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Words Just Aren't Enough - Chapter 14

He slid his hand down her shoulders to her waist. His other hand was busy playing with a curl hiding behing her neck. His lips were occupying hers. Her tongue playing with his. His hand slowly crept its way underneath her shirt. His fingers were fumbling with the clasp on the back of her deep blue lacey bra. Jackie pulled away realizing that they were in a public area. “Let’s go back to the room.” he said through pressed lips. His voice was deep and husky. “Nick, the party. Remeber?” She didn’t really want to stop. “Screw the party!” he said in-between kisses. “Nick!” she said surprised. She gently pushed him off of her. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. I guess we better go.” Now, with a wide smile spread across his face, he said, “Baby, I jus’ don’t wanna stop.” He ran a hand over his sikly blond locks. They walkled, hand in hand, toward the double glass doors and into the white hallway of the ship. “If it makes you feel any better, we can pick up where we left off tonight.” she promised, knowing he’d be happy with her decision. “Okay!” he said excitedly and quickened his pace. She laughed at his sudden rush of energy. “Is my lip gloss still there?” she said turning so he could get a good look. “Uh,...yeah. Except your it’s kinda smudged.” he said taking his thumb and trying to fix it for her. She stopped, looked in a mirror and reapplied the raspberry-flavored, gooey, pink stuff. She smacked her lips together and smiled. He laughed and grabbed her from behind. “C’mon,” she said, “Our presence is overdue.” “Our presence is overdue?” he questioned her, “Where do you come up with this stuff?” “I dunno.” she shrugged. “I think it’s all those friggin’ books you read! You go through ‘em like water!” She shrugged again. “Do you have a problem with that?” “Naw. It’s good to know my baby’s smart. Actually, I think it’s kinda sexy.” he said leaning in for a quick kiss. He kissed her again and she could feel his hands begin to feel her up and his tongue part her lips and enter her mouth. She stood on her tiptoes and drew her hands to his wide, athletic shoulders and then slid them around his neck. “Excuse me!” a male voice said. They both jumped. “Oh. I’m soooo sorry.” she apologized, turning to see none other than Mr. Tim Berkibile himself. “Tim!” Jackie squealed. “Hey J!” Tim said through a smile. Jackie jumped and gave him a friendly hug. “Hey Tim. Thanks for interrupting. I’ll be sure and remember this day the next time I catch you and Angie messin’ around backstage.” Nick said in a annoyed voice. Tim gave him a ha-ha kinda look. “Angie! Wussup?!?” she said extremely happy to see her favorite couple. “Nothin’ much. Where you two headed?” Angie asked gesturing to Nick. “The ballroom. You guys comin’?” Nick answered. “Nah. We gotta meet Tommy and the rest of the guys at the casino.” she said taking a long drag on her cigarette. “Oh. Okay. So hopefully we’ll catch ya later. Bye!” Jackie said before Nick started to drag her by the arm back down the hallyway. “Bye!” ________________________________________________________________________ Emile Parker walked up to him and gave him a great big bear hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was more like a brushing of her lips against his smooth cheek. “Hey man! Haven’t seen ya in awhile!” she exclaimed. “Yeah, I know. Where ya been?” AJ asked looking her up and down. Just before she got an answer he had to throw in, “ And you look amazing!” “Thanks.” she said feeling the redness creep up her neck. “Fine Em, just ignore us, why don’t cha!” Howie called from across the table behind them, pretending to pout. “Oh you know I can nevah leave you guys out!” she said walking over to greet them. “Have you seen Jackie?” Lance asked her. “No,..... why?” “Cos I wanted to see if she knew where JC and Justin are hiding?” “Oh......I think I heard them talking when I was walking over here, but when I went to turn around to check, I just saw a couple running off in the other direction. I’m guessing it was them.” she answered. “So Em,.....” AJ pulled at seat up for her and she sat . “....... you wouldn’t happen to know a beautiful, sexy girl that would like to meet a fine man, somewhat like myself?” AJ asked with a wicked grin spreading across his lips. “Nah,..... sorry. But...............” “SHE’S 13!” Joey yelled. Joey reentered the group with his flushed face hung low and a scowl spread across it. He was shocked and mortified. “Who was 13?!?” Kevin asked intriqued. “That stupid chick in the tube top!” “Ha. Ha. Don’t you feel like an ass?” “Oh your soooooo comforting. Thanks.” Joey snapped in a way-too sarcastic tone. “Anytime.” “You were hittin’ on a 13 year-old?!?” Emily’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s not like I knew she was 13! And if I did, I wouldn’t have asked her to come back to my.........” “Your what?!?” Emily felt like getting up and smaking him. How could he even think about trying to get a girl in bed the same night he met her? The nerve. “Nuthin’. You girls always gotta be defending each other. Maybe she would’ve wanted to............” Emily’s mouth hung wide open. She was disgusted. Men! Especially Joey! Who would’ve known? “She sure wasn’t built like a 13 year-old would be. She had the nicest rack. God! Would I have loved to get my hands on those!” “I’m outta here. You’re such a pig! I don’t believe you!” She was ready to bolt when a firm hand held her in her place. “C’mon Em, don’t leave me here with these pigs.” AJ said in his best inpression of a disgusted girl. “Oh alright. But no more talk about it!” She threw an icy glare in Joey’s direction. “All right!” he said throwing his arms up. ________________________________________________________________________ “Yeah, I’d like two strawberry daiquiris please.” Suzy asked the bartender. “No prob.” the gorgeous, tall, blond, muscular man said. He bent over behind him to fill the glasses with the slushy, red concoction. “Not bad.” Bethany said checking out his ass. Suzy smiled. “I couldn’t agree more!” “I’m sorry,.....did you say something?” he asked. “Uh,.....I....” Bethany’s face turned a shade that matched the color of the drinks. “She said wanted one of those ‘lil umbrella thingys that you guys put in the drinks.” Suzy covered up. He smiled and turned around again. “That smile makes me melt!” Bethany whispered. “Here ya go. Enjoy!” He flashed another heart-melting smile. Suzy sipped her cold drink. She leanded toward Bethany’s ear. “Ask him what’s his name?” “I couldn’t!” “Sure ya can!” Just as the girls were going to walk away Bethany turned and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch your name” “Brian.” he said smiling. “We’re definitely gonna have fun tonight!” Suzy said brightly. ________________________________________________________________________ He pulled her closer to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck to get extra close. Was she really going to do this? Did she want to? The questions kept running through Felicia’s mind. He ran his fingers through her silky brown hair and leaned in. “JC.” “What?” “I...I....I can’t.” “Why? What’s wrong?” “It’’s.. it’s jus’ that I already have a boyfriend.” “What?!?” He quickly unwrapped her arms from his neck and pulled back. Felicia hung her head low. She felt like the scum of the earth. What would Joseph do if he found out? “How could you lead me on like this?!? I thought you liked me! I was ready to start probing my tongue in your friggin’ mouth and now you come up with this boyfriend crap!” “I’m so sorry.” She couldn’t believe herself. How could she let this happen? She loved Joseph and she was unsure. Unsure of herself, her relationship, and her once undying love for him. She couldn’t hold back the stinging tears. She looked up at his hurt face and let them glide down. Slowly at first, afraid to let him see. “All right, it was a mistake but please don’t cry about it. As far as I’m concerned it didn’t happen. Okay?” JC felt like he shouldn’t be forgetting about it. He wanted to kiss her and it was her fault for not saying anything the boyfriend thing earlier. “Okay.” Felicia sucked it all in and wiped her eyes. She had to focus and forget. “Let’s get outta here.” JC said quickly changing the subject. ________________________________________________________________________ “I’ll be the one, I’ll be the light, where you can run to make it all right.....” Wanda sang as she waited for Brian to finish getting dressed. “I’m done.” he said walking out of the bathroom. She sat up on the bed to take a good look. He wore baggy khaki cargos with a navy blue tank top. “Very nice.” she said trying hard not to orgasm right on the spot. He could see right through her. “Thanks.” He said smiling widely. He gave her a knowing look. “What?!?” “Nothing. C’mon let’s go.” he took her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Beautiful ladies first.” he said making a gesture with his hands. She walked in front of him and stopped at the door. “What’s......” Brian was quickly cut off by her lips pressed against his. The kiss was beautiful. Perfect was more like it. “That was.......” she couldn’t find a word to describe it. “...........beautiful....jus’ like you.” he finished for her. He leaned down and kised her again. Brian felt an incredible urge to serenade her with an one-man version of “Spanish Eyes”. She pulled back breathlessly, and stared into his deep baby blues. Nothing could ruin the moment. “Where were we going again?” Brian asked smiling. “Anywhere you want to.” she said wrapping her arms around his waste and leaning her head on his chest. “Suddenly I don’t feel like going anywhere.” “I know where I wanna go.” she said smiling an evil grin and taking his hand and pulling him towards the bed.