him.
Nick just stood there with his mouth hanging wide open.
“What are you trying to do, catch flies?” she teased him.
His eyes widened.“Just kidding!” she said and gave him a quick kiss.
“That’s what I thought.” he said teased back.
“Alright let’s go already!” she said.
Before they could dispute the topic, Jackie had pulled him by the arm out the door.

“Are we done here? I’m kinda tired of looking at stupid Cd’s.” Wanda said with a sigh.
“Yeah me, too. How about we go look for Nick and Jackie so we can open the doors for the party?” Brian asked her.
“Sure. I thought I heard her voice coming from outside, let’s look there first.” she offered.
Brian got up off the floor and held his hand out for her to take.
“I’m a big girl. I can do it by myself.” she said rising to her feet.
“Uh,...okay.” he said a little puzzled.
She headed toward the double doors and pushed through them with force. Brain followed behind her. A cool gush of wind blew up behing them, sending a huge wave to crash beside the ocean liner. Water that had sprayed up from the wave, wet Wanda’s open-toe shoes. “Shit!,” she cursed, “These are my favorite shoes!”
“What’s the big deal, they’re just a pair of shoes? It’s not like you can’t buy another pair.” Brian said, obviously not understanding the importance of her shoes.
She glared at him from the corner of her eye. Shivers went down Brian’s spine, her stare was so cold and icy.
“Sorry.” he muttered, with an attitude.
“What do you have to be sorry for?” she asked him, annoyed.
“Well, I obviously aggravated you somehow, and I’m sorry. That’s all.” he said trying to get on her good side again.
“Oh,...well then,..okay.” she said shaking her head. “Overthere!” he said pointing to something. Wanda could make out what the figure was inthe dark distance.
“What?” she asked, straining to see.
“Nick and Jackie.” Brian said as he grabbed her arm to lead her to them.
“Oh.” she said quietly, feeling a little stupid. Brian and Wanda rushed up to them in a panic. “What happened?” Nick asked confused. “Nothing.” Brian replied.
“What do you mean nothing? Your both practically outta breath, and you mean to tell me nothing happened?” Jackie asked them.
“Well maybe they were, know.” Nick said giggling and swinging his entwined hand with Jackie’s. “No. I don’t think so.” Wanda said shutting him up. “Uh-oh. What happened?” Jackie said sensing there was something wrong.
“She’s upset because her dumb shoes got wet.” Brian answered for her. Wanda gave him a hard cold stare he couldn’t shake off. Something was definitely wrong here. “Look Brian, I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m able to construct a full sentence by myself, so I don’t need you to answer for me! Got that?!?” she said nearly jumping down his throat.
“What the hell is your problem?!?” he said yelling back at her. “My problem is you!” she said raising her arms at him. “Well if you weren’t so.....” “Alright! That’s enough!” Nick said pushing Brian back away from her.
“Maybe you should go sit down somewhere.” Jackie suggested to Wanda. “Oh-no! Let him finish the sentence! If I wasn’t so what?” she asked furious, pushing her way past Jackie toward Brian.
“Stop already!” Nick said. Wanda stopped and started to go on and on about how she was being led on. Brian started saying stuff about how she flipped and started acting like a psychotic bitch. Sure enough at the mention of the word bitch, Wanda once again lept into action. Nick and Jackie pulled both of them apart; Nick told Brian to go see where JC was and cool off. “So are you gonna tell me what happened or do I have to guess?” Jackie asked her angered friend.
“It’s a long story that probably won’t make any sense to you, so I should just save my breath and not bother telling you.” she said with a long sigh.
“Tell me. I want to know.” she pleaded.
“Another time. Right now I just want to think about something other than Brian or anything that has to do with him.” she said getting up.
“So you probably don’t want to see me right now, you?” Nick asked getting up, too.
“Nah, you can stay.” she said cracking a smile.
“Why are you so dressed up?” Jackie asked her.
“Cause I felt like getting dressed up. I see you chose to be comfortable.” she said eyeing her.
“Well you know me.” Jackie said with a shrug.
“Hey Nick, the day you see this girl in something that actually fits her, give me a call.” Wanda said pointing over at her.
“I’ll do that.” he said laughing.
“Alright, alright. enough about me, let’s go see what’s the deal with this party.” she said grabbing Nick’s hand.
“Did they open the.................” Wanda’s sentence hung.

A throng of girls and guys were lined up in one huge line, waiting to be ushered in to the room where the party would be held. Some where smoking, others had obviously dedcided to get plastered before the party. Surprisingly enough, many of the people there were the same as or close to the ages of the three. The crowd was boisterous and appeared to be growing very impatient.
“Ohmigod.” Jackie’s mouth hung open.

“So, like, um, can we hang with you at the party? I think the doors are already opened.” Chrissy asked Suzy nervously.
“Yeah, sure. I doubt I’m gonna be a fun person to hang with though. I’m not really in the partying mood right now.” Suzy answered, remembering the fight she had earlier with Justin.
“Does he have a girlfriend?” Bethany asked, wiping a piece of wind-blown hair out of her face.
“Uh,” she said hanging on to the word, “yeah, he does. Your lookin’ at her.” Suzy said throwing her arms in the air then letting them hang by her sides.
“Uh.” Bethany said a little saddened.
“Disappointed?” Suzy said reading her expression. “Well,, if he’s happy with you then I’m happy for him.” Bethany answered in a happier tone.
“That’s good. Really. But where’s AJ? Now there’s someone to swoon over.” Chrissy said, not caring what the other girls were talking about. She stood up on her toes to scan the crowd looking for him.
“Last time I saw AJ he was talking to Nick and Jackie.” Suzy said amazed at how inconsiderate people could be.
“Nick! As in Carter?!? The dude from the BSB?!?” Chrissy exclaimed.
“Yeah, and his girlfriend Jackie.” she said a little annoyed by the girl.
“Who cares about his girlfriend! Once he takes another look at me, she’ll be a thing of the past.” Chrissy said extremely sure of herself. Suzy’s mouth dropped. Only if Jackie heard that one.
“What do you mean “who cares about his girlfriend”?!? I heard she’s one of the nicest girls they have ever met! She makes them personally respond to their fan mail and always gets autographs for the fans that ask her for them! She even keeps in contact and makes friends with the fans. Brian’s ditzy ex girlfriend Leigh-Ann never did any of that stuff!” Bethany said sticking up for Jackie.

It was definite; Chrissy had to go and Bethany had to stay.