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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 13

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
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“JC, I’m tired of playing 20 questions. Can’t you think of anything else to do?” Felicia said with a pout forming on her lips.
“Well, I could think of a thousand things for us to do, but I doubt your up for any of it.” he said coyly.
“JC, are you thinkin’ raunchy thoughts?” she said flirtatiously. He moved a little closer and Felicia could feel his hot breath against her bare shoulders.
“Depends?” he said moving close to her ear.
“Oh?” she said turning to face him.
“Are you willing to make my “raunchy thoughts” a reality?” he said gliding his hand down her arm.

“J, do you see that?!?” Nick said in disbelief.
“There must be at least 100 people there! What are we gonna do with all of them?” Jackie said tugging on his arm.
“You look so cute when you,......” Nick trailed off.
“OHMIGOD!” Wanda shouted pointing at the crowd and jumping up an down.
“What?!?” Jackie said trying to follow her finger.
“It’s Keith!” she said running over to the crowd.
“ Whoa, whoa, whoa! Keith who?!?” Brian said running after her.
“Oh no.” Jackie grumbled, hanging her head.
“What?!? I’m lost.” Nick said with a helpless look on his face.
“Keith is this guy Wanda and I know from our neighborhood. He went to this school we lived next to. He’s a friend of mine. She had, or should I say has, this huge crush on him.” she explained.
“Uh-oh. What are you gonna do?” he asked looking down at her.
“What do you mean “what am I gonna do ”? This is their problem, not mine. I’m sick and tired of trying to fix other people’s problems!” she sighed.
“Good for you.” he said smiling.
“What do you mean “good for me”?”
“Since you won’t be busy trying to fix their problems you can concentrate on ours.” he said smiling even wider.
“And what problem would that be?” she said taking his hand and sighing.
“The problem is we have to find some time for ourselves. You know, you, me, a bottle of champagne, a little music......” his sentence hung.
Jackie tilted her head back and laughed.
“You know the sad thing is that I think your actually serious.” she said wrapping her arms around his waist. She could smell his wonderful cologne.
“Oh, but I am,” he stared into her eyes, “I really am.”

“Well Bethany, do you want to come and hang out in my room until I change and head for the party?” Suzy asked the wide-eyed girl.
“Uh,...sure.” Bethany answered hesitantly, looking for a reaction from Chrissy.
“Hey, what about me?” Chrissy asked pouting.
“What about you?” Suzy answered in a sharp voice.
“Oh, I see. So your just gonna ditch me like that, Bethany, huh?” she demanded from her friend.
“Chrissy, your acting like a total stuck-up bitch! Why would I want you to tag along!” Bethany said finally sticking-up for herself.
“Fine, it’s not I ever really was your friend in the first place!” Chrissy stormed away.
“I thought she would never leave me alone.” Bethany told Suzy shyly, running her fingers through her hair.
“You know what, your not so bad. How about we grab a drink, I’ll do your makeup, and then we head for the dance floor?” Suzy suggested, placing an arm around Bethany's shoulders and leading her toward the elevator.
“I’d like that.” she said tucking away a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

“Keith! Keith!” Wanda shouted pushing girls outta her way.
“Wanda! Wanda!” Brian shouted pushing the girls that were pulling on his shirt, and drooling over him.
“Keith! ........ Keith, wait!” she said trying to follow the blond head walking through the crowd.
“Wanda, honey, I didn’t............”
That was it, one simple little scream would just about do it. Soon enough all hell would break loose.
“IT’S BRIAN!!!!!!!”
“Dammit!” Brian muttered under his breath. The boy’s security guards weren’t on the boat to protect them. Wanda heard the screams behind her, turned and saw Brian getting mobbed by a ton of girls.
“This wouldn’t happen if he didn’t look that good!” she thought aloud, knowing that the noble thing to do would to be to go back there and rescue him.
Am I a noble person? She thought to herself watching a girl jump on his back.
He’ll get ripped apart! she said shaking her head.
I guess I can add noble to my list of qualities. She decided.
“Excuse me! Coming through! Watch out!” she yelled pulling the girls off his back.
“Move it or lose it honey!” she said grabbing a hold of his arm. He mouthed the words thank-you to her. She waved a dismissive hand to him. They finally made it to a deserted place. They both were breathing heavily after the long bee-line they made for cover.
“That was ridiculous! And to think that you have to put up with that all the time!” she said leaning over the deck railing.
“I know.” he said still trying to catch his breath. She gave him a sympathetic look.
“Great! Look at my shirt!” he said looking down a his torn-up shirt.
“Oh man, maybe you should change before you decide to go head for the party.” she suggested.
“Yeah, I guess your right.” he said turning on his heel and walking away.
“Brian, wait!” she said running up to catch up with him.
“What?” he said sternly.
“I’m sorry about the way I acted before. I just......” she tried to explain.
“You just what?” he said still stern and confused, but lightening up a little. “Can’t explain what?” he asked now concerned.
“My behavior. I can’t explain my behavior. Can we just forget about that little scene we made in front of Nick and Jackie?” she asked.
“Sure...........but who’s Keith?” he questioned.
“Oh, a friend. Can we forget about that, too?” she inquired, batting her eyelashes and laughing.
“Sure, why not.” he said taking her perfectly manicured hand in his.

AJ sat back in his chair and wondered where everyone else was. The DJ had already gotten the party started and was blasting DMX’s “Ruff Ryder’s Anthem”. It was the remixed version. Outta the corner of his eye, he saw Joey, Lance, Kevin, and Howie walking toward him.
It’s about fuckin' time they got here! He thought.
“Hey McLean!” Joey shouted as he went over to say hi. The others followed.
“Yo, where were you guys? I’ve been waiting here for over twenty minutes.” he asked them, getting up to say hi.
“We were waiting to see if JC and Justin were gonna show up but they’re a no-show.” Lance cleared up for him and Joey.
“And Howie and I were talking to these girls so you know how it is.” Kevin said smoothly.
“Really, who?” AJ asked interested.
“Just these to girls that have rooms next to ours.” Howie said.
“Oh man! You had to see them. They were wearing these tight, tight, black pants and when they walked, if you tilted your head the right way you could see.........” Kevin’s sentence trailed off. The rest of them looked at him and started to laugh uncontrollably.
“What?!?” he demanded.
“Nuthin.” AJ managed to say in-between fits of giggles. Kevin gave the group of guys a fierce look and they retained their laughter. Now reggae blared from the speakers and guys and girls started dancing (or swaying rather).
“Where’s Brian, Justin, JC, and Nick?” Lance asked.
“With their women.” AJ said sighing.
“Ya know, the only things we ain’t got.” Howie said.
“Speak for yourself buddy.” Joey said turning to check out a girl.
“Howie, what do you mean “the only things we don’t have”? It’s more like the only thing you can’t get!” AJ said as the whole group once again erupted with laughter.
“I’m sorry guys, but that girl in the tube top is calling out my name!” Joey said leaving the group to go after the girl.
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen Joey’s game,’ it ain’t much. He’ll be back.” Lance said matter-of-factly.

She walked with grace toward the door marked “Ballroom”. The sound of reggae filled her ears and she started to sway her slim hips methodically. Before she even entered the room, the rhythm was caught up in her body and she had the music in her eyes. She flung open the double-doors and made the grand entertance she had hoped for. She was lost in such a deep trance, the girl crossing her path was completely oblivious to her.
“Watch it!” the platinum blond said spitefully.
“Sorry!” Emilie screamed over the loud music.

She quickly scanned the room, in search for at least one familiar face. No one. The dark room was big. Big enough to hold at least all the passengers aboard the great, white ship. How could she expect find anyone she knew? The room was heavily decorated to create a fun beach theme. Beach balls and all. Someone had certainly wasted their time! By the end of the night, half the stuff was either going to be popped, stolen, or demolished. But to Emilie it looked like a club more than anything else. It had all the things a club would have in it. People who couldn’t dance, guys holding up the walls as if they were going to topple over any minute, sluts, alcohol, drugs, gum stuck to the floor, a hot bartender, and most of all, people having a good time. The girls gave her dirty looks, obviously jealous of her natrually wonderful looks, and the guys undressed her with their eyes. A couple of times she had been tempted to say “Honey, you got a little drool right here.” See, Em wasn’t like that. She was completely unaware of her beauty, even though Jackie had informed her a million times a day. “Em, your totally model material!”
“I’m praying Nick will never wake up and see how pretty you are and drop me like a bad habit!”
“Your like every girls worst nightmare and every guys fantasy!”
Finally she saw someone she knew.
“AJ, wussup?!?”